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CMX Timers and Counters

CMX Timers and Counters

This appendix provides descriptions of CMX timers and counters for the CMX configuration shown in Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2:

The following rules should be used regarding timers:

Note    Set speed and duplex values on all Ethernet interfaces before configuring timers and counters to avoid auto-negotiation when the interfaces are brought up.

This section provides descriptions of the following CMX timers and counters:

Table A-1   7609-1 (RLB1) Timers and Counters

Timer/Counter Description Range Recommended

RLB: idle radius request seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the RLB keeps an entry for a particular RADIUS request if there is no activity


30 (default)

RLB: idle radius framed-ip seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the RLB keeps an entry for a particular IP address if there is no acitivity



STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan forward-time seconds

Sets the spanning tree protocol (STP) forward delay time



STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan hello-time seconds

Sets the duration between the generation of configuration messages by the root switch


Default (2)

STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan max-age seconds

Sets the maximum number of seconds the information in a BPDU is valid


Default (20)

HSRP: standby group-number preempt delay sync delay

Specifies the maximum synchronization period in delay seconds; used to allow enough time for the RLB to exchange sticky database information; if the synchronization comes before the delay, the RLB preempts and becomes active



HSRP: standby delay minimum min-delay reload reload-delay

Delays HSRP group initialization for a period after an interface-up event; reload delay applies to the first interface-up event after the router has reloaded; minimum delay applies to all subsequent interface-up events


0 (minimum)

0 (reload)

HSRP: standby group-number timers hellotime holdtime

Specifies, in milliseconds, the hello and hold timers for HSRP


3 (Default, hello)

10 (Default, hold)

OSPF: ip ospf retransmit-interval seconds

Specifies the time between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacent devices belonging to the interface


Default (5)

OSPF: ip ospf transmit delay seconds

Sets the estimated time to transmit a link state update packet on the interface


Default (1)

OSPF: ip ospf hello-interval seconds

Specifies the number of seconds between the hello packets that the Cicso IOS software sends on an OSPF interface




OSPF: ip ospf dead-interval seconds

Specifies the number of seconds that a device must wait before it declares a neighbor OSPF router to be down because it has not received a hello packet

Default (4 times the value of hello-interval)

HSRP: standby vlan priority counter

Specifies value that prioritizes a potential Hot Standby router. The value 1 denotes the lowest priority and 255 denotes the highest priority. The router in the HSRP group with the highest priority value becomes the active router.



RLB: slb serverfarm faildetect numconns counter1 numclients counter2

Specifies the number of consecutive connection failures and, optionally, the number of unique client connection failures, that constitute failure of the real server. When RADIUS requests for a different MS exceed the value ofcounter1, the SSG is declared failed.


8 (numconns)

1 (numclients)

RLB: slb real reassign counter

Specifies threshold before RLB reassigns another SSG; after one RADIUS request retransmission from GGSN, RLB reassigns another SSG



OSPF: redistribute connected metric m subnets

Specifies the metric for OSPF to force the traffic to go to RLB1; if RLB1 fails, traffic is routed to RLB2


STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-downlink-vlan, csg-vlan priority priority-level

Configures STP on a per-VLAN basis and specifies the STP priority level


Table A-2   7609-2 (RLB2) Timers and Counters

Timer/Counter Description Range Recommended

RLB: idle radius request seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the RLB keeps an entry for a particular RADIUS request if there is no activity


30 (default)

RLB: idle radius framed-ip seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the RLB keeps an entry for a particular IP address if there is no acitivity


36000 (10 hours)

STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan forward-time seconds

Sets the spanning tree protocol (STP) forward delay time



STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan hello-time seconds

Sets the duration between the generation of configuration messages by the root switch


Default (2)

STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan max-age seconds

Sets the maximum number of seconds the information in a BPDU is valid


Default (20)

HSRP: standby delay minimum min-delay reload reload-delay

Delays HSRP group initialization for a period after an interface-up event; reload delay applies to the first interface-up event after the router has reloaded; minimum delay applies to all subsequent interface-up events


0 (minimum)

0 (reload)

HSRP: standby group-number timers hellotime holdtime

Specifies, in milliseconds, the hello and hold timers for HSRP


3 (Default, hello)

10 (Default, hold)

OSPF: ip ospf retransmit-interval seconds

Specifies the time between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacent devices belonging to the interface


Default (5)

OSPF: ip ospf transmit delay seconds

Sets the estimated time to transmit a link state update packet on the interface


Default (1)

OSPF: ip ospf hello-interval seconds

Specifies the number of seconds between the hello packets that the Cicso IOS software sends on an OSPF interface



HSRP: standby vlan priority counter

Specifies value that prioritizes a potential Hot Standby router. The value 1 denotes the lowest priority and 255 denotes the highest priority. The router in the HSRP group with the highest priority value becomes the active router.



RLB: slb serverfarm faildetect numconns counter1 numclients counter2

Specifies the number of consecutive connection failures and, optionally, the number of unique client connection failures, that constitute failure of the real server. When RADIUS requests for a different MS exceed the value ofcounter1, the SSG is declared failed.


8 (numconns)

1 (numclients)

RLB: slb real reassign counter

Specifies threshold before RLB reassigns another SSG; after one RADIUS request retransmission from GGSN, RLB reassigns another SSG



OSPF: redistribute connected metric m subnets

Specifies the metric for OSPF to force the traffic to go to RLB1; if RLB1 fails, traffic is routed to RLB2


STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-downlink-vlan, csg-vlan priority priority-level

Configures STP on a per-VLAN basis and specifies the STP priority level


Table A-3   SSG Timers and Counters

Timer/Counter Description Range Recommended

RADIUS: radius-server timeout seconds

Specifies the number of seconds a router waits for a reply to a RADIUS request before retransmitting the request

1-1000 (seconds)

Default (3)

BVI: bridge bridge-group hello-time seconds

Specifies the interval between hello bridge protocol data units (BPDUs)


Default (1)

BVI: bridge bridge-group max-age seconds

Changes the amount of time a bridge waits for BPDUs from the root bridge


Default (15)

SSG: ssg accounting interval timer

Specifites interval in minutes between RADIUS interim update


Default (10)

STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan forward-time seconds

Sets the spanning tree protocol (STP) forward delay time



STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan hello-time seconds

Sets the duration between the generation of configuration messages by the root switch


Default (2)

STP: spanning-tree vlan rlb-ssg-vlan max-age seconds

Sets the maximum number of seconds the information in a BPDU is valid


Default (20)

RADIUS: radius-server retransmit counter

Specifies the number of times the SSG transmits each RADIUS request to the server before giving up

Note SSG does not retransmit the RADIUS messages proxied from GGSN



BVI: bridge 1 priority number counter

Specifies the priority of the bridge for STP


Default (32768)

BVI: bridge 2 priority number counter

Specifies the priority of the bridge for STP


Default (32768)

Table A-4   7609-3 (FWLB1) Timers and Counters

Timer/Counter Description Range Recommended

STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-fwlb-vlan forward-time delay

Sets the STP forward delay time



STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-fwlb-vlan hello-time seconds

Sets duration in seconds between the generation of configuration messages by the root switch


Default (2)

STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-fwlb-vlan max-age seconds

Sets maximum number of seconds the information in a BPDU is valid


Default (20)

FWLB: protocol tcp idle seconds

Specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds the FWLB maintains connection information in the absence of packet activity



FWLB: protocol datagram idle seconds

Specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds the FWLB maintains connection information in the absence of packet activity



FWLB: protocol tcp sticky seconds

Assigns all connections from a client to the same SSG for the specified number of seconds; sticky object remains the specified number of seconds after the TCP connection is closed



FWLB: protocol datagram sticky timer

Assigns all connections from a client to the same SSG for the the specified number of seconds



FWLB: ip slb probe PING-PROBE ping interval seconds

Specifies interval in seconds between pings for the FWLB probe

Note Ping probes are not needed in the CMX environment but must be configured in the FWLB to operate.



HSRP: standby fwlb-ssg-vlan preempt delay sync seconds

Specifies the maximum synchronization period in delay seconds; used to allow enough time for the FWLB to exchange sticky database information. If the synchronization comes before the delay, the FWLB preempts and becomes active.



HSRP: standby fwlb-ssg-vlan timers hellotime holdtime

Specifies in milliseconds the hello and hold timers for HSRP


3 (Default, hello)

10 (Default, hold)

RLB: idle radius request seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the RLB keeps an entry for a particular RADIUS request if there is no activity


30 (Default)

HSRP: standby vlan priority counter

Specifies the HSRP priority


110 (FWLB1)

RLB: slb real reassign counter

Specifies threshold before RLB reassigns another AAA; after one RADIUS request retransmission from GGSN, RLB reassigns another AAA



STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-uplink-vlan, csg-vlan priority priority-level

Configures STP on a per-VLAN basis and specifies the STP priority level


Table A-5   7609-4 (FWLB2) Timers and Counters

Timer/Counter Description Range Recommended

STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-fwlb-vlan forward-time delay

Sets the STP forward delay time



STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-fwlb-vlan hello-time seconds

Sets duration in seconds between the generation of configuration messages by the root switch


Default (2)

STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-fwlb-vlan max-age seconds

Sets maximum number of seconds the information in a BPDU is valid


Default (20)

FWLB: protocol tcp idle seconds

Specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds the FWLB maintains connection information in the absence of packet activity



FWLB: protocol datagram idle seconds

Specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds the FWLB maintains connection information in the absence of packet activity



FWLB: protocol tcp sticky seconds

Assigns all connections from a client to the same SSG for the specified number of seconds; sticky object remains the specified number of seconds after the TCP connection is closed



FWLB: protocol datagram sticky timer

Assigns all connections from a client to the same SSG for the the specified number of seconds



FWLB: ip slb probe PING-PROBE ping interval seconds

Specifies interval in seconds between pings for the FWLB probe

Note Ping probes are not needed in the CMX environment but must be configured in the FWLB to operate.



HSRP: standby delay minimum min-delay reload reload-delay


Delays HSRP group initialization for a period after an interface-up event; reload delay applies to the first interface-up event after the router has reloaded; minimum delay applies to all subsequent interface-up events



HSRP: standby rlb-ssg-vlan timers hellotime holdtime

Specifies in milliseconds the hello and hold timers for HSRP


3 (Default, hello)

10 (Default, hold)

RLB: idle radius request seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the RLB keeps an entry for a particular RADIUS request if there is no activity


30 (Default)

HSRP: standby vlan priority counter

Specifies the HSRP priority



RLB: slb real reassign counter

Specifies threshold before RLB reassigns another AAA; after one RADIUS request retransmission from GGSN, RLB reassigns another AAA



STP: spanning-tree vlan ssg-uplink-vlan, csg-vlan priority priority-level

Configures STP on a per-VLAN basis and specifies the STP priority level


Table A-6   CSG Timers and Counters

Timer/Counter Description Range Recommended

FAILOVER: ft failover seconds

Sets the time for a standby CSG to wait before becoming an active CSG


3 (Default)

FAILOVER: ft heartbeat-time seconds

Sets time interval between heartbeat transmissions in seconds


1 (Default)

VSERVER: idle seconds

Sets time in seconds the CSG maintains connection information in the absence of packet activity; also indicates how long the CSG waits before sending the STATS CDR when there is no packet activity for a server; can be different between CSG 1/2 (used for backup of SSG) and CSG 3/4 (used for hot billing)



FAILOVER: ft group group-number vlan vlan-number priority counter

Sets the priority for fault-tolerance

20 (CSG1/3)

10 (CGS2/4)

Posted: Tue Dec 31 04:45:43 PST 2002
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