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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 5 Booting and Resetting nPartitions

Booting and Shutting Down Linux


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This section has procedures for booting and shutting down Linux on cell-based HP Integrity servers and a procedure for adding Linux to the boot options list.

Linux Support for Cell Local Memory

On servers based on the HP sx1000 chipset or HP sx2000 chipset, each cell has a cell local memory (CLM) parameter, which determines how firmware interleaves memory residing on the cell.

NOTE: Red Hat Enterprise Linux does not support using CLM. Before booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux on an nPartition, you must ensure that the CLM parameter for each cell in the nPartition is set to zero (0). Although you might be able to boot Red Hat Enterprise Linux on an nPartition with CLM configured, any memory configured as cell local is unusable, and such a configuration is untested and unsupported.

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server supports using CLM. The optimal CLM settings for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server depend on the applications and workload the OS is running.

To check CLM configuration details from an OS, use Partition Manager or the parstatus command. For example, the parstatus -V -c# command and parstatus -V -p# command report the CLM amount requested and CLM amount allocated for the specified cell (-c#, where # is the cell number) or the specified nPartition (-p#, where # is the nPartition number).

To check CLM configuration details from the EFI Shell on a cell-based HP Integrity server, use the info mem command. If the amount of "NonInterleaved Memory" reported is less than 512 MB then no CLM is configured for any cells in the nPartition (and the indicated amount of noninterleaved memory is used by system firmware). If the info mem command reports more than 512 MB of noninterleaved memory then use use Partition Manager or the parstatus command to confirm the CLM configuration details.

To set the CLM configuration, use Partition Manager or the parmodify command.

Adding Linux to the Boot Options List

This section describes how to add a Linux entry to the system boot options list. The processes for adding both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SuSE Linux Enterprise Servers are given here.

You can add the \EFI\redhat\elilo.efi loader or the \efi\SuSE\elilo.efi loader to the boot options list from the EFI Shell or EFI Boot Configuration menu (or in some versions of EFI, the Boot Option Maintenance menu).

NOTE: On HP Integrity servers, the operating system installer automatically adds an entry to the boot options list.

Procedure 5-22 Adding a Linux Boot Option

This procedure adds a Linux item to the boot options list.

  1. Access the EFI Shell environment.

    Log in to the management processor and enter CO to access the system console.

    When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the EFI Boot Manager menu (the main EFI menu). If at another EFI menu, select the Exit option from the sub-menus until you return to the screen with the EFI Boot Manager heading.

    From the EFI Boot Manager menu, select the EFI Shell menu option to access the EFI Shell environment.

  2. Access the EFI System Partition (fsX: where X is the file system number) for the device from which you want to boot Linux.

    For example, enter fs2: to access the EFI System Partition for the bootable file system number 2. The EFI Shell prompt changes to reflect the file system currently accessed.

    The full path for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux loader is \EFI\redhat\elilo.efi and it should be on the device you are accessing.

    The full path for the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server loader is \efi\SuSE\elilo.efi and it should be on the device you are accessing.

  3. At the EFI Shell environment, use the bcfg command to manage the boot options list.

    The bcfg command includes the following options for managing the boot options list:

    • bcfg boot dump — Display all items in the boot options list for the system.

    • bcfg boot rm # — Remove the item number specified by # from the boot options list.

    • bcfg boot mv #a #b — Move the item number specified by #a to the position specified by #b in the boot options list.

    • bcfg boot add # file.efi "Description" — Add a new boot option to the position in the boot options list specified by #. The new boot option references file.efi and is listed with the title specified by Description.

      For example, bcfg boot add 1 \EFI\redhat\elilo.efi "Red Hat Enterprise Linux"adds a Red Hat Enterprise Linux item as the first entry in the boot options list.

      Likewise, bcfg boot add 1 \efi\SuSE\elilo.efi "SLES 9"adds a SuSE Linux item as the first entry in the boot options list.

    See the help bcfg command for details.

  4. Exit the console and management processor interfaces if you are finished using them.

    To exit the EFI environment press ^B (Control-B); this exits the system console and returns to the management processor Main Menu. To exit the management processor, type X at the Main Menu.

Booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux

You can boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS on HP Integrity servers using either of the methods described in this section.

Refer to “Shutting Down Linux” for details on shutting down the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS.


ACPI Configuration for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Must Be single-pci-domain or default. On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS an nPartition must have its ACPI configuration value set to single-pci-domain or default.

  • On HP rx7620 servers, rx8620 servers, or Integrity Superdome (SD16A, SD32A, SD64A), the ACPI configuration must be set to single-pci-domain.

  • On HP rx7640 servers, rx8640 servers, or Integrity Superdome (SD16B, SD32B, SD64B), the ACPI configuration must be set to default.

At the EFI Shell, enter the acpiconfig command with no arguments to list the current ACPI configuration. If the acpiconfig value is not set correctly then Red Hat Enterprise Linux could panic; in this situation you must reconfigure acpiconfig to eliminate any bus address conflicts and ensure all I/O slots have unique addresses.

To set the ACPI configuration for Red Hat Enterprise Linux: At the EFI Shell enter the acpiconfig value command, where value is either single-pci-domain (for rx7620 and rx8620 servers) or default (for rx7640 and rx8640 servers). Then enter the reset command for the nPartition to reboot with the proper configuration for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Use either of these methods to boot Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

  • Choose a Red Hat Enterprise Linux entry from the EFI Boot Manager menu.

    To load the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS at the EFI Boot Manager menu, choose its entry from the list of boot options.

    Choosing a Linux entry from the boot options list boots the OS using ELILO.EFI loader and the elilo.conf file.

  • Initiate the ELILO.EFI Linux loader from the EFI Shell.

    Refer to the procedure “Booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux (EFI Shell)” for details.

    On a Red Hat Enterprise Linux boot device EFI System Partition, the full paths to the loader and configuration files are:



    After choosing the file system for the boot device (for example, fs0:) you can initiate the Linux loader from the EFI Shell prompt by entering the full path for the ELILO.EFI loader.

By default the ELILO.EFI loader boots Linux using the kernel image and parameters specified by the default entry in the elilo.conf file on the EFI System Partition for the boot device.

To interact with the ELILO.EFI loader, interrupt the boot process (for example, type a space) at the ELILO boot prompt. To exit the ELILO.EFI loader, use the exit command.

Procedure 5-23 Booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux (EFI Shell)

Use this procedure to boot Red Hat Enterprise Linux from the EFI Shell.

Refer to “ACPI Configuration for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Must Be single-pci-domain or default” for required configuration details.

  1. Access the EFI Shell.

    From the system console, choose the EFI Shell entry from the EFI Boot Manager menu to access the shell.

  2. Access the EFI System Partition for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux boot device.

    Use the map EFI Shell command to list the file systems (fs0, fs1, and so on) that are known and have been mapped.

    To choose a file system to use, enter its mapped name followed by a colon (:). For example, to operate with the boot device that is mapped as fs3, enter fs3: at the EFI Shell prompt.

  3. Enter ELILO at the EFI Shell command prompt to launch the ELILO.EFI loader.

    If needed, you can specify the loader's full path by entering \EFI\redhat\elilo at the EFI Shell command prompt.

  4. Allow the ELILO.EFI loader to proceed with booting the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel.

    By default, the ELILO.EFI loader boots the kernel image and options specified by the default item in the elilo.conf file.

    To interact with the ELILO.EFI loader, interrupt the boot process (for example, type a space) at the ELILO boot prompt. To exit the loader, use the exit command.

Booting SuSE Linux Enterprise Server

You can boot the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server OS on HP Integrity servers using either of the methods described in this section.

Refer to “Shutting Down Linux” for details on shutting down the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server OS.


ACPI Configuration for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Must Be single-pci-domain or default. On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server OS an nPartition must have its ACPI configuration value set to single-pci-domain or default.

  • On HP rx7620 servers, rx8620 servers, or Integrity Superdome (SD16A, SD32A, SD64A), the ACPI configuration must be set to single-pci-domain.

  • On HP rx7640 servers, rx8640 servers, or Integrity Superdome (SD16B, SD32B, SD64B), the ACPI configuration must be set to default.

At the EFI Shell, enter the acpiconfig command with no arguments to list the current ACPI configuration. If the acpiconfig value is not set correctly then SuSE Linux Enterprise Server could panic.

To set the ACPI configuration for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server: at the EFI Shell enter the acpiconfig value command, where value is either single-pci-domain (for rx7620 and rx8620 servers) or default (for rx7640 and rx8640 servers). Then enter the reset command for the nPartition to reboot with the proper configuration for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server.

Use either of these methods to boot SuSE Linux Enterprise Server:

  • Choose a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server entry from the EFI Boot Manager menu.

    To load the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server OS at the EFI Boot Manager menu, choose its entry from the list of boot options.

    Choosing a Linux entry from the boot options list boots the OS using ELILO.EFI loader and the elilo.conf file.

  • Initiate the ELILO.EFI Linux loader from the EFI Shell.

    Refer to the procedure “Booting SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (EFI Shell)” for details.

    On a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server boot device EFI System Partition, the full paths to the loader and configuration files are:



    After choosing the file system for the boot device (for example, fs0:) you can initiate the Linux loader from the EFI Shell prompt by entering the full path for the ELILO.EFI loader.

By default the ELILO.EFI loader boots Linux using the kernel image and parameters specified by the default entry in the elilo.conf file on the EFI System Partition for the boot device.

To interact with the ELILO.EFI loader, interrupt the boot process (for example, type a space) at the ELILO boot prompt. To exit the ELILO.EFI loader, use the exit command.

Procedure 5-24 Booting SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (EFI Shell)

Use this procedure to boot SuSE Linux Enterprise Server from the EFI Shell.

Refer to “ACPI Configuration for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Must Be single-pci-domain or default” for required configuration details.

  1. Access the EFI Shell.

    From the system console, choose the EFI Shell entry from the EFI Boot Manager menu to access the shell.

  2. Access the EFI System Partition for the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server boot device.

    Use the map EFI Shell command to list the file systems (fs0, fs1, and so on) that are known and have been mapped.

    To choose a file system to use, enter its mapped name followed by a colon (:). For example, to operate with the boot device that is mapped as fs3, enter fs3: at the EFI Shell prompt.

  3. Enter ELILO at the EFI Shell command prompt to launch the ELILO.EFI loader.

    If needed, you can specify the loader's full path by entering \efi\SuSE\elilo at the EFI Shell command prompt.

  4. Allow the ELILO.EFI loader to proceed with booting the SuSE Linux kernel.

    By default, the ELILO.EFI loader boots the kernel image and options specified by the default item in the elilo.conf file.

    To interact with the ELILO.EFI loader, interrupt the boot process (for example, type a space) at the ELILO boot prompt. To exit the loader, use the exit command.

Shutting Down Linux

Use the shutdown command to shut down Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server.

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server shutdown command includes the following options:


Halt after shutdown.

On cell-based HP Integrity servers, this will either power down server hardware or put the nPartition into a shutdown for reconfig state.

Use the PE command at the management processor Command menu to manually power on or power off server hardware, as needed.


Reboot after shutdown.


Cancel an already running shutdown.


When to shut down. (Required.) You can specify the time option in any of the following ways:

  • Absolute time in the format hh:mm, in which hh is the hour (one or two digits) and mm is the minute of the hour (two digits).

  • Number of minutes to wait in the format +m, in which m is the number of minutes.

  • now to immediately shut down; this is equivalent to using +0 to wait zero minutes.

Refer to the shutdown(8) Linux manpage for details. Also refer to the Linux manpage for the poweroff command.

NOTE: On HP rx7620, rx7640, rx8620, and rx8640 servers, you can configure the nPartition behavior when an OS is shut down and halted (shutdown -h or poweroff). The two options are to have hardware power off when the OS is halted, or to have the nPartition be made inactive (all cells are in a boot-is-blocked state).

The normal behavior for Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server shutdown and halt is for the nPartition to be made inactive.

For details refer to “ACPI Softpowerdown Configuration—OS Shutdown Behavior”.

Procedure 5-25 Shutting Down Linux

From the command line for Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, issue the shutdown command to shut down the OS.

  1. Log in to Linux running on the system you want to shut down.

    You should log in to the MP for the server and use the Console menu to access the system console. Accessing the console through the MP enables you to maintain console access to the system after Linux has shut down.

  2. Issue the shutdown command with the desired command-line options, and include the required time argument to specify when the operating shutdown is to occur.

    For example, shutdown -r +20 will shut down and reboot the system starting in 20 minutes.

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