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Table of Contents

CMX Network Management
Mobile Wireless Fault Mediator
Resource Manager Essentials
CSG Provisioning Manager
APN Manager

CMX Network Management

This chapter contains the following sections:


CiscoWorks for Mobile Wireless (CW4MW) bundle is a suite of element management system (EMS) applications that enhance the delivery of new, mobile wireless services. Based on CiscoWorks2000, it addresses the element management requirements of mobile operators and provides fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security (FCAPS) functionality. CiscoWorks for Mobile Wireless can facilitate mobile operators in transitioning their wireless service delivery networks from second-generation (2G) circuit-based traffic to 2.5G and third-generation (3G) IP-based services.

The CW4MW suite provides device-level management. This includes inventory, fault monitoring, statistics data view, and, from command line, configuration and image/file management.

The CW4MW suite consists of the following applications:

Mobile Wireless Fault Mediator

The Mobile Wireless Fault Mediator (MWFM) uses monitoring, automated response, and event correlation to generate alerts. The MWFM application uses a collection of agents that poll the network. This results in a stream of events. The monitoring engine removes duplicate events, allowing the MWFM to focus on more significant events.

The MWFM uses event correlation to define the corresponding occurrences that warrant a more significant event message. The MWFM also uses automated response to define how to react to the events and alerts coming from a Cisco network element.

For example, a ping fail generates an event. The MWFM then passes this event to the correlation engine, which determines if it should generate an alert. An alert (alarm) is an indication of a situation that the operator should respond to.

The graphical user interface (GUI) of the Mobile Wireless Fault Mediator (MWFM) enables you to use the CiscoWorks2000 desktop interface to view information about alerts and events processed by the MWFM server. The CiscoWorks2000 desktop is a GUI that runs in a web browser.

Four categories of faults are recognized:

The MWFM provides fault mediation for the following CMX framework elements:

Figure 4-1 shows the graphical user interface (GUI) of the MWFM.

Figure 4-1   MWFM GUI

For more information on MWFM, visit http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/cw2k4mw/mwfm/index.htm

Resource Manager Essentials

The Resource Manager Essentials (RME) suite is part of the CiscoWorks2000 family of products. It is an enterprise solution to network management. This suite of web-based, network management tools enables administrators to collect the monitoring, fault, and availability information needed to track devices critical to the network. Essentials is based on a client/server architecture that connects multiple web-based clients to a server on the network. As the number of network devices increases, additional servers or collection points can be added to manage network growth with little impact on the client browser application.

The RME provides the following applications for network-connected devices:

Figure 4-2 shows the GUI of the RME.

Figure 4-2   RME GUI

For more information on RME, visit http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/cw2000/cw2000e/index.htm

CSG Provisioning Manager

The CSG Provision Manager (CSG Mgr) is a GUI accessible from the CiscoWorks2000 desktop that enables you to perform the following tasks:

Using the CSG Manager, you can configure the following on the CSG:

Figure 4-1 shows the GUI of the CSG Provisioning Manager (CSG Mgr).

Figure 4-3   CSG Mgr GUI

For more information on CSG Mgr, visit http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/cw2k4mw/csgmgr/index.htm


CiscoView is a graphical, SNMP-based, device management tool that provides real-time views of networked Cisco devices. These views deliver a dynamic picture of device configuration and performance conditions with views available for multiple device sessions.

CiscoView enables you to:

CiscoView provides support for the devices of the SSG, CSG, RLB, and FWLB elements of the CMX framework.

Figure 4-4 shows an example of the CiscoView GUI.

Figure 4-4   CiscoView GUI

For more information on CiscoView, visit http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/cw2000/cw2000_d/4steditn/use_view/index .htm

APN Manager

The Cisco APN Manager (APN Man) is a product you can use to manage Access Point Names (APNs) on Cisco Gateway GPRS Support Nodes (GGSNs) in a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) network.

The APN Man GUI enables you to perform the following tasks, via the CiscoWorks2000 desktop interface:

Figure 4-5 shows the GUI of the APN Manager.

Figure 4-5   APN Manager GUI

Note   The APN Manager is not required for network management of the CMX network elements in Release 1 of the CMX.

For more information on APN Manager, visit http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/cw2k4mw/apnman/

Posted: Tue Dec 31 04:20:39 PST 2002
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