
Table of Contents

Upgrade Quick Start Guide
Cisco CTE 1400 Series and Design Studio
1   Introduction
2   Install the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Hardware
3   Upgrade the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Software
4   Configure the CTE for the First Time
5   Install Design Studio
6   Start Design Studio
7   Perform Advanced Configuration

Upgrade Quick Start Guide

Cisco CTE 1400 Series and Design Studio

1 Introduction

2 Install the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Hardware

3 Upgrade the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Software

4 Configure the CTE for the First Time

5 Install Design Studio

6 Start Design Studio

7 Perform Advanced Configuration

1   Introduction

The Cisco Content Transformation Engine (CTE) 1400 Series handles requests for web pages from devices, such as Cisco IP phones, wireless phones, and personal digital assistants, and uses transformation instructions to convert HTML/XML pages into wireless-compatible formats. Transformation instructions are created in the companion PC-based application, Cisco CTE Design Studio.

This document provides instructions to install the CTE server, upgrade the CTE software, and perform the basic configuration procedure. For more advanced configurations, see the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Configuration Note.

2   Install the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Hardware

This section describes how to install the CTE hardware in your environment.


To set up the CTE, you need the following hardware in addition to the items delivered with the CTE:


The following steps summarize the installation procedure described in the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Hardware Installation Guide:

Step 1   Install the CTE in a rack (if rack-mounted).

Step 2   Use network cables to connect the CTE NIC 1 (e0) port to your network connection. (The CTE NIC 2 (e1) port is used for advanced configuration.)

Step 3   Connect a null-modem cable to the 9-pin serial port on the CTE and connect the cable to a computer that is capable of running terminal emulation software.

Step 4   On the computer, start a terminal emulation application. For example, start HyperTerminal.

Step 5   Set the serial connection to 9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit; set the Backspace key to issue a Delete character.

Hardware flow control is optional.

Step 6   Power up the CTE.

After about five minutes, the CTE console appears on the computer terminal.


You are now ready to upgrade the CTE to the 2.5 software release.

3   Upgrade the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Software


To upgrade to Release 2.5, you need the following item:

Upgrade Procedure

To upgrade your CTE to Release 2.5, perform these steps:

Step 1   Power the system on and make sure that the CTE console is connected.

Step 2   Insert the CTE Release 2.5 Restore CD into the CD-ROM drive of the CTE.

Step 3   Power down the CTE.

Step 4   Wait 10 seconds.

Step 5   Power up the CTE.

Step 6   The serial console displays the following messages during the upgrade:

CTE software installation will take 5 minutes to complete.
Installation successful. Please eject the CD and reboot the CTE.

Step 7   When the upgrade is complete, eject the Restore CD and reboot the CTE.

Step 8   When the CTE restarts, the CTE console interface appears.


You are now ready to configure the CTE with your network.

4   Configure the CTE for the First Time

This section describes express configuration, and tells you how to configure a CTE the first time you bring up the device.


This section summarizes the procedure for configuring a CTE. For detailed information on more advanced configurations, see the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Configuration Note.

To configure a CTE, perform these general steps:

Step 1   Set the root password when prompted.

    a. Enter the password. It must be 8 or more characters.

    b. Verify the password when prompted.

Step 2   Enter the IP address for Interface 0 when prompted:

IP address [x.x.x.x] (Enter 0 to clear): ip_address 

Step 3   Enter the netmask for Interface 0 when prompted:

Netmask [x.x.x.x] (Enter 0 to clear): netmask 

Step 4   Enter the IP address of the gateway device when prompted:

Gateway [x.x.x.x]: gateway ip_address

Step 5   The CTE displays the current settings. Verify that the settings you have entered are correct.

If they are correct, type yes when asked to commit your changes.

If they are not correct, type no when asked to commit your changes, then type 0 (Express Setup) to reenter the settings in Steps 2 through 4.

Step 6   Type 5 to log out from the console.

Step 7   You may unplug the serial connection.


Continue configuring the CTE from the Administration interface.

To continue configuring the CTE from the Administration interface, perform these steps:

Step 1   From any browser, enter the following URL:



Step 2   Click Yes on the Security Alert dialog box.

Step 3   Log in as root, and enter your root password, which you will have defined the first time you opened the CTE console.

Note    You can create additional administrative usernames and passwords from the CTE console. For more information, see the description of the Manage Administrative Users console command in the CTE 1400 Series Configuration Note.

Step 4   On the Interfaces screen of the Network tab, define the Masquerade Host for Interface 0. The masquerade host is an IP address that can be used for Network Address Translation (NAT).

Step 5   Click the Submit button at the bottom of the window to save your changes. You do not need to restart the server at this point.

Step 6   On the Ports screen of the Network tab, define the Listen on Interface IP address and the ports.

    a. To define the Listen on Interface, select the IP address you have configured for Interface 0 from the Listen on Interface drop-down menu.

    b. Set the Incoming HTTP Port as 80, the Incoming HTTPS port as 443, and the Administration Port as 9001.

Step 7   Click the Submit button at the bottom of the window to save your changes. You do not need to restart the server.

Step 8   On the DNS screen of the Network tab, set a minimum of one DNS server.

Step 9   Click the Submit button at the bottom of the window to save your changes.

Step 10   Click the Restart Server button.

Step 11   Click Yes on the Security Alert dialog box.

Step 12   On the Users screen of the Administration tab, define any Design Studio users you want to add. Enter a username of at least 6 characters and a password of at least 8 characters. Click the Add User button.

Step 13   From your browser, check network connectivity by entering the following URL:

http:// IP_address/

When the Cisco home page appears, the CTE is up and running.


Continue to the next section to install Design Studio.

5   Install Design Studio

Design Studio is the application that you use to create the rules that transform website content for delivery to wireless devices.


Design Studio requires the following:

Note    JRE is on the CTE Design Studio CD-ROM and is also available from JRE requires an additional 16 MB of disk space. Design Studio does not work with other versions of JRE or the Java Development Kit (JDK).

The network connection can be through a proxy server, which you specify when you log in to Design Studio.


To install Design Studio, perform these steps:

Step 1   If JRE 1.2.2 is not already installed on your PC, install it.

Step 2   Insert the Design Studio CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

If auto-start is enabled on your computer, the installer starts.

If auto-start is not enabled on your computer, double-click the drive icon for your CD-ROM, and then double-click CiscoCTEDesignStudio.exe.

Step 3   Follow the instructions in the installer.

You may be asked to restart your PC during the installation. After you restart your PC, the Design Studio installation wizard continues the installation.

By default, Design Studio is installed in C:\Program Files\Cisco\CTE\Design Studio\2.5.


Continue to the next section to start Design Studio.

6   Start Design Studio

See the Design Studio Getting Started Guide for detailed information on installing and starting Design Studio, as well as an overview of the product and a tutorial. For detailed information on using Design Studio to create, preview, and publish transformation rules, see the Design Studio User Guide. That information is also available from the Design Studio Help menu.


To start Design Studio, you need the following login information from the administrator who sets up the CTE:


To start Design Studio, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the Windows Start menu, choose Program Files> Cisco > CTE > Design Studio.

The login dialog box appears.

Step 2   Enter your username and password.

Step 3   Enter the IP address of the CTE.

Step 4   If necessary, change the upload port number.

The default upload port number is 9001. You might need to change the port number if your firewall redirects ports. Contact your CTE administrator if you do not know which port to use.

Step 5   If the computer on which Design Studio is installed is connected to the CTE through a proxy server, click Use Proxy and enter the host and port for HTTP and HTTPS connections.

Step 6   Click OK.

If you cannot connect to a CTE, verify that your computer has a network connection to a running CTE. Contact your CTE administrator for help.


Continue to the next section for information about advanced configuration.

7   Perform Advanced Configuration

After the CTE has been initially configured, you can modify the configuration at any time through the CTE console and CTE Administration screens. Any configuration tasks that you might want to perform are described in the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Configuration Note. The following table lists these tasks and the locations where they are described in the Configuration Note:

Configuration Task  Section in Configuration Note 

Reopening the CTE console

"Reopening the CTE Console"

Configuring a CTE connected to a web server

"Configuring a CTE Connected Directly to a Web Server"

Configuring a CTE connected to a server load balancer

"Configuring a CTE Connected Directly to a Server Load Balancer"

Restarting or shutting down a CTE

"CTE Console Menu" (See description in Table 4, [4] Restart/Shutdown)

Configuring Interfaces 0 and 1

"CTE Console Menu" (See description in Table 4, [1] Configure Network Interface) and
"Interfaces Screen"

Defining Listen on Interface IP address and the HTTP, HTTPS, and Administration ports

"Ports Screen"

Setting up DNS servers and domain

"DNS Screen"

Creating new administrative users

"CTE Console Menu" (See description in Table 4, [2] Manage Administrative Users)

Pinging another machine on the network

"CTE Console Menu" (See description in Table 4, [5] Ping)

Defining proxy servers and proxy exclusion

"Proxy Screen" (See command descriptions in Table 9, Proxy Screen Settings)

Using session timeout and minimum session time settings

"General Screen" (See command descriptions in Table 10, General Screen Settings) and
"Sessions and Connections"

Creating default usernames and passwords for IP phones

"IP Phone Screen"

Setting up SNMP

"Configure Screen"

Enabling the system log

"System Log Screen"

Enabling the health log

"Health Log Screen"

Adding new Design Studio users

"Users Screen" (Administration tab of Administration Interface)

Uploading secure certificates and server upgrades

"Uploads Screen" and "Uploading a Secure Certificate to the CTE"

Uploading server upgrades

"Uploads Screen"

Configuring Static Routes

"Routes Screen" and "Using Static Routes"

CTE console command summary

"CTE Console Menu"

CTE Administration task summary

"CTE Administration Interface"

All of the Design Studio and CTE documentation is available on the Design Studio CD-ROM. You can also obtain the documentation from the Cisco home page ( or order a printed copy by calling Cisco corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS (6387).

Posted: Fri Aug 22 09:47:54 PDT 2003
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