Table of Contents
- 3-key authentication 3-7
- file 2-12
- accountLogoff.jsp 3-5, 4-7
- AccountLogoffControl 3-5
- AccountLogoffView 3-5
- accountLogon.jsp 4-7
- accountLogon3Key.jsp 3-7, 4-8
- accountLogon3KeyBody.jsp 4-8
- AccountLogon3KeyControl 3-7
- accountLogonBody.jsp 4-7, 4-8
- account management 2-13, 4-2, 4-9
- action descriptions for services 4-12
- actual file names 3-4, 3-34, 3-36, A-4, B-15
- addPreDecorator method 3-37
- advanced customizations 3-1
- advertising redirection 4-26, 4-28
- Alias servlet B-3
- assets directory 4-4
- attrib attribute A-7
- attributes for requests, sessions, or applications B-10
- attributes in a RADIUS file 2-12
- auth.jar file 2-8
- authentication B-14
- 3 keys 3-7
- authentication.jar file 2-8
- back-end tier 1-3
- background colors 2-2
- bannerOnlyTemplate.dwt template 4-20
- banners 2-4, 4-20
- base name of a properties file 5-4
- basic customizations 2-1
- body JSP pages 4-6
- brand dimension 3-11, 3-15
- testing 2-19
- brandDimension.jsp page 3-22, 3-26
- branding 4-21
- by location 3-23
- requirements 1-6, 2-2
- browsers
- determining characteristics B-6
- BuildVersion servlet B-4
- buttons 2-5, 4-7
- CacheDecorator servlet 4-15, B-4
- caching HTTP responses B-4, B-8
- cancelButton.jsp 4-7
- Captive Portal
- configuring 4-27
- demonstration mode 2-12
- redirection types 4-26
- sample 4-27
- solution 4-24
- web application 1-4, 4-25, 4-27
- captiveportal.xml file 4-28
- Cascading Style Sheets 1-8, 2-5, 4-5
- certificates for security 4-9
- chaining servlets 3-33
- Chinese language 2-16, 4-6
- Cisco Distributed Administration Tool (CDAT) 1-2
- Cisco Navigation Bar extension C-1
- creating a navigation bar C-1
- installing C-4
- class libraries 2-7
- class loaders 5-6
- CLASSPATH variable 5-3
- code attribute 5-9
- collections A-2
- ColorDimensionDecorator servlet 3-22
- file A-1
- file 2-8
- file 2-8
- compiling JSP pages 2-6, 2-9
- config directory 4-4
- configuring a tag library A-1
- configuring SESM web applications 3-31
- confirmBody.jsp 4-8
- connecting to services 4-2, 4-22, 4-24
- ConnectionDimensionDecorator servlet 3-22
- content web applications for Captive Portal 4-25, 4-28
- context attribute 5-8, 5-9
- context tag 5-7
- Control class 3-2
- controls 3-2, 3-5, 3-7, 3-28
- internationalized resources 5-5
- invoking decorators 3-37
- logical 3-32
- converting values with format tags 5-10
- CookieDecorator servlet B-4
- cookies B-4
- countries 5-9
- country name of a properties file 5-4
- country parameter B-7
- country tag 5-9
- CPDURATION parameter 4-28, 4-29
- CPSUBSCRIBER parameter 4-28
- CPURL parameter 4-28, 4-29
- currencies 5-10
- currency attribute 5-11
- customizing SESM web applications 1-5, 2-3, 3-1
- designer and developer 1-4
- levels of customization 2-1
- user interface 4-2
- date attribute 5-11
- dates 5-10
- dateTime attribute 5-11
- debugging 2-17
- decorateIfNecessary method 3-9, 3-28, 3-38, B-2
- decorate method 3-9, 3-23, 3-26, 3-29, 3-30
- decorate tag 3-26, 3-29, 3-30, 3-37, 3-38, A-4
- decoration of the user shape 3-1, 3-8, 3-18
- decoration with decorate tag A-4
- DecoratorByJSP class 3-28
- Decorator class 3-9, B-1, B-2
- decorator components 3-8, 3-18
- decorator directory 4-4
- decorator names B-5
- DecoratorPool.register method 3-25, 3-30
- DecoratorPool servlet 3-25, 3-31, A-4, B-5
- decorators 3-9
- creating 3-28, 3-29
- declaring 3-32
- invoking 3-37, 3-38
- decryption and Secure Sockets Layer 4-9
- defaultCountry parameter 5-14
- defaultLanguage parameter 5-14
- default localization contexts 3-3, 5-14, 5-15
- defaultResourceBundle parameter 5-14
- defaultValue parameter 3-21
- defaultVariant parameter 5-14
- demonstration mode 1-6, 2-11, 2-12
- deployment descriptor files 3-31, 3-35, 4-5
- configuring 3-32
- tracking changes 2-7
- description of a service 4-13
- descriptor files for tag libraries 2-8, A-1
- See Directory Enabled Service Selection (DESS)
- dess.jar file 2-8
- developing SESM web applications 1-6, 2-3, 2-6
- development tools 1-7, 1-9
- device dimension 3-11, 3-15, 3-19, B-13
- testing 2-19
- DeviceDimensionDecorator servlet 3-22
- Dimension class 3-25
- dimension decorators 3-10, 3-21
- adding 3-26
- customizing 3-23
- JSP pages 3-26
- modifying 3-26
- servlets 3-26
- setting dimension values 3-15
- dimension IDs 3-20, 3-25
- ordering 3-13
- Dimension object 3-23, 3-25
- dimensions in user shapes 3-8, 3-11, 3-12, 3-15, 3-18, 3-20, B-13, B-15
- configuring 3-19
- default values 3-21
- multiple directories 3-17
- setting dimension values 3-25
- dimensions parameter 3-12, 3-13, 3-15, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-20, 3-25, B-12
- Directory Enabled Service Selection (DESS)
- class libraries 1-1, 4-1
- software 1-1
- See also LDAP mode
- directory hierarchies 1-6, 3-10, 4-3
- docs directory 4-4
- documentation for Java classes 2-8
- double-byte languages 2-16
- Dreamweaver 1-9
- Design View A-6
- live data 2-13
- navigation bars 2-5, 4-16, C-1
- templates 1-7, 2-6, 4-5, 4-18, 4-21
- web site management 2-21
- Dreamweaver MX 1-7
- Dreamweaver UltraDev 1-7
- duration attribute 4-29
- editable areas 4-20
- eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 2-20
- emulators for mobile devices 2-20
- encryption B-5, B-11
- Secure Sockets Layer 4-9
- EndSessionDecorator servlet B-5
- enterFragment.jspf page 4-17
- environment variables 1-7
- exitFragment.jspf page 4-17
- file attribute A-7
- file tag A-5
- firewallManage permission B-9
- firewalls 4-9
- Fireworks 1-7, 1-9
- buttons 2-5
- folder.gif file 4-14
- format tag 4-13, 4-16, 5-6, 5-10
- fullDate attribute 5-11
- fullDateTime attribute 5-11
- fullTime attribute 5-11
- functionality of SESM web applications 3-27
- getDescription method 4-13, 4-16
- GIF images 2-5, 4-5
- groupBean 4-15
- hardware requirements 1-6
- help.jsp 4-8
- helpBody.jsp 4-8
- home.jsp 4-8, 4-18
- HTML 4 4-10, 4-11, 4-14
- html directory 4-4
- HTTP clients 3-12
- HTTP Redirect feature 1-2
- HTTP requests 3-9
- GET 3-2
- information on B-12
- POST 3-2
- HTTP responses 3-9
- HTTP sessions 3-9
- ending B-5
- information on B-12
- secure mode 4-9
- httpSniff.jsp 3-10, 3-30, B-6
- HttpSniffBean class 3-29, B-6
- HttpSniffDecorator servlet 3-29, 3-30, B-6
- I18nObject class 5-6
- I18nResource class 5-5
- icons 2-5
- service group 4-13, 4-15
- service status 4-10, 4-12
- id attribute A-7
- idFile attribute A-7
- id parameter B-13
- images 2-2
- service group 4-13, 4-15
- service status 4-10, 4-12
- images directory 4-5
- include files 4-17
- initialization parameters
- country B-7
- defaultCountry 5-14
- defaultLanguage 5-14
- defaultResourceBundle 5-14
- defaultValue 3-21
- defaultVariant 5-14
- dimensions 3-12, 3-13, 3-15, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-20, 3-25, B-12
- id B-13
- language B-7
- name B-11
- password B-14
- permission B-9
- postDecorate 3-21, B-2
- preDecorate 3-35, 3-37, B-2
- scope B-11
- timeZoneMapCountries 5-15
- timeZoneMapTimeZones 5-15
- to B-3
- username B-14, B-15
- value B-13
- variant B-7
- vfile B-15
- initial logon redirection 4-26, 4-28
- InitServlet servlet B-5
- InsecureDecorator servlet B-5
- internationalization 5-1, 5-2
- internationalized resources 4-12, 5-5, 5-10
- localized by views 3-3, 5-5
- provided by controls 3-3
- Internet Explorer browser 2-17
- language packs 2-16
- isNecessary method 3-9, 3-28
- iterator.tld file 2-8, A-1
- Iterator tag library A-2
- ja directory 4-5
- ja locale 4-5
- Japanese language 2-16, 4-5
- JAR files 2-7, 2-8, 4-5
- java.text.MessageFormat class 5-12
- Java 2, Enterprise Edition 1-8
- web servers 1-3, 1-6
- web server tier 1-3
- Java 2 SDK 1-6, 2-9
- JavaBeans 3-2, 3-5, 3-7, 3-30
- Javadoc documentation 2-8, 3-7
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) 2-8
- JavaScript probe 3-22, 3-30
- Java servlets 1-3, 1-8
- utilities B-1
- JDK_HOME variable 1-7, 2-9
- Jetty web servers 1-3, 1-6, 2-17
- jmxri.jar file 2-8
- jmxtools.jar file 2-8
- jsp.jar 2-8
- JSPFragment class 4-17
- jspInit method 3-23, 3-30
- JSP pages 1-3, 1-6, 1-8, 2-4, 4-6
- account management 4-9
- body 3-28, 4-6
- buttons 4-7
- compiling 2-10
- decorators 3-29
- include files 4-17
- LDAP mode 4-7, 4-9
- NWSP 4-5
- precompiling 2-10
- RADIUS mode 4-7
- service selection 4-7
- service subscription 4-9
- user-shape decoration 4-4, 4-17
- wrapper 4-6
- JSP tag libraries 5-6, A-2, A-4
- key attribute 5-12
- key-value pairs in a properties file 5-3, 5-12
- L10nContext.getDefault method 5-4
- L10nContext class 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9
- L10nContextDecorator servlet 5-14, B-6
- l10n directory 4-5
- language name for a properties file 5-4
- language packs 2-16
- language parameter B-7
- languages 5-9
- language tag 5-9
- LDAP-compliant directories 1-1, 4-1
- LDAP mode 1-1, 2-13, 4-1, 4-2, 4-10, 4-16
- functions 4-9
- permissions 4-10
- Live Data window feature 1-7, 2-13
- configuring 2-14
- locale attribute 5-8, 5-9
- LocaleDecorator servlet B-7
- locale dimension 3-11, 3-15, 3-19
- LocaleDimensionDecorator servlet 3-22
- locales 5-8, 5-9, 5-15, B-7
- browser preferences 3-3
- setting 4-7
- testing 2-19
- locale settings 3-6
- locale tag 5-9
- localization 3-3, 5-1, 5-2
- localization.tld file 2-8, A-1
- localization contexts 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, B-7
- default 3-3, 5-6, 5-14
- internationalized resources 5-5
- Localization tag library 5-6, A-2
- location-based branding 3-23
- locationDimension.jsp page 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-26
- logging directory 4-5
- logging messages 4-17
- logoff 3-6, 4-7
- logon 3-6, 4-7
- Log Out button 2-4
- longDate attribute 5-11
- longTime attribute 5-11
- look-and-feel
- elements 2-2
- requirements 1-6
- maintaining web applications 2-6
- mainTemplate.dwt template 4-6, 4-18
- mapping servlets 3-33
- MarkupDimensionDecorator servlet 3-22
- mediumDate attribute 5-11
- mediumDateTime attribute 5-11
- mediumTime attribute 5-11
- MemoryCheckDecorator servlet B-8
- Merit RADIUS files 2-12
- MessageDecorator servlet B-8
- MessagePortalServlet 4-29
- message portal web application 1-4, 4-27, 4-29
- messages 3-7
- displaying 4-7
- HTTP session B-8
- file 5-4
- messages for advertising 4-26
- MM_nbIsActive function C-1
- mobile devices 2-20
- Mobile Internet Toolkit simulator 2-20
- mobile wireless 1-1
- models 3-2, 3-28
- Model-View-Control design 3-2, 3-4, 4-18
- mutexConnect 4-15
- mutexConnectfolder.gif file 4-14
- mutexSubscribe 4-15
- mutexSubscribefolder.gif file 4-14
- mutually exclusive connection groups 4-13, 4-15
- mutually exclusive subscription groups 4-13, 4-15
- myAccount.jsp page 4-2
- MyAccountBean 3-5
- MyAccountControl 3-4, 3-5
- MyAccountView 3-4, 3-5
- name attribute A-2, A-4, A-5
- name parameter B-11
- navbar.jsp 4-16
- navigation bars 2-4, 2-5, 3-27, 4-16, 4-20
- modifying 3-27
- privileges 4-2
- navigator.tld file 2-8, A-1
- Navigator class B-1, B-2
- Navigator tag library A-3
- Netscape Navigator browser
- language/region packs 2-16
- New World Service Provider (NWSP)
- See NWSP web application
- NoCacheDecorator servlet B-8
- Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 4-23
- number attribute 5-11
- numbers 5-10
- nwsp.xml file 4-4
- nwsp directory 4-3
- NWSP web application 1-4, 2-3, 4-1, 4-2
- adding services 4-10
- configuring 3-31
- controls 3-5, 4-18
- cookies B-4
- customizing 2-3, 3-1, 4-2, 4-21, 4-23
- demonstration mode 1-6, 2-11
- directory hierarchies 4-3
- functionality 4-2
- GIF images 4-5
- JavaBeans 3-5
- JSP pages 4-6
- LDAP mode 1-1, 4-2
- navigation bar 4-16
- PNG files 4-4
- properties files 4-5
- RADIUS mode 1-1
- removing services 4-10
- service list 4-10
- service portal 4-29
- servlets 4-6
- style sheet 4-5
- templates 4-5, 4-18
- user interface 2-3, 4-2, 4-21, 4-23
- views 3-5
- web.xml file 3-31
- object attribute 4-13, 4-16, 5-11
- Openwave UP.Simulator 2-20
- openWindowName attribute B-12
- openWindowURL attribute B-12
- OriginalURLDecorator servlet B-8
- OSDimensionDecorator servlet 3-22
- otherwise attribute 5-8
- over attribute A-2
- pages directory 4-5
- param attribute 5-13
- params attribute 5-13
- password parameter B-14
- passwords 3-6, 4-2
- Demo mode testing 2-18, B-13
- path tag A-6
- PATH variable 1-7
- pda directory 4-5
- PDA web application 1-4, 2-3, 4-1, 4-21
- branding 4-21
- demonstration mode 1-6
- functionality 4-22
- user interface 4-21
- permissionBean B-9, B-10
- PermissionCheckDecorator servlet B-9
- PermissionDecorator servlet B-9
- PermissionFailedException B-9
- permission parameter B-9
- permissions 4-10
- checking B-9
- personal firewalls 1-2, 2-13, 3-6, 4-9
- Pocket PC 2002 Software Development Kit 2-20
- Pocket PC emulators 2-20
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files 1-7, 4-4, 4-17, 5-2
- postDecorate parameter 3-21, B-2
- post-decorators 3-10, 3-21, 3-26
- creating 3-28
- POST parameters 3-7
- script 2-11
- precompiled JSP pages 2-6, 2-8
- compiling after changing 2-9
- precompiling JSP pages 2-10
- preDecorate parameter 3-35, 3-37, B-2
- preferredLocales attribute 5-8
- preloading images 4-20
- Preview in Browser feature 2-21
- privileges for navigation bar buttons 4-2
- problems with conventional web sites 1-4
- properties files 2-17, 4-5, 5-3
- retrieving values 5-12
- protect.jar file 2-8
- RADIUS Data Proxy (RDP) 1-2
- RADIUS files 2-12
- RADIUS mode 1-1, 2-12, 4-1, 4-16
- RADIUS servers 1-1, 4-1
- recompiling JSP pages 2-10
- redirection types for Captive Portal 4-26
- RedirectRemainder servlet B-10
- registering with DecoratorPool B-5
- RemoveAttributeDecorator servlet B-10
- ResourceBundle class 5-4
- resourceBundleName attribute 5-8
- resource bundles 3-3, 5-2, 5-3, 5-5, 5-6
- base name 5-8
- retrieving values 5-12
- search algorithm 5-4
- service-group descriptions 4-13, 4-16
- resource tag 5-12
- ResponseCompleteNotice exception B-6, B-11
- scope attribute 5-8
- scope parameter B-11
- ScriptDimensionDecorator servlet 3-23
- search algorithm for a resource bundle 5-5
- searches for a web resource 3-14, 3-16
- SecureDecorator servlet B-11
- secure mode 4-8
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 4-9, B-5, B-11
- security 4-9
- Security Policy Engine (SPE)
- classes for 2-8
- LDAP mode 1-1
- selfManage permission B-9
- self-subscription 2-13, 4-10
- serviceBean bean 4-13
- service connections 4-2
- service descriptions 4-13
- ServiceDisplayDecorator servlet B-11
- serviceGroup bean 4-16
- service group profiles 2-12
- service groups 4-13
- descriptions 4-16
- types 4-15
- service list 2-4, 3-27, 4-10, 4-20
- serviceList.jsp 4-6
- serviceList.js script 4-10, 4-11, 4-14
- serviceListGroup.jsp 4-14
- serviceListService.jsp 4-11, 4-14
- serviceListService.jsp page 4-11
- ServiceListServiceBean class 4-11
- ServiceListServiceGroupBean 4-15
- serviceLost.gif file 4-11
- servicenotRequired.gif file 4-11
- serviceOff.gif file 4-11
- serviceOn.gif file 4-11
- servicepages directory 4-5
- service-page URL 4-11
- service parameter 4-28
- service portal web application 1-4, 4-27, 4-29
- service profiles 2-12
- service providers 1-1
- service request parameter B-12
- services
- adding and removing 4-10
- connecting to 4-2, 4-22, 4-24
- logging on 3-7
- selecting 3-7, 4-7
- status 3-7
- subscribing 3-6, 4-2, 4-9
- unauthorized 4-26
- Service Selection Gateway (SSG) 1-2, 4-24, 4-27
- serviceSelection permission B-9
- service-status icon 4-12
- service subscription 4-9
- serviceSubscription permission B-9
- serviceURL parameter for Captive Portal 4-28
- service URLs B-12
- servlet code for JSP pages 2-17
- servlet mapping
- test decorators 2-18
- servlets 1-3, 4-6
- chaining 3-33
- mapping 3-32, 3-33, 3-36
- sesm.css file 4-5
- sesm.jar 2-8
- SESMSession class 3-25
- SESMSessionDecorator servlet B-12
- SESM sessions B-12
- SESM utility servlets
- declaring 3-32
- SESM web applications 1-1, 1-3, 3-31
- architecture 3-2
- basic functions 4-7
- Captive Portal 4-25
- class libraries 2-7
- compiling 2-9
- components 2-1, 3-1
- concepts 3-8
- configuring 3-31
- controls 3-2
- customizing 1-6, 2-1, 2-3, 3-1
- debugging 2-17
- decoration of user shape 3-18
- decorators 3-9
- demonstration mode 2-11
- designing 2-7
- developing 1-6, 1-8, 2-6
- dimension decorators 3-10, 3-21
- directory hierarchies 1-6, 3-10
- hardware requirements 1-6
- infrastructure 1-6
- internationalization 3-3, 5-1, 5-5
- internationalized resources 5-5
- JavaBeans 3-2
- LDAP mode 4-1, 4-9
- localization 5-1, 5-2
- log files 4-17
- model 3-2
- modifying functionality 3-1, 3-27
- post-decorators 3-10
- RADIUS mode 4-1
- samples 4-1
- searches for web resources 3-14, 3-16, 3-17
- security 4-9
- software requirements 1-6
- startup script 2-9
- style sheets 2-5
- user interface 4-2
- views 3-3
- virtual file names 3-34, A-4
- shape.tld file 2-8, A-1
- shape attribute A-7
- ShapeDecorator servlet 3-12, 3-13, 3-19, 3-21, 3-25, 3-26, B-12
- ordering dimensions 3-12
- Shape objects B-12
- shapes 3-8
- "shape" session attribute 3-25
- Shape tag library A-4
- shortDate attribute 5-11
- shortDateTime attribute 5-11
- shortTime attribute 5-11
- simulators for mobile devices 2-20
- simulators for WAP phones 2-20
- SizeDimensionDecorator servlet 3-23
- Snoop servlet B-12
- software requirements 1-6
- sparse-tree directory structure 1-6, 3-8, 3-9, 3-13, 3-14
- standard mode 4-8
- start tag A-2
- status of services 3-7, 4-7, 4-12
- styles directory 4-5
- style sheets 2-2, 2-5
- subAccountManage permission B-9
- subaccounts 3-7, 4-2
- creating 2-13, 4-9
- Subscriber Edge Services Manager (SESM)
- servers 1-2
- software versions 1-6
- system components 1-2
- See also SESM web applications
- subscriber profiles 2-12
- for LDAP mode simulation 2-13
- for RADIUS mode simulation 2-12
- subscribers 1-1
- subscriber self-care 4-9
- subscriptions to services 3-6, 4-2, 4-9
- system integrators 2-2
- system messages 4-2
- taglib directive A-2
- tag libraries 5-6, A-2, A-4
- configuring A-1
- descriptor files 2-7, 4-5, A-1
- tags
- context 5-7
- country 5-9
- decorate A-4
- file A-5
- format 5-10
- language 5-9
- locale 5-9
- path A-6
- resource 5-12
- start A-2
- timeZone 5-9
- TCP Redirect for Services feature 4-24
- techniques for SESM development 3-1
- templates 1-7, 2-6, 4-5, 4-18, 4-21
- templates directory 4-5
- template tag 5-12, 5-13
- test decorators 2-17
- TestDimensionDecorator servlet B-13
- TestUserDecorator servlet B-13
- time attribute 5-11
- times 5-10
- timeZone attribute 5-8
- timeZoneMapCountries parameter 5-15
- timeZoneMapTimeZones parameter 5-15
- time zones 5-8, 5-9, 5-15
- timeZone tag 5-9
- .tld files 4-5
- token replacement in a resource 5-12, 5-13
- to parameter B-3
- translating text for localization 5-2
- translating virtual file names 3-35, B-15
- type attribute A-2
- unauthenticated user redirection 4-26, 4-28
- unauthorized service redirection 4-26, 4-28
- unstyled directory 4-5
- URIs 3-4, 3-34, B-15
- url attribute 4-29
- URLs
- Captive Portal 4-25
- original B-8
- redirecting B-10
- service B-12
- servlet mapping 3-33
- UserDecorator servlet B-14
- user-interface controls 4-7
- username parameter 4-28, B-14, B-15
- user names
- Demo mode testing 2-18, B-13
- ensuring authenticated B-14
- users
- unauthenticated 4-26
- user-shape directory hierarchy 3-11, 3-12
- order of directories 3-13
- user shapes 1-5, 3-8, 3-10, 3-18, A-5, B-12, B-15
- val tag A-3
- value attribute A-2, A-3
- value parameter B-13
- variable attribute 5-8
- variant name of a properties file 5-4
- variant parameter B-7
- vendor-specific RADIUS attributes (VSAs) 2-12
- versionError key B-4
- versionNotAvailable key B-4
- vfile parameter B-15
- views 3-3, 3-5
- internationalized resources 3-3
- invoking decorators 3-37
- logical 3-31
- modifying functionality 3-27
- virtual file names 3-4
- virtual file names 3-4, 3-34, 3-36, A-4, B-15
- VirtualFile servlet 3-4, 3-34, 3-36, 4-15, B-2, B-15
- wap directory 4-5
- WAP phone simulators 4-23
- WAP web application 1-4, 2-3, 4-1, 4-23
- demonstration mode 1-6
- functionality 4-24
- user interface 4-23
- file 2-17
- web.recompile.xml 2-10
- web.xml file 2-10, 2-17, 3-19, 3-21, 3-31, 3-35, 4-5, 5-14
- compiling JSP pages 2-10
- configuring 3-31, 3-32
- tracking changes 2-7
- webapp directory 4-4
- web application archive (WAR) files 1-9
- web applications 1-1
- localization contexts 5-7, B-7
- See also NWSP web application, PDA web application, SESM web applications, and WAP web application
- web client tier 1-3
- web components 2-3, 3-1, 4-2
- web designers 1-4
- web developers 1-4
- WEB-INF directory 4-3, 4-5
- web portals 1-1
- web resources 3-10
- customizing for user shape 3-8, 3-14
- searches for 3-14, B-15
- web servers 1-2, 1-6, 2-17
- web server tier 1-3
- web site management 2-21
- web site pages hierarchy 3-11
- WinWAP Pro simulator 2-20
- Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 1-9
- wireless LAN 1-1, 2-1
- Wireless Markup Language (WML) 1-9
- wrapper JSP pages 4-6
- xml directory 4-5
- zh directory 4-6
- zh locale 4-6
Posted: Tue Dec 10 10:31:26 PST 2002
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