
Table Of Contents

Configuring Call-Coverage Features


Information About Call Coverage Features

Call-Coverage Summary

Call Hunt

Call Pickup

Call Waiting

Callback Busy Subscriber

Hunt Groups

Night Service

Overlaid Ephone-dns

How to Configure Call Coverage Features

SCCP: Configuring Call Hunt

SCCP: Verifying Call Hunt

SIP: Configuring Call Hunt

SCCP: Enabling Local-Group Call Pickup at a System-Level

SCCP: Creating Pickup Groups

SCCP: Verifying Call Pickup

SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone

SCCP: Verifying Call-Waiting Indicator Tone

SIP: Enabling Call Waiting

SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups

SCCP: Verifying Hunt Groups

SIP: Configuring Hunt Groups

SCCP: Configuring Night Service

SCCP: Verifying Night Service

SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns

SCCP: Verifying Overlaid Ephone-dns

Configuration Examples for Call Coverage Features

Call Hunt: Examples

Call Pickup: Examples

Call-Waiting Beep: Example

Call-Waiting Ring: Example

Hunt Group: Examples

Night Service: Examples

Overlaid Ephone-dns Examples

Where to Go Next

Additional References

Related Documents

Technical Assistance

Feature Information for Call Coverage Features

Configuring Call-Coverage Features

Last Updated: September 28, 2007

This chapter describes features that can be used to provide appropriate, flexible coverage for incoming calls in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME).

Finding Feature Information in This Module

Your Cisco Unified CME version may not support all of the features documented in this module. For a list of the versions in which each feature is supported, see the "Feature Information for Call Coverage" section.


Information About Call Coverage Features

How to Configure Call Coverage Features

Configuration Examples for Call Coverage Features

Where to Go Next

Additional References

Feature Information for Call Coverage Features

Information About Call Coverage Features

To configure call coverage features, you should understand the following concepts:

Call-Coverage Summary

Call Hunt

Call Pickup

Call Waiting

Callback Busy Subscriber

Hunt Groups

Night Service

Overlaid Ephone-dns

Call-Coverage Summary

Call coverage features are used to ensure that all incoming calls to Cisco Unified CME are answered by someone, regardless of whether the called number is busy or does not answer.

Some single-dialed-number call-coverage features, such as hunt groups, can send incoming calls to a single directory number to a pool of phone agents, while other features, such as call hunt, call waiting, and call forwarding increase the chance of a call being answered by giving it another chance for a connection if the dialed number is not available.

Multiple-dialed-number call-coverage features, such as call pickup, night service, and overlaid directory numbers, provide different ways for one person to answer incoming calls to multiple numbers.

Any of the call-coverage features can be combined with other call-coverage features and with shared lines and secondary numbers to design the call coverage plan that is best suited to your needs.

Table 31 summarizes call-coverage features.

Table 31 Call-Coverage Feature Summary  

How Configured

Call Forwarding

Calls are automatically diverted to a designated number on busy, no answer, all calls, or only during night-service hours.

Extension 3444 is configured to send calls to extension 3555 when it is busy or does not answer.

SCCP: Enabling Call Forwarding for a Directory Number, page 541


SIP: Configuring SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding, page 564

Call Hunt

System automatically searches for an available directory number from a matching group of directory numbers until the call is answered or the hunt is stopped.

Three ephone-dns have the same extension number, 755. One is on the manager's phone and the others are on the assistants' phones. Preference and huntstop are used to make sure that calls always come to the manager's phone first but if they can't be answered, they will ring on the first assistant's phone and if not answered, on the second assistant's phone.

SCCP: Configuring Call Hunt


SIP: Configuring Call Hunt

Call Pickup

Calls to unstaffed phones can be answered by other phone users using a soft key or by dialing a short code.

Extension 201 and 202 are both in pickup group 22. A call is received by 201, but no one is there to answer. The agent at 202 presses the GPickUp soft key to answer the call.

SCCP: Creating Pickup Groups

Call Waiting

Calls to busy numbers are presented to phone users, giving them the option to answer them or let them be forwarded.

Extension 564 is in conversation when a call-waiting beep is heard. The phone display shows the call is from extension 568 and the phone user decides to let the call go to voice mail.

SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone


SIP: Enabling Call Waiting


Calls to a pilot number are automatically answered by an interactive application that presents callers with a menu of choices before sending them to a queue for a hunt group.

The DID number 555-0125 is the pilot number for the XYZ Company. Incoming calls to this pilot number hear a menu of choices; they can press 1 for sales, 2 for service, or 3 to leave a message. The call is forwarded appropriately when callers make a choice.

See Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling Applications.

Hunt Groups

Calls are forwarded through a pool of agents until answered or sent to a final number.

Extension 200 is a pilot number for the sales department. Extensions 213, 214, and 215 belong to sales agents in the hunt group. When a call to extension 200 is received, it proceeds through the list of agents until one answers. If all the agents are busy or do not answer, the call is sent to voice mail.

SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups


SIP: Configuring Hunt Groups.

Night Service

Calls to ephone-dns that are not staffed during certain hours can be answered by other phones using call pickup.

Extension 7544 is the cashier's desk but the cashier only works until 3 p.m. A call is received at 4:30 p.m. and the service manager's phone is notified. The service manager uses call pickup to answer the call.

SCCP: Configuring Night Service.

Overlaid Ephone-dns

Calls to several numbers can be answered by a single agent or multiple agents.

Extensions 451, 452, and 453 all appear on button 1 of a phone. A call to any of these numbers can be answered from button 1.

SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns.

Call Hunt

Call hunt allows you to use multiple directory numbers to provide coverage for a single called number. You do this by assigning the same number to several primary or secondary ephone-dns or by using wildcards in the number associated with the directory numbers.

Calls are routed based on a match between the number dialed and the destination patterns that are associated with dial peers. Through the use of wildcards in destination patterns, multiple dial peers can match a particular called number. Call hunt is the ability to search through the dial peers that match the called number until the call is answered. Call hunt uses a technique called preference to control the order in which dial peers are matched to an incoming call and a technique called huntstop to determine when the search for another matching peer ends.

In Cisco Unified CME, incoming calls search through the virtual dial peers that are automatically created when you define directory numbers. These virtual dial peers are not directly configurable; you must configure the directory number to control call hunt for virtual dial peers.

Channel huntstop is used to stop the search for the two channels of a dual-line directory number. Channel huntstop keeps incoming calls from hunting to the second channel if the first channel is busy or does not answer. This keeps the second channel free for call transfer, call waiting, or three-way conferencing.

Huntstop prevents hunt-on-busy from redirecting a call from a busy phone into a dial peer that has been setup with a catch-all default destination.

For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Call Hunt" section and the "SIP: Configuring Call Hunt" section.

Call Pickup

Call pickup, and pickup groups, enable phone users to answer a call that is ringing on a different directory number other than their own. If both numbers to be answered are in the same pickup group, the user presses fewer keys to pick up the call.

Call pickup has the following variations:

Directed Call Pickup—Call pickup, explicit ringing extension. Any local phone user can pick up a call that is on hold on another directory number in Cisco Unified CME. Phone user does not need to belong to a pickup group to use this method. This is a default behavior.

Group Pickup, Different Group—Call pickup, explicit group ringing extension. Phone user can answer a ringing phone in any pickup group if the user knows the group number of the ringing phone. If there is only one pickup group defined in Cisco Unified CME, the phone user can pick up the call by pressing a soft key. Phone user does not need to belong to a pickup group to use this method.

Local Group Pickup—Call pickup, local group ringing extension. Phone users can pick up the called number on another phone by pressing a soft key plus an asterisk (*) their own phone if both phones are in the same pickup group.

Administrators can assign each ephone-dn independently to a maximum of one pickup group. There is no limit to the number of ephone-dns that can be assigned to a single pickup group, and there is no limit to the number of pickup groups that can be defined in a Cisco Unified CME system.

Pickup group numbers may be of varying length, but must have unique leading digits. For example, you cannot define pickup group 17 and pickup group 177 for the same Cisco Unified CME system because a pickup in group 17 will always be triggered before the user can enter the final 7 for 177.

Figure 34 shows four call-pickup scenarios.

Figure 34 Call Pickup

For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Creating Pickup Groups" section.

Call Waiting

Call waiting allows phone users to be alerted when they receive an incoming call while they are on another call. Phone users hear a call-waiting tone when another party is trying to reach them and, on IP phones, see the calling party information on the phone screen.

Call-waiting calls to IP phones with soft keys can be answered using the Answer soft key. Call-waiting calls to analog phones controlled by Cisco Unified CME systems are answered using hookflash. When phone users answer a call-waiting call, their original call is automatically put on hold. If a phone user does not respond to a call-waiting notification, the call is forwarded as specified in the call-forward noan command for that extension.

For an IP phone running SCCP, call waiting for single-line ephone-dns requires two ephone-dns to handle the two calls. Call waiting on a dual-line ephone-dn requires only one ephone-dn because the two channels of the ephone-dn handle the two calls. The audible call-waiting indicator can be either a call-waiting beep or a call-waiting ring. For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone" section.

For a SIP phone, call waiting is automatically enabled when you configure a voice register pool. For SIP phones directly connected to Cisco Unified CME, call waiting can be disabled at the phone-level. For configuration information, see the "SIP: Enabling Call Waiting" section.

For information on call waiting using Overlaid ephone-dns, see the "Overlaid Ephone-dns" section.

Call-Waiting Beep for SCCP Phones

Call-waiting beeps are enabled by default. You can disable the call-waiting beeps that are generated from and accepted by directory numbers. If beep generation is disabled, incoming calls to the directory number do not generate call-waiting beeps. If beep acceptance is disabled, the phone user does not hear beeps when using the directory number for an active call.

Table 32 shows the possible beep behaviors of one ephone-dn calling another ephone-dn that is connected to another caller.

Table 32 Call-Waiting Beep Behavior  

Ephone-dn 1 Configuration
Ephone-dn 2 Configuration
Active Call on DN
Incoming Call
on DN

no call-waiting beep

DN 1

DN 2

No beep

no call-waiting beep

DN 1

DN 2

No beep

no call-waiting beep generate

DN 1

DN 2

No beep

no call-waiting beep accept

DN 1

DN 2


no call-waiting beep accept
no call-waiting beep generate

DN 1

DN 2

No beep

no call-waiting beep

DN 1

DN 1

No beep

no call-waiting beep generate

DN 1

DN 1

No beep

no call-waiting beep accept

DN 1

DN 1

No beep

no call-waiting beep accept no call-waiting beep generate

DN 1

DN 1

No beep

no call-waiting beep generate

DN 1

DN 2


no call-waiting beep accept

DN 1

DN 2

No beep

no call-waiting beep

DN 1

DN 1


Call-Waiting Ring for SCCP Phones

Instead of the standard call waiting beep sound through the handset, you can use a short ring for call-waiting notification. The default is for directory numbers to accept call interruptions, such as call waiting, and to issue a beeping sound for notification.

To use a ring sound, the directory number must accept call-waiting indicator tones. For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone" section or the "SIP: Enabling Call Waiting" section.

Callback Busy Subscriber

This feature allows callers who dial a busy extension number to request a callback from the system when the called number is available. Callers can also request callbacks for extensions that do not answer, and the system will notify them after the called phone is next used.

There can be only one callback request pending against a particular extension number, although a caller can initiate more than one callback to different numbers. If a caller attempts to place a callback request on a number that already has a pending callback request, the caller hears a fast-busy tone. If the called number has call forwarding enabled, the callback request is placed against the final destination number.

No configuration is required for this feature. To display a list of phones that have pending callback requests, use the show ephone-dn callback command.

Hunt Groups

Hunt groups allow incoming calls to a specific number (pilot number) to be directed to a defined group of directory numbers. Each hunt group can include up to 20 member directory numbers.

Incoming calls are redirected from a hunt group pilot number to the first directory number as defined by the configuration. If the first directory number is busy or does not answer, the call is redirected to the next phone in the list. A call continues to be redirected on busy or no answer from directory number to directory number in the list until it is answered or until the call reaches the number that was defined as the final number.

The redirect from one directory number to the next in the list is also known as a hop. You can set the maximum number of redirects for specific peer or longest-idle hunt groups, and for the maximum number of redirects allowed in a Cisco Unified CME system, both inside and outside hunt groups. If a call makes the maximum number of hops or redirects without being answered, the call is dropped.

For information on displaying hunt group statistics, see Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling Applications.

There are four different types of hunt groups. Each type uses a different strategy to determine the first directory number that rings for successive calls to the hunt group pilot number. Hunt group types include the following:

Sequential Hunt Groups—Directory numbers always ring in the left-to-right order in which they are listed when the hunt group is defined. The first number in the list is always the first number to be tried when the pilot number is called. Maximum number of hops is not a configurable parameter for sequential hunt groups.

Peer Hunt Groups—The first directory number to ring is the number to the right of the directory number that was the last to ring when the pilot number was last called. Ringing proceeds in a circular manner, left to right, for the number of hops specified in the hunt group configuration.

Longest-Idle Hunt Groups—Calls go first to the directory number that has been idle the longest for the number of hops specified when the hunt group was defined. The longest-idle time is determined from the last time that a phone registered, reregistered, or went on-hook.

Parallel Hunt Groups—Calls ring all directory numbers in the hunt group simultaneously.

The number that is defined as the final number for a hunt group may also be the pilot number for another hunt group (with suitable protection to avoid infinite loops). If a final number is assigned as the pilot number of a second hunt group, the pilot number of the first hunt group cannot be configured as a final number in any hunt group. If there is a third hunt group, the second hunt group cannot be configured as a final number, and so forth.

Hunt-group chains can be configured in any length, but the actual number of hops that can be reached in a chain is determined by the max-redirect command configuration. In the following example, a maximum redirect number 15 or greater must be configured for callers to reach the final 5000 number. If a lower number is configured, the call will disconnect.

ephone-hunt 1 sequential

 pilot 8000

 list 8001, 8002, 8003, 8004

 final 9000

ephone-hunt 2 sequential

 pilot 9000

 list 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004

 final 7000

ephone-hunt 3 sequential

 pilot 7000

 list 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004

 final 5000

Figure 35 illustrates a sequential hunt group, Figure 36 illustrates a peer hunt group, and Figure 37 illustrates a longest-idle hunt group.

Sequential Hunt Groups

In a sequential hunt group, directory numbers always ring in the left-to-right order in which they are listed when the hunt group is defined. The first number in the list is always the first number to be tried when the pilot number is called. Maximum number of hops is not a configurable parameter for sequential hunt groups.

Figure 35 Sequential hunt Group

Peer Hunt Groups

In a peer hunt group, the first directory number to ring is the number to the right of the directory number that was the last to ring when the pilot number was last called. Ringing proceeds in a circular manner, left to right, for the number of hops specified when the hunt group was defined.

Figure 36 illustrates a peer hunt group.

Figure 36 Peer hunt Group

Longest-Idle Hunt Groups

In a longest-idle hunt group, the algorithm for choosing the next extension to receive a call is based on a comparison of on-hook time stamps. The extension with the smallest on-hook time stamp value is chosen when the next call comes to the hunt group.

The default behavior is that an on-hook time stamp value for an extension is updated only when the agent answers a call. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can specify that an on-hook time stamp is updated when a call rings an extension and also when a call is answered by an agent.

Figure 37 illustrates a longest-idle hunt group.

Figure 37 Longest-Idle hunt Group

Parallel Hunt Groups

In a parallel hunt group, calls simultaneously ring multiple phones. The use of parallel hunt groups is also referred to as application-level forking because it enables the forking of a call to multiple destinations. Parallel hunt group are supported by SIP phones only. (To enable similar functionality on SCCP phones, use the ephone-dn overlay feature for shared lines. See the "Shared-Line Overlays" section.)

In the following parallel hunt group example, when callers dial extension 1000, extension 1001, 1002, and so on ring simultaneously. The first extension to answer is connected. If none of the extensions answers, the call is forwarded to extension 2000, which is the number for the voice-mail service.

voice hunt-group 4 parallel

 pilot 1000

 list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004

 final 2000

 timeout 20

The number of ringing calls that a parallel hunt group can support depends on whether call-waiting is enabled on the SIP phones.

If call-waiting is enabled (the default), parallel hunt groups support multiple calls up to the limit of call-waiting calls supported by a particular SIP phone model. You may not want to use unlimited call-waiting however with parallel hunt-groups if agents do not want a large number of waiting calls when they are already handling a call.

If call waiting is disabled, parallel hunt groups support only one call at a time in the ringing state. After a call is answered (by one of the phones in the hunt group), a second call is allowed. The second and subsequent calls ring only the idle phones in the hunt group, and bypass the busy phone that answered the first call (because this phone is connected to the first call). After the second call is answered, a third call is allowed, and so on until all the phones in the parallel hunt group are busy. The hunt group does not accept further calls until at least one phone returns to the idle/on-hook state.

When two or more phones within the same parallel hunt group attempt to answer the same call, only one phone can connect to the call. Phones that fail to connect must return to the on-hook state before they can receive subsequent calls. Calls that arrive before a phone is placed on-hook are not presented to the phone. For example, if a second call arrives after Phone 1 has answered the original call, but before Phone 2 goes back on-hook, the second call bypasses Phone 2 (because it is offhook).

When a phone returns to the idle/on-hook state, it does not automatically re-synchronize to the next call waiting to be answered. For example, in the previous scenario, if the second call is still ringing Phone 3 when Phone 2 goes on-hook, Phone 2 does not ring because it was offhook when the second call arrived.

For configuration information, see the "SIP: Configuring Hunt Groups" section.

Hunt Group Agent Availability Options

Three options increase the flexibility of hunt group agents by allowing them to dynamically join and leave hunt groups or to temporarily enter a not-ready state in which they do not receive calls.

Table 33 compares the following agent availability features:

Dynamic Hunt Group Membership

Agent Status Control

Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready

Table 33 Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features  

Comparison Factor
Dynamic Membership
Agent Status Control
Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready

Allows an authorized agent to join and leave hunt groups.

Allows an agent to manually activate a toggle to temporarily enter a not-ready state, in which hunt-group calls bypass the agent's phone.

Automatically puts an agent's phone in a not-ready state after a specified number of hunt-group calls are unanswered by the agent's phone.


Agent A joins a hunt group at 8 a.m. and takes calls until 1 p.m., when he leaves the hunt group. While Agent A is a member of the hunt group, he occupies one of the wildcard slots in the list of numbers configured for the hunt group. At 1 p.m., Agent B joins the hunt group using the same wildcard slot that Agent A relinquished when he left.

Agent A takes a coffee break at 10 a.m. and puts his phone into a not-ready status while he is on break. When he returns he puts his phone back into the ready status and immediately starts receiving hunt-group calls again. He retained his wildcard slot while he was in the not-ready status.

Agent B is suddenly called away from her desk before she can manually put her phone into the not-ready status. After a hunt-group call is unanswered at Agent B's phone, the phone is automatically placed in the not-ready status and it is not presented with further hunt-group calls. When Agent B returns, she manually puts her phone back into the ready status.

Hunt-group slot availability

An agent joining a hunt group occupies a wildcard slot in the hunt group list. An agent leaving the group relinquishes the slot, which becomes available for another agent.

An agent who enters the not-ready state does not give up a slot in the hunt group. The agent continues to occupy the slot regardless of whether the agent is in the not-ready status.

An agent who enters the not-ready does not give up a slot in the hunt group. The agent continues to occupy the slot regardless of whether the agent is in the not-ready status.

Agent activation method

An authorized agent uses a feature access code (FAC) to join a hunt group and a different FAC to leave the hunt group.

An agent uses the HLog soft key to toggle agent status between ready and not ready. Agents can also use the HLog ephone FAC or the HLog ephone-dn FAC to toggle between ready and not-ready if FACs are enabled.

If the HLog soft key is not enabled, the DND soft key can be used to put an agent in the not-ready status and the agent will not receive any calls.

An agent who is a member of a hunt group configured with the auto logout command does not answer the specified number of calls, and the agent's phone is automatically changed to the not-ready status. The agent uses the HLog soft key or a FAC to return to the ready status.

If the HLog soft key or FAC has not been enabled in the configuration, the agent uses the DND soft key to return to the ready status.


The system administrator uses the list command to configure up to 20 wildcard slots in a hunt group and uses the ephone-hunt login command to authorize certain directory numbers to use these wildcard slots.

See SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups.

The system administrator uses the HLog keyword with the hunt-group logout command to provide an HLog soft key on display phones and uses the fac command to enable standard FACs or create a custom FAC.

See SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups.

The system administrator uses the auto logout command to enable automatic agent status not-ready for a hunt group.

This functionality is disabled by default.

See SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups.

Optional customizations

The system administrator can establish custom FACs for agents to use to enter or leave a hunt group.

The system administrator can use the softkeys commands to change the position or prevent the display of the HLog soft key on individual phones.

The system administrator can use the auto logout command to specify the number of unanswered calls that will trigger an agent status change to not-ready and whether this feature applies to dynamic hunt-group members, static hunt-group members, or both.

The system administrator can use the hunt-group logout command to specify whether an automatic change to the not-ready status also places a phone in DND mode.

Dynamic Hunt Group Membership

Hunt groups allow you to set up pools of extension numbers to answer incoming calls. Up to 20 wildcard slots can be entered in the list of hunt group extension numbers to allow dynamic group membership, in which authorized phone users can join a hunt group whenever a vacant wildcard slot is available and they can leave when they like. Each phone user who joins a group occupies one slot. If no slots are available, a user who tries to join a group hears a busy signal.

Allowing dynamic membership in a hunt group is a three-step process:

1. Use the list command in ephone-hunt configuration mode to specify up to 20 wildcard slots in the hunt group.

2. Use the ephone-hunt login command under each directory number that should be allowed to dynamically join and leave hunt groups. Directory numbers are disallowed from joining hunt groups by default, so you have to explicitly allow this behavior for each directory number that you want to be able to log in to hunt groups.

3. Use the fac standard command to enable standard FACs or the fac custom command to define custom FACs. FACs must be enabled so that agents can use them to join and leave hunt groups.

To dynamically join a hunt group, a phone user dials a standard or custom FAC for joining a hunt group. The standard FAC to join a hunt group is *3. If multiple hunt groups have been created that allow dynamic membership, the phone user must also dial the hunt group pilot number. For example, if the following hunt groups are defined, a phone user dials *38000 to join the Sales hunt group:

ephone-hunt 24 sequential

 pilot 8000

 list 8001, 8002, *, *

 description Sales Group

 final 9000

ephone-hunt 25 sequential

 pilot 7000

 list 7001, 7002, *, *

 description Service Group

 final 9000

To leave a hunt group, a phone user dials the standard or custom FAC for leaving a hunt group. The standard FAC to leave a hunt group is #3. See "Customizing Soft Keys" on page 875.

Note The Dynamic Membership feature is different from the Agent Status Control feature and the Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature. Table 33 compares the features.

Agent Status Control

The Agent Status Control feature allows ephone-hunt-group agents to control whether their phones are in the ready or not-ready status. A phone in the ready status is available to receive calls from the hunt group. A phone in the not-ready status blocks calls from the hunt group. Agents should use the not-ready status for short breaks or other temporary interruptions during which they do not want to receive hunt-group calls.

Agents who put their phones into the not-ready status do not relinquish their slots in the hunt group list.

Agents use the HLog soft key or the DND soft key to put a phone into the not-ready status. When the HLog soft key is used to put a phone in the not-ready status, it does not receive hunt group calls but can receive other calls. If the DND soft key is used, the phone does not receive any calls until it is returned to the ready status. The HLog and DND soft keys toggle the feature: if the phone is in the ready status, pressing the key puts the phone in the not-ready status and vice-versa.

The DND soft key is visible on phones by default, but the HLog soft key must be enabled in the configuration using the hunt-group logout command, which has the following options:

HLog—Enables both an HLog soft key and a DND soft key on phones in the idle, seized, and connected call states. When you press the HLog soft key, the phone is changed from the ready to not-ready status or from the not-ready to ready status. When the phone is in the not-ready status, it does not receive calls from the hunt group, but it is still able to receive calls that do not come through the hunt group (calls that directly dial its extension). The DND soft key is also available to block all calls to the phone if that is the preferred behavior.

DND—Enables only a DND soft key on phones. The DND soft key also changes a phone from the ready to not-ready status or from the not-ready to ready status, but the phone does not receive any incoming calls, including those from outside hunt groups.

Phones without soft-key displays can use a FAC to toggle their status from ready to not-ready and back to ready. The fac command must be used to enable the standard set of FACs or to create custom FACs. The standard FAC to toggle the not-ready status at the directory number (extension) level is *4 and the standard FAC to toggle the not-ready status at the ephone level (all directory numbers on the phone) is *5. See Where to Go Next.

Note The Agent Status Control feature is different from the Dynamic Membership feature and the Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature. Table 33 compares the features.

Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready

Before Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this feature was known as Automatic Hunt Group Logout. If the auto logout command was enabled for a hunt group, a phone was placed in DND mode when a line on the phone did not answer a call for that hunt group within the time limit specified in the timeout command.

In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, the name and behavior of this feature has changed, although the Cisco IOS command remains the same. The auto logout command now specifies the number of unanswered hunt group calls after which the agent status of an directory number is automatically changed to not-ready. You can limit Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready to dynamic hunt group members (those who log in using a wildcard slot in the list command) or to static hunt group members (those who are explicitly named in the list command), or you can apply this behavior to all hunt group members.

A related command, hunt-group logout, specifies whether the phones that are automatically changed to the not-ready status should also be placed into DND mode. Phones in the not-ready status do not accept calls from hunt groups, but they do accept calls that directly dial their extensions. Phones in DND mode do not accept any calls. The default if the hunt-group logout command is not used is that the phones that are automatically placed in the not-ready status are also placed in DND mode.

Agents whose phones are automatically placed into the not-ready status do not relinquish their slots in the hunt group list.

Note The Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature is different from the Dynamic Membership feature and the Agent Status Control feature. Table 33 compares the features.

Night Service

The night-service feature allows you to provide coverage for unstaffed extensions during hours that you designate as "night-service" hours. During the night-service hours, calls to the designated extensions (known as night-service directory numbers or night-service lines) send a special "burst" ring to phones that have been specified to receive this special ring (the phones are known as night-service phones). Phone users at the night-service phones can then use the call-pickup feature to answer the incoming calls from the night-service directory numbers ( Figure 38).

For example, the night-service feature can allow an employee working after hours to intercept and answer calls that are presented to an unattended receptionist's phone. This feature is useful for sites at which all incoming public switched telephone network (PSTN) calls have to be transferred by a receptionist because the PSTN connection to the Cisco Unified CME system does not support Direct Inward Dialing (DID). When a call arrives at the unattended receptionist's phone during hours that are specified as night service, a ring burst notifies a specified set of phones of the incoming call. A phone user at any of the night-service phones can intercept the call using the call-pickup feature. Night-service call notification is sent every 12 seconds until the call is either answered or aborted.

If optionally configured, night service can be manually toggled on and off from any phone that has a line that is designated as a night-service line. When night service is active, a message is displayed on the night-service phones.

Night service requires that you define the following parameters:

1. Night-service time period—Day or date and hours during which night service is active. Step 4 to Step 8 in the following procedure define the night-service period.

2. Night-service extensions (directory numbers)—When a night-service extension receives an incoming call during the night-service period, night-service notification is triggered. Step 12 in the following procedure specifies night service for an directory number.

3. Night-service notification phones (ephones)—Night-service notification phones are alerted with a distinctive ring when incoming calls are received on night-service lines during the night-service time period. The night-service notification phone user can answer the call using call pickup or group call pickup. Step 15 in the following procedure assigns night-service notification to a phone. This phone receives a distinctive alerting ring and notification display when a night-service extension receives an incoming call.

4. (Optional) Night-service toggle code—A code to allow night-service treatment to be manually toggled off and on from any phone that has a line assigned to night service. Before Cisco CME 3.3, using the night-service code turned night service on or off only for directory numbers on the phone at which the code was entered. In Cisco CME 3.3 and later versions, using the night-service code at any phone with a night-service directory number turns night service on or off for all phones with night-service directory numbers. The following procedure defines a night-service toggle code.

Figure 38 illustrates night service.

Figure 38 Night Service

Overlaid Ephone-dns

Overlaid ephone-dns are directory numbers that share the same button on a phone. Overlaid ephone-dns can be used to receive incoming calls and place outgoing calls. Up to 25 ephone-dns can be assigned to a single phone button. They can have the same extension number or different numbers. The same ephone-dns can appear on more than one phone and more than one phone can have the same set of overlaid ephone-dns.

The order in which overlaid ephone-dns are used by incoming calls can be determined by the call hunt commands, preference and huntstop. For example, ephone-dn 1 to ephone-dn 4 have the same extension number, 1001. Three phones are configured with the button 1o1,2,3,4 command. A call to 1001 will ring on the ephone-dn with the highest preference and display the caller ID on all phones that are on hook. If another incoming call to 1001 is placed while the first call is active (and the first ephone-dn with the highest preference is configured with the no huntstop command), the second call will roll over to the ephone-dn with the next-highest preference, and so forth. For more information, see the "Call Hunt" section.

If the ephone-dns in an ephone-dn overlay use different numbers, incoming calls go to the ephone-dn with the highest preference. If no preferences are configured, the dial-peer hunt command setting is used to determine which ephone-dns are used for incoming calls. The default setting for the dial-peer hunt command is to randomly select an ephone-dn that matches the called number.

Note To continue or to stop the search for ephone-dns, you must use, respectively, the no huntstop and huntstop commands under the individual ephone-dns. The huntstop setting is applied only to the dial peers affected by the ephone-dn command in telephony-service mode. Dial peers configured in global configuration mode comply with the global configuration huntstop setting.

Figure 39 shows an overlay set with two directory numbers and one number that is shared on two phones. Ephone-dn 17 has a default preference value of 0, so it will receive the first call to extension 1001. The phone user at phone 9 answers the call, and a second incoming call to extension 1001 can be answered on phone 10 using directory number 18.

Figure 39 Overlaid Ephone-dn (Simple Case)

When a call is answered on an ephone-dn, that ephone-dn is no longer available to other phones that share the ephone-dn in overlay mode. For example, if extension 1001 is answered by phone 1, caller ID for extension 1001 displays on phone 1 and is removed from the screens of phone 2 and phone 3. All actions pertaining to the call to extension 1001 (ephone-dn 17) are displayed on phone 1 only. If phone 1 puts extension 1001 on hold, the other phones will not be able to pick up the on-hold call using a simple shared-line pickup. In addition, none of the other four phones will be able to make outgoing calls from the ephone-dn while it is in use. When phone users press button 1, they will be connected to the next available ephone-dn listed in the button command. For example, if phone 1 and phone 2 are using ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 2, respectively, phone 3 must pick up ephone-dn 3 for an outgoing call.

If there are more phones than ephone-dns associated with an ephone-dn overlay set, it is possible for some phones to find that all the ephone-dns within their overlay set are in use by other phones. For example, if five phones have a line button configured with the button 1o1, 2, 3 command, there may be times when all three of the ephone-dns in the overlay set are in use. When that occurs, the other two phones will not be able to use an ephone-dn in the overlay set. When all ephone-dns in an overlay set are in use, phones with this overlay set will display the remote-line-in-use icon (a picture of a phone with a flashing X through it) for the corresponding line button. When at least one ephone-dn becomes available within the overlay set (that is, an ephone-dn is either idle or ringing), the phone display reverts to showing the status of the available ephone-dn (idle or ringing).

Shared-Line Overlays

Dual-line ephone-dns can also use overlays. The configuration parameters are the same as for single-line ephone-dns, except that the huntstop channel command must be used to keep calls from hunting to the ephone-dn's second channel.

The primary ephone-dn in a shared-line overlay set should be unique to the phone to guarantee that the phone has a line available for outgoing calls, and to ensure that the phone user can obtain dial-tone even when there are no idle lines available in the rest of the shared-line overlay set. Use a unique ephone-dn to provide for a unique calling party identity on outbound calls made by the phone so that the called user can see which specific phone is calling.

The following example shows the configuration for a simple shared-line overlay set. The primary ephone-dn that is configured for each phone is unique while the remaining ephone-dns 10, 11, and 12 are shared in the overlay set on both phones:


ephone 1

 mac-address 1111.1111.1111

 button 1o1,10,11,12


ephone 2

 mac-address 2222.2222.2222

 button 1o2,10,11,12

For a more detailed example, see the "Shared-line Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example" section.

A more complex directory number configuration mixes overlaid directory numbers with shared directory numbers and plain dual-line directory numbers on the same phones. Figure 40 illustrates the following example of a manager with two assistants. On the manager's phone the same number, 2001, appears on button 1 and button 2. The two line appearances of extension 2001 use two single-line directory numbers, so the manager can have two active calls on this number simultaneously, one on each button. The directory numbers are set up so that button 1 will ring first, and if a second call comes in, button 2 will ring. Each assistant has a personal directory number and also shares the manager's directory numbers. Assistant 1 has all three directory numbers in an overlay set on one button, whereas assistant 2 has one button for the private line and a second button with both of the manager's lines in an overlay set. A sequence of calls might be as follows.

1. An incoming call is answered by the manager on extension 2001 on button 1 (directory number 20).

2. A second call rings on 2001 and rolls over to the second button on the manager's phone (directory number 21). It also rings on both assistants' phones, where it is also directory number 21, a shared directory number.

3. Assistant 2 answers the call. This is a shared overlay line (one directory number, 21, is shared among three phones, and on two of them this directory number is part of an overlay set). Because it is shared with button 2 on the manager's phone, the manager can see when assistant 2 answers the call.

4. Assistant 1 makes an outgoing call on directory number 22. The button is available because of the additional directory numbers in the overlay set on the assistant 1 phone.

At this point, the manager is in conversation on directory number 20, assistant 1 is in conversation on directory number 22, and assistant 2 is in conversation on directory number 21.

Figure 40 Overlaid Ephone-dn (Complex Case)

For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns" section.

Call Waiting for Overlaid Ephone-dns

Call waiting allows phone users to know that another person is calling them while they are talking on the phone. Phone users hear a call-waiting tone indicating that another party is trying to reach them. Calls to IP phones with soft keys can be answered with the Answer soft key. Calls to analog phones are answered using hookflash. When phone users answer a call-waiting call, their original call is automatically put on hold. If phone users ignore a call-waiting call, the caller is forwarded if call-forward no-answer has been configured.

In Cisco CME 3.2.1 and later versions, call waiting is available for overlaid ephone-dns. The difference in configuration between overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting and overlaid ephone-dns without call waiting is that overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting use the c keyword in the button command and overlaid ephone-dns without call waiting use the o keyword. For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns" section.

The behavior of overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting and overlaid ephone-dns without call waiting is the same, except for the following:

Calls to numbers included in overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting will cause inactive phones to ring and active phones connected to other parties to generate auditory call-waiting notification. The default sound is beeping, but you can configure an ephone-dn to use a ringing sound. (See the "SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone" section.) Visual call-waiting notification includes the blinking of handset indicator lights and the display of caller IDs.

For example, if three of four phones are engaged in calls to numbers from the same overlaid ephone-dn with call-waiting and another call comes in, the one inactive phone will ring, and the three active phones will issue auditory and visual call-waiting notification.

In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, up to six waiting calls can be displayed on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G, 7941G, 7941G-GE, 7960G, 7961G, 7961G-GE, 7970G, and 7971G-GE. For all other phones and earlier Cisco Unified CME versions, two calls to numbers in an overlaid ephone-dn set can be announced. Subsequent calls must wait in line until one of the two original calls has ended. The callers who are waiting in the line will hear a ringback tone.

For example, a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910 (maximum two call-waiting calls) has a button configured with a set of overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting (button 1c1,2,3,4). A call to ephone-dn 1 is answered. A call to ephone-dn 2 generates call-waiting notification. Calls to ephone-dn 3 and ephone-dn 4 will wait in line and remain invisible to the phone user until one of the two original calls ends. When the call to ephone-dn 1 ends, the phone user can then talk to the person who called ephone-dn 2. The call to ephone-dn 3 issues call-waiting notification while the call to ephone-dn 4 waits in line. (The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 supports six calls waiting.) Phones configured for call waiting do not generate call-waiting notification when they are transferring calls or hosting conference calls.

Note that if an overlaid ephone-dn has call-forward-no-answer configured, calls to the ephone-dn that are unanswered before the no-answer timeout expires are forwarded to the configured destination. If call-forward-no-answer is not configured, incoming calls receive ringback tones until the calls are answered.

More than one phone can use the same set of overlaid ephone-dns. In this case, the call-waiting behavior is slightly different. The following example demonstrates call waiting for overlaid ephone-dns that are shared on two phones.

ephone 1

 button 1c1,2,3,4


ephone 2

 button 1c1,2,3,4

1. A call to ephone-dn 1 rings on ephone 1 and on ephone 2. Ephone 1 answers, and the call is no longer visible to ephone 2.

2. A call to ephone-dn 2 issues a call-waiting notification to ephone 1 and rings on ephone 2, which answers. The second call is no longer visible to ephone 1.

3. A call to ephone-dn 3 issues a call-waiting notification to ephone 1 and ephone 2. Ephone 1 puts the call to ephone-dn 1 on hold and answers the call to ephone-dn 3. The call to ephone-dn 3 is no longer visible to ephone 2.

4. A call to ephone-dn 4 is issues a call-waiting notification on ephone 2. The call is not visible on ephone 1 because it has met the two-call maximum by handling the calls to ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 3. (Note that the call maximum is six for those phones that are able to handle six call-waiting calls, as previously described.)

Note Ephone-dns accept call interruptions, such as call waiting, by default. For call waiting to work, the default must be active. For more information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone" section.

Extending Calls for Overlaid Ephone-dns to Other Buttons on the Same Phone

Phones with overlaid ephone-dns can use the button command with the x keyword to dedicate one or more additional buttons to receive overflow calls. If an overlay button is busy, an incoming call to any of the other ephone-dns in the overlay set rings on the first available overflow button on each phone that is configured to receive the overflow. This feature works only for overlaid ephone-dns that are configured with the button command and the o keyword; it is not supported with overlaid ephone-dns that are configured using the button command and the c keyword or other types of ephone-dns that are not overlaid.

Using the button command with the c keyword results in multiple calls on one button (the button is overlaid with multiple ephone-dns that have call waiting), whereas using the button command with the o keyword and the x keyword results in one call per button and calls on multiple buttons.

For example, an ephone has an overlay button with ten numbers assigned to it using the button command and the o keyword. The next two buttons on the phone are configured using the button command and the x keyword. These buttons are reserved to receive additional calls to the overlaid extensions on the first button when the first button is in use.

ephone 276

 button 1o24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 2x1 3x1

For configuration information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns" section.

How to Configure Call Coverage Features

This section contains the following procedures:

Call Hunt

SCCP: Configuring Call Hunt (required)

SCCP: Verifying Call Hunt (optional)

SIP: Configuring Call Hunt (required)

Call Pickup

SCCP: Creating Pickup Groups (required)

SCCP: Verifying Call Pickup (optional)

Call Waiting

SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone (optional)

SIP: Enabling Call Waiting (required)

Hunt Groups

SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups (required)

SCCP: Verifying Hunt Groups (optional)

SIP: Configuring Hunt Groups (required)

Night Service

SCCP: Configuring Night Service (required)

SCCP: Verifying Night Service (optional)

Overlaid Ephone-dns

SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns (required)

SCCP: Verifying Overlaid Ephone-dns (optional)

SCCP: Configuring Call Hunt

To configure a group of directory numbers to provide call coverage for a single called number, perform the following steps for each directory number in the group.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]

4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]

5. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]

6. huntstop

7. huntstop channel

8. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]


Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 dual-line

Enters ephone-dn configuration mode for the purpose of configuring a directory number.

Step 4 

number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]


Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 101

Associates a telephone or extension number with the directory number.

Assign the same number to several primary or secondary ephone-dns to create a group of virtual dial peers through which the incoming called number must search.

Step 5 

preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]


Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference 2

Sets the preference value for the ephone-dn.

Default: 0.

Increment the preference order for subsequent ephone-dns with the same number. That is, the first directory number is preference 0 by default and you must specify 1 for the second ephone-dn with the same number, 2 for the next, and so on.

secondary secondary-order—(Optional) Preference value for the secondary number of an ephone-dn. Default is 0.

Step 6 

no huntstop




Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop


Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop

Explicitly enables call hunting behavior for a directory number.

Configure no huntstop for all ephone-dns, except the final ephone-dn, within a set of ephone-dns with the same number.

Configure the huntstop command for the final ephone-dn within a set of ephone-dns with the same number.

Step 7 

huntstop channel


Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop channel

(Optional) Enables channel huntstop, which keeps a call from hunting to the next channel of an ephone-dn if the first channel is busy or does not answer.

Required for dual-line ephone-dns.

Step 8 



Router(config-ephone-dn)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

What to Do Next

If you want to collect statistics for hunt groups, see Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling Applications.

SCCP: Verifying Call Hunt

To verify the configuration for call hunt, perform the following steps.


1. show running-config

2. show telephony-service ephone-dn

3. show telephony-service all
show telephony-service dial-peer


Step 1 show running-config

This command displays your configuration. Preference and huntstop information is listed in the ephone-dn portion of the output.

Router# show running-config

ephone-dn 2 dual-line

 number 126

 description FrontDesk

 name Receptionist

 preference 1

 call-forward busy 500

 huntstop channel

 no huntstop

Step 2 show telephony-service ephone-dn

This command displays ephone-dn preference and huntstop configuration information.

Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn

ephone-dn 243

 number 1233

 preference 1


Step 3 show telephony-service all
show telephony-service dial-peer

These commands display preference and huntstop configurations for ephone-dn dial peers.

Router# show telephony-service dial-peer


dial-peer voice 20026 pots

 destination-pattern 5002


 call-forward noan 5001 timeout 45

 port 50/0/2

SIP: Configuring Call Hunt

To configure the call hunting feature and prevent hunt-on-busy from redirecting a call from a busy phone into a dial peer that has been setup with a catch-all default destination, perform the following steps.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. voice register dn dn-tag

4. number number

5. preference preference-order

6. huntstop

7. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

voice register dn dn-tag


Router(config)# voice register dn 1

Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.

Step 4 

number number


Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001

Associates a phone number with the directory number.

Assign the same number to several directory numbers to create a group of virtual dial peers through which the incoming called number must search.

Step 5 

preference preference-order


Router(config-register-dn)# preference 4

Creates the preference order for matching the VoIP dial peers created for the number associated with this directory number to establish the hunt strategy for incoming calls.

Default is 0, which is the highest preference.

Step 6 



Router(config-register-dn)# huntstop

Disables call-hunting behavior for an extension on a SIP phone.

Step 7 



Router(config-register-dn)# end

Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.

What to Do Next

If you want to collect statistics for hunt groups, see Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling Applications.

SCCP: Enabling Local-Group Call Pickup at a System-Level

To enable local-group call pickup at a system-level, and disable directed call pickup, perform the following steps.

Note To selectively disable directed call pickup for one or more SCCP phones, use the features blocked command in ephone-template mode. For configuration information, see "SCCP: Enabling Ephone Templates" on page 929.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. telephony-service

4. no service directed-pickup

5. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 



Router(config)# telephony-service

Enters telephony-service configuration mode.

Step 4 

no service directed-pickup


Router(config-telephony)# no service directed-pickup

Disables directed call pickup.

Changes the action of the PickUp soft key to perform local group call pickup rather than directed call pickup.

Step 5 



Router(config-telephony)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Creating Pickup Groups

To create a pickup group, perform the following steps.


Directory numbers to be added to a pickup group must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see "SCCP: Creating Directory Numbers" on page 177.


Each directory number can be independently assigned to a maximum of one pickup group.

There is no limit to the number of directory numbers that can be assigned to a single pickup group.

There is no limit to the number of pickup groups that can be defined in Cisco Unified CME.

Pickup group numbers may be of varying length, but must have unique leading digits.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]

4. pickup-group number

5. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]


Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 dual-line

Enters ephone-dn configuration mode for the purpose of configuring a directory number.

Step 4 

pickup-group number


Router(config-ephone-dn)# pickup-group 2345

Creates a pickup group and assigns the directory number being configured to the group.

number—Digit string of up to 32 characters. Group numbers may be of varying length, but they must have unique leading digits. For example, if there is a group number 17, there cannot also be a group number 177.

Step 5 



Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit

Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.

Step 6 



Router(config-telephony)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Verifying Call Pickup

Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Call pickup groups are listed in the ephone-dn portion of the output.

Router# show running-config


ephone-dn 34 dual-line

 ring feature secondary

 number 330 secondary 331

 pickup-group 30

 call-forward noan 500 timeout 10 secondary

 huntstop channel

 no huntstop

Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn command to display call pickup configuration information.

Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn

ephone-dn 2

 number 5002

 pickup group 30

 call-forward noan 5001 timeout 8

SCCP: Configuring Call-Waiting Indicator Tone

To specify the type of audible call-waiting indicator on a SCCP phone, perform the following steps. The default is for directory numbers to accept call interruptions, such as call waiting, and to issue a beep tone. Instead of the standard call waiting beep, you can enable a ring tone for call-waiting.


The call-waiting ring option is not supported if the ephone-dn is configured with the no call-waiting beep accept command.

If you configure a button to have a silent ring, you will not hear a call-waiting beep or call-waiting ring regardless of whether the ephone-dn associated with the button is configured to generate a call-waiting beep or call-waiting ring. To configure a button for silent ring, see the "SCCP: Assigning Directory Numbers to Phones" on page 179.

The call-waiting beep volume cannot be adjusted through Cisco Unified CME for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G, Cisco ATA-186, and Cisco ATA-188.

The call-waiting ring option is not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G, or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]

4. call-waiting beep [accept | generate]

5. call-waiting ring

6. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]


Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 dual-line

Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and optionally assigns it dual-line status.

Step 4 

call-waiting beep [accept | generate]


Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting beep accept

Enables an ephone-dn to generate or accept call-waiting beeps.

Default is directory number both accepts and generates call waiting beep.

The beep is heard only if the other ephone-dn is configured to accept call-waiting beeps (default).

Step 5 

call-waiting ring


Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting ring

(Optional) Enables an ephone-dn to use a ring indicator for call-waiting notification.

To use this command, do not disable call-waiting beep by using the no call-waiting beep accept command.

Step 6 



Router(config-ephone-dn)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Verifying Call-Waiting Indicator Tone

Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Call-waiting settings are listed in the ephone-dn portion of the output. If the no call-waiting beep generate and the no call-waiting beep accept commands are configured, the show running-config command output will display the no call-waiting beep command.

Router# show running-config


ephone-dn 3 dual-line

 number 126

 name Accounting

 preference 2 secondary 9


 huntstop channel

 call-waiting beep


Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn command to display call-waiting configuration information.

Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn

ephone-dn 1 dual-line

 number 126 secondary 1261

 preference 0 secondary 9

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 call-forward busy 500 secondary

 call-forward noan 500 timeout 10

 call-waiting beep

SIP: Enabling Call Waiting

To enable call waiting on an individual SIP phone, perform the following steps.


Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.

mode cme command must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. voice register pool pool-tag

4. call-waiting

5. exit

6. voice register global

7. hold-alert timeout

8. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

voice register pool pool-tag


Router(config)# voice register pool 3

Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.

Step 4 



Router(config-register-pool)# call-waiting

Configures call waiting on the SIP phone being configured.

Note This step is included to illustrate how to enable the command if it was previously disabled.

Default: Enabled.

Step 5 



Router(config-register-pool)# exit

Exits voice register pool configuration mode.

Step 6 

voice register global


Router(config)# voice register global

Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.

Step 7 

hold-alert timeout


Router(config-register-global)# hold-alert 30

Sets an audible alert notification when a call is on hold on a SIP phone. Default is disabled.

timeout—Interval after which an audible alert notification is repeated, in seconds. Range: 15 to 300.

Step 8 



Router(config-register-global)# end

Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups

To define a hunt group and optional agent availability parameters, perform the following steps.


Directory numbers to be included in a hunt group must be already configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see "SCCP: Creating Directory Numbers" on page 177.


The HLog soft key is available only on display phones. It is not available on Cisco Unified IP Phones 7902, 7905, and 7912; Cisco IP Communicator; and Cisco VG 224.

Shared ephone-dns cannot use the Agent Status Control or Automatic Agent Not-Ready feature.

The Agent Status Control feature and the HLog soft key require the user locale to be set to US. To display the HLog soft key on a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960, change the user locale to any locale other than US and reset the phone. Then change the user locale to US and reset the phone again.

If directory numbers that are members of a hunt group are to be configured for called-name display, the following restrictions apply:

The primary or secondary pilot number must be defined using at least one wildcard character.

The phone numbers in the list command cannot contain wildcard characters.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. ephone-hunt hunt-tag {longest-idle | peer | sequential}

4. pilot number [secondary number]

5. list number[, number...]

6. final final-number

7. hops number

8. timeout seconds[, seconds...]

9. max-timeout seconds

10. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]

11. no-reg [both | pilot]

12. fwd-final {orig-phone | final}

13. forward local-calls

14. secondary start [current | next | agent-position]

15. present-call {idle-phone | onhook-phone}

16. from-ring

17. description text-string

18. display-logout text-string

19. exit

20. telephony-service

21. max-redirect number

22. hunt-group logout {DND | HLog}

23. exit

24. ephone-dn dn-tag

25. ephone-hunt login

26. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

ephone-hunt hunt-tag {longest-idle | peer | sequential}


Router(config)# ephone-hunt 23 peer

Enters ephone-hunt configuration mode to define an ephone hunt group.

hunt-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this hunt group during configuration tasks. Range: 1 to 100.

Cisco CME 3.3 and earlier—Range: 1 to 10

longest-idle—Calls go to the ephone-dn that has been idle the longest for the number of hops specified when the ephone hunt group was defined. The longest-idle is determined from the last time that a phone registered, reregistered, or went on-hook.

peer—First ephone-dn to ring is the number to the right of the ephone-dn that was the last to ring when the pilot number was last called. Ringing proceeds in a circular manner, left to right, for the number of hops specified when the ephone hunt group was defined.

sequential—Ephone-dns ring in the left-to-right order in which they are listed when the hunt group is defined.

Step 4 

pilot number [secondary number]


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 5601

Defines the pilot number, which is the number that callers dial to reach the hunt group.

number—E.164 number up to 27 characters. The dialplan pattern can be applied to the pilot number.

secondary—(Optional) Defines an additional pilot number for the ephone hunt group.

Step 5 

list number[, number...]


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 5001, 5002, 5017, 5028

Defines the list of numbers (from 2 and 20) to which the ephone hunt group redirects the incoming calls.

number—E.164 number up to 27 characters. Primary or secondary number assigned to an ephone-dn.

Step 6 

final final-number


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# final 6000

Defines the last number in the ephone hunt group, after which the call is no longer redirected. Can be an ephone-dn primary or secondary number, a voice-mail pilot number, a pilot number of another hunt group, or an FXS number.

Note When a final number is defined as a pilot number of another hunt group, the pilot number of the first hunt group cannot be configured as a final number in any other hunt group.

Note This command is not used for ephone hunt groups that are part of a Cisco Unified CME B-ACD service. The final destination for those groups is determined by the B-ACD service.

Step 7 

hops number


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# hops 7

(Optional; peer and longest-idle hunt groups only) Sets the number of hops before a call proceeds to the final number.

number—Number of hops before the call proceeds to the final ephone-dn. Range is 2 to 20, but the value must be less than or equal to the number of extensions that are specified in the list command. Default automatically adjusts to the number of hunt group members.

Step 8 

timeout seconds[, seconds...]


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# timeout 7, 10, 15

(Optional) Sets the number of seconds after which an unanswered call is redirected to the next number in the hunt-group list.

seconds—Number of seconds. Range: 3 to 60000. Multiple entries can be made, separated by commas, that must correspond to the number of ephone-dns in the list command. Each number in a multiple entry specifies the time that the corresponding ephone-dn will ring before a call is forwarded to the next number in the list. If a single number is entered, it is used for the no-answer period for each ephone-dn.

If this command is not used, the default is the number of seconds set by the timeouts ringing command, which defaults to 180 seconds. Note that the default of 180 seconds may be greater than you desire.

Step 9 

max-timeout seconds


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# max-timeout 25

(Optional) Sets the maximum combined timeout for the no-answer periods for all ephone-dns in the ephone-hunt list. The call proceeds to the final destination when this timeout expires, regardless of whether it has completed the hunt cycle.

seconds—Number of seconds. Range is 3 to 60000.

If this command is not used, the default is that no combined timeout limit is set.

Step 10 

preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# preference 1

(Optional) Sets a preference order for the ephone-dn associated with the hunt-group pilot number.

preference-order—See the CLI help for a range of numeric values, where 0 is the highest preference. Default is 0.

secondary secondary-order—(Optional) Preference order for the secondary pilot number. See the CLI help for a range of numeric values, where 0 is the highest preference. Default is 9.

Step 11 

no-reg [both | pilot]


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# no-reg

(Optional) Prevents the hunt-group pilot number from registering with an H.323 gatekeeper. If this command is not used, the default is that the pilot number registers with the H.323 gatekeeper.

both—(Optional) Both the primary and secondary pilot numbers are not registered.

pilot—(Optional) Only the primary pilot number is not registered.

In Cisco CME 3.1 and later versions, if this command is used without the either the both or pilot keywords, only the secondary number is not registered.

Step 12 

fwd-final {orig-phone | final}


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# fwd-final orig-phone

(Optional) For calls that have been transferred into an ephone hunt group by a local extension, determines the final destination of a call that is not answered in the hunt group.

final—Forwards the call to the ephone-dn number that is specified in the final command.

orig-phone—Forwards the call to the primary directory number of the phone that transferred the call into the hunt group.

Step 13 

forward local-calls


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# no forward local-calls

(Optional; sequential hunt groups only) Specifies that local calls (calls from ephone-dns on the same Cisco Unified CME system) will not be forwarded past the first list member in a hunt group. If the first member is busy, the internal caller hears busy. If the first number does not answer, the internal caller hears ringback.

Step 14 

secondary start [current | next | list-position]


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# secondary start next

(Optional) For calls that are parked by hunt group member phones, returns them to a different entry point in the hunt group (as specified in this command) if the calls are recalled from park to the secondary pilot number or transferred from park to an ephone-dn that forwards the call to the secondary pilot number.

current—The ephone-dn that parked the call.

next—The ephone-dn in the hunt group list that follows the ephone-dn that parked the call.

list-position—The ephone-dn at the specified position in the list specified by the list command. Range is 1 to 10.

Step 15 

present-call {idle-phone | onhook-phone}


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# present-call idle-phone

(Optional) Presents ephone-hunt-group calls only to member phones that are idle or onhook, as specified.

idle-phone—A call from the ephone-hunt group is presented to an ephone only if all lines on the phone are idle. This option ignores monitored lines that have been configured on the phone using the button m command.

onhook-phone—A call from the ephone-hunt group is presented to an ephone only if the phone is in the on-hook state. When this keyword is configured, calls in the ringing or hold state that are unrelated to the hunt group do not prevent the presentation of calls from the ephone-hunt group.

Step 16 



Router(config-ephone-hunt)# from-ring

(Optional) Specifies that on-hook time stamps should be recorded when calls ring extensions and when calls are answered. The default is that on-hook time stamps are recorded only when calls are answered.

Step 17 

description text-string


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# description Marketing Hunt Group

(Optional) Defines text that will appear in configuration output.

Step 18 

display-logout text-string


Router(config-ephone-hunt)# display-logout Night Service

(Optional) Defines text that will appear on IP phones that are members of a hunt group when all the hunt-group members are in the not-ready status. This string can be used to inform hunt-group members where the calls are being sent when all members are unavailable to take calls.

Step 19 



Router(config-ephone-hunt)# exit

Exits ephone-hunt configuration mode.

Step 20 



Router(config)# telephony-service

Enters telephony-service configuration mode.

Step 21 

max-redirect number


Router(config-telephony)# max-redirect 8

(Optional) Sets the number of times that a call can be redirected within a Cisco Unified CME system.

number—Range is 5 to 20. Default is 5.

Note This command is required if the number of hops is greater than 5.

Step 22 

hunt-group logout {DND | HLog}


Router(config-telephony)# hunt-group logout HLog

(Optional) Specifies whether agent not-ready status applies only to ephone hunt group extensions on a phone (HLog mode) or to all extensions on a phone (DND mode). Agent not-ready status can activated by an agent using the HLog soft key or a FAC, or it can be activated automatically after the number of calls specified in the auto logout command are not answered.

The default if this command is not used is DND.

DND—When phones are placed in agent not-ready status, all ephone-dns on the phone will not accept calls.

HLog—Enables the display of the HLog soft key. When phones are placed in the agent not-ready status, only the ephone-dns assigned to ephone hunt groups will not accept calls.

Step 23 



Router(config-telephony)# exit

Exits telephony-service configuration mode.

Step 24 

ephone-dn dn-tag


Router(config)# ephone-dn 29

(Optional) Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.

dn-tag—Tag number for the ephone-dn to be authorized to join and leave ephone hunt groups.

Step 25 

ephone-hunt login


Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-hunt login

(Optional) Enables this ephone-dn to join and leave ephone hunt groups (dynamic membership).

Step 26 



Router(config-ephone-dn)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Verifying Hunt Groups

Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Ephone hunt group parameters are listed in the ephone-hunt portion of the output.

Router# show running-config

ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle

 pilot 500

 list 502, 503, *

 max-timeout 30

 timeout 10, 10, 10

 hops 2


 fwd-final orig-phone



ephone-hunt 2 sequential

 pilot 600

 list 621, *, 623

 final 5255348

 max-timeout 10

 timeout 20, 20, 20

 fwd-final orig-phone



ephone-hunt 77 longest-idle


 pilot 100

 list 101, *, 102


Step 2 To verify the configuration of ephone hunt group dynamic membership, use the show running-config command. Look at the ephone-hunt portion of the output to ensure at least one wildcard slot is configured. Look at the ephone-dn section to see whether particular ephone-dns are authorized to join ephone hunt groups. Look at the telephony-service section to see whether FACs are enabled.

Router# show running-config

ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle

 pilot 500

 list 502, 503, *

 max-timeout 30

 timeout 10, 10, 10

 hops 2


 fwd-final orig-phone



ephone-dn 2 dual-line

 number 126

 preference 1

 call-forward busy 500

 ephone-hunt login



 fac custom alias 5 *5 to *35000

 fac custom ephone-hunt cancel #5

Step 3 Use the show ephone-hunt command for detailed information about hunt groups, including dial-peer tag numbers, hunt-group agent status, and on-hook time stamps. This command also displays the dial-peer tag numbers of all ephone-dns that have joined dynamically and are members of the group at the time that the command is run.

Router# show ephone-hunt

Group 1

type: peer

pilot number: 450, peer-tag 20123

list of numbers:

451, aux-number A450A0900, # peers 5, logout 0, down 1

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20122 42 0 login up ]

[20121 41 0 login up ]

[20120 40 0 login up ]

[20119 30 0 login up ]

[20118 29 0 login down]

452, aux-number A450A0901, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20127 45 0 login up ]

[20126 44 0 login up ]

[20125 43 0 login up ]

[20124 31 0 login up ]

453, aux-number A450A0902, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20131 48 0 login up ]

[20130 47 0 login up ]

[20129 46 0 login up ]

[20128 32 0 login up ]

477, aux-number A450A0903, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20132 499 0 login up ]

preference: 0

preference (sec): 7

timeout: 3, 3, 3, 3

max timeout : 10

hops: 4

next-to-pick: 1

E.164 register: yes

auto logout: no

stat collect: no

Group 2

type: sequential

pilot number: 601, peer-tag 20098

list of numbers:

123, aux-number A601A0200, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20097 56 0 login up ]

622, aux-number A601A0201, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20101 112 0 login up ]

[20100 111 0 login up ]

[20099 110 0 login up ]

623, aux-number A601A0202, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20104 122 0 login up ]

[20103 121 0 login up ]

[20102 120 0 login up ]

*, aux-number A601A0203, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20105 0 0 - down]

*, aux-number A601A0204, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20106 0 0 - down]

final number: 5255348

preference: 0

preference (sec): 9

timeout: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

max timeout : 40

fwd-final: orig-phone

E.164 register: yes

auto logout: no

stat collect: no

Group 3

type: longest-idle

pilot number: 100, peer-tag 20142

list of numbers:

101, aux-number A100A9700, # peers 3, logout 0, down 3

on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20141 132 0 login down]

[20140 131 0 login down]

[20139 130 0 login down]

*, aux-number A100A9701, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1

on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20143 0 0 - down]

102, aux-number A100A9702, # peers 2, logout 0, down 2

on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0

peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down

[20145 142 0 login down]

[20144 141 0 login down]

all agents down!

preference: 0

preference (sec): 7

timeout: 100, 100, 100

hops: 0

E.164 register: yes

auto logout: no

stat collect: no

SIP: Configuring Hunt Groups

To redirect calls for a specific number (hunt-group pilot number) to a defined group of directory numbers on SIP phones, perform the following steps.


Directory numbers to be added to a hunt group must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see "SIP: Creating Directory Numbers" on page 181.


SIP-to-H.323 calls are not supported.

If call forward is configured for a hunt group member, call forward is ignored by the hunt group.

Forwarding or transferring to a voice hunt group is not supported.

Voice-class with codec list can be configured under voice register pool, and more than one list member will not be supported for B2BUA call.

Caller ID update is not supported for supplementary services.

100 voice hunt groups is the maximum number of hunt group supported.

Voice hunt groups are subject to max-redirect restriction.

A pilot dial peer cannot be used as a voice hunt group and a hunt group at the same time.

If call-waiting is enabled (the default), parallel hunt groups support multiple calls up to the limit of call-waiting calls supported by the particular SIP phone model. If call waiting is disabled, parallel hunt groups support only one call at a time in the ringing state. Phones that fail to connect must return to the on-hook state before they can receive other calls.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. voice hunt-group hunt-tag [longest-idle | parallel | peer | sequential]

4. pilot number [secondary number]

5. list dn-number, dn-number[, dn-number...]

6. final final-number

7. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]

8. hops number

9. timeout seconds

10. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

voice hunt-group hunt-tag [longest-idle | parallel | peer | sequential]


Router(config)# voice hunt-group 1 longest-idle

Enters voice hunt-group configuration mode to define a hunt group.

hunt-tag—Unique sequence number of the hunt group to be configured. Range is 1 to 100.

longest idle—Hunt group in which calls go to the directory number that has been idle for the longest time.

parallel—Hunt group in which calls simultaneously ring multiple phones.

peer—Hunt group in which the first directory number is selected round-robin from the list.

sequential—Hunt group in which directory numbers ring in the order in which they are listed, left to right.

To change the hunt-group type, remove the existing hunt group first by using the no form of the command; then, recreate the group.

Step 4 

pilot number [secondary number]


Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# pilot number 8100

Defines the telephone number that callers dial to reach a voice hunt group.

number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164 telephone number.

Number string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is to be dialed only by the Cisco Unified CME router, as with an intercom number, and not from telephone keypads.

secondary number—(Optional) Keyword and argument combination defines the number that follows as an additional pilot number for the voice hunt group.

Secondary numbers can contain wild cards. A wildcard is a period (.), which matches any entered digit.

Step 5 

list directory-number, directory-number [,directory-number...]


Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# list 8000, 8010, 8020, 8030

Creates a list of extensions that are members of a voice hunt group. To remove a list from a router configuration, use the no form of this command.

directory-numbers—List of extensions to be added as members to the voice hunt group. Separate the extensions with commas.

Add or delete all extensions in a hunt-group list at one time. You cannot add or delete a single number in an existing list.

There must be from 2 to 10 extensions in the hunt-group list, and each number must be a primary or secondary number.

Any number in the list cannot be a pilot number of a parallel hunt group.

Step 6 

final directory-number


Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# final 8888

Defines the last extension in a voice hunt group.

If a final number in one hunt group is configured as a pilot number of another hunt group, the pilot number of the first hunt group cannot be configured as a final number in any other hunt group.

Step 7 

preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]


Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# preference 6

Sets the preference order for the directory number associated with a voice hunt-group pilot number.

Note We recommend that the parallel hunt-group pilot number be unique in the system. Parallel hunt groups may not work if there are more than one partial or exact dial-peer match. For example, if the pilot number is "8000" and there is another dial peer that matches "8...". If multiple matches cannot be avoided, give parallel hunt groups the highest priority to run by assigning a lower preference to the other dial peers. Note that 10 is the lowest preference value. By default, dial peers created by parallel hunt groups have a preference of 0.

preference-order—Range is 0 to 8, where 0 is the highest preference, and 8 is the lowest preference. Default is 0.

secondary secondary-order—(Optional) Keyword and argument combination is used to set the preference order for the secondary pilot number. Range is 0 to 10, where 0 is the highest preference and 10 is the lowest preference. Default is 9.

Step 8 

hops number


Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# hops 2

For configuring a peer or longest-idle voice hunt group only. Defines the number of times that a call can hop to the next number in a peer or longest-idle voice hunt group before the call proceeds to the final number.

number—Number of hops. Range is 2 to 10, and the value must be less than or equal to the number of extensions specified by the list command.

Default is the same number as there are destinations defined under the list command.

Step 9 

timeout seconds


Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# timeout 100

Defines the number of seconds after which a call that is not answered is redirected to the next directory number in a voice hunt-group list.

Default: 180 seconds.

Step 10 



Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# end

Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Configuring Night Service

This procedure defines night-service hours, an optional night-service code, the ephone-dns that trigger the notification process, and the ephones that will receive notification.


In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later, silent ringing, configured on the phone by using the s keyword with the button command, is suppressed when used with the night service feature. Silent ringing is overridden and the phone audibly rings during designated night-service periods.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. telephony-service

4. night-service day day start-time stop-time

5. night-service date month date start-time stop-time

6. night-service everyday start-time stop-time

7. night-service weekday start-time stop-time

8. night-service weekend start-time stop-time

9. night-service code digit-string

10. exit

11. ephone-dn dn-tag

12. night-service bell

13. exit

14. ephone phone-tag

15. night-service bell

16. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 



Router(config)# telephony-service

Enters telephony-service configuration mode.

Step 4 

night-service day day start-time stop-time


Router(config-telephony)# night-service day mon 19:00 07:00

Defines a recurring time period associated with a day of the week during which night service is active.

day—Day of the week abbreviation. The following are valid day abbreviations: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat.

start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start time. For example, "mon 19:00 07:00" means "from Monday at 7 p.m. until Tuesday at 7 a.m."

Step 5 

night-service date month date start-time stop-time


Router(config-telephony)# night-service date jan 1 00:00 00:00

Defines a recurring time period associated with a month and date during which night service is active.

month—Month abbreviation. The following are valid month abbreviations: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec.

date—Date of the month. Range is 1 to 31.

start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. The stop time must be greater than the start time. The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop time, calls are blocked for the entire 24-hour period on the specified date.

Step 6 

night-service everyday start-time stop-time


Router(config-telephony)# night-service everyday 1200 1300

Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective everyday.

start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start time. For example, "19:00 07:00" means "from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning." The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop time, the night service feature will be activated for the entire 24-hour period.

Step 7 

night-service weekday start-time stop-time


Router(config-telephony)# night-service weekday 1700 0700

Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective on all weekdays.

start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start time. For example, "19:00 07:00" means "from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning." The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop time, the night service feature will be activated for the entire 24-hour period.

Step 8 

night-service weekend start-time stop-time


Router(config-telephony)# night-service weekend 00:00 00:00

Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective on all weekend days. Weekend is defined as Saturday and Sunday.

start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start time. For example, "19:00 07:00" means "from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning." The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop time, the night service feature will be activated for the entire 24-hour period.

Step 9 

night-service code digit-string


Router(config-telephony)# night-service code *6483

Designates a code that can be dialed from any night-service line (ephone-dn) to toggle night service on and off for all lines assigned to night service in the system. The night-service state is indicated in a display message on phones that have active night-service lines.

digit-string—String of up to 16 keypad digits. The code must begin with an asterisk (*).

Step 10 



Router(config-telephony)# exit

Exits telephony-service configuration mode.

Step 11 

ephone-dn dn-tag


Router(config)# ephone-dn 55

Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to define an ephone-dn to receive night-service treatment.

dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the ephone-dn to receive night-service treatment.

Step 12 

night-service bell


Router(config-ephone-dn)# night-service bell

Marks this ephone-dn for night-service treatment. Incoming calls to this ephone-dn during the night-service time period send an alert notification to all IP phones that are marked to receive night-service bell notification.

Step 13 



Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit

Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.

Step 14 

ephone phone-tag


Router(config)# ephone 12

Enters ephone configuration mode. This is a phone that will be notified when an incoming call is received by a night-service ephone-dn during a night-service period.

phone-tag—The unique sequence number of the phone that you are designating as a night-service phone.

Step 15 

night-service bell


Router(config-ephone)# night-service bell

Marks this phone to receive night-service bell notification when incoming calls are received on ephone-dns marked for night service during the night-service time period. The alert notification is a splash ring that is not associated with any of the individual lines on the IP phone and a visual display of the ephone-dn line number. The phone user can pick up the call by executing a PickUp or GPickUp.

Step 16 



Router(config-ephone)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Verifying Night Service

Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify the night-service parameters, which are listed in the telephony-service portion of the output, or use the show telephony-service command to display the same parameters.

Router# show running-config


fxo hook-flash

load 7910 P00403020214

load 7960-7940 P00303020214

max-ephones 48

max-dn 288

ip source-address port 2000

application segway0

caller-id block code *321

create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Mar 07 2003 11:19:18

voicemail 79000

 max-conferences 8

call-forward pattern .....

moh minuet.wav

date-format yy-mm-dd

transfer-system full-consult

transfer-pattern .....

secondary-dialtone 9

night-service code *1234

night-service day Tue 00:00 23:00

night-service day Wed 01:00 23:59



Router# show telephony-service

CONFIG (Version=4.0(0))


Version 4.0(0)

Cisco Unified CallManager Express

For on-line documentation please see:

ip source-address port 2000

load 7910 P00403020214

load 7961 TERM41.7-0-1-1

load 7961GE TERM41.7-0-1-1

load 7960-7940 P00307020300

max-ephones 100

max-dn 500

max-conferences 8 gain -6

dspfarm units 2

dspfarm transcode sessions 4

dspfarm 1 MTP00059a3d7441

dspfarm 2

hunt-group report delay 1 hours

Number of hunt-group configured: 14

hunt-group logout DND

max-redirect 20

voicemail 7189

cnf-file location: system:

cnf-file option: PER-PHONE-TYPE

network-locale[0] US (This is the default network locale for this box)

user-locale[0] US (This is the default user locale for this box)


time-format 12

date-format mm-dd-yy

timezone 0 Greenwich Standard Time

secondary-dialtone 9

call-forward pattern .T

transfer-pattern 92......

transfer-pattern 91..........

transfer-pattern .T

after-hours block pattern 1 91900 7-24

after-hours block pattern 2 9976 7-24

after-hours block pattern 4 91...976.... 7-24

night-service date Jan 1 00:00 23:59

night-service day Mon 17:00 07:00

night-service day Wed 17:00 07:00

keepalive 30

timeout interdigit 10

timeout busy 10

timeout ringing 100

caller-id name-only: enable

system message XYZ Company

web admin system name xyz password xxxx

web admin customer name Customer

edit DN through Web: enabled.

edit TIME through web: enabled.

Log (table parameters):

max-size: 150

retain-timer: 15

create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00

transfer-system full-consult

multicast moh port 2000

fxo hook-flash

local directory service: enabled.

Step 2 Use the show running-config command to verify that the correct ephone-dns and ephones are configured with the night-service bell command. You can also use the show telephony-service ephone-dn and show telephony-service ephone commands to display these parameters.

Router# show running-config

ephone-dn 24 dual-line

 number 2548

 description FrontDesk

 night-service bell 

ephone 1

 mac-address 110F.80C0.FE0B

 type 7960 addon 1 7914

 no dnd feature-ring


 button 1f40 2f41 3f42 4:30

 button 7m20 8m21 9m22 10m23

 button 11m24 12m25 13m26

 night-service bell

SCCP: Configuring Overlaid Ephone-dns

To create ephone-dns, then assign multiple ephone-dns to a single phone button by using the o or c keyword with the button command, perform the following steps.


Call waiting is disabled when you configure ephone-dn overlays using the o keyword with the button command. To enable call waiting, you must configure ephone-dn overlays using the c keyword with the button command.

Rollover of overlay calls to another phone button by using the x keyword with the button command only works to expand coverage if the overlay button is configured with the o keyword in the button command. Overlay buttons with call waiting that use the c keyword in the button command are not eligible for overlay rollover.

In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3), the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G cannot support overlays that contain ephone-dn configured for dual-line mode.

The primary ephone-dn on each phone in a shared-line overlay set should be an ephone-dn that is unique to the phone to guarantee that the phone will have a line available for outgoing calls, and to ensure that the phone user can obtain dial-tone even when there are no idle lines available in the rest of the shared-line overlay set. Use a unique ephone-dn in this manner to provide for a unique calling party identity on outbound calls made by the phone so that the called user can see which specific phone is calling.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]

4. number number

5. preference preference-value

6. huntstop
no huntstop

7. call-forward noan

8. call-forward busy

9. huntstop channel

10. exit

11. ephone phone-tag

12. mac-address mac-address

13. button button-number{o | c}dn-tag,dn-tag[,dn-tag...] button-number{x}overlay-button-number

14. end


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

ephone-dn phone-tag [dual-line]


Router(config)# ephone-dn 10 dual-line

Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create an extension (ephone-dn) for a Cisco Unified IP phone line.

For shared-line overlay set: Primary ephone-dn on a phone should be an ephone-dn that is unique to the phone.

Step 4 

number number


Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1001

Associates a telephone or extension number with the ephone-dn.

Step 5 

preference preference-order


Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference 1

Sets dial-peer preference order for an ephone-dn.

preference-order—Preference order for the primary number associated with an extension (ephone-dn). Type ? for a range of numeric options, where 0 is the highest preference. Default: 0.

Step 6 

no huntstop




Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop



Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop

Explicitly enables call hunting behavior for a directory number.

Set this command on all ephone-dns in the overlay set except the final instance.

Required to allow call hunting allow call hunting across multiple numbers on the same line button on an IP phone.


Disables call hunting behavior for a directory number.

Set this command on the last ephone-dn within a overlay set.

Required to limit the call hunting to an overlay set.

Step 7 

call-forward noan

(Optional) Forwards incoming unanswered call to next line in the overlay set.

Set this command on all ephone-dns in the overlay set.

Step 8 

call-forward busy

(Optional) Forwards incoming call if line is busy.

Set this command on the last ephone-dn in the overlay set only.

Step 9 

huntstop channel


Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop channel

Only for dual-line ephone-dns in overlay set; keeps incoming calls from hunting to the second channel if the first channel is busy or does not answer.

Reserves the second channel for outgoing calls, such as a consultation call to be placed during a call transfer attempt, or for conferencing

Step 10 



Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit

Exits ephone-dn configuration mode

Step 11 

ephone phone-tag


Router(config)# ephone 4

Enters ephone configuration mode.

phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the phone to which you are adding an overlay set.

Step 12 

mac-address mac-address


Router(config-ephone)# mac-address 1234.5678.abcd

Specifies the MAC address of the registering phone.

Step 13 

button button-number{o | c}dn-tag,dn-tag[,dn-tag...] button-number{x}overlay-button-number


Router(config-ephone)# button 1o15,16,17,18,19 2c20,21,22 3x1 4x1

Creates a set of ephone-dns overlaid on a single button.

o—Overlay button. Multiple ephone-dns share this button. A maximum of 25 ephone-dns can be specified for a single button, separated by commas.

c—Overlay button with call-waiting. Multiple ephone-dns share this button. A maximum of 25 ephone-dns can be specified for a single button, separated by commas.

x—Separator that creates a rollover button for an overlay button that was defined using the o keyword. When the overlay button specified in this command is occupied by an active call, a second call to one of its ephone-dns will be presented on this button.

dn-tag—Unique identifier previously defined with the ephone-dn command for the ephone-dn to be added to this overlay set.

overlay-button-number—Number of the overlay button that should overflow to this button. Note that the button must have been defined using the o keyword and not the c keyword.

Note For other keywords, see the button command in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference.

Step 14 



Router(config-ephone)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

SCCP: Verifying Overlaid Ephone-dns

Step 1 Use the show running-config command or the show telephony-service ephone command to view button assignments.

Router# show running-config

ephone 5

 description Cashier1

 mac-address 0117.FBC6.1985

 type 7960

 button 1o4,5,6,200,201,202,203,204,205,206 2x1 3x1

Step 2 Use the show ephone overlay command to display the configuration and current status of registered overlay ephone-dns.

Router# show ephone overlay

ephone-1 Mac:0007.0EA6.353A TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED

mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0

IP: 52486 Telecaster 7960 keepalive 2771 max_line 6

button 1: dn 11 number 60011 CH1 IDLE overlay

button 2: dn 17 number 60017 CH1 IDLE overlay

button 3: dn 24 number 60024 CH1 IDLE overlay

button 4: dn 30 number 60030 CH1 IDLE overlay

button 5: dn 36 number 60036 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE overlay

button 6: dn 39 number 60039 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE overlay

overlay 1: 11(60011) 12(60012) 13(60013) 14(60014) 15(60015) 16(60016)

overlay 2: 17(60017) 18(60018) 19(60019) 20(60020) 21(60021) 22(60022)

overlay 3: 23(60023) 24(60024) 25(60025) 26(60026) 27(60027) 28(60028)

overlay 4: 29(60029) 30(60030) 31(60031) 32(60032) 33(60033) 34(60034)

overlay 5: 35(60035) 36(60036) 37(60037)

overlay 6: 38(60038) 39(60039) 40(60040)

Step 3 Use the show dialplan number command to display all the number resolutions of a particular phone number, which allows you to detect whether calls are going to unexpected destinations. This command is useful for troubleshooting cases in which you dial a number but the expected phone does not ring.

Configuration Examples for Call Coverage Features

This section contains the following configuration examples:

Call Hunt: Examples

Call Pickup: Examples

Call-Waiting Beep: Example

Call-Waiting Ring: Example

Hunt Group: Examples

Night Service: Examples

Overlaid Ephone-dns Examples

Call Hunt: Examples

This section contains the following examples:

Ephone-dn Dial-Peer Preference: Example

Huntstop Disabled: Example

Channel Huntstop: Example

SIP Call Hunt: Example

Ephone-dn Dial-Peer Preference: Example

The following example sets an ephone-dn preference number of 2 for the primary number of the ephone-dn with dn-tag 3:

ephone-dn 3

 number 3001

 preference 2

Huntstop Disabled: Example

The following example shows an instance in which huntstop is not desired and is explicitly disabled. In this example, ephone 4 is configured with two lines, each with the same extension number 5001. This is done to allow the second line to provide call waiting notification for extension number 5001 when the first line is in use. Setting no huntstop on the first line (ephone-dn 1) allows incoming calls to hunt to the second line (ephone-dn 2) on the same phone when the ephone-dn 1 line is busy.

Ephone-dn 2 has call forwarding set to extension 6000, which corresponds to a locally attached answering machine connected to a foreign exchange station (FXS) voice port. The plain old telephone service (POTS) dial peer for extension 6000 also has the dial-peer huntstop attribute explicitly set to prevent further hunting.

ephone-dn 1

 number 5001

 no huntstop

 preference 1

 call-forward noan 6000

ephone-dn 2

 number 5001

 preference 2

 call-forward busy 6000

 call-forward noan 6000

ephone 4

 button 1:1 2:2

 mac-address 0030.94c3.8724

dial-peer voice 6000 pots

 destination-pattern 6000

 huntstop port 1/0/0

 description answering-machine

Channel Huntstop: Example

The following is an example that uses the huntstop channel command. It shows a dual-line ephone-dn configuration in which calls do not hunt to the second channel of any ephone-dn, but they do hunt through each ephone-dn's channel 1 in this order: ephone-dn 10, ephone-dn 11, ephone-dn 12.

ephone-dn 10 dual-line

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

ephone-dn 11 dual-line

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 preference 1

ephone-dn 12 dual-line

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 preference 2

SIP Call Hunt: Example

The following example shows a typical configuration in which huntstop is required. The huntstop command is enabled and prevents calls to extension 5001 from being rerouted to the on-net H.323 dial peer for 5... when extension 5001 is busy (three periods are used as wild cards).

voice register dn 1

 number 5001


voice register pool 4

 number 1 dn 1

 id-mac 0030.94c3.8724

dial-peer voice 5000 voip

 destination-pattern 5...

 session target ipv4:

 session protocol sipv2

Call Pickup: Examples

The following example assigns the line that has an ephone-dn tag of 55 to pickup group 2345:

ephone-dn 55

 number 2555

 pickup-group 2345

The following example globally disables directed call pickup and changes the action of the PickUp soft key to perform local group call pickup rather than directed call pickup.


 no service directed-pickup

Call-Waiting Beep: Example

In the following example, ephone-dn 10 neither accepts nor generates a beep, ephone-dn 11 does not accept a beep, and ephone-dn 12 does not generate a beep.

ephone-dn 10

 no call-waiting beep

 number 4410

ephone-dn 11

 no call-waiting beep accept

 number 4411

ephone-dn 12

 no call-waiting beep generate

 number 4412

Call-Waiting Ring: Example

The following example specifies that a short ring will indicate a call is waiting for extension 5533.

ephone-dn 20

 number 5533

 call-waiting ring

Hunt Group: Examples

This section contains the following examples:

Sequential Ephone Hunt Group: Example

Peer Ephone Hunt Group: Example

Longest-Idle Ephone Hunt Group: Example

Longest-Idle Ephone Hunt Group Using From-Ring Option: Example

Logout Display: Example

Dynamic Membership: Example

Agent Status Control: Example

Automatic Agent Not-Ready: Example

Sequential Ephone Hunt Group: Example

The following example defines a sequential ephone hunt group with the pilot number 5601 and the final number 6000, with four numbers in the list of phones that answer for the pilot number.

ephone-hunt 2 sequential

 pilot 600

 list 621, *, 623

 final 5255348

 max-timeout 10

 timeout 20, 20, 20

 fwd-final orig-phone

Peer Ephone Hunt Group: Example

The following example defines peer ephone hunt group 10 with a pilot number 450, a final number 500, and eight numbers in the list. After a call is redirected four times (makes four hops), it is redirected to the final number.

ephone-hunt 10 peer

 pilot 450

 list 451, 452, 453, 477

 final 500

 max-timeout 10

 timeout 3, 3, 3, 3

Longest-Idle Ephone Hunt Group: Example

The following example defines longest-idle ephone hunt group 1 with a pilot number 7501 and 11 numbers in the list. After a call is redirected five times, it is redirected to the final number.

ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle

 pilot 7501

 list 7001, 7002, 7023, 7028, 7045, 7062, 7067, 7072, 7079, 7085, 7099

 final 8000

 preference 1

 hops 5

 timeout 20


Longest-Idle Ephone Hunt Group Using From-Ring Option: Example

The following example defines longest-idle ephone hunt group 1 with a pilot number 7501, a final number 8000, and 11 numbers in the list. Because the from-ring command is used, on-hook time stamps will be recorded when calls ring extensions and when calls are answered. After a call is redirected six times (makes six hops), it is redirected to the final number, 8000. The max-redirect command is used to increase the number of redirects that are allowed because the number of hops (six) is larger than the default number of redirects that are allowed in the system (five).

ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle

 pilot 7501

 list 7001, 7002, 7023, 7028, 7045, 7062, 7067, 7072, 7079, 7085, 7099

 final 8000


 preference 1

 hops 6

 timeout 20


 max-redirect 8

Logout Display: Example

In the following example, the description is set to "Marketing Hunt Group." This information will be shown in the configuration output and also on the display of IP phones that are receiving calls from this hunt group. The display-logout message is set to "Night Service," which will be displayed on IP phones that are members of the hunt group when all the members are logged out.

ephone-hunt 17 sequential

 pilot 3000

 list 3011, 3021, 3031

 timeout 10

 final 7600

 description Marketing Hunt Group

 display-logout Night Service

Dynamic Membership: Example

The following example creates four ephone-dns and a hunt group that includes the first ephone-dn and two wildcard slots. The last three ephone-dns are enabled for group hunt dynamic membership. Each of them can join and leave the hunt group whenever one of the wildcard slots is available. Standard FACs have been enabled, and the agents use standard FACs to join (*3) and leave (#3) the hunt group. You can also use the fac command to create custom FACs for these actions if you prefer.

ephone-dn 22

 number 4566

ephone-dn 24

 number 4568

 ephone-hunt login

ephone-dn 25

 number 4569

 ephone-hunt login

ephone-dn 26

 number 4570

 ephone-hunt login

ephone-hunt 1 peer

 list 4566,*,*

 timeout 10

 final 7777


 fac standard

Agent Status Control: Example

The following example sets up a peer ephone hunt group. It also establishes the appearance and order of soft keys for phones that are configured with ephone-template 7. These phones will have the HLog key available when they are idle, when they have seized a line, or when they are connected to a call. Phones without soft keys can use the standard HLog codes to toggle ready and not-ready status.

ephone-hunt 10 peer

 pilot 450

 list 451, 452, 453, 477

 final 500

 timeout 45


 hunt-group logout HLog

 fac standard


ephone-template 7

 softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer HLog

 softkeys idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall HLog

 softkeys seized Endcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall HLog

Automatic Agent Not-Ready: Example

The following example enables automatic status change to not-ready after one unanswered hunt group call (the default) for both dynamic and static hunt group members (the default). It also specifies that the phones which are automatically put into the not-ready status should only be blocked from further hunt-group calls and that they should be able to receive calls that directly dial their extensions.

ephone-hunt 3 peer

 pilot 4200

 list 1001, 1002, 1003

 timeout 10

 auto logout

 final 4500


 hunt-group logout HLog

The following example enables automatic status change to not-ready after two unanswered hunt group calls for any ephone-dn that dynamically logs in to the hunt group using the wildcard slot in the hunt group list. Phones that are automatically placed in the not-ready status when they do not answer two hunt-group calls are also placed into DND status (they will also not accept directly dialed calls).

ephone-hunt 3 peer

 pilot 4200

 list 1001, 1002, *

 timeout 10

 auto logout 2 dynamic

 final 4500


 hunt-group logout DND

Night Service: Examples

The following example provides night service before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, before 8 a.m. and after 1 p.m. on Saturday, and all day Sunday. Extension 1000 is designated as a night-service extension. Incoming calls to extension 1000 during the night-service period ring on extension 1000 and provide night-service notification to phones that are designated as night-service phones. In this example, the night-service phones are ephone 14 and ephone 15. The night-service notification consists of a single ring on the phone and a display of "Night Service 1000." A night-service toggle code has been configured, *6483 (*NITE), by which a phone user can activate or deactivate night-service conditions during the hours of night service.


 night-service day mon 17:00 08:00

 night-service day tue 17:00 08:00

 night-service day wed 17:00 08:00

 night-service day thu 17:00 08:00

 night-service day fri 17:00 08:00

 night-service day sat 13:00 12:00

 night-service day sun 12:00 08:00

 night-service code *6483


ephone-dn 1

 number 1000

 night-service bell


ephone-dn 2

 number 1001

 night-service bell


ephone-dn 10

 number 2222


ephone-dn 11

 number 3333


ephone 5

 mac-address 1111.2222.0001

 button 1:1 2:2


ephone 14

 mac-address 1111.2222.0002

 button 1:10

 night-service bell


ephone 15

 mac-address 1111.2222.0003

 button 1:11

 night-service bell

Overlaid Ephone-dns Examples

This section contains the following examples:

Overlaid Ephone-dn: Example

Overlaid Dual-Line Ephone-dn: Example

Shared-line Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example

Overlaid Ephone-dn with Call Waiting: Example

Overlaid Ephone-dns with Rollover Buttons: Example

Called Directory Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example

Called Ephone-dn Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example

Overlaid Ephone-dn: Example

The following example creates three lines (ephone-dns) that are shared across three IP phones to handle three simultaneous calls to the same telephone number. Three instances of a shared line with the extension number 1001 are overlaid onto a single button on each of three phones. A typical call flow is as follows. The first call goes to ephone 1 (highest preference) and rings button 1 on all three phones (huntstop is off). The call is answered on ephone 1. A second call to extension 1001 hunts onto ephone-dn 2 and rings on the two remaining ephones, 11 and 12. The second call is answered by ephone 12. A third simultaneous call to extension 1001 hunts onto ephone-dn 3 and rings on ephone 11, where it is answered. Note that the no huntstop command is used to allow hunting for the first two ephone-dns, and the huntstop command is used on the final ephone-dn to stop call-hunting behavior. The preference command is used to create different selection preferences for each ephone-dn.

ephone-dn 1

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 preference 0

ephone-dn 2

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 preference 1

ephone-dn 3

 number 1001


 preference 2

ephone 10

 button 1o1,2,3

ephone 11

 button 1o1,2,3

ephone 12

 button 1o1,2,3

Overlaid Dual-Line Ephone-dn: Example

The following example shows how to overlay dual-line ephone-dns. In addition to using the huntstop and preference commands, you must use the huntstop channel command to prevent calls from hunting to the second channel of an ephone-dn. This example overlays five ephone-dns on button 1 on five different ephones. This allows five separate calls to the same number to be connected simultaneously, while occupying only one button on each phone.

ephone-dn 10 dual-line

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 preference 0

ephone-dn 11 dual-line

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 preference 1

ephone-dn 12 dual-line

 number 1001

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 preference 2

ephone-dn 13 dual-line

 number 1001

 preference 3

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

ephone-dn 14 dual-line

 number 1001

 preference 4


 huntstop channel

ephone 33

 mac 00e4.5377.2a33

 button 1o10,11,12,13,14

ephone 34

 mac 9c33.0033.4d34

 button 1o10,11,12,13,14

ephone 35

 mac 1100.8c11.3865

 button 1o10,11,12,13,14

ephone 36

 mac 0111.9c87.3586

 button 1o10,11,12,13,14

ephone 37

 mac 01a4.8222.3911

 button 1o10,11,12,13,14

Shared-line Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example

The following is an example of a unique ephone-dn as the primary dn in a simple shared-line overlay configuration. The no huntstop command is configured for all the ephone-dns except ephone-dn 12, the last one in the overlay set. Because the ephone-dns are dual-line dns, the huntstop-channel command is also configured to ensure that the second channel remains free for outgoing calls and for conferencing.

ephone-dn 1 dual-line

 number 101



ephone-dn 2 dual-line

 number 102



ephone-dn 10 dual-line

 number 201

 no huntstop



ephone-dn 11 dual-line

 number 201

 no huntstop



ephone-dn 12 dual-line

 number 201



!The following ephone configuration includes (unique) ephone-dn 1 as the primary line in a shared-line overlay

ephone 1

 mac-address 1111.1111.1111

 button 1o1,10,11,12


!The next ephone configuration includes (unique) ephone-dn 2 as the primary line in another shared-line overlay


ephone 2

 mac-address 2222.2222.2222

 button 1o2,10,11,12

Overlaid Ephone-dn with Call Waiting: Example

In following example, button 1 on ephone 1 though ephone 3 uses the same set of overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting that share the number 1111. The button also accept calls to each ephone's unique (nonshared) ephone-dn number. Note that if ephone-dn 10 and ephone-dn 11 are busy, the call will go to ephone-dn 12. If ephone-dn 12 is busy, the call will go to voice mail.

ephone-dn 1 dual-line

 number 1001

ephone-dn 2 dual-line

 number 1001

ephone-dn 3 dual-line

 number 1001

ephone-dn 10 dual-line

 number 1111

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 call-forward noan 7000 timeout 30

ephone-dn 11 dual-line

 number 1111

 preference 1

 no huntstop

 huntstop channel

 call-forward noan 7000 timeout 30

ephone-dn 12 dual-line

 number 1111

 preference 2

 huntstop channel

 call-forward noan 7000 timeout 30

 call-forward busy 7000

ephone 1

 button 1c1,10,11,12

ephone 2

 button 1c2,10,11,12

ephone 3

 button 1c3,10,11,12

Overlaid Ephone-dns with Rollover Buttons: Example

The following example configures a "3x3" shared-line setup for three ephones and nine shared lines (ephone-dns 20 to 28). Each ephone has a unique ephone-dn for each of its three buttons (ephone-dns 11 to 13 on ephone 1, ephone-dns 14 to 16 on ephone 2, and ephone-dns 17 to 19 on ephone 3). The rest of the ephone-dns are shared among the three phones. Three phones with three buttons each can take nine calls. The overflow buttons provide the ability for an incoming call to ring on the first available button on each phone.

ephone-dn 11

 number 2011

ephone-dn 12

 number 2012

ephone-dn 13

 number 2013

ephone-dn 14

 number 2014




ephone-dn 28

 number 2028

ephone 1

 button 1o11,12,13,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 2x1 3x1

ephone 2

 button 1o14,15,16,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 2x1 3x1

ephone 3

 button 1o17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 2x1 3x1

Called Directory Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example

The following example demonstrates the display of a directory name for a called ephone-dn that is part of an overlaid ephone-dn set. For configuration information, see "Configuring Directory Services" on page 707.

This configuration of overlaid ephone-dns uses wildcards in the secondary numbers for the ephone-dns. Wildcards allow you to control the display according to the number that was dialed. The example is for a medical answering service with three IP phones that accept calls for nine doctors on one button. When a call to 5550101 rings on button 1 on phone 1 to phone 3, "doctor1" is displayed on all three phones.


 service dnis dir-lookup

 directory entry 1 5550101 name doctor1

 directory entry 2 5550102 name doctor2

 directory entry 3 5550103 name doctor3

 directory entry 4 5550110 name doctor4

 directory entry 5 5550111 name doctor5

 directory entry 6 5550112 name doctor6

 directory entry 7 5550120 name doctor7

 directory entry 8 5550121 name doctor8

 directory entry 9 5550122 name doctor9

ephone-dn 1

 number 5500 secondary 555000.

ephone-dn 2

 number 5501 secondary 555001.

ephone-dn 3

 number 5502 secondary 555002.

ephone 1

 button 1o1,2,3

 mac-address 1111.1111.1111

ephone 2

 button 1o1,2,3

 mac-address 2222.2222.2222

ephone 3

 button 1o1,2,3

 mac-address 3333.3333.3333

The following example shows a hunt-group configuration for a medical answering service with two phones and four doctors. Each phone has two buttons, and each button is assigned two doctors' numbers. When a patient calls 5550341, Cisco Unified CME matches the hunt-group pilot secondary number (555....), rings button 1 on one of the two phones, and displays "doctor1." For more information about hunt-group behavior, see the "Hunt Groups" section. Note that wildcards are used only in secondary numbers and cannot be used with primary numbers.


 service dnis dir-lookup

 max-redirect 20

 directory entry 1 5550341 name doctor1

 directory entry 2 5550772 name doctor1

 directory entry 3 5550263 name doctor3

 directory entry 4 5550150 name doctor4

ephone-dn 1

 number 1001

ephone-dn 2

number 1002

ephone-dn 3

number 1003

ephone-dn 4

number 104

ephone 1

 button 1o1,2

 button 2o3,4

 mac-address 1111.1111.1111

ephone 2

 button 1o1,2

 button 2o3,4

 mac-address 2222.2222.2222

ephone-hunt 1 peer

 pilot number 5100 secondary 555....

 list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004

 final number 5556000

 hops 5

 preference 1

 timeout 20


Called Ephone-dn Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns: Example

The following example demonstrates the display of the name assigned to the called ephone-dn using the name command. For information about configuring this feature, see "Configuring Directory Services" on page 707.

In this example, three phones have button 1 assigned to pick up three shared 800 numbers for three different catalogs.

The default display for the phones is the number of the first ephone-dn listed in the overlay set (18005550100). A call is made to the first ephone-dn (18005550100), and the caller ID (for example, 4085550123) is visible on all phones. The user for phone 1 answers the call. The caller ID (4085550123) remains visible on phone 1, and the displays on phone 2 and phone 3 return to the default display (18005550100). A call to the second ephone-dn (18005550101) is made. The default display on phone 2 and phone 3 is replaced with the called ephone-dn's name (catalog1) and number (18005550101).


 service dnis overlay

ephone-dn 1

 number 18005550100

ephone-dn 2

 name catalog1

 number 18005550101

ephone-dn 3

 name catalog2

 number 18005550102

ephone-dn 4

 name catalog3

 number 18005550103

ephone 1

 button 1o1,2,3,4

ephone 2

 button 1o1,2,3,4

ephone 3

 button 1o1,2,3,4

Where to Go Next

Dial-Peer Call Hunt and Hunt Groups

Dial peers other than ephone-dn dial peers can be directly configured as hunt groups or rotary groups, in which multiple dial peers can match incoming calls. (These are not the same as Cisco Unified CME ephone hunt groups.) For more information, see the "Hunt Groups" section of the " Dial Peers Features and Configuration" chapter of Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers.

Called-Name Display

This feature allows you to specify that the name of the called party, rather than the number, should be displayed for incoming calls. This feature is very helpful for agents answering calls for multiple ephone-dns that appear on a single line button in an ephone-dn overlay set. For more information, see "Configuring Directory Services" on page 707.

Soft Key Control

If the hunt-group logout command is used with the HLog keyword, the HLog soft key appears on phones during the idle, connected, and seized call states. The HLog soft key is used to toggle an agent from the ready to not-ready status or from the not-ready to ready status. To move or remove the HLog soft key on one or more phones, create and apply an ephone template that contains the appropriate softkeys commands.

For more information, see "Customizing Soft Keys" on page 875.

Feature Access Codes (FACs)

Dynamic membership allows agents at authorized ephones to join or leave a hunt group using a feature access code (FAC) after standard or custom FACs are enabled.

In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can activate call pickup using a feature access code (FAC) instead of a soft key when standard or custom FACs have been enabled for your system. The following are the standard FACs for call pickup:

Pickup group—Dial the FAC and a pickup group number to pick up a ringing call in a different pickup group than yours. Standard FAC is **4.

Pickup local—Dial the FAC to pick up a ringing call in your pickup group. Standard FAC is **3.

Pickup direct—Dial the FAC and the extension number to pick up a ringing call at any extension. Standard FAC is **5.

For more information about FACs, see "Configuring Feature Access Codes" on page 775.

Controlling Use of the Pickup Soft Keys

To block the functioning of the group pickup (GPickUp) or local pickup (Pickup) soft key without removing the key display, create and apply an ephone template that contains the features blocked command. For more information, see Configuring Call Blocking, page 485.

To remove the group pickup (GPickUp) or local pickup (Pickup) soft key from one or more phones, create and apply an ephone template that contains the appropriate softkeys command. For more information, see "Customizing Soft Keys" on page 875.

Ephone-dn Templates

The ephone-hunt login command authorizes an ephone-dn to dynamically join and leave an ephone hunt group. It can be included in an ephone-dn template that is applied to one or more individual ephone-dns. For more information, see "Creating Templates" on page 927.

Ephone Hunt Group Statistics Reports

Several different types of statistics can help you track whether your current ephone hunt groups are meeting your call-coverage needs. These statistics can be displayed on-screen or written to files.

For more information, see the " Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution and Auto-Attendant Service" chapter in Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling Applications.

Do Not Disturb

The Do Not Disturb (DND) feature can be used as an alternative to the HLog function for preventing incoming calls from ringing on a phone. The difference is that HLog prevents only hunt group calls from ringing, while DND prevents all calls from ringing. For more information, see "Configuring Do Not Disturb".

Automatic Call Forwarding During Night-Service

To have an ephone-dn forward all its calls automatically during night-service hours, use the call-forward night-service command. For more information, see the "SCCP: Enabling Call Forwarding for a Directory Number" section on page 541.

Ephone Templates

The night-service bell command specifies that a phone will receive night-service notification when calls are received at ephone-dns configured as night-service ephone-dns. This command can be included in an ephone template that is applied to one or more individual ephones.

For more information, see "Creating Templates" on page 927.

Additional References

The following sections provide references related to Cisco Unified CME features.

Related Documents

Related Topic
Document Title

Cisco Unified CME configuration

Cisco Unified CME Command Reference

Cisco Unified CME Documentation Roadmap

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference

Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4T Command References

Cisco IOS configuration

Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library

Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4T Configuration Guides

Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME

Quick Reference Cards

User Guides

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a user ID or password, you can register on

Feature Information for Call Coverage Features

Table 34 lists the features in this module and enhancements to the features by version.

To determine the correct Cisco IOS release to support a specific Cisco Unified CME version, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express and Cisco IOS Software Version Compatibility Matrix at

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which Cisco IOS software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Note Table 34 lists the Cisco Unified CME version that introduced support for a given feature. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent versions of Cisco Unified CME software also support that feature.

Table 34 Feature Information for Call Coverage

Feature Name
Cisco Unified CME Version

Call Hunt


Added support for configuring call hunt features on SIP IP phones connected directly to Cisco Unified CME.


Preference for secondary numbers was introduced.

Channel huntstop was introduced.


Ephone-dn dial-peer preference was introduced.

Huntstop was introduced.

Call Pickup


The ability to globally disable directed call pickup was introduced.

Feature access codes for call pickup were introduced.

The ability to block call pickup on individual phones was introduced.


The ability to remove or rearrange soft keys on individual phones was introduced.


Call pickup groups were introduced.

Call Waiting


Added support for configuring call waiting for SIP phones directly connected to Cisco Unified CME.

Callback Busy Subscriber


Callback busy subscriber was introduced.

Hunt Groups


Added support for the following on IP phones running SCCP:

Maximum number of hunt groups in a system was increased from 20 to 100 and maximum number of agents in a hunt group was increased from 10 to 20.

Maximum number of hops automatically adjusts to the number of agents.

A description can be added to phone displays and configuration output to provide hunt group information associated with ringing and answered calls.

A configurable message can be displayed on agent phones when all agents are in the not-ready status to advise the destination to which calls are being forwarded or other useful information.

No-answer timeouts can be set individually for each ephone-dn in the list and a cumulative no-answer timeout can be set for all ephone-dns.

Automatic logout trigger criterion was changed from exceeding the specified timeout to exceeding the specified number of calls. The name of this feature was changed from automatic logout to automatic agent status not-ready.

Dynamic hunt group membership is introduced. Agents can join and leave hunt groups whenever a wildcard slot is available.

Agent status control using an HLog soft key or feature access code (FAC) is introduced. Agents can put their lines into not-ready state to temporarily block hunt group calls without relinquishing their slots in group.

Calls can be blocked from agent phones that are not idle or on hook.

Calls that are not answered by the hunt group can be returned to the party who transferred them into the hunt group.

Calls parked by hunt group agents can be returned to a different entry point.

(Sequential hunt groups only) Local calls to a hunt group can be restricted so that they will not be forwarded past the initial agent that is rung.

(Longest-idle hunt groups only) A new command, the from-ring command, specifies that on-hook time stamps should be updated when a call rings an agent and when a call is answered by an agent.



Added support for configuring hunt groups for SIP phones directly connected to Cisco Unified CME.


Maximum number of hunt groups in a system was increased to 20.

Automatic logout capability was introduced.


Longest-idle hunt groups were introduced.


Secondary pilot numbers were introduced.


Peer and sequential ephone hunt groups were introduced.

Night Service


The night-service everyday, night-service weekday, and night-service weekend commands were introduced.


The behavior of the night-service code was changed. Previously, using the night-service code at a phone either enabled or disabled night service for the ephone-dns on that phone. Now, using the night-service code at a phone enables or disables night service for all night-service ephone-dns.


Night service was introduced.

Overlaid Ephone-dns


The number of ephone-dns that can be overlaid on a single button using the button command and the o or c keyword was increased from 10 to 25.

The ability to extend calls for overlaid ephone-dns to other buttons (rollover buttons) on the same phone was introduced. Rollover buttons are created by using the x keyword with the button command.

The number of waiting calls that can be displayed for overlaid ephone-dns that have call waiting configured has been increased to six for the following phone types: Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G, 7941G, 7941G-GE, 7960G, 7961G, 7961G-GE, 7970G, and 7971G-GE.


Call waiting for overlaid ephone-dns was introduced and the c keyword was added to the button command.


Overlaid ephone-dns were introduced and the o keyword was added to the button command.


Posted: Fri Sep 28 11:58:04 PDT 2007
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