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nbuf(5) - OBSOLETED kernel tunable parameter — see dbc_max_pct(5)
ncdnode(5) - maximum number of open CDFS files (system-wide)
nclist(5) - number of cblocks for pty and tty data transfers
ncsize(5) - number of Directory Name Lookup Cache (DNLC) entries
nfile(5) - maximum number of open files (system-wide)
nflocks(5) - maximum number of file locks
nfs_portmon(5) - enable/disable the NFS server's source port verification check
nfs2_max_threads(5) - control the number of kernel threads that perform asynchronous I/O for the NFS version 2 client
nfs2_nra(5) - control the number of read-ahead operations queued by the NFS version 2 client when sequentially accessing a file
nfs3_bsize(5) - control the logic block size used by NFS version 3 clients
nfs3_do_readdirplus(5) - turn on or off NFS version 3 readdirplus functionality on the NFS server
nfs3_jukebox_delay(5) - control the length of time the NFS version 3 client waits before re-transmitting a request after receiving a NFS3ERR_JUKEBOX error
nfs3_max_threads(5) - control the number of kernel threads that perform asynchronous I/O for the NFS version 3 client
nfs3_max_transfer_size(5) - control the data portion size of a NFS version 3 read, write, readdir, or readdirplus request
nfs3_max_transfer_size_cots(5) - control the data portion size of a NFS version 3 read, write, readdir, or readdirplus request over TCP
nfs3_nra(5) - control the number of read-ahead operations queued by the NFS version 3 client when sequentially accessing a file
nfs4_bsize(5) - control the logic block size used by NFS version 4 clients
nfs4_max_threads(5) - control the number of kernel threads that perform asynchronous I/O for the NFS version 4 client
nfs4_max_transfer_size(5) - control the size of the data portion of a NFS version 4 read, write, readdir, or readdirplus request
nfs4_max_transfer_size_cots(5) - control the data portion size of a NFS version 4 read, write, readdir, or readdirplus request over TCP
nfs4_nra(5) - control the number of read-ahead operations queued by the NFS version 4 client when sequentially accessing a file
nfssec(5) - overview of NFS security modes
ninode(5) - maximum number of HFS file system open inodes that can be in memory
nkthread(5) - limits the number of threads allowed to run simultaneously
nodehostnamesize(5) - size of node name and host name
nproc(5) - limits the number of processes allowed to exist simultaneously
npty(5) - maximum number of BSD pseudo terminals (ptys)
NSTREVENT(5) - maximum number of outstanding STREAMS bufcalls
nstrpty(5) - maximum number of STREAMS-based pseudo terminals (pts)
NSTRPUSH(5) - maximum number of STREAMS modules in a single stream
NSTRSCHED(5) - number of STREAMS scheduler daemons to run
nstrtel(5) - specifies the number of telnet device files the kernel can support for incoming telnet sessions
nswapdev(5) - maximum number of devices that can be enabled for swap
nswapfs(5) - maximum number of file systems that can be enabled for swap
nsysmap(5) - number of entries in a kernel dynamic memory allocation map
nsysmap64(5) - number of entries in a kernel dynamic memory allocation map — see nsysmap(5)
numa_policy(5) - physical memory allocation policy on cell-based HP-UX servers
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