» |
The following sections
describe how to configure log consolidation servers and log forwarding
clients. Configuring a consolidation server is a multi-step process.
The clog_wizard tool vastly simplifies the configuration
process. If you choose not to use the wizard, the manual configuration
steps are also described below. Configuring Log Consolidation Server
in Cross-Subnet Cluster Environments In a cluster environment, if all the nodes are
within the same subnet, then you can configure a server within that
cluster environment as the log consolidation server. However, in a cross-subnet cluster environment,
the log consolidation server must be an external system, preferably
a quorum server, outside the cross-subnet cluster. You can configure
a cross-subnet cluster only as a log forwarding client, with an external
system acting as the log consolidation master server. After you configure
an external system as the log consolidation master server, the cross-subnet
cluster nodes can be configured as log forwarding clients. Using the Log Consolidation Wizard |  |
The Log Consolidation Wizard is installed as /opt/dsau/sbin/clog_wizard. The wizard supports creating
the following configurations: a standalone log consolidation server a highly-available log consolidation server for use
within a single Serviceguard cluster (intra-cluster use only) a highly-available log consolidation server for use
by the local Serviceguard cluster and remote systems, including Serviceguard
cluster clients a standalone system forwarding logs to a remote log
consolidation server a Serviceguard cluster forwarding logs to a remote
log consolidation server
Choose the appropriate configuration option. The wizard detects whether you are running on
a standalone system or a Serviceguard cluster. When running the wizard on a Serviceguard cluster,
the default is to set up clog as a highly available
service (Serviceguard package). The administrator must provision the
storage environment for the package and the required package IP address
and DNS name registration. The wizard supports LVM storage configurations.
Non-LVM configurations must be done manually. The required package
information that the wizard requires is listed in the following table. Table 3-3 Configuration Data for clog_wizard Configuration Data | Example | Your Value |
LVM volume group | /dev/vgclog | | Logical volume | /dev/vgclog/lvol1 | | Filesystem mount point | /clog | | Mount options | -o rw, largefiles | | Filesystem type | vxfs | | Package IP Address (a registered
DNS name) | | | Package subnet | | | Free ports for tcp and ssh | 1775 | |
Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizardTo start the log consolidation wizard, issue the
following command: /opt/dsau/sbin/clog_wizard For a standalone system, the wizard first displays
introductory paragraphs explaining log consolidation and then asks: Do you want to configure log consolidation? (y/n) [y]:
Answer yes (y) or press Enter. The next question is: You can configure this system hostname as either a:
- Consolidation server
- Client that forwards logs to a remote consolidation server
Do you want to configure hostname as a Consolidation
Server? (y/n) [y]:
Answer yes (y). The wizard then prompts: Enter the fully qualified directory where the consolidated
logs should be stored []:
It is typically best to select a dedicated filesystem
for the consolidated logs. Since consolidated
logs like syslog can grow rapidly, HP also recommends
that the filesystem be configured for “largefiles.” For this example, a filesystem named “/clog” is used. Next, the wizard prompts for the client’s
transport: You can choose to have the clients forward logs to this
consolidation server using either the UDP protocol or the TCP protocol (recommended).
Do you want to use the TCP protocol? (y/n) [y]:
Selecting TCP does not necessarily preclude the
use of UDP forwarded log messages by clients. Whether the log consolidator
allows TCP log messages exclusively, depends on whether the system
is consolidating its own local syslog file. See
below for details. You need to choose a free port on this system for receiving logs. The port chosen
should be free on all cluster nodes.
Note: When configuring log consolidation on the clients,
this port will need to be specified.
Enter the TCP port to be used for receiving logs [1776]:
There is no reserved port for the TCP transport of syslog-ng. Any port
that is not in use can be chosen. HP recommends that the administrator
choose a port from the reserved range, that is, ports below 1024.
Only privileged processes on a remote system can connect to privileged
ports. This provides only a weak security guarantee because it implies
that the administrator trusts the remote system. See the ssh section in the log forwarding client section for establishing
stronger security guarantees “Manually Configuring a Standalone Log Forwarding Client”. The /etc/services file documents
the well-known reserved ports. When choosing a reserved port, the
wizard will check both /etc/services and use “netstat -an” to check that the port is
not in use. Note that syslogd uses UDP
port 514. TCP port 514 is reserved for use by remsh. remsh is not a secure protocol and is disabled
at many sites. If remsh has been disabled on the
consolidator, you could use TCP port 514. This has the advantage that
it is a privileged port and it is the same as the UDP port number
so it is easy to remember and manage. However, if the administrator
changes the system to re-enable the use of remsh, syslog-ng would have to be reconfigured to use
a new port and all the client systems that forward to this system
would have to be updated. Unlike UDP, TCP is a connection-oriented protocol.
Each log forwarding client using TCP will have a connection to the
log consolidation server. In order to avoid denial of service attacks,
the default number of TCP connections accepted by syslog-ng is limited to 10 connections. For larger numbers of clients, edit
the consolidation server’s /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file. Find the TCP source line in the file: source s_syslog_tcp { tcp(port(tcp_port) keep-alive(yes));}; and add a max-connections() attribute as follows: source s_syslog_tcp { tcp(port(tcp_port) keep-alive(yes) max-connections(N)); }; where N is the expected
number of clients. Next, the wizard prompts for which local logs
should be consolidated: Log files that reside on this
system can be consolidated. Would you like to consolidate
this system's syslogs? (y/n) [y]: Answering yes places this log consolidation system’s
own local syslog data in the consolidated log along
with the client system's syslog data. To preserve the priority and facility of syslog entries, UDP local loopback is used, and syslog is configured to also forward entries to its local UDP port 514. syslog-ng is configured to read from this port. Thus, consolidating
this system’s syslogs allows clients to
also connect to this log consolidation server via UDP port 514, even
if TCP transport is specified earlier. If you choose not to consolidate
this system’s syslogs, then choosing a
TCP transport earlier will require that all log forwarding clients
be configured to use the TCP transport. The wizard displays
a summary of all the configuration choices made by the administrator:  |
Summary of Log Consolidation Configuration:
You have chosen to configure hostname as a Log
Consolidation Server.
Logs will be forwarded from the remote consolidation
clients to local port 1776 using the TCP protocol.
The consolidated logs will be stored under directory:
The following logs from the local system will be
If these choices are correct, continue: Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y]: y
The wizard displays its progress by describing
which files are being modified and warns that Ctrl/C is disabled until
configuration is done. For a complete description of the modified
files, refer to “Manually Configuring Log Consolidation”.  |
Copying files that will be modified by the wizard to
/var/opt/dsau/root_tmp/clog. These files will be used to
restore the system to its current log consolidation
configuration, in the event of a failure.
Configuring hostname as a log consolidation server.
Creating the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server configuration
Creating a symbolic link from /etc/syslog-ng.conf to the
/etc/syslog-ng.conf.server configuration file.
Creating /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng, the log
consolidation configuration file.
Updating the syslog configuration:
Updating the /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd file to add
-N SYSLOGD_OPTS. This stops syslogd from
listening to UDP port 514.
Updating the /etc/syslog.conf file for UDP local
Starting syslogd for the configuration changes to
take effect.
Registering the log consolidation ports in the
/etc/services file.
Starting syslog-ng.
Successfully configured hostname as a log consolidation
Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster as a Log Consolidation Server
with clog_wizardWhen running the clog_wizard (see clog_wizard(1M)) in a cluster, first make
sure that all the cluster members are up and available. The wizard
needs to perform configuration operations on each member. It only
needs to be run once, from any member of the cluster. If you run the
wizard more than once, additional prompts may appear. The wizard will set up and create a Serviceguard
package for the consolidated logging service. Make sure that this
cluster’s MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES value can accommodate the
additional package. For more information on this setting, please refer
to the Managing Serviceguard manual which is
part of the Serviceguard documentation set. The wizard first displays introductory paragraphs
explaining log consolidation (wizard output may wrap differently from
what is shown here):  |
Consolidated logging (clog) lets you combine the log entries from multiple
remote systems into a single file. This feature is used to
consolidate syslog data from several systems. Each remote system
continues to write entries to its local syslog.log and additionally
forwards the entries to the consolidating host. The systems forwarding
log entries are consolidation clients. The system to which they send
entries is the consolidation server. In addition to syslog data,
clog can also consolidate arbitrary text log files.
In a Serviceguard cluster, clog can help you automate package log
file consolidation. Log consolidation is especially useful in a
Serviceguard cluster, because it enables you to look at a single
consolidated file instead of the per-member logs. The clog wizard needs
to be run only once in the cluster and not on each cluster member.
All cluster members should be up when running this wizard.
clog_wizard will prompt you for information to configure log file
consolidation. Some questions display a default answer in square
brackets. If you press <Return/Enter>, the clog_wizard uses the
default answer.
Press “Enter” to continue...
Press Enter.
Querying the system cluster_member for current status, one moment...
The next prompt is:  |
You can configure this cluster clustername as either a:
- Consolidation server
- Client that forwards logs to a remote consolidation server
Do you want to configure cluster_member as a Consolidation
Server? (y/n) [y]:
To configure this cluster as a log consolidation server, the wizard
will create a Serviceguard package called “clog”. The package
requires the following:
- Dedicated storage for failover between cluster members. The
consolidated logs will be stored here. This includes an LVM
volume group, LVM logical volume, a filesystem, filesystem
mount point, and the desired mount options. this storage
infrastructure needs to be configured cluster-wide before
- An IP address and subnet address pair for the package. IPv4
or IPv6 addresses can be used. The IP address should be registered
in DNS, if this cluster will consolidate logs from remote clients.
This should be appropriately configured on each cluster member before
proceeding with the consolidation server configuration.
Answer yes (y). In a cluster, the wizard configures syslog-ng to be highly available using a Serviceguard package. For consolidated
logging, the package name is clog. The LVM
storage configuration and network configuration for the package must
be set up before continuing or before running the wizard. For additional
details, refer to the section “Creating a Storage Infrastructure
with LVM” in the chapter “Building an HA Cluster Configuration,”
in the Managing Serviceguard manual.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The wizard only supports creating packages based
on LVM volume groups. When using CFS or VxVM, manual configuration
is required. See the section “Manually Configuring Log Consolidation” for details. |  |  |  |  |
The wizard prompts for the following, all of which
should have already been configured:
LVM volume group name (for example, /dev/vgclog). Logical volume in the volume group (for example, /dev/vgclog/lvol1). The filesystem’s mount point (for example, /clog). The filesystem’s mount options (for example, –o rw,largefiles). The
mount options are used verbatim in the Service package control script’s
FS_MOUNT_OPT[0] field. Note that
the mount options must agree with the filesystem you created on the
logical volume. For example, if the filesystem
was created with largefiles support, the largefiles mount option should
be specified. Since consolidated logs tend to be large, it is recommended
to configure VxFS filesystems with the largefiles option. The filesystem type (for example, vxfs). The package IP address. This should also be a registered
DNS name so the log forwarding is easy to configure on client systems. The package subnet. (Use the netstat -i command to determine the proper subnet.)
Next, the wizard prompts for the clients'
transport. You can choose to have the clients forward logs to this consolidation
server using either the UDP or the TCP protocol (recommended).
Do you want to use the TCP protocol? (y/n) [y]: y
You need to choose a free port on this cluster for receiving logs. The
port chosen should be free on all cluster nodes.
Note: When configuring log consolidation on the clients, this port
will need to be specified.
Enter the TCP port to be used for receiving logs []: 1776
Note that selecting TCP does
not necessarily preclude the use of UDP forwarded log messages by
clients. Whether the log consolidator allows TCP log messages exclusively
depends on whether the system is consolidating its own local syslog file. See below for details. When answering Yes to TCP, you must select a free
TCP port. This port must be free on all cluster members. See the section “Configuring a Log Forwarding Client Using clog_wizard” using the clog_wizard for details on choosing a TCP port. Next the wizard prompts for which local logs should
be consolidated: Log files that reside on this cluster can be consolidated.
Would you like to consolidate this cluster's syslogs? (y/n) [y]:
Would you like to consolidate this cluster's package logs? (y/n) [y]:
In a Serviceguard cluster, you can consolidate
all the member-specific syslog files into a single
consolidated syslog containing syslog.log, mail.log and syslog-ng.log. Each member-specific package log can also be consolidated. Note that if you choose to consolidate
the cluster’s syslogs, the remote clients
can also forward UDP syslog messages to the cluster,
regardless of the answer to the “Do you want to use the TCP
protocol” question. If you choose not to consolidate this cluster’s syslogs, then choosing a TCP transport earlier requires
that all log forwarding clients be configured to use the TCP transport. The consolidated logs are placed in the filesystem
associated with the package. Using the example above, the consolidated syslog.log would be located here: /clog/syslog/syslog.log,mail.log,syslog-ng.log The consolidated package logs would be located
here: /clog/package/package1.log,package2.log,
...,packageN.log The wizard now has all the data it needs to configure
the consolidated logging package. It displays a summary confirmation
screen and then performs the configuration:  |
Summary of Log Consolidation Configuration:
You have chosen to configure clustername as a Log Consolidation Server.
Logs will be forwarded from the remote consolidation clients
to local port port_number using the TCP protocol.
For high availability the Serviceguard package "clog" will be
configured with the following attributes:
Volume Group: /dev/vgclog
Logical Volume: /dev/vgclog/lvol1
Filesystem: /clog
Mount Options: -o rw,largefiles
Filesystem Type: vxfs
IP Address:
The following logs on this cluster will be consolidated:
Serviceguard package logs
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y]:
******* WARNING!!!! ********
To protect against possible corruption of sensitive configuration files,
control-c has been disabled for the remainder of this configuration.
Copying files that will be modified by the wizard
to /var/opt/dsau/root_tmp/clog on each cluster node.
These files will be used to restore the cluster to its
current log consolidation configuration, in the event
of a failure.
Configuring cluster_member as a log consolidation server.
The configuration will be done on all cluster nodes.
It will take a few minutes....
Creating the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server configuration file.
Creating the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client configuration file.
Creating a symbolic link from /etc/syslog-ng.conf to the
/etc/syslog-ng.conf.client configuration file.
[Halting the "clog" Serviceguard package if it is up.]
Creating /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng, the log consolidation
configuration file.
Updating the syslog configuration:
Updating the /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd file to add -N to
SYSLOGD_OPTS. This stops syslogd from listening to UDP port
Updating the /etc/syslog.conf file for UDP local loopback.
Starting syslogd for the configuration changes to take effect.
Registering the log consolidation ports in the /etc/services file.
Starting syslog-ng.
Setting up the log consolidation server to be highly available.
Configuring the "clog" Serviceguard package.
Applying the "clog" Serviceguard package configuration file.
This will take a moment.
Starting the "clog" Serviceguard package. This will take a few moments...
The "clog" Serviceguard package has been started on cluster_member.
Successfully created the "clog" Serviceguard package.
Successfully configured cluster_member as a log consolidation server.
Cluster Configuration Notes for clogIn a Serviceguard cluster, the adoptive node for the clog package performs the log consolidation functions. All
the other cluster members participate as log forwarding clients
and send log messages to the relocatable IP address of the clog package. DSAU maintains two configuration files that control
whether the instance of syslog-ng on a particular
cluster member operates as a consolidation server or a log forwarding
client: /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server and /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client. The symbolic link /etc/syslog-ng.conf points to one of the configuration
files. When the cluster is booted, all the members start as log forwarding
clients with syslog-ng running on each member.
The /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng startup script sets the symbolic link /etc/syslog-ng.conf to point to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client. When the clog package
starts, the adoptive node restarts that instance of syslog-ng as a log consolidation server instance. The package script resets
the /etc/syslog-ng.conf symbolic link to point
to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server. If the clog package is halted, the symlink is changed to point
to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client and the syslog-ng instance on that member restarted. Note that
when a cluster is a log consolidation server, and the package is down,
no log consolidation occurs and forwarded log messages are lost. Cluster members can forward log messages to the
consolidator using either UDP or TCP. Within a Serviceguard cluster, ssh port forwarding is not used. ssh port forwarding can be used to secure the log traffic forwarded
by remote clients outside the cluster. For additional information,
refer to “ssh Port Forwarding”. Serviceguard Automation FeaturesThe Distributed Systems Administration Utilities
require Serviceguard 11.17 or later. With Serviceguard 11.17 or later,
when members are added to or deleted from cluster or packages are
added and deleted, the DSAU consolidated logging tools will automatically
take the appropriate configuration actions. Specifically: When adding a member to
the cluster, the new member is automatically configured to participate
in log consolidation according to the cluster’s configuration.
The following files are automatically configured on the added member: /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client, /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server, and the /etc/syslog-ng.conf symbolic link
When deleting a member
from a cluster: The member is still configured
as a log-forwarding client and will continue to forward syslog messages to the cluster if that option had been chosen during the
initial run of the clog_wizard. If the system should
no longer forward log messages to the cluster, rerun the wizard to
configure the system to forward to a different consolidator, or disable
log consolidation entirely. Refer to “Disabling Log Consolidation” for additional information. The package logs on the
deleted member are still monitored until a reboot. Since this member
is no longer part of the cluster, the package logs will not be active.
When adding or deleting
a package, the following automated actions occur: The package is added to
or deleted from /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server cluster-wide.
There is a reserved section of these files dedicated for use by the
DSAU tools. The configuration stanzas added in this section direct syslog-ng to filter package log messages into the appropriate
consolidated package logs. The clog_tail log monitor adds or deletes the package log file from its list of
files to monitor.
Minimizing Message Loss During FailoverWhen there is a failure on the adoptive node,
it takes a finite amount of time for the clog package to fail over
to another cluster member. The longer this failover time, the more
likely that messages could be lost from the consolidated log. Use
the following guidelines to minimize message loss during failover. Configure clients to use
the TCP transport instead of the UDP transport. UDP messages will
be lost unconditionally when the package is down. The TCP protocol
contains retry mechanisms, congestion control, and so on, that help
minimize message loss. syslog-ng can buffer TCP messages on the client side. The number of messages
buffered is controlled by the syslog-ng log_fifo_size() setting. This sets an upper limit on the number of messages that
can be buffered. The default/etc/syslog-ng.conf() file sets log_fifo_size to 10000. syslog-ng has a time_reopen() option to configure the time
to wait before a dead connection is reestablished. The /etc/syslog-ng.conf file has time_reopen() set to 10 seconds. Serviceguard offers various
configuration options to improve failover times such as HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL
and NODE_TIMEOUT. Serviceguard Extension for Faster Failover (SGeFF)
is also available to optimize failover times for two-node clusters.
Since syslog-ng itself starts quickly, SGeFF is
an ideal candidate for improving failover times and minimizing message
Configuring a Log Forwarding Client Using clog_wizardThere are two ways to configure a log forwarding client: as a standalone machine or as a
Serviceguard cluster. When configuring a cluster as a log forwarding
client, all the members of the cluster will be configured identically
as clients. The wizard asks the same questions and performs the same
configuration actions for single systems and for clusters. The examples
below show use of the clog wizard on a Serviceguard cluster. After
starting clog_wizard, answer “yes”
to the following question: Do you want to configure log consolidation?
(y/n) [y]: or press Enter. The next question
is: You can configure this cluster cluster_member as either a:
- Consolidation server
- Client that forwards logs to a remote consolidation server
Do you want to configure cluster_member as a Consolidation Server? (y/n) [y]: n
Answer “No” here. At this point
you are configuring a log forwarding client. The wizard displays the
following: You now need to specify which system will be the
consolidator. If the consolidator is a Serviceguard
cluster, specify the IP address of the "clog"
Serviceguard package for this question. The "clog"
package makes log consolidation highly
available on the consolidator.
The consolidation server must already be configured.
Enter the hostname or IP address of the consolidator
[]: clog.usa.xyz.com
After entering the hostname or IP address of the
log consolidation server, the wizard asks if you want to use the TCP
transport when forwarding log messages: You can choose to forward logs to the consolidator using either
the UDP protocol or the TCP protocol (recommended).
Do you want to use the TCP protocol? (y/n) [y]:
Standard syslogd forwards messages
using the UDP protocol. UDP is a high-performance, broadcast-oriented
protocol with no flow control or message delivery verification. syslog-ng supports syslogd’s
UDP protocol and a TCP protocol. The TCP transport offers both flow control and message
delivery checks. However, since TCP is a connection-oriented protocol,
it requires additional resources on the log consolidation server.
The consolidation server’s max-connections() attribute must be set according to the maximum number of expected
clients. Refer to the section “Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard” for a discussion of the max-connections() setting. If you answer “yes” to using TCP,
the next question asks for the TCP port to forward messages to: Ask the administrator of the consolidation server which TCP
port was configured for receiving logs.
Enter the TCP port configured on the CONSOLIDATOR for
receiving logs []: 1776
You must use the TCP port selected by the system
administrator of the log consolidation server. If the clog_wizard was used to configure the server, the port number is saved in /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng as the variable CLOG_TCP_PORT. In this example, TCP port 1776 was
used. If you answer “yes” to the TCP question, the following
question is displayed: The TCP protocol can be used together with Secure
Shell port forwarding to enhance security. Each member
of this cluster must already have non interactive Secure
Shell Authentication set up with the consolidator. You
can use the tool /opt/dsau/bin/csshsetup to configure
non interactive Secure Shell Authentication.
Do you want to configure Secure Shell port forwarding? (y/n) [y]:
Choose yes in order to use ssh port forwarding. This will encrypt all the traffic sent from this
local log forwarding client to the log consolidator.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: A special ssh security configuration
is required on the server when a Serviceguard cluster is the log consolidation
server. For details, refer to “ssh Port Forwarding”. |  |  |  |  |
ssh port forwarding requires
an additional free TCP port on the local client system: You need to choose a free port on this cluster for ssh port
forwarding. The port chosen should be free on all cluster nodes. Enter the ssh port to be used
for port forwarding []: 1775 The same guidelines for choosing a free syslog-ng TCP port apply to this port. For details, refer
to “Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard”. In this
example, the local port 1775 was used. For a Serviceguard cluster
log forwarding client, the cluster’s syslogs and package logs can be forwarded to the log consolidation server.
For a standalone system, the wizard asks only about forwarding syslog messages: Log files that reside on this cluster can be forwarded to the
Would you like to forward this cluster's syslogs? (y/n) [y]:
Would you like to forward this cluster's package logs? (y/n) [y]:
When forwarding a cluster’s package logs,
manual configuration is required on the consolidation server in order
to add the syslog-ng filtering lines to cause these
package logs to be consolidated into their own unique files. See “Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster as a Log Forwarding
Client” for details. After all the questions have been answered, the clog_wizard displays the following summary screen: Summary of Log Consolidation Configuration:
You have chosen to configure clustername as a Log Consolidation Client.
Logs will be forwarded to the remote consolidation server
clog.usa.xyz.com on port 1776 using the TCP protocol.
The TCP protocol will be used together with Secure Shell
Port Forwarding using port 1775, for added security.
The following logs will be forwarded for consolidation:
Serviceguard package logs
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y]:
Confirm your answers with a “yes”
response and the wizard summarizes the configuration steps that it
performs: Copying files that will be modified by the wizard to /var/opt/dsau/root_tmp/clog
on each cluster node.
These files will be used to restore the cluster to its current log consolidation
configuration, in the event of a failure.
Configuring clustername as a log consolidation client.
The configuration will be done on all cluster nodes.
It will take a few minutes....
Creating the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client configuration file.
Creating a symbolic link from /etc/syslog-ng.conf to the
/etc/syslog-ng.conf.client configuration file.
Creating /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng, the log consolidation configuration file.
Updating the syslog configuration:
Updating the /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd file to add -N to SYSLOGD_OPTS.
This stops syslogd from listening to UDP port 514.
Updating the /etc/syslog.conf file for UDP local loopback.
Starting syslogd for the configuration changes to take effect.
Registering the log consolidation ports in the /etc/services file.
Starting syslog-ng.
Successfully configured clustername as a log consolidation client.
For additional information on the configuration
actions performed by the clog_wizard, refer to “Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster as a Log Consolidation
Server”. Manually Configuring Log Consolidation |  |
If you choose not to use the Consolidated Logging
Wizard, use the following sections for the manual steps required to
configure a log consolidation server and log forwarding clients. Because
there are many steps required to set up clients and servers, HP recommends
using the clog_wizard. Manual configuration is required for the following
cases: When a cluster is a log
forwarding client and forwarding package logs, manual configuration
is required on the consolidation server (standalone or cluster) to
filter the package logs appropriately. When configuring a Serviceguard
Cluster as a log consolidator and you require: Special customization
of the clog package Use of VxVM instead of
LVM Use of the Cluster File
System (CFS)
It is often simplest to run the wizard and let
it complete the basic configuration and then customize, starting from
that point. The following sections describe the steps required
to configure log consolidation systems manually. The systems you can
configure manually are: Standalone log consolidation server Serviceguard cluster log consolidation server
Manually Configuring a Standalone Log Consolidation ServerStart by configuring the standard syslogd to co-exist with a syslog-ng consolidator. By default, syslogd listens for
incoming log messages on UDP port 514. If you want to accept UDP syslog messages from remote clients or consolidate this server’s
local syslogs, syslog-ng must
listen on UDP port 514. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd and change SYSLOGD_OPTS to add
the -N switch, which prevents syslogd from listening on port 514. For example: SYSLOGD_OPTS=“-D
-N” If you want the local syslog messages from the log consolidation server itself
to be part of the consolidated syslog, edit the
consolidator’s /etc/syslog.conf file to
forward log messages to port 514 on the local host where they will
be read by syslog-ng. Using the HP-UX default /etc/syslog.conf as an example, add the following lines: mail.debug @log-consolidation-server
*.info;mail.none @log-consolidation-server
where log-consolidation-server is the fully qualified domain name of the consolidation server.
The name must be fully qualified or syslogd will
not forward the messages properly.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: There must be a <tab> before each @ sign. |  |  |  |  |
If you have customized syslog.conf, make sure to add the forwarding lines for
your customizations as well. syslogd must
be stopped and restarted for these changes to take effect, using the
following commands: # /sbin/init.d/syslogd
stop # /sbin/init.d/syslogd
start With syslogd appropriately configured, now configure syslog-ng. Start with the same syslog-ng.conf templates used by the clog_wizard. Copy /opt/dsau/share/clog/templates/syslog-ng.conf.server.template to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server. This file has
tokens named <%token-name%> that are
replaced by the wizard based on the administrator’s answers
to the wizard’s questions. Replace the tokens as follows: When using the TCP protocol and configuring the
consolidation server to consolidate its own syslogs, replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> token with: source s_syslog_udp { udp(port(514)); };
Replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> token with: log { source(s_syslog_udp); destination(d_syslog_tcp); };
This causes the syslog-ng consolidator
to read the local syslogd’s UDP messages
and send them to syslog-ng on the local TCP port.
Optionally, the destination could be set to be the local consolidation
file directly, (destination(d_syslog) in this default template), but this configures the consolidation
server client components in the same manner as a remote client. In
other words, when the consolidator is a client of itself, it’s
configured identically to remote clients. If using the UDP protocol or not consolidating
the local syslogs of this server, delete the<%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> and <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> tokens. Replace the <%TYPE%> tokens with either udp or tcp depending
on the desired log transport to support. Note that even when using TCP clients, UDP clients are also supported
if the consolidation of the server’s local syslogs is configured. There are multiple lines with the <%TYPE%> token and all must be edited appropriately. For the “source s_syslog_<%TYPE%>” line, replace
the <%PORT%> and<%KEEP_ALIVE%> tokens with appropriate values,
as follows: source s_syslog_<%TYPE%> { <%TYPE%>(port(<%PORT%>) <%KEEP_ALIVE%>); };
For TCP, the port needs to be an available TCP
port. See section “Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard” for a discussion of selecting an available port. For UDP, use port
514. <%KEEP_ALIVE%> applies only when selecting TCP as the log transport. Replace this
token with “keep-alive(yes) ” which instructs syslog-ng to keep connections
open when it is rereading its configuration file. If using UDP, delete
this token. For the “destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%>” line, replace
the <%IP%> and<%PORT%> tokens: destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%> { <%TYPE%>(“<%IP%>” port(<%PORT%>)); };
For example, for TCP: destination d_syslog_tcp { tcp(“local_hostname” port(1776)); };
where the <%IP%> is replaced by the server’s IP address or local hostname
and the <%PORT%> is replaced by
the selected TCP port number. For UDP: destination d_syslog_udp { udp(“local_hostname” port(514)); }
where <%IP%> is replaced by
the server’s IP address or local hostname and the <%PORT%> token is replaced by 514, the standard syslog UDP port. Replace the<%FS%> token with the filesystem or directory
where the consolidated logs will be kept. For example, destination d_syslog { file(“<%FS%>/syslog/syslog.log”); };
becomes: destination d_syslog { file(“/clog/syslog/syslog.log”); };
Make sure that this directory exists or the appropriate
filesystem is mounted. Since consolidated logs can grow quite large,
HP recommends that this filesystem use the largefiles option and that
there is sufficient room for growth. When using TCP, record
the port number you choose above in the /etc/services file. For example, add the line: clog_tcp 1776/tcp # Consolidated logging with syslog-ng
Create the following symbolic
link: ln -sf /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server /etc/syslog-ng.conf
The syslog-ng startup procedure, /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng, relies on several configuration variables. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng as follows: Change the CLOG_CONFIGURED line to: Add the following lines: CLOG_CONSOLIDATOR=1
CLOG_FS=directory where the consolidated logs will be stored
If using the TCP protocol, add: CLOG_TCP=1
CLOG_TCP_PORT=tcp port chosen for log consolidation
otherwise, if using the UDP protocol, add: If consolidating the local syslogs, add: otherwise add: For a standalone consolidator, add the following: CLOG_SYSTEM_LOG_CONSOLIDATION_DIR=<consolidated log directory/syslog>
CLOG_SERVICEGUARD_PACKAGE_LOG_CONSOLIDATION_DIR=<consolidated log directory/packages>
Add the following two
values that are used by the System Log Viewer: CLOG_LAYOUTS_DIR=/var/opt/dsau/layouts
Test the configuration
by performing the following steps: Run /opt/dsau/sbin/syslog-ng with the -s or --syntax-only option to verify the syntax of the /etc/syslog-ng.conf file. This should be a symbolic link to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server as described previously. Start syslog-ng using /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng start. If consolidating the local
syslogs, use logger test-message and make sure this message is in the consolidated syslog.log. If you are not consolidating the local logs,
use the logger command from a log forwarding client.
Note that the logger messages are first sent to the local syslog which forwards them to syslog-ng. syslogd by default suppresses duplicate messages. If you issue multiple
logger test messages, make sure each is unique.
Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster as a Log Consolidation
ServerConfiguring a Serviceguard cluster as a log consolidation
server is similar to the steps for a single system. All cluster members
must be up and accessible before proceeding. Create the configuration files described below
on every cluster member. The simplest approach is to configure one
member completely and then copy each configuration file cluster-wide.
The cexec and ccp tools can
simplify replicating changes cluster-wide. For a cluster configuration, syslog-ng is configured as a package so the log consolidation service is highly
available. The package must be named clog and the
package configuration files require the following information: Registered IP address and DNS name for the clog package The subnet associated with that IP address Cluster-wide storage configuration using LVM or VxVM A filesystem configured on the cluster-wide storage,
that can be VxFS or CFS. Since consolidated
logs grow rapidly, HP recommends that the filesystem be configured
using the largefiles option and that there is room for growth.
Complete IP address registration and storage/filesystem
configuration before continuing. For additional information on creating
the Serviceguard storage/filesystem configuration for a package, refer
to the Managing Serviceguard manual. For an overview of how to configure
consolidated logging in a cluster, see the section “Cluster Configuration Notes for clog”. If you want the local syslog messages
for the cluster itself to be part of the consolidated syslog, complete the following tasks: Start
by configuring the standard syslogd to co-exist
with a syslog-ng consolidator. By default, syslogd listens for incoming log messages on UDP port 514.
To use the UDP protocol or consolidate this server’s local syslogs, syslog-ng must listen on UDP
port 514. Edit/etc/rc.config.d/syslogd and change SYSLOGD_OPTS to add the -N switch to prevent syslogd from listening on port
514. For example: Edit
the/etc/syslog.conf file to forward log messages
to UDP port 514 on the local host where they will be read by syslog-ng. Using the HP-UX default /etc/syslog.conf as the example, add the following lines: mail.debug @log-consolidation-server
*.info;mail.none @log-consolidation-server
where log-consolidation-server is the fully qualified domain name of the local cluster member.
The name must be fully qualified or syslogd will
not forward messages properly. If you have customized syslog.conf, make sure to add the forwarding lines for your customizations as
well. Since /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd is generic, it can be distributed
cluster-wide using ccp, as follows: # cpp /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd /etc/rc.config.d/
The /etc/syslog.conf is specific to each member and the edits
described previously must be performed on each cluster
member. Once you have made the above changes on each cluster member, syslogd must be restarted for these changes to take effect.
Use cexec to do this on all members of the cluster: # cexec “/sbin/init.d/syslogd stop;/sbin/init.d/syslogd start”
configure syslog-ng, start with the same syslog-ng.conf templates used by the clog_wizard. On one cluster member, copy /opt/dsau/share/clog/templates/syslog-ng.conf.server.template
to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server. Then copy an /opt/dsau/share/clog/templates/syslog-ng.conf.client.template
to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client. Both files have
tokens named <%token-name%> that are replaced by the wizard based on the
administrator’s answers to the wizard’s questions. Manually replace the tokens in /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server as follows: When using the TCP protocol and configuring the consolidation
server to consolidate its own syslogs, replace
with: source s_syslog_udp { udp(port(514)); };
Replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> token with: log { source(s_syslog_udp); destination(d_syslog_tcp); };
This causes the syslog-ng consolidator to read the local syslogd’s
UDP messages and send them to syslog-ng on the
local TCP port. Optionally, the destination could be set to be the
local consolidation file directly (destination(d_syslog) in this default template), but the above configuration sets the
consolidation server client components in the same manner as a remote
client. In other words, when the consolidator is a client of itself,
it is configured identically to remote clients. If using the UDP protocol or
not consolidating the local syslogs of this cluster,
delete the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> and <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> tokens. Replace
the <%TYPE%> tokens with either udp or tcp depending
on the desired log transport to support. Note that even when using TCP clients, UDP clients are also supported,
if the consolidation of the cluster’s local syslogs is configured. There are multiple lines with the <%TYPE%> token and all must be edited appropriately. For
the “source s_syslog_<%TYPE%>” line, replace the <%PORT%> and <%KEEP_ALIVE%> tokens with appropriate
values: source s_syslog_<%TYPE%> {<%TYPE%>(port(<%PORT%>)<%KEEP_ALIVE%>); };
For TCP, the port needs to be an available TCP
port on all cluster members. See the section “Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard” for a discussion of selecting an
available port. For UDP, use port 514. <%KEEP_ALIVE%> applies only when selecting TCP as the log transport. Replace this
token with “keep-alive(yes)” which instructs syslog-ng to keep connections
open when it is rereading its configuration file. If using UDP, delete
this token. For
the destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%> line, replace the <%IP%> and <%PORT%> tokens: destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%> { <%TYPE%>(“<%IP%>” port(<%PORT%>)); };
For example, for TCP: destination d_syslog_tcp { tcp(“package IP” port(1776)); };
where the <%IP%> is replaced by the clog package IP address or
hostname and the <%PORT%> is replaced
by the selected TCP port number. For UDP: destination d_syslog_udp { udp(“package IP” port(514)); };
where <%IP%> is replaced by the clog package IP address or hostname and the <%PORT%> token is replaced by 514, the standard syslog UDP port. Replace
the <%FS%> token with the filesystem
or directory where the consolidated logs will be kept. This filesystem/directory
is the one managed by the Serviceguard package. For example: destination d_syslog { file(“<%FS%>/syslog/syslog.log”); };
destination d_syslog { file(“/clog/syslog/syslog.log”); };
Make sure that this filesystem mount point exists
cluster-wide and that the storage fails over correctly cluster-wide.
Since consolidated logs can grow quite large, HP recommends that this
filesystem use the largefiles option and that there is sufficient
room for growth. For additional information on creating the Serviceguard
storage/filesystem configuration for a package, refer to the Managing Serviceguard manual.
replace the tokens in /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client as follows: If configuring the cluster to consolidate its own syslogs, replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> token with: source s_syslog_udp { udp(port(514)); };
Replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> token with: log { source(s_syslog_udp); destination(d_syslog_<type>); };
where <type> is either tcp or udp depending on the desired log transport. This
causes syslog-ng to read the local syslogd’s UDP messages and send them to the log consolidation server. If you do not want to consolidate
the local syslogs of this cluster, delete the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> and <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> tokens.
all the <%TYPE%> tokens with either tcp or udp depending
on the desired log transport. Find
the line: “destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%>{
<%TYPE%>(“<%IP%>”port(<%PORT>%>)); };.” Replace <%IP%> with the IP address of the clog package. For
TCP, replace <%PORT%> with the
TCP port used for log forwarding (selected above). For UDP, replace <%PORT%> with 514, the standard UDP port.
The syslog-ng startup procedure, /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng, relies on several
configuration variables. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng as follows: Change
the CLOG_CONFIGURED line to: Add
the following lines: If using the TCP protocol, add: CLOG_TCP=1
CLOG_TCP_PORT=tcp port chosen for log consolidation
otherwise, if using the UDP protocol, add: If consolidating the local syslogs, add: otherwise, add: If consolidating package logs of this cluster,
add: otherwise Add
the following two values which are used by the System Log Viewer: CLOG_LAYOUTS_DIR=/var/opt/dsau/layouts
the files edited thus far need to be distributed cluster-wide: # ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server /etc/
# ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client /etc/
# ccp /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng /etc/rc.config.d/
using TCP, record the port number you chose above in the /etc/services file. For example, add the line: clog_tcp 1776/tcp # Consolidated logging with syslog-ng
Add this line to /etc/services for each member of the cluster.
Creating the clog PackageTo create the consolidated logging or clog package, start by copying the package templates: # mkdir /etc/cmcluster/clog
# cd /etc/cmcluster/clog
# cp /opt/dsau/share/serviceguard/templates/clog.conf.template clog.conf
# cp /opt/dsau/share/serviceguard/templates/clog.script.template clog
# chmod +x clog
Both the clog.conf package
configuration file and the clog package control
script need to be edited to replace marker tokens with the correct values. For clog.conf, there is only
one token to replace, <%SG_PKG_SUBNET%>. This identifies the package’s subnet. It is the same as
the subnet value in the package control script. Use netstat
-i to help identify the proper subnet for the package’s
IP address. For the package control script, clog, make the changes described below. The default script template assumes you are using
an LVM-based storage configuration. Replace the volume group/filesystem
related tokens as appropriate for the package’s storage configuration
as follows: Find
the line “VG[0]=“<%SG_PKG_VOL_GRP%>”” and replace the token with the name of the VM volume group
for the package. For example: If using VxVM, comment out the LVM Volume Group
line VG[0]=”<%SG_PKG_VOL_GRP%>”. Uncomment the line “VXVM_DG[0]=” and put in the VxVM Disk Group. Find
the line “LV[0]=“<%SG_PKG_LOG_VOL%>”” and replace the token with the full name of the logical
volume. For example: LV[0]=“/dev/vgclog/lvol1”
the line “FS[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS%>”” and replace the token with the name of the filesystem created
for this package. For example: All the consolidated logs will reside on this
filesystem. The specific location for the consolidated package logs
and the consolidated syslogs is specified in
the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file. Using /clog as the example, the default locations based on the
template /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file are: /clog/syslog/syslog.log
/clog/packages/package name.log
the line “FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_MNT_OPT%>”:” and replace the token with the filesystem’s mount
options. For example: FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]=-o rw,largefiles
the line “FS_TYPE[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_TYPE%>”” and replace the token with the filesystem type. For example: Find
the line “FS_UMOUNT_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_UMOUNT_OPT%>”” and replace the token with any filesystem umount options. The token can be removed and this option left blank if
there are no special umount options. For example: Find
the line “FS_FSCK_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_FSCK_OPT%>”” and replace the token with any filesystem specific fsck
options. The token can be deleted and this option left blank. For
example: Find
the line “IP[0]=“<%SG_PKG_IP%>”” and replace the token with the IP address of the clog package.
For example: Find
the line “SUBNET[0]=“<%SG_PKG_SUBNET%>”” and replace the token with the subnet for the packages IP
address. Use netstat -i to help
determine the subnet. For example:
You next need to distribute the package files
cluster-wide. To do this, perform the following steps: First,
create the package directory on all the other members: # cexec mkdir /etc/cmcluster/clog
the package control script and package ASCII configuration file: # ccp clog clog.conf /usr/local/cmcluster/conf/clog/
the /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file, by adding the following lines: CLOG_PKG_VOL_GRP=LVM-volume-group
CLOG_PKG_LOG_VOL=logical-volume(full path)
CLOG_PKG_FS=filesystem mount point where the consolidated logs are stored
CLOG_PKG_MNT_OPT=file systems mount options such as -o rw,largefiles
CLOG_PKG_FS_TYPE=file system type
CLOG_PKG_IP=IP address of the clog package
CLOG_PKG_SUBNET=subnet of the clog package’s IP address
CLOG_SYSTEM_LOG_CONSOLIDATION_DIR=file system mount point/syslog
it cluster-wide: # ccp /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng /etc/rc.config.d/
Testing and Starting the clog PackageBefore starting the package, test the configuration
thus far: Run /opt/dsau/sbin/syslog-ng with the -s or --syntax-only option to verify the syntax
of the/etc/syslog-ng.conf.server and/etc/syslog-ng.conf.client files. For the package’s
adoptive node, a symbolic link will be created named /etc/syslog-ng.conf and this symbolic link will point to the .server file. For the remaining cluster members, the symbolic link will
point to the.client file. Since the package is
not yet running, use syslog-ng to check each file
explicitly as follows: # /opt/dsau/sbin/syslog-ng --syntax-only --cfgfile /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server
# /opt/dsau/sbin/syslog-ng --syntax-only --cfgfile /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client
If all the edits have been applied correctly,
no errors should be displayed. Start syslog-ng on each cluster member. Each syslog-ng will start as a log forwarding client: # cexec /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng start
Use the cluster-wide ps command, cps, to validate that all the daemons started correctly: # cps -ef │ grep syslog-ng
You should see a syslog-ng daemon
running on each cluster member. Create
the clog package: # cd /etc/cmcluster/clog/
# cmapplyconf -P clog.conf
Serviceguard will validate the package configuration
and report any errors. Correct any errors and try again. Start
the clog package: Then use cmviewcl to make sure it is running: If there are problems running the package, check
the /etc/cmcluster/clog/clog.log files on each
member to help troubleshoot the problem. Validate
that log forwarding is working properly. If consolidating the cluster’s
local syslogs, use “logger test-message” and make sure this message
is in the consolidated syslog.log. If you are
not consolidating local logs, use the logger command
from a log forwarding client. Note that logger messages are first sent to the local syslogd, which forwards them to syslog-ng. By default, syslogd suppresses duplicate messages. If you issue multiple logger test messages, make sure each is unique. The logger message should appear in the consolidated syslog.log located in the directory specified in the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file. For the examples above,
that directory would be /clog/syslog/syslog.log. If consolidating package logs for this cluster,
any package actions that generate package log information, such as
a package failover, should cause a consolidated package log to appear
in /clog/packages.
Using VxVM Instead of LVMThe default clog package script template assumes
that you are using LVM based storage. To use VxVM storage instead,
you must edit the clog package script under /usr/local/cmcluster/conf/clog/clog. Comment out the LVM
Volume Group line “VG[0]=“xxx””, uncomment the line “VXVM_DG[0]=”, and enter the VxVM Disk Group. Manually Configuring Log Forwarding ClientsYou can configure either a standalone system or
a Serviceguard cluster as log forwarding clients. You can also manually
configure Serviceguard package logs as if they were syslog data. For each case, you set up both syslogd and syslog-ng. Manually Configuring a Standalone Log Forwarding ClientStart by configuring the standard syslogd to co-exist with a syslog-ng forwarder. By
default, syslogd listens for incoming log messages on UDP port 514. If you want
to forward this system's syslogs, syslog-ng must listen on UDP port 514. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd and change SYSLOGD_OPTS to add
the-N switch which prevents syslogd from listening on port 514. For example: Edit
the system’s /etc/syslog.conf file to
forward log messages to port 514 on the local host where they will
be read by syslog-ng. Using the HP-UX default /etc/syslog.conf as the example, add the following lines: mail.debug @fully qualified hostname
*.info;mail.none @fully qualified hostname
where fully qualified hostname is the fully qualified
hostname of this system. The name must be fully qualified or syslogd will not forward the messages properly. If you have customized syslog.conf, make sure to add the forwarding lines for your customizations as
well. Stop
and restart syslogd for these changes to take effect: # /sbin/init.d/syslogd stop
# /sbin/init.d/syslogd start
configure syslog-ng, start with the same syslog-ng.conf templates used by the clog_wizard. Copy /opt/dsau/share/clog/templates/syslog-ng.conf.client.template to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client. This file has
tokens named <%token-name%> that are replaced by the wizard based on the
administrator’s answers to the wizard’s questions. Manually replace the tokens in /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client as follows: If configuring the system to forward its syslogs to the consolidation server, replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> token with: source s_syslog_udp { udp(port(514)); };
Replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> token with: log { source(s_syslog_udp); destination(d_syslog_type); };
where type is either tcp or udp depending on the desired log transport. This
causes syslog-ng to read the local syslogd’s UDP messages and send them to the log consolidation server.
If you do not want to consolidate the local syslogs of this system, delete the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> and <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> tokens. Replace
all the <%TYPE%> tokens with either
tcp or udp depending on the desired log transport. Find
the line “destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%>{<%TYPE%>(“<%IP%>” port(<%PORT%>)); };”
If using the UDP protocol, replace <%IP%> with the IP address of the log consolidation
server and <%PORT%> with 514,
the standard UDP port. If using the TCP protocol with ssh port forwarding, replace <%IP%> with and <%PORT%> with
the port chosen for ssh port forwarding. The same
guidelines for choosing a free syslog-ng TCP port
apply to this port. For details, refer to “Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard”. Non-interactive secure shell authentication must
be set up between this system and the log consolidator (you can use
the /opt/dsau/bin/csshsetup tool for the configuration).
For details, refer to “ssh Port Forwarding”. If using the TCP protocol without ssh port forwarding, replace <%IP%> with the IP address of the log consolidation server and <%PORT%> with TCP port chosen on the log consolidator
used for log consolidation. Create
the following symbolic link: ln -sf /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client /etc/syslog-ng.conf
The syslog-ng startup procedure, /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng, relies on several
configuration variables. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng as follows: Change
the CLOG_CONFIGURED line to: Add
the following lines: CLOG_CONSOLIDATOR=0
CLOG_CONS_IP=IP address of the log consolidator
using the TCP protocol add the following lines: CLOG_TCP=1
CLOG_TCP_PORT=log consolidation server tcp port
If using ssh port forwarding
add: CLOG_SSH=1
CLOG_SSH_PORT=ssh port chosen
otherwise , use: otherwise, if using the UDP protocol, use: If consolidating the local syslogs, use: otherwise, use:
using TCP with ssh port forwarding, record the ssh port number you chose above in the /etc/services file. For example, add the line: clog_ssh 1776/tcp # Consolidated logging with ssh port forwarding
Add this line to the /etc/services file of this system. Test
the configuration by performing the following steps: Run/opt/dsau/sbin/syslog-ng with the -s or --syntax-only option to verify the syntax
of the /etc/syslog-ng.conf file. This should
be a symbolic link to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client as described above. Start syslog-ng using the following command: # /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng
start If
consolidating the local syslogs, use “logger test-message” and make sure this message is in the consolidated syslog.log on the log consolidation server. Note that
the logger messages are first sent to the local syslog which forwards them to syslog-ng. By default, syslogd suppresses duplicate messages.
If you issue multiple logger test messages, make
sure each is unique.
Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster as a Log Forwarding
ClientConfiguring a Serviceguard cluster as a log forwarding
client is similar to configuring a single system. All cluster members
must be up and accessible before proceeding. You will first configure syslogd, then syslog-ng. Create the configuration files described below
on every cluster member. The simplest approach is to completely configure
one member and then copy each configuration file cluster-wide. The cexec and ccp tools can simplify replicating
changes cluster-wide. If you want the syslog messages
for the cluster to be forwarded to the log consolidator, do the following: Start
by configuring the standard syslogd to co-exist
with a syslog-ng forwarder. By default, syslogd listens for incoming log messages on UDP port 514.
To forward this cluster’s syslogs, syslog-ng must listen on UDP port 514. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd and change SYSLOGD_OPTS to add
the-N switch; this prevents syslogd from listening on port 514. For example, Edit
the system’s /etc/syslog.conf file to
forward log messages to port 514 on the local host where they will
be read by syslog-ng. Using the HP-UX default
/etc/syslog.conf as the example, add the following lines: mail.debug @fully qualified hostname
*.info;mail.none @fully qualified hostname
where fully qualified hostname is the fully qualified hostname of this cluster member. This name
must be fully qualified or syslogd will not forward
the messages properly. If you have customized syslog.conf, make sure to add the forwarding lines for your customizations as
well. Stop
and restart syslogd as follows for these changes
to take effect: # /sbin/init.d/syslogd stop
# /sbin/init.d/syslogd start
Since /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd is generic, it can be distributed
cluster-wide using ccp: # cpp /etc/rc.config.d/syslogd /etc/rc.config.d/
The /etc/syslog.conf is specific to each member and the edits
described above must be performed on each cluster member. Making
the above changes on each cluster member, syslogd must be restarted for these changes to take effect. Use cexec to do this on all members of the cluster:
# cexec “/sbin/init.d/syslogd stop;/sbin/init.d/syslogd start”
configure syslog-ng, start with the same syslog-ng.conf templates used by the clog_wizard. On one cluster member, copy the /opt/dsau/share/clog/templates/syslog-ng.conf.client.template to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client. This file contains
tokens named <%token-name%> which are replaced by the wizard based on the
administrator’s answers to the wizard’s questions. Manually replace the tokens in /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client as follows: If configuring the cluster to forward its syslogs to the consolidation server, replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> token with: source s_syslog_udp { udp(port(514)); };
Replace the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> token with: log { source(s_syslog_udp); destination(d_syslog_type); };
where type is
either tcp or udp depending on the desired log transport. This causes syslog-ng to read the local syslogd’s UDP messages
and send them to the log consolidation server. If you do not want
to consolidate the local syslogs of this cluster, delete the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> and <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> tokens. Replace
all the <%TYPE%> tokens with either tcp or udp depending
on the desired log transport. Find
the line “destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%> {<%TYPE%>(“<%IP%>”port(<%PORT%>)); };”
If using the UDP protocol, replace <%IP%> with the IP address of the log consolidation
server and <%PORT%> with 514,
the standard UDP port. If using TCP protocol with ssh port forwarding, replace <%IP%> with and <%PORT%> with
the port chosen for ssh port forwarding.
The same guidelines for choosing a free syslog-ng TCP port apply to this port. For details, refer to “Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard”. (Note that the ssh port chosen should be a free port on all cluster members).
Non-interactive secure shell authentication must be set up between
each member of this cluster and the log consolidator (can use /opt/dsau/bin/csshsetup tool for the configuration). For
details, refer to “ssh Port Forwarding”. If using the TCP protocol without ssh port forwarding, replace <%IP%> with the IP address of the log consolidation server and <%PORT%> with TCP port chosen on the log consolidator
used for log consolidation.
The syslog-ng startup procedure, /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng, relies on several
configuration variables. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng as follows: Change
the CLOG_CONFIGURED line to: Add
the following lines: CLOG_CONSOLIDATOR=0
CLOG_CONS_IP=IP address of the log consolidator
using the TCP protocol, add the following lines: CLOG_TCP=1
CLOG_TCP_PORT=log consolidation server tcp port
If using ssh port forwarding, add: CLOG_SSH=1
CLOG_SSH_PORT=ssh port chosen
otherwise, add: otherwise, if using the UDP protocol, add: If consolidating the local syslogs, add: otherwise add: If consolidating this cluster’s package logs, add: otherwise, add:
the files edited thus far need to be distributed cluster-wide: # ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client /etc/
# ccp /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng /etc/rc.config.d/
Create the following symbolic link on each cluster
member: # ln -sf /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client /etc/syslog-ng.conf
using TCP with ssh port forwarding, record the ssh port number you chose above in the /etc/services file. For example, add the line: clog_ssh 1776/tcp # Consolidated logging with ssh port forwarding
Add this line to the /etc/services file of each cluster member. To
consolidate this cluster’s package logs, additional manual
steps are needed on the log consolidation server. Each time a package
is created or deleted on this cluster, these steps need to be done.
Refer to “Consolidating Package Logs on the Log Consolidation Server”. Test
the configuration by performing the following steps: Run /opt/dsau/sbin/syslog-ng with the -s or --syntax-only option to verify the syntax
of the/etc/syslog-ng.conf file. This should be
a symbolic link to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client as described above. Start syslog-ng on all cluster members using # cexec “/sbin/init.d/syslog-ng start”
consolidating the local syslogs, use “logger test-message” and make sure this message
is in the consolidated syslog.log on the log
consolidation server. Note that the logger messages
are first sent to the local syslog which forwards them to syslog-ng.
By default, syslogd suppresses duplicate messages. If you issue multiple
logger test messages, make sure each is unique.
Forwarding ASCII Log DataThe Consolidated Logging Wizard can automatically
configure Serviceguard package logs to be monitored and forwarded
as if they were syslog data. These logs are standard
ASCII log files. For manual configurations, setting CLOG_PACKAGE=1,
as described in “Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster as a Log Forwarding
Client”, automatically takes care of package log forwarding. You can manually configure log consolidation for
arbitrary ASCII log files using the following procedures for:
Forwarding text logs for consolidation Consolidating text logs on the log consolidation server
Forwarding Text Logs for ConsolidationThis procedure contains several steps:
Make sure the system is configured as a log consolidation
client or server. (Check the /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file: if CLOG_CONFIGURED=1, the system is configured.) If not, use
the Consolidated Logging wizard or the manual configuration methods
described in this document to configure the system for log consolidation. Edit the system’s /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file. For each ASCII log file you plan to consolidate, do the following: Add an entry to the CLOG_TEXT_LOG[]array, starting at array index 0. The value for the array entry must
be a complete path to the ASCII log file. For example, CLOG_TEXT_LOG[0]=/var/opt/myapp/myapp.log
By default, as each line of the text log is forwarded
to the log consolidator, values for several parameters are prepended
to each record make the record compatible with syslog record format. If the system is part of a Serviceguard cluster, the
following values are prepended: date timestamp hostname
clustername_logfilename If the system is not part of a Serviceguard cluster,
the following values are prepended: date timestamp hostname
hostname_logfilename This is equivalent to
specifying the following: CLOG_TEXT_FORMAT[n]="custom"
For example, assuming the log files myapp.logand mylog.logare not in syslog format, the original example could have been fully
specified as the following: CLOG_TEXT_LOG[0]=/var/opt/myapp/myapp.log
If the text file is already formatted using the syslog-compatible format shown above, then add the corresponding CLOG_TEXT_FORMAT[n]entry with a value of “syslog”. For example, CLOG_TEXT_LOG[2]=/var/adm/app/logs/app.log
If no CLOG_TEXT_FORMAT[]entry is made for
a corresponding CLOG_TEXT_LOG[]entry, the default
is “custom”. For an example of a file in syslogformat,
see the actual system log file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.
After completing the required edits, there are two
ways to initiate forwarding for the new log files: Restarting syslog-ng (recommended
if not in a production environment) Manual restart, that does not disrupt syslog-ng
The procedures are the following: Restart syslog-ng. For example,
issue the following command: /sbin/init.d/syslog-ng
restart This will disrupt syslog-ng and may cause
loss of messages that are being forwarded or consolidated. If your
system is not in a production environment, and losing some messages
is acceptable, this method is preferable to using the more difficult
manual restart. Start the clog_tail process manually
for the text log file. If the text log file is in syslog format, use the following command: /opt/dsau/bin/clog_tail -q -n 0 -p log_file_path If the text log file is in a custom format, use the following
command: /opt/dsau/bin/clog_tail -q -n 0 -p -a log_file_path where log_file_path is the complete path
to the ASCII log file. For example, for a log called myapp.log in custom format, the following command starts clog_tail: # /opt/dsau/bin/clog_tail -q -n 0 -p -a /var/opt/myapp/myapp.log If the system is a Serviceguard cluster, copy the edited /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file cluster-wide with the
following command: # ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server /etc/ Either restart syslog-ng or start the clog_tail of the text-log on all
cluster nodes.
Consolidating Text Logs on the Log Consolidation ServerTo consolidate the text logs forwarded from clients
to a Log Consolidation Server, complete the following tasks on the
Log Consolidation Server:
For each text log that will be forwarded from a client,
add the following destination, filter and log lines to the file syslog-ng.conf.server, after the section called HP_AUTOMATED_LOG_FILE_CONSOLIDATION: For the
destination line: destination d_node1_text1{ file(“fs/textdir/node1_text1.log”); };
For the filter line: filter f_node1_text1{ program(node1_text1.log); };
For the log line: log { source(s_syslog_type); filter (f_node1_text1);destination(d_node1_text1); flags(final);};
where text1 is the text logfile name, node1 is the relocatable IP address (for a Serviceguard
cluster) or hostname (for a non-Serviceguard
cluster) that is forwarding this text log, fs is the filesystem on the log consolidator where the consolidated
logs will be stored, type is the “s_source”
definition, either _tcp or _udp, depending on the log transport selected, and textdir is the name of the directory where you plan to store all text logs. If the log consolidator is a Serviceguard cluster,
make sure to copy the edited /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file cluster-wide with the following command: # ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server /etc/ sighup syslog-ng on the log consolidator
so that it rereads its configuration file. (sighup is a UNIX method
for restarting a process.) On a Serviceguard log consolidator, sighup syslog-ng only on the adoptive node of the clog package.
Stopping Consolidation of Text LogsTo stop consolidation of text logs, complete the
following tasks for each system where you plan to stop log consolidation:
Edit the system’s /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file. For each ASCII log file you plan to stop consolidating, do
the following: Remove the CLOG_TEXT_LOG[] and the corresponding CLOG_TEXT_FORMAT[]
entry for that text log, if present. For example, to stop
consolidation of the text log myapp.log, remove
the following entries from the /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file: CLOG_TEXT_LOG[4]=/var/opt/myapp.log CLOG_TEXT_FORMAT[4]="syslog"
After making the required edits, restart syslog-ng using the command: /sbin/init.d.syslog-ng restart so that the changes to the /etc/rc/config.d/syslog-ng file take effect. If the system is a Serviceguard cluster, copy the edited /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ng file cluster-wide with the
following command: # ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server /etc/ Restart syslog-ng on all cluster nodes. For each text log that is deleted from a client that
is forwarding its text logs, delete the corresponding destination,
filter and log lines from the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file of the log consolidator. syslog-ng on
the log consolidator must be sighup’d so that it rereads this
configuration file. On a Serviceguard log consolidator,
the updated /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file must
be distributed cluster-wide. However, the sighup of syslog-ng needs to be done only on the adoptive node of the clog package.
Consolidating Package Logs on the Log Consolidation ServerWhen remote Serviceguard clusters forward package
log data to a log consolidation server, the default is to place all
forwarded log messages in the consolidated syslog.log file on the consolidation server. It can be much more convenient
to place these messages in cluster-specific consolidated package log
files instead of in the consolidated syslog.log file. This can be achieved using syslog-ng’s
filtering rules as follows: For
each package that will be forwarded from a cluster client, add the
following destination, filter and log lines to the syslog-ng.conf.server file, after the HP_AUTOMATED_LOG_FILE_CONSOLIDATION section. destination d_<clu1>_<pkg1> { file(“<fs>/packages/<clu1>_<pkg1>.log”); };
filter f_<clu1>_<pkg1> { program(<clu1>_<pkg1>.log); };
log { source(s_syslog_<type>);
filter(f_<clu1>_<pkg1>);destination(d_<clu1>_<pkg1>); flags(final);};
where <pkg1> is the package name, <clu1> is
the package’s relocatable IP address that is forwarding this
package log, <type> is either _tcp or _udp, depending on the log transport
selected, and <fs> is the filesystem
on the log consolidator where the consolidated logs will be stored. If
the log consolidator is a Serviceguard cluster, make sure to copy
the edited /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file cluster-wide
as follows: # ccp /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server
/etc/ sighup syslog-ng on the log consolidator,
so that it re-reads its configuration file. (sighup is a UNIX method
for restarting a process.) On a Serviceguard log consolidator, sighup syslog-ng only on the adoptive node of the clog package. For
each package that is deleted from a cluster client that is forwarding
its package logs, delete the corresponding destination, filter and
log lines from the /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file of the log consolidator. syslog-ng on the
log consolidator will need to be sighup’d so that it re-reads
this configuration file. On a Serviceguard log consolidator, the updated /etc/syslog-ng.conf.server file will need to be distributed
cluster-wide. However, the sighup of syslog-ng only
needs to be done on the adoptive node of the clog package.