
Table Of Contents

Managing Controller Software
and Configurations

Transferring Files to and from a Controller

Upgrading Controller Software

Saving Configurations

Clearing the Controller Configuration

Erasing the Controller Configuration

Resetting the Controller

Managing Controller Software
and Configurations

This chapter describes how to manage configurations and software versions on WLAN controllers. This chapter contains these sections:

Transferring Files to and from a Controller

Upgrading Controller Software

Saving Configurations

Clearing the Controller Configuration

Erasing the Controller Configuration

Resetting the Controller

Transferring Files to and from a Controller

Controllers have built-in utilities for uploading and downloading software, certificates, and configuration files.

Use these transfer commands:

transfer download datatype

transfer download filename

transfer download mode

transfer download path

transfer download serverip

transfer download start

transfer upload datatype

transfer upload filename

transfer upload mode

transfer upload path

transfer upload serverip

transfer upload start

Upgrading Controller Software

Complete these steps to upgrade the controller software using the CLI.

Note You can also update the controller software using the GUI or through a wireless connection. However, in these cases, you will lose your connection to the controller sometime during the update process. For this reason, Cisco recommends that you use a direct CLI console port connection to update controller software.

Step 1 Make sure you have a TFTP server available for the Operating System software download. Keep these guidelines in mind when setting up a TFTP server:

If you are downloading through the Service port, the TFTP server must be on the same subnet as the service port, because the service port is not routable.

If you are downloading through the DS (Distribution System) network port, the TFTP server can be on the same or a different subnet, because the DS port is routable.

The TFTP server cannot run on the same computer as WCS because WCS and the TFTP server use the same communication port.

Step 2 Download the desired Operating System software update file from the Cisco website to the default directory on your TFTP server.

Step 3 Log into the controller CLI.

Step 4 Enter ping server-ip-address to verify that the controller can contact the TFTP server.

Step 5 Enter transfer download start and answer n to the prompt to view the current download settings. This example shows the command output:

>transfer download start
Mode........................................... TFTP Data Type...................................... Code TFTP Server IP................................. TFTP Path...................................... <directory path> TFTP Filename.................................. AS_2000_3_0_x_x.aes --OR--                                                 AS_4100_3_0_x_x.aes --OR--                                                 AS_4400_3_0_x_x.aes
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) n
Transfer Canceled

Step 6 Enter these commands to change the download settings:

transfer download mode tftp

transfer download datatype code

transfer download serverip tftp-server-ip-address

transfer download filename filename

transfer download path absolute-tftp-server-path-to-file

Note All TFTP servers require the full pathname. For example, in Windows, the path is C:\TFTP-Root. (In UNIX forward slashes "/" are required.)

Step 7 Enter transfer download start to view the updated settings, and answer y to the prompt to confirm the current download settings and start the Operating System code download. This example shows the download command output:

transfer download start
Mode........................................... TFTP Data Type...................................... Code TFTP Server IP................................. TFTP Path...................................... <directory path> TFTP Filename.................................. AS_2000_3_0_x_x.aes --OR--                                                 AS_4100_3_0_x_x.aes --OR--                                                 AS_4400_3_0_x_x.aes
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
TFTP Code transfer starting.
TFTP receive complete... extracting components.
Writing new bootloader to flash.
Making backup copy of RTOS.
Writing new RTOS to flash.
Making backup copy of Code.
Writing new Code to flash.
TFTP File transfer operation completed successfully.   Please restart the switch (reset system) for update to complete.

Step 8 The controller now has the code update in active volatile RAM, but you must enter reset system to save the code update to non-volatile NVRAM and reboot the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller:

reset system
The system has unsaved changes. Would you like to save them now? (y/n) y

The controller completes the bootup process.

Saving Configurations

Controllers contain two kinds of memory: volatile RAM and NVRAM. At any time, you can save the configuration changes from active volatile RAM to non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) using one of these commands:

Use the save config command. This command saves the configuration from volatile RAM to NVRAM without resetting the controller.

Use the reset system command. The CLI prompts you to confirm that you want to save configuration changes before the controller reboots.

Use the logout command. The CLI prompts you to confirm that you want to save configuration changes before you log out.

Clearing the Controller Configuration

Follow these steps to clear the active configuration in NVRAM:

Step 1 Enter clear config and enter y at the confirmation prompt to confirm the action.

Step 2 Enter reset system. At the confirmation prompt, enter n to reboot without saving configuration changes. When the controller reboots, the configuration wizard starts automatically.

Step 3 Follow the instructions in the "Using the Configuration Wizard" section on page 4-2 to complete the initial configuration.

Erasing the Controller Configuration

Follow these steps to reset the controller configuration to default settings:

Step 1 Enter reset system. At the confirmation prompt, enter y to save configuration changes to NVRAM. The controller reboots.

Step 2 When you are prompted for a username, enter recover-config to restore the factory default configuration. The controller reboots and the configuration wizard starts automatically.

Step 3 Follow the instructions in the "Using the Configuration Wizard" section on page 4-2 to complete the initial configuration.

Resetting the Controller

You can reset the controller and view the reboot process on the CLI console using one of the following two methods:

Turn the controller off and then turn it back on.

On the CLI, enter reset system. At the confirmation prompt, enter y to save configuration changes to NVRAM. The controller reboots.

When the controller reboots, the CLI console displays the following reboot information:

Initializing the system.

Verifying the hardware configuration.

Loading microcode into memory.

Verifying the Operating System software load.

Initializing with its stored configurations.

Displaying the login prompt.


Posted: Mon Aug 29 08:43:28 PDT 2005
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