
Table of Contents

Troubleshooting Design Studio
Design Studio Hangs or Will Not Connect to a CTE
Simulators Do Not Work
General Issues when Using Design Studio
Unexpected Transformation Results
Problems with Pages Containing JavaScript

Troubleshooting Design Studio

The CTE can log informational, warning, and error messages related to the interactions between the CTE and Design Studio. You can view the Server Log from Design Studio and you can change the logging level in the CTE Administrative Interface so that all messages or only server version information is displayed in the log.

Caution   Verbose logging should be disabled unless you are troubleshooting a problem. If the CTE disk fills up with logs, the CTE will crash.

To start and stop verbose logging, perform these steps:

Step 1   In the CTE Administrative Interface, scroll to the "Content and Management Settings" area and choose enabled or disabled from the Verbose Mode menu.

Note    For help with using the CTE Administrative Interface, refer to the Cisco CTE 1400 Series Configuration Note.

Step 2   Click Save.

To view the log from Design Studio, perform these steps:

Step 1   From the File menu, choose View Log.

Step 2   To refresh the display, click Refresh.

Step 3   To exit the window, click OK.

The following sections describe how to solve commonly encountered problems in Design Studio:

Design Studio Hangs or Will Not Connect to a CTE

Design Studio frequently hangs.

Design Studio can hang if you are using the incorrect version of JRE (only version 1.2.2_008 is supported) or if your PC runs out of memory (a minimum of 128 MB of RAM is required; 256 MB of RAM is recommended).

Design Studio cannot connect to a CTE.

This problem is probably due to the information you entered when you logged into Design Studio or connected to a different CTE. Contact your CTE administrator to verify that you are using the correct username, password, IP address, and server upload port.

This problem can also be caused if the CTE administrator makes changes through the CTE console or administrative interface but does not commit or save the changes.

Simulators Do Not Work

I cannot open a URL in the simulators or browser. I'm getting messages such as "page not found" or "cannot connect to site."

To use a simulator or browser to preview a page, you must start Design Studio and connect to a CTE. Also, verify that you are entering the URL in the correct format as shown in the following example: http:// ip_address:port_number/http:// page_url

The ip_address:port_number identifies the CTE.

Transformed pages do not display in my browser. They display in the other simulators.

You must use Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher with Design Studio.

When I try to open a URL in the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator, the message "Unsupported content type" displays.

You must configure the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator to connect through a proxy port. For information, see the "Installing the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator" section.

After I select "Click here to start" on the Go.Web Simulator, the simulator seems to hang while displaying a message about generating security keys.

This problem can occur if you are using a software firewall on your computer. To work around the problem, disable the software firewall while you are using the Go.Web Simulator.

General Issues when Using Design Studio

I opened a URL in Design Studio and the page is blank.

A web page appears blank in Design Studio if it is written with a JavaScript document.write() command. To verify how the page is written, open the page in Internet Explorer or Netscape, view the source, and look for a document.write() command. A page might also appear blank if there is one Select rule on the page and that rule is dead.

I opened a URL in Design Studio and a page containing the message "This Page Contains Frames" displays.

When you browse to a page that uses frames, Design Studio gives you the option of using the noframes element content or redirecting the page to one of its frames.

I am having trouble creating Identifier rules that work the way I intend.

Identifier rules must be mutually exclusive. Here's a simple example to help you understand how your Identifier rules might be incorrect. Suppose that you have two types of bags of marbles: Type Bag1 contains red marbles and green marbles; Type Bag2 contains red marbles and blue marbles. Suppose that you create the following rules to identify the two types of bags:

You receive a new bag of marbles and need to determine which type of bag it is. First, you check if it has a red marble. It does, therefore it matches type Bag1. You then look at the rest of the marbles in your new bag and see that it contains red and blue marbles (type Bag2), not red and green marbles (type Bag1). Because the rule for type Bag1 is not mutually exclusive, you incorrectly identified the new bag.

Rules in the rules area are displayed in red or gray.

Rules that are displayed in red are conflicting. For information on resolving conflicting rules, see the "Resolving Conflicting Rules" section.

Rules that are displayed in gray are dead. For information on working with dead rules, see the "Evaluating Dead Rules" section.

The Configure dialog box contains the message "This is a Relative Element" and does not let me change the depth setting of the element.

That message displays in two cases:

In both cases, Design Studio does not allow you to change the depth setting of the element because the depth of that element is relative to the Destination path (for the Move rule) or the Operation path (for the Advanced setting). Design Studio must retain the depth setting of the element in order to track its XPath.

A Select rule has no effect or the entire page is clipped.

You might need to select a larger area of the page and then clip elements from it as needed. If the transformed page is blank, the Select rule may be based on an attribute that dynamically changes or the Select rule may be dead.

I added a new rule and a previously added rule no longer is in effect.

In general, the last rule added has the highest priority. The exception to this is the Select rule, which always takes precedence.

Suppose that you want to transform a table so that the last row is clipped and all other rows are modified. If you clip the last row and then modify the first row, applying the Modify rule to all rows, the clipped row reappears. To achieve the desired transformation in this case, apply the Modify rule first and then clip the last row.

The configuration file I just saved is not what I intended. Can I revert to the previous version?

When you save a configuration file, Design Studio keeps a backup of the previous version in a file named filename~.

If you are doing a lot of experimenting, consider saving each version of a configuration file to a different name so you can return to older versions.

Unexpected Transformation Results

HTML/XML pages viewed in a simulator or on a device are not transformed.

Check for the following:

The rules I applied to a page resulted in a correct transformation a few days ago, but now they do not work. The rules that I'm applying to a particular page are not working consistently.

This problem is probably due to dynamically generated content on the page. Determine how the content is changing and apply rules accordingly. Pay particular attention to rules that are applied based on element depth and position. The dynamically generated content may not always appear at the same depth or position.You might, for example, need to set a path element to match against a range of positions.

No images are displayed on IP phones.

If the images are not being removed as the result of transformation rules, check the Device Definition File (DDF) for IP phones and verify that images are enabled. For information about editing a DDF, see the "Configuring Device Definitions" section.

I added a page that contains one GIF or JPEG image (and no text) and the image does not show up on a RIM device, Palm device, or phone.

This problem occurs when a web page contains a link (perhaps with a thumbnail image) that opens just an image in a separate window. Unlike desktop browsers, microbrowsers do not support pages that contain only an image. To work around this limitation, either add text to the page containing just the image, or clip the link to the image.

Some sites do not display or behave correctly.

Unless you need JavaScript support for a site, try disabling JavaScript support for the CTE to see if that fixes the problem.

I imported an XSL style sheet, but it has no effect on the XML pages I added to the project.

All xsl:template elements in your style sheet must have a priority attribute set to greater than 1. Otherwise, the style sheet generated by Design Studio can conflict with your style sheet so that your styles do not apply.

Problems with Pages Containing JavaScript

I transformed a page that contains JavaScript and the form does not work on a device.

Verify that JavaScript support is enabled for the CTE you are using to test the page. Also verify that the page does not include Modify rules that change the value attributes of input fields or the name attribute of form elements.

A page that contains JavaScript has unnecessary buttons.

Design Studio adds a button labeled "Change" or "Submit" for a variety of JavaScript events. You can clip any unneeded buttons.

While working in Design Studio, I needed to return to a page that contains JavaScript. The page does not behave as expected.

When you click the Browse tab and navigate to a page that you previously worked on in the same session, the state of the JavaScript may not be correct. To return to the correct state, click the
(reload) button to retrieve the page from the CTE cache. If the behavior is still not correct, replay the JavaScript session from the beginning.

Posted: Mon Aug 18 16:27:46 PDT 2003
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