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Index: V

values(═) operator : 5.4.2. The values Function
variable interpolation : 2.6.4. Interpolation of Scalars into Strings
array variables and : 3.7. Variable Interpolation of Arrays
double-quoted strings and : 2.3.2. Double-Quoted Strings
globbing and : 12.2. Globbing
regular expressions and : 7.4.4. Using Variable Interpolation
substitute operator and : 7.5. Substitutions
system(═) and : 14.1. Using system and exec
variable part of format : 11.1. What Is a Format?
array : 3.3. Variables
associative array : 5.2. Hash Variables
default values for : 2.9. The Undefined Value
naming : 1.5.8. Making It Fair for the Rest
scalar : 2.5. Scalar Variables
subroutines and : 8.1. Defining a User Function
VMS, Perl under : 1.3. Availability
von Neumann, John : Foreword
vowels, matching : 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns

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