
Table of Contents

Cisco Voice Interworking Service Module (VISM)
System Overview
Removing Cards
Power Up and Configuration
Redundant Configurations
Loopback Paths
Command Line Interface

Cisco Voice Interworking Service Module (VISM)


This document provides a description of the Cisco MGX 8850 Wide Area Edge Switch card set that comprises the Voice Interworking Service Module (VISM).

A Cisco MGX 8850 Wide Area Edge Switch, when equipped with one or more VISM card sets, has the capability of transporting digitized voice signals as VoIP packets over an ATM network. VISM is designed so that future releases will also support voice over frame relay and voice over ATM.

A VISM equipped MGX 8850 can emulate many of the functions of a Tandem (Class 4) switch.
In this application VISM functions as voice gateway and performs call control in conjunction with a Calling Agent. The Calling Agent initiates and controls the call control functions and VISM performs the transmission of the voice payload through a bearer circuit.

Equipped with eight T1 or E1 ports, an array of Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), and a broadband interface to the packet network, VISM is ideally suited to processing high density digital voice circuits by providing echo cancellation, dejittering, and packetization on the fly.

VISM architecture provides:

A VISM card set is installed in a MGX 8850 Wide Area Edge Switch as a front card and a back card.

There are two kinds of front card: a VISM-8T1 card that supports digitized voice over up to 8 T1 lines and a VISM-8E1 card that supports digitized voice over up to 8 E1 lines.

Available T1 back cards are:

Available E1 back cards are:

Key features of VISM are:

This document consists of the following sections:


This section defines words, acronyms, and actions which may not be readily understood.

AAL ATM Adaptation Layer

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

BERT Bit Error Rate Test

CU Coding Unit

DSPM Digital Signal Processing Module

DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency

ECAN Echo Cancellation

FDL Facility Data Link

IP Internet Protocol

LM Line Module

LOS Loss Of Signal

MIPS Million Instructions Per Second

OAM Operation And Maintenance

PXM Processor Switch Module

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PNNI Private Network-to-Network Interface

RAI Remote Alarm Indication

RTP Real-time Transport Protocol

SGCP Simple Gateway Control Protocol

SRM Service Redundancy Module

SU Signalling Unit

TSI Time Slot Interchange

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UFM Universal Frame-Relay Module

UVM Universal Voice Module

UXM Universal Switch Module

VAD Voice Activity Detection

VISM VoIce Interworking Service Module

VoIP Voice over IP

VSC Virtual Switch Controller

System Overview

Figure 1 shows how two MGX 8850 shelves can transport voice through an ATM/IP network.

Figure 1-1   VISM Cards Used in a Network

Each MGX 8850 shelf is configured with one or more VISM card sets which provides interfaces for the voice TDM signals on T1 or E1 lines. Each MGX 8850 shelf also connects to the ATM/IP network through its Processor Switch Module (PXM).

Voice connections are set up using Virtual Switch Controllers (VSCs) that receive CCS signals from a PBX. Call setup and routing is then achieved through a combination of C-ISUP SS7 and simple gateway control protocol (SGCP) commands that are sent over the IP network to the VISM cards in the MGX 8850 shelves and the other VSCs involved in routing the call.

Once a voice connection is established, the voice payload connection is between a T1 or E1 line at one shelf, through the VISM, through the PXM, through the ATM network, through the PXM and VISM at the remote shelf, and out to the T1 or E1 line.

Call Setup and Teardown

Call Setup and Teardown involves the originating and destination PBXs (or Central Offices), the originating and destination VSCs (also sometimes referred to as Call or Calling Agents) and the originating and destination VISM cards. Communication between the PBXs/COs and the VSCs is through the ISDN User Part (ISUP) of the SS7 signaling system. Communication between the VSCs and the VISM cards is through the Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP) developed jointly by Cisco and Bellcore.

The communication links involved in call setup and teardown are shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2   Call Setup and Teardown Communication Links

A (highly simplified) sequence of steps in call setup is as follows:

1. When a user goes off-hook to make a call, the PBX or CO initiates the process by sending an SS7 Setup command to the VSC.

2. The VSC sends a SGCP Create Connection (CRCX) command to the originating VISM. The VISM obtains an endpoint and port address for the call and responds with a CRCX acknowledgment.

3. Using the SS7 network, the originating VSC sends an SS7 Initial Address message (IAM) to the destination VSC. This message contains all the pertinent information about the call.

4. The destination VSC uses SGCP commands to setup a connection between the two VISM cards using the IP address, endpoints and port numbers at each VISM.

5. The destination VSC sends an SS7 Setup message to the destination PBX/CO. The PBX responds with an SS7 Proceeding message which is relayed to the originating VSC.

6. The originating VSC issues a SGCP Modify Connection (MDCX) message to the originating VISM.

7. An end-to-end bearer channel is setup for the call to proceed.

When the call is finished, the finishing PBX sends an SS7 Disconnect message to its VSC and, using a combination of the SS7 and SGCP protocols, the connection, endpoints, etc. are released.

Voice Payload Flow

VISM cards use the bearer channel that is created by the call setup process to transmit the voice payload across the IP/ATM network as shown in Figure 1-3

Figure 1-3   Voice Payload Flow

After the VISM receives digital voice signals over the T1 or E1 line, the signal is passed to a DSP that performs echo cancellation, converts the stream to PCM and packs the voice samples into Real Time Protocol (RTP) packets. UDP and IP headers are added, and the packets are then transported in IP packets. The IP address is obtained from the VSC during the call setup process.

The protocol stacks involved in call control and voice payload are shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4   VISM Protocol Stacks

VISM Cards

VISM front cards are shown in Figure 1-5, and VISM back cards are shown in Figure 1-6.

The VISM card set is managed and configured through a command repertoire which is executed through the command line interface (CLI) or through CiscoView.

Figure 1-5   VISM Front Cards

Figure 1-6   VISM Back Cards


VISM cards are single height cards, and installation of a VISM card set in an MGX 8850 Wide Area Edge Switch consists of installing one front card and one back card in either an upper or lower shelf slot. Slots 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30 are available for VISM cards (see Figure 1-7).

Figure 1-7   MGX 8850 Card Slots - Front View

To install a front card:

Step 1   Position the rear card guides over the appropriate slot at the top and bottom of the card cage.

Step 2   Gently slide the card all the way into the slot and press the insertion/extractor lever until it snaps into the vertical position.

Note      The card should slide in and out with only slight friction on the adjacent board's EMI gaskets. Do not use force. Investigate any binding.

To install a back card:

Step 1   Ensure the two extractor levers are in the "in" position. When the card is being inserted into the slot, the levers should be vertical along the line of the back card.

Step 2   Position the rear card guides over the appropriate slot at the top and bottom of the card cage.

Step 3   Gently slide the card all the way into the slot and tighten the two captive screws on the back card's faceplate. Tighten the upper and lower screws to prevent misalignment of the card. Do not overtighten the screws. Tighten only enough to secure the card.

Connecting Cables:

When the VISM front and back cards are installed the T1 or E1 cables can then be connected to the RJ-48 or SMB connectors on the back card.

Removing Cards

To remove a front card:

Step 1   Insert a small flat head screwdriver into the slot in the insertion/extractor lever and press until the latch springs open, approximately 10°. Continue to lift the insertion/extractor lever to disconnect the connector.

Step 2   Gently pull the card out of the card cage.

To remove a back card:

Step 1   Remove any cables connected to the back card.

Step 2   Use a flat screwdriver to undo the two retaining screws in the back card's faceplate.

Step 3   Pull both of the two extractor levers out to the horizontal position. This action will start the removal of the card. Gently pull the card out of the card cage.

Power Up and Configuration

Power Up

When a VISM card is powered up (either by being installed in an already running MGX 8850 shelf or, if already installed, by starting the shelf) the card performs extensive testing and initialization functions. If the card has already been configured, the initialization includes downloading the configuration data from the disk on the PXM. The whole process can take a minute or two during which the LED indicator blink. When the LEDs become quiescent, the card is in the Active state and is ready to be configured (if necessary) and process data.


VISM Configuration

VISM configuration is performed by entering commands either from an alpha-numeric terminal connected to the PXM's serial port or through CiscoView. The section describing these commands can be found on page 22.

Step 1   Configure the VISM card by entering the Domain name and IP addresses for the VISM card and the IP for the VSC. Use the cnfdomain, cnfvismip, and cnfsuip commands.

The domain name (maximum length of 64 characters) should be the same as the domain name specified for the VISM in the VSC. For example, if using a Cisco VSC 2700, the VNETid parameter at the VSC should be assigned the VISM domain name.

When specifying the VISM IP, the netmask should be assigned the value of This netmask represents a point-to-point arrangement which is required on the VISM. This also implies that the low order two bits of the mask are either 10 or 01.

Step 2   Bring up T1/E1 lines.

For each T1/E1 line being used, use the addln command where the parameter, line number, corresponds to the port number on the back card.

For each T1/E1 line being used, use the cnfln command to specify the desired coding, length, clock source parameters.

Step 3   Specify Endpoints

Use the addendpt command to add an endpoint for each T1 or E1 DS0 port. An endpoint is a logical port corresponding to a particular DS0 and is required by the VSC for sending the SGCP Create Connection command to the VISM. The addendpt command assigns an endpoint number to the endpoint and links it to a specific line (DS1) and DS0 on that line.

Step 4   Use the addport command and then the addrscprtn command to add a port and resource partition on the network side of the VISM card.

The partition and port must be deleted (using the delrscprtn and delport commands) before a VISM card is removed from its slot.

Step 5   Add a PVC from the VISM to the PXM card in the MGX8850

Use the addchan or addcon command to create a master segment PVC between the VISM card and the router. Adding a PVC must be done with the CLI and cannot be performed under CiscoView.

The addchan and addcon commands have the format:

addchan <lcn><rmtvpi><rmtvci><rmtNSAP>
addcon <nodename><slotNo><portNo><vpi><vci>

These commands are described under the Command Line Interface section.

A slave segment PVC must also be specified on the MGX 8850 PXM card. When this slave segment is setup the VPI and VCI values specified for the master segment on the VISM card and the slave segment on the PXM card must be the same.

Step 6   Configure the DSPs
VISM front card contains 36 digital signal processors (DSPs) of which 24 are dedicated to voice compression only and 12 are general purpose (voice compression or echo cancellation). As a guide, one DSP has the capacity to handle 21 DS0 ports with echo cancellation but with no compression. Use the cnfecancnt command to specify how many DSPs are to be used for echo cancellation.

Configure the echo canceller DSPs parameters using the appropriate cnfecanxxx commands to specify idle pattern, noise match reenable, echo canceller reenable, tone disable, and maximum tail.

Configure the voice compression DSPs using the appropriate cnfcompxxx commands to specify voice detection and packet size.

Confirm all DSP parameters using the dspcarddsp command.

PXM Configuration

Step 1   Add and enable a Broadband Interface between the MGX 8850 and the network router.

Use the addln and upif commands to add and enable the broadband interface. For example, addln -sonet 7.1 and upif 1 1 100 0 4095 (see the Cisco MGX 8850 Command Reference publication for details of these commands).

Step 2   Add the slave segment of the PVC between the VISM and the PXM.

Use the addcon or addchan commands to setup the slave segment. The VPI and VCI values must match those used when setting up the master segment in the VISM.

Router Configuration

The router is the point at which the voice bearer channel interfaces with the ATM/IP network. It is the responsibility of the router to route the call through the network to the correct IP destination. The router should be configured so that it recognizes the cells over the ATM link as AAL5 format with encapsulated IP datagrams.

For example, if a Cisco 7500 router is used, the command sequence (after entering configuration mode) would be:

— interface ATM1/0/0.1 point-to-point

— ip address
— atm pvc ID <Vpi> <Vci> aal5mux ip

— end

— wr (save the configuration) to disk)

VSC Configuration

The VSC needs to be configured so that it knows the bearer and D channel configurations and the identity of the VISM card. The configuration procedure depends very much on the make and model of VSC being used.

If the Cisco VSC 2700 is being used the command sequence is as follows (see the appropriate VSC 2700 manual for details of these commands):

Step 1   Configure Access Devices

Access Device-> Lines
Add Access Lines (bearer links), for E1 lines, the 16th DS0 of each line must be set to D-signaling type using the "Set Channel Function"
Add Access Server Lines (Signalling Links)

Access Device-> IpInterface
Add IP interface
Add IP Service (SGCP, port 2427)

Access Device->ConnectAccessLines
Provide the SpanID, T1-<line#> or E1-<line#>

Step 2   Configure TransPath

Add Cage
Add Cards

Add Traffic Paths
Specify DPC, Protocol

Add Signal pathsSpecify OPC, Protocol and Traffic Paths. Usage must be set to Access


TransPath->Properties 9override)
BorigStartIndex 1
BTermStartIndex 1
VNETid <VISM domain name) (must be the same as that specified on the VISM card.

Redundant Configurations

The VISM-8T1 (but not the VISM-8E1) can be configured to provide 1:N redundancy through the use of a SRM-3T3 card.

Service module redundancy provides 1 for N redundancy for a group of VISM service modules where a group consists of N active service modules and one standby service module. The standby service module is installed with the redundant version of the back card.

1:N redundancy must be configured by the user. When the failure of an active VISM in a group is detected, the SRM is ordered to invoke 1:N redundancy for that group. The back card of the failed service module now directs data to and from the standby service module. The SRM-3T3 can support multiple group failures.

When the failed card is replaced, switch back to normal operation must be made by the user (it is not automatic). See the MGX 8850 Manual for more details about general 1:N redundancy.


Several kinds of alarms can be detected by the VISM-8T1/E1.

Definition of alarm states is given in T1.403 for DS1 and G.704 for E1. The alarms are propagated to the remote end over the ATM network in accordance with ATM specifications.

Table 1-1  

Error  Alarm Type  Down stream  Up Stream  Comments 

Link Failure (RX)




RAI returned on TX line

Receive RAI





Receive LOF




RAI returned on TX line.

Receive AIS




RAI returned on TX line.

VISM Alarms

Loopback Paths

The VISM-8T1 and VISM-8E1 card sets provide the capability for creating a range of loopback paths for diagnostic purposes. The available loopback configurations that can be configured are:

Path 1: Remote Line Loopback, (per Line).

Path 2: Payload Loopback.

Path 3: Payload Loopback through the CPU towards the network (per channel - for OAM cells)

Loopbacks are enabled through the addlnloop and dellnloop commands


This section describes the available VISM 1.0 troubleshooting tools together with some remedial actions that can be taken under various abnormal situations.

Card LED Indicators

The first level of troubleshooting tools is the set of LED indicators located on the VISM card itself.

The VISM card has 3 card status LEDs and 8 line status LEDs, organized as shown in Figure 1-8

Figure 1-8   VISM Front Card LEDs

ACTIVE LED will be lit GREEN, when the card is in the ACTIVE state.

STANDBY LED will be lit Orange, when the card is in the STANDBY state or when the card's DSPs are getting downloaded as part of card booting up. STANDBY LED will be a blinking Orange when the card is in the boot state.

FAIL LED will be lit RED when the card is in the FAIL state.

The 8 line LEDs correspond to the eight T1 or E1 ports on the back card and are lit as follows:

GREEN - if the line has been added and there is no alarm on that line.

ORANGE - if the line has been added and there is a YELLOW alarm condition on the line.

RED - if the line has been added and there is a LOS condition (RED alarm condition) on the line.

Displaying Information about the VISM Card

The second level of troubleshooting aids is the range of "display" commands that are available through the Command Line Interface. Some of these commands are performed when logged into the PXM card and some when logged into the VISM card (see next section for details of the VISM display commands and the Cisco MGX 8850 Command Reference publication for details of the PXM display commands). The CLI prompt indicates the current card last logged onto by the user.

For example, executing the dspcd (display card) and version commands provides the following information:

NODENAME.1.3.VISM8.a > dspcd 
  ModuleSlotNumber:          3
  FunctionModuleState:       Active
  FunctionModuleType:        VISM-8T1
  FunctionModuleSerialNum:   CAB12345678
  FunctionModuleHWRev:       0.3
  FunctionModuleFWRev:       rthiruma
  FunctionModuleResetReason: Reset by ASC from Cell Bus
  LineModuleType:            LM-RJ48-8T1
  LineModuleState:           Present
  mibVersionNumber:          20
  configChangeTypeBitMap:    CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng
  cardIntegratedAlarm:       Clear
  pcb part no - (800 level): 800-00000-01
  pcb part no - (73 level):  73-03022-01
  Fab Part no - (28 level):  28-02493-01
  PCB Revision:              01
Daughter Card Information:
  Daughter Card Serial Number: CAB34567890
  pcb part no - (73 level):    73-03022-01
  Fab Part no - (28 level):    28-02493-01
  PCB Revision:                01
value = 34 = 0x22 = '"'

NODENAME.1.3.VISM8.a > version
***** Cisco Systems. AXIS VISM Card *****
    Firmware Version    = rthiruma
    Backup Boot version = rags
    Xilinx Firmware version = 10/ 2/1998
    DSPCOM FPGA version     = 12/17/1998
    DSPM Firmware Details:
        Major Release   = 3
        Minor Release   = 0
        Build number    = 7
VxWorks (for R5k PDC) version 5.3.1.
Kernel: WIND version 2.5.
Made on Jan  4 1999, 19:01:03.
Boot line:
value = 12 = 0xc


The VISM dsplog command can provide useful information when an abnormal situation arises. The format of an entry in the VISM log is:

Date and time of the log

Slot number of the VISM card from which a message is logged

The process on the VISM card that logged that message.

Severity of the message - if it is a fatal error causing card reboot, severity is 1. For all other messages, severity is 6.

The message number, found in /include/vism_error.h

A single line description - the log message.

01/05/1999-02:09:01 03 cmm        VISM-6-9157                 
 VISM got time from ASC

Symptoms and Possible Causes/Remedies

VISM Card did not become active

Three possible causes exist.

1. An E1 card is inserted in a slot where a T1 card WAS present (or vice versa), resulting in configuration mismatch.

2. When at least minimum number of DSPs failed to download - currently the threshold is fixed at 5.

3. When the backcard type does not match with the front card type - if the front card is of type T1 (E1) and the backcard type is E1 (T1).

T1/E1 Mismatch

The T1/E1 mismatch causes can be identified using the PXM dspcds command as follows:

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a > dspcds 
Slot  CardState    CardType     CardAlarm  Redundancy 
----  -----------  --------     ---------  ----------- 
1.1   Empty                     Clear 
1.2   Empty                     Clear 
1.3   Empty                     Clear 
1.4   Empty                     Clear 
1.5   Mismatch     VISM-8E1     Clear 
1.6   Empty                     Clear 
1.7   Active       PXM1-OC3     Clear 
1.8   Empty                     Clear 
1.9   Empty                     Clear 
1.10  Empty                     Clear 
1.11  Empty                     Clear 
1.12  Empty                     Clear 
1.13  Empty                     Clear 
1.14  Empty                     Clear 
1.15  Empty                     Clear 
1.16  Empty                     Clear 
1.17  Empty                     Clear 
1.18  Empty                     Clear 
1.19  Empty                     Clear 

The PXM cnfsmcnf command can also be used as follows:

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a > dspsmcnf 
slot      Card        Rate     Channel                         MIB     Feature 
No.      Type       Control    ized       IMA     MULTRKS   Version    Bits 
------   ----------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   ------- 
1     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
2     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
3     VISM-8T1       Off       Off       Off       Off        20      0x0 
4     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
5     VISM-8T1       Off       Off       Off       Off        20      0x0 
6     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
9     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
10     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
11     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
12     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
13     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
14     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
17     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
18     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
19     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
20     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
21     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
22     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
25     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
26     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
27     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
28     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
29     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 
30     ------>  No configuration file exist for this slot  <------ 

"dsplog" on the PXM shows the following cmm (card mismatch) log entry, 
logged by VISM card on slot 5. 

01/01/1999-00:01:47 05 cmm        VISM-6-9025 
VISM going to standby : Config. Mismatch between ASC and VISMV 

The VISM dspcd command displays the following information:

NODENAME.1.5.VISM8.s > dspcd 
ModuleSlotNumber:          5 
FunctionModuleState:       Mismatch 
FunctionModuleType:        VISM-8E1 
FunctionModuleSerialNum:   CAB12345678 
FunctionModuleHWRev:       0.13 
FunctionModuleResetReason: WatchDog timeout reset 
LineModuleType:            Missing 
LineModuleState:           Not Present 
mibVersionNumber:          20 
configChangeTypeBitMap:    CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng 
cardIntegratedAlarm:       Clear 
pcb part no - (800 level): 800-03530-01 
pcb part no - (73 level):  73-03021-01 
Fab Part no - (28 level):  28-02492-01 
PCB Revision:              01 
Daughter Card Information: 
Daughter Card Serial Number: CAB12345678 
pcb part no - (73 level):    73-03022-01 
Fab Part no - (28 level):    28-02493-01 
PCB Revision:                01 value = 34 = 0x22 = '"' 

DSP Failed to Load

When at least the minimum number of DSPs fail to download:- dsplog on the PXM shows:

01/01/1970-00:02:10 05 tDspmDl    VISM-6-9193 
DSPM task errors     : 6 DSPs failed to download 

If the number of DSPs (6 in the above case) is greater than 5, then, the card will fail to come up ACTIVE. If this condition happens repeatedly, the card has to be replaced.

The DSP condition is shown by the PXM dspcds command as shown below:

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a > dspcds 
Slot  CardState    CardType     CardAlarm  Redundancy 
----  -----------  --------     ---------  ----------- 
1.1   Empty                     Clear 
1.2   Empty                     Clear 
1.3   Empty                     Clear 
1.4   Empty                     Clear 
1.5   Failed       VISM-8E1     Clear 
1.6   Empty                     Clear 
1.7   Active       PXM1-OC3     Clear 
1.8   Empty                     Clear 
1.9   Empty                     Clear 
1.10  Empty                     Clear 
1.11  Empty                     Clear 
1.12  Empty                     Clear 
1.13  Empty                     Clear 
1.14  Empty                     Clear 
1.15  Empty                     Clear 
1.16  Empty                     Clear 
1.17  Empty                     Clear 
1.18  Empty                     Clear 
1.19  Empty                     Clear 

Frontcard/Backcard Mismatch

The PXM dsplog command can indicate that the backcard type does not match with the front card type:

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a > dsplog 
01/01/1970-00:02:24 05 cmm        VISM-6-9025 
VISM going to standby : Config. Mismatch between ASC and VISMV 
01/01/1970-00:02:24 05 cmm        VISM-6-9023 
Mismatch Backcard 
01/01/1970-00:02:24 05 cmm        VISM-6-9023 
Mismatch Backcard 

In this mismatch condition, the PXM dspcds command displays the following information.

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a > dspcds 
Slot  CardState    CardType     CardAlarm  Redundancy 
----  -----------  --------     ---------  ----------- 
1.1   Empty                     Clear 
1.2   Empty                     Clear 
1.3   Empty                     Clear 
1.4   Empty                     Clear 
1.5   Mismatch     VISM-8E1     Clear 
1.6   Empty                     Clear 
1.7   Active       PXM1-OC3     Clear 
1.8   Empty                     Clear 
1.9   Empty                     Clear 
1.10  Empty                     Clear 
1.11  Empty                     Clear 
1.12  Empty                     Clear 
1.13  Empty                     Clear 
1.14  Empty                     Clear 
1.15  Empty                     Clear 
1.16  Empty                     Clear 
1.17  Empty                     Clear 
1.18  Empty                     Clear 
1.19  Empty                     Clear 

The VISM dspcd command displays the following information:

NODENAME.1.5.VISM8.s > dspcd 
ModuleSlotNumber:          5 
FunctionModuleState:       Mismatch 
FunctionModuleType:        VISM-8E1 
FunctionModuleSerialNum:   CAB0246014P 
FunctionModuleHWRev:       0.0 
FunctionModuleResetReason: Reset by ASC from Cell Bus 
LineModuleType:            LM-RJ48-8T1 
LineModuleState:           Invalid 
mibVersionNumber:          20 
configChangeTypeBitMap:    CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng 
cardIntegratedAlarm:       Clear 
pcb part no - (800 level): 800-04399-01 
pcb part no - (73 level):  73-03618-01 
Fab Part no - (28 level):  28-02791-01 
PCB Revision:              05 
Daughter Card Information: 
Daughter Card Serial Number: CAB024601FF 
pcb part no - (73 level):    73-03722-01 
Fab Part no - (28 level):    28-02905-01 
PCB Revision:                02 value = 34 = 0x22 = '"' 

Cannot CC to VISM Card

Use the PXM dspcds command to check whether the card is in the ACTIVE/STANDBY state. If the VISM card is not in the ACTIVE/STANDBY state, cc to that slot is not possible.

Card becomes active and then resets again or the card resets occasionally

Reasons why the above conditions can occur include:

Cannot download Firmware to VISM

For downloading a slot specific image, there must be a VISM card in the slot to which firmware is being downloaded. The card must be in either the ACTIVE or BOOT state. Confirm this is the case and try again.

Make sure that VISM card is seated in the slot, and making the electrical contacts to the backplane.

Echo can be heard on the voice call

Make sure the call has echo cancellation turned on. If the echo delay is longer than the provision tail length, the echo cancellation will not work. Provision the tail length (cnfecantail) to a bigger value.

VISM card after insertion in a chassis has all LEDs turned off

The VISM card is not inserted completely in the slot. Firmware does not see the Card Insert Bit status as set. Make sure that the VISM card is seated in the slot correctly, with top and bottom half portions of the VISM card making electrical contact with the back plane.

Command Line Interface

The VISM card set is configured and managed through a command line interface. Commands are entered at the shelf's PXM card and are executed on the appropriate card. The Cisco MGX 8850 Wide Area Edge Switch and the Cisco MGX 8220 Edge Connector share a common command structure and details of the command language and commands can be found in the Cisco MGX 8850 Command Reference publication.

Commands Specific to the VISM

The following commands are used with the VISM cards only.


The cnfvismip command configures the VISM IP address on the VISM card. The VISM IP address is used to communicate with the VSC and as an identification for VoIP endpoints. Once configured the parameter values are stored on the PXM's hard disk and are retrieved for subsequent re-boots of the card.

Full Name

Configure VISM IP


cnfvismip <vismIpAddress><netMask>



IP address of the VISM in dotted decimal format (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)


The local network mask in dotted decimal format (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn). For VISM 1.0 the netmask should be assigned the value of This netmask represents a point-to-point arrangement which is required on the VISM. This also implies that the low order two bits of the mask are either 10 or 01


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

Example 1


The dspvismip command displays all the IP configuration information on the VISM card.

Full Name

Display VISM IP



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


A typical display for the VISM card is:



The cnfsuip command configures the VSC (SU) address on the VISM card. Once configured the parameter values are stored on the PXM's hard disk and are retrieved for subsequent re-boots of the card.

Full Name

Configure SU IP


cnfsuip <suIpAddress>



IP address of the SU in decimal dot format (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1



The dspsuip command displays the VSC (SU) IP configuration information on the VISM card.

Full Name

Display SU IP



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


A typical display for the VISM card is:



The addendpt command is used to add the endpoints on the VISM card. The endpoint on VISM is a logical port that consists of one DS0. The parameters entered in this command are used to create the "endpoint ID" which is required by the VSC for sending the Create Connection SGCP command to the VISM card.

Full Name

Add Endpoint


addendpt <endpoint_num> <ds1_num> <ds0_num>



An endpoint number in the range 1-240 for E1 and 1-192 for T1.


The physical line number in the range 1-8


The DS0 configured for this endpoint. DS0s are numbered 1 to 31 for E1 lines and 1 to 24 for T1 lines.


Related Commands

delendpt, dspendpt, dspendpts

Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

addendpt 120 5 5


The delendpt command is used to delete the specified endpoint on the VISM card.

Full Name

Delete Endpoint


delendpt <endpoint_num>



An endpoint number in the range 1-240 for E1 and 1-192 for T1


Related Commands

addendpt, dspendpt, dspendpts

Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

delendpt 120


The dspendpt command is used to display information about the specified endpoint on the VISM card.

Full Name

Display Endpoint


dspendpt <endpoint_num>



An endpoint number in the range 1-240 for E1 and 1-192 for T1


Related Commands

addendpt, delendpt, dspendpts

Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


dspendpt 120

A typical display for the VISM card is:

    EndptNum:       1                                                           
    EndptDs1:       1                                                           
    EndptDs0BitMap: 1                                                           
    EndptEnable:    Add                                                         
    EndptID:        T1-1/                                            
    EndptSpeed:     64 kbps                                                     
    EndptState:     Active 


The dspendpts command displays information about all the endpoints on the VISM card.

Full Name

Display Endpoints



Related Commands

addendpt, delendpt, dspendpt

Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user



The dspendptusage command displays information about the use of all the endpoints on the VISM card.

Full Name

Display Endpoint Usage



Related Commands

addendpt, delendpt, dspendpt

Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


A typical VISM display is shown below

    Endpoints used, Line1:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line2:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line3:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line4:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line5:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line6:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line7:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Endpoints used, Line8:  0x00000000    (0)                                   
    Total Endpoints Used :  0                                                   


The cnfdomain command is used to configure a domain name for a VISM card. The domain name is used when creating an endpoint ID for each endpoint on the card. The endpoint ID is used, in turn, to address SGCP commands to a specific endpoint. If this command is not executed, the default domain name of is used.

Full Name

Configure domain name


cnfdomain <domain_name>



A domain name for the VISM card. The name is a text string up to 64 characters in length. Alpha-numeric characters but no spaces. Make sure that when configuring the VSC, the same domain name for the VISM is specified.


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfdomain north


The dspdomain command is used to display a domain name for the VISM card.

Full Name

Display domain name



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


A typical display for the VISM card is:



The addport command is used to add a VISM port on the packet network side. Before a VISM card is removed from the MGX 8850, the port should be deleted with the delport command.

Full Name

Add port



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1



The delport command is used to delete a VISM port on the packet network side. This command should be executed before a VISM card is removed from the MGX 8850. If a VISM card is removed with the port undeleted, any subsequent card inserted into the same slot may not operate correctly.

Full Name

Delete port



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1



The addrscprtn command is used to add a VISM port partition and is used in conjunction with the addport command. This command should be executed before a VISM card is removed from the MGX 8850. Unlike other resource partition commands on the MGX 8850, this command has no parameters. If parameters are entered, they are ignored.

Full Name

Add resource partition



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1



The delrscprtn command is used to delete a VISM port resource partition. This command should be executed before a VISM card is removed from the MGX 8850. If a VISM card is removed with the port undeleted, any subsequent card inserted into the same slot may not operate correctly. Unlike other resource partition commands on the MGX 8850, this command has no parameters. If parameters are entered, they are ignored.

Full Name

Delete resource partition



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1



The cnfecancnt command is used to configure the number of digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that can be used as echo cancellers. There are 12 multi-purpose DSPs on the VISM card that can be configured either for echo cancellation or for voice compression.


This command resets the card when executed, however a confirmation of the command is required before execution.

Full Name

Configure number of echo canceller DSPs


cnfecancnt <numEecanDSPs>



A number in the range of 0-12.


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecancnt 6


The cnfecanidle command is used to configure the idle pattern for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure idle pattern for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecanidle <idlePattern> <idleDirection>



A number in the range of 1-4.
For u-law encoding, 1 = 0x7f, 2 = 0xff, 3 =0x7f or 0xff, 4 = 0xf7

For A-law encoding, 1 = none, 2 = 0x54, 3 = 0x55,
3 = Programmable idle code

<ECAN idleDirection>

A number in the range of 1-4.
1 = both, 2 = either, 3 = send, 4 = receive


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecanidle 2 3


The cnfecannr command is used to configure the non-linear re-enable for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure non-linear processing (NLP) re-enable for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecannr <NLPRenable>



A number in the range of 1-2.
1 = Restore NLP on low energy,
2 = Restore NLP on end of call


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecannr 1


The cnfecannoise command is used to configure the noise matching for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure noise matching for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecannoise <noiseMatch>



A number in the range of 1-2.
1 = Phase randomize low level residual,
2 = Inject noise in place of low level residual


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

Example 1
cnfecannoise 1


The cnfecantone command is used to configure the tone disable for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure tone disable for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecantone <toneDisable>



A number 1, 2, or 4.
1 = Ignore 2100 Hz modem answer tone,
2 = G.164.4 mode (bypass canceller if 2100 Hz tone),
3 = Reserved
4 = G.165 mode (bypass canceller for phase reversing tone only


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecantone 1


The cnfecannrn command is used to configure the re-enable canceller for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure re-enable canceller for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecannrn <ECANRenable>



A number in the range of1-2.
1 = Re-enable canceller when modem data are gone,
2 = Re-enable canceller at the end of the call.


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecannrn 1


The cnfecanrec command is used to configure the residual echo control for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure residual echo control for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecanrec <residualEchoControl>



A number with a value of 1, 2, or 4.
1 = Cancel only,
2 = Suppress residual,
4 = Comfort noise.


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecanrec 1


The cnfecantail command is used to configure the maximum tail length (in milliseconds) for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for echo cancellation. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for echo cancellation.

Full Name

Configure maximum tail length for echo cancellation DSPs


cnfecantail <maximumTail>



The length of the maximum tail in milliseconds. Permissible values are 24, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, and 128.


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfecantail 96


The cnfcompvad command is used to configure the voice detection for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for voice compression. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for voice compression.

Full Name

Configure voice detection on all voice compression DSPs


cnfcompvad <voiceDetection>



A number in the range of 1-2.
1 = Disable,
2 = Enable


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfcompvad 1


The cnfcompsize command is used to configure the packet size for digital signal processors (DSPs) on the VISM card that are used for voice compression. This command applies to all DSPs on the VISM used for voice compression.

Full Name

Configure packet size on all voice compression DSPs


cnfcompsize <packetSize>



Packet size in the range of 20-250 bytes


Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: Yes State: Active Privilege: 1

cnfcomsize 128


The dspcarddsp command is used to display all card level parameters for both echo cancellation and voice compression DSPs.

Full Name

Display card parameters for DSPs



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


A typical display for the VISM card is:

  NumberOfEcanDSPs:       12
  IdlePattern:            7f or ff
  IdleDirection:          Both
  NLPReenable:            RestoreOnLowEnergy
  NoiseMatch:             Randomize
  PacketSize:             80 bytes


The dsplinedsp command is used to display all line level parameters for both echo cancellation and voice compression DSPs.

Full Name

Display line parameters for DSPs



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user



The dspcarddsp command is used to display all card level parameters for both echo cancellation and voice compression DSPs.

Full Name

Display card parameters for DSPs



Related Commands


Cards on which the command executes



Log: No State: Any Privilege: Any user


A typical display for the VISM card is:

  NumberOfEcanDSPs:       12
  IdlePattern:            7f or ff
  IdleDirection:          Both
  NLPReenable:            RestoreOnLowEnergy
  NoiseMatch:             Randomize
  PacketSize:             80 bytes

Existing MGX 8850 Commands that are Modified for use with the VISM Card

The following command is the only command that has been modified to accommodate the VISM card.


The addchan command is used for adding a PVC between the VISM card and a router and now has the format:

addchan <lcn><rmtVpi><rmtVci><rmtNSAP>.

Where <lcn> specifies the logical channel for the PVC and must be in the range 16 - 255. The remaining parameters are optional and are not applicable to the VISM card.

Existing MGX 8850 Commands that are Unmodified for use with the VISM Card

These commands are common to other service modules and are documented in the Cisco MGX 8850 Command Reference publication.

Shelf Group

dspcd - Display card -A typical display for a VISM card is:

  ModuleSlotNumber:          12
  FunctionModuleState:       Active
  FunctionModuleType:        VISM-8T1
  FunctionModuleSerialNum:   CAB02460168
  FunctionModuleHWRev:       0.0
  FunctionModuleResetReason: User reset thru Ctrl X
  LineModuleType:            LM-RJ48-8T1
  LineModuleState:           Present
  mibVersionNumber:          20
  configChangeTypeBitMap:    CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng
  cardIntegratedAlarm:       Clear
  pcb part no - (800 level): 800-04398-01
  pcb part no - (73 level):  73-03617-01
  Fab Part no - (28 level):  28-02791-01
  PCB Revision:              05
Daughter Card Information:
  Daughter Card Serial Number: CAB024601F5
  pcb part no - (73 level):    73-03722-01
  Fab Part no - (28 level):    28-02905-01
  PCB Revision:                02

clrmsgcnt - Clear Control Message counter

dspmsgcnt - Display Control Message Counter
A typical display for a VISM card is:

  RiscXmtCtrlMsg:            83380
  RiscRcvCtrlMsg:            83380
  SARXmtCtrlMsg:             83292
  SARRcvCtrlMsg:             83380
  SARCtrlMsgDiscLenErr:      0
  SARCtrlMsgDiscCRCErr:      0
  SARCtrlMsgDiscUnknownChan: 0
  SARCtrlMsgLastUnknownChan: 0

version - Displays version data for a card -
A typical display for the VISM card is:

***** Cisco Systems. AXIS VISM Card *****
    Firmware Version    =
    Backup Boot version = 3.2.08
    Xilinx Firmware version = 10/ 2/1998
    DSPCOM FPGA version     =  1/20/1999
    DSPM Firmware Details:
        Major Release   = 3
        Minor Release   = 0
        Build number    = 8
    DSPM ecan Firmware Details:
        Major Release   = 7
        Minor Release   = 3
        Build number    = 7
VxWorks (for R5k PDC) version 5.3.1.
Kernel: WIND version 2.5.
Made on Jan 25 1999, 10:00:39.
Boot line:

User Group

cc - change card

clrscrn - clear screen

chkflash - Check CRC flash image.

Help - Help (list of commands supported by card).

? - Help (list of commands supported by card).

Alarm Group

dspalm - Display Alarms for a line
A typical display for the VISM card is:

  LineNum:                   1
  LineAlarmState:            No Alarms
  LineStatisticalAlarmState: No Statistical Alarms

dspalms - Display all Alarms on card
A typical display for the VISM card is:

Line  AlarmState   StatisticalAlarmState
  ----  -----------  ---------------------
  12.1  No Alarms    No Statistical Alarms
  12.2  Alarm(s) On  No Statistical Alarms
  12.3  Alarm(s) On  No Statistical Alarms

clralm - Clear Alarm on the card

clralms - Clear all alarms in the card

dspalmcnf - Display Alarm threshold configuration
A typical display for the VISM card is:

Severity   AlarmUpCount  AlarmDnCount  AlarmThreshold
  Line  Red / RAIS    NE / FE       NE / FE       NE  /  FE
  ---- ----- -----  ----- -----   ----- -----    ----- -----
  12.1 Major/Minor      6/6           1/1         1500/1500

cnfalm - configure the alarm parameters

dspalmcnt - Display Alarm counters/statistics
A typical display for the VISM card is:

  Line  RcvLOSCount  RcvOOFCount  RcvRAICount  RcvFECount
  ----  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------
  12.1            0            0            0        4095

clralmcnt - Clear Alarm counters/statistics

clralmcnts - Clear alarm counters for all lines

Line Group

addln - Add line

delln - Delete line.

cnfln - Configure line

dspln - Display line configuration
A typical display for the VISM card is:

LineNum:                   1
  LineConnectorType:         RJ-48
  LineEnable:                Modify
  LineType:                  dsx1ESF
  LineCoding:                dsx1B8ZS
  LineLength:                0-131 ft
  LineXmtClockSource:        LocalTiming
  LineLoopbackCommand:       NoLoop
  LineSendCode:              NoCode
  LineUsedTimeslotsBitMap:   0x0
  LineLoopbackCodeDetection: codeDetectDisabled
  LineNumOfValidEntries: 8

dsplns - Display all lines on card
A typical display for the VISM card is:

  Line  Conn      Type     Status/Coding      Length     XmtClock Alarm Stats
        Type                                             Source         Alarm
  ----  ----- ------------ ------ -------- ------------- -------- ----- -----
  12.1  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Mod/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim  No    No
  12.2  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Mod/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LoopTimi  Yes   No
  12.3  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Mod/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim  Yes   No
  12.4  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim
  12.5  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim
  12.6  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim
  12.7  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim
  12.8  RJ-48 dsx1ESF         Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft      LocalTim
  LineNumOfValidEntries: 8

addlnloop - Add line loop

dellnloop - Delete line loop

Channel Group

cnfchan - configures a channel

dspchan - displays configuration of a channel

delchan - delete a channel

dspchans - display the status of all channels

Connection Group

addcon - add a connection

dspcon - display the status of a channel

dspcons - display the status of all channels

delcon - delete a channel



Physical Interface specifications and applicable Standards

Physical Layer Interface T1

Physical Layer Interface E1

Card General

VISM Front Card:

AX-VISM-8T1/8E1 7.25" x 16.25"

VISM Line Modules
AX-RJ48-8T1-LM 7.0" x 4.5"
AX-R-RJ48-8T1-LM 7.0" x 4.5"
AX-RJ48-8E1-LM 7.0" x 4.5"
AX-R-RJ48-8E1-LM 7.0" x 4.5"
AX-SMB-8E1-LM 7.0" x 4.5"
AX-R-SMB-8E1-LM 7.0" x 4.5"

Total VISM Power:

48 V DC, (100 W estimated)
5 V DC, (25 W estimated)
3.3 V DC (43 W estimated)
2.5 V DC (12 W estimated)

Counters Specification

T1/E1 Framers:
OOF Count
LCV Count
FER Count
CRC Error Count

RTP/RTCP: Number of packets received
Number of packets transmitted
Number of error packets received

ATM cells Number of cells transmitted to cellbus
Number of cells discarded due to intershelf alarm
Number of cells transmitted with CLP bit set
Number of AIS cells transmitted
Number of FERF cells transmitted
Number of end-end loop-back cells transmitted
Number of segment loop-back cells transmitted

Number of cells received from cellbus
Number of cells received with CLP bit set
Number of AIS cells received
Number of FERF cells received
Number of end-end loop-back cells received
Number of segment loop-back cells received
Number of OAM cells discarded due to CRC-10 error

Diagnostics: Header of last cell with unknown LCN

Posted: Wed Jan 7 14:22:04 PST 2004
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