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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 5 Booting and Resetting nPartitions

Accessing nPartition Console and System Boot Interfaces


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You can access an nPartition console and its BCH or EFI system boot environment through the service processor (GSP or MP).

On HP 9000 servers, the system boot environment is the Boot Console Handler (BCH) interface.

On HP Integrity servers, the system boot environment is the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI).

Each nPartition has its own system boot environment that provides you a method for interacting with the nPartition before an operating system has booted on it. The system boot environment is accessible through the nPartition console during the time after the cells assigned to the nPartition have booted and completed nPartition rendezvous and before the nPartition begins loading an operating system.

NOTE: Always login to the service processor from a tty (not console) login session. You can check your current login terminal using the who -m command.

Do not login to a service processor from an nPartition console connection. Any use of the ^b (Control-b) console exit sequence would exit the original console login—not the subsequent console-based login to the service processor—thus potentially stranding the console-based login (for example, if it too were accessing a console).

Procedure 5-1 Accessing nPartition Console and System Boot Interfaces (Service Processor)

Use the service processor Console Menu (CO) to access the BCH or EFI system boot environment for an nPartition through its console.

  1. Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) for the server complex where the nPartition resides.

    You can connect to the service processor using a direct physical connection, or using telnet for a remote connection.

    In most situations, you can telnet to the service processor.

  2. Select the Console Menu (CO) from the service processor Main Menu.

    The Console Menu is the method for accessing nPartition consoles.

    GSP MAIN MENU: Utility Subsystem FW Revision Level: SR_XXXX_D CO: Consoles VFP: Virtual Front Panel CM: Command Menu CL: Console Logs SL: Show chassis Logs HE: Help X: Exit Connection GSP> CO

    If you are accessing the service processor using a single-partition-user account, selecting the CO (console) option takes you directly to the nPartition console.

    If using an operator or administrator account, you can access the console for any of the nPartitions within the server complex.

  3. At the Console Menu, enter the nPartition number for the nPartition whose console (and BCH or EFI system boot environment) you wish to access.

    Skip this step if you are accessing the service processor using a single-partition-user account.

    If using an operator or administrator account, select the nPartition whose console you wish to access.

    GSP> CO Partitions available: # Name --- ---- 0) jules00 1) jules01 Q) Quit Please select partition number: 1 Connecting to Console: jules01 (Use ^B to return to main menu.) [A few lines of context from the console log:] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SERvice menu Displays service commands DIsplay Redisplay the current menu HElp [<menu>|<command>] Display help for menu or command REBOOT Restart Partition RECONFIGRESET Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile ---- Main Menu: Enter command or menu > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The console displays the last 10 lines of console output when you connect to it. This provides you a view of the most recent console activity.

  4. Gain interactive access to the nPartition console.

    Press Enter to access the prompt currently available from the nPartition console, if any. You will have either interactive or non-interactive access, as described in the sections “Interactive Console Access” and “Non-Interactive Console Access” in this step.

    To exit the nPartition console and return to the service processor Main Menu, type ^b (Control-b) at any time.

    Interactive Console Access. In most situations a prompt for the BCH or EFI system boot environment, or the operating system login or command prompt, is available from the nPartition console.

    • When an nPartition is at the BCH or EFI system boot environment you can access the BCH Menu, the EFI Boot Manager menu, or the EFI Shell from the nPartition console.

    • When an nPartition has booted to ISL you can use the EXIT command to exit ISL and return to the BCH interface for the nPartition.

    • When an nPartition has booted HP-UX, in order to access the BCH or EFI system boot environment you must reboot HP-UX and if necessary interrupt the automatic boot process. (To reboot the nPartition, use the shutdown -r command, or use shutdown -R if you also are changing the cell configuration of the nPartition.)

    • When an nPartition has booted Windows, in order to access the EFI system boot environment you must reboot Windows and if necessary interrupt the automatic boot process. (To reboot the nPartition, use the shutdown /r Windows command.)

    Non-Interactive Console Access. In the following situations, you cannot interact with the nPartition console. In these cases you can wait until the console is interactive or can force interactive access.

    • When the nPartition is resetting or is booting an operating system you cannot interact with software running on the nPartition.

      Once the nPartition has completed resetting, or has completed booting the operating system, you can interact with the BCH or EFI system boot environment or with an operating system running on the nPartition.

      To determine the boot state of an nPartition use the Virtual Front Panel, which is available from the service processor Main menu.

    • When another user already is attached to the console you can access the nPartition console in spy (read-only) mode or can force write access by typing ^ecf (Control-e c f).

      Spy mode allows you to view console information but does not enable you to enter commands. If you type when accessing an nPartition console in spy mode, the console prints the following message.

      [Read-only - use ^Ecf to attach to console.]

      When in spy mode, you can force access to the nPartition console by typing ^ecf (Control-e c f). Doing this provides you interactive console access and forces ("bumps") the user who was using the console into spy mode.

      [Bumped user - Admin.]
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