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Index: S

as squeeze option of tr : 15.5. Transliteration
as substitute operator : 7.5. Substitutions
\s, in regular expressions : 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns
s operator
and making basename of file : A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
example of
1.5.17. The Final Programs
12.2. Globbing
making basename of file : A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
-s operator : 10.5. The -x File Tests
-S operator : 10.5. The -x File Tests
s2p (sed-to-Perl) conversion utility : 18.2. Converting sed Programs to Perl
save( ) : 19.8.2. Objects in CGI.pm
scalar assignment, used as a value : 2.6. Scalar Operators and Functions
scalar context : 3.5. Scalar and List Context
introduced : 3.4.1. Assignment
readdir( ) and : 12.5. Reading a Directory Handle
scalar data
2.1. What Is Scalar Data?
3.4.1. Assignment
scalar variables
1.5.2. Asking Questions and Remembering the Result
2.5. Scalar Variables
operators for : 2.6. Scalar Operators and Functions
scientific notation, in floating-point numbers : 2.2.2. Float Literals
Scooby Doo, pronouncing "Windex" : 15.1. Finding a Substring
scrolling_list( ) : 19.7.2. Fancier Calling Sequences
secret words, guessing : 1.5.4. Guessing the Secret Word
sed command, substitute operator and : 7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
sed scripts, converting to Perl : 18.2. Converting sed Programs to Perl
seek( ) operator
17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
19.8.2. Objects in CGI.pm
select( ) operator : 11.6.1. Using select( ) to Change the Filehandle
sending signals : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
sendmail aliases database : 17.1. DBM Databases and DBM Hashes
sequence, in regular expressions : Sequence
sequential access, to password file : 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
servers, CGI programs and : 19.2. Your CGI Program in Context
setenv command, emulating : 14.1. Using system and exec
setgrent( ) operator : 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
setpwent( ) operator : 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
shell scripts : 1.4. Basic Concepts
converting to Perl (ha!) : 18.3. Converting Shell Programs to Perl
shells, avoiding for new processes : 14.1. Using system and exec
shift( ) operator : 3.4.4. The shift and unshift Functions
default of @ARGV and : A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
example of : A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
:shortcuts import tag : 19.5. Less Typing
%SIG variable : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
SIGINT (signal name) : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
signals : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
catching : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
ignoring : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
restoring default action of : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
sending : 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
Simple module : 19.10.3. Web Automation with LWP
single-quoted strings : 2.3.1. Single-Quoted Strings
skiing : 1.5. A Stroll Through Perl
array : 3.4.2. Array Element Access
on literal lists : 3.4.2. Array Element Access
variable interpolation in strings and : 3.7. Variable Interpolation of Arrays
sort comparison routines : 15.4. Advanced Sorting
using array lookups : 15.4. Advanced Sorting
sort( ) operator
1.5.16. Maintaining a Last-Good-Guess Database
3.4.6. The sort Function
controlling sort order of : 15.4. Advanced Sorting
example of
A.11. Chapter 12, Directory Access
A.14. Chapter 15, Other Data Transformation
A.15. Chapter 16, System Database Access
16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
advanced : 15.4. Advanced Sorting
example of numeric : 15.4. Advanced Sorting
space : (see whitespace)
spaceship (<=>) operator : 15.4. Advanced Sorting
example of : A.16. Chapter 17, User Database Manipulation
split( ) operator : 7.6.1. The split Function
example of
A.10. Chapter 11, Formats
A.13. Chapter 14, Process Management
11.3. Invoking a Format
sprintf( ) operator : 15.3. Formatting Data with sprintf( )
compared with pack( ) : 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
example of : 11.4.2. Numeric Fields
Sprite : 2.3.2. Double-Quoted Strings
square brackets ([ ]), in regular expressions : 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns
srand( ) operator, example of : 3.8. Exercises
:standard import tag : 19.5. Less Typing
standard error
of command in backquotes : 14.2. Using Backquotes
merging with standard output, in backquotes : 14.2. Using Backquotes
processes open for writing and : 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
standard input : (see STDIN)
standard output : (see STDOUT)
stat( ) operator : 10.6. The stat and lstat Functions
statement block
(see also blocks)
1.5.3. Adding Choices
4.1. Statement Blocks
STDERR : 10.1. What Is a Filehandle?
introduced : 1.5.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
1.5.2. Asking Questions and Remembering the Result
1.5.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
6.1. Input from STDIN
10.1. What Is a Filehandle?
in array context
A.5. Chapter 6, Basic I/O
3.6. <STDIN> as an Array
of command in backquotes : 14.2. Using Backquotes
example of
1.5.17. The Final Programs
6.1. Input from STDIN
9.1. The last Statement
example of using : 2.7. <STDIN> as a Scalar Value
reading from : 6.1. Input from STDIN
as scalar value : 2.7. <STDIN> as a Scalar Value
as target of match : 7.4.1. Selecting a Different Target (the =~ Operator)
undef return value and : 2.9. The Undefined Value
1.5.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
10.1. What Is a Filehandle?
example of using : 2.8. Output with print
processes open for writing and : 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
Stein, Lincoln : 19.1. The CGI.pm Module
string comparison operators : 2.4.2. Operators for Strings
string concatenation : 2.4.2. Operators for Strings
string operators : 2.4.2. Operators for Strings
string repetition operator : 2.4.2. Operators for Strings
2.1. What Is Scalar Data?
2.3. Strings
automatic conversion to numbers and : 2.4.4. Conversion Between Numbers and Strings
counting characters in : 15.5. Transliteration
deleting characters from : 15.5. Transliteration
length of : 2.3. Strings
literal representation of : 2.3. Strings
query strings : 19.2. Your CGI Program in Context
removing last character : 2.6.3. The chop and chomp Functions
sub keyword
1.5.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
8.1. Defining a User Function
example of
A.7. Chapter 8, Functions
1.5.17. The Final Programs
submit button : 19.6. Form Generation
subroutine definitions
example of : A.7. Chapter 8, Functions
location of in file : 1.5.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
location of in text : 8.1. Defining a User Function
re-defining : 8.1. Defining a User Function
1.5.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
8.1. Defining a User Function
arguments : 8.4. Arguments
invoking : 8.2. Invoking a User Function
lack of locals : 8.1. Defining a User Function
nested invocation of : 8.2. Invoking a User Function
return values of : 8.3. Return Values
scope of variables and : 8.1. Defining a User Function
with array elements : 3.4.2. Array Element Access
array expressions and : 3.4.2. Array Element Access
references : 1.5.5. More than One Secret Word
substitute operator
1.5.8. Making It Fair for the Rest
7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
7.5. Substitutions
substr( ) operator : 15.2. Extracting and Replacing a Substring
example of : A.14. Chapter 15, Other Data Transformation
variable as first argument : 15.2. Extracting and Replacing a Substring
substrings, finding : 15.1. Finding a Substring
subtraction, operator for : 2.4.1. Operators for Numbers
support for Perl : Support
symbolic links : (see symlinks)
symlink( ) operator : 13.3.2. Creating Hard and Soft Links with Perl
compilation failure and : 13.3.2. Creating Hard and Soft Links with Perl
example of : A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
symlinks : 13.3. Creating Alternate Names for a File: Linking
nested : 13.3.1. About Hard and Soft Links
operation of : 13.3.1. About Hard and Soft Links
referencing non-existing files : 13.3.1. About Hard and Soft Links
sysopen( ) : 19.8.2. Objects in CGI.pm
system( ) operator : 14.1. Using system and exec
composed of fork and exec : 14.4. Using fork
example of : A.13. Chapter 14, Process Management
list of arguments to : 14.1. Using system and exec
PATH and : 14.1. Using system and exec

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