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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 6 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.05.xx)

Memory: Notes on vPars Syntax, Rules, and Output


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Memory: CLI Rules for Dynamic Migration of Memory

Note the following CLI (Command Line Interface) rules for online migration of memory and CPUs while the target partitions are up. Note that because the following applies only to online migration (in other words, where the target partition is up), it does not apply to the vparcreate command, where the target virtual partition should never be up during the vparcreate invocation.

  • In the same command, you cannot have an online addition and online deletion. For example, the following are illegal:

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a cpu::2 -d cpu::1

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a mem::1024 -d mem::512

    You must specify each change on a separate command line. For example, the following are allowed:

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a cpu::2 keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -d cpu::1
    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a mem::1024 keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -d mem::512
  • In the same command, you cannot make changes to both memory and CPU. For example, the following is illegal:

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a cpu::2 -a mem::1024

  • In the same command, you cannot make changes by both address and ILM or both address and CLM. For example, the following are illegal:

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a mem::1024 -a mem:::0x40000000:256

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a cell:6:mem::1024 -a mem:::0x40000000:256

  • In the same command, you can specify both ILM and CLM changes. For example, the following are allowed:

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a mem::1024 -a cell:6:mem::1024

  • In the same command, you can migrate both base and float memory. For example, the following are allowed:

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a mem::512:b -a mem::512:f

    • keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a mem::512:b -a cell:0:mem::512:f -a cell:2:mem::1024

Memory: Allocation Unit Notes

  • The default memory assigned to a virtual partition is 0 MB, so you need to specify enough memory for your applications and the operating system. See the Installation and Update Guide for your OS and the nPartition Administrator’s Guide for your server.

  • The unit for the specified size of memory for the vPars commands is megabytes; parmodify uses gigabytes.

  • Memory is allocated in multiples of granule size.

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