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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 6 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.05.xx)


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Table of Contents

I/O: Topics
I/O: Concepts and Functionality
System, Cells, SBA, LBA, Devices and Relationships
I/O: Adding or Deleting LBAs
I/O Syntax in Brief
I/O: Allocation Notes
Memory: Topics
Memory: Concepts and Functionality
Definitions for Assigning (Adding) Or Deleting ILM or CLM Memory
Definitions for Dynamically Migrating ILM or CLM Memory
Advanced Topic: Granularity
Memory: Assigning (Adding) or Deleting by Size (ILM)
Memory: Assigning (Adding) Or Deleting by Size (CLM)
Memory: Assigning (Adding) Or Deleting by Address Range
2 GB Restriction (PA-RISC only)
Memory: Available and Assigned Amounts
vparstatus: Available ILM and CLM Memory
vparstatus: Base and Float Memory Amounts
Memory: Converting Base Memory to Float Memory
Memory: Granularity Concepts
Granularity Value Locations
Memory: Granularity Issues (Integrity and PA-RISC)
Memory: Setting the Granularity Values (Integrity)
Usage Scenarios
Memory: Setting the Granularity Values (PA-RISC)
Usage Scenario
Memory: Notes on vPars Syntax, Rules, and Output
Memory: CLI Rules for Dynamic Migration of Memory
Memory: Allocation Unit Notes
CPU: Topics
CPU: Concepts and Functionality
CPUs: Definitions for CPUs
CPU: Specifying Min and Max Limits
CPU: Adding and Deleting by Total
CPU: Adding or Deleting by CLP (Cell Local Processor)
CPU: Adding or Deleting by Hardware Path
Using both the Hardware Path Specification and CLP specification
CPU: Notes on vPars Syntax, Rules, and Output
CPU: CLI Rules for Dynamic Migration of Memory and CPU
CPU: Deleting CPUs Summary
CPU: vparstatus
CPU: Counts Summary
CPU: Dual-Core Processors
Determining If the System Has Dual-Core Processors
Determining Sibling CPUs
CPU: Hyperthreading ON/OFF (HT ON/OFF)
CPUs: Managing I/O Interrupts
intctl Command
CPU: CPU Monitor (Formerly Known As LPMC Monitor)
Memory, CPU: Canceling Pending Operations
Status: Pending
Cancel Pending Usage

This chapter covers managing hardware resources, including the following:

NOTE: Some examples in this chapter may use a non-nPartitionable system where there is no cell in the hardware path. If using an nPartitionable system you must include the cell in the hardware path; read “Planning, Installing, and Using vPars with an nPartitionable Server”.
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