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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 5.3 Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In Chapter 5
Setting Up Your Terminal
Next: 5.5 Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm

5.4 Setting the TERMCAP Variable with tset

Warning! For C shell users, tset ( 5.3 ) has an even more powerful function. The -s option causes it to send to standard output a series of C shell commands not only to set TERM , but also to set the TERMCAP variable to the actual contents of the termcap entry. This speeds up launch time for programs that use termcap : they no longer need to search through the /etc/termcap file until they find the relevant entry; it is already at hand.

Invoke tset as follows:

set noglob
eval `tset -Q -s 



In order to understand what tset is doing, let's take a moment to send its output to the screen (i.e., issue the command without evaluating it):


tset -Q -s wy50

set noglob;
setenv TERM wy50 ;
setenv TERMCAP 'n9|wy50:li#24:co#80:am:bs:bw:ul:\
unset noglob;

(Article 41.11 explains the format of termcap entries.) The set   noglob command ( 6.9 ) causes the shell to suspend interpretation of special characters; the presence of these characters in the termcap entry could cause problems. After execution, the shell is reset to its normal state.

Article 42.3 explains a situation where these changes won't work.

- TOR from O'Reilly & Associates' termcap & terminfo , Chapter 4

Previous: 5.3 Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In UNIX Power Tools Next: 5.5 Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm
5.3 Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In Book Index 5.5 Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm

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