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The Cisco Content Transformation Engine (CTE) 1400 Series enables you to deliver web applications in the format and presentation appropriate for XML-based IP phones, such as the Cisco 7940 and 7960 IP Telephones. The CTE provides a wide range of default transformations so that web applications work without additional development effort. You can, however, use Design Studio or XHTML extensions to further refine the default transformations.

The complete set of transformation rules and XHTML extensions are documented in the Design Studio User Guide. This IP Phone Solutions Guide highlights the transformation rules and XHTML extensions that are particularly useful for XML-based IP phones.

The following sections provide an overview of the XML-based IP phone support provided by the CTE and the Design Studio application:

Default Transformations for XML-Based IP Phones

By default, the CTE transforms web applications for XML-based IP phones as follows:

Web Applications on IP Phones

Web applications that are designed for desktop browsers will not work on an IP phone unless the applications are written in XML. The CTE converts web applications requested by IP phones to XML. In addition, the CTE automatically transforms the data to improve usability on IP phones.

The following list notes how various data types are handled by IP phones and indicates how you can enhance the default handling through Design Studio:

Click here to see

An IP phone displays the word "Click" on the first screen, the link "here" on the second screen, the text "to see" on the third screen, and the image on the fourth screen. You can use Design Studio to improve that presentation, perhaps moving the link after the text, modifying the text, and substituting alternate text for the image.

You do not need to make any changes for JavaScript to operate correctly on IP phones. However, you can apply transformation rules to a page that contains JavaScript in order to refine the presentation, as described in "Working with JavaScript" in the Design Studio User Guide.

Posted: Thu Dec 12 14:44:23 PST 2002
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