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Index: W

w command (sed) : 5.11. Reading and Writing Files
\w escape sequence : Extended regular expressions
\W escape sequence : Extended regular expressions
w flag : 5.3. Substitution
while loop : 8.2.1. While Loop
whitespace : (see space characters)
width, output field : 7.9. Formatted Printing
wildcard metacharacter : (see . (dot))
write command : (see w command (sed))
from files : 5.11. Reading and Writing Files
to files Saving output
5.11. Reading and Writing Files
10.5. Directing Output to Files and Pipes
regular expressions : 3.2.3. Writing Regular Expressions
scripts : 1.4. Four Hurdles to Mastering sed and awk
awk : 7. Writing Scripts for awk
sed : 4. Writing sed Scripts
user-defined functions : 9.3. Writing Your Own Functions

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