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Using XHTML Extensions to Transform Web Applications for IP Phones

Using XHTML Extensions to Transform Web Applications for IP Phones

Rather than using Design Studio to create transformations, you can include CTE XHTML extensions in HTML/XML files to indicate transformations for a particular device. For background information and complete instructions on using XHTML extensions, refer to Chapter 8 of the Design Studio User Guide.

Table 3-1 summarizes the XHTML extensions that are specific to IP phones.

Table 3-1   XHTML Extensions for IP Phones

XHTML Extension  Usage 

<SoftKeyItem card="deck | n" URL="value">

Creates a Soft Key on the specified cards. Attributes are as follows:

  • For the card attribute, specify "deck" (to put the Soft Key on all cards corresponding to the web page) or a card number (for example, "3").
  • For the URL attribute, specify any of the following:
    • A link URL, such as " " or "".
    • A dial URI, such as "Dial:555-555-1234" or "EditDial:9-555-555-1234". Dial indicates a number that the user cannot change; EditDial indicates a number that the user can change, such as by adding a prefix or access code.

The child of the SoftKeyItem element, name, is the Soft Key label text.

<input type="text | password" name="name" value="value" _keypad_mode="n" _input_label="label">

<textarea name="name" _keypad_mode="n" _input_label="label">

The _keypad_mode and _input_label attributes are extensions to the input and textarea elements.

The _keypad_mode attribute specifies the input type for an input field. The _keypad_mode attribute corresponds to the Cisco IP phone XML object InputFlag, with the following values:

A (plain ASCII text; the default)
T (telephone number)
N (numeric)
E (equation)
U (uppercase)
L (lowercase)
P (password; used with any of the other InputFlag attributes, such as "AP")

The optional _input_label attribute specifies the prompt that an IP phone will display for the input field. A label can be up to 15 characters.

Suppose that a web page contains an input field for zip code and a text area for a tracking identifier. The input and textarea elements might appear as follows:

<input type="text" name="zip" value="90210" _keypad_mode="N" _input_label="Zip Code"></input>
<textarea name="track" _keypad_mode="U" _input_label="Tracking ID"></textarea>

<meta refresh="n">

Refreshes the card after the number of seconds specified with the refresh attribute. A refresh of "0" means that the card will not refresh or that a refresh set earlier in the card deck will stop.

Posted: Fri Aug 22 09:47:02 PDT 2003
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