
Table of Contents

Installing and Starting Design Studio
System Requirements
Installing and Upgrading Design Studio
Starting Design Studio
Changing your Password
Connecting to a Different CTE
Installing the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator
Installing the Go.Web Simulator
Configuring Device Definitions

Installing and Starting Design Studio

The Design Studio application is provided with the CTE. The Design Studio CD-ROM also includes the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE).

Additional third-party components, not included on the Design Studio CD-ROM, can be used to view the results of your transformations in PC-based simulators.

The following sections describe how to install Design Studio and the companion third-party applications and how to start Design Studio:

System Requirements

The Design Studio application requires the following:

The network connection can be through a proxy server, which you specify when logging in to Design Studio.

Installing and Upgrading Design Studio

The Design Studio software is provided on a CD-ROM and is also available for downloading from the CTE.

To install Design Studio from the CD-ROM, perform these steps:

Step 1   Insert the Design Studio CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

If auto-start is enabled on your PC, the installer starts.

If auto-start is not enabled on your PC, double-click the drive icon for your CD-ROM and double-click CiscoCTEDesignStudio.exe.

Step 2   Follow the instructions in the installer.

You may be asked to restart your PC during the installation. After you restart your PC, the Design Studio installation wizard continues the installation.

By default, Design Studio is installed in C:\Program Files\Cisco\CTE\Design Studio\version.

The version of Design Studio that corresponds to the CTE is available for download from the CTE.

To upgrade Design Studio from, refer to the Release Notes for Cisco CTE 1400 Series and Design Studio.

To upgrade Design Studio from the CTE, perform these steps:

Step 1   From any web browser, enter the following URL to connect to the CTE:


where ipAddress and adminPort are the CTE IP address and administration port (usually 9001). If you do not know what to enter, contact your CTE administrator.

Step 2   If a Security Alert appears, click Yes.

Step 3   In the Administration page, click Download Design Studio.

A self-extracting ZIP file is downloaded to your PC.

Step 4   Double-click CiscoCTEDesignStudio.exe

Step 5   Follow the instructions in the installer.

You may be asked to restart your PC during the installation. After you restart your PC, the Design Studio installation wizard continues the installation.

By default, Design Studio is installed in C:\Program Files\Cisco\CTE\Design Studio\version.

Starting Design Studio

To start Design Studio, you need the following login information from the administrator who set up the CTE:

To start Design Studio, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the Windows Start menu, choose Program Files > Cisco > CTE > Design Studio.

The Log in dialog box appears.

Step 2   Enter your username and password.

Step 3   Enter the IP address of the CTE.

Step 4   If necessary, change the upload port number.

The default upload port is 9001. You might need to change the port number if your firewall redirects ports. Contact your CTE administrator if you do not know which port to use.

Step 5   If you install Design Studio on a computer that is connected to the CTE through a proxy server, click Use Proxy and enter the host and port for HTTP and HTTPS connections.

Step 6   Click OK.

If you cannot connect to a CTE, verify that your computer has a network connection to a running CTE. Contact your CTE administrator for help.

Changing your Password

You can change your password for Design Studio if you know your current password. If you forget your password, contact your CTE administrator.

To change your password for Design Studio, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the File menu, choose Change Password.

Step 2   Enter your current password.

Step 3   Enter the new password twice.

Step 4   Click OK.

Connecting to a Different CTE

When you log in to Design Studio, you connect to a specified CTE. You can later connect to a different CTE without leaving Design Studio. For example, you might need to switch between two CTEs used for testing.

To connect to a CTE, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the File menu, choose Connect to CTE.

Step 2   Complete the Log In dialog box as described in the "Starting Design Studio" section.

If authentication fails, contact your CTE administrator. Either your username and password are not set in the CTE or you are not using the username and password set in the CTE.

Installing the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator

The Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator enables you to view on your PC how your transformed web pages will appear on many wireless phones.

To download and install the Openwave Simulator, perform these steps:

Step 1   In a web browser, go to the following URL:

Step 2   Navigate to the Software Development Kit (SDK) downloads area.

Step 3   Download "SDK WAP Edition 5.0" to your PC.

Step 4   After the download completes, double-click the .exe file that you downloaded.

Step 5   Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

Step 6   Click Finish.

You will be asked to restart your computer to complete the installation.

We recommend that you put a shortcut to the Openwave Simulator on your desktop for convenient access when you are using Design Studio.

To create a shortcut to the simulator application file, perform these steps:

Step 1   In a Windows file browser, navigate to the Openwave installation directory.

By default, that directory is C:\Program Files\Openwave\SDK WAP 5.0.

Step 2   Right-click the OWHost.exe file.

Step 3   From the menu, choose Create Shortcut.

Windows creates a shortcut named "Shortcut to OWHost.exe."

Step 4   Drag the shortcut to your desktop.

To configure the Openwave Simulator, perform these steps:

Step 1   Double-click the shortcut that you created to OWHost.exe.

Step 2   In the Openwave SDK window, choose Device Settings from the Simulator menu.

Step 3   Click Proxy 1: Auto provisioned gateway.

Step 4   Click OK.

For information on using the simulator to preview transformations, see the "Using the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator" section.

Installing the Go.Web Simulator

The Go.Web Simulator enables you to view on your PC how your transformed web pages will appear on RIM devices.

To download and install the Go.Web Simulator, perform these steps:

Step 1   In a web browser, go to the following URL:

Step 2   Click the link to the Developer Zone.

You will be asked to sign in.

Step 3   Complete the sign-in information.

Step 4   Download the Go.Web Simulator.

Step 5   After the download completes, double-click the .exe file that you downloaded.

Step 6   Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

The last page of the installation wizard gives you the option of starting the Go.Web Simulator.

Step 7   Click the option to start the Go.Web Simulator and click Finish.

The simulator window opens.

The Go.Web Simulator is ready for use with Design Studio. We recommend that you put a shortcut to the Go.Web Simulator on your desktop for convenient access when you are using Design Studio.

To create a shortcut to the simulator application file, perform these steps:

Step 1   In a Windows file browser, navigate to the GoWebSimulator installation directory.

By default, that directory is C:\Program Files\GoAmerica\GoWebSimulator version.

Step 2   Right-click the SimGoWeb.exe file.

Step 3   From the menu, choose Create Shortcut.

Windows creates a shortcut named "Shortcut to SimGoWeb.exe."

Step 4   Drag the shortcut to your desktop.

For information on using the simulator to preview transformations, see the "Using the Go.Web Simulator" section.

Configuring Device Definitions

The CTE determines how to transcode a site for a particular device based on settings in a Device Definition File (DDF). For example, the CTE uses the specifications in a DDF to determine how to handle the images it sends to a device. You can use Design Studio to tune those specifications.

Design Studio also enables you to import a DDF and either replace the current DDF or merge changes into it.

A DDF specifies device information such as the following:

Note    When requesting information from a server, a device identifies itself to the server by a user agent, which consists of two strings containing the vendor name and model number. The CTE looks up the user agent in the DDF file to determine which set of specifications to use when transcoding pages for the device. Some devices use a unique user agent; others use a generic user agent. If a device uses a generic user agent, the CTE bases the transcoding on the protocol specified for the device.

Table 2-1 describes the main keys and values contained in the DDF files. For more information, see the information provided in the Edit DDF window.

Table 2-1   Keys and Values in Device Definition Files

Key1 Value2 Notes


A unique string of up to 127 characters.

Required. Identifies the device in the Edit DDF window.


Depends on the devices supported by your product license. Values include the following:

chtml, html, iphone, palm, voxml, wml

Required. Determines which encoder the CTE uses to transcode data for the device.

Unsupported values are ignored by the CTE.


Either the entire user agent string that the device presents in the HTTP protocol or a portion of that string represented with a regular expression.

Required. Identifies the device to the CTE. A more general useragent key matches more devices. For example, the useragent "*Phone*" matches all devices that include "Phone" in their user agent string. The useragent "Phone123" matches only devices that include "Phone123" in their user agent string.

Suppose that you want to define several models of "Phone" and all but one of the models ("Phone123") have the same device definition. To handle the models with the same definition, create the useragent "*Phone*" and include the filteragent "Phone123" in its definition. The filteragent key excludes "Phone123" devices from the "*Phone*" definition. Create a useragent "Phone123" to define the specific settings for that device.

Separate useragent values with the "|" character. If the element string contains parentheses, precede them with a backslash (\) to create a proper regular expression. For example, the expression ^.*(Mozilla/2.0 \(compatible; Elaine/3.0\)).*$ is correct.


Either the entire user agent string that the device presents in the HTTP protocol or a portion of that string represented with a regular expression.

Identifies a particular device that is to be excluded from the devices that match a useragent key. To specify definitions for the excluded device, create a useragent key for the device, as described in the preceding example.

Be sure to include "ICE" as a filteragent so that Design Studio browses correctly.

If the element string contains parentheses, precede them with a backslash (\) to create a proper regular expression. For example, the expression ^.*(Mozilla/2.0 \(compatible; Elaine/3.0\)).*$ is correct.


Either the entire Accept tag that the device presents in the HTTP header or a portion of that string represented with a regular expression.

Enables the CTE to determine a match for unregistered devices that are not otherwise identified through the useragent or filteragent keys.


See Table 2-2 for values.

Required. Specifies the encoding format required by the device. Defaults to "plain"—ASCII characters 128 and above are converted into spaces; ASCII characters below 128 are passed through, except for the following:

"&" is converted to &
"<" is converted to &lt;
">" is converted to &gt;


Subkeys and their values are described under "Notes."

The subkeys under the specific key vary based on device type. See the Edit DDF window for a list of specific subkeys that are available for a particular device.

The specific subkeys include the following:

  • softkeys, expressed as the number of Soft Keys on the device. This subkey determines which navigation links the CTE adds to a device. If a phone has one or no Soft Keys, the CTE adds Page Up and Page Down links on all cards except for the last card, where it adds Page Up and Top links. If a browser has a Back button and one or no Soft Keys, the CTE adds a Page Down link to each card except for the last card where it adds a Top link.
  • audio, the output audio formats that are supported by the device. This subkey is currently not supported.
  • retainformat, either "yes" or "no". This subkey is set to "no" on some devices to limit horizontal scrolling and thus improve usability. When set to "no", retainformat forces elements against the left margin and overrides the effects of a pre element. A Design Studio user can toggle this setting by using the Retail Element rule.

The DDF editor allows you to add subkeys to the specific key. This feature is to accommodate future subkeys.


Subkeys and their values are described under "Notes."

The geometry subkeys are related to the display characteristics of a device:

  • width and height, expressed in number of pixels. An image that exceeds these values is scaled.
  • type (of image preferred for the device), such as "wbmp" and force. The CTE uses type and force to determine how to handle images, as follows:
    • If force is "yes", images are converted to the specified type.
    • If force is "no", the CTE compares the image type that is specified in the Accept field in the HTTP request header to the image content-type requested by the application server. If the two types match, the image is sent without conversion. Otherwise, the image is converted to the specified type.
  • enabled, either "yes" or "no". For WML devices only, determines whether images are transcoded.
  • colordepth, expressed as a number of colors. Use "1" to create grayscale images (the default for WBMP images). For JPEG images, this value is ignored.
  • localsrc, either "yes" or "no". For WML devices only, specifies whether a device contains hard-coded images.
  • max, expressed in bytes. For WML devices only, specifies the maximum image size that a WML device can handle regardless of the image height or width. If the image exceeds this size, it is scaled.
1You cannot edit or delete any of the keys listed in this column.

2The value of the filteragent key is the only value that you can delete. You can edit all values.

Table 2-2   Output Encoding Formats 

Language Encoding Value




EUC-CN, HZ, GBK, GB18030, EUC-TW, BIG5, CP950, BIG5-HKSCS, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT


ASCII, ISO-8859-(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16), KO18-R, KO18-U, KO18-RU, CP (850, 866, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1257), Mac (Roman, Central Europe, Iceland, Croatian, Romania, Cyrillic, Ukraine, Greek, Turkish)

Full Unicode

UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7


Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS


EUC-JP, SHIFT-JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-JP-1




MuleLao-1, CP1133




ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-8, CP1255, CP1256, CP862, Mac (Hebrew, Arabic)


TIS-620, CP874, MacThai



The following sections describe how to work with a DDF file:

Changing a Device Definition

You ordinarily will not need to change a DDF unless you want to make changes such as the following:

To change a device definition, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the File menu in the Design Studio window, choose Edit DDF.

The Edit DDF window opens.

Step 2   In the left pane of the Edit DDF window, click the device type that you want to change.

Step 3   In the right pane of the Edit DDF window, scroll to the value that you want to change and right-click it.

Step 4   Choose Edit Value from the shortcut menu.

For information on keys and values, see Table 2-1.

Step 5   In the Edit Value dialog box, type the new value and click OK.

Step 6   To save the DDF on your computer, choose Save DDF Locally from the File menu.

Step 7   To publish the DDF to the CTE, choose Upload from the File menu.

Step 8   To return to Design Studio, choose Return to Studio from the File menu.

Adding a Device Definition

You add a device definition to support a new device that is not included in the DDF or to uniquely define a device that is already listed in the useragent element for a device type. For example, the useragent element for WAP devices lists several types of devices. You could remove "Ericsson" from that list and create a device definition just for Ericsson.

To add a device definition, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the File menu in the Design Studio window, choose Edit DDF.

The Edit DDF window opens.

Step 2   From the Edit menu in the Edit DDF window, choose Add New Device.

"New Device" displays at the end of the device list in the left pane.

Step 3   In the right pane of the Edit DDF window, right-click the value New Device.

Step 4   Choose Edit Value from the shortcut menu.

Step 5   In the Edit Value dialog box, type the name of the device and click OK.

Step 6   Scroll to a value you want to change, right-click it, and choose Edit Value from the shortcut menu.

Step 7   In the Edit Value dialog box, type the new value and click OK.

For information on keys and values, see Table 2-1.

Step 8   Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each value you want to change.

Step 9   If you are defining a device that is already listed in the useragent element of another device type, select that device type in the left pane of the Edit DDF window and remove the device from the useragent element.

Step 10   To save the DDF on your computer, choose Save DDF Locally from the File menu.

Step 11   To publish the DDF to the CTE, choose Upload from the File menu.

Step 12   To return to Design Studio, choose Return to Studio from the File menu.

Posted: Tue Jan 14 16:22:13 PST 2003
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