
Table Of Contents

Release Notes for the Cisco WAN Manager, Release 15.4.00


New Features and Enhancements

Releases Supported by CWM 15.4.00

Releases Certified for CWM 15.4.00

CWM Packaging and Basic Data

System Requirements

CWM Server Requirements

CWM Java Client Requirements

SSC and SSM Requirements

Solaris Patch Requirements

HP OpenView Requirements

Informix Requirements

Supported Hardware

Installing and Uninstalling CWM Software

CWM Configurations

Notes and Cautions

Features Not Supported

CWM Feature Limitations

Creating a CWM Auto-Restart Shell Script

SNMP Service Agent Trap Limitation


Issues Resolved in the CWM 15.4.00 Software

Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation, Support, and Security Guidelines

Release Notes for the Cisco WAN Manager, Release 15.4.00

March 2007

Rev. A0

These release notes are for use with the Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) 15.4.00 software release that supports MGX, BPX, and IGX switches. You can access the switch documentation at this website:


New Features and Enhancements

Releases Supported by CWM 15.4.00

Releases Certified for CWM 15.4.00

CWM Packaging and Basic Data

System Requirements

Supported Hardware

Installing and Uninstalling CWM Software

Notes and Cautions

Features Not Supported

CWM Feature Limitations

Creating a CWM Auto-Restart Shell Script

SNMP Service Agent Trap Limitation


Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation, Support, and Security Guidelines

New Features and Enhancements

This section describes the new features and enhancements introduced in CWM 15.4.00:

Support for Simple Network Management Protocol, version 3 (SNMPv3)

With this release, the CWM supports SNMPv3, which provides improved message integrity, better authentication and privacy security, encryption (protects packets from unauthorized disclosure on the network by encrypting their contents), and other administrative and security enhancements.

You can continue to use SNMPv1 or change to SNMPv3.

During CWM installation, you choose the option to manage a node using v1 or v3. Or, if the switch is already operating in the desired version, the CWM maps to appropriate version.

CWM SNMPv3 Functionality

The CWM can use SNMP v1 or v3 but not different protocols to different management workstations. The CWM manages individual switches based on the SNMP version: v1 switches managed using SNMP v1 and v3 switches using SNMPv3.

In SNMPv3, a new config parameter, SEND_V3_TRAPS_IN_V1_FORMAT, was added to the /usr/users/svplus/nts.conf file. When you change the parameter value and the core is restarted (warm or cold start), the parameter is read. When the core is up and a hang-up (HUP) signal is given to the NTS process, NTS then re-reads the nts.conf file so the value changes are reflected. These are the parameter values:

0 = NTS sends send the v3 traps as they exist to RtmProxy and port 162. (These traps are dropped because RtmProxy does not support v3.)

1 = NTS converts the v3 traps to the v1 format before fowarding to them to RtmProxy and port 162.

Changing the SNMP mode

If you need to change the SNMP mode, you must change the mode first on the node and then on the CWM. In general, the sequence is to upgrade the CWM first and then upgrade the switch. However, when you are upgrading from SNMP v1 to v3, you must upgrade the switch completely, including the service and and route processor modules, before changing the CWM 15.4.00 to SNMPv3 mode. Note that the CWM running in SNMPv3 mode cannot sync with the switch if the service modules are not running 5.4 releases.

If you change the SNMP version on the node from v1 to v3 when the CWM is managing the node in v1, the node moves to an unmanaged state in the CWM. Also, the CWM tries to manage the node using only SNMPv1. For the CWM to start managing the node again, use the Network Configurator to change the node to SNMPv3. From the Edit menu, choose SNMP Info > Modify. Change the version in the Modify User dialog box. Note that this changes the mode on the CWM, but not on the device.

If the SNMP mode in the device is changed to 2 when a node is in SNMP mode 1 and is being managed in the CWM using SNMPv1, the CWM still manages the node; however, any set operation on the node fails. Also, during the next resync, the node moves to ummanaged state.

Cisco recommends that you use the Network Configurator to change the SNMP version of the node to 3 when you change the node's SNMP mode from 1 to 2 or 1 to 3.

CWM system and health alarms

With this feature, CWM system and health-related alarms now propagate to other CWM workstations in the gateway. A new database table, called active_health_alarm, facilitates the propagation.

With this feature, you can view the CWM system and health-related alarms in the Network Monitor of all CWM workstations that are in the gateway. If the CWM on one workstation clears these alarms manually or periodically clears the health alarms, the update is propagated to other workstations in the gateway and their Network Monitors show the update.

Alarm acknowledgement

With this feature, acknowledge information is propagated to other workstations in the gateway through a new database table, called acked_alarms.

If the Network Monitor on one workstation shows acknowledged or unacknowledged alarms, the information is propagated so that the Network Monitor on other workstations also shows the acknowledged or unacknowledged status.

Querying via routing trunks in the Finder

The Finder has been enhanced to query connections that are going through a particular routing trunk. You can see routing trunks in the Network Monitor tree view and in application physical views. To perform a query, you can select the routing trunk from another application and drag it to the Finder. You also have the capability to export the connection list to a CSV in a tab format.

Trap squelching

With this release, you can enable trap squelching on MGX switches so traps are not be sent to the CWM. Trap squelching can be off or on. If it is on, the management state can be "Automatic" or "Manual":

Automatic squelching—The switch determines if traps are squelched based on provisioned (or default) threshold levels and sampling intervals and if the feature has been turned on at the switch.

At the end of a sampling interval, squelching is disabled for subsequent intervals if the number of generated traps is less than the threshold.

Manual squelching—You configure the switch to force trap squelching through the CWM SNMP operations or with the CLI command.

You can monitor the status of trap squelching in the CWM:

In the Inspector view, a squelched trap displays "Manual Squelch" or "Automatic Squelch."

In the tree view, a node in squelch mode displays that status next to the node name.

A major alarm indicates that the node is in squelch mode. When squelching is turned off, a resync is initiated for the node and the alarm is cleared.

A Trap Squelch Configuration tab has been added to the Configuration Center. From the Category drop-down list, you can select Squelch Config to configure squelching or Squelched Traps to view the list of squelched traps and add or remove trap object IDs. You can select an entry and click Details to view the detailed status of the squelched trap.

Enhanced G.723.1 codec supporting VISM 3.3.30

A new profile was added to the G.723.1 codec. The enhanced codec provides a packetization period of 30 ms.

To select the G.723.1 codec in the Configuration Center, drag a VISM card to the right pane, click CODECs, and choose AAL2 CODEC Profiles from the Category drop-down list. In the list of profiles, select the desired profile and click Details. The AAL2 Profiles Config window appears. Choose g723a, g723ah, codecs.

Support for VISM 3.3.30 and VXSM 3.0.

V.110 support for AAL2 trunking on VXSM 3.0

The capabilities of the MGX media gateway were enhanced to add V.110 support on the VXSM 3.0 card for data access on modem and fax devices. The Configuration Center now supports clear-channel data (CCD) profiles on the switch.

Releases Supported by CWM 15.4.00

Table 1 shows the BPX, IGX, and MGX switch platforms and releases that the CWM software supports.

For additional information on supported products, see these sections:

Supported Hardware

Releases Certified for CWM 15.4.00

Table 1 Switch Platforms and Releases Supported by CWM 15.4.00 

Switch Platform
Supported Software Release

Existing WAN switching products, including the Cisco IGX 8400 series and the Cisco BPX 8600 series


SES PNNI Controller


MGX 8220


MGX 8230, 8250 and 8850 (PXM1)


MGX8830/B (PXM45/C)

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

MGX 8830 and 8850 (PXM1E)
MGX 8850 (PXM45)

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

MGX 8830/B, 8850, 8880, 8950 (PXM45) switches

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

MGX 8880 (PXM45)

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

MGX 8950 (PXM45)

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

Releases Certified for CWM 15.4.00

Table 2 lists the card, shelf, or switch software releases that were used to test the CWM 15.4.00 software. Although CWM 15.4.00 supports other releases, the releases listed in the table are the specific releases that were tested for CWM 15.4.00.

See also these sections:

Releases Supported by CWM 15.4.00

Supported Hardware

Table 2 Releases Tested with CWM 15.4.00 

Card, Shelf, or Switch
Tested Software Release

BPX/IGX switch software

9.4.10, 9.4.12

SES PNNI Controller

4.0.15, 4.0(15.201)

MGX 8220 Shelf


MGX 8230, 8250, and 8850 (PXM1) switches

1.3.10, 1.3.12, 1.3.14
3.0.10, 3.0.20

MGX 8830 and 8850 (PXM1E) switches

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

MGX 8830/B, 8850, 8880, 8950 (PXM45) switches

5.3.00, 5.3.10, 5.3.20

RPM-PR and RPM-XF cards

Cisco IOS releases:

12.4(6)T2, 12.4(6)T4, 12.4(6)T5

VISM-PR cards

3.3.10, 3.3.20, 3.3.25, 3.3.30

VXSM cards

5.2.00, 5.2.50
5.3(0.200), 5.3.10, 5.3.20

CWM Packaging and Basic Data

This section describes the CWM and associated software and CDs. The required software to the CWM system are the following:

CWM Server software

Solaris platform and required patches

CWM Java Client

Web browser to launch the online help. Cisco recommends that you use Netscape 4.76 or later or Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.

Table 3 describes the required and optional CWM software.. The CWM Software Evaluation package includes all CWM CDs, DVDs, and functionality. All CWM features are available until the 45-day evaluation period expires.

HP OpenView is another optional software package that you can order directly from Hewlett-Packard. It is used with CWM SNMP Service Agent to view the Event Log through the Event Browser. It is not required for any CWM procedures or for an Statistics Collection Manager-Standalone (SCMSA) workstation. This CWM release supports HP OpenView 6.2, 6.3, 7.0, and 7.5. For additional information, see the CWM installation guide.

When you launch the CWM, you can also access additional information about getting started. In the CWM Client Launcher, you can click the Help tab for this information:

Accessing online help and documentation

Installing Java Web Start

Installing on Solaris and Windows platforms

Configuring Netscape for Using Web Start on Solaris platforms

Table 3 CWM and Associated Software 

Software and

CWM Server

Informix 9.4


Java Development Kit (JDK)

CWM Server

The CWM Server software is part of the CWM package and required for installation.

As part of the JDK, CWM Java Client is deployed using Java Web Start, which is a deployment tool that uses the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) to manage Java applications from a centralized server. These applications are cached and run locally on Windows 98, NT, 2000, or XP or on a Solaris client.

Java Web Start is bundled with the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE), v1.5 and above. To start using Web Start applications, download the latest J2SE v 1.5.0 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for your operating system from this website:

CWM documentation (PDFs)

Acrobat Reader


CWM Documentation

Part of the CWM package.

The gzip utility is used to decompress the gz files. The command is gzip -d.

CWM SNMP Service Agent

Service Agent

This CD must be ordered separately from the CWM Client/Server package CD set.

Although SNMP Service Agent is not required to run the CWM, it can be used to provide provisioning and fault-management capabilities to the upper layer OSS.

It is not required for an SCMSA workstation.

The SNMP Service Agent CD also contains the tar file for updating the CIC so that it can function with the CWM system.


Standalone Statistics Collection Manager

This CD must be ordered separately from the CWM package CD set.

The SCMSA software includes the Cisco WAN Database Extraction and Synchronization Tool (WANDEST) client software (for communicating with the CWM server) and the Informix server software.

RtmProxy for the SCM application

RtmProxy for SCM Application

This application is included on a separate CD with the SCM software only when you order that software. It is meant to be installed only with the SSM and not on systems using the Service Agent. If you have already installed the Service Agent software and you attempt to install this application, you will see errors because the ~/config/process.conf file has duplicate entries for the RtmProxy.

To install the RtmProxy for SCM application from the CD, refer to the CWM installation guide.




This CD set must be ordered separately from the CWM set.

WANDEST is software that enables the CWM system to communicate with the operational support system (OSS) or other telco applications. The OSS applications use WANDEST to keep their databases synchronized with the CWM (stratacom) database.

Cisco Automated Bulk Provisioning (ABP) Tool

Cisco Automated Bulk Provisioning Tool

This CD must be ordered separately from the CWM set.

The ABP tool is a time-based provisioning system that enables you to schedule connection and port provisioning jobs. It is standalone software that resides on top of the CWM.

Cisco WAN Modeling Tools

Cisco WAN Modeling Tools

This CD must be ordered separately from the CWM set.

Consider also the following:

UltraSPARC II, UltraSPARC III, and UltraSPARCIIIi workstations—The CWM is compatible with them. For system requirements, see Tables 4 through 7.

Ultra 60 and Enterprise 450 and 4500—They were certified with earlier CWM releases and can still be used with this release. For the system requirements, see the CWM 11.0.10 release notes. Note that Cisco does not provide technical support for Sun configurations or products that Sun Microsystems no longer supports.

Graphics card—A graphics card is required when using the Java Client to access the CWM.

Video—Video on the CWM server is required only for user access or maintenance. It can be added to Sun servers or workstations. For Ultra and Enterprise, a video adapter is required.

Firewalls—If you are using a firewall between the server and the clients, you must open a range of ports for the CWM servers. For additional information about using firewalls, see the "Using Firewalls" section in the CWM installation guide. You can access all CWM documentation at this website:

System Requirements

This section describes the system requirements for using the CWM. See these System Requirements sections:

CWM Server Requirements

CWM Java Client Requirements

SSC and SSM Requirements

Solaris Patch Requirements—See this section for key patches regarding Daylight Saving Time (DST). If you are using U.S. time zones, you must install the appropriate Solaris patches for change in the DST.

HP OpenView Requirements

Informix Requirements

CWM Server Requirements

Table 4 lists the system requirements for the CWM server. Note also the following about the CWM servers:

Other UltraSPARC III server models with equal or higher CPU speed and memory capacity can also be used.

If UltraSPARC II servers are used, see the CWM 11.0.10 release notes for system requirements.

If you are using an Ultra 60 (low-end platform), it should have at least 2 GB of RAM.

Table 4 CWM Server System Requirements 

of CPUs
CPU Speed (MHz)
Swap Space
Min. Disk Space
Max. No. of PVC/SPVC Connections or
Connection Segments for XPVC
No. of
Max. No. of Nodes
UltraSPARC III Server Used for Network Scale Testing by Cisco

Low - Medium #1





1 x 36




Netra 20, Sun Fire 280R

Low - Medium #2





2 x 36




Sun Fire V210

Medium #1





1 x 36




Netra 20, Sun Fire 280R

Medium #2





2 x 72




Sun Fire V240

High - Carrier Grade





2 x 36




Sun Fire V880

Carrier Grade





2 x 36




Sun Fire V880

Carrier Grade 2





5 x 68




Sun Fire V880

CWM Java Client Requirements

Table 5 lists the CWM Java Client system requirements.

Table 5 Java Client System Requirements 

CWM Java Client
Operating System
Web Browser
Speed (MHz)
Swap Space (GB)



NT 4.0, SP 6a


IE 6.0

Netscape 4.76

JRE 1.5.0_06

Pentium 3






Solaris 9

Netscape 4.76

450 MHz





SSC and SSM Requirements

Table 6 lists the Standalone Statistics Collector (SSC) or Standalone Statistics Manager (SSM) system requirements, which are the same. Note also the following:

The file size is 2 MB (typically holds statistics with peak enabled for 20-KB endpoints).

The number of files does not increase with a smaller file size.

The average network transfer rate is the required TFTP or FTP throughput to collect the maximum number of files (combination of server performance, network bandwidth, and traffic).

One SSM can control a maximum of 12 SSCs.

The SSM must be run on a machine with the same Solaris release as that of the CWM server.

Besides enabling statistics collection on the SCM, statistics must be enabled on the individual connections for statistics to be collected on that connection. Because you do not receive a warning message to enable collection on the connection, the CWM does not display an error message.

Table 6 SSC or SSM System Requirements 

SSC Platform
No. of CPUs
Min. CPU Speed (MHz)
Average Network Transfer Rate
Swap Space (GB)
Disk Space (GB)
Max. Stats Files (15-min.
Server Used in Cisco Testing




170 kBps

512 MB


2 x 18



Medium #1



3.5 MB/sec

512 MB


2 x 18



Medium #2



4 MB/sec

1 GB


2 x 73


Sun Fire 210/240

Medium #3



1.7 MB/sec

1 GB


1 x 36


Netra 20 or Sun Fire 280R

High #1



3.5 MB/sec

4 GB


1 x 36


Netra 20 or Sun Fire 280R

High #2



4 MB/sec

1 GB


2 x 73


Sun Fire 240

Table 7 lists the added system requirements for using a parser in the CWM, SSC, or SSM. If the parser is enabled, add the applicable system requirements in Table 7 to the CWM requirements listed in Table 4 or to the SSM or SSC requirements listed in Table 6.

Five statistics are collected from each connection segment endpoint in 15-minute file collection intervals. Collecting statistics for 4 million endpoints with five statistics per endpoint requires 80 GB of disk space per 24-hour period. You will need at least 3 x 36 GB of disk space.

Table 7 Parser System Requirements for the CWM Server, SSC, or SSM 

SSM Platform
No. of CPUs
Min. CPU Speed (MHz)
Swap Space (GB)
Disk Space
Max. Connection Segment Endpoints (Statistics Enabled)
Server Used in Cisco Testing

Low - Medium





2 x 18

300 KB

Ultra 60

Low - Medium





2 x 36

750 KB

Netra 20, Sun Fire 280R






2 x 36

2 MB

Netra 20, Sun Fire 280R

High - Carrier Grade





2 x 36

4 MB

Sun Fire V880

Solaris Patch Requirements

This section shows the Solaris patches that you must install on the CWM and the patches that Cisco recommends you install.

Install these patches after you install the Solaris operating system.

See these subsections:

Before You Begin Installing Patches

Daylight Saving Time Solaris Patches

Patch Installation Procedure

Before You Begin Installing Patches

For best results, follow these Sun recommendations before you begin installing patches:

After installing the Solaris 9 operating system, you must install the Solaris 9 Kernel Patch 12 or later. After you have installed the patch, you will install the additional patches (see Table 8) if they were not already installed as part of the cluster.

Use the single-user mode to install most patches.

Shut down CWM processes before installing the patches.

Avoid installing the following patches that can cause problems with Informix during startup:

SPARC Platform—Patches 112963-21 through 112963-24

x86 Platform—Patches 113986-17 through 113986-20

Not all Solaris patches or patch clusters require a reboot. If a reboot is not required, you can start the CWM after the patch is installed.

Table 8 Required and Recommended Solaris Patches 

Solaris 9

Required to be installed first

Kernel Patch 12 (112233-12 or higher)





Daylight Saving Time Solaris Patches

If you are using U.S. time zones, you must install the appropriate Solaris patches for change in the Daylight Saving Time (DST), which results from DST changes in the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005.

You can access these patches at this Sun website:

Although the Solaris 9 platform is required for CWM 15.4.00, the following are the required DST patches for Solaris 8 and 9 DST patches for the SPARC platform:

Solaris 8 with time-zone patch 109809-02 or later and libc patch 108993-52 or later

Solaris 9 with time-zone patch 113225-03 or later and libc patch 112874-33 or later

Solaris 10 with time-zone patch 122032-01 or later and libc patch 119689-07 or later

After you install the time-zone and libc patches, reboot the machine, as Sun recommends.

For Solaris 8, use these commands to ensure that the patches have been installed properly:

showrev -p | grep 109809 // Must match 109809-02 or later
showrev -p | grep 108993 // Must match 108993-52 or later

Patch Installation Procedure

Use this procedure and sequence to install the Solaris patches, which assumes that the Solaris operating system is already installed.

Step 1 Verify the already installed patches. To do this, use the Solaris showrev -p command.

Step 2 Go to the SunSolve Patch Access website to access the patches:


(If you have a SunSpectrum contract, you can also access patches from SunService.)

Step 3 Install the Kernel Patch 12 for Solaris 9. See Table 8 for the correct version number.

Step 4 Install the rest of the required patches if they were not already installed as part of the cluster. Depending on your situation, you may want to enter only the first 6 digits of the patch number in the Find Patch field on the Sun Patch Access site and not the version extension to obtain the latest patch version.

Step 5 Install the recommended patches, as needed and desired. (Several of these recommended patches may require a service contract with Sun.)

HP OpenView Requirements

The CWM works with HP OpenView 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 and 7.5, which is used only for viewing the event log and is not required for other CWM procedures. It is not bundled with the CWM CDs.

You must order it directly from Hewlett-Packard and follow the HP installation requirements and procedures. See the following website and refer to HP OpenView Network Node Manager Products, Installation Guide, Part No. J1136-90000:

Before installing the HP OpenView software, ensure that the Solaris software is installed.

Informix Requirements

The CWM uses Informix for database operations. The Informix program is bundled with the CWM and included on the CWM Server DVD in the CWM package. The program is installed automatically when the CWM is installed.

Note the following Informix information that is compatible with CWM 15.4.00:

Informix Version: 9.40 UC8

Informix Server Port: 8000

Informix Service: informix_istar

Supported Hardware

This section provides links to all of the release notes for the BPX, IGX, and MGX switches that the CWM supports.

You can also access all switch documentation from this website:

No new hardware was added in this release.

Note the following:

The CWM does not support the VXSM card configured for VOIP. The Cisco Transport Manger (CTM) supports this functionality.

As of CWM 12.0, these cards are not supported by the CWM: the BME card and the FRSM12, URM, ARM, FRM, BTM, ALM and CVM service modules. To take advantage of the GUI enhancements, you must upgrade to the newer service modules supported in releases after CWM 12.0.

See also these sections in these release notes:

Releases Supported by CWM 15.4.00

Releases Certified for CWM 15.4.00

Table 9 provides the links to the documentation for the switches that the CWM supports. This documentation provides complete information, including the front and back cards, revisions, image type, comments, and other data.

Table 9 Documentation for Switch Series

Hardware Series
Switch Release Notes

BPX 8600

MGX 8220

IGX 8400

In the 9.4.12 Version Software Release Notes, Cisco WAN Switching System Software at the following website, see these tables:

For the BPX 8600 series, see Table 9.

For the 8220 series, see Table 8.

For the IGX series, see Table 10.

SES PNNI Controller

In the 4.0.15 Software Release Notes for the Cisco SES PNNI Controller at the following website, see Tables 1, 2, and 3:


MGX 8230

MGX 8250

MGX 8850

In the Release Notes for Cisco MGX 8230, MGX 8250, and MGX 8850 (PXM1), Software Version 1.3.12, at the following website, see these tables:

For MGX 8230, see Tables 16 and 17.

For MGX 8250 and 8850, see Tables 15 and 17.


MGX 8830

MGX 8830/B

MGX 8850

MGX 8850/B


MGX 8830/B


MGX 8850

MGX 8850/B

MGX 8950

In the Release Notes for Cisco MGX 8850, Cisco MGX 8950, and Cisco MGX 8830, Software Version 5.2.00, at the following website, see Tables 4 through 8:


MGX 8880

In the Release Notes for Cisco MGX 8880 Software, Version 5.2.00, at the following website, see Table 3:

Installing and Uninstalling CWM Software

To install, upgrade, or uninstall the CWM software, review the CWM installation guide:

Chapter 2, "Preparing to Install." In that chapter, be sure to review "Before You Start."

Chapter 3, "Installing Software." In this chapter, be sure to review "CWM Server Post-Installation Tasks." This section discusses how to check the system and configure system configuration files, such as the network configuration (network.conf) and network monitor server configuration (NMServer.conf) files.

Chapter 4, "Upgrading Software"

Chapter 5, "Uninstalling"

You can access all CWM documentation at this URL:

This section provides some background information, notes, and cautions.

You can upgrade from these releases to CWM 15.4.00, which requires Solaris 9:

CWM 15.1.50 (latest patch) running Solaris 8 or 9

CWM 15.3.00 (latest patch) running Solaris 9

To upgrade from an earlier CWM release, you must first upgrade to one of the releases listed above. To do this, access the release notes and installation guide for the appropriate CWM version, such as CWM 15.3.00 or CWM 15.1.50.

In general, you will install the appropriate CWM software and perform CWM installation tasks in this order. Chapter 3, "Installing Software," describes each of these installation tasks:

1. Install the CWM server

2. If you are using the SSM and traps and not using SNMP Service Agent, you must install RtmProxy on the CWM server

3. Install the SNMP Service Agent (which is optional)

4. Install the SCMSA (SSM or SSC)

5. Peform the CWM post-installation tasks

6. Set up the CWM client

7. Set up the network routers and nodes, which can be done before or after installing the CWM.

8. Install optional software, such as the WANDEST server and client, the ABP tool, and the NMT tools.

In this section, see these subsections:

CWM Configurations

Notes and Cautions

CWM Configurations

The installation and upgrade procedures enable you to install the CWM components in various combinations according to the starting configuration and the desired ending configuration.

Table 10 summarizes these configurations and procedures. Additiona information about the CWM software is provided in the CWM installation guide. See Chapter 1, "Introduction."

Table 10 Various CWM 15.4.00 Installation Configurations 

Installation or Upgrade Requirements

New installation with a new workstation

CWM 15.4.00 workstation

Requires a new workstation, which is probably received from Sun Microsystems with the Solaris 9 operating system already installed. The CWM server must be installed on the Solaris 9 system with the appropriate CWM and other appropriate applications.

CWM 15.1.50 or 15.3.00 workstation on a Solaris 9 operating system

CWM 15.4.00 workstation on Solaris 9

Requires a CWM 15.4.00 server, and the CWM SNMP Service Agent (if used) must be upgraded.

CWM 15.1.50 or CWM 15.3.00 workstation on a Solaris 8 operating system

CWM 15.4.00 workstation on a Solaris 9 operating system

Requires exporting existing databases, installing Solaris 9 and any relevant patches, and then restoring databases. A CWM 15.4.00 server is required. You must install the CWM SNMP Service Agent if it will be used.

Solaris-based workstation

Solaris client workstation

Requires an available CWM server. On the client workstation, you must install an Internet browser, the latest JRE, and Java Web Start, which is bundled with J2SE v 1.5.0. CWM Client is launched from the CWM server using Java Web Start.

SSM or SCM workstation with a Solaris 9 operating system

Requires installing Solaris 9 and the SSM or SSC. A WANDEST 2.8 server must be installed on the CWM server workstation.

Windows-based machine

PC client machine

Requires an available CWM server. In the client machine, you must install an Internet browser, the JRE, and Java Web Start, which is bundled with J2SE  v 1.5.0. The CWM Client is launched from the CWM server using Java Web Start.

SCMSA 15.1.50 workstation on a Solaris 8 or 9 operating system, or SCMSA 15.3.00 on Solaris 9

SSC or SSM workstation with a Solaris 9 operating system

Requires Solaris 9 and any relevant patches. Requires the databases to be restored and the SCMSA to be installed.

Notes and Cautions

In addition to the following CWM notes, please review key information provided in this guides:

CWM installation guide, especially the section on CWM server post-installation tasks. This section discusses how to check the system and set up configuration files, such as the network.conf file.

CWM user guide, especially for information on a particular applications

You can access all CWM documentation at this website:

Review the following notes about software:

ILOG—Because of the asynchronous behavior of the ILOG client and server interaction, CWM client requests may be sent before the CWM server is ready. In this case, this error message appears:

Ilb Error: Synchronous request to <unidentified actor failed by timeout>.

If the ILOG times out for more than 5 minutes and the CWM is not functioning normally, you should call service.

Consider the value -1 = Not Applicable—Parameters that the Network Monitor or Configuration Center displays that do not apply to an element, such as a line or a trunk, often contain this value.

RPM card does not support SNMP SETs—The RPM card on the PXM1-based MGX 8850, 8230, or 8250 platform is provisioned using Telnet because the RPM does not support SNMP SETs. This should be transparent in daily operation. For more details, please refer to the specific RPM switch CLI release notes.

Deleting SPVC connections—Occasionally, when the databroker is busy deleting SPVC connections on a PXM1E-based node, this error message appears: "can not delete connections. Failed to communicate with databroker." The error message can be ignored because the connections are correctly deleted on the switch.

Network Configurator displays authentication failure—It display this failure when you are logged into the CWM with the Configuration Center, Network Monitor, or Chassis View open and your password gets changed or when you try to launch the Network Configurator and the CWM does not prompt you to enter a password. In this case, exit the CWM and launch the application again.

Caution If you do not shut down Informix before rebooting, data will be lost. To shut down Informix properly before you reboot the machine, execute /usr/users/svplus/scripts/kill_db as superuser (root).

The CWM also supports these Cisco products: Cisco Info Center (CIC) and Cisco C-Note. For information about these products, refer to the CWM installation guide.

When the SSM is installed with the SCM Gateway configuration, the SCM GUI does not open if the primary and secondary SSMs are started within a few seconds of each other. You should start the secondary SSM several minutes after starting the primary SSM.

Features Not Supported

These features are not supported by the CWM:

CID level traps are not sent to the CWM to prevent potential trap flooding.

CID level statistics are not available in bulk statistics file format from the VXSM modules.

The CWM does not support use of the Korn shell.

Extended permanent virtual circuit (XPVC) support on the FRSM T3E3 in PXM45-based switches has not been tested.

Several windows display fields that relate to the MPSM-T3E3-155 MultiLink Frame Relay (MLFR) feature, which is not currently supported.

When managing VISM service modules that are running VISM 3.2.10, the CWM supports only the Rel. 3.2 features.

These VISM 3.1 features introduced cannot be accessed from the CWM: TGCP, Dynamic Payload, and T.38 Fax Relay.

The CWM database is not populated with the MPG configuration data. Instead, the Service Agent accesses the configuration directly from the switch.

These are the Current Route feature limitations:

P2MP calls and SVC/SVP connections are not supported.

Only master-ended (not slave-ended) connections have current route information.

The configuration upload file contains only a snapshot of the current route information at the time the switch receives a CWM configuration upload request.

If a node becomes congested, both of the connTrace messages that the CLI and the Current Route feature send are dropped. The CWM does not distinguish between the messages. This situation is also true for a connTrace ACK message received on a congested node.

When a node ID is changed, follow this procedure on each network node to flush out all existing current route information and start collecting new information. Disable and re-enable the current route feature by using the cnfndcurrte command. After disabling the feature, wait for at least 9 seconds (the timeout period for a conntrace message) before re-enabling the feature to avoid processing stale conn-trace messages.

Because the path information for a connection traversing more than 20 nodes is not stored in the current route path table, the connection does not have current route information.

While the CWM is running, if the remote display is stopped without properly shutting down the CWM desktop, reopening it remotely may not succeed.

CWM Feature Limitations

The following are known CWM feature limitations:

For the VISM-PR 3.3.30 cards, upspeed cannot be enabled or disabled in the Configuration Center.

If you need to change the SNMP mode, you must change the mode first on the node and then on the CWM. In general, the sequence is to upgrade the CWM first and then upgrade the switch. However, when you are upgrading from SNMP v1 to v3, you must upgrade the switch completely, including the service and and route processor modules, before changing the CWM 15.4.00 to SNMPv3 mode. Note that the CWM running in SNMPv3 mode cannot sync with the switch if the service modules are not running 5.4 releases.

If you change the SNMP version on the node from v1 to v3 when the CWM is managing the node in v1, the node moves to an unmanaged state in the CWM. Also, the CWM tries to manage the node using only SNMPv1. For the CWM to start managing the node again, use the Network Configurator to change the node to SNMPv3. From the Edit menu, choose SNMP Info > Modify. Change the version in the Modify User dialog box. Note that this changes the mode on the CWM, but not on the device.

If the SNMP mode in the device is changed to 2 when a node is in SNMP mode 1 and is being managed in the CWM using SNMPv1, the CWM still manages the node; however, any set operation on the node fails. Also, during the next resync, the node moves to ummanaged state.

Cisco recommends that you use the Network Configurator to change the SNMP version of the node to 3 when you change the node's SNMP mode from 1 to 2 or 1 to 3.

When a node is in SNMPv3 mode, the CWM database is not updated after executing the switchcc command for the PXM45 card. The node is left in an unmanaged state. Then it will be managed only during the next resync, which happens every 8 hours. So, it is suggested to perform the switchcc command only when the node is in SNMPv1 mode.

As of CWM 15.0, the RPM-PR card is not supported on MGX PXM1-based nodes that Chassis View manages. The applicable trap is missing so the CWM cannot monitor the back card. For both RPM and RPM-PR cards managed by Chassis View that are in standby state, the card status displays as blue. For other types of cards, stand-by card status displays as yellow. For both the RPM and RPM-PR card types, hardware and firmware revisions are not populated in the database.

The RPM back card support feature is disabled by default. To enable the feature and obtain RPM back card information, edit the emd.conf file before starting the CWM core. Note that when back card support is enabled, back card information is polled from the switch only during a coldstart or a manual resync. After that, any back card configuration or status changes are not updated until you perform another coldstart or a manual resync.

The CWM does not distinguish between the Ethernet back card versions installed with the MGX-RPM-128M/B or RPM-PR. No difference in functionality exists.

For a few of the latest Solaris patches and the Sun Fire E6900 server, the Informix engine may generate a shared memory error as shown in this example:

"oninit: Fatal error in shared memory creation <machine name>"

When this error occurs, the Informix engine fails to come up and is not able to perform database related operations. The error can be resolved by changing values in the /etc/system and /usr/users/informix94/etc/onconfig files. The following shows the change to the /etc/system file:

forceload: sys/shmsys forceload: sys/semsys set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=268435456 set semsys:seminfo_semaem=16384 set semsys:seminfo_semmap=64 set semsys:seminfo_semmni=4096 set semsys:seminfo_semmns=4096 set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=4096 set semsys:seminfo_semume=64 set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=100 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100 set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=100 set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100 set rlim_fd_max=1024

After you have made the above changes, edit and configure the "SHMBASE" value in /usr/users/informix94/etc/onconfig as follows and reboot the machine:

SHMBASE  0x0A000000L

Even though the VXSM T3 card is compatible with the MGX 8880 and 8850 PXM45 platform releases, the CWM software does not discover it.

Cisco does not recommend pointing multiple CWMs at the same gateway node.

When /usr/users becomes completely full, the orbix processes cannot write to the disk and continue operations. To correct the problem, free up disk space in /usr/users and then restart the orbix processes and the CWM as follows: Stop the core and exit out of the CWM prompt, run the stoporbix2000 script, type CWM (you should see "Starting Orbix..." in the ~svplus/log/.startStopOrbix.log file), and start the core.

When a shortage of shared memory exists on the workstation, the Informix engine may generate an operating system error, as shown in this example:

shmat: [22]: operating system error 18:45:49 shmat: [22]: operating system error 18:45:57 Error writing '/tmp/shmem.1fd4555c.0' errno = 4 18:45:57 mt.c, line 10260, thread 7148, proc id 1008, errors occurred during mt_notifyvp.

When this error occurs, the statsparser is not able to perform database-related operations. The error can be resolved temporarily by changing the /etc/system configuration as follows:

forceload: sys/shmsys
forceload: sys/semsys
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=1073741824
set semsys:seminfo_semaem=16384
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=5000
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=8192
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=8192
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=8192
set semsys:seminfo_semume=256
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=50000
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=256
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=32000
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=256
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100

The long-term solution is to increase the amount of memory to support 2 million connections consistently.

If an ATM IP interface (also called In-band interface) is being used to manage the switch from the CWM, the CWM cannot receive all node bring-up traps. The ATM connections required for in-band management can take time to get routed on node bring-up and therefore are not available for trap delivery at the initialization time. If this initialization time is an issue, the workaround is to configure the CWM for out-of-band management.

If starting collection on the SCM GUI is taking too long, verify whether or not it was started with an unreachable IP address. You must use a reachable in-band or out-of-band IP address.

The SSM statistics database can go out of sync with node_ids on the CWM after a coldstart -F is executed on the server. To ensure that the node IDs remain consistent, stop and disable collection before doing a coldstart -F. A CWM-to-CWM gateway must be enabled to ensure uninterrupted statistics collection.

When the persistent topology feature is enabled, to decommission a node and take it out of the topology, you must delete the node from the persistent topology data using the switch CLI. To decommission a node or to delete a trunk from the PNNI network, you must delete the entry from the persistent gateway nodes.

To ensure that all CWM servers have the same XPVC preferred data, the CWM-to-CWM gateway must be enabled; otherwise, you must manually propagate the data to all CWM servers.

On MGX PXM1-based feeders in the BPX network, XPVCs terminated on the VISM or VISM-PR cards can connect only to the AUSM service module. No such restriction exists for PXM1E-based or PXM45-based nodes.

Manual node resync may appear to have failed due to the GUI timing out for PXM45/PXM1E-based Cisco MGX nodes with many connections, such as 400-K Digital Access and Cross Connect (DAX) endpoints).

To correctly manage feeder nodes after they have been moved, you must first delete all trunks from the old node by using the CLI before adding the feeder back onto the system.

RPM-PR and RPM ports and subinterfaces must be configured with a number less than 32767. If you have configured any ports or subinterfaces with a number greater than 32767, you must delete them and then re-add them using a number less than 32767.

Note the following in regard to receiving SNMP traps:

If you register an SNMP Manager with the SNMP Agent without changing the bit-mask (if you accept the default of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), you receive all SNMP traps, including 25302 and 25303.

If you register the SNMP Manager with a nondefault bit mask because you do not want certain groups, such as FFFFFFFFF10701555, you do not receive trap 25302 and 25303, even though you have registered for that group.

If you deselect a currently undefined group such as Group 28 (a bit mask of FFFFFFFFEFFFFFFF), you can then add traps 25302 and 25303 by editing the trap_filter.conf file and adding these lines to Group 20 # network connectivity status change traps: TRAP 25302 and TRAP 25303.

Changing the line, payload, and medium types of VXSM-4OC3 causes the CWM to perform a whole card resync when you change any of the following: the medium type between SONET and SDH for SONET physical line, the payload type between T1 (VT 1.5 VC 11) and E1(VT 2 VC 12) for the STS or STM (Au) path or between T1 (VT 1.5 VC 11) and DS3 for the STS path, or the tributary path between Au4 and Au3 for the STM path in the SDH medium. (A whole card resync takes several minutes to complete.)

If you remove and then immediately add back the same IGX feeder when the CWM is running, the CWM establishes two LINK 0's with the node. This is treated as a delete, and the node is deleted. In this situation, Cisco recommends you either remove and add the feeder when the CWM is down, or, after adding the feeder, restart the CWM.

After the LineSendCode parameter is modified by using snmpset, the database does not update it, which shows the parameter as not applicable (-1 value). For additional information, refer to the CSCin50480 issue online.

The "l_network_id" field in the connection segment or port tables may not be populated correctly. To ensure collection of an accurate network ID, use the "netw_id" field from the "node" table.

Note the following in regard to the managing a PXM45-based MGX node and populating the peripheral table: If you are running a release earlier than 4.0.10, the CWM 15.0.00 does not populate (update) the peripheral table. If you are running release 4.0.10 and later, the status field in the peripheral table gets updated only during node resync. (If you are managing a PXM1-based MGX node, the peripheral table status field does not get updated.)

If the log level for the CWM EM module is set too high or set above the production default value and many configurations are changed on the switch during a warm start, the sync-up performance is impacted during the warm start.

SmartLogging is a feature for CWM debugging that is available when the log level is set to Level 2. It dumps detailed log messages to log files for each Level 2 log message. For example, when SmartLogging is enabled, an SNMP failure that triggers a Level 2 log message dumps messages at all levels immediately before and after this event. Because the feature can impact performance due to excessive log messages, it should be disabled in normal operation and enabled only when needed for monitoring performance.

When setting up VISM connections, the virtual path identifier (VPI) value in the VPI/VCI Selector window is grayed out with the VISM card slot number. If VISM is sitting in a feeder node, the VPI value in the VPI/VCI selector is grayed out as zero.

Ports on PXM45-based nodes which are associated to a trunk display as Trunk Ports, however, ports that are carrying signalling protocol information display as User Ports. Because they are carrying information, you cannot provision connections on these ports. Attempting to do so results in an error being displayed. Choose another port.

Virtual ports on the BPX card are displayed in the tree view at the Line level as physicalPort.virtualPort.

The administrative state of the PNNI ports is not aggregated into the total administrative state of the port. The Inspector View application shows both the total administrative state of the port and the administrative state of the PNNI ports as two separate items.

With MPSM-OC3 cards, after you replace an OC-3 back card with a DS3 back card or vice versa, you need to do a coldstart.

In the Connection Manager, the Service Type field displays some nonapplicable service types for SPVCs; however, the CWM displays an error if you select one of these nonapplicable service types.

If a valid network.conf file is not present, the CWM may not start properly and may cause a topod core dump.

For the MPSM, PXM1E, and FRSM cards, an SCT greater than 255 cannot be associated with the SCT Manager due to a device limitation.

Creating a CWM Auto-Restart Shell Script

This section describes how to create and configure a shell script that automatically starts the CWM core after a reboot.

To create this shell script, use a text editor to create a new file containing the commands that you want the script to execute. To save your changes when using the vi editor, press Esc, colon (:), then wq!.

Use this procedure to create a script that uses the vi editor and shell commands to automatically restart the CWM core after the workstation has been rebooted.

Step 1 Log in to the CWM as user root:

$ su

Step 2 Change to directory /etc/rc3.d:

# cd /etc/rc3.d

Step 3 Create a shell script of the form: Snn <filename>, where nn is the relative sequence number for starting the job under /etc/rc3.d by entering this command:

# vi /etc/rc3.d/S99init_sv

Because this script does not exist currently, the vi editor opens on a blank line for you to enter the script commands.

Step 4 Create the shell script by entering these lines:

# Check if Informix configuration is going on   while [ ! -z "`ps -ef | grep S98init_db | grep -v grep`" ]
    echo "Informix initialization in progress...." >> /usr/users/svplus/log/.start_stopCWM.log
    sleep 5
# Start Orbix E2A ... as svplus   echo "Starting Orbix E2A ..." >> /usr/users/svplus/log/.start_stopCWM.log
  su - svplus -c /usr/users/svplus/scripts/startorbix2000 >> /usr/users/svplus/log/.start_stopCWM.log
  sleep 5
# Running Guard process ... as svplus
  echo "Running Guard process" >> /usr/users/svplus/log/.start_stopCWM.log   su - svplus -c /usr/users/svplus/scripts/Install/RunGuard &
# Start CWM core process ... as svplus   su - svplus -c /usr/users/svplus/scripts/start_SV+ &

Step 5 Enter this command to provide execute permissions for /etc/rc3.d/S99init_sv:

# chmod 755 S99init_sv

Step 6 Follow several specifications when creating the shell script:

a. A shell script, called /etc/rc3.d/S98init_db, was created automatically during the CWM installation to auto restart Informix after a reboot. To ensure the restart, use a script number (the second and third numbers in the filename) greater than 98 in the new auto-restart shell script..

b. Ensure that the new auto-restart shell script does not have the same script number as any other script files in /etc/rc3.d.

For additional information on configuring the auto-restart shell script, refer to the /etc/init.d/README file.

SNMP Service Agent Trap Limitation

This section describes the SNMP Service Agent trap limitation with the PXM1-based MGX nodes. The type of traps that the CWM collects from adding and modifying connections on Cisco MGX PXM1-based nodes running release 1.3.00 and onward can be configured using the cnfchantrapenbl and dspchantrapenbl commands.

Use these commands to select Default (the same legacy traps plus trap 50601 to be sent) or Enable (only trap 50601 to be sent for every connection addition or modification).

If the dspchantrapenbl command is set to Default, you can use the cnfchantrapenbl Enable command to change to collecting only trap 50601 when the CWM is running.

However, if all of the following conditions exist, all CWMs monitoring the node must be shut down (the core must be stopped) before you execute the command:

The dspchantrapenbl command is set to Enable

You are currently collecting only trap 50601

You have configured the node to send legacy traps for every connection addition or modification by executing the cnfchantrapenbl Default command.

To determine which CWMs are managing the node, run the dsptrapmgr command.


This section lists known and resolved issues in the CWM 15.4.00 and WANDEST 2.8 software:

Known issues in the CWM 15.4.00— Table 11

Issues resolved in CWM 15.4.00— Table 12

Table 11 Known Issues in CWM 15.4.00

Bug ID
Details and Workaround


When creating a connection between FRSM (AXIS /PXM) to a BXM (BPX), the overhead values are not applied correctly.

No workaround exists.


Network Trap Service (NTS) traffic may be handling both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 traps for same SNMPv3 node.

If the SNMPv3 trap manager is added on the CLI for different messaging processing (MP) models, the CWM receives and processes both messages because they both have same sequence numbers.

NTS should be able to drop traps if the trap version does not match the version being used for the discovery or the trap manager request.

At this time, traps are dropped if trap managers are being added on the CLI with different MP models (and the same security name) for the same CWM IP address or port.

At this time, use the same SNMP version for discovery versions in node_info table and for receiving traps.


Card and redundancycard tables and the CWM GUI are not being updated after executing the switchcc command on the switch for the PXM45 card on the MGX2 node.

This issue occurs only in the SNMPv3 mode.

No workaround exists.


nodeinfocfg should be enhanced to handle the NodeInfo enhancements.

No workaround exists.


After applying a loopback in the Diagnostics Center for a BXM OC3 line, the loopback status does not get updated in the tree view of the Configuration Center, even though the loopback was successful in the Diagnostics Center.

Also the alarm status is not changed in the Configuration Center.

There is no problem if the loopback is performed from the CLI.

In either case, the database is updated properly.

No workaround exists.


In the Configuration Center, the VXSM front card's admin state shows Enabled for a standby card in CC Gui.

No workaround exists.


For the VXSM card, the default H248 profile entry does not show when you select Profile Properties from the category list.

No workaround exists.

Issues Resolved in the CWM 15.4.00 Software

Table 12 lists the issues resolved in the CWM 15.4.00 software.

Table 12 Issues Resolved in CWM 15.4.00 

Bug ID


For MPSM-16T1E1, unable to get svMapLogicalPort.


Port alarm severity mismatch between the node and CWM.


Line alarm severity mismatch between the node and CWM.


In the Diagnostics Center, the path's Pin loopback is not getting updated for the MPSM-T3E3-155 card.


CE templates are not getting applied correctly.


The statsreader shows negative and huge values for the XG counters.


In the Diagnostics Center, cannot set the loopback on the BXM-OC3 line.


Deleting an SNMP user restarts topod.


DC Server Purify test shows multiple memory usage errors, which can cause a crash.


Cannot upgrade from AXSM-b/e to AXSM-XG due to custom SCT name.


For SNMPv3 and PNNI SPV/HYBRID, svConnCurrRouteDesc no longer returns the trace route.


For SNMPv3, l_logical_port is incorrect in the XPVC table.


Using the Finder at the connection level does not launch the Config Center or the Diagnostics Center.


From Service Agent, allow invalid prefRoutes due to MPG reconfig to be deleted.


ChassisView unregisters only when ChassisView is closed as the last app.


line_map showing null value in the ausm_port table.

Related Documentation

These documents comprise the CWM documentation set:

Release Notes for Cisco WAN Manager, 15.4.00

Cisco WAN Manager Installation Guide, 15.4.00

Cisco WAN Manager User Guide, 15.4.00

Cisco WAN Manager SNMP Service Agent Guide, 15.4.00

Cisco WAN Manager Database Interface Guide, 15.4.00

Cisco WAN Data Extraction and Synchronization Tool User Guide, 2.8

You can access all CWM documentation at this website:

These documents are also available on

Release Notes for the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools, 15.4.00

Cisco WAN Modeling Tools User Guide, 15.4.00

Release Notes for Cisco Automated Bulk Provisioning, 15.4.00

Cisco Automated Bulk Provisioning Guide, 15.4.00

The Cisco WAN Modeling Tools and Automated Bulk Provisioning user guides are also available on their software CDs and ordered separately.

Refer to the current CWM release notes for information on all the switch products that the CWM supports and that are certified in this release. In addition, a Guide to Cisco Multiservice Switch Documentation ships with your product.

You can access the MGX switch documentation at this website. See MGX Switches:

On, you can search for any product and topic documentation. On the main page, enter the word or phrase in the Search window and click the Documentation link. For example, you can search for "configuring MGX 8850" or "PXMIE." On the results page, you can click Advanced Options to refine your search.

Obtaining Documentation, Support, and Security Guidelines

For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, recommended aliases, and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:


Posted: Fri Mar 16 20:52:02 PDT 2007
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