
Table of Contents

Working with XML Projects
Validating an XSL Style Sheet with Xalan
Creating an XML Project
Adding a Page to an XML Project
Updating an XSL Style Sheet

Working with XML Projects

If you have a set of XML pages that you want to make available to wireless device users, you work with them in a Design Studio XML project. For XML projects, you import into Design Studio an XSL style sheet that you created in another application. Design Studio uses the imported XSL style sheet to transform the XML pages.

The following sections describe how to use Design Studio to work with XML projects:

Validating an XSL Style Sheet with Xalan

Before you import an XSL style sheet into Design Studio, you need to validate it using a tool such as Xalan. Xalan verifies that an XSL style sheet matches the XML document you want to use it with and produces the results you intended.

To validate an XSL style sheet with Xalan, perform these steps:

Step 1   Double-click the shortcut to chkxsl.cmd that you created in the "Installing Xalan" section.

A command window opens and prompts you for an XML filename.

Step 2   Enter the full path to the XML file.

For example, if the XML file is on your C drive in Projects\XML\file1.xml, enter C:\Projects\XML\file1.xml.

Step 3   Press Enter.

A prompt for the XSL style sheet name displays.

Step 4   Enter the full path to the XSL style sheet.

A prompt to press any key to continue displays.

Step 5   Press any key.

Xalan checks the style sheet against the XML file and displays the resulting transformation in your default browser so you can review the results.

Note   You can also run chkxsl.cmd from a command prompt:
Type chkxsl, press Enter, and answer the prompts.
Alternatively, type chkxsl xml_filename xsl filename and press Enter. Specify the full path to the files.

Creating an XML Project

An XML project contains an XSL style sheet and the XML pages you want to transform.

Note   Before you import an XSL style sheet, verify that all xsl:template elements in the style sheet have a priority attribute set to greater than 1. This ensures that your style sheet will not conflict with the style sheet generated by Design Studio.

To create an XML project, perform these steps:

Step 1   Verify that the correct configuration file is open.

The name of the current configuration file appears in the title bar of the Design Studio window.

Step 2   From the Projects menu, choose Create Project.

The Create Project dialog box appears.

Step 3   Enter a name to identify the project, for example, "command pages."

Step 4   Click the XML radio button.

Step 5   Click Done.

The Select Location of Style Sheet dialog box appears.

Step 6   Enter the fully-qualified URL of an XSL style sheet, or click Browse, navigate to a filename, and click Open.

Step 7   Click OK.

Design Studio creates the project, imports the style sheet, and adds the Style Sheet tab to the window.

Step 8   To view the style sheet, click the Style Sheet tab.

After you create a project, you add web pages to it as described in the "Adding a Page to an XML Project" section.

Adding a Page to an XML Project

To add a page to an XML project, perform these steps:

Step 1   In the project tree, click a project.

Step 2   Enter the XML page URL in the Address field.

Design Studio opens the requested page in the Browse tab. The XML is formatted according to the XSL style sheet you imported in this project.

If the requested page does not appear, the Cisco CTE 1400 server or the server for the web page may not be running.

If the page information pane (lower-left portion of window) includes the message "Passes Identifier Rules," see the "Using an Identifier Rule for Multiple Pages" section.

If a Redirection message displays, see the "Handling Page Redirects" section.

Step 3   In the lower-left pane, click Add Page to Project.

Design Studio adds the XML page to the project and displays it in the View Original tab, formatted according to the imported XSL style sheet.

Step 4   Create identifier rules for the pages as described in the "Identifying a Page" section.

Step 5   Save and publish XML projects just like HTML projects.

Updating an XSL Style Sheet

After you change an XSL style sheet in another application, update it in Design Studio.

To update an XSL style sheet, perform these steps:

Step 1   Right-click the XML project in the project tree.

Step 2   Choose Update Style Sheet from the shortcut menu.

Posted: Mon Aug 18 17:21:09 PDT 2003
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