Table of Contents
- access control lists (ACLs)
- for services 2-12, 2-21
- for SESM web portal applications 2-31
- for users 2-12, 2-30
- Access mode attribute 2-13, 2-16, C-2
- Account Enabled attribute 2-32, 2-38
- account management 1-5
- account managers 2-25, 2-41
- address pools 2-18, 2-26, 2-33, 2-39
- administrators
- as CDAT users 2-25
- description 1-6
- logging in 2-3
- privileges 2-41
- Affected Roles attribute 2-50
- Agent View 1-1
- Allow Create Sub-Account attribute 2-9
- applications
- configuring remotely 1-1
- monitoring memory 1-2
- attributes
- core schema B-39
- inherited values 2-9
- policy schema B-31
- predefined 2-6
- RADIUS 2-19, 2-20, 2-24, 2-30, 2-37
- service profile C-1
- SPE schema extensions B-1, B-13
- vendor-specific C-1
- authentication
- Cisco Security Policy Engine (SPE) 1-5
- Service Selection Gateway (SSG) 2-11
- authorization 1-5
- autoConnect attribute 2-35, 2-41
- Auto-logon attribute 2-35, 2-40
- auto-logon services 2-35, 2-40
- bandwidth policing 2-13
- Block Inheritance attribute 2-32
- browsers 2-3
- bulk administration 2-2
- bulk provisioning 1-8
- buttons in CDAT 2-6
- See Cisco Distributed Administration Tool (CDAT)
- cdat.jetty.xml file 2-10
- cdat.xml file 2-10
- Cisco_Azn_Super privilege 2-9, 2-46
- CISCO_AZN keyword 2-50
- Cisco_Dess_* privileges 2-46
- Cisco AV pairs
- for service groups 2-24
- for services 2-20, C-3
- for user groups 2-37
- for users 2-30
- CiscoAzn* attributes B-1, B-13
- CiscoAzn* classes B-1
- CiscoDESS* attributes B-1, B-13
- CiscoDESS* classes B-1
- Cisco Distributed Administration Tool (CDAT)
- accessing objects 2-8
- browsers 2-3
- bulk administration 2-2
- bulk provisioning 1-8
- configuring 2-10
- displaying objects 2-8
- expert interface 1-9, 2-1, 2-5
- learning about 1-9
- logging in 2-3
- management console 2-10
- name space 2-8
- navigating 2-5
- overview 1-1, 1-4
- RBAC examples 1-7
- remote configuration 1-2
- remote management 1-1
- remote monitoring 1-2
- sample data 2-4
- Cisco Security Policy Engine (SPE)
- learning about 1-9
- predefined roles and rules A-1
- remote configuration 1-1
- schema extensions B-1
- software 2-41
- used with SESM and CDAT 1-3, 1-5
- Cisco Subscriber Edge Services Manager (Cisco SESM) 1-3
- See also SESM web applications 1-3
- classes
- core LDAP schema B-37
- core policy B-24
- for SPE schema extensions B-1
- concurrent access mode 2-13, 2-16, C-2
- Condition attribute 2-50
- conditions for rules 2-50
- configuration, remote 1-1
- configuration files 2-10, 2-11
- connection groups 2-24
- converting RADIUS profiles 1-8
- cookies 2-3
- core LDAP schema B-37
- core policy objects B-24
- Create Subaccount button 2-6
- creating
- NRPs 2-51
- roles 2-41
- rules 2-47
- service groups 2-23
- services 2-11
- user groups 2-35
- users 2-25
- Creator dynamic subject 2-45
- Delete button 2-6
- Depth box 2-5
- DESS A-1
- attributes B-1, B-13
- classes B-1
- description 1-5
- installing schema extensions 1-9
- learning about 1-9
- schema extensions B-1
- destinations for services C-2
- directory servers 1-5
- DNS Redirection 2-12
- DNS servers
- fault tolerance 2-12
- for a service 2-17, C-2
- domain names 2-12, 2-17, C-2
- Domain names attribute 2-17, C-2
- dynamic subjects 2-45
- Dynamic Subjects attribute 2-45
- Enable Single Sign-On attribute 2-9, 2-33, 2-39
- enabling accounts 2-32, 2-38
- encryption of passwords 2-9
- expert interface 1-9, 2-5
- exporting from an LDAP directory 1-8
- group-level privileges 2-2
- groups
- service 1-6, 2-23
- user 1-6, 2-2, 2-35
- Help button 2-5
- Hidden attribute 2-35, 2-41
- Home URL attribute 2-9, 2-32, 2-38
- Idle Timeout attribute 2-9, 2-13
- idle timeouts 2-11, 2-22, 2-24, 2-31, 2-38, C-1
- implied privileges 2-45
- importing to an LDAP directory 1-8
- inacl AV pair 2-30
- inheritance
- attributes and 2-9, 2-35
- subaccount subscriptions 2-32
- Install RBAC option 1-8, 2-3
- ip local pool command 2-26
- IP Pool Name attribute 2-18
- Keywords attribute 2-50
- keywords in rules 2-50
- LDAP directories 1-5, 1-10, C-1
- LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) files 2-4
- ldapmodify command 1-8
- LDAP schema
- core B-37
- core policy B-24
- extensions B-1
- LDIF files 1-8, 2-4
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 1-5
- local address pools 2-18, 2-26, 2-33, 2-39
- Local Generic RADIUS attributes 2-9, 2-37, 2-53
- Local RADIUS attributes 2-24, 2-30
- defining 2-6
- logging into CDAT 2-3
- Logout button 2-5
- management console 2-10
- Maximum Number of Sub-Accounts attribute 2-9, 2-32, 2-39
- maxVariables attribute 2-10
- memory
- monitoring 1-2
- memory metrics 1-2
- MERIT RADIUS files 1-8
- modes
- concurrent access C-2
- sequential service C-2
- monitoring applications remotely 1-2
- Mutually Exclusive Connection Group attribute 2-24
- Mutually Exclusive Subscription Group attribute 2-24
- names
- objects 2-8
- services 2-16
- Next hop gateway attribute 2-12, 2-16, C-2
- next-hop keys 2-16, 2-51
- next-hop tables
- creating 2-51, 2-52
- defining entries 2-52
- description 2-12
- names 2-52
- used by SSG 2-11
- using to access services 2-51
- Novell eDirectory
- sample data 2-4
- use with SESM 1-5
- NRP objects 2-51
- NRPs window 2-12, 2-52
- objects
- accessing 2-8
- attributes 2-5
- displaying 2-8
- naming 2-8
- occupants of a role 2-45
- Operator attribute 2-50
- operators for rule conditions 2-50
- Organizational Units for predefined rules A-2
- Organizations for predefined rules A-2
- outacl AV pair 2-30
- packet filtering 2-12
- Parent dynamic subject 2-45
- passthrough services 2-11, 2-16, C-2
- passwords 2-9
- per-session policing 2-14
- per-user policing 2-14
- policy* attributes B-24, B-31
- policy* classes B-24
- Pool name attribute 2-9, 2-33, 2-39, C-3
- predefined attributes 2-6
- predefined roles 1-9, 2-41, A-1
- predefined rules 1-9, 2-48, A-2
- Primary DNS servers attribute C-2
- Primary Service attribute 2-9, 2-33, 2-39
- primary services
- examples 2-26
- for subscriber groups 2-39
- for subscribers 2-25, 2-33
- IP pool name 2-18
- privileges
- accessing objects 2-8
- administrator 2-3
- Cisco_Azn_Super 2-46
- Cisco_Dess_* 2-46
- displaying objects 2-8
- implied 2-45
- specifying in roles 2-41, 2-45
- subscriber 2-42
- user groups 2-35
- Privileges attribute 2-45
- provisioning of subscribers 2-2
- proxy services 2-11, 2-16, 2-18, C-2
- Public dynamic subject 2-45
- publishers 2-25, 2-41
- Q attribute 2-14
- Quality of Service (QoS) 2-14
- queryMaxResults attribute 2-10
- queryTimeout attribute 2-10
- attributes 1-4, 2-40
- attributes for service groups 2-24
- attributes for services 2-19
- attributes for TCP redirection 2-33
- attributes for user groups 2-37
- attributes for users 2-30
- defining attributes 2-6
- dynamically defined attributes 2-8
- predefined attributes 2-6
- profiles 1-8
- proxy services C-2
- server attributes 2-18, C-2
- service profiles C-1
- TCP redirection attributes 2-40
- RADIUS Data Proxy (RDP) server
- configuration attributes 2-10
- monitoring remotely 1-2
- next-hop table password 2-51
- service-profile translations 1-10, C-1
- See Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- See RADIUS Data Proxy (RDP) server
- rdp.xml file 2-51
- remote configuration 1-1
- remote managing 1-1
- remote monitoring 1-2
- Reset button 2-6
- resources
- administrative access 2-8
- description 1-6
- examples 1-7
- specifying in a rule 2-50
- user groups 2-35
- Resources attribute 2-50
- Retrieve button 2-5
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- CDAT example 1-7
- learning about 1-10
- overview 1-3, 1-5
- terminology 1-6
- roles
- affected with rules 2-50
- creating 2-2, 2-41
- description 1-6
- examples 1-7, 2-41
- occupants 2-45
- predefined 1-9, A-1
- user groups 2-37
- Roles window 2-43
- routes for services C-2
- rules
- creating 2-2, 2-47
- description 1-6
- examples 1-7
- predefined 1-9, A-2
- Rules window 2-48
- sample data for CDAT 2-4
- schema
- core B-37
- core policy B-24
- extensions B-1
- schema extensions B-1
- scope of subscriptions 2-34, 2-40
- Secondary DNS servers attribute C-2
- self-care 2-42
- Self dynamic subject 2-45
- sequential access mode 2-13, 2-16, C-2
- service access order 2-12
- Service class attribute 2-16
- service classes 2-11, C-2
- service filters 2-33, 2-39
- Service Filters attribute 2-9, 2-33, 2-39
- service groups
- creating 2-23
- description 1-6
- idle timeouts 2-24
- mutually-exclusive connection 2-24
- mutually-exclusive subscription 2-24
- rule associations 2-25
- specifying other service groups 2-23
- specifying services 2-19
- Service Groups window 2-23
- service profiles
- description 1-4
- RDP translation C-1
- Service Route attribute 2-12
- Service routes attribute 2-17, C-2
- services
- access modes 2-16
- ACLs 2-12
- address pools 2-18
- Cisco AV pairs 2-20
- classes 2-16
- concurrent access 2-13
- creating 2-2, 2-11, 2-12, 2-14
- description 1-6
- description used by SESM web application 2-16
- destinations C-2
- DNS redirection 2-12
- domain names 2-17
- idle timeouts 2-13, 2-22
- names 2-16
- next-hop tables 2-12, 2-16, 2-51
- passthrough 2-11, 2-16, C-2
- primary NDS servers 2-17
- proxy 2-11, 2-16, 2-18, C-2
- routes 2-17
- rule associations 2-22
- secondary DNS servers 2-17
- sequential access 2-13
- session timeouts 2-13, 2-22, 2-25
- subscriptions 2-34, 2-40
- tunnel 2-11, 2-16, C-2
- types 2-17, C-1
- URLs 2-17
- Service Selection Gateway (SSG)
- configuring 1-9
- configuring services 2-1
- creating services 2-11
- service-profile translation C-1
- use with SESM 1-4, 2-11
- Services window 2-14
- Service type attribute 2-17
- Service URL attribute 2-17, C-2
- SESM web applications
- description 1-3
- monitoring remotely 1-2
- service descriptions 2-16
- service names 2-16
- Session Timeout attribute 2-9, 2-13
- sessionTimeout attribute 2-10
- session timeouts 2-11, 2-22, 2-25, 2-31, 2-38, C-1
- single sign-on 2-33
- SSG Hierarchical Policing 2-13
- ssg next-hop command 2-51
- Starts with box 2-5
- State attribute 2-50
- subaccounts
- creating 2-6
- maximum number 2-32, 2-39
- passwords 2-9
- privileges 2-42, 2-43
- role determination 2-41
- unlimited 2-32, 2-39
- Subjects attribute 2-45
- Subscribe attribute 2-34, 2-40
- subscriber profiles 1-4
- subscribers
- bulk provisioning 1-8
- creating 2-25
- description 1-6, 2-41
- enabled accounts 2-32, 2-38
- PPP primary service 2-26
- privileges for 2-42
- subaccounts 2-27
- subscription groups 2-24
- subscriptions 2-34, 2-40
- SunONE iPlanet Directory Server
- sample data 2-4
- use with SESM 1-5
- TCP Redirection attributes 2-9, 2-33, 2-40
- timeouts 2-11, C-1
- tunnel services
- attributes 2-18, C-3
- creating 2-16
- description 2-11
- identifiers 2-19
- IP addresses 2-19
- passwords 2-19
- service-profile translation C-2
- Unlimited Sub-Accounts attribute 2-32, 2-39
- Update button 2-6
- URLs
- home for subscriber 2-32, 2-38
- service 2-17
- user groups
- access to resources 2-35
- address pools 2-39
- creating 2-2, 2-25, 2-35
- description 1-6
- enabled accounts 2-38
- examples 1-7
- idle timeouts 2-38
- primary services 2-39
- service filters 2-39
- session timeouts 2-38
- specifying users 2-31
- TCP redirection 2-40
- User Groups window 2-35
- User Information attributes 2-29
- users
- ACLs 2-12, 2-30
- address pools 2-33
- creating 2-2, 2-25
- description 1-6
- examples 1-7, 2-25
- home URLs 2-32, 2-38
- idle timeouts 2-13, 2-31
- information attributes 2-29
- names for logging into CDAT 2-3
- non-PPP connections 2-31
- passwords 2-9
- primary services 2-33
- role determination 2-41
- service filters 2-33
- session timeouts 2-13, 2-31
- single sign-on 2-33, 2-39
- TCP redirection 2-33
- Users window 2-27
- Value attribute 2-50
- values for rule conditions 2-50
- Variable attribute 2-50
- variables for rule conditions 2-50
- vendor-specific attributes (VSAs)
- in service profiles C-1
- predefined 2-6
- web applications 1-3
- X.500 user schema 2-29







Posted: Mon Dec 16 08:38:30 PST 2002
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