This chapter introduces the generic graphical widget used within the AWT
package, Component, along with
a trio of specific components: Label,
Button, and Canvas.
It also covers the Cursor class,
new to Java 1.1. (Cursor support was previously part of the Frame
class.) Although many objects within AWT don't subclass Component,
and though you will never create an instance of Component,
anything that provides screen-based user interaction and relies on the
system for its layout will be a child of Component.
As a subclass of Component,
each child inherits a common set of methods and an API for dealing with
the different events (i.e., mouse click, keyboard input) that occur within
your Java programs.
After discussing the methods in Component
classes, this chapter goes into detail about two specific components, Label
and Button. A Label
is a widget that contains descriptive text, usually next to an input field.
A Button is a basic mechanism
that lets the user signal the desire to perform an action. You will learn
about the Canvas object and
how to use a Canvas to create
your own component. Finally, we cover the Cursor
class, which lets you change the cursor over a Component.
Before going into the mechanics of the Component
class, it's necessary to say a little about the relationship between
components and containers. A Container
is also a component with the ability to contain other components. There
are several different kinds of containers; they are discussed in Chapter 6, Containers. To display a component, you have to put it in a container
by calling the container's add()
method. We often call the container that holds a component the component's
parent ; likewise,
we call the components a container holds its children.
Certain operations are legal only if a component has a parent--that is,
the component is in a container. Of course, since containers are components, containers
can contain other containers, ad infinitum.
If you think some component is missing a method that should obviously
be there, check the methods it inherits. For example, the Label
class appears to lack a setFont()
method. Obviously, labels ought to be able to change their fonts. The setFont()
method really is there; it is inherited from the Component
class, and therefore, not documented as part of the Label
class. Even if you're familiar with object-oriented techniques, the
need to work up a class hierarchy to find all of the class's methods
can lead to confusion and frustration. While all Java objects inherit methods
from other classes, the potential for confusion is worst with components,
which inherit over a hundred methods from Component
and may only have a few methods of their own.
Every GUI-based program consists of a screen with a set of objects. With
Java, these objects are called components. Some of the more frequently
used components are buttons, text fields, and containers.
A container is a special component that allows you to group different components
together within it. You will learn more about containers in the next chapter,
but they are in fact just another kind of component. Also, some of the
parameters and return types for the methods of Component
have not been explained yet and have their own sections in future chapters.
Prior to Java 1.1, you could not subclass Component
or Container. With the introduction
of the LightweightPeer, you
can now subclass either Component
or Container. However, since
you no longer have a native peer, you must rely on your container to provide
a display area and other services that are normally provided by a full-fledged
peer. Because you cannot rely on your peer to determine your alignment,
the Component class now has
five constants to indicate six possible alignment settings (one constant
is used twice). The alignment constants designate where to position a lightweight
component; their values range from 0.0 to 1.0. The lower the number, the
closer the component will be placed to the origin (top left corner) of
the space allotted to it.[1]
- public static final float BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT
indicates that the component should align itself to the bottom of its available
space. It is a return value from the method getAlignmentY().
- public static final float CENTER_ALIGNMENT
indicates that the component should align itself to the middle of its available
space. It is a return value from either the getAlignmentX()
or getAlignmentY() method. This constant represents both the horizontal and vertical center.
- public static final float LEFT_ALIGNMENT
indicates that the component should align itself to the left side of its
available space. It is a return value from getAlignmentX().
- public static final float RIGHT_ALIGNMENT
indicates that the component should align itself to the right side of its
available space. It is a return value from the method getAlignmentX().
- public static final float TOP_ALIGNMENT
The TOP_ALIGNMENT constant
indicates that the component should align itself to the top of its available
space. It is a return value from getAlignmentY().
- protected Locale locale
The protected locale variable
can be accessed by calling the getLocale()
Prior to Java 1.1, there was no public or protected constructor for Component.
Only package members were able to subclass Component
directly. With the introduction of lightweight peers, components can exist
without a native peer, so the constructor was made protected,
allowing you to create your own Component
- protected Component()
The constructor for Component
creates a new component without a native peer. Since you no longer have
a native peer, you must rely on your container to provide a display area.
This allows you to create components that require fewer system resources
than components that subclass Canvas.
The example in the "Using an event multicaster" section of the previous chapter
is of a lightweight component. Use the SystemColor
class to help you colorize the new component appropriately or make it transparent.
- public Toolkit getToolkit ()
The getToolkit() method returns
the current Toolkit of the
Component. This returns the
parent's Toolkit (from
a getParent() call) when the
Component has not been added
to the screen yet or is lightweight. If there is no parent, getToolkit()
returns the default Toolkit.
Through the Toolkit, you have
access to the details of the current platform (like screen resolution,
screen size, and available fonts), which you can use to adjust screen real
estate requirements or check on the availability of a font.
- public Color getForeground ()
The getForeground() method
returns the foreground color of the component. If no foreground
color is set for the component, you get its parent's foreground color.
If none of the component's parents have a foreground color set, null
is returned.
- public void setForeground (Color c)
The setForeground() method
changes the current foreground color of the area of the screen occupied
by the component to c. After
changing the color, it is necessary for the screen to refresh before the
change has any effect. To refresh the screen, call repaint().
- public Color getBackground ()
The getBackground() method
returns the background color of the component. If no background
color is set for the component, its parent's background color is retrieved.
If none of the component's parents have a background color set, null is returned.
- public void setBackground (Color c)
The setBackground() method
changes the current background color of the area of the screen occupied
by the component to c. After
changing the color, it is necessary for the screen to refresh before the
change has any affect. To refresh the screen, call repaint().
- public Font getFont ()
The getFont() method returns
the font of the component. If no font is set for the component, its
parent's font is retrieved. If none of the component's parents
have a font set, null is returned.
- public synchronized void setFont (Font f)
The setFont() method changes
the component's font to f.
If the font family (such as TimesRoman) provided within f
is not available on the current platform, the system uses a default font
family, along with the supplied size and style (plain, bold, italic). Depending
upon the platform, it may be necessary to refresh the component/screen
before seeing any changes.
Changing the font of a component could have an affect on the layout of
the component.
- public synchronized ColorModel getColorModel ()
The getColorModel() method
returns the ColorModel used
to display the current component. If the component is not displayed, the
ColorModel from the component's
Toolkit is used. The normal
ColorModel for a Java program
is 8 bits each for red, green, and blue.
- public Graphics getGraphics ()
The getGraphics() method gets
the component's graphics context. Most noncontainer components do
not manage them correctly and therefore throw an InternalError
exception when you call this method. The Canvas
component is one that does since you can draw on that directly. If the
component is not visible, null is returned.
- public FontMetrics getFontMetrics (Font f)
The getFontMetrics() method
retrieves the component's view of the FontMetrics
for the requested font f. Through
the FontMetrics, you have access
to the platform-specific sizing for the appearance of a character or string.
- public Locale getLocale ()
The getLocale() method retrieves
the current Locale of the component,
if it has one. Using a Locale
allows you to write programs that can adapt themselves to different languages
and different regional variants. If no Locale
has been set, getLocale() returns
the parent's Locale.[2] If the
component has no locale of its own and no parent (i.e., it isn't
in a container), getLocale()
throws the run-time exception IllegalComponentStateException.
- public void setLocale (Locale l)
The setLocale() method changes
the current Locale of the component
to l. In order for this change
to have any effect, you must localize your components so that they have
different labels or list values for different environments. Localization
is part of the broad topic of internationalization and is beyond the scope
of this book.
- public Cursor getCursor ()
The getCursor() method retrieves
the component's current Cursor.
If one hasn't been set, the default is Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR.
The Cursor class is described
fully in Cursor. Prior to Java 1.1, the ability to associate
cursors with components was restricted to frames.
- public synchronized void setCursor (Cursor c)
The setCursor() method changes
the current Cursor of the component
to c. The change takes effect
as soon as the cursor is moved. Lightweight components cannot change their
Component provides a handful
of methods for positioning and sizing objects. Most of these are used
behind the scenes by the system. You will also need them if you create
your own LayoutManager or need
to move or size an object. All of these depend on support for the functionality
from the true component's peer.
- public Point getLocation ()
public Point location () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The getLocation() method returns
the current position of the Component
in its parent's coordinate space. The Point
is the top left corner of the bounding box around the Component.
location()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public Point getLocationOnScreen ()
The getLocationOnScreen() method
returns the current position of the Component
in the screen's coordinate space. The Point
is the top left corner of the bounding box around the Component.
If the component is not showing, the getLocationOnScreen()
method throws the IllegalComponentStateException run-time exception.
- public void setLocation (int x, int y)
public void move (int x, int y) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The setLocation() method moves
the Component to the new position
(x, y).
The coordinates provided are in the parent container's coordinate
space. This method calls setBounds() to
move the component. The LayoutManager
of the container may make it impossible to change a component's location.
Calling this method with a new position for the component generates a ComponentEvent
move()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public void setLocation (Point p)
This setLocation() method moves
the component to the position specified by the given Point.
It is the same as calling setLocation(p.x,
Calling this method with a new position for the component generates a ComponentEvent
- public Dimension getSize ()
public Dimension size () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The getSize() method returns
the width and height of the component as a Dimension
size()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public void setSize (int width, int height)
public void resize (int width, int height) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The setSize() method changes
the component's width and height to the width
and height provided. width
and height are specified in
pixels. The component is resized by a call to setBounds(). The LayoutManager of
the Container that contains
the component may make it impossible to change a component's size.
Calling this method with a new size for the component generates a ComponentEvent
resize()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public void setSize (Dimension d)
public void resize (Dimension d) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
This setSize() method changes
the component's width and height to the Dimension
d provided. The Dimension
object includes the width and height attributes in one object. The component
is resized by a call to the setBounds()
method. The LayoutManager of
the Container that contains
the component may make it impossible to change a component's size.
Calling this method with a new size for the component generates a ComponentEvent
resize()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public Rectangle getBounds ()
public Rectangle bounds () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The getBounds() method returns
the bounding rectangle of the object. The fields of the Rectangle that
you get back contain the component's position and dimensions.
bounds()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public void setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height)
public void reshape (int x, int y, int width, int height) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The setBounds() method moves
and resizes the component to the bounding rectangle with coordinates of
(x, y)
(top left corner) and width
x height. If the size and shape
have not changed, no reshaping is done. If the component is resized, it
is invalidated, along with its parent container. The LayoutManager
of the Container that contains
the component may make it impossible to change the component's size
or position. Calling setBounds()
invalidates the container, which results in a call to the LayoutManager
to rearrange the container's contents. In turn, the LayoutManager
calls setBounds() to give the
component its new size and position, which will probably be the same size
and position it had originally. In short, if a layout manager is in effect,
it will probably undo your attempts to change the component's size
and position.
Calling this method with a new size for the component generates a ComponentEvent
Calling this method with a new position generates a ComponentEvent
reshape()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public void setBounds (Rectangle r)
This setBounds() method calls
the previous method with parameters of r.x,
r.y, r.width,
and r.height.
Calling this method with a new size for the component generates a ComponentEvent
Calling this method with a new position generates a ComponentEvent
- public Dimension getPreferredSize ()
public Dimension preferredSize () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The getPreferredSize() method
returns the Dimension (width
and height) for the preferred size of the component. Each component's
peer knows its preferred size. Lightweight objects return getSize().
preferredSize()is the Java
1.0 name for this method.
- public Dimension getMinimumSize ()
![(New)](gifs/bstar.gif) public Dimension minimumSize () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The getMinimumSize() method
returns the Dimension (width
and height) for the minimum size of the component. Each component's
peer knows its minimum size. Lightweight objects return getSize().
It is possible that the methods getMinimumSize()
and getPreferredSize() will
return the same dimensions.
minimumSize()is the Java 1.0
name for this method.
- public Dimension getMaximumSize ()
The getMaximumSize() method
returns the Dimension (width
and height) for the maximum size of the component. This may be used by
a layout manager to prevent a component from growing beyond a predetermined
size. None of the java.awt
layout managers call this method. By default, the value returned is Short.MAX_VALUE
for both dimensions.
- public float getAlignmentX ()
The getAlignmentX() method
returns the alignment of the component along the x axis. The alignment
could be used by a layout manager to position this component relative to
others. The return value is between 0.0 and 1.0. Values nearer 0 indicate
that the component should be placed closer to the left edge of the area
available. Values nearer 1 indicate that the component should be placed
closer to the right. The value 0.5 means the component should be centered. The default
setting is Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT.
- public float getAlignmentY ()
The getAlignmentY() method
returns the alignment of the component along the y axis. The alignment
could be used by a layout manager to position this component relative to
others. The return value is between 0.0 and 1.0. Values nearer 0 indicate
that the component should be placed closer to the top of the area available.
Values nearer 1 indicate that the component should be placed closer to
the bottom. The value 0.5 means the component should be centered. The default setting
- public void doLayout ()
public void layout () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The doLayout() method of Component
does absolutely nothing. It is called when the Component
is validated (through the validate()
method). The Container class overrides
this method.
layout()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public boolean contains (int x, int y)
public boolean inside (int x, int y) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The contains() method checks
if the x and y
coordinates are within the bounding box of the component. If the Component
is not rectangular, the method acts as if there is a rectangle around the
Component. contains()
returns true if the x
and y coordinates are within
the component, false otherwise.
inside()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public boolean contains (Point p)
This contains() method calls
the previous method with parameters of p.x
and p.y.
- public Component getComponentAt (int x, int y)
public Component locate (int x, int y) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The getComponentAt() method
uses contains() to see if the
x and y
coordinates are within the component. If they are, this method returns
the Component. If they aren't,
it returns null. getComponentAt()
is overridden by Container
to provide enhanced functionality.
locate()is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public Component getComponentAt (Point p)
This getComponentAt() method
calls the previous method with parameters of p.x
and p.y.
The only methods in this section that you call directly are the versions
of repaint(). The paint()
and update() methods are called
by the system when the display area requires refreshing, such as when a
user resizes a window. When your program changes the display you should
call repaint() to trigger a
call to update() and paint().
Otherwise, the system is responsible for updating the display.
- public void paint (Graphics g)
The paint() method is offered
so the system can display whatever you want in a Component.
In the base Component class,
this method does absolutely nothing. Ordinarily, it would be overridden in
an applet to do something other than the default, which is display a box
in the current background color. g
is the graphics context of the component being drawn on.
- public void update (Graphics g)
The update() method is automatically
called when you ask to repaint the Component.
If the component is not lightweight, the default implementation of update()
clears graphics context g by
drawing a filled rectangle in the background color, resetting the color
to the current foreground color, and calling paint().
If you do not override update()
when you do animation, you will see some flickering because Component
clears the screen. Animation is discussed in Chapter 2, Simple Graphics.
- public void paintAll (Graphics g)
The paintAll() method validates
the component and paints its peer if it is visible. g
represents the graphics context of the component. This method is called
when the paintComponents()
method of Container is called.
- public void repaint ()
The repaint() method requests
the scheduler to redraw the component as soon as possible. This will result
in update() getting called
soon thereafter. There is not a one-to-one correlation between repaint()
and update() calls. It is possible
that multiple repaint() calls
can result in a single update().
- public void repaint (long tm)
This version of repaint() allows
for a delay of tm milliseconds.
It says, please update this component within tm
milliseconds, which may happen immediately.
- public void repaint (int x, int y, int width, int height)
This version of repaint() allows
you to select the region of the Component
you desire to be updated. (x,
y) are the coordinates of the
upper left corner of the bounding box of the component with dimensions
of widthxheight.
This is similar to creating a clipping area and results in a quicker repaint.
- public void repaint (long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)
This final version of repaint()
is what the other three repaint()
methods call. tm is the maximum
delay in milliseconds before update should be called. (x,
y) are the coordinates of the
upper left corner of the clipping area of the component with dimensions
of width x height.
- public void print (Graphics g)
The default implementation of the print()
method calls paint().
In Java 1.0, there was no way to print; in Java 1.1, if the graphics
parameter implements PrintGraphics,
anything drawn on g will be
printed. Printing is covered in Chapter 17, Printing.
- public void printAll (Graphics g)
The printAll() method validates
the component and paints its peer if it is visible. g
represents the graphics context of the component. This method is called
when the printComponents()
method of Container is called
or when you call it with a PrintGraphics
The default implementation of printAll()
is identical to paintAll().
As with paintAll(), g
represents the graphics context of the component; if g
implements PrintGraphics, it
can be printed.
Background information about using images is discussed in
Chapter 2, Simple Graphics and Chapter 12, Image Processing. The imageUpdate() method
of Component is the sole method
of the ImageObserver interface.
Since images are loaded in a separate thread, this method is called whenever
additional information about the image becomes available.
- public boolean imageUpdate (Image image, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
imageUpdate() is the java.awt.image.ImageObserver
method implemented by Component.
It is an asynchronous update interface for receiving notifications about
Image information as image
is loaded and is automatically called when additional information becomes
available. This method is necessary because image loading is done in a
separate thread from the getImage()
call. Ordinarily, x and y
would be the coordinates of the upper left corner of the image loaded so
far, usually (0, 0). However, the method imageUpdate()
of the component ignores these parameters. width
and height are the image's
dimensions, so far, in the loading process.
The infoflags parameter is
a bit-mask of information available to you about image.
Please see the text about ImageObserver in
Chapter 12, Image Processing for a complete description of the different flags that can
be set. When overriding this method, you can wait for some condition to
be true by checking a flag in your program and then taking the desired
action. To check for a particular flag, perform an AND (&) of infoflags
and the constant. For example, to check if the FRAMEBITS
flag is set:
if ((infoflags & ImageObserver.FRAMEBITS) == ImageObserver.FRAMEBITS)
System.out.println ("The Flag is set");
The return value from a call to imageUpdate()
is true if image has changed
and false otherwise.
Two system properties let the user control the behavior of updates:
- awt.image.incrementaldraw
allows the user to control whether or not partial images are displayed. Initially, the value of
is unset and defaults to
true, which means that partial images are drawn. If
is set to
false, the image will be drawn only when it is complete or when the screen is resized or refreshed.
- awt.image.redrawrate
allows the user to change the delay between successive repaints. If not set, the default redraw rate is 100 milliseconds.
- public Image createImage (int width, int height)
The createImage() method creates
an empty Image of size width
x height. The returned Image
is an in-memory image that can be drawn on for double buffering to manipulate
an image in the background. If an image of size width
x height cannot be created,
the call returns null. In order for createImage()
to succeed, the peer of the Component
must exist; if the component is lightweight, the peer of the component's
container must exist.
- public Image createImage (ImageProducer producer)
This createImage() method allows
you to take an existing image and modify it in some way to produce a new
Image. This can be done through
ImageFilter and FilteredImageSource
or a MemoryImageSource, which
accepts an array of pixel information. You can learn more about these classes
and this method in Chapter 12, Image Processing.
- public boolean prepareImage (Image image, ImageObserver observer)
The prepareImage() method forces
image to start loading, asynchronously,
in another thread. observer
is the Component that image
will be rendered on and is notified (via imageUpdate())
as image is being loaded. In
the case of an Applet, this
would be passed as the ImageObserver.
If image has already been fully
loaded, prepareImage() returns
true. Otherwise, false is returned. Since image
is loaded asynchronously, prepareImage()
returns immediately. Ordinarily, prepareImage()
would be called by the system when image
is first needed to be displayed (in drawImage()
within paint()). As more information
about the image gets loaded, imageUpdate()
is called periodically.
If you do not want to go through the trouble of creating a MediaTracker
instance to start the loading of the image objects, you can call prepareImage()
to trigger the start of image loading prior to a call to drawImage().
If image has already started
loading when this is called or if this is an in-memory image, there is
no effect.
- public boolean prepareImage (Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver
This version of prepareImage()
is identical to the previous one, with the addition of a scaling factor
of widthxheight.
As with other width and height
parameters, the units for these parameters are pixels. Also, if width
and height are -1, no
scaling factor is assumed. This method is called by one of the internal
MediaTracker methods.
- public int checkImage (Image image, ImageObserver observer)
The checkImage() method returns the status of the construction of a screen
representation of image, being
watched by observer. If image
has not started loading yet, this will not start it. The return value is
the ImageObserver flags ORed
together for the data that is now available. The available ImageObserver
flags are: WIDTH, HEIGHT,
See Chapter 12, Image Processing for a complete description of ImageObserver.
- public int checkImage (Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver
This version of checkImage()
is identical to the previous one, with the addition of a scaling factor
of widthxheight.
If you are using the drawImage()
version with width and height parameters, you should use this version of checkImage()
with the same width and height.
- public ComponentPeer getPeer ()
The getPeer() method returns
a reference to the component's peer as a ComponentPeer
object. For example, if you issue this method from a Button
object, getPeer() returns an
instance of the ComponentPeer
subclass ButtonPeer.
This method is flagged as deprecated in comments but not with @deprecated.
There is no replacement method for Java 1.1.
- public void addNotify ()
The addNotify() method is overridden
by each individual component type. When addNotify()
is called, the peer of the component gets created, and the Component
is invalidated. The addNotify()
method is called by the system when it needs to create the peer. The peer
needs to be created when a Component
is first shown, or when a new Component
is added to a Container and
the Container is already being
shown (in which case it already has a peer, but a new one must be created
to take account of the new Component).
If you override this method for a specific Component,
call super.addNotify() first,
then do what you need for the Component.
You will then have information available about the newly created peer.
Certain tasks cannot succeed unless the peer has been created. An incomplete
list includes finding the size of a component, laying out a container (because
it needs the component's size), and creating an Image
object. Peers are discussed in more depth in Chapter 15, Toolkit and Peers.
- public synchronized void removeNotify ()
The removeNotify() method destroys
the peer of the component and removes it from the screen. The state information
about the Component is retained
by the specific subtype. The removeNotify()
method is called by the system when it determines the peer is no longer
needed. Such times would be when the Component
is removed from a Container,
when its container changes, or when the Component
is disposed. If you override this method for a specific Component,
issue the particular commands for you need for this Component,
then call super.removeNotify()
State Procedures
These methods determine whether the component is ready to be displayed
and can be seen by the user. The first requirement is that it be valid--that
is, whether the system knows its size, and (in the case of a container)
whether the layout manager is aware of all its parts and has placed them
as requested. A component becomes invalid if the size has changed since
it was last displayed. If the component is a container, it becomes invalid
when one of the components contained within it becomes invalid.
Next, the component must be visible--a
possibly confusing term, because components can be considered "visible"
without being seen by the user. Frames (because they have their own top-level
windows) are not visible until you request that they be shown, but other
components are visible as soon as you create them.
Finally, to be seen, a component must be showing.
You show a component by adding it to its container. For something to be
showing, it must be visible and be in a container that is visible and showing.
A subsidiary aspect of state is the enabled
quality, which determines whether a component can accept input.
- public boolean isValid ()
The isValid() method tells
you whether or not the component needs to be laid out.
- public void validate ()
The validate() method sets
the component's valid state to true. Ordinarily, this is done for you
when the Component is laid
out by its Container. Since
objects are invalid when they are first drawn on the screen, you should
call validate() to tell the
system you are finished adding objects so that it can validate the screen and
components. One reason you can override validate()
is to find out when the container that the component exists in has
been resized. The only requirement when overriding is that the original
validate() be called. With
Java 1.1, instead of overriding, you can listen for resize events.
- public void invalidate ()
The invalidate() method sets
the component's valid state to false and propagates the invalidation
to its parent. Ordinarily, this is done for you, or should be, whenever anything
that affects the layout is changed.
- public boolean isVisible ()
The isVisible() methods tells
you if the component is currently visible. Most components are initially
visible, except for top-level objects like frames. Any component that is
visible will be shown on the screen when the screen is painted.
- public boolean isShowing ()
The isShowing() method tells
you if the component is currently shown on the screen. It is possible for
isVisible() to return true
and isShowing() to return
false if the screen has not been painted yet.
Table 5.1 compares possible return values from isVisible()
and isShowing(). The first
two entries are for objects that have their own Window.
These will always return the same values for isVisible()
and isShowing(). The next three
are for Component objects that
exist within a Window, Panel,
or Applet. The visible setting
is always initially true. However, the showing setting is not true until
the object is actually drawn. The last case shows another possibility.
If the component exists within an invisible Container,
the component will be visible but will not be shown.
Table 5.1: isVisible vs. isShowing
Happenings |
isVisible |
isShowing |
Frame created |
false |
false |
Frame f = new Frame () |
Frame showing |
true |
true | () |
Component created |
true |
false |
Button b= new Button ("Help") |
Button added to screen in init() |
true |
false |
add (b) |
Container laid out with Button in it |
true |
true |
Button within Panel that is not visible |
true |
false |
- public void show ()
The show() method displays
a component by making it visible and showing its peer. The parent Container
becomes invalid because the set of children to display has changed. You
would call show() directly
to display a Frame or Dialog.
In Java 1.1, you should use setVisible()
- public void hide ()
The hide() method hides a component
by making it invisible and hiding its peer. The parent Container
becomes invalid because the set of children to display has changed. If
you call hide() for a Component
that does not subclass Window,
the component's Container
reserves space for the hidden object.
In Java 1.1, you should use setVisible()
- public void setVisible(boolean condition)
public void show (boolean condition) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The setVisible() method calls
either show() or hide()
based on the value of condition.
If condition is true,
show() is called. When condition
is false, hide()
is called.
show() is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
- public boolean isEnabled ()
The isEnabled() method checks
to see if the component is currently enabled. An enabled Component
can be selected and trigger events. A disabled Component
usually has a slightly lighter font and doesn't permit the user to
select or interact with it. Initially, every Component is enabled.
- public synchronized void enable ()
The enable() method allows
the user to interact with the component. Components are enabled by default
but can be disabled by a call to disabled()
or setEnabled(false).
In Java 1.1, you should use setEnabled()
- public synchronized void disable ()
The disable() method disables
the component so that it is unresponsive to user interactions.
In Java 1.1, you should use setEnabled()
- public void setEnabled (boolean condition)
public void enable (boolean condition) ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The setEnabled() method calls
either enable() or disable()
based on the value of condition.
If condition is true,
enable() is called. When condition
is false, disable()
is called. Enabling and disabling lets you create components that can
be operated only under certain conditions--for example, a Button
that can be pressed only after the user has typed into a TextArea.
enable() is the Java 1.0 name
for this method.
Although there was some support for managing input focus in version 1.0,
1.1 improved on this greatly by including support for Tab and Shift+Tab
to move input focus to the next or previous component, and by being more
consistent across different platforms. This support is provided by the
package-private class FocusManager.
- public boolean isFocusTraversable()
The isFocusTraversable() method
is the support method that tells you whether or not a component is capable
of receiving the input focus. Every component asks its peer whether or
not it is traversable. If there is no peer, this method returns false.
If you are creating a component by subclassing Component
or Canvas and you want it
to be traversable, you should override this method; a Canvas
is not traversable by default.
- public void requestFocus ()
The requestFocus() method allows
you to request that a component get the input focus. If it can't
(isFocusTraversable() returns
false), it won't.
- public void transferFocus ()
public void nextFocus () ![(Deprecated)](gifs/wstar.gif)
The transferFocus() method
moves the focus from the current component to the next one.
nextFocus() is the Java 1.0
name for this method.
Miscellaneous methods
- public final Object getTreeLock ()
The getTreeLock() method retrieves
the synchronization lock for all AWT components. Instead of using synchronized
methods in Java 1.1, previously synchronized methods lock the tree within
a synchronized (component.getTreeLock()) {}
code block. This results in a more efficient locking mechanism to improve
- public String getName ()
The getName() method retrieves
the current name of the component. The component's name is useful
for object serialization. Components are given a name by default; you can
change the name by calling setName().
- public void setName (String name)
The setName() method changes
the name of the component to name.
- public Container getParent ()
The getParent() method returns
the component's Container.
The container for anything added to an applet is the applet itself, since
it subclasses Panel. The container
for the applet is the browser. In the case of Netscape Navigator versions 2.0 and 3.0,
the return value would be a specific instance of the netscape.applet.EmbeddedAppletFrame
class. If the applet is running within the appletviewer, the return value
would be an instance of sun.applet.AppletViewerPanel.
- public synchronized void add(PopupMenu popup)
The add() method introduced
in Java 1.1 provides the ability to associate a PopupMenu
with a Component. The pop-up
menu can be used to provide context-sensitive menus for specific components.
(On some platforms for some components, pop-up menus exist already and cannot
be overridden.) Interaction with the menu is discussed in Chapter 10, Would You Like to Choose from the Menu?
Multiple pop-up menus can be associated with a component. To display
the appropriate pop-up menu, call the pop-up menu's show()method.
- public synchronized void remove(MenuComponent popup)
The remove() method is the
MenuContainer interface method
to disassociate the popup from
the component. (PopupMenu is
a subclass of MenuComponent.)
If popup is not associated
with the Component, nothing
- protected String paramString ()
The paramString() method is
a protected method that helps build a String
listing the different parameters of the Component.
When the toString() method
is called for a specific Component,
paramString() is called for
the lowest level and works its way up the inheritance hierarchy to build
a complete parameter string to display. At the Component
level, potentially seven ( Java1.0) or eight (1.1) items are added.
The first five items added are the component's name (if non-null
and using Java 1.1), x and y coordinates (as returned by getLocation()),
along with its width and height (as returned by getSize()).
If the component is not valid, "invalid" is added next. If
the component is not visible, "hidden" is added next. Finally,
if the component is not enabled, "disabled" is added.
- public String toString ()
The toString() method returns
a String representation of
the object's values. At the Component
level, the class's name is placed before the results of paramString().
This method is called automatically by the system if you try to print an
object using System.out.println().
- public void list ()
The list() method prints the
contents of the Component (as
returned by toString()) to
System.out. If c
is a type of Component, the
two statements System.out.println(c)
and c.list() are equivalent.
This method is more useful at the Container
level, because it prints all the components within the container.
- public void list (PrintWriter out)
public void list (PrintStream out)
This version of list() prints
the contents of the Component
(as returned by toString())
to a different PrintStream,
- public void list (PrintWriter out, int indentation)
public void list (PrintStream out, int indentation)
These versions of list() are called
by the other two. They print the component's contents (as returned
by toString()) with the given
indentation. This allows you to prepare nicely formatted lists of a container's
contents for debugging; you could use the indentation to reflect how deeply
the component is nested within the container.
Chapter 4, Events covers event handling in detail. This section
summarizes what Component does
for the different event-related methods.
With the Java 1.0 event model, many methods return true
to indicate that the program has handled the event and false
to indicate that the event was not handled (or only partially handled);
when false is returned, the
system passes the event up to the parent container. Thus, it is good form
to return true only when you
have fully handled the event, and no further processing is necessary.
With the Java 1.1 event model, you register a listener for a specific event
type. When that type of event happens, the listener is notified. Unlike
the 1.0 model, you do not need to override any methods of Component
to handle the event. Controllers
The Java 1.0 event model controllers are deliverEvent(),
postEvent(), and handleEvent().
With 1.1, the controller is a method named dispatchEvent().
- public void deliverEvent (Event e)
The deliverEvent() method delivers
the 1.0 Event e
to the Component in which an
event occurred. Internally, this method calls postEvent().
The deliverEvent() method is an important
enhancement to postEvent()
for Container objects since
they have to determine which component in the Container
gets the event.
- public boolean postEvent (Event e)
The postEvent() method tells
the Component to deal with
1.0 Event e.
It calls handleEvent(), which
returns true if some other
object handled e and false
if no one handles it. If handleEvent()
returns false, postEvent()
posts the Event to the component's
parent. You can use postEvent()
to hand any events you generate yourself to some other component for processing.
(Creating your own events is a useful technique that few developers take
advantage of.) You can also use postEvent()
to reflect an event from one component into another.
- public boolean handleEvent (Event e)
The handleEvent() method determines
the type of event e and passes
it along to an appropriate method to deal with it. For example, when a
mouse motion event is delivered to postEvent(),
it is passed off to handleEvent(),
which calls mouseMove(). As
shown in the following listing, handleEvent()
can be implemented as one big switch statement. Since not all event types have
default event handlers, you may need to override this
method. If you do, remember to call the overridden method to ensure that
the default behavior still takes place. To do so, call super.handleEvent(event)
for any event your method does not deal with.
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
switch ( {
case Event.MOUSE_ENTER:
return mouseEnter (event, event.x, event.y);
case Event.MOUSE_EXIT:
return mouseExit (event, event.x, event.y);
case Event.MOUSE_MOVE:
return mouseMove (event, event.x, event.y);
case Event.MOUSE_DOWN:
return mouseDown (event, event.x, event.y);
case Event.MOUSE_DRAG:
return mouseDrag (event, event.x, event.y);
case Event.MOUSE_UP:
return mouseUp (event, event.x, event.y);
case Event.KEY_PRESS:
case Event.KEY_ACTION:
return keyDown (event, event.key);
case Event.KEY_RELEASE:
return keyUp (event, event.key);
case Event.ACTION_EVENT:
return action (event, event.arg);
case Event.GOT_FOCUS:
return gotFocus (event, event.arg);
case Event.LOST_FOCUS:
return lostFocus (event, event.arg);
return false;
- public final void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
The dispatchEvent() method allows you to post new AWT events to this component's listeners. dispatchEvent() tells the Component to deal with the AWTEvent e by calling its processEvent() method. This method is similar to Java 1.0's postEvent() method. Events delivered in this way bypass the system's event queue. It's not clear why you would want to bypass the event queue, except possibly to deliver some kind of high priority event.
- public boolean action (Event e, Object o)
The action() method is called
when the user performs some action in the Component.
e is the 1.0 Event
instance for the specific event, while the content of o
varies depending upon the specific Component.
The particular action that triggers a call to action()
depends on the Component. For
example, with a TextField,
action() is called when the
user presses the carriage return. This method should not be called directly;
to deliver any event you generate, call postEvent(),
and let it decide how the event should propagate.
The default implementation of the action()
method does nothing and returns false.
When you override this method, return true
only if you fully handle the event. Your method should always have a default
case that returns false or
calls super.action(e, o) to
ensure that the event propagates to the component's container or
component's superclass, respectively.
- public boolean keyDown (Event e, int key)
The keyDown() method is called
whenever the user presses a key. e
is the 1.0 Event instance for
the specific event, while key
is the integer representation of the character pressed. The identifier
for the event ( could
be either Event.KEY_PRESS for
a regular key or Event.KEY_ACTION
for an action-oriented key (e.g., arrow or function key). The default keyDown()
method does nothing and returns false.
If you are doing input validation, return true
if the character is invalid; this keeps the event from propagating to a
higher component. If you wish to alter the input (i.e., convert to uppercase),
return false, but change e.key
to the new character.
- public boolean keyUp (Event e, int key)
The keyUp() method is called
whenever the user releases a key. e
is the Event instance for the
specific event, while key
is the integer representation of the character pressed. The identifier
for the event ( could
be either Event.KEY_RELEASE
for a regular key or Event.KEY_ACTION_RELEASE
for an action-oriented key (e.g., arrow or function key). keyUp()
may be used to determine how long key
has been pressed. The default keyUp()
method does nothing and returns false.
Early releases of Java (1.0.2 and earlier) propagated only mouse events
from Canvas and Container objects. However, Netscape Navigator seems to
have jumped the gun and corrected the situation with their 3.0 release,
which is based on Java release Until other Java releases catch up,
use these events with care. For more information on platform dependencies,
see Appendix C, Platform-Specific Event Handling.
- public boolean mouseDown (Event e, int x, int y)
The mouseDown() method is called
when the user presses a mouse button over the Component.
e is the Event
instance for the specific event, while x
and y are the coordinates where
the cursor was located when the event was initiated. It is necessary to
examine the modifiers field of e
to determine which mouse button the user pressed. The default mouseDown()
method does nothing and returns false.
When you override this method, return true
only if you fully handle the event. Your method should always have a default
case that returns false or
calls super.mouseDown(e, x, y)
to ensure that the event propagates to the component's container
or component's superclass, respectively.
- public boolean mouseDrag (Event e, int x, int y)
The mouseDrag() method is called
when the user is pressing a mouse button and moves the mouse. e
is the Event instance for the
specific event, while x
and y are the coordinates where
the cursor was located when the event was initiated. mouseDrag()
could be called multiple times as the mouse is moved. The default mouseDrag()
method does nothing and returns false. When you override this method, return
true only if you fully handle
the event. Your method should always have a default case that returns false
or calls super.mouseDrag(e, x, y)
to ensure that the event propagates to the component's container
or component's superclass, respectively.
- public boolean mouseEnter (Event e, int x, int y)
The mouseEnter() method is
called when the mouse enters the Component.
e is the Event
instance for the specific event, while x
and y are the coordinates where
the cursor was located when the event was initiated. The default mouseEnter()
method does nothing and returns false. mouseEnter()
can be used for implementing balloon help. When you override this method,
return true only if you fully
handle the event. Your method should always have a default case that returns
false or calls super.mouseEnter(e,
x, y) to ensure that the event propagates to
the component's container or component's superclass, respectively.
- public boolean mouseExit (Event e, int x, int y)
The mouseExit() method is called
when the mouse exits the Component.
e is the Event
instance for the specific event, while x
and y are the coordinates where
the cursor was located when the event was initiated. The default method mouseExit()
does nothing and returns false. When you override this method, return
true only if you fully handle
the event. Your method should always have a default case that returns false
or calls super.mouseExit(e, x, y)
to ensure that the event propagates to the component's container
or component's superclass, respectively.
- public boolean mouseMove (Event e, int x, int y)
The mouseMove() method is called
when the user moves the mouse without pressing a mouse button. e
is the Event instance for the
specific event, while x and
y are the coordinates where
the cursor was located when the event was initiated. mouseMove()
will be called numerous times as the mouse is moved. The default mouseMove()
method does nothing and returns false. When you override this method, return
true only if you fully handle
the event. Your method should always have a default case that returns false
or calls super.mouseMove(e, x, y)
to ensure that the event propagates to the component's container
or component's superclass, respectively.
- public boolean mouseUp (Event e, int x, int y)
The mouseUp() method is called
when the user releases a mouse button over the Component.
e is the Event
instance for the specific event, while x
and y are the coordinates where
the cursor was located when the event was initiated. The default mouseUp()
method does nothing and returns false. When you override this method, return
true only if you fully handle
the event. Your method should always have a default case that returns false
or calls super.mouseUp(e, x, y)
to ensure that the event propagates to the component's container
or component's superclass, respectively.
Focus events indicate whether a component can get keyboard input. Not all
components can get focus (e.g., Label
cannot). Precisely which components can get the focus is platform specific.
Ordinarily, the item with the focus has a light gray rectangle around it,
though the actual display depends on the platform and the component. Figure 5.1 displays the effect of focus for buttons in
Windows 95.
Early releases of Java (1.0.2 and earlier) do not propagate all focus
events on all platforms. Java 1.1 seems to propagate them properly. For
more information on platform dependencies, see Appendix C, Platform-Specific Event Handling.
- public boolean gotFocus (Event e, Object o)
The gotFocus() method is triggered
when the Component gets the
input focus. e is the 1.0 Event
instance for the specific event, while the content of o
varies depending upon the specific Component.
The default gotFocus() method
does nothing and returns false. For a TextField,
when the cursor becomes active, it has the focus. When you override this
method, return true to indicate that you have handled the event completely
or false if you want the event to propagate to the component's container.
- public boolean lostFocus (Event e, Object o)
The lostFocus() method is triggered
when the input focus leaves the Component. e
is the Event instance for the
specific event, while the content of o varies depending upon the specific Component.
The default lostFocus() method
does nothing and returns false. When you override this method, return true
to indicate that you have handled the event completely or false if you
want the event to propagate to the component's container.
Listeners and 1.1 Event Handling
With the 1.1 event model, you receive events by registering event listeners,
which are told when the event happens. Components don't have to receive
and handle their own events; you can cleanly separate the event-handling
code from the user interface itself. This section covers the methods used
to add and remove event listeners, which are part of the Component
class. There is a pair of methods to add and remove listeners for each
event type that is appropriate for a Component:
ComponentEvent, FocusEvent,
KeyEvent, MouseEvent,
and MouseMotionEvent. Subclasses
of Component may have additional
event types and therefore will have additional methods for adding and
removing listeners. For example, Button,
List, MenuItem,
and TextField each generate
action events and therefore have methods to add and remove action listeners.
These additional listeners are covered with their respective components.
- public void addComponentListener(ComponentListener listener)
The addComponentListener()
method registers listener as
an object interested in being notified when a ComponentEvent
passes through the EventQueue
with this Component as its
target. When such an event occurs, a method in the ComponentListener
interface is called. Multiple listeners can be registered.
- public void removeComponentListener(ComponentListener listener)
The removeComponentListener()
method removes listener as
a interested listener. If listener
is not registered, nothing happens.
- public void addFocusListener(FocusListener listener)
The addFocusListener() method
registers listener as an object
interested in being notified when a FocusEvent
passes through the EventQueue
with this Component as its
target. When such an event occurs, a method in the FocusListener
interface is called. Multiple listeners can be registered.
- public void removeFocusListener(FocusListener listener)
The removeFocusListener() method
removes listener as a interested
listener. If listener is not
registered, nothing happens.
- public void addKeyListener(KeyListener listener)
The addKeyListener() method
registers listener as an object
interested in being notified when a KeyEvent
passes through the EventQueue
with this Component as its
target. When such an event occurs, a method in the KeyListener
interface is called. Multiple listeners can be registered.
- public void removeKeyListener(KeyListener listener)
The removeKeyListener() method
removes listener as a interested
listener. If listener is not registered, nothing happens.
- public void addMouseListener(MouseListener listener)
The addMouseListener() method
registers listener as an object
interested in being notified when a nonmotion-oriented MouseEvent
passes through the EventQueue
with this Component as its
target. When such an event occurs, a method in the MouseListener
interface is called. Multiple listeners can be registered.
- public void removeMouseListener(MouseListener listener)
The removeMouseListener() method
removes listener as a interested
listener. If listener is not registered, nothing happens.
- public void addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener listener)
The addMouseMotionListener()
method registers listener as
an object interested in being notified when a motion-oriented MouseEvent
passes through the EventQueue
with this Component as its
target. When such an event occurs, a method in the MouseMotionListener
interface is called. Multiple listeners can be registered.
The mouse motion-oriented events are separate from the other mouse events
because of their frequency of generation. If they do not have to propagate
around, resources can be saved.
- public void removeMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener listener)
The removeMouseMotionListener()
method removes listener as
a interested listener. If listener
is not registered, nothing happens.
Handling your own events
Under the 1.1 event model, it is still possible for components to receive
their own events, simulating the old event mechanism. If you want to write
components that process their own events but are also compatible
with the new model, you can override processEvent()
or one of its related methods. processEvent()
is logically similar to handleEvent()
in the old model; it receives all the component's events and sees
that they are forwarded to the appropriate listeners. Therefore, by overriding
processEvent(), you get access
to every event the component generates. If you want only a specific type
of event, you can override processComponentEvent(),
processKeyEvent(), or one of
the other event-specific methods.
However, there is one problem. In Java 1.1, events aren't normally
generated if there are no listeners. Therefore, if you want to receive
your own events without registering a listener, you should first enable
event processing (by a call to enableEvent())
to make sure that the events you are interested in are generated.
- protected final void enableEvents(long eventsToEnable)
The enableEvents() method allows
you to configure a component to listen for events without having any active
listeners. Under normal circumstances (i.e., if you are not subclassing
a component), it is not necessary to call this method.
The eventsToEnable parameter
contains a mask specifying which event types you want to enable. The AWTEvent
class (covered in Chapter 4, Events) contains constants for the
following types of events:
OR the masks for
the events you want; for example, call enableEvents(MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK) to enable all mouse
events. Any previous event mask settings are retained.
- protected final void disableEvents(long eventsToDisable)
The disableEvents() method
allows you to stop the delivery of events when they are no longer needed.
eventsToDisable is similar
to the eventsToEnable parameter
but instead contains a mask specifying which event types to stop. A disabled
event would still be delivered if someone were listening.
- protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
The processEvent() method receives
all AWTEvent with this Component
as its target. processEvent()
then passes them along to one of the event-specific processing methods
(e.g., processKeyEvent()).
When you subclass Component,
overriding processEvent() allows
you to process all events without providing listeners. Remember to call
super.processEvent(e) last
to ensure that normal event processing still occurs; if you don't,
events won't get distributed to any registered listeners. Overriding
processEvent() is like overriding
the handleEvent() method using the 1.0
event model.
- protected void processComponentEvent(ComponentEvent e)
The processComponentEvent()
method receives ComponentEvent
with this Component as its
target. If any listeners are registered, they are then notified.
When you subclass Component,
overriding processComponentEvent()
allows you to process component events without providing listeners. Remember
to call super.processComponentEvent(e)
last to ensure that normal event processing still occurs; if you don't,
events won't get distributed to any registered listeners. Overriding
processComponentEvent() is
roughly similar to overriding resize(),
move(), show(),
and hide() to add additional
functionality when those methods are called.
- protected void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent e)
The processFocusEvent() method
receives FocusEvent with
this Component as its target.
If any listeners are registered, they are then notified. When you
subclass Component, overriding
processFocusEvent() allows
you to process the focus event without providing listeners. Remember to
call super.processFocusEvent(e)
last to ensure that normal event processing still occurs; if you don't,
events won't get distributed to any registered listeners. Overriding
processFocusEvent() is like
overriding the methods gotFocus() and lostFocus()
using the 1.0 event model.
- protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)
The processKeyEvent() method
receives KeyEvent with
this Component as its target.
If any listeners are registered, they are then notified. When you
subclass Component, overriding
processKeyEvent() allows you
to process key events without providing listeners. Be sure to remember to call super.processKeyEvent(e)
last to ensure that normal event processing still occurs; if you don't,
events won't get distributed to any registered listeners. Overriding
processKeyEvent() is roughly
similar to overriding keyDown()
and keyUp() with one method
using the 1.0 event model.
- protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
This processMouseEvent() method
receives all nonmotion-oriented MouseEvents
with this Component as its
target. If any listeners are registered, they are then notified.
When you subclass Component,
overriding the method processMouseEvent()
allows you to process mouse events without providing listeners. Remember
to call super.processMouseEvent(e)
last to ensure that normal event processing still occurs; if you don't,
events won't get distributed to any registered listeners. Overriding
the method processMouseEvent() is roughly
similar to overriding mouseDown(),
mouseUp(), mouseEnter(),
and mouseExit() with one method
using the 1.0 event model.
- protected void processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)
The processMouseMotionEvent()
method receives all motion-oriented MouseEvents
with this Component as its
target. If there are any listeners registered, they are then notified.
When you subclass Component,
overriding processMouseMotionEvent()
allows you to process mouse motion events without providing listeners.
Remember to call super.processMouseMotionEvent(e)
last to ensure that normal event processing still occurs; if you don't,
events won't get distributed to any registered listeners. Overriding
the method processMouseMotionEvent() is
roughly similar to overriding mouseMove()
and mouseDrag() with one method
using the 1.0 event model.