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Index: A

a command (sed) : 5.5. Append, Insert, and Change
abort statement (tawk) : Tawk language extensions
acronym processor (example) : 8.5. An Acronym Processor
addition (+) operator : 7.6. Expressions
addresses, line
2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
addressing by pattern
2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
A.2.1. Pattern Addressing
printing with = : 5.9. Print Line Number
adj script (example) : 13.5. adj - Adjust Lines for Text Files
alignment of output fields : 7.9. Formatted Printing
ampersand (&)
&& (logical AND) operator : 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
in replacement text
5.3. Substitution
5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.7. Positional Metacharacters
AND (&&) operator : 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
append command : (see a command (sed))
ARGC variable : 8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
ARGI variable (tawk) : Tawk language extensions
ARGIND variable (gawk) : Additional variables
ARGV variable : 8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
ARGI variable with (tawk) : Tawk language extensions
ARGIND variable with (gawk) : Additional variables
arithmetic functions
9.1. Arithmetic Functions
11.1.10. Functions
arithmetic operators, awk : 7.6. Expressions
8.4. Arrays
11.1.8. Arrays
B.2.5.4. Arrays
deleting elements of
8.4.6. Deleting Elements of an Array
11.1.8. Arrays Deleting all elements of an array
8.5.1. Multidimensional Arrays Tawk language extensions
parsing strings into elements
8.4.4. Using split() to Create Arrays Obtaining individual characters
sorting elements in (tawk) : Tawk language extensions
splitting : Obtaining individual characters
system variables that are : 8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
testing for membership in : 8.4.2. Testing for Membership in an Array
assigning input to variables : 10.1.2. Assigning the Input to a Variable
assignment operators, awk : 7.6. Expressions
associative arrays : 8.4.1. Associative Arrays
asterisk (*)
** (exponentiation) operator : 7.6. Expressions
**= (assignment) operator : 7.6. Expressions
*= (assignment) operator : 7.6. Expressions
as metacharacter
3.1. That's an Expression
3.2.5. Repeated Occurrences of a Character
multiplication operator : 7.6. Expressions
automatic edits : 4.4.4. Edits To Go
1.3. A Pattern-Matching Programming Language
2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
2.4. Using awk
11.1. Original awk
arrays : (see arrays)
built-in functions : 11.1.10. Functions
built-in variables
7.7. System Variables
11.1.11. Built-In Variables
command-line syntax
2.2. Command-Line Syntax
B.1. Command-Line Syntax
5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
B.3. Command Summary for awk
(see also under specific command)
documentation for : Other Sources of Information About sed and awk
error messages : 2.4.2. Error Messages
escape sequences : B.2.5.2. Escape sequences
extensions to : 11.2.1. Common Extensions
functions : (see functions)
invoking with #!
10.9. Invoking awk Using the #! Syntax
B.1.1. Shell Wrapper for Invoking awk
limitations to : 10.8. Limitations
obtaining : Availability of sed and awk
B.2.5.6. Operators
(see operators, awk)
options : 2.4.3. Summary of Options
POSIX standards for : 7. Writing Scripts for awk
programming model : 7.3. Awk's Programming Model
quick reference : B. Quick Reference for awk
regular expression metacharacters : B.2.4. Regular Expressions
with sed : 2.5. Using sed and awk Together
system variables : B.2.5.5. System variables
versions of
Availability of sed and awk
11.2.2. Bell Labs awk
writing scripts in : 7. Writing Scripts for awk
AWKPATH variable (gawk) : An awk program search path

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