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Command Reference

Command Reference

This chapter gives the complete command set for the VCLI. The chapter's two sections are

    4. a table of commands, their optional abbreviations, and brief definitions

    5. a complete command reference, with detailed explanations of commands, including attributes, options, and screen text.


Table 2-1 shows the commands with optional abbreviations and brief descriptions. The commands are listed in alphabetical order within levels. For more information, see "Command Levels and Abbreviations" section.

Table 2-1: Command Abbreviation List
Command Abbreviation Description

add connection pl

a c pl

Adds a Private Line connection (local or remote).

add connection segpl

a c s

Adds a local Private Line segment between a DS1 interface and the ATM trunk.

add system cescard

a s c

Adds a CES card to the VCLI system.

add system operator

a s o

Adds an operator in the VCLI system.

add system switch

a s s

Adds a switch to the VCLI system.

change cescard aps

c ce a

Changes APS attributes for a CES card.

change cescard config

c ce c

Changes a CES card's configuration information.

change cescard image

c ce im

Changes the software image running on a CES card.

change cescard linkinfo

c ce l

Changes attributes of a CES card's uplink info.

change cescard redundancy

c ce red

Changes a CES card's redundancy configuration or behavior.

change cescard refclock

c ce ref

Changes the CES card's reference clock.

change cescard selfcheck

c ce s

Changes the backup CES card's health monitoring attributes.

change connection pl

c co pl

Changes the attributes of one endpoint of a Private Line connection.

change connection segpl

c co s

Changes the attributes of a local Private Line segment.

change delaytest

c d

Changes configuration of OAM network test.

change environment

c e

Changes environment variables.

change imccard config

c i c

Changes an IMC card's configuration (name, location, contact).

change imccard image

c i i

Changes the active software image running on an IMC card.

change imccard redundancy

c i r

Forces a switchover to the backup IMC card.

change logicalport atm

c l a

Changes the attributes of the ATM logical port.

change physicalport ds1

c p ds1

Changes the attributes of a DS1 physical port.

change physicalport ds3

c p ds3

Changes the attributes of a DS3 physical port.

change physicalport oc3

c p o

Changes the attributes of an OC3 physical port.

change switch sntp

ch s

Changes SNTP info of switch.

change system operator

c s o

Changes the privilege level for a VCLI operator account.

change system switch

c s s

Changes attributes of a switch.

delete connection

de c

Removes a connection from the system.

delete system cescard

de s c

Removes a CES card from the system.

delete system operator

de s o

Removes an operator from the VCLI system.

delete system switch

de s s

Removes a system switch from the system.



Downloads software image to a switch.



Exits the VCLI program.



Reboots a card or entire switch.

show alarms detail

sh a d

Shows details for every alarm on the system.

show alarms summary

sh a s

Shows which cards and switches have active alarms.

show blademon info

sh b i

Shows availability info for any card or for a whole switch.

show blademon statistics

sh b st

Shows background pollers' statistics for a card or all cards in a switch.

show cescard aps detail

sh ce a d

Shows APS information (configuration, status, statistics).

show cescard aps summary

sh ce a s

Shows the information about the SONET APS status of a CES card's OC3c trunk port.

show cescard config

sh ce c

Shows configuration information about CES card.

show cescard info

sh ce inf

Shows CES card type, software revision, part number, serial number, CLEI code, date of manufacture, and so on.

show cescard linkinfo

sh cs l

Shows CES card's linkinfo configuration (uplink number, uplink logical port).

show cescard redundancy

sh ce red

Shows CES card's redundancy configuration and status.

show cescard refclock config

sh ce ref c

Shows reference clocks' configuration.

show cescard refclock status

sh ce ref s

Shows current reference and state of all four timing sources.

show cescard selfcheck

sh ce se

Shows backup CES card's selfcheck status.

show cescard summary

sh ce s

Shows CES card's availability, redundancy role, upTime, and alarms.

show connection

all | pl | segpl


sh co bertc

a | p | s

Shows BERT test configuration for all connections, a Private Line connection, or a Private Line Segment.

show connection

all | pl | segpl


sh co berts

a | p | s

Shows BERT test statistics for all connections, a Private Line connection, or a Private Line Segment.

show connection

all | pl | segpl


sh co

a |p| s


Shows configuration for a Private Line or PL segment or segments.

show connection

all | segpl | pl


sh co

a |p| s


Shows statistics for one end of a Private Line or Private Line segment.

show connection

all | segpl | pl summary

sh co

a |p| s


Shows connection status and information for a pl or segpl. Also shows endpoint 2 identifiers for pl.

show delaytest configuration

sh d c

Shows delaytest configuration.

show delaytest status

sh d s

Shows status for delaytest.

show environment

sh e

Shows the environment settings for the session.

show imccard config

sh i c

Shows IMC card's name, location, contact information, and switch IP address.

show imccard info

sh i i

Shows information about IMC card.

show imccard redundancy

sh i r

Shows IMC card's redundancy configuration and status.

show logicalport atm config

sh l a c

Shows logical port ATM configuration.

show logicalport atm statistics

sh l a st

Shows logical port ATM statistics.

show logicalport atm summary

sh l a su

Shows information about ATM logical port, such as administrative status.

show physicalport ds0 allocation

sh p ds0 a

Shows how the DS0 timeslots within a DS1 are allocated to CES connections.

show physicalport ds1 bertconfig

sh p ds1 bertc

Shows DS1 BERT configuration.

show physicalport ds1 bertstatus

sh p ds1 berts

Shows DS1 BERT statistics.

show physicalport ds1 config

sh p ds1 c

Shows the configuration information for the DS1 port.

show physicalport ds1 statistics

sh p ds1 st

Shows the statistics for the DS1 port.

show physicalport ds1 summary

sh p ds1 su

Shows the summary of status for DS1 port.

show physicalport ds3 config

sh p ds3 c

Shows the configuration information for the DS3 port.

show physicalport ds3 statistics

sh p ds3 st

Shows the statistics for the DS3 port.

show physicalport ds3 summary

sh p ds3 su

Shows the summary of status for DS3 port status.

show physicalport oc3 config

sh p o c

Shows the configuration information for the OC3 port.

show physicalport oc3 statistics

sh p o st

Shows the statistics for the OC3 port.

show physicalport oc3 summary

sh p o su

Shows the summary of status for OC3 port.

show switch redundancy

sh sw r

Shows all redundancy groups within a switch, and role and status of each card.

show switch sntp config

sh s sn c

Shows sntp configuration (IP addresses, admin status, operating mode, and so on).

show switch sntp status

sh s sn s

Shows sntp status (timing, delay, clock offset, and so on).

show switch summary

sh s su

Shows summary for cards in switch.

show system operator

sh sy o

Shows information about all operators in the system.

show system status

sh sy st

Shows the status of the in-band and out-of-band interfaces that the VCLI string is using.

show system switch

sh sy sw

Shows the configuration information for a switch or all switches.

show version

sh v

Shows VCLI release number.

Compatibility of Commands

Most VCLI commands are backwards-compatible with all earlier releases of the VCLI. However, the following commands will not work with Release 2.2 or earlier:

add system cescard

add connection pl

change physicalport ds1

change physicalport ds3

show blademon info (for cescards only)

show physicalport ds3 config

add connection pl


Adds a Private Line connection. The connection can be a local (within the same card) connection, or remote (on different cards) connection. The following characteristics of a private line connection can be set:


For the user to add a remote connection, the following states must exist:

This command will not work with Release 2.2 or earlier.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch endpoint 1 of the connection being added.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) endpoint 1 of the connection being added.

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1 endpoint 1 of the connection being added.

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port endpoint 1 of the connection being added.

-ds0 DS0s

List of DS0 timeslots (1 to 24) to terminate endpoint 1 of the connection on the DS1 interfaces of the connections. For example: (1,3,6 to 10). Default = (1 to 24).

-e2sname SwitchName

Name of switch endpoint 2 of the connection being added. Defaults to same value as -sname.

-e2card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) endpoint 2 of the connection being added. Defaults to same values as -card.

-e2ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1 endpoint 2 of the connection being added.

-e2ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port endpoint 2 of the connection being added.

-e2ds0 DS0s

List of DS0 timeslots (1 to 24) to terminate endpoint 2 of the connection. For example: (1,3,6 to 10). Default = (1 to 24).

-cktid CircuitIdString

64-character ASCII string identifying the connection. This ID must be unique within the network because it is also used to identify the ATM PVC.

-cname NameString

64-character ASCII string associated with the connection.

-cnum Value

32-bit integer associated with the connection.

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of connection. Default = up.

-sigmode none | robbed

Channel Associated Signaling mode. Must be none if DS1 is Clear Channel. Default = none.

-pf Integer

Partial cell fill (range 20 to 47, 0 for no partial fill). Only applies if DS1 is in Channelized mode. Default = 0.

-mrbf Integer

Maximum Reassembly Buffer size Factor (in tenths) (range 20 to 40). Default = 20.

-rcdvt Integer

Reassembly Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (in tenths of a millisecond) (range 4 to 140). Default = 30.

-cgamode vt | vn | dt

Carrier Group Alarm mode. Only applies if DS1 is in Channelized mode. vt = voice transparent, vn = voice non-transparent, dt = dataport transparent. This can only be set to vn when sigmode = robbed. This can only be set to vt or dt when sigmode = none. Default = vt.

-onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the endpoint 1 DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This only applies when cgamode = vn. Default = 0.

-offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the endpoint 1 DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This applies only when cgamode = vn. Default = 3.

-e2onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the endpoint 2 DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This applies only when cgamode = vn. Default = 0.

-e2offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the endpoint 2 DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This applies only when cgamode = vn. Default = 3.

-vpi Value

VPI for ATM VCC on endpoint 1 card's trunk port (only if remote connection). Default = autogenerated.

-vci Value

VCI for ATM VCC on endpoint 1 card's trunk port (only if remote connection). Default = autogenerated.

-e2vpi Value

VPI for ATM VCC on endpoint 2 card's trunk port (only if remote connection). Default = autogenerated.

-e2vci Value

VCI for ATM VCC on endpoint 2 card's trunk port (only if remote connection). Default = autogenerated.

-loc disable|enable

Disable or enable an alarm when a circuit goes into a Loss of Cell condition. Disable = 1. Enable = 2. Default = enabled.

-tche15 Value

Cells with Header Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tche24 Value

Cells with Header Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tpr15 Value

Pointer Reframes 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tpr24 Value

Pointer Reframes 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tppe15 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tppe24 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tse15 Value

Sequence Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tse24 Value

Sequence Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tlc15 Value

Lost Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tlc24 Value

Lost Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tmc15 Value

Misinserted Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tmc24 Value

Misinserted Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tbu15 Value

Buffer Underflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tbu24 Value

Buffer Underflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tbo15 Value

Buffer Overflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tbo24 Value

Buffer Overflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tdc15 Value

Dropped Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tdc24 Value

Dropped Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

VCLI>>add connection pl -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 5 -ds0 (1-6) -e2sname boston08 -e2card 5 -e2ds3 2 -e2ds1 13 -e2ds0 (7-12) -sigmode robbed
-cgamode vn -cktid TU1315 Connection with endpoint 1 EPID = 279, endpoint 2 EPID = 362 created.

add connection segpl


Adds a local (within a single card) Private Line segment between a DS1 interface and the ATM trunk. The following attributes of a private line segment can be set:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch the connection will be added to.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) the connection will be added to.

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1 the connection will be added to.

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port the connection will be added to.

-ds0 DS0s

List of DS0 timeslots (1 to 24) to terminate the connection on the DS1 interface of the PL segment. For example (1,3,6 to 10). Default = (1 to 24).

-cktid CircuitIdString

64-character ASCII string identifying the connection. This ID must be unique within the network because it is also used to identify the Ascent ATM PVC.

-cname NameString

64-character ASCII string associated with the connection.

-cnum Value

32-bit integer associated with the connection.

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of connection. Default = up.

-sigmode none | robbed

Channel Associated Signaling mode. Must be none if DS1 is Clear Channel. Default = none.

-pf Integer

Partial cell fill (range 20 to 47, 0 for no partial fill). Only applies if DS1 is in Channelized mode. Default = 0.

-mrbf Integer

Maximum Reassembly Buffer size Factor (in tenths) (range 20 to 40). Default = 20.

-rcdvt Integer

Reassembly Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (in tenths of a millisecond) (range 4 to 140). Default = 30.

-cgamode vt | vn | dt

Carrier Group Alarm mode. Only applies if DS1 is in Channelized mode. vt = voice transparent, vn = voice non-transparent, dt = dataport transparent. This can only be set to "vn" when sigmode = robbed. For "vt" or "dt," the sigmode must be set to none. Default = vt.

-onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This only applies when cgamode = vn. Default = 0.

-offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the CES interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This only applies when cgamode = vn. Default = 3.

-e2onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the ATM interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This only applies when cgamode = vn. Default = 0.

-e2offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the ATM interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This only applies when cgamode = vn. Default = 3.


VPI for ATM VCC. Default = autogenerated.


VCI for ATM VCC. Default = autogenerated.

-loc disable|enable

Disable or enable an alarm when a circuit goes into a Loss of Cell condition. Disable = 1. Enable = 2. Default = enabled.

-tche15 Value

Cells with Header Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tche24 Value

Cells with Header Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tpr15 Value

Pointer Reframes 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tpr24 Value

Pointer Reframes 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tppe15 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tppe24 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tse15 Value

Sequence Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tse24 Value

Sequence Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tlc15 Value

Lost Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tlc24 Value

Lost Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tmc15 Value

Misinserted Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tmc24 Value

Misinserted Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tbu15 Value

Buffer Underflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tbu24 Value

Buffer Underflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tbo15 Value

Buffer Overflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tbo24 Value

Buffer Overflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tdc15 Value

Dropped Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tdc24 Value

Dropped Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

VCLI>>add conn segpl -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 5 -ds0 (1-6) -sigmode robbed -cgamode vn -cktid TU1315 Connection with EPID = 279 created.

add system cescard


Adds a CES card (residing within a switch) to the VCLI system, using the following information:


Command will not work with Release 2.2 or earlier.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to add this card to

-card CardNumber

Slot number of card to add

-ipaddr IPAddress

In-band management IP address

-uplinklp logPortId

Logical port identifier of connected ATM switch port

-uplinknum logPortNumber

Logical port integer identifier

VCLI>>add sys cescard -sname tulsa1 -card 2 -ipaddr -uplinklp switch.

add system operator


Adds an operator to the VCLI system. The following information can be set:


Command requires admin privilege level.


-name OperatorName

Name of the operator to add

-priv admin | change | show

Privilege Level

VCLI>>add system operator -name jdsmith -priv change
Note   For many commands, such as the one above, if the command executes successfully, there will be no display other than the prompt and command, shown above.

add system switch


Adds a switch to the VCLI system. This associates a switch name with its out-of-band (ethernet) IP address. The following information about the switch can be changed:


Command requires admin privilege level.


-sname SwitchName

Name of the switch to add

-ipaddr IPAddress

Out-of-band management IP address

-community String

ASCII string to be used as the SNMP community string in all Set and Get SNMP PDUs sent to the cards in this switch

-chassisid ChassisID

Integer number indicated on the back of the chassis

-ftppass password

Password for downloading software images; use up to 8 characters

VCLI>>add sys switch -sname tulsa1 -ipaddr -community borg19e -chassisid 23

change cescard aps


Changes SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS) attributes for a CES card. The following information about the card can be changed:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to change card APS for.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to change APS for.

- side access | trunk

User specifies where to change APS on TDM access or ATM Trunk. Only applies to CS3 blades with 4 OC3 ports.

-as enabled | disabled

Administrative status of APS function.

-dir unidir | bidir

Directional mode. Can be modified only when APS is disabled.


minus4 | minus5 | minus6 |minus7 | minus8 | minus9

Exponent of 10 of Bit Error Rate threshold for switching. Can be modified only when APS is disabled.


clear | lock | force2prot |force2work | man2prot | man2work

APS control command. Clears any existing command (normal case).


Lockout all protection switching.


Forces switchout of working line to protection.

- force2work

Forces switchout of protection line to working (only for 1+1 per spec).


Causes switchout of working line to protection if no higher priority request is in effect.


Causes switchout of protection line to working if no higher priority request is in effect (only for 1+1 per spec).

If '-side' argID is specified on a CES card that supports only trunk side OC3 interfaces, this option is to be ignored.

VCLI>>change cescard aps -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -as enabled

change cescard config


Changes the card's configuration information, as follows:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to change card config for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to change config for

-name NameString

Identifier string for the card

-location LocationString

Location string for the card

-contact ContactString

Contact string for the card

-fanmon ena | dis

Controls fan tray monitoring

VCLI>>change cescard config -sname tulsa1 -card 2 -name Tulsa1_card2 -fanman ena

change cescard image


Changes the software image running on a card.


-network 1

Changes all known cards in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch to change card config for.

-card CardNum

Number of the logical card (may not be actual card in some redundancy).

-physcard CardNum

Number of the actual card (overrides redundancy status).


Execute this command without prompting user for confirmation.

-swcmd command

Optional command to allow the user to force the behavior of the switch during download.

-wait yes/no

Setting this allows user to wait for the completion of the command. values—yes=1, no=2, default = yes.

VCLI>>change cescard image -sname tulsal -card 3 -swcmmd 2 Are you sure [NO]? Switch Name: Tulsa Command sent to switch tulsa card(s) 3 Update in progress... ..................... Card 3 successful

The argId -physcard tells the VCLI to communicate with the CPE card located in physical slot 3. This bypasses the logic that will be in effect should the primary CPE card be switched out. Using the -card option will not bypass VCLI redundancy logic, and if the CPE card in slot 3 is switched out, the VCLI will communicate with the switched in backup.

If the -swcmd option is not specified, the VCLI will use the contents file in the relevant image directory to find the line with the swdwnld command and use its value. This line is usually the very first non-comment line in the contents file.

This command shows the progress of the upgrade/downgrade procedure on the CES card. The VCLI shows if the upgrade/downgrade was successful as reported by the CES card. This way, users are alerted to an upgrade/downgrade failure and can take action.

change cescard linkinfo


Changes the following attributes of a CES card's uplink information:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to change inband management for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to change inband management for


Logical port identifier of connected ATM switch port


Logical port integer identifier

VCLI>>change cescard linkinfo -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -uplinklp switch_ip. -uplinknum 3

change cescard redundancy


Changes a CES card's redundancy configuration or behavior.

Note   Actions depend on whether the card is a primary, backup, or neither.

The following action can be performed on a card that is not a member of a redundancy group (that is, the card's role must be none [or neither]):

The following actions can be performed for a card that is a backup:

The following action can be performed for a card that is a primary in a redundancy group:


Only one of the attributes "role" or "force" may be used in a single command.


-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch to change card redundancy for.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to change redundancy for.

-role prim | back | none

Redundancy role of the card.

-force over

Force backup to switch in for the card specified by -card.

-force back

Force the backup card (indicated by -card) to switch the primary that it is currently protecting back into service.

-override ena

Force redundancy command to be set regardless of the state of the target cards.


To create a redundancy group with two primaries in it:

VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 2 -role back VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -card 3 -role prim VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -card 4 -role prim

To force backup to switch in for card 4:

VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 4 -force over

To force backup to switch the primary it is currently switched in for back:

VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 2 -force back

To remove a redundancy group with two primaries in it:

VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -role none VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -card 4 -role none VCLI>>change cescard redundancy -card 2 -role none

change cescard refclock


Changes the CES card's reference clock, including the following:


-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch to change card refclock for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to change refclock for

-prim bitsa | bitsb | oc31 | oc32 | none

New primary timing source (optional)

-second bitsa | bitsb | oc31 | oc32 | none

New secondary timing source (optional)

-revert disable | enable

New value for revertive switching (optional)

-forcefr off | on

New value for forcing timing to free run (optional)

-swto prim | second

Controls switching to a different timing reference (optional)

VCLI>>change cescard refclock -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -second oc31 -revert enable

change cescard selfcheck


Changes the following attributes of the backup card's health monitoring:


Command is valid only for CES cards with redundancy role set to backup, and redundancy state set to standby.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to change healthmonitor for.

-card CardNum

Number of card (2 to 16) to change healthmonitor for.

-period never|daily|hourly|minute|continuous

Never = 0; Daily = 1; Monthly = 2; Minute = 3; Continuous = 4. Default is Daily (1).

-hour HourValue

Hour when the selfcheck should begin. Values from 0 to 23 (0 = midnight, 1 = 1 a.m., and so on). Default: 0.

VCLI>>change ces selfcheck -card 3 -sname tulsa1 -period continuous

change connection pl


Changes the attributes of one endpoint of a Private Line segment, either local (within the same card) or remote (on different cards).

Note   Nothing can be changed about the switch ATM PVC if it is a remote connection.

The following information about an endpoint can be changed:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the connection.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the connection.

-epid EndpointId

Endpoint identifier of the connection endpoint to be changed.

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of connection.

-oamlr end | segment

Type of ATM OAM loopback to request: end-to-end or segment. This only applies for remote PL's. Shows the results of this test using the show connection pl summary command.


Specifies the loopback mode for the connecting Values. 0 = none. 1 = out. 2 = in. This value applies only to change connection.

-mrbf Integer

Maximum Reassembly Buffer size Factor (in tenths) (range 20 to 40). Changing this parameter will cause temporary data loss on the connection.

-rcdvt Integer

Reassembly Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (in tenths of a millisecond) (range 4 to 140). Changing this parameter will cause temporary data loss on the connection.

-cgamode vt | dt

Carrier Group Alarm mode. This is only changeable when the containing DS1 is set for Channelized mode, and the sigmode = none for the connection.

-onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-e2onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the other endpoint's interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-e2offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the other endpoint's interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-name NameString

64 character ASCII string associated with the connection.

-cnum Value

32 bit integer associated with the connection.

-loc disable|enable

Turns off the generation of an alarm went he circuit goes into Loss of Cell condition. Disable = 1. Enable = 2.

-tche15 Value

Cells with Header Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tche24 Value

Cells with Header Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tpr15 Value

Pointer Reframes 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tpr24 Value

Pointer Reframes 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tppe15 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tppe24 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tse15 Value

Sequence Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tse24 Value

Sequence Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tlc15 Value

Lost Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tlc24 Value

Lost Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tmc15 Value

Misinserted Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tmc24 Value

Misinserted Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tbu15 Value

Buffer Underflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tbu24 Value

Buffer Underflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tbo15 Value

Buffer Overflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tbo24 Value

Buffer Overflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-tdc15 Value

Dropped Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting.

-tdc24 Value

Dropped Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting.

-bertdir tdm or atm

Direction to send the BERT pattern. Towards the access (tdm), or towards ATM network. Can't change while test is running

-bertpatt allones | 511 |2047 | qrss | 2^23-1| 3 in 24 | user

BERT pattern. Can't change while test is running

-userpatt hexPattern

User defined BERT pattern. A 32 bit pattern represented by an 8 character hexadecimal number. Can't change while test is running.

-userpattlen Value

User defined BERT pattern length. A number from 1 to 32. Can't change while test is running.

-txpattinv off | on

BERT transmit pattern bit inversion control. Can't change while test is running. Applies only when bertpatt is set to user.

-rxpattinv off | on

BERT receive pattern bit inversion control. Can't change while test is running. Applies only when bertpatt is set to user.

-bert on | off

Controls the running of the integrated BERT for this DS1.

-bertrestart no | yes

Restarts the running BERT test. Only applies when -bert on.

-1bitinsert no | yes

Inserts a single bit error into the transmitted BERT pattern. Only applies when -bert on.

-conterrinsert none | minus1 | minus2 | minus3 | minus4 | minus5 | minus6 | minus7

Continously inserts bit errors into the transmitted BERT pattern at a rate of 10 to the minus 1 through 7. Can be modified while the test is running.

VCLI>>change conn pl -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 283 -oamlr end

change connection segpl


Changes the following attributes of a local Private Line segment:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the connection.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the connection.

-epid EndpointId

Endpoint identifier of the connection to be changed.

-oamlr end | segment

Type of ATM OAM loopback to request, end-to-end or segment. View the results of this test using the show connection segpl summary command.

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of connection.


Specifies the loopback mode for the connection. 0 = none. 1 = out. 2 = in. This option applies only to "change connection."

-mrbf Integer

Maximum Reassembly Buffer size Factor (in tenths) (range 20 to 40). Changing this parameter will cause temporary data loss on the connection.

-rcdvt Integer

Reassembly Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (in tenths of a millisecond) (range 4 to 140). Changing this parameter will cause temporary data loss on the connection.

-cgamode vt | dt

Carrier Group Alarm mode. This is only changeable when the containing DS1 is set for Channelized mode, and the sigmode = none for the connection.

-onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the DS1 interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the DS1 interface (range 0 to 15. A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-e2onhktc Integer

On-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the ATM interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-e2offhktc Integer

Off-Hook Trunk Conditioning Robbed Bit Signaling bits sent out the ATM interface (range 0 to 15). A bit is LSB, D bit is MSB. This is only changeable when cgamode = vn.

-cname NameString

64 character ASCII string associated with the connection.

-cnum Value

32 bit integer associated with the connection.

-loc disable | enable

Turns off/on the generation of an alarm when the circuit goes in the Loss of Cell condition. Disable = 1. Enable = 2.

-tche15 Value

Cells with Header Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tche24 Value

Cells with Header Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tpr15 Value

Pointer Reframes 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tpr24 Value

Pointer Reframes 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tppe15 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tppe24 Value

Pointer Parity Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tse15 Value

Sequence Errors 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tse24 Value

Sequence Errors 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tlc15 Value

Lost Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tlc24 Value

Lost Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tmc15 Value

Misinserted Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tmc24 Value

Misinserted Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tbu15 Value

Buffer Underflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tbu24 Value

Buffer Underflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tbo15 Value

Buffer Overflows 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tbo24 Value

Buffer Overflows 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tdc15 Value

Dropped Cells 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tdc24 Value

Dropped Cells 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-bertdir tdm or atm

Direction to send the BERT pattern. Towards the access (tdm), or towards ATM network. Can't change while test is running.

-bertpatt allones | 511 |2047 | qrss | 2^23-1| 3 in 24 | user

BERT pattern. Can't change while test is running .

-userpatt hexPattern

User defined BERT pattern. A 32 bit pattern represented by an 8 character hexadecimal number. Can't change while test is running.

-userpattlen Value

User defined BERT pattern length. A number from 1 to 32. Can't change while test is running.

-txpattinv off | on

BERT transmit pattern bit inversion control. Can't change while test is running. Applies only when bertpatt is set to user.

-rxpattinv off | on

BERT receive pattern bit inversion control. Can't change while test is running. Applies only when bertpatt is set to user.

-bert on | off

Controls the running of the integrated BER test for this DS1.

-bertrestart no | yes

Restarts the running BERT test. Only applies when -bert on.

-1bitinsert no | yes

Inserts a single bit error into the transmitted BERT pattern. Only applies when -bert on.

-conterrinsert none |

minus1 | minus2 |

minus3 | minus4 |

minus5 | minus6 |

minus7 |

Continously inserts bit errors into the transmitted BERT pattern at a rate of 10 to the minus 1 through 7. Can be modified while the test is running.

VCLI>>change conn segpl -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 279 -oamlr end

change delaytest


Changes configuration of OAM network test, including the following:


OAM delay tests measure delay across the network using OAM loopback cells. Each card can run up to 30 simultaneous OAM delay tests.

Use this command to configure one of the tests, or to change the status of an ongoing test. Use of the -testnum argId is optional when configuring a new test. If the -testnum argId is not given, then the VCLI will use the first ATM OAM delay test that has a disabled state and has remaining test time of 0. If there is no test which has a state of disabled and remaining time of 0, VCLI will select the first test with state of disabled. If you wish to avoid having the VCLI pick the test number, then enter it on the command line using -testnum argId.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the connection endpoint to be tested.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the connection endpoint to be tested.

-epid EndpointId

Endpoint identifier of the connection endpoint to be tested.

-tstate disable/enable

State of the test. Disable = 0; Enable = 1.

-dur Integer

Test duration given in seconds. (1 to 604800) Max is 1 week.

-testnum Integer

Number which defines which of the available 30 tests to configure.

VCLI>>change delaytest -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 283 -tstate enable -dur 60
Note   If the command executes successfully, there will be no display other than the prompt and command, shown above.

change environment


Changes the following environment variables for the current login session:


-autosave ena | dis

Controls the autosave feature

-timeout Minutes

Idle time before session termination (0=never)

-paging Lines

Number of lines per page (0=no paging)

-atmswitchpro ena | dis

Controls PVC auto-provisioning

-provdir DirPath

Path to the Provisioning CLI directory

-snmptimeout Seconds

Number of seconds to wait for SNMP command completion

-imagedir DirPath

Path to the download image directory

-logging loglevel

Current level of loggin

VCLI>>change environment -autosave ena -timeout 30 -paging 40
Note   If the command executes successfully, there will be no display other than the prompt and command, shown above.

change imccard config


Changes the following card configuration information:


-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch for which to change card config

-location LocationString

Location string for the card

VCLI>>change imccard config -sname tulsa1 -name Tulsa1_IMC -location Tulsa_pop

change imccard image


Changes the active software image running on the IMC card.



Changes all known cards in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch for which to change card config.

-swcmd command

Optional command to force the behavior of the switch during download.

-noconfirm 1

Execute this command without prompting user for confirmation.

-wait yes|no

Setting this allows user to wait for the completion of the command. values—yes = 1, no = 2. Default is yes.

VCLI>>change imccard image -sname tulsa1 -swcmd 2 Are you sure [NO]? Switch Name: tulsa Command sent to switch tulsa card(s) 1 Update in progress.............................. Card 1 successful

If the -swcmd option is not specified, the VCLI will use the contents file in the relevant image directory to find the line with swdwnldCommand and use its value. This line is usually the very first non-comment line in the contents file.

This command will show the progress of the upgrade/downgrade procedure on the IMC card. The VCLI will show if the upgrade/downgrade was successful as reported by the IMC card. The intention is for the user to be alerted to a upgrade/downgrade failure and to act upon it.

change imccard redundancy


Forces a switchover to the backup IMC card (if there is one).


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the imccard.

-force over

Force backup IMC card to switch in for the primary IMC card.

VCLI>>change imccard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -force over Are You Sure [No] ?

change logicalport atm


Changes the following attributes of the ATM logical port:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the ATM BC

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the ATM BC

-as up | down

Admin Status ATM BC

-name NameString

Name string for ATM BC

VCLI>>change logicalport atm -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -as down

change physicalport ds1


Changes the following attributes of a DS1 port:


Command will not work with Release 2.2 or earlier.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1.

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 containing the DS1.

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1.

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of DS1 Port.

-chanmode clear | chan

Channelization mode—Clear Channel or Channelized.

-timing int | thru

Timing, Internal or Through.

-frm esf | sf | other

DS1 framing type, ESF, SF(D4), or Other (unknown).

-fdl ansi | none

DS1 Facilities Data Link.

-sc none | lineloop | payloop

DS1 Send Code.

-loop none | payload | line

DS1 Near End loopback control.

-lbo 133 | 266 | 399 | 533 | 665

DS1 Line Build-out upper range.

-lcode ami | b8zs

DS1 line coding.

-name Ds1Name

DS1 Physical Line Description or Identifier String.

-cfgs 1

DS1 Port Configuration save to non-volatile memory, any integer saves.

-tes15 Value

Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tes24 Value

Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tses15 Value

Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tses24 Value

Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tsefs15 Value

Severely Errored Framing Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tsefs24 Value

Severely Errored Framing Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tpcv15 Value

Path Coding Violations 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tpcv24 Value

Path Coding Violations 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tuas15 Value

Unavailable Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tuas24 Value

Unavailable Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-taiss15 Value

Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-taiss24 Value

Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tcss15 Value

Controlled Slip Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tcss24 Value

Controlled Slip Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-toof15 Value

Out-of-Frame Events 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-toof24 Value

Out-of-Frame Events 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfeles15 Value

Far End Line Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfeles24 Value

Far End Line Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfees15 Value

Far End Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfees24 Value

Far End Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfeses15 Value

Far End Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfeses24 Value

Far End Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfesefs15 Value

Far End Severely Errored Framing Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfesefs24 Value

Far End Severely Errored Framing Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfepcv15 Value

Far End Path Coding Violations 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfepcv24 Value

Far End Path Coding Violations 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfeuas15 Value

Far End Unavailable Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfeuas24 Value

Far End Unavailable Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-tfecss15 Value

Far End Controlled Slip Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value.

-tfecss24 Value

Far End Controlled Slip Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value.

-bertframe esf | sf | none

DS1 framing to use when performing a BERT. Can't change while test is running.

-bertpatt allones | 511 |2047 | qrss | 2^23-1 | 3in24 | user

BERT pattern. Can't change while test is running.

-userpatt hexPattern

User defined BERT pattern. A 32 bit pattern represented by an 8 character hexadecimal number. Can't change while test is running.

-userpattlen Value

User defined BERT pattern length. A number from 1 to 32. Can't change while test is running.

-txpattinv off | on

BERT transmit pattern bit inversion control. Can't change while test is running.

-rxpattinv off | on

BERT receive pattern bit inversion control. Can't change while test is running.

-bert on | off

Controls the running of the integrated BERT for this DS1.

-bertrestart yes | no

Restarts the running BERT. Only applies when -bert on. Yes = 2. No = 1.

-1bitinsert yes | no

Inserts a single bit error into the transmitted BERT pattern. Only applies when -bert on. Yes = 2. No = 1.

-conterrinsert none | minus1 | minus2 | minus3 | minus4 | minus5 | minus6 | minus7

Continously inserts bit errors into the transmitted BERT pattern at a rate of 10 to the minus 1 through 7. Can be modified while the test is running.

If chanmode, timing, or frm attributes are being changed, all three of these attributes must be specified. Neither of these attributes may be changed when Private Line connections exist on the DS1 port being modified.

VCLI>>change phys ds1 -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 8 -as 2 -name DS1_3_8

change physicalport ds3


Changes the following attributes of a DS3 port:


Command will not work with Release 2.2 or earlier.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS3

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS3

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of DS3 Port

-lt m23 | cbit

DS3 Line Type

-sc none | lineloop | payloop

DS3 Send Code

-name DS3Name

DS3 Physical line Description or Identifier String

-loop none | out | in

DS3 Near End loopback control

-aistoy no | yes

DS3 AIS to Yellow, Send Yellow signal on Rxed AIS

-ll short | long

DS3 Line Length

-cfgs 1

DS3 Port Configuration save to non volatile memory, any integer saves

-tpes15 Value

P-bit Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tpes24 Value

P-bit Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tpses15 Value

P-bit Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tpses24 Value

P-bit Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tpcv15 Value

P-bit Coding Violations 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tpcv24 Value

P-bit Coding Violations 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tsefs15 Value

Severely Errored Framing Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tsefs24 Value

Severely Errored Framing Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tles15 Value

Line Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tles24 Value

Line Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tlses15 Value

Line Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tlses24 Value

Line Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tlcv15 Value

Line Coding Violations 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tlcv24 Value

Line Coding Violations 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tuas15 Value

Unavailable Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tuas24 Value

Unavailable Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-taiss15 Value

Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-taiss24 Value

Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tces15 Value

C-bit Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tces24 Value

C-bit Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tcses15 Value

C-bit Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tcses24 Value

C-bit Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tccv15 Value

C-bit Coding Violations 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tccv24 Value

C-bit Coding Violations 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tfeces15 Value

Far End C-bit Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tfeces24 Value

Far End C-bit Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tfecses15 Value

Far End C-bit Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tfecses24 Value

Far End C-bit Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tfeccv15 Value

Far End C-bit Coding Violations 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tfeccv24 Value

Far End C-bit Coding Violations 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-tfeuas15 Value

Far End Unavailable Seconds 15-minute TCA threshold setting value

-tfeuas24 Value

Far End Unavailable Seconds 24-hour TCA threshold setting value

-m13ipaddr IpAddress

IP address of the M13 connectio to the DS3

-m13mask IpAddress

Net Mask for IP address of M13

-community Value

Community string used to manage M13

VCLI>>change phys ds3 -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -as 2 -ll 2 -name Card_3_DS3_1

change physicalport oc3


Changes the following attributes of an OC3 port:


Some attributes can only be set on OC3 port 1 and 3, but will also be reflected on OC3c ports 2 and 4. Because ports 1 and 2 as well as ports 3 and 4 are APS pairs , setting configurable items on ports 1 and 3 are set on ports 2 and 4 automatically.


-accesspath (1 to 3)

Identify the path layer on the access side. Needed only for CS3 blade types with 4 OC3 ports on the I/O card.

-as up | down | test

Admin Status of OC3 Port (1 to 4).

-card CardNum

Number of card (2 to 16) containing the OC3.

-cfgs 1

OC3 Port Configuration save to non volatile memory, any integer saves.



-loop none | in | out

OC3 loopback control.





-name OC3Name

OC3 Physical line Description or Identifier String.

-oc3 OC3Num

Number of the OC3 port.

-scram disable | enable

Cell payload scrambling.

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the OC3.

-tclk loop | local

OC3 Transmit Clock source.

-tfelcv15 Value

Far End Line Coding Violations 15-minute threshold.

-tfelcv24 Value

Far End Line Coding Violations 24-hour threshold.

-tfeles15 Value

Far End Line Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tfeles24 Value

Far End Line Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tfelses15 Value

Far End Line Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tfelses24 Value

Far End Line Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tfeluas15 Value

Far End Line Unavailable Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tfeluas24 Value

Far End Line Unavailable Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tfepcv15 Value

Far End Path Coding Violations 15-minute threshold.

-tfepcv24 Value

Far End Path Coding Violations 24-hour threshold.

-tfepes15 Value

Far End Path Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tfepes24 Value

Far End Path Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tfepses15 Value

Far End Path Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tfepses24 Value

Far End Path Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tfepuas15 Value

Far End Path Unavailable Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tfepuas24 Value

Far End Path Unavailable Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tlais15 Value

Line Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tlais24 Value

Line Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tlcv15 Value

Line Coding Violations 15-minute threshold.

-tlcv24 Value

Line Coding Violations 24-hour threshold.

-tles15 Value

Line Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tles24 Value

Line Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tlses15 Value

Line Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tlses24 Value

Line Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tluas15 Value

Line Unavailable Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tluas24 Value

Line Unavailable Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tpais15 Value

Path Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tpais24 Value

Path Alarm Indication Signal Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tpcv15 Value

Path Coding Violations 15-minute threshold.

-tpcv24 Value

Path Coding Violations 24-hour threshold.

-tpes15 Value

Path Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tpes24 Value

Path Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tpses15 Value

Path Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tpses24 Value

Path Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tpuas15 Value

Path Unavailable Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tpuas24 Value

Path Unavailable Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tscv15 Value

Section Coding Violations 15-minute threshold.

-tscv24 Value

Section Coding Violations 24-hour threshold.

-tses15 Value

Section Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tses24 Value

Section Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tssefs15 Value

Section Severely Errored Framing Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tssefs24 Value

Section Severely Errored Framing Seconds 24-hour threshold.

-tsses15 Value

Section Severely Errored Seconds 15-minute threshold.

-tsses24 Value

Section Severely Errored Seconds 24-hour threshold.

VCLI>>change phys oc3 -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -oc3 1 -tclk local -name tulsa1_3_OC3_1

change switch sntp


Changes switch's Synchronous Network Time Protocol (SNTP) information, including the following:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to change in-band management for.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to change in-band management for.

-cardtype imc|cs3|all

Card type to apply SNTP changes to (no default).

-opermode multicast |anycast | unicast

Operation mode of the SNTP. Release 3.0 supports only unicast.

-primaryaddr IPAddress

Primary SNTP server IP address.

-secondaddr IPAddress

Secondary SNTP server IP address. Used only if primary is down.

-timecorrection TimeCorrectionValue

Maximum percentage of time correction allowed, in relation to client time.

-timeout TimeoutValue

Timeout for server reply.

-admin enable | disable

Administrative status of the client operations (Enabled means SNTP is enabled.)

pollperiod PollingValue

Polling period by the client. Measured in seconds.

samples NumSamples

Number of samples to be gathered from server before making calcualtions for client's local time setting.

VCLI>>change swtich sntp -sname tulsa1 -cardtype cs3 -primaryaddr

change system operator


Changes the privilege level for a VCLI operator account. The three levels are


Command requires admin privilege level.


-name OperatorName

Name of operator to change

-priv PrivilegeLevel

New privilege level

VCLI>>change system operator -name jdsmith -priv change

change system switch


Changes the following attributes of an MGX 8240 switch:


Command requires admin privilege level.


-sname SwitchName

Name of the existing switch to be changed

-newname NewSwitchName

New name to change the switch to (optional)

-ipaddr IPAddress

New out-of-band management IP address (optional)

-community String

ASCII string to be used as the SNMP community string in all Set and Get SNMP PDUs sent to the cards in this switch

-chassisid ChassisId

Chassis ID number for the switch

-ftppass password

For downloading software images; use up to 8 characters

VCLI>>change system switch -sname tulsa1 -community linear93

delete connection


Removes a connection. This connection can be either a local Private Line segment (between DS1 interface and the ATM trunk) or a local Private Line (between two DS1 interfaces). The connection can be a remote Private Line (between two DS1 interfaces on different cards), as long as


-epid EndpointId

Endpoint ID of connection to be deleted.

-partial 1

Delete nearend point only.

VCLI>>del connection -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 279

delete system cescard


Removes a CES card from the VCLI system.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to remove this card from.

-card CardNumber

Slot number of card to remove.

-noconfirm 1

Execute this command without prompting for confirmation.

VCLI>>del sys cescard -sname tulsa1 -card 2

delete system operator


Removes an operator from the VCLI system.


Command requires admin privilege level.


-name OperatorName

Name of the operator to delete

VCLI>>del sys operator -name jdsmith Are you sure [No]?

delete system switch


Removes a switch from the VCLI system.


Command requires admin privilege level.


-sname SwitchName

Name of the switch to delete

VCLI>>del sys switch -sname tulsa1 Are you sure [No]?



Downloads software image to a switch.

Note   The software will be taken from the directory pointed to by ImageDir . It will be downloaded to all of the type of cards specified in the -cardtype argId, or to a single card identified with either the -card or -physcard argIds.

The image directory will have two subdirectories: software and firmware. The directory files (including subdirectories) from the workstation in each directory will be downloaded to the individual card's directory pointed to by the following:

swdwnldInActiveSwDirName (for software)

swdwnldInActiveDwDirName (for firmware)

If -swcmd is specified, the swdwnld command will be set on the switch after the image is downloaded. This is an optional arg ID.


-network 1

All switches in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Specific switch name.

-card CardNumber

Number of the logical card; may not be the actual card in some redundancy situations.

-physcard CardNumber

Number of the actual card; overrides existing redundancy roles.

-swcmd Cmd

Optional command to force a software switch upon download.

-noconfirm 1

Execute this command without prompting user for confirmation.

-verbose 1

Provides feedback during the download process.

cardtype cs3/imc

Downloads cards of the same type. Options are imc = 1, cs3 = 2.

VCLI>>download -sname demoroom -physcard6 -swcmmd 3 Are you sure [NO]?



Terminates VCLI session and returns control to the UNIX shell.


show alarms detail


Shows the details of every currently active alarm in the whole network, on a single switch, or on a single card. Details shown are



Shows all alarms in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display alarms for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to display alarms for

VCLI>>show alarms detail -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Severity Date Time Description Critical 09/28/98 03:00:57 Receiving AIS Alarm, Failure on DS3/DS1=1/2

show alarms summary


Shows which cards and switches have active alarms.

For -network, lists all switches that have an alarm.

For -sname, lists all cards that have an alarm.

For -card, shows if the card has an alarm or not.



Lists all switches that have an alarm

-sname SwitchName

Lists all cards that have an alarm

-card CardNumber

Shows if the card has an alarm or not

VCLI>>show alarms summary -sname tulsa1 Alarming Switch: tulsa2 Alarming Card(s): 2 4 9

show blademon information


Shows blademon information, for any card or for a whole switch:

For a CES card, the command shows the following information:

For an IMC card, the command shows the following information:


-sname SwitchName

Lists all cards that have an alarm

-card CardNum

Number of the card (1 to 16)

VCLI>> show blademon information -sname tulsa1 Switch Name: tulsa1, Card: 1 Card Type: IMC Current Interface: OOBand OOBand IP Address: OOBand UDP Port: 161 Community String: public IMC SLOT:1A Redundancy Role: Primary Redundancy State: Invalid State Software Version: IMC SLOT:1B Redundancy Role: Back up Redundancy State: Back Up Switched IN Software Version: Switch Name: tulsa1, Card: 9 Card Type: Ces card Uplink: UpLinkInfoString Blade S/W Version: Blade Role: None Blade OperState: NormalState Logical Slot: 9 Community String: public Current Interface: OOBand InBand IP Address: OOBand IP Address: InBand UDP Port: 161 OOBand UDP Port: 9001 InBand State: DOWN OOBand State: UP

show blademon statistics


Shows the background pollers' information for a card or for all cards in a switch. This command allows users to see how the CES or IMC card is being managed by the VCLI.

For CES and IMC cards, this command shows statistics for out-of-band interfaces. The following information is shown:


-sname SwitchName

Lists all cards that have an alarm

-card CardNum

Number of the card (1 to 16)


Note   A display of "---------------" indicates that the condition in that field has never occurred.

VCLI>> show blademon statistics -sname tulsa1 Switch Name: tulsa1, Card: 1 Card Type: IMC OOBand ----------- Total Reqs Sent 48 Total Resp Received: 48 Total Err Resp Received: 0 Total UnAcked Reqs: 0 Total Data Sent 4800 Total Data Received: 6048 Last Polled Time: Tue Aug 24 18:54:32 Last Err Resp Red: ----------------------------- Last Unacked Req: ---------------------------- Oper Start Time: Tue Aug 24 18:54:32 Oper End Time --------------------------------- Switch Name: tulsa1, Card: 1 Card Type: CES InBand OOBand ----------- ----------- Total Reqs Sent 24 Total Reqs Sent 24 Total Resp Received: 0 Total Resp Received: 0 Total Err Resp Received: 0 Total Err Resp Received: 0 Total UnAcked Reqs: 24 Total UnAcked Reqs: 0 Total Data Sent 2400 Total Data Sent 2400 Total Data Received: 0 Total Data Received: 3360 Last Polled Time: Tue Aug 24 18:54:32 Last Polled Time: Tue Aug 24 18:54:32 Last Err Resp Rec: --------------------- Last Err Resp Rec: ------------------- Last Unacked Req: Tue Aug 24 18:54:32 Last Unacked Req: ------------------- Oper Start Time: --------------------- Oper Start Time: Tue Aug 24 18:54:32 Oper End Time -------------------- Oper End Time -------------------

show cescard aps detail


Shows all SONET APS information (configuration, status, statistics), including:



Shows APS for every card in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch to show card APS for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to show APS for (optional)

VCLI>>show cescard aps detail -sname tulsa1 -card 4 AdminSts: Enabled ProtocolState: NoRequest LineInUse: Working SwitchCount: 0 Failures: None Arch: 1+1 RemoteArch: 1+1 DirMode: BiDirectional RemDirMode: BiDirectional RevertiveMode: NonRevertive BERThresh: 1e-4 WTRPeriod: 360 LastCommand: Clear

For those CS3 blade types with an OC3 I/O card, the APS information is displayed for both ATM trunk OC3 and Channelized access OC3.

show cescard aps summary


Shows the following summary information about the SONET APS status of a card's OC3c trunk port:



Shows APS for every card in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of containing switch to show card APS for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to show APS for (optional)

VCLI>>show cescard aps summary -sname tulsa1 Card Side AdminSts Protocol State Line In Use Failures 2 Trunk Enabled Signal Degrade Protection ProtSwitched 3 Trunk Enabled No Request Working 4 Trunk Disabled No Request Working

show cescard config


Shows the following configuration information about a card:



Shows all cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display cards for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to display information for

VCLI>>show cescard config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Name: tulsa1_card3 Location: tulsa_pop_rack5_chassis2_slot2 Contact: Jose_Montoya_(772)555-1212 Fan Monitoring: Enabled Chassis IP address:

show cescard info


Shows the following information about a card:



Shows all cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display cards for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to display information for

VCLI>>show cescard info -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Software Version: Sentient Networks, MGX 8420, Release Current Date/Time: 02/12/00 15:33:07 GMTShows Part Number: 205a000102revb Serial Number: 0001a00134 CLEI Code: BATHFHZ0DAA Date of Manufacture: 10/03/98 Card Type: CES I/O Card Type: 3 DS3s, 2 OC3s Fab Number: 312307 PCB Part Number MAC Address: 00:00:01:1a:0d:1c Cisco Standard Card Type: Access Status: Active RMA Failure Code: 0 RMA History Code: 35

show cescard linkinfo


Shows the linkinfo configuration for a card, including the following:



Shows uplink info for every card in the network

-sname Switch Name

Name of switch to show card uplink information for

VCLI>>show ces linkinfo -sname tuls1 Switch Name: tulsa1, Card:1 Card Uplink Number Uplink Logical Port2 2 2 switch_ip. 3 3 switch_ip. 3 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0

show cescard redundancy


Shows the following redundancy configuration and status for a card:

If the Redundancy Role is None (neither Primary nor Secondary), the following is also shown:

For a card with a Redundancy State of Switched-in, the following is shown:



Shows all cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display cards for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to display information for


Command example for a non-redundant card:

VCLI>>show cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 6 Redundancy Role: None Redundancy State: Non-redundant

Command example for a switched-out primary card:

VCLI>>show cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 4 Redundancy Role: Primary Redundancy State: Switched-out/Self-failure Backup Card Number: 2

Command example for a switched-in backup card:

VCLI>>show cescard redundancy -sname tulsa1 -card 2 Redundancy Role: Backup Redundancy State: Switched-in Backup Card Number:2 Switched-in For Card:4 Reason: 100 Info String: Force switch over

show cescard refclock config


Shows how reference clocks for a CES card are currently configured, including the following:



Shows refclock configuration for every cescard in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to show refclock configuration for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to show refclock configuration for

VCLI>>show cescard refclock config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 PriRef: BITS-A SecRef: OC3-1 RevSwitch: Enabled ForceFreeRun: Off

For CS3 card types and for I/O cards with 4OC3 ports, there are two APS sides. Card 4 in the previous example is such a card. When the show cescard aps summary command is entered, the card's componentType attribute described above must be queried to determine if APS on the access side is available. If it is, this command must make two reads of the APS table.

show cescard refclock status


Shows the following card reference clock summary information:



Shows refclock status for every cescard in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to show refclock status for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to show refclock status for

VCLI>>show cescard refclock status -sname tulsa1 -card 3 CurrRefClk: BITS-A BITS-A-Sts: Good BITS-B-Sts: LOS OC3-1-Sts: Good OC3-2-Sts: LOS

show cescard selfcheck


Shows the following information about the backup card's selfcheck function:


-network 1

Shows healthmonitor information for every backup card in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to show healthmonitor information for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to show healthmonitor information for

VCLI>>show ces selfcheck -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Switch Name: tulsa 1, Card: 3 Test Performed: Once a Day Test Status: No fault Test Hour: 12

show cescard summary


Shows the following summary information about a card:



Shows all cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display cards for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to display information for

VCLI>>show cescard summary -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Reachability: Down Out-of-band Reachability: Up Redundancy Role: None Redundancy State: Non-redundant Up Time: 45 days, 17:45:09 hours Alarms: None

show connection (all | pl |segpl) bertconfig


Shows the following BERT configuration for the circuit:



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the circuit(s)

-epid EndPointId

Requests display of a specific circuit within a card

VCLI>>show connection bertconfig -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 279 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 EPID: 279 TestingState: Stopped ErrorInsert: None Pattern: QRSS UserPattern: 0xAA55AA55 UserPatternLen: 32 TxPatternInvert: Off RxPatternInvert: Off Direction: ATM

show connection (all | pl | segpl) bertstatus


Shows the statistics from either a currently running circuit BERT, or from the last run circuit BERT. Statistics shown are



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1

-epid EndpointId

Requests display of a specific circuit within a card

VCLI>>show connection bertstatus -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 279 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 EPID: 279 TestingState: Stopped ElapsedTime: 01:34:58 BER: 1.23e-10 PatternSync: InSync RxedPattern: 0xAA55AA55 BitErrors: 3 ErrorFreeSecs: 01:34:57 ErroredSecs: 00:00:01 SevErroredSecs: 00:00:00 PercentErrorFreeSecs: 99.2% PatternLossSecs: 00:00:00

show connection (all | pl | segpl) config


Shows the following connection information:



Shows every connection in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the connection(s)

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the connection(s)

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the connection(s)

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port containing the connection(s)

-epid EndpointId

Requests display of a specific connection within a particular card

VCLI>>show conn all config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 3 DS3: 3 DS1: 1 EPID: 279 ChanMode: Chan CktId: twc-1234567-pl CktNum: 1234567890 CustName: Bobs_nifty_stuff Type: PL-segment AdminSts: Up PartFill: 0 CellRate: 4185 SigMode: Robbed Loopback: None ReassemCDVT (0.1 ms): 30 MaxReassemBufSizFac: 20 CGAMode: Voice-NonTransp OnHookServTC: 0 OffHookServTC: 3 OnHookATMTC: 0 OffHookATMTC: 3 VPI: 0 VCI: 497 Created: 10/21/98 12:34:08 Modified: 10/21/98 12:46:34 Generate LOC Alarm: Enabled TCA Thresholds 15 Min 24-hour Cells w/Hdr Errors 24 240 Pointer Reframes 4 40 Pointer Parity Errors 12 120 Sequence Errors 24 240 Lost Cells 36 360 Misinserted Cells 12 120 Buffer Underflows 6 60 Buffer Overflows 6 60 Dropped Cells 48 480

DS3: 3 DS1: 2 EPID: 280 ChanMode: Chan CktId: twc-2345678-pl CktNum: 1972476202 CustName: Jimmys_cool_stuff Type: remote-PL AdminSts: Up CellRate: 4107 Loopback: none ReassemCDVT (0.1 ms): 30 MaxReassemBufSizFac: 20 VPI: 0 VCI: 498 Created: 10/21/98 12:57:08 Modified: 10/21/98 12:57:08 EP2Card: 11 EP2EPID: 269 EP2SwName: boston22 Generate LOC Alarm: Enabled TCA Thresholds 15 Min 24-hour Cells w/Hdr Errors 24 240 Pointer Reframes 4 40 Pointer Parity Errors 12 120 Sequence Errors 24 240 Lost Cells 36 360 Misinserted Cells 12 120 Buffer Underflows 6 60 Buffer Overflows 6 60 Dropped Cells 48 480

show connection (segpl | pl | all) statistics


Shows the following statistics for a Private Line or Private Line segment:



Shows every connection in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the connection(s).

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the connection(s).

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the connection(s).

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port containing the connection(s).

-epid EndpointId

Specific connection within a particular card.

-15m IntervalNum

Requested 15-minute interval number (from 0 to 96). 0 indicates current interval, 1 is previous 15-minute interval, 96 is the 96th interval into the past.

-24h IntervalNum

Requested 24-hour interval number (from 0 to 1). 0 indicates current interval, 1 is previous 24-hour interval.

VCLI>>show conn segpl statistics -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -epid 279 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 EPID: 279 CktId: twc-1234567-pl Current 15-minute Interval Elapsed Time (min:sec) 10:09 Cells Reassembled 0 Cells w/Hdr Errors 0 Pointer Reframes 0 Pointer Parity Errors 0 Sequence Errors 0 Lost Cells 0 Misinserted Cells 0 Buffer Underflows 0 Buffer Overflows 0 Dropped Cells 0 Payload Cells Txed 0 Trunk Cond. Cells Txed 0 Suppressed Tx Cells 0

show connection (all | segpl | pl) summary


Shows the following connection information:



Shows every connection in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the connection(s)

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the connection(s)

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the connection(s)

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port containing the connection(s)

-epid EndpointId

Requests display of a specific connection within a particular card.

VCLI>>show conn all summary -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 3 -ds1 5 DS3 DS1 EPID CktId Type AdminSts OamLoopSts OperStatus 3 5 279 twc-1234567-pl PL segment Up InProgress DS1Down ATM Down 3 5 1012 twc-2345678-pl remote-PL Down None Admin Down

show delaytest config


Shows the following configuration information for max test or tests:


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the delay tests

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the tests

-testnum Integer

Number from 1 to 30 that identifies a particular test.

VCLI>>show delaytest config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Test EPID Testing Duration Remaining Time Number State (secs) (days:hr:min:sec) 1 0 Disabled 0 000:00:00:00 2 0 Disabled 0 000:00:00:00 3 0 Disabled 0 000:00:00:00 . . 30 0 Disabled 0 000:00:00:00

If the -testnum argId is specified, then the configuration of that test only will be displayed. If the -testnum is not specified, then the configuration of all 30 tests will be displayed.

show delaytest status


Shows the following status items for test or tests. Maximum tests on the system is 30 per blade.


-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the delay tests

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the tests

-testnum Integer

Number from 1 to 30 that identifies a particular test

VCLI>>show delaytest status -sname tulsa1 -card 3

Test Num EPID Testing (secs) Duration secs Elapsed secs Remain. time Min. Dly Max. Dly Avg. Dly Xmitted Cells Expect Rcvd Unexp. Rcvd
1 0 Disabled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 Disabled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 Disabled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 0 Disabled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

show environment


Shows the environment settings for the session.

VCLI>>show environment Autosave: Enabled Timeout: Disabled Page Limit: 0 lines* SNMPTimeout: 5 Provisioning Client Path: Log Level: 4 Software Image Path:

show imccard config


Shows the following configuration information about a card:



Shows all IMC cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display cards for

VCLI>>show imccard config -sname tulsa1 Name: tulsa1_imc Location: tulsa_pop_rack5_chassis2_slot2 Contact: Jose_Montoya_(772)555-1212 Switch IP address:

show imccard info


Shows the following information about the IMC card:



Shows all IMC cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display card for

VCLI>>show imccard info -sname tulsa1 Primary Card Type: IMC Software Version: Cisco, MGX 8240, Release Current Date/Time: 07/12/99 23:33:07 GMT Part Number: 205a000102revb Serial Number: 0001a00134 CLEI Code: BATFHZ0DZZ Date of Manufacture: 06/03/99 Fab Number: 312307 PCB Part Number: MAC Address: 00:00:01:1a:0d:1c Cisco Standard Card Type: Address Status: Active RMA Failure Code: 0 RMA History Code: 35 Backup Software Version: Sentient Networks, MGX 8240, Release Part Number: 205a000102revb Serial Number: 0001a00134 CLEI Code: BATFHZ0DZZ Date of Manufacture: 06/03/99 Fab Number: 312307 PCB Part Number: MAC Address: 00:00:01:1a:0d:1d Cisco Standard Card Type: Access State: Active Up Time: 33 days, 17:45.21 hours Alarms: None

show imccard redundancy


Shows the following redundancy configuration and status for each IMC card:

If a backup card is present but not available, then cause of unavailability is shown.



Shows all IMC cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display card for

VCLI>>show imccard redundancy -sname tulsa1 IMC Card 1A (top) Role: Backup State: Unavailable, Self Failure IMC Card 1B (bottom) Role: Primary State: Active

show logicalport atm config


Shows the following about an ATM logical port:



Shows every ATM BC in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the ATM BC

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the ATM BC

VCLI>>show log atm config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 AdminSts: Up Name: wc_993_er98

show logicalport atm statistics


Shows the following ATM logical port statistics:



Shows every ATM BC in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the ATM BC.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the ATM BC.

-15m IntervalNum

Requests display of a requested 15-minute interval number. IntervalNum ranges from 0 to 2. 0 indicates current interval, 1 is previous 15-minute interval, 2 is the 2nd interval into the past.

-24h IntervalNum

Requests display of a requested 24-hour interval number. IntervalNum ranges from 0 to 1. 0 indicates current 24-hour interval. 1 is previous 24-hour interval. Default: 0.

VCLI>>show log atm statistics -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -15m 0 OC3: 1 Current 15-minute Interval Elapsed Time (min:sec) 10:09 Valid Cells Ingress 0      Cells w/HEC Errors: 2,345 Cells Egress        0

show logicalport atm summary


Shows the following information for the ATM logical port :



Shows every ATM BC in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the ATM BC

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the ATM BC

VCLI>>show log atm summary -sname tulsa1 -card 3 Admin Sts Config VCCs AvailIBW AvailEBW OperStatus Up 4 340000 340000 Phys Down Out CellD

show physicalport ds0 allocation


Shows how DS0 timeslots within a DS1 are allocated to CES connections. Connections are identified by their Endpoint ID (EPID).



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port

VCLI>>show ds0allocation -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 3 -ds1 1 DS0 Timeslot allocation by Endpoint ID (EPID) on DS3 3, DS1 1 DS0# EPID DS0# EPID DS0# EPID DS0# EPID DS0# EPID 1 258 7 0 13 0 19 0 2 259 8 0 14 0 20 0 3 0 9 0 15 0 21 0 4 0 10 0 16 0 22 0 5 0 11 0 17 0 23 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 24 0

show physicalport ds1 bertconfig


Shows the following BERT configuration information for the DS1 port:



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port

VCLI>>show phys ds1 bertconfig -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 12 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 TestingState: Stopped Framing: ESF ErrorInsert: None Pattern: QRSS UserPattern: 0xAA55AA55 UserPatternLen: 32 TxPatternInvert: Off RxPatternInvert: Off

show physicalport ds1 bertstatus


Shows results of either a currently running BER test, or the last BER test. Statistics shown are



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port

VCLI>>show phys ds1 bertstatus -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 12 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 TestingState: Stopped ElapsedTime: 01:34:58 BER: 1.23e-10 PatternSync: InSync RxedPattern: 0xAA55AA55 BitErrors: 3 ErrorFreeSecs: 01:34:57 ErroredSecs: 00:00:01 SevErroredSecs: 00:00:00 PercentErrorFreeSecs: 99.2000% PatternLossSecs: 00:00:00

show physicalport ds1 config


Shows the following configuration information for the DS1 port:

Admin Status (3 values—up, down, test)

Channelization Mode (Channelized, Clear Channel)

Timing Mode (Internal, Through)

Framing Mode (ESF, SF, Other)

Line Coding (B8ZS, AMI)

Facilities Data Link (2 values—none, T1.403)

Bit-Oriented Send Code (3 values—None, Line Loop Request, Payload Loop Request)

Loopback Control (2 values—disabled, payload loop)

Identifier String

24 TCA Thresholds (integer)



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port

VCLI>>show phys ds1 config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 12 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 Name: WC2344_22s Admin Status: Up Frame: ESF Timing: Internal Channelization: Channelized Line Coding: B8ZS FDL: ANSI Loopback: None Last Send Code: PayloadLoop TCA Thresholds NE 15 Min NE 24-hour FE 15 Min FE 24-hour Errored Secs 12 121 12 121 Sev Err Secs 10 100 10 100 Sev ERR Framing Secs 2 17 2 17 Unavailable Secs 10 10 10 10 Path Coding Violations 14 134 14 134 AIS Seconds 2 17 Line Errored Secs 12 21 Controlled Slip Secs 10 100 10 100 Out of Frame Events 72 691

show physicalport ds1 statistics


Shows statistics on DS1 port for the current 15-minute interval, one of the previous 32 15-minute intervals, the current 24-hour interval, or the previous 24-hour interval. Shows the following values:



Shows every DS1 port in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1.

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1.

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port.

-15m IntervalNum

A 15-minute interval number. IntervalNum ranges from 0 to 32. 0 indicates current interval, 1 is previous 15-minute interval, 32 is the 32nd interval into the past.

-24h IntervalNum

Current 24-hour interval.

VCLI>>show phys ds1 statistics -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 -ds1 12 -15m 0 DS3: 1 DS1: 12 Near End Far End Current Interval Elapsed Time (min:sec) 10:09 Errored Secs 463 453 Severely Errored Secs 12 45522 Sev Err Framing Secs 123 4 Unavailable Secs 4432234 334455 Path Coding Violations 1234567890 1234567890 AIS Seconds 4444 Controlled Slip Secs 5 7 Line Errored Secs 21 2093 Line Code Violations 29 Out of Frame Events 21

show physicalport ds1 summary


Shows the following information for a DS1 port:



Shows every DS1 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS1

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS1

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port containing the DS1

-ds1 DS1Num

Number of the DS1 port

VCLI>>show phys ds1 sum -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 DS3 DS1 Frame Timing Chan Coding AdminSts OperStatus 1 1 ESF Int Chan B8ZS Up 1 2 Other Thru Clear AMI Up LOF RcvAIS Rcv Yellow XmitYellow DS3down 1 2 SF Int Clear B8ZS Down AdminDown

show physicalport ds3 config


Shows the following configuration information for the DS3 port:


Command will not work with Release 2.2 or earlier.



Shows every DS3 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS3

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS3

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port

VCLI>>show phys ds3 config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 1 DS3: 1 Name: WC2344_22s Admin Status: Up Line Type: C-bit Line Length: Short Loopback: None Last Send Code: PayloadLoop AIS to Yellow: Enabled TCA Thresholds NE 15 Min NE 24-hour FE 15 Min FE 24-hour Line Errored Secs 86 864 Line Sev Errored Secs 4 40 Line Coding Violations 387 3865 Sev Err Framing Secs 2 8 P-Bit Errored Secs 86 864 P-Bit Sev Errored Secs 4 40 P-Bit Coding Violations 382 3820 C-Bit Errored Secs 86 864 86 864 C-Bit Sev Errored Secs 4 40 4 40 C-Bit Coding Violations 387 3820 387 3820 Unavailable Secs 10 10 10 10 AIS Secs 2 8

show physicalport ds3 statistics


Shows statistics on DS3 port for the current 15-minute interval, one of the previous 32 15-minute intervals, or the current 24-hour interval. Shows the following values:



Shows every DS3 port in the network.

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS3.

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS3.

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port.

-15m IntervalNum

Displays 15-minute interval number. IntervalNum ranges from 0 to 32. 0 indicates current interval; 1 is previous 15-minute interval; 32 is the 32nd interval into the past.

-24h IntervalNum

Displays current 24-hour interval.

VCLI>>show phys ds3 statistics -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -ds3 2 DS3: 2 Current Interval Elapsed Time (min:sec) 10:09 Near End Far End P-bit Errored Secs 4 123 P-bit Severely Errored Secs 4 123 P-bit Coding Violations 4 123 Severely Errored Framing Secs 4 123 Line Errored Secs 4 123 Line Severely Errored Secs 4 123 Line Coding Violations 4 123 AIS Seconds 4 123 Unavailable Secs 4 123 C-bit Errored Secs 4 123

show physicalport ds3 summary


Shows the following information for a DS3 port:



Shows every DS3 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the DS3

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the DS3

-ds3 DS3Num

Number of the DS3 port

VCLI>>show phys ds3 sum -sname tulsa1 -card 3

DS3 LineType AdminSts OperStatus
1 M23 Up Up
2 C-Bit Up LOS LOF RcvAIS RcvYellow XmitYellow InLoop
3 C-Bit Down AdminDown

show physicalport oc3 config


Shows the following configuration information for the OC3 port:



Shows every OC3 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the OC3

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the OC3

-oc3 OC3Num

Number of the OC3 port (1 to 4)

VCLI>>show phys oc3 config -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -oc3 1 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Transmit Clock Source: Loop Loopback: None Cell Payload Scrambling: Enabled TCA Thresholds NE 15 Min NE 24-hour FE 15 Min FE 24-hour Section Errored Secs 86 864 Section Sev Errored Secs 4 40 Section Sev Err Framing Secs 2 8 Section Coding Violations 387 3865 Line Errored Seconds 86 864 86 864 Line Sev Errored Secs 4 40 4 40 Line Coding Violations 387 3865 387 3865 Line Unavailable Secs 10 10 10 10 Line AIS Secs 2 8 Trunk Path #1 Path Errored Secs 86 864 86 864 Path Sev Errored Secs 4 40 4 40 Path Coding Violations 387 3865 387 3865 Path Unavailable Secs 10 10 10 10 Path AIS Secs 2 10

show physicalport oc3 statistics


Shows statistics on OC3 port for the current 15-minute interval, one of the previous 32 15-minute intervals, or the current 24-hour interval, or the previous 24-hour interval. Shows the following values:



Shows every OC3 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the OC3

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the OC3

-oc3 OC3Num

Number of the OC3 port (1 to 4)

-15m IntervalNum

Requests display of a requested 15-minute interval number. IntervalNum ranges from 0 to 32. 0 indicates current interval, 1 is previous 15-minute interval, 32 is the 32nd interval into the past.

-24h IntervalNum

Requests display of a requested 24-hour interval number. IntervalNum ranges from 0 to 1.

0 indicates the current 24-hour interval. 1 indicates the previous 24-hour interval.

VCLI>>show phys oc3 statistics -sname tulsa1 -card 3 -oc3 1 -15m 0 Switch Name: tulsa1, Card: 3 OC3: 1 Current Interval Elapsed Time (min:sec) 14:05 Near End Far End Section Errored Secs 0 Section Severely Errored Secs 0 Section Sev Err Framing Secs 0 Section Coding Violations 0 Line Errored Seconds 0 0 Line Severely Errored Secs 0 0 Line Coding Violations 0 0 Line Unavailable Secs 0 0 Line AIS Secs 0 0 Trunk Path #1 Path Errored Secs 0 0 Path Severely Errored Secs 0 0 Path Coding Violations 0 0 Path Unavailable Secs 0 0 Path AIS Secs 0

show physicalport oc3 summary


Shows the following information for an OC3c port:



Shows every OC3 port in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch containing the OC3 port

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) containing the OC3 port

-oc3 OC3Num

Number of the OC3 port (1 to 4)

VCLI>>show phys oc3 sum -sname tulsa1 -card 3

OC3 Side TxClk CellScrm AdminSts OperStatus
1 Trunk Loop Enabled Up SctnLOS SctnLOF LineAIS PathLOP PathAIS
2 Trunk Local Disabled Test InLoop LineRDI PathRDI LabelMis
3 Access Local NA Up No Alarm
4 Access Local NA Down No Alarm
Access Side SonetPath
SonetPath # Operational State
1 PathLOP, PathAIS
2 No Alarm
3 PathLOP, PathAIS

show switch redundancy


Shows all redundancy groups within a switch, and the redundancy role and status of each card.

The following abbreviations are used for the redundancy role:

P = Primary

B = Backup

N = None (neither primary nor backup)

UNK = Unknown

- = No card

The following abbreviations are used for the redundancy state:

NR = non-redundant

SB = Standby

F = Failed

SI = Switched-in

SO = Switched-out

SIP = Switch-in In Progress

FBP = Force Back InProgress

UNP = Unprotected

PRO = Protected

UNK = unknown



Shows all switches in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display redundancy information for

VCLI>>show switch redundancy -sname tulsa1 Phys Slot 1A 1B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Group - - -1 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 0 7 7 0 UNK UNK Role - - P B B P P P P B P N P P N UNK UNK State - - PRO SB SB PRO PRO PRO PRO SI PRO NR SO PRO NR UNK UNK Log Slot - - 1 1 3 4 6 10 8 9 10 11 12 UNK -

show switch sntp config


Shows sntp configuration, including the following:



Shows sntp configuration for all cards in network

-sname Switch Name

Name of switch to show card sntp configuration for

-card CardNum

Number of card (2 to 16) to show sntp configuration for [optional]

-cardtype all | imc | ces

Type of card to show config for (all cards, IMC cards, or CES cards)

VCLI>>show switch sntp config-sname tulsa1-card 3 Switch Name: tulsa1, Card:3 Operation Mode: Unicast Time Correction: 3 Server Timeout: 60 Primary Server IP Address: Secondary Server IP Address: Admin Status: Enabled Polling Period: 534 Number of Samples:5

show switch sntp status


Shows sntp status, including the following:



Shows sntp configuration for all cards and switches in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to show the card sntp configuration for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to show sntp configuration for (optional)

-cardtype all | imc | ces

Type of card to show config for (all cards, IMC cards, or CES cards)

VCLI>>show switch sntp stat -sname tulsa1 -card3 Switch Name: tulsa 1, Card: 3 Client Version: 4 Server Version: 2 Server Stratum: 12 Last Originate Time: 01/01/00 01:01:01 Last Transmit Time:01/01/00 01:01:01 Last Receive Time: 01/01/00 01:01:02 Destination Time: 01/01/00 01:01:02 Roundtrip Delay: 4 Clock Offset: 0 Last Reached Server:

show switch summary


Shows the following information about cards in the switch:



Shows all cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of switch to display cards for

-card CardNum

Number of the card (2 to 16) to display information for

VCLI>>show switch summary -sname tulsa1 -card 5 Switch Name: tulsa1, Card: 5 Data State: Current Software Version: Card Type: CS3 Card Status: Active Redundancy Role: Primary Redundancy State: Protected Redundancy Group: 2 PCB Serial Number: PCB Rev Number: Inband IP address: Interface Preference: OOBand I/O Card Type: 4 OC#s I/O Card PCB serial Number: I/O Card PCB Rev Number: I/O Card State: Active

show system operator


Shows the following information about all operators configured to use the VCLI system:


Command does not have options.

VCLI>>show system operator Operator Name Privilege Level atjones Admin jdsmith Change wallym Show

show system status


Shows the status of the in-band and out-of-band interfaces that the VCLI string is using. The following information is shown:



Shows all CES cards in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of the switch containing the card(s) to show

VCLI>>show system status -sname tulsa3 Phys Slot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 In-Band NA U U D U U NA U U U D U U U U U Out-of-Band U U U D U U NA U U U U U U U U U Current Xface O I I NA I I NA I I O I I I I I I

This command does not communicate with the switch to ascertain addresses; the information is from the internal database of the VCLI.

If a card is not in the switch database, the status and the Current Xface lines show NA. If the VCLI knows an interface to be up, a U is displayed. If the VCLI knows an interface to be down, a D is displayed. The current xface line shows the interface that the VCLI is currently using to communication with the card: I for , O for out-of-band.

show system switch


Shows the following configuration information for a switch or all switches:


This command requires admin status.



Shows all switches in the network

-sname SwitchName

Name of the switch to show

VCLI>>show system switch -sname tulsa1 Switch Name: tulsa1 Out-of-band IP Address: Community String: borg19e Configured Cards: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

show version


Shows the release number of the VCLI application.

VCLI>>show version VCLI version:

Posted: Sun Sep 29 05:24:22 PDT 2002
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