
Table of Contents

Configuring and Maintaining Disk Storage

Configuring and Maintaining Disk Storage

Disk space in Cisco Application and Content Networking Software (ACNS) is allocated on a per-system basis, rather than on a per-disk basis. You can configure your overall disk storage allocations according to the kinds of client protocols you expect to use and the amount of storage that you need to provide for each of the functions described in Table 3-1. This chapter provides guidelines for allocating disk space based on the type of device and the most common usage of the device.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Disk Storage Overview

ACNS software recognizes four types of disk storage, each with an associated function, as described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Cisco Content Networking Software Disk Storage
Disk Storage Type Function

sysfs (system file system)

Stores log files including transaction logs, syslogs, and internal debugging logs. Also stores system image files and operating system files.

cfs (cache file system)

Caches HTTP and FTP objects.

mediafs (media file system)

Caches RealProxy files.

ecdnfs (Enterprise CDN file system)

Stores pre-positioned E-CDN media content.

Disk storage can be configured and viewed by using the commands listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: Disk-Related Commands
Command Syntax Description


disk add diskname {cfs | ecdnfs | mediafs | sysfs} {remaining | size} [{cfs | ecdnfs | mediafs | sysfs}{remaining | size}]

disk cancel-config

disk config sysfs {remaining | size} [{cfs | ecdnfs | mediafs}{remaining | size}]

disk raid-array add-array

disk raid-array repair diskname

Configures the disk resources for Content Engines, Content Routers, and Content Distribution Managers. (The disk raid-array commands are for the CDM-4650 only.)

show disks

show disks configured

show disks current

show disks details

show disks raid-info

Displays information about the disk configurations.

Disk Space-Allocation Guidelines

ACNS software is supported on several different hardware models. In terms of disk support, these models can be divided into four types of hardware configurations.

This section describes the disk-related commands and provides guidelines for allocating disk space on the different types of hardware configurations that use ACNS 4.0 software.

Space allocation for the different disk file system types and disk preparation are done through a single set of ACNS software CLI commands. You do not have to first partition the disks and then prepare the disks as you do in Cache 3.1 software or in previous releases of Cache software. In most cases you do not need to know which disk has what file system types. Disk space allocation can be done on a per-system basis rather than on a per-disk basis.

Note   The E-CDN application requires at least 2 GB of ecdnfs disk space to operate correctly.

To display the current disk space configuration, use the show disks current EXEC command.

ContentEngine# show disks current SYSFS 1.0GB 3.5% CFS 0.0GB 0.0% MEDIAFS 0.0GB 0.0% ECDNFS 28.2GB 96.5% VODFS 0.0GB 0.0% FREE 0.0GB 0.0%
Note   The show disks details command shows that there is 3 to 4 GB of disk space allocated to system use. This detail is not shown by using the show disks current command.

To configure the disk allocations, use the disk config EXEC command. This command takes file system type and size as parameters. Size can be designated in megabytes, gigabytes, or as a percentage of the system total storage. In the following example, 10 percent of the total storage is allocated to the sysfs and 30 percent to every other file system.

ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% mediafs 30% ecdnfs 30% cfs 30% Disk configured successfully. New configuration will take effect after reload. Please remove this device from the ECDN CDM (if any) before reboot this device, as this device's configuration will be stale due to disk repartition.
Caution   The disk config command deletes existing content when the disk configuration takes effect during reboot. Use with care.

The disk configuration does not take effect until after the next reboot. To view what the configuration is going to be after the next reboot, use the show disks configured command.

ContentEngine# show disks configured SYSFS 10% CFS 30% MEDIAFS 30% ECDNFS 30%

To cancel the disk configuration, use the disk cancel-config command.

ContentEngine# disk cancel-config Disk configuration canceled successfully
Note   The disk cancel-config command is effective only before a reboot. After reboot, the allocation has already taken effect and can only be changed by issuing another disk config command.

After you set up a new disk configuration, the following messages appear during reboot:

Using new disk configuration you specified before reboot. Removing old disk contents... Creating new disk configuration... Initializing new file systems (may take several minutes)... Mounting all file systems...

To view disk details, use the show disks details command.

ContentEngine# show disks details disk00:Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00) 17499MB( 17GB) disk00/03:ECDNFS 9044MB( 8GB) mounted at/sonoma/state disk00/04:SYSFS 2047MB( 1GB) mounted at/local/local1 disk00/05:CFS 2047MB( 1GB) disk00/06:MEDIAFS 1023MB( 0GB) mounted at/media/media1 System use: 3317MB( 3GB) FREE: 16MB( 0GB) disk01:Not present
Note   The show disks details command shows that there is 3 to 4 GB of disk space allocated to system use. This detail is not shown by using the show disks current command.

To show the space allocation in each individual file system type, use the following commands:

ContentEngine# show cfs volumes cfs 00:/dev/raw/raw1 3812351KB mounted ContentEngine# show mediafs volumes mediafs 00: /media/media1 1048577KB mediafs 01: /media/media2 8730623KB ContentEngine# show ecdnfs volumes ecdnfs 00: /sonoma/state 9188336KB

Disk Space-Allocation Guidelines for Content Engines

Content Engine models such as the CE-507, CE-507AV, CE-560, CE-560AV, CE-590, and CE-7320 that are used as general-purpose Content Engines might use this typical general-purpose disk configuration:

ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 45% mediafs 0% ecdnfs 45%

This disk configuration does not specify specific amounts of disk storage space; however, the percentages give you reasonable performance for HTTP caching and content pre-positioning.

For higher-end models such as the CE-7320 that might be used as a dedicated HTTP cache or RealProxy cache without using the E-CDN application, either cfs storage or mediafs storage could be given more disk space. Either of the following configurations should work well:

ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 80% mediafs 10% ecdn 0% ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 10% mediafs 80% ecdn 0%

If both RealProxy caching and HTTP caching are important, disk space could be evenly split between cfs storage and mediafs storage. For example,

ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 45% mediafs 45% ecdnfs 0%
Note   The mediafs storage must be configured and RealProxy Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) proxy service must be enabled before any RealProxy files can be cached in the mediafs storage space. For information on how to enable RealProxy, refer to Chapter 3 of the Cisco Cache Software Configuration Guide, Release 3.1.

Lower-end models, especially those models with AV output, are often deployed in small branch offices to store pre-positioned content. These models could be configured as follows:

ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 10% mediafs 0% ecdnfs 80%

If RealProxy caching is being used, these models could be configured as follows:

ContentEngine# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 10% mediafs 10% ecdnfs 70%
Note   The mediafs storage space is only configured if RealProxy files are being cached.

Disk Space-Allocation Guidelines for Content Routers

Content Routers assist the Content Distribution Manager and serve as backups if the Content Distribution Manager suddenly goes offline. Like Content Distribution Managers, Content Routers store routing hierarchies for Content Delivery Network devices; however, they do not store large amounts of content. The E-CDN application requires 2 GB of disk space to operate.

CR4430# disk config sysfs 50% cfs 0% mediafs 0% ecdnfs 50%

Disk Space-Allocation Guidelines for Content Distribution Managers

Content Distribution Manager models such as the CDM-4630 and CDM-4650 are used to manage content distribution for Content Delivery Networks. These systems usually need to store a large amount of media content. A typical configuration would be:

CDM4630# disk config sysfs 10% cfs 0% mediafs 0% ecdnfs 90%

Commands Related to Disk File Storage Types

This section lists the commands related to viewing, manipulating, and maintaining the four different disk storage areas.

sysfs-Related Commands

The system file system (sysfs) storage space stores system image files. At least 1 GB of storage must be allocated to sysfs; however, you can allocate more storage to sysfs depending on your network requirements. The content of sysfs storage can be viewed or manipulated with the commands listed in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: sysfs-Related Commands
sysfs-Related Command Syntax Description


cd directoryname

Changes the current directory.


copy disk ftp {hostname | ipaddress} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename

copy disk startup-config filename

copy ftp disk {hostname | ipaddress} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename

copy ftp install {hostname | ipaddress} remotefiledir remotefilename

copy running-config disk filename

copy running-config startup-config

copy running-config tftp {hostname | ipaddress} remotefilename

copy startup-config disk filename

copy startup-config tftp {hostname | ipaddress} remotefilename

copy system-status disk filename

copy tech-support disk filename

copy tech-support tftp {hostname | ipaddress} remotefilename

copy tftp disk {hostname | ipaddress} remotefilename localfilename

Copies configuration or image files to disk, Flash memory, or remote server.


cpfile sourcefilename targetfilename

Copies files.


del filename

Removes a file.


deltree directory

Removes directory and all subdirectories.


dir [directory]

Displays files in long list format.


install filename

Installs an image file.


logging console enable

logging console priority loglevel

logging disk {enable | filename filename | priority loglevels | recycle size}

logging facility facility

logging host {ipaddress | priority loglevel}

Configures system logging (syslog). Log files are written to the currently mounted sysfs volume.


lls [directory]

Displays directory files in long list format.


ls [directory]

Displays files in a directory.


mkdir directory

Makes a directory.


mkfile filename

Makes 0-byte file (for testing).



Displays path name of present working directory.


rename oldfilename newfilename

Renames a file.


rmdir directory

Removes directory.

show statistics

show statistics http usage

show statistics transaction-logs

Displays statistics relevant to sysfs storage.


transaction-log force {archive | export}

Forces archive of working log file to make a transaction log file.


transaction-logs archive interval every-day {at time | every hour}

transaction-logs archive interval every-hour {at minute | every interval}

transaction-logs archive max-file-size filesize

transaction-logs enable

transaction-logs export enable

transaction-logs export ftp-server {hostname | servipaddrs} login passw directory

transaction-logs file-marker

transaction-logs format {extended-squid | squid}

transaction-logs sanitize

Configures transaction logging.


type filename

Displays a file to the screen.

cfs-Related Commands

The cache file system (cfs) storage space caches HTTP and FTP objects. The contents of cfs storage cannot be examined or modified. Commands related to maintaining cfs storage are listed in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4: cfs-Related Commands 
cfs-Related Command Syntax Description

show cfs

show cfs {statistics | volumes}

Displays cfs status.

show statistics

show statistics cfs

show statistics http usage

Displays cfs-related statistics.

mediafs-Related Commands

ACNS software caches RealProxy files in the media file system (mediafs) storage space. The content in the mediafs storage space cannot be examined. Commands related to maintaining mediafs storage are listed in Table 3-5 .

Table 3-5: mediafs-Related Commands 
mediafs-Related Command Syntax Description

show mediafs

show mediafs volumes

Displays media file system volumes.

show statistics

show statistics mediacache real requests

show statistics mediacache real savings

Displays mediafs-related statistics.

ecdnfs-Related Commands

TheEnterprise Content Delivery Network file system (ecdnfs) storage space is used by the E-CDN application to store pre-positioned streaming media content. Commands related to maintaining ecdnfs storage are listed inTable 3-6 .

Table 3-6: ecdnfs-Related Commands 
ecdnfs-Related Command Syntax Description

show ecdnfs

show ecdnfs volumes

Displays information for ecdnfs volumes.

Configuring RAID Drives for the Content Distribution Manager 4650

The Content Distribution Manager 4650 (CDM-4650) is manufactured with a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) controller. When you receive a CDM-4650, the internal disks are already configured as one logical RAID-5 drive at manufacturing time. However, if you want to add a Storage Array device, you must first make sure that your Storage Array disks are configured as logical RAID-5 drives so that they are recognizable to the ACNS software.

The disks, both internal and external (Storage Array disks), are grouped logically by the ACNS software into three arrays of disks. The CDM-4650 has an array of eight internal disks that are viewed by the ACNS software as one logical disk (disk00).

The CDM-4650 can also be connected to a Storage Array 6 (SA-6) or Storage Array 12 (SA-12) for additional disk space. The SA-6 is an array of six disks that can be configured as a second logical disk (disk01), and the SA-12 is an array of twelve disks that can be configured as a second and a third logical disk (disk01 and disk02) with six physical disks in each.

This section describes how to configure your Storage Array disks as logical RAID-5 drives so that they are recognizable to the ACNS software. After completing the steps in this section, you can configure disk storage space by using the disk config command. (See the "Disk Space-Allocation Guidelines" section.)

Adding a Storage Array and Configuring the Disks as RAID Drives

Note   If you are running E-CDN 3.x software on a CDM-4650 with an SA-6 or SA-12 attached, do not follow these instructions. Your Storage Array disks are already recognized by the E-CDN software, and they continue to be recognized when you upgrade to ACNS software. Upgrade your system to ACNS software by following the procedure in the "Upgrading from CDN Enterprise 2.x Software or E-CDN 3.0.x Software to ACNS 4.0 Software" section.

The following procedure is used only when you have a new CDM-4650 with ACNS software, or if you have already upgraded from E-CDN 3.0 software to ACNS software without a Storage Array. This procedure is necessary because the ACNS software does not automatically recognize the Storage Array disks.

To add a Storage Array and configure the ACNS software to recognize the disks, follow these steps:

Step 1   Make sure that the CDM-4650 is running ACNS 4.0 software.

Step 2   Power off the CDM-4650 and attach an SA-6 or SA-12 to channel B.

Channel B is located in card slot 7 on the back of the CDM-4650. (Refer to the Cisco Content Networking Hardware Installation Guide for the Seven-Rack Unit Chassis.)

Step 3   Power on the CDM-4650.

Step 4   When the system is powered on, use Telnet or log in from the console and verify that the ACNS software recognizes the Storage Array but is not using the Storage Array disk space.

To determine whether the Storage Array is being recognized, use the show disks raid-info command. The following example shows that all the Storage Array physical disks are recognized on RAID channel 1:

cdm-4650-raid# show disks raid-info Physical Drive Information RAID Channel 0 17398MB drive scsi ID 0 17278MB drive scsi ID 1 17278MB drive scsi ID 2 17278MB drive scsi ID 3 17278MB drive scsi ID 4 17278MB drive scsi ID 5 17278MB drive scsi ID 8 17278MB drive scsi ID 9 RAID Channel 1 17398MB drive scsi ID 0 17398MB drive scsi ID 1 17398MB drive scsi ID 2 17398MB drive scsi ID 3 17398MB drive scsi ID 4 17398MB drive scsi ID 5

To verify that the Storage Array is not being used, use the show disks command. The following example shows that the eight 18-GB internal disk drives are in use because less than 8 * 18 GB of disk space is being used; therefore, the Storage Array is not being used yet.

cdm-4650-raid# show disks SYSFS 11.3GB 10.0% CFS 0.0GB 0.0% MEDIAFS 0.0GB 0.0% ECDNFS 101.8GB 90.0% VODFS 0.0GB 0.0% FREE 0.0GB 0.0%

Step 5   Enter the disk raid-array command to create a logical disk that is recognized by the RAID controller.

cdm-4650-raid# disk raid-array add-array Type ? as command line arg for help Finding Devices On Each PERC Adapter... Scanning Ha 0, Chnl 1 Target 15 No size was specified on cmd line Full array will be used as the size of logical disk Please reload system and then run disk add command.

Step 6   Reboot the CDM-4650 by using the reload command and log in again.

Step 7   Enter the disk add command so that the ACNS software begins using the new logical disk. The following example adds the logical disk, disk01, and allocates 100 percent of the disk space to ecdnfs storage.

cdm-4650-raid# disk add disk01 ecdnfs 100%

Step 8   To verify that the ACNS software is using the new logical disk, use the show disks command. The following example shows that the new logical disk is being used by the ACNS software because the ecdnfs storage has 186.2 GB allocated to it.

cdm-4650-raid# show disks SYSFS 11.3GB 5.7% CFS 0.0GB 0.0% MEDIAFS 0.0GB 0.0% ECDNFS 186.2GB 94.3% VODFS 0.0GB 0.0% FREE 0.0GB 0.0%

Rebuilding a RAID Disk Array

If one disk in a RAID disk array fails, you can replace the disk and then run the disk raid-array repair command to rebuild it.

cdm-4650-raid# disk raid-array repair disk00 Nothing wrong with disk00 cdm-4650-raid# disk raid repair disk01 cdm-4650-raid# disk raid repair disk02 Nothing wrong with disk02

Posted: Thu Nov 14 13:45:05 PST 2002
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