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Index: R
- -r (readable by effective uid/gid) file test: 1.5.7. Some File Test Operators
- 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
- -R (readable by real uid/gid file test: 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
- race conditions
- file locking and: 16.2.1. File Locking
- handling: 23.2.2. Handling Race Conditions
- rand function: 3.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
- 29.2.119. rand
- random numbers: 29.2.119. rand
- 29.2.164. srand
- producing as handles or scalars: 14.4.2. Creative Filehandles
- range (.. and ...) operator: 3.15. Range Operator
- ranges
- character sets, specifying in: 5.2.4. The tr/// Operator (Transliteration)
- characters: 5.4.1. Custom Character Classes
- $rdev file statistic: 29.2.165. stat
- re-initialization expressions, loops: 4.4.2. for Loops
- re module: 32.1.13. Perl Language Extensions and Internals
- read function: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
- 29.2.120. read
- readable file test operator: 1.5.7. Some File Test Operators
- 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
- readdir function: 29.2.121. readdir
- reading
- data via low-level system call: 29.2.172. sysread
- shared memory segment ID: 29.2.152. shmread
- reading files
- open mode and: 29.2.104. open
- readline function: 2.11.2. Line Input (Angle) Operator
- READLINE method: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
- ReadLine module, disabling support to debugger: 20.4. Unattended Execution
- readline packages: 32.1.11. User Interfaces
- readlink function: 29.2.123. readlink
- ready file descriptors: 29.2.141. select (ready file descriptors)
- real GID (see $( variable)
- real UID (see $< variable)
- real values, testing for with defined function: 29.2.23. defined
- $REAL_GROUP_ID: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
- $REAL_USER_ID: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
- reaping zombie processes: 16.1.2. Reaping Zombies
- servers: 16.5.2. Networking Servers
- recallCommand option (debugger): 20.3.3. Debugger Options
- recompiling patterns, limiting with /o modifier: 5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers
- record delimiter (see $/ variable)
- record mode: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
- records
- functions dealing with: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category
- input, separator for (see $/ variable)
- output, separator for (see $\ variable)
- of various data structures: 9.6. More Elaborate Records
- composing, accessing, and printing: 9.6.1. Composition, Access, and Printing of
More Elaborate Records
- generating hash of: 9.6.3. Generation of a Hash of Complex Records
- records, variable-length: 7. Formats
- recursion of subroutines: 6.2.3. Scoping Issues
- recursive lexical pad stacks: 18.3. Executing Your Code
- recursive matching: Match-time pattern interpolation
- recursivity,
locks: Synchronizing access with lock
- recv function: 29.2.125. recv
- redo operator: 4.4.4. Loop Control
- 4.4.4. Loop Control
- 29.2.126. redo
- redundancy in Perl: 1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators
- ref function: 12.4. Object Construction
- 29.2.127. ref
- ref operator: 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References
- references: Singularities
- 8. References
- to anonymous data: 8.2.2. Anonymous Data
- blessing: 12.4. Object Construction
- braces, brackets and quoting in: 8.5. Braces, Brackets, and Quoting
- casting to other pointer types: 2.6. Scalar Values
- checking for: 29.2.127. ref
- circular,
in overloading: 13.3. Overloadable Operators
- circular, and memory: 8.5.2. Garbage Collection, Circular References,
and Weak References
- creating: 8.2. Creating References
- with backslash operator: 8.2.1. The Backslash Operator
- to data structures: 8.1. What Is a Reference?
- defining: 8.1. What Is a Reference?
- destruction of, controlling: 19.2. Environment Variables
- to filehandles: 8.2.4. Handle References
- 29.2.104. open
- to functions,
storing in data structures: 9.5. Hashes of Functions
- hard: 3.2. The Arrow Operator
- (see also hard references)
- hash keys, providing as: 32.1.14. Convenient Classes
- indirection: 8. References
- locking: Synchronizing access with lock
- in multidimsional arrays: 9.1.1. Creating and Accessing a Two-Dimensional Array
- object-oriented programming and: 10. Packages
- for objects: 12.2. Perl's Object System
- objects as: 12.4. Object Construction
- passing: 6.3. Passing References
- passing by: 6.2. Semantics
- Perl, C pointers vs.: 3.21. C Operators Missing from Perl
- references and: 2.5.1. Name Lookups
- to signal handlers (user-defined): 16.1. Signals
- stringifying: 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References
- 8.5.1. References Don't Work as Hash Keys
- 9.1.3. Access and Printing
- 9.1.5. Common Mistakes
- to subroutines: 6.1. Syntax
- retrieving from or passing to: 10.1. Symbol Tables
- to symbol table entries: 10.1. Symbol Tables
- in symbol tables to other symbol tables: 10.1. Symbol Tables
- symbolic: 8.4. Symbolic References
- to tied arrays: 14.2.1. Array-Tying Methods
- to tied scalar variables: 14.1.1. Scalar-Tying Methods
- to tied variable objects, breaking: 14.5. A Subtle Untying Trap
- to hashes: 9.1.5. Common Mistakes
- multidimensional hashes: 9.6. More Elaborate Records
- truth value of: 1.6.1. What Is Truth?
- weak: 8.5.2. Garbage Collection, Circular References,
and Weak References
- weakening or breaking: 12.6.1. Garbage Collection with DESTROY Methods
- referents: 8.1. What Is a Reference?
- objects as: 12.2. Perl's Object System
- reftype function: 12.4. Object Construction
- regex (see patterns)
- regexes (see patterns)
- regexps (see patterns)
- registry (Microsoft Windows), manipulating: 14.6. Tie Modules on CPAN
- 32.1.20. Microsoft-Related Modules
- regular expressions (see patterns)
- character classes, confusing with array subscripts: 2.6.5. Interpolating Array Values
- characters, matching instead of bytes: 15.2. Effects of Character Semantics
- functions dealing with: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category
- regular files, testing for: 1.5.7. Some File Test Operators
- relational databases,
hashes, tying to: 14.6. Tie Modules on CPAN
- relational operators: 1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators
- 3.11. Relational Operators
- nonassociation of: 3.11. Relational Operators
- removing (see deleting)
- rename function: 29.2.128. rename
- repetition (x) operator: 1.5.2. String Operators
- 1.5.2. String Operators
- 3.7. Multiplicative Operators
- replacement, matched substrings (see s/// (substitution) operator)
- replacement strings,
/e modifier, building with: Substitution evaluations
- replacing array elements: 29.2.160. splice
- reports, generating: 7. Formats
- require: 4.7. Global Declarations
- require declarations,
tie function and: 14. Tied Variables
- require function: 11.1. Using Modules
- require operator: 4.7. Global Declarations
- 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
- 29.2.129. require
- REs (see patterns)
- reserved words: 2.5. Names
- barewords, possible conflict with: 2.6.4. Or Leave the Quotes Out Entirely
- reset function: 29.2.130. reset
- return function: 29.2.131. return
- return operators: 4.4.4. Loop Control
- return stack: 18.3. Executing Your Code
- return value,
currently executing subroutine, displaying in debugger: 20.2.1. Stepping and Running
- return value, subroutine: 6.2. Semantics
- reused addresses, displaying contents of: 20.3.3. Debugger Options
- reusing code: 24.3. Programming with Style
- reval method, running suspicious code with: Restricting namespace access
- reverse, disallowing as sort subroutine name: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps
- reverse function: 1.8. List Processing
- 29.2.132. reverse
- reversing print and printf statements (tied filehandles): 14.4. Tying Filehandles
- revision (see version)
- rewinddir function: 29.2.133. rewinddir
- right justification: 7.1. Format Variables
- right-shift (>>) operator: 3.9. Shift Operators
- rindex function: 29.2.134. rindex
- rmdir function: 29.2.135. rmdir
- root directory, redefining: 29.2.15. chroot
- rot13 encryption: 5.2.4. The tr/// Operator (Transliteration)
- routines (see subroutines)
- RS (awk variable) (see $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR)
- RSTART (awk variable): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
- RTF,
Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
- run phase: 18.1. The Life Cycle of a Perl Program
- run phase vs. run time: 18.2. Compiling Your Code
- running (see executing)
- RV (internal reference value): 21.2. Internal Data Types
- rvalue: 2.3. Built-in Data Types
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