
Table Of Contents

Documentation Guide for
Cisco Managed Services Solution

Managed Services Solution Documentation Set

Supplemental License Agreement

Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines

Documentation Guide for
Cisco Managed Services Solution

The following is a list of documentation for Cisco Managed Services Solution (MSS). You can access the URLs listed for each document at on the World Wide Web. Use the Search tool at to access a specific document by typing the document title.

Managed Services Solution Documentation Set

The Managed Services Solution documentation includes:

Cisco Managed Services Solution

Cisco Managed Services Solution Data Sheet

Cisco Managed Services Solution Q & A

Release Notes for Cisco Managed Services Solution

Cisco Router Guide

You can access the Cisco Managed Services Solution documentation from the following URL:

Supplemental License Agreement


IMPORTANT—READ CAREFULLY: This Supplemental License Agreement ("SLA") contains additional limitations on the license to the Software provided to Customer under the End User License Agreement between Customer and Cisco. Capitalized terms used in this SLA and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the End User License Agreement. To the extent that there is a conflict among any of these terms and conditions applicable to the Software, the terms and conditions in this SLA shall take precedence.

By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Software, Customer agrees to be bound by the terms of this SLA. If Customer does not agree to the terms of this SLA, Customer may not install, download, or otherwise use the Software.

1. DEFINITIONS. The following terms will have the meanings ascribed to them below.

"Subscription Cycle" means the one (1) year period of time for which Customer pays the required Subscription Fees in advance. The Subscription Cycle is set forth in the applicable Purchase Order.  The effective date of the Subscription Cycle begins upon receipt of the applicable right to use license.

"Subscription Fees" means the license or subscription fees for Customer's use of the Software described in the applicable Purchase Order. Subscription fees are paid by Customer up-front at the beginning of each Subscription Cycle.


Installation and Use. The Software components are provided to Customer solely to install, update, supplement, or replace existing functionality of the applicable Network Management Software product. During Customer's Subscription Cycle and subject to the terms and condition of the End User License Agreement and this SLA, Customer may install and use the following Software components, as included in the Cisco MSS Solution Media Kit:

Cisco Active Network Abstraction.

Cisco IP Solution Center.

Cisco CNS Configuration Engine.

Number of Devices.

Cisco MSS Media Kit

For each Cisco Managed CPE License granted, and only during Customer's Subscription Cycle, Customer may manage up to fifty (50) Cisco Group 1 devices. Please contact your Cisco account manager for further device definition. Customers whose requirements exceed the number of Group 1 devices permitted under the Cisco Managed CPE License or will manage Group 2 devices must purchase the applicable Cisco Managed CPE Right-to-Use licenses. Customer shall have no right and Customer specifically agrees not to use the Cisco Managed Services Media Kit, Cisco Managed CPE License, or any Cisco Managed CPE Right-to-Use licenses to manage in excess of the number of Cisco devices (Group 1 or Group 2) permitted for that license as set forth in the applicable license key attached to the Agreement or this SLA.

Cisco MSS Managed Security License

For each Cisco Managed Security License granted, and only during Customer's Subscription Cycle, Customer may provision and manage up to twenty-five (25) Cisco Group 1 devices for managed firewall and managed NAT. Please contact your Cisco account manager for further device definition. Customers whose requirements exceed the number of Group 1 devices permitted under the Cisco Managed Security License or will provision and manage Group 2 devices must purchase the applicable Cisco Managed Security Right-to-Use licenses. Customer shall have no right and Customer specifically agrees not to use the Cisco Managed Security License or any Cisco Managed Security Right-to-Use licenses to manage in excess of the number of Cisco devices (Group 1 or Group 2) permitted for that license as set forth in the applicable license key provided with or for the Software.

For each Cisco Managed IPSec VPN License granted, and only during Customer's Subscription Cycle, Customer may provision and manage a site-to-site managed IPSec VPN service with up to twenty-five (25) Cisco Group 1 devices. Please contact your Cisco account manager for further device definition. Customers whose requirements exceed the number of Group 1 devices permitted under the Cisco Managed IPSec VPN License or will provision or manage Group 2 devices must purchase the applicable Cisco Managed IPSec VPN Right-to-Use licenses. Customer shall have no right and Customer specifically agrees not to use the Cisco Managed IPSec VPN License or any Cisco Managed IPSec VPN Right-to-Use licenses to manage in excess of the number of Cisco devices (Group 1 or Group 2) permitted for that license as set forth in the applicable license key provided with or for the Software.

Reproduction and Distribution. Customer may not reproduce nor distribute the Software.


Fees. Cisco may amend the pricing in Subscription Fees from time to time upon thirty (30) days prior written notice, provided, however, that any amended pricing will not take effect until the beginning of the next Subscription Cycle.

Payment Terms. Customer will pay to Cisco the Subscription Fees in advance, and will make (a) the first Subscription Fee payment as specified in the Purchase Order; and (b) subsequent Subscription Fee payments at the beginning of each subsequent Subscription Cycle. All Subscription Fees are nonrefundable.

Effect of Termination. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or the Subscription Cycle, (a) all licenses granted hereunder will immediately expire; and (b) Customer will promptly cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies of all or any part of the Software in its possession.  Any payment obligations incurred prior to termination or expiration of this Agreement will survive such termination or expiration.


The parties agree and acknowledge that user feedback is important to the continued evolution of Cisco's product offerings. From time to time, Cisco may request, and Customer will provide, reasonable assistance in disseminating user surveys to users and collecting responses to such surveys for Cisco's future use in developing and improving its product offerings.


Please refer to the Cisco Systems, Inc. End User License Agreement.

Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines

For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and also recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:


Posted: Fri Nov 2 10:18:09 PDT 2007
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