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The preferred tool for configuring, monitoring, and controlling an MGX 8220 shelf is the Cisco WAN Manager (formerly StrataView Plus). However, the command line interface provides access to features that exist on the MGX 8220 shelf but are not yet accessible through Cisco WAN Manager. Also, when alarm conditions or other unwanted situations occur, the command line interface provides a lower level of access to the cards that Cisco WAN Manager does not provide.
The MGX 8220 commands in the table that follows are divided by major functional group. The table shows the complete name of the command and the cards from which the command can be invoked. For more elaborate or supplemental information on the service module or ATM commands, refer to the sections in this manual that describe the service module and ATM commands. Also, the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview provides conceptual information on the Cisco implementation of Frame Relay and ATM.
The command line prompt shows the name of the shelf, the number of the shelf (which is always "1"), the slot number and type of the current card, and whether the card is in the active or standby state ("a" or "s"). The following is an example of the command line prompt:
kanchend.1.6.AUSM.a >
In this case, the current card is an active-state AUSM card in slot 6, and the name of the shelf in "kanchend."
The command notation and argument parameters follow standard programming convention: a space separates the command and each parameter; required arguments are enclosed in "<>" marks; and optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets ("[ ]"). A vertical bar (|) represents the OR function.
![]() |
Note When commands are entered with no parameters, a usage message appears, which shows syntax and valid ranges. |
Table 1-1 shows the list of commands for the common equipment cards which are entered by logging into the ASC card. Table 1-2 shows the list of commands for the service modules, which are entered by logging into the appropriate service module card.
![]() |
Note Many commands are common to both the common equipment cards and the service modules. |
Command | Description |
Shelf Group | |
addtrapmgr | Add Trap Manager |
clrbnmcnt | Clear BNM Cell Counter |
clrcderrs | Clear Card Errors in BRAM |
clrmsgcnt | Clear Control Message Counter |
cnfbnmif | Configure BNM-155 Interface |
cnfclksrc | Configure Network Clock Source |
cnfelmi | Enable and disable enhanced LMI |
cnflmiparms | Configure the Annex-G LMI timer and counter |
cnftrapmgr | Configure/Add/Delete Trap Managers |
deltrapmgr | Delete Trap Manager |
dspbnmcnt | Display BNM Cell Counter |
dspbnmif | Display BNM-155 Interface |
dspcd | Display Card |
dspcderrs | Display Card Errors in BRAM |
dspcds | Display Cards |
dspclksrc | Display Current Clock Source |
dspintvl | Display BNM-155 Interval |
dspmsgcnt | Display Control Message Counter |
dspsmcnf | Display Service Module Configuration |
dsptrapmgr | Display Trap Manager |
dsptrapmgrs | Display Trap Managers |
enhswitchcc | Change Enhanced Switchcc modes |
resetcd | Reset Card |
switchcc | Switch Core Cards |
version | Version (displays version data for a card) |
User Group | |
adduser | Add User |
cc | Change Card |
clrlog | Clear Event/Message Log |
clrscrn | Clear Terminal Screen |
cnfpwd | Configure Password |
deluser | Delete User |
dsplog | Display Event/Message Log |
dspusers | Display Users |
Help | Help (list of commands per card) |
users | Users |
Diagnostic Group | |
adddiagtest | Add a diagnostic test |
clralldiagtests | Delete all current diagnostic tests |
cnfdiagparams | Configure test parameters |
cnfdiagtest | Display list of test currently part of online diagnostics |
deldiagtest | Delete a diagnostic test |
dspdiagresults | Display results of diagnostic tests |
dspdiagtests | Display list of current tests |
dsppostresults | Display results of POST test |
pausediag | Stop execution of diagnostic test |
resumediag | Resume paused diagnostic test |
rundiagtest | Execute a specific diagnostic test |
showdiagtests | Display complete list of diagnostic tests |
Node Group | |
cnfname | Configure Shelf Name |
cnfdate | Configure Date |
cnftime | Configure Time |
cnftmzn | Configure Time Zone |
cnftmzngmt | Configure Time Zone to GMT |
cnfifip | Configure Interface IP Address |
dspifip | Display LAN Interface IP |
addred | Add Redundancy |
delred | Delete Redundancy |
dspred | Display Redundancy |
Alarm Group | |
clralm | Clear Alarms on the Card |
dspalm | Display Alarms for a Line |
dspalms | Display All Alarms on Card |
dspalmcnf | Display Alarm Threshold Configuration |
clralmcnt | Clear Alarm Counters/Statistics |
dspalmcnt | Display Alarm Counters/Statistics (line) |
dspshelfalm | Display Shelf Alarms |
Line Group | |
addln | Add Line (T1, E1, or T3) |
delln | Delete Line |
dspln | Display Line Configuration |
dsplns | Display All Lines on Card |
dspsrmlns | Display All Lines on Card |
Channel Group | |
clrsarcnt | Clear SAR Counters |
dspsarcnt | Display SAR Counters |
SRM-3T3 Group | |
addlink | Add an SRM-3T3 T3 link to a T1slot and line |
clrsrmcnf | Clear SRM-3T3 configuration |
cnfsrmclksrc | Configure SRM-3T3 clock source |
dellink | Delete an SRM-3T3 T3 link to a T1slot and line |
delslotlnk | Delete a link from a T1 slot |
dsplink | Display an SRM-3T3 T3 link to a T1slot and line |
dspslotlnk | Display a link in a T1 slot |
dspsrmclksrc | Display SRM-3T3 clock source |
BERT Group | |
cnfbert | Configure bit error rate test (BERT) |
delbert | Delete bit error rate test (BERT) |
dspbert | Display bit error rate test (BERT) |
modbert | Modify bit error rate test (BERT) |
startbert | Start bit error rate test (BERT) |
Command | Description | FRSM | AUSM | CESM | IM-ATM | FRASM |
Shelf Group |
| ||
clrcderrs | Clear Card Errors in BRAM | X | X |
| X |
clrsmcnf | Clear Service Module Configuration |
dspcderrs | Display Card Errors in BRAM | X | X |
| X |
resetcd | Reset Card |
dspcd | Display Card | X | X | X | X |
cnfclksrc | Configure Network Clock Source |
| X |
| X |
dspclksrc | Display Current Clock Source |
| X |
| X |
clrmsgcnt | Clear Control Message Counter | X | X | X | X |
dspmsgcnt | Display Control Message Counter | X | X | X | X |
dspsmcnf | Display Service Module Configuration |
Switch Service Module to Redundant |
| |
Switch Service Module From Secondary to Primary |
| |
version | Version (displays version data for a card) | X | X | X | X |
User Group |
| ||
cc | Change Card | X | X | X | X |
clrscrn | Clear Terminal Screen | X | X | X |
Help | Help (list of commands per card) | X | X | X | X |
dspmaptbl | Display Map Table | X | X |
Alarm Group |
| ||
clralm | Clear Alarms on a specified line on the Card | X | X | X | X |
clralms | Clear All Alarms on the Card | X | X | X | X |
dspalm | Display Alarms for a Line | X | X | X | X |
dspalms | Display All Alarms on Card | X | X | X | X |
dspalmcnf | Display Alarm Threshold Configuration | X | X | X | X |
clralmcnt | Clear Alarm Counters/Statistics | X | X | X | X |
dspalmcnt | Display Alarm Counters/Statistics (line) | X | X | X | X |
Line Group |
| ||
addln | Add Line (T1, E1, or T3) | X | X | X | X |
cnfln | Configure Line | X | X | X | X |
delln | Delete Line | X | X | X | X |
dspln | Display Line Configuration | X | X | X | X |
dsplns | Display All Lines on Card | X | X | X | X |
addlnloop | Add Line Loop |
| X | X | X |
dellnloop | Delete Line Loop |
| X | X | X |
Port Group |
| ||
addport | Add Port | X |
| X |
cnfport | Configure FR Port(s) | X | X |
cnfportq | Configure AUSM port queue |
| X |
copyports | Copy Port Configuration | X | X |
delport | Delete FRSM or AUSM Port | X |
delports | Delete Port Configurations | X | X |
dspport | Display Port Configuration | X | X |
dspports | Display All Ports | X | X |
dspportstats | Display Port Statistics | X |
clrportcnt | Clear Port Counters | X | X |
clrportcnts | Clear Port Counters | X | X |
dspportcnt | Display FR Port Counters | X | X |
upport | Up Port |
| X |
dnport | Down Port |
| X |
dspportq | Display Port Queue |
| X |
| X |
dspportqs | Display Port Queues |
| X |
cnfilmi | Configure ILMI |
| X |
dspilmi | Display ILMI |
| X |
dspilmicnt | Display ILMI Counters |
| X |
Channel Group |
| ||
addchan | Add Channel | X |
| X |
| X |
addchanloop | Add a Channel Loopback | X | X | X (4-port only) |
clrsarcnt | Clear SAR Counters | X | X | X |
copychans | Copy Channel Configurations | X | X |
delchan | Delete Channel(s) | X |
| X |
delchanloop | Delete a Channel Loopback | X | X | X |
delchans | Delete Channels | X | X |
dspchan | Display Channel Configuration | X |
| X |
dspchans | Display All Channels | X |
| X |
dspchancnt | Display Channel Counters | X | X | X | X |
dspchstats | Display Channel Statistics | X |
dspsarcnt | Display SAR Counters | X | X | X |
clrchancnt | Clear Channel Counter for FRSM or AUSM Channels | X | X | X | X |
clrchancnts | Clear Channel Counter for all FR Channels | X | X | X |
cnfchanpol | Configure Channel Policing | X |
cnfchanfst | Configure Channel ForeSight | X | X |
cnfchanq | Configure Channel Queue |
| X |
Connection Group |
| ||
addcon | Add Connection |
| X |
delcon | Delete Connection |
| X |
dspcon | Display Connection |
| X |
dspcons | Display Connections |
| X |
dsploads | Display Loads |
| X |
cnfupcabr | Configure ABR |
| X |
cnfupccbr | Configure CBR |
| X |
cnfupcvbr | Configure VBR |
| X |
tstcon | Test Connection | X | X | X |
tstconseg | Test Connection Segment |
| X |
tstdelay | Test Delay | X | X | X |
IMATM Group | ||||||
addaimgrp | Add AIM Group |
| X |
addlns2aimgrp | Add Lines to AIM Group |
| X |
clraimgrpcnt | Clear AIM Group Count |
| X |
cnfaimgrp | Configure AIM Group |
| X |
delaimgrp | Delete AIM Group |
| X |
dellnsfmaimgrp | Delete Lines from AIM Group |
| X |
dspaimgrp | Display AIM Group |
| X |
dspaimgrpcnt | Display AIM Group Count |
| X |
dspaimgrps | Display AIM Groups |
| X |
dspds3ln | Display DS3 Line |
| X |
dspds3lns | Display DS3 Lines |
| X |
FRASM Group | ||||||
addbstungroup | Add BTUN Group |
| X |
addbstunport | Add BSTUN port |
| X |
addbstunroute | Add BSTUN Route |
| X |
addls | Add Link Station |
| X |
addstungroup | Add STUN Group |
| X |
addstunport | Add STUN Port |
| X |
addstunroute | Add STUN Route |
| X |
addfrasbnnroute | Add FRAS BNN Route |
| X |
clrbscportcnt | Clear BSC Port Count |
| X |
clrbsccucount | Clear BSC CU Count |
| X |
clrllcportcnt | Clear LLC Port Count |
| X |
clrlscoumt | Clear LS Count |
| X |
clrsdlcportcnt | Clear SDLC Port Count |
| X |
cnfbscport | Configure BSC STUN Port |
| X |
cnfbscportmisc | Configure BSC STUN Port Misc |
| X |
cnfllcport | Configure LLC Port |
| X |
cnfllcportflow | Configure LLC Port Flow |
| X |
cnfllcportmisc | Configure LLC Port Misc |
| X |
cnfllcporttime | Configure LLC Port Time |
| X |
cnfls | Configure Link Station |
| X |
cnflsmisc | Configure Link Station Misc. |
| X |
cnflsxid | Configure Link Station XID |
| X |
cnfsdlcport | Configure SDLC Port |
| X |
cnfsdlcmisc | Configure SDLC Port Misc. |
| X |
cnfsdlcopts | Configure SDLC Port Options |
| X |
cnfsdlcpoll | Configure SDLC Port Polling |
| X |
delfrasbnnroute | Delete FRAS BNN Route |
| X |
delbstungroup | Delete BSTUN Group |
| X |
delbsunport | Delete BSTUN Port |
| X |
delbstunroute | Delete BSTUN Route |
| X |
dells | Delete Link Station |
| X |
delstungroup | Delete STUN Groups |
| X |
delstunport | Delete STUN Port |
| X |
delstunroute | Delete STUN Route |
| X |
dspbscport | Display BSC Port |
| X |
dspbscports | Display BSC Ports |
| X |
dspbscportcnt | Display BSC Port Count |
| X |
dspbsccucount | Display BSC CU Count |
| X |
dspbstungroup | Display BSTUN Group |
| X |
dspbstungroups | Display BSTUN Groups |
| X |
dspbstunport | Display BSTUN Port |
| X |
dspbstunports | Display BSTUn Ports |
| X |
dspbstunroute | Display BSTUN Route |
| X |
dspbstunroutes | Display BSTUN Routes |
| X |
dspfrasbnnroute | Display FRAS BNN Route |
| X |
dspfrasbnnroutes | Display FRAS BNN Routes |
| X |
dspllcport | Display LLC Port |
| X |
dspllcports | Display LLC Ports |
| X |
dspllcportcnt | Display LLC Port Count |
| X |
dspls | Display Link Station |
| X |
dsplss | Display Link Stations |
| X |
dsplscount | Display Link Station Count |
| X |
dspsdlcport | Display SCLC Port |
| X |
dspsdlcports | Display SDLC Ports |
| X |
dspsdlcportcount | Display SDLC Port Count |
| X |
dspstungroup | Display STUN Group |
| X |
dspstungroups | Display STUN Groups |
| X |
dspstunroute | Display STUN Route |
| X |
dspstunport | Display STUN Port |
| X |
dspstunports | Display BSTUN Ports |
| X |
dspstunroutes | Display STUN Routes |
| X |
Diagnostic Group | ||||||
adddiagtest | Add a diagnostic test | X | X | X | X | X |
clralldiagtests | Delete all current tests | X | X | X | X | X |
cnfdiagparams | Configure test parameters | X | X | X | X | X |
cnfdiagtest | Display list of current tests | X | X | X | X | X |
deldiagtest | Delete a diagnostic test | X | X | X | X | X |
dspdiagresults | Displayt test results | X | X | X | X | X |
dspdiagtests | Display list of current tests | X | X | X | X | X |
dsppostresults | Display results of POST test | X | X | X | X | X |
pausediag | Stop execution of diagnostic test | X | X | X | X | X |
resumediag | Resume paused diagnostic test | X | X | X | X | X |
rundiagtest | Execute a specific diagnostic test | X | X | X | X | X |
showdiagtests | Display complete list of tests | X | X | X | X | X |
This command adds an AIMUX group.
Add AIM group
addaimgrp <aimux_grp> <list_of_lines>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number to be added (1...8) |
<list of lines> | list of physical lines to be included in "aimux_grp" separated by dots |
For example: addaimgrp "2 3.4.5" (Adds AIMUX group 2 with lines 3, 4, and 5)
delaimgrp, cnfaimgrps, dspaimgrp, dspaimgrps
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
![]() |
Note There should not be any ATM UNI ports established with the same "port_n" since ATM ports and AIMUX groups both share the same set of port numbers. |
This command creates a BSTUN group. There is no corresponding cnfbstungroup command.
For more information about using BSTUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220
Command Reference.
Add BSTUN Protocol Group
addbstungroup <group_num> <localAck>
<group_num> | number by which the group is to be known in the range 1-255 |
<localAck> | number in the range 1-2 where: 1=True, 2=False |
delBStunGroup, dspBStunGroup, dspBStunGroups
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addbstungroup 2 1
Creates a BSTUN Protocol Group number 2 and localAck is true.
This command ssociates a BSTUN port with a BSTUN group number.
For more information about using BSTUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220
Command Reference.
Add BSTUN Port
addbstunport <port_num> <group_num>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<group> | group number to which the port is to be assigned in the range 1-255 |
del B Stunport, dspbstunport, dspbstunports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addbstunport 2 1
Associates BSTUN port 2 with BSTUN group 1.
This command creates a BSTUN route for a BSTUN connection in the BSTUN Route Table. There is no corresponding cnfbstunroute command. This command establishes a relationship between the Frame Relay channel number and the IBM device control unit for the BSTUN connection.
For more information about using BSTUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220
Command Reference.
Add BSTUN Route
addbstunroute <port_num> <cuaddress> <chan_num> <lsap>
<port_num> | port number of the BSTUN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<cuaddress> | address of the BSC Control Unit in the range 1-255 |
<chan_num> | channel number of the BSTUN connection to be routed in the range 16-1015 |
<lsap> | number in the range 0-255 |
delbstunroute, dspbstunroute, dspbstunroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addbstunroute 69 3 69 5 1
Creates a BSTUN route for port 69, chan 69 with an control unit address of 3, an lsap of 5 and with local Ack enabled.
Add a channel to the current FRSM, CESM, or FRASM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Add Channel
addchan <chan_num> <port_num> <dlci_num> <cir> <chan_type>
<chan_num> | channel number is in the range 16-271 for a 4-port card, 16-1015 for an 8-port card |
<port_num> | port number is in the range 1-96 for 4-port T1, 1-124 for 4-port E1, 1-192 for 8-port T1, 1-248 for 8-port E1 |
<dlci_num> | DLCI is in the range 0-1023 |
<cir> | committed information rate: 0-1536000 bps for T1; 0-2048000 bps for E1. The default value is 2400 bps. The committed information rate has to be set to less than or equal to the port speed. |
<chan_type> (FRSM only) | channel type has a range of 1-5, and their meaning is: 1=NIW, 2=SIW-transparent, 3=SIW-translation, 4=FUNI, 5=frame forwarding |
Possible errors are:
addchan <chan_num> <port_num> <ces> <CAS_sig_type> <partial_fill><cond_data><cond_signalling>
<chan_num> | channel number is in the range 16-23 for a 4-port card, 32-279 for an 8-port card |
<port_num> | port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<ces> | ces is in the range 0-1023 |
<CAS_sig_type> | CAS signalling type has a range of 1-5, and their meaning is: 1=NIW, 2=SIW-transparent, 3=SIW-translation, 4=FUNI, 5=frame forwarding |
<partial_fill> | specifies the number of bytes to partially fill a cell for different lines. The value for partial fill is in the range 0-47. A partial fill value of 0 (or 47) means fully filled cells. The lower limit for structured T1 is 25. The value for partial fill of structured T1cells is in the range 25-47. The lower limit for structured E1 is 20. The value for partial fill of structured E1cells is in the range 20-47. The lower limit for unstructured T1/E1 is 33. The value for partial fill of unstructured T1/E1cells is in the range 33-47. |
<cond_data> | Conditional data is sent on the line when there is an underflow and also towards the network when forming dummy cells. For UDT, cond_data is always 255. For SDT, the range is 0-255. |
<cond_signalling> | Conditional signalling is sent on the line when there is an underflow and also toward the network when forming dummy cells. The cond_signalling range is 0-15. |
delchan, dspchan, dspchans
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Add a channel loopback to the current FRSM, AUSM or 4-port CESM. Causes the channel to loop at the SAR (segmentation and reassembly) stage.
![]() |
Note addchanloop is not supported on the 8-port CESM. |
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Add a Channel Loopback
<chan_num> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM. |
delchanloop, tstcon, tstdelay
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-4 |
This command is used to add a diagnostic test to be part of online Diagnostics on ASC.
Add Diagnostic Test
adddiagtest <test no> <state>
<test no> | The test number that needs to be added, the complete list of test numbers supported and also the associated parameters can be obtained from showdiagtests CLI command. |
<state> | The card state in which this needs to be executed in, the values for state can be:
![]() |
Note When adddiagtest is used to add a test, default values are used for the parameters to the test, if any. This can be changed using the command cnfdiagparams CLI. The default values for start time, period and iterations can be modified using the CLI command cnfdiagtest. |
showdiagtests, dspdiagtests, deldiagtest, clralldiagtests
Active ASC
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addiagtest 1 2
The test number 1 is added to online diagnostics and will be executed only on the Standby card. When a test is added, a unique test identifier is returned which needs to be used for future reference to this test.
Test Number 1 --> "SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test" added to Online
Use the Unique Test ID 1 to refer to this test
Command to add a diagnostic test to be part of online Diagnostics on service modules.
Add Diagnostics Test (Service Modules)
adddiagtest <test no>
<test no> | The test number that needs to be added, the complete list of test numbers supported and also the associated parameters can be obtained from showdiagtests CLI command |
![]() |
Note When adddiagtest is used to add a test, default values are used for the parameters to the test, if any. This can be changed using the command cnfdiagparams CLI. The default values for start time, period and iterations can be modified using the CLI command cnfdiagtest. |
showdiagtests, dspdiagtests, deldiagtest, clralldiagtests
Log:Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
adddiagtest 1
The test number 1 is added to online diagnostics and will be executed only on the Active card. When a test is added, a unique test identifier is returned which needs to be used for future reference to this test.
Test Number 1 --> "SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test" added to Online
Use the Unique Test ID 1 to refer to this test
Add a connection to the current AUSM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Add Connection
addcon <channel number> <connection type> <port number> <vpi> <vci> <service type>
<channel number> | channel number has a range of 16-271 for 4-port cards, 16-1015 for 8-port cards |
<connection type> | connection type is either 0 for VCC or non-zero for Local VP ID of the VPC (1 to 20(UNI)/100(STI)/340(NNI)) |
<port number> | port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<vpi> | VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) has a value in the range 0-255 |
<vci> | VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) has a value in the range 0-65535 for VCC, * for VPC |
<service type> | service type can be a number in the range 1 through 4, where: 1 = CBR, 2 = VBR, 3 = ABR, and 4 = UBR |
delcon, dspcons, dspcon
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
addcon 16 2 1 1 1 3
Add a UNI VPC connection to channel 16 on port 1 with vpi=1, vci=1, ABR service type
This command creates an FRAS BNN route for an FRAS BNN connection in the FRAS BNN Route Table.
For more information about using FRAS BNN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Add FRAS BNN Route
addfrasbnnroute <port_num> <lsaddress> <chan_num> <lsap> <rsap>
<port_num> | port number of the FRAS BNN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | address of the SDLC LS in the range 0x01-0xFE |
<chan_num> | channel number of the BSTUN connection to be routed in the range 16-1015 |
<lsap> | number in the range 0x01-0xFF (even numbers only) |
<rsap> | number in the range 0x01-0xFF (even numbers only) |
delfrasbnnroute, cnffrasbnnroute, dspfrasbnnroute, dspfrasbnnroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
addfrasbnnroute 69 3 69 5 1
Creates an FRAS BNN Route for port 69, with an cuaddress of 3, an lsap of 5 and an rsap of 1.
This command adds an AIMUX Group
Add IMA Group
addimagrp <group_num> <port_type> <list_of_links>
<ima_num> | IMA group number to be added (1...8) |
<port_type> | Port type to be added (1-UNI, 2-NN1) |
<list of links> | list of links to be included in "IMA_grp" separated by dots |
For example: addimagrp "2 1 3.4.5" (Adds IMA group 2 as a UNI port with lines 3, 4, and 5)
dspimagrp, dspimagrpcnt, dspimagrps, dspimainfo, dspimalncnt
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The addlink command adds a link between a T1 line within a T3 line on an SRM-3T3 card and a slot and line number on a T1 service module.
Add Link
addlink <T3 line number> <T1 line number> <Number of T1s> <Target Slot number> <Slot line number>
<T3 Line number> | SRM-3T3 T3 line number (range 1-3) |
<T1 line number> | start T1 line number within the T3 line (range 1-28) |
<Number of T1s> | number of T1s to be linked (range 1-4 or 1-8) |
<Target slot number> | T1 service module slot number to be linked. Range is 5 through 14. |
<Slot line number> | T1 line number in the slot to be linked (range 1-4 or 1-8) depending upon the ports in the service module |
dsplink, dellink
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command puts LMI in loopback state for the current card. In order for the MGX 8220 to operate in stand-alone mode, Annex-G ATM LMI must be disabled in order to suppress ATM LMI-related connection alarms. Use this command to add the loopback that disables Annex-G ATM LMI.
Add LMI Loop
dellmiloop, dsplmiloop
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 0 |
shelf.1.3.ASC.a > addlmiloop
The addln command adds a T1, E1, or T3 line to the current card.
Add Line
<line number> | range is 1-3 for SRM-3T3, for service modules the range is 1-4 or 1-8, depending upon the number of ports in the service module |
cnfln, delln, dspln
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addln 1
Add a line numbered 1 to the current card (AUSM, FRSM, CESM, IM-ATM, FRASM, or SRM-3T3).
addln <line number> <line type> <line rate>
<line number> | value from 1-2 used for HSSI, 1-4 used for X.21 |
<line type> | value from 1-2 where 1: DCE 2: DTE |
<line rate> | value from 48 kbps - 52 Mbps The default is 48 kbps. |
addln <line number> <loop type> <loop code>
<line number> | value from 1-2 used for HSSI, 1-4 used for X.21 |
<loop type> | value from 1-4 where 1: Frontcard 2: Metallic 3: Remote 4: No Loop |
<line rate> | value from 1-3 where 1: LoopA/B (HSSI) 2: Local loop (X.21) |
delln, dspln
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addln 1
Add a line numbered 1 to the current card (AUSM, FRSM, CESM, IM-ATM, FRASM, or SRM-3T3)
This command puts a T1 or E1 line in a loopback state for the current card.
Add Line Loop
<line number> | value from 1-8 used for AUSM-8T/8E1 and IMATM |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command adds lines to an existing AIMUX group.
Add Lines to an AIM Group
addlns2aimgrp <aimux_grp> <list_of_lines>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group to which lines should be added (1...8) |
<list_of_lines> | list of lines in the AIMUX group separated by dots |
Example: addlns2aimgrp "2 1.2" (Adds lines 1 and 2 to an existing AIMUX group number "2")
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command creates an SDLC LS (Link Station).
For more information about using FRAS BNN and STUN commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Add SDLC LS Station
addls <port_num> <lsaddress> <xid>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 [8-port] or 1-96 for T1, 1-124 for E1 [4-port] |
<lsaddress> | Link Station address in the range 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN) |
<xid> | 4-byte Hex number that is to be exchanged for this station in the range 0000-FFFFFFFF |
dells, cnfls, dsplsn, dsplss
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addls 2 2
Creates an SDLC Link Station on port 2 with an Link Station address of 2.
The addport command adds a service port to the shelf's configuration.
The screen does not display a message after successful command entry.
Add a Port
addport <port_num> <line_num> <ds0_speed> <begin_slot> <num_slot> <port_type>
<port_num> | numbers in the range 1-96 are valid for FRSM-4T1, 1-124 are valid for FRSM-4E1, 1-192 are valid for FRSM-8T1 and 1-248 for FRSM-8E1 |
<line_num> | value ranging from 1 to 4 (1 to 8 for FRSM8) |
<ds0_speed> | 1 for 56K, 2 for 64K |
<begin_slot> | beginning timeslot number in the T1 or E1 frame |
<num_slot> | number of consecutive timeslots in the T1 or E1 frame |
<port_type> | is either 1, 2, or 3: 1 = Frame Relay, 2 = FUNI, 3=frame forwarding |
addport <port_num> <line_num> <ds0_speed> <begin_slot> <num_slot> <port_type>
port_num | numbers in the range 1-96 are valid for CESM-4T1, 1-124 are valid for CESM-4E1, 1-192 are valid for CESM-8T1 and 1-248 for CESM-8E1 |
line_num | value ranging from 1 to 4 (1 to 8 for CESM8) |
begin_slot | beginning timeslot number in the T1 or E1 frame |
num_slot | number of consecutive timeslots in the T1 or E1 frame |
port_type | is either 1, 2, or 3: 1 = structured, 2 = unstructured, 3 = framing on VC disconnect |
addport <port_num> <line_num> <line_speed> <begin_slot> <port_type> <port_role> <encoding> <interface>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<line_num> | value ranging from 1 to 8 |
<ds0_speed> | 1 for 2.4K, 2 for 4.8K, 3 for 9.6K, 4 for 56K, 5 for 64K |
<begin_slot> | timeslot number in the T1 frame |
<port_type> | either 1, 2, or 3: 1 = STUN, 2 = FRAS, 3=BSTUN |
<port_role> | either 1, 2, 3, or 4: 1 = Primary, 2 = Secondary, 3 = Negotiable, |
<SDLC encoding> | 1 or 2: 1 = NRZ, 2 = NRZI |
<SDLC interface> | 1 or 2: 1 = DS0, 2 = DS0A |
addportlpbk, cnfport, delport, dspport, dspports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command links two MGX 8220 slots (a primary slot and a secondary slot) so that like cards in these slots are treated as a redundant pair of cards. Redundancy can be 1:1 or 1:N, if 1:N, one secondary slot must be linked to N primary slots through multiple execution of this command.
Add Redundancy
addred <PrimarySlotNum> <SecondarySlotNum> <RedType>
<PrimarySlotNum> | slot number of the slot containing the primary card of the card pair. Range = 5-14 |
<SecondarySlotNum> | slot number of the slot containing the secondary card of the card pair. Range = 5-14 |
<RedType> | type of redundancy. 1 = 1:1, 2 = 1:N |
dspred, delred
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
This command creates an STUN protocol group. There is no corresponding cnfstungroup command.
For more information about using STUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Add STUN Protocol Group
addstungroup <group_num> <type>
<group_num> | number by which the group is to be known in the range 1-255 |
<type> | type of group in the range 1-2 where: 1=SDLC, 2=SDLCTG |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addStunGroup 2 2
Creates a Stun Protocol Group number 2 of type SDLC and enabled.
This command creates associates an STUN port with an STUN group number.
For more information about using STUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Add STUN Port
addstunport <port_num><group_num>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<group> | group number to which the port is to be assigned in the range 1-255 |
delstunport, dspstunport, dspstunports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
addstunport 2 1
Associates STUN port 2 with STUN group 1.
This command creates an STUN route for an STUN connection in the STUN Route Table. There is no corresponding cnfstunroute command.
For more information about using STUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Add STUN Route
addstunroute <port_num> <lsaddress> <chan_num> <lsap>
<port_num> | port number of the STUN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | address of the SDLC LS in the range 0x01-0xFF |
<chan_num> | channel number of the STUN connection to be routed in the range 16-1015 |
<lsap> | number in the range 0x01-0xFF |
delstunroute, dspstunroute, dspstunroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
addstunroute 69 3 69 5
Creates a Stun Route for port 69, chan 69 with an lsaddress of 3, an lsap of 5.
This command adds an SNMP trap manager for use with stand-alone applications. A trap manager registered (added) and reregistered through the SNMP interface by Cisco WAN Manager is deregistered (deleted) after 30 minutes if it is not reregistered. Trap managers that are added using the add trapmgr command will not age, and will not be deleted after 30 minutes.
Add Trap Manager
<ipaddr> | The IP address to be assigned to the trap manager in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where n = 0-9, and nnn < 256 |
deltrapmgr, cnftrapmgr, dsptrapmgr, dsptrapmgrs
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Adds a trap manager with the IP address of
Add a user to the shelf configuration. The added user cannot have a privilege level that is higher than the current user. No screen output appears unless an error in the input occurred.
Add User
adduser <user ID> <privilege level>
<user ID> | name for the user |
<privilege level> | privilege is the highest level of access the user has |
dspusers, deluser
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the Help screen for the AUSM-8P/IMATM service module.
AIM Help
Cards on Which the Comman Executes
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
Lists all the commands available on the AUSM card.
Change Card
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
This command burns the bootcode on the specified slot using the using the bootcode from the disk.
Burn Boot Code Revision
burnbtrev <AXIS_SM_1_<slot>.BOOT
<slot> | card slot to which the bootcode should be burned. Range is 3 through 14. |
revup, revdn
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 0 |
The bye command lets you exit the current CLI shell.
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: Any |
Exit the current CLI shell.
Changes the card into which the user is logged. If a card slot is empty, an error message appears.
Change Card
<slot number> | card slot to which the screen display should change. Range is 3 through 14. |
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
Checks PCMCIA disk for any overlapping fat clusters.
Check Disk
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 0 |
This command clears all the AIMUX related counters for all lines in the specified AIMUX group.
Clear AIM Group Counters
clraimgrpcnt (or clrimagrpcnt) <aimux_grp>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number. Range is 1 through 8. |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command clears all the AIMUX line counters for the specified IMA group.
Clear AIM (or Clear IMA) Line Counters
clraimlncnt (or clrimalncnt) <aimux_grp>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number. Range is 1 through 8. |
dspaimlncnt, clrimalncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The clrallcnf command clears all configuration elements for all the cards in the node. The card is reset.
![]() |
Caution This command is extremely dangerous. All configurations will be lost. |
Clear All Configurations
clrsmcnf, dspsmcnf
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Service |
This command is used to delete all the diagnostics tests currently configured.
Clear All Diagnostic Tests
dspdiagtests, deldiagtest
Active ASC
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Removes all the tests from the Online Diagnostics list
No system response unless an error occurs.
The clralm command clears alarms on a specified line on the current card. Alarms occurring after this command executes are not affected. If alarms on a line are cleared with this command, the results may be observable through the dspalm command.
This command can clear alarms caused only by the collection of statistical data. Alarms caused by network failure cannot be cleared. For example, an alarm caused by a collection of bipolar errors can be cleared, but an alarm caused by a card failure cannot.
Clear Alarm
For an ASC:
-ds3 <LineNum> | LineNum = 1-n, n = 1 if BNM |
clralm -e3 <LineNum>
-e3 <LineNum> | LineNum = 1-n, n = 1 if BNM |
clralm -plcp <PLCPNUM>
-plcp <PLCPNum> | PLCPNum = 1-n, n = 1 if BNM |
For an FRSM or AUSM:
clralm -ds1 <LineNum>
<LineNum> | LineNum = 1-n, n = 4 if FRSM4p/AUSM4p, 8 if FRSM8p/AUSM8p |
For an SRM-3T3:
clralm -srmds3 <LineNum>
<LineNum> | LineNum = 1-n, n = 3 if SRM-3T3 |
clralms, dspalm, dspalms
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clralmcnt command clears all the alarm counters and statistics on the specified line on the current card. All counters are reset to zero. The terminal does not display a response unless an error exists in the syntax.
Clear Alarm Counters/Statistics
clralmcnt -ds3 <LineNum> | -e3 <LineNum> | -plcp <PLCPNum> | -ds1 <LineNum>
On an ASC with BNM-T3, -ds3 <LineNum> and -plcp <PLCPNum> and -e3 <LineNum> = 1
On an FRSM, -ds1 <LineNum> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card.
On an AUSM, -ds1 <LineNum> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card.
On a CESM, -ds1 <LineNum> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card.
On an MGX 8220 shelf configured with a BNM-155, the syntax is:
clralmcnt -sonet <LineNum>
where: -sonet <LineNum> is in the range 1-2
dspalmcnt, clralmcnts
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clralmcnts command clears all the alarm counters and statistics on the current card. All counters are reset to zero. The terminal does not display a response unless an error exists in the syntax.
Clear All Alarm Counters/Statistics on the Current Card.
dspalmcnt, clralmcnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clralms command clears alarms on the current card. Alarms occurring after this command executes are not affected.
This command can clear alarms causedby the collection of statistical data only. Alarms caused by network failure cannot be cleared. For example, an alarm caused by a collection of bipolar errors can be cleared, but an alarm caused by a card failure cannot.
Clear Alarms on Card
clralm, dspalm, dspalms
This command clears the configuration elements on the BNM card.
Clear BNM Card Configuration
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clrbnmcnt command clears the cell counter on the BNM card and resets it to zero. The count resumes for cells transmitted after clrbnmcnt executes. The BNM counters hold the number of ATM cells transmitted and the number of ATM cells received.
Clear BNM Cell Counter
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-5 |
This command clears all the bsc cu counters for the specified port and cu address.
Clear bsc cu Counters
<port_num> | port number of the bsc connection to be routed in the range 1-192 |
<cu address> | address of the controller unit in the range 0x01-0xFE |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
clrbsccucount 10 0x01
Resets all the bsc cu counters for port 10 and cu address of 0x01.
This command clears the BRAM contents.
Clear BRAM Contents
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Super (0) |
This command clears all the bsc counters for the specified port.
Clear bsc Port Counters
<port_num> | port number of the bsc connection to be routed in the range 1-192 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
clrbscportcnt 10
Resets all the bsc counters for port 10.
The clrcderrs command clears all card-related errors in an MGX 8220 card. No response messages appear on screen. Refer to the dspcderrs description to see an example of the errors that this command clears, or execute dspcderrs before and after clrcderrs.
Clear Hardware/Reset Errors in BRAM
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Superuser |
This command clears the historical channel statistic counters for a specified channel on an FRSM, CESM, IMATM, or AUSM. Counting resumes after the command executes.
Clear Historical Channel Statistic Counters
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM or IMATM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspchan, clrchancnts, dspchancnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The Frame Relay counters for each channel are:
The clrchancnts command clears the channel counter for all channels on the current card (AUSM, CESM, IMATM, or FRSM). Counting resumes for transmissions occurring after the command executes. For a list of the Frame Relay counters, refer to the description of clrchancnt.
Clear Channel Counters
dspchan, clrchancnt, dspchancnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-3 |
This command clears IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) group counters on the current AUSM8 or IMATM card.
Clear IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) Group Counters
dspimagrp, dspimagrpcnt, dspimalncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command clears all the AIMUX line counters for the specified IMA group.
Clear AIM (or Clear IMA) Line Counters
clrimalncnt (or clraimlncnt) <aimux_grp>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number |
dspaimlncnt, clraimlncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command clears all the LLC counters for the specified channel
Clear LLC Channel Counters
<chan_num> | channel number of the SDLC connection to be routed in the range 16-1015 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
clrllcportcnt 20
Resets all the LLC counters for channel 20.
The clrlog command clears all event log files or the log file specified with option <-log>. The log resumes accumulating event log messages after the command executes.
Clear Log
-log | indicates that a specific log file number follows |
log slot | is the number in the event log file |
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
This command clears all the LS counters for the specified port and LS address.
Clear LS Port Counters
clrlscount <port_num> <lsaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the LS connection to be routed in the range 1-192 |
<lsaddress> | address of the logical station in the range of 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN) |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
clrlscount 10 0x06
Resets all the LS counters for port 10 and LS address 0x06.
The clrmsgcnt command clears the control message counters. The control message counters are as follows:
Clear Control Message Counter
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clrportcnt command is used to clear the values of a port's counter on the current AUSM or FRSM.
No message appears upon successful execution of the command.
Clear Port Counter
On an AUSM, <port number> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card.
On an FRSM with T1, <port number> is in the range 1-96 for a 4-port card, 1-192 for an 8-port card.
On an FRSM with E1, <port number> is in the range 1-124 for a 4-port card, 1-248 for an 8-port card.
clrportcnts, dspportcnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clrportcnts command clears all port counts on the current FRSM or AUSM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Clear Oort Counts
clrportcnt, dspportcnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clrsarcnt command clears the Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) counters. The SAR counters are:
Clear SAR Counters
ChanNum | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM or IMATM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
The clrsarcnts command clears all the SAR counters on the current card.
Clear SAR Counters
clrsarcnt, dspsarcnt, dspsarcnts
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
This command clears IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) counters on the current AUSM8 card for an IMA group.
Clear IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) Group Counters
clrimagrpcnt (or clraimgrpcnt) <imagroup>
<imagroup> | IMA group number—value ranging from 1 to 8 |
dspimagrp, dspimagrpcnt, dspimagrps, dspimainfo, dspimalncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The clrscrn command clears the control terminal screen. After this command executes, only the current command line prompt appears on the screen.
Clear TRerminal Screen
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
This command clears all the SDLC counters for the specified port.
Clear SDLC Port Counters
<port_num> | port number for which the SDLC counters will be cleared in the range 1-192 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
clrsdlcportcnt 10
Resets all the SDLC counters for port 10.
The clrslftst command clears the results of the last self-test on the current card.
Clear Self-Test
cnfslftst, dspslftst, runslftstno
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
The clrsmcnf command clears configuration elements for all the service modules on the shelf.
The elements this command clears are
Clear Service Module Configuration
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The clrsrmcnf command clears the SRM-3T3 card information and removes all T1 link mappings.
All links are switched back their respective service modules.
Clear SRM-3T3 configuration
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
This command configures delay and resilient links IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) parameters on the current AUSM8 or IMATM card.
Configure AIM Group
cnfaimgrp (or cnfimagrp) <aimux_grp> -rwdiff <read_wr_ptr_diff> -severity <link_loss_severity> -maxdiff <maximum_diff_delay> -red <num_red_links>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number for this group (1-8) |
<read_wr_ptr_diff> | difference between the read and write pointer maintained (1...8) |
<link_loss_severity> | seriousness of a single link failure (1: m) |
<maximum_diff_delay> | maximum tolerable differential delay |
<num_red_links> | number of redundant links in the AIMUX group |
addaimgrp, delaimgrp, dspaimgrp, dspaimgrps
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
![]() |
Note Redundant link(s) indicates the number of link(s) the system can lose without bringing down the AIMUX group. However, the link_loss_severity option overrides this feature. The <read_wr_ptr_diff> value cannot be decreased from its existing value—it can only be increased (this is because decreasing the <read_wr_ptr_diff> in an established AIMUX group involves dropping cells that are stored in the delay compensation buffer. |
The cnfbert command configures the shelf for bit error rate testing and other associated operations such as loopbacks.
Configure Bit Error Rate Test
dspbert, startbert, modbert, delbert
AXISNAME.1.3.ASC.a > cnfbert
Configure the shelf for bit error rate testing.
r. Redo From Start
p. Previous Menu
q. Quit Menu
Slot number to configure test please (5-14): 8
r. Redo From Start
p. Previous Menu
q. Quit Menu
1. Port
2. Line
Please Enter Choice[1-2]: 1
r. Redo From Start
p. Previous Menu
q. Quit Menu
Port number to test please: 25
r. Redo From Start
p. Previous Menu
q. Quit Menu
1. BERT Pattern Test
2. DDS Seek
3. Loopback
Please Enter Choice[1-3]: 1
r. Redo From Start
p. Previous Menu
q. Quit Menu
1. Non latching OCU with 1 Device
2. Non latching OCU without 1 Device
3. Non latching CSU Device
4. Non latching DSU Device
5. Latching DS0-DP drop Device
6. Latching DS0-DP line Device
7. Latching OCU Device
8. Latching CSU Device
9. Latching DSU Device
10. Latching HL96 Device
11. V.54 polynomial Loopback
12. No Device
Please Enter Choice[1-12]: 8
r. Redo From Start
p. Previous Menu
q. Quit Menu
1. All Zeroes Pattern
2. All Ones Pattern
3. Alternate One Zero Pattern
4. Double One Zero Pattern
5. 2^15-1 Pattern
6. 2^20-1 Pattern
7. 2^20-1 QRSS Pattern
8. 2^23-1 Pattern
9. 1 in 8 Pattern
10. 3 in 24 Pattern
11. DDS-1 Pattern
12. DDS-2 Pattern
13. DDS-3 Pattern
14. DDS-4 Pattern
15. DDS-5 Pattern
16. 2^9 Pattern
17. 2^11 Pattern
Please Enter Choice[1-17]: 16
Test configured.
The cnfbnmif command configures the interface format for the BNM-T3, BMN-E3, or BNM-155 trunk card to either STI, UNI, or NNI. The BNM interface format must be configured before connections are provisioned on the MGX 8220 shelf.
![]() |
Caution The BNM interface cannot be configured while connections exist on the MGX 8220 shelf. After configuring the BNM interface, the MGX 8220 shelf will reset. |
Configure BNM Interface
cnfbnmif -if <interface format>
where <interface format> = 1-3, 1: STI, 2: UNI, 3: NNI
shelf.1.3.ASC.a > cnfbnmif -if 2
Configure the BNM interface to UNI format.
Configures a BSC STUN port to a FRASM line. There is no corresponding addbscport command. A BSC STUN port is added using the addport command with a port type of BSC STUN. Likewise, there is no delbscport, aBSC STUN port is deleted using the delport command.
Configure BSC STUN Port
cnfbscport <port number> <pause> <timeout> <retries>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<pause> | number of 0.1 second intervals to wait at the start of a polling cycle in the range 1-10000 |
<timeout> | number of 0.1 second intervals between polls in the range 1-1000 |
<retries> | number of retry attempts before a particular device is considered to have failed in the range 1-100 |
dspbscport, dspbscports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfbscport 16 100 20 20
Configures the BSC STUN port 16 so that the interval at the start of a polling cycle is 10 seconds, the interval between polls is 2 seconds, and the maximum number of retries before a device is considered to have failed 20.
Configures some miscellaneous BSC STUN port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure BSC STUN port miscellaneous parameters (number of service limit cycles and enable special polling)
cnfbscportmisc <port number> <servlimit> <specpoll>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<servlimit> | service limit cycles in the range 1 - 100 |
<specpoll> | handle special polls, 1 is disabled, 2 is enabled |
cnfbscport, dspbscport, dspbscports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfbscportmisc 16 100 1
Configures the BSC STUN port 16 so that the service limit cycles is 100 and the handling of special polls is disabled.
The cnfchancacoff command turns off the connection admission control (CAC) function for the specified channel.
Configure Channel CAC Off
<chan_num> | channel number range is 16-271 for 4-port FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port FRSM |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfchanegressq command configures the egress queue for a specified channel.
Configure Channel Egress Queue
cnfchanegressq <chan_num> <Qsel> <Qdepth> <QDEThresh> <QECNThresh>
<chan_num> | channel number range is 16-271 for 4-port FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port FRSM |
<Qsel> | Egress queue select in the range 1-2 |
<Qdepth> | Egress queue depth in the range 1-65535 |
<QDEThresh> | Egress queue DE Threshold in the range 1-65535 |
<QECNThresh> | Egress queue ECN Threshold in the range 1-65535 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfchanfst command configures the ForeSight parameters for a Frame Relay or ATM channel. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure Channel ForeSight
cnfchanfst <chan_num> <fst_enable> <mir> <pir> <qir>
<chan_num> | channel number range is 16-271 for 4-port, 16-1015 for 8-port |
<fst_enable> | ForeSight Enable—1 for enable, 2 for disable |
<mir> | minimum rate—10-8000 in cell/sec, default 1000 |
<pir> | peak rate—10-8000 in cell/sec, default 1000 |
<qir> | quiescent rate—10-8000 in cell/sec, default 1000 |
cnfchanfst <chan_num> <enable | disable> <fgcra_enable> <ibs> <pcr> <mcr> <icr>
<chan_num> | channel number range is 16-271 for 4-port, 16-1015 for 8-port |
<enable | disable> | enable/disable pertains to ForeSight: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<fgcra_enable> | FGCRA enable is for the specified channel: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<ibs> | ibs is the initial burst size in the range 10-5000 cells |
<pcr> | pcr is the peak cell rate in the range 11-8000 cells/second |
<mcr> | mcr is the minimum cell rate in the range 11-8000 cells/second |
<icr> | icr is the initial cell rate in the range 11-8000 cells/second |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfchaningressq command configures the ingress queue for a specified channel.
Configure Channel Ingress Queue
cnfchaningressq <chan_num> <Qdepth> <QDEThresh> <QECNThresh>
<chan_num> | channel number range is 16-271 for 4-port FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port FRSM |
<Qdepth> | Ingress queue depth in the range 4510 - 65535 |
<QDEThresh> | Ingress queue DE Threshold in the range 1 - 65535 |
<QECNThresh> | Ingress queue ECN Threshold in the range 1 - 65535 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command configures the parameters for a channel on a CESM card.
Configure Channel
cnfchan <chan_num > < CDV> <CellLossIntegPeriod> < bufsize>
<chan_num> | value ranging from 16 to 19 for a 4-port CESM, where: 16 = line 1 17 = line 2 18 = line 3 19 = line 4 The range is 32 to 279 for an 8-port CESM. |
<CDV> | Cell delay variation. This is the maximum cell arrival jitter that the reassembly process will tolerate. This parameter is specified in increments of 125 microseconds. Range is 1000-65535 microseconds |
<CellLossIntegPeriod> | Cell loss integration period: Range is 1000-65535 milliseconds |
<bufsize> | Egress buffer size: Min value = 0.6(CDV-T1) for T1, 0.7(CDV-E1) for E1. Max value = 65535, 0 to autocompute |
xcnfchan, delchan, xdspchan, dspchan
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 2 |
The cnfchanmap command configures interworking field mapping for a specified channel.
Configure Channel Map
cnfchanma <chan_num> <chanType> <FECN/EFCI> <DE to CLP> <CLP to DE>
<chan_num> | channel number range is 16-271 for 4-port, 16-1015 for 8-port |
<chanType> | chan type in the range 1-5. 1 = network interworking |
<FECN/EFCI> | Mapping between FECN and EFCI fields in the range 1-2. 1 = map EFCI, (this option valid only for service interworking) |
<DE to CLP> | DE to CLP mapping in the range 1 - 3. 1 = map DE to CLP, 2 = make CLP 0, 3 = make CLP 1. |
<CLP to DE> | CLP to DE mapping in the range 1 - 4. 1 = map CLP to DE, 2 = make DE 0, 3 = make DE 1, 4 = ignore CLP (this option valid only for network interworking.) |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfchanpol command configures the Frame Relay policing parameters for a channel. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure Channel Policing
cnfchanpol <chan_num> <cir> <bc> <be> <ibs> <detag> <egress service rate>
<chan_num> | Specify the channel for which you are modifying policing parameters. |
<cir> | Specify the Committed Information Rate. This is the highest rate before policing takes place. |
<bc> | Committed Burst Committed Burst cannot be 0 when the Committed Information Rate is not 0. Committed Burst has to be 0 if the Committed Information Rate is 0. |
<be> | Excess Burst Default value is 5100. Excess Burst cannot be 0 when the Committed Information Rate is 0. |
<ibs> | Initial Burst Size Initial burst size has to be 0 when the Committed Information Rate is 0. |
<de tag> | Enable or disable DE (Discard Eligible) bit tagging on ingress frames. The default value is 2, (DE Discard Eligible, bit tagging is disabled. |
<egress service rate> | Specify the rate that the channel will be serviced at egress. Determines whether port is oversubscribed.
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfchanq command configures a channel's queue parameters on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure Channel Queue
cnfchanq <chan_num> <vc_q_depth> <clp_thresh_high> <clp_thresh_low> <efci_thresh>
<chan_num> | range 16-271 for 4-port, 16-1015 for 8-port |
<vc_q_depth> | Ingress Q Depth, before it starts dropping the cells: :0-8000 Cells for 4-port,: 0-16000 Cells for 8-port |
<clp_thresh_high> | CLP Threshold High: 0-8000 Cells for 4-port, 0-16000 Cells for 8-port |
<clp_thresh_low> | CLP Threshold Low: 0-8000 Cells for 4-port, 0-16000 Cells for 8-port |
<efci_thresh> | EFCI Threshold: 0-8000 Cells for 4-port, 0-16000 Cells for 8-port |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Configures primary, secondary, or internal clock source. Any combination of clocks are configurable and in any order.
Configur Clock Source
cnfclksrc -pri <PrimaryClockSource> -sec <SecondaryClockSource> -cur <CurrentClockSource> -imp <ExternalClockSourceImpedance>
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The cnfdate command configures the date.
Configure Date
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnfdate 11/24/1999
Configure the date to be 11/24/99
kanchend.1.3.ASC.a > cnfdate 11/24/1999
Date = 11/24/1999
This command configures DC power monitoring on the ASC card.
Configure DC Monitoring
cnfdcmon <DC-unit> <mon-option>
<DC-unit> | DC power unit to be configured: 1 or 2 |
<mon-option> | enable or disable monitoring of this DC unit where: DC-unit = 1: unit#1 2: unit#2 |
<mon-option> | 1: enable, 2: disable |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
This command is used to modify the parameters for the diagnostics tests.
Configure Diagnostic Parameters
cnfdiagparams <uniqueId> <param1> <param2>
<uniqueId> | The unique identifier that is used to identify the diagnostics test that is configured. This can be obtained by using the CLI dspdiagtests |
<param1> | The first parameter for the diagnostics test, the meaning of this parameter differs for different tests. To find the meaning of the parameter use the CLI showdiagtests command |
<param2> | The second parameter for the diagnostics test, the meaning of this parameter differs for different tests. To find the meaning of the parameter use the CLI showdiagtests command |
dspdiagtests, showdiagtests
Active ASC
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Assuming that the test with uniqueID = 2 is DRAM Memory Availability Test:
cnfdiagparams 2 150000 0
The memory threshold for test with uniqueID = 2 is configured to be 150000 bytes. Since parameter 2 is not used, a 0 is specified.
No system response unless an error occurs.
Command to display the list of tests that are currently configured as part of online Diagnostics.
Configure Diagnostic Test
cnfdiagtest <uniqueId> <state> <start time> <period> <iterations>
<uniqueId> | The unique identifier that is used to identify the diagnostics test that is configured. This can be obtained by using the CLI dspdiagtests |
<state> | The card state in which this needs to be executed in, the values for state can be 1=Active card Only, 2=Standby card Only, 3=Both Active and Standby. Always 1 for Service Modules |
<start time> | The time when this test needs to be executed. This is specified in HH:MM 24 hour format. If "NOW" is specified for this test then this test will be executed immediately |
<period> | the frequency with which the test needs to be executed. The minimum time period that can be configured is 1 minute. The value is specified in minutes |
<iterations> | The number of times this needs to be executed. When this value is specfied as -1 the test will be executed forever |
Active ASC
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfdiagtest 1 2 10:00 1 3
The diagnostics test number 1 will be executed on Standby ASC at 10:00 AM and will be executed every 1 minute 3 times.
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command is used to enable and disable enhanced LMI.
Configure Enhanced LMI
cnfelmi <Enhanced LMI status>
<Enhanced LMI status> | 1 = Disable In this release, Option 3 is equivalent to Option 2. |
Active ASC
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-3 |
cnfelmi 2
Enables Enhanced LMI with manual recovery.
No system response unless an error occurs.
The cnffst command configures the ForeSight parameters for the current card.
Configure ForeSight
cnffst <rate_up> <rate-fast_down> <qir_time_out> <rtd_interval>
<rate_up> | rate up in the range 1-100 |
<rate_down> | rate down in the range 1-100 |
<rate-fast_down> | rate fast down in the range 1-100 |
<qir_time_out> | QIR timeout period before resetting IR to QIR in the range 1-255 seconds |
<rtd_interval> | interval between RTD measurement requests in the range 1-55 seconds |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfifip command configures the interface address. The configurable addresses are for LAN, in-band ports, and ATM.
Configure Interface Address
cnfifip -ip <IP address> -if <Interface> -msk <NetMask> -bc <BroadcastAddress>
-ip <IP address> | IP address = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where the range for nnn is 0 to 255. |
-if <Interface> | Interface is as follows: |
-msk <NetMask> | NetMask = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where the range for nnn is 0 to 255. |
-bc <BroadcastAddress> | BroadcastAddress = nnnnnnnnnnnn (hexadecimal) |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnfifip -ip -if 28 -msk -bc
Configure the IP address of the card. See example screen for dspifip.
The cnfilmi command configures a port's local management interface. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure ILMI
cnfilmi <port_num> <signal_type> <vpi> <vci> <scr> <trap_enable> <min_trap_int> <keep_alive> <AddrRegEnb>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<signal_type> | signalling type: 1 = other, 2 = no signalling, and 3 = ILMI |
<vpi> | virtual path identifier in the range 0-255 |
<vci> | virtual circuit identifier in the range 0-65535 for VCC, * for VPC |
<trap_enable> | ILMI trap enable: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<min_trap_int> | minimum trap interval in the range 1-10 seconds. |
<keep_alive> | enable for Keep Alive Polling: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<AddrRegEnb> | enable for address registration: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
dspilmi, dspilmicnt
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The cnfimagrp command configures delay and resilient links IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) parameters on the current AUSM8 or IMATM card.
Configure IMA Group
cnfimagrp <grp> <max_diff_delay> <n_res_lns>
<grp> | IMA group number. The range is 1 to 4 for 4-port cards, 1 to 8 for 8-port cards. |
<max_diff_delay> | Maximum differential delay in seconds. The range is 0-275 for AUSM8-T1 and 0 - 200 for AUSM8-E1. |
<n_res_lns> | number of resilient links in the inverse multiplexer. |
dspimagrp, dspimagrps, dspimagrpcnt
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Configures an LLC port to an FRASM line. There is no corresponding addllcport command, an LLC port is automatically created through the addchan command. Likewise, there is no delllcport, an LLC port is automatically deleted using the delchan command. There is a one-to-one relationship between an LLC and an LCN.
Configure LLC port
cnfllcport <chan number><n2> <t1>
<chan number> | channel number in the range 16-1015 |
<n2> | number of retry attempts before the system is considered to have failed in the range 1-255 |
<t1> | time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for an ack after sending a frame, before attempting recovery in the range 1-64000 |
dspllcport, dspllcports
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-5 |
cnfllcport 20 100 10000
Configures the LLC channel 20, the maximum number of retries before aborting the session is 100, and the maximum wait for an ack before attempting recovery is 10000 milliseconds.
Configures flow LLC port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure LLC STUN Port Flow
cnfllcportflow <chan number> <frthresh> <fwdiv>
<chan number> | channel number in the range 16-1015 |
<frthresh> | flow restart threshold in the range 1-8 |
<fwdiv> | flow divisor, permissable values are 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 |
cnfllcport, dspllcport, dspllcports dspllcportmisc
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfllcportmisc 100 4 4
Configures the LLC channel 100 with a flow restart threshold of 4 and a flow divisor of 4.
Configures some miscellaneous LLC port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure LLC STUN Port Miscellaneous
cnfllcportmisc <chan number> <ackmax> <localwindow> <xidnvt> <xidrt> <txqmax>
<chan number> | channel number in the range 16-1015 |
<ackmax> | maximum number of acks in the range 1-127 |
<localwindow> | local window size in the range 1-127 |
xidnvt | XID negative in msecs in the range 0-60000 |
xidrt | XID retry time in msecs in the range 1-60000 |
txqmax | transmit max. queue depth in the range 20 to 200 |
cnfllcport, dspllcport, dspllcports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfllcportmisc 100 10 25 100 20 25
Configures the LLC channel 100 with a ack maximum of 10, a local window size of 25, an XID negative of 100 msecs, an XID retry time of 20 msecs and a maximum transmit queue depth of 25.
Configures some time-related LLC port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure LLC Port Time
cnfllcporttime <channel number> <ackdel> <idle> <busy> <tpf><trej>
<channel number> | channel number in the range 16 - 1015 |
<ackdel> | ack delay time in msecs in the range to 60000 |
<idle> | idle time in msecs in the range 1 to 60000 |
<busy> | busy time in msecs in the range 1 to 60000 |
<tpf> | Tpf time in msecs in the range 1 to 60000 |
<trej> | Trej time in msecs in the range 1 to 60000 |
cnfllcport, dspllcport, dspllcports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfllcporttime 150 100 100 100 600 600
Configures the LLC channel 150 with a ack delay, idle time and busy time limit of 100 msecs, and a tpf and trej time limit of 600 msecs.
This command is used to configure the Annex-GLMI timers and retry counters. The Status Enquiry and Update Status timeout intervals can be set in the range from 5 to 30 seconds. The maximum retry range for the Status Enquiry and Update Status can be set in the range of 1 to 10.
Configure the Annex-G LMI timer and retry counter parameters
cnflmiparams <T393> <T394> <N394> <N395>
<T393> | Status Enquiry timeout interval in seconds in the range of 5 to 30 seconds; 0—value remains unchanged. |
<T394> | Update Status timeout interval in seconds in the range of 5 to 30 seconds; 0—value remains unchanged |
<N394> | Status Enquiry maximum retry count in the range of 1 to 10; |
<N395> | Update Status maximum retry count in the range of 1 to 10; |
Active ASC
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-3 |
cnflmiparms 5 6 5 4
The total time it will wait for Status Enquiry response will be = 25 seconds
The total time it will wait for Status Enquiry response will be = 24 seconds
No system response unless an error occurs.
The cnfln command configures a line on the current card to be either T1 or E1. If the command line does not include the E1 signalling parameter, the line is a T1.
Configure Line
cnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> [E1-signalling]
<line_num> | values in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<line_code> | line coding: 2 for B8ZS, 3 for HDB3, 4 for AMI |
<line_len> | line length: 1-7 for T1, 8-9 for E1 specifies the line length: 1 - 0 to 110 ft. (T1 line only) 2 - 110 to 220 ft. (T1 line only) 3 - 220 to 330 ft. (T1 line only) 4 - 330 to 440 ft. (T1 line only) 5 - 440 to 550 ft. (T1 line only) 6 - 550 to 660 ft. (T1 line only) 7 - greater than 660 ft. (T1 line only) 8 - 75 ohms (E1 line only (BNC)) 9 - 120 ohms (E1 line only (DB-15)) |
<clk_src> | clock source: 1 for loop clock; 2 for local clock With local clocking, the card provides the clocking to the CPE. Loop clocking means that the clock that is sent by the CPE is also used to transmit to the CPE. |
[E1-signalling] | CAS: Channel associated signalling Timeslot 17 is used to transmit signalling. Timeslot 1 is used for framing. Timeslot 17 is used to transmit signalling. Timeslot 1 is used for framing. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) included. Any time slot is used to transmit signalling, just like data. Timeslot 1 is used for framing. Any time slot is used to transmit signalling, just like data. Timeslot 1 is used for framing. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) included. No signalling or framing. The entire line is considered as data. |
addln, delln
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfln 4 2 1 1
Configure line 4 to be T1 with B8ZS line coding, have a length of 1, and use the loop clock as a clock source.
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures an SDLC LS (Link Station).
Configure SDLC LS Station
cnfls <port_num> <lsaddress> <xid> <largestFrame>
<port_num> | Port number in the range 1-192. |
<lsaddress> | LS address in the range 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN). |
<xid> | 4-byte Hex number that is to be exchanged for this station in the range 0000-FFFFFFFF. |
<largestFrame> | Largest allowable frame for this station in the range 1-4096. Larger frames are fragmented. |
addls, dells, dspls, dsplss
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfls 2 2 00AA 3000
Configures an SDLC Link Station on port 2 with a Link Station address of 2. The Xid to be used is 00AA, the largest allowable frame is 3000 bytes.
This command configures some miscellaneous parameters for an SDLC LS (Link Station).
Configure SDLC LS Station Miscellaneous
cnflsmisc <port_num> <lsaddress> <holdq> <startdir> <echo>
<port_num> | Port number in the range 1-192. |
<lsaddress> | LS address in the range 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN). |
<holdq> | Hold Queue size in the range 1 to 1024 |
<startdir> | Startup Direction, 1 = unknown, 2 = inbound, 3 = outbound. |
<echo> | Echo enable, 1 = disable, 2 = enable. |
addls, dells, dspls, dsplss
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnflsmisc 2 0x22 100 2 2
Configures an SDLC Link Station on port 2 with a Link Station address of 22. The hold queue size is 100, the startup direction is outbound and the echo is enabled.
This command configures XID parameters for a SDLC LS (Link Station).
Configure SDLC LS Station XID
cnflsxid <port_num> <address> <xidpt> <xidpoll><xidON2>
<port_num> | Port number in the range 1-192 |
<address> | LS address in the range 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN) |
<xidpt> | XID pass through, 1 = disabled, 2 = enabled |
<xidpoll> | XID Polling, 1 = disabled, 2 = enabled |
<xidON2> | XID0 retries in the range of 1 to 255 |
addls, dells, dspls, dsplss
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnflsxid 2 0x22 2 2 20
Configures an SDLC Link Station on port 2 with a Link Station address of 22. The XID passthrough and XID polling are both enabled and the XID retries is set to 20.
The cnfname command configures a name for the shelf. The name can be up to 20 characters. The name can consist of letters, special characters "_" and "-" and numbers. It must begin with a letter and cannot contain spaces. The name is case sensitive.
Configure Shelf Name
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnfname Kanchendzonga
The prompt returns with the new name. However, on the command line, the name is truncated because of the information displayed in the prompt.
WIPRO_B.1.3.ASC.a > cnfname Kanchendzonga
11/14/95-07:03:57 3 StrataCom 0 cnfname Kanchendzonga
Kanchend.1.3.ASC.a >
The cnfplpp command configures plpp parameters on the current AUSM8 card.
Configure plpp
<phy_port_num> | Physical port number in the range 1 to 8 |
<loopback> | plpp loopback in the range 1 - 3, 1 = no loopback, 2 = remote loopback, 3 = local loopback |
<scramble> | cell scramble in the range 1 - 2, 1 = no scramble, 2 = scramble |
<singlebit_errcorr_ena> | single bit error correction in the range 1 - 2, 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfport command configures a service port on an FRSM or an AUSM.
The screen does not display a message after successful command entry. The configuration can be verified using the dspport command.
The syntax for this command is differs according to the service module being addressed.
Configure Port
cnfport <port_num> <lmi_sig> <asyn> <T391> <T392> <N391> <N392> <N393> <CLLMEN> <CLLMTM>
<port_num> | port number is in the range of values 1-96 for a 4-port FRSM card (T1), 1-124 for a 4-port FRSM card (E1), 1-192 for an 8-port FRSM card (T1), 1-248 for an 8-port FRSM card (E1), or 1-4 for a 4-port FRSM HS1 or HS2 card or unchannelized E1 or T1 FRSM |
<lmi_sig> | LMI signalling: 1 = Other, 2 = None, 3 = StrataLMI, |
<asyn> | asynchronous status updates are either enabled [ (y)es] or disabled [(n)o]. |
<T391> | T391 timer is in the range 5-30 sec. This is the interval in seconds for status polling. This timer is for NNI. |
<T392> | T392 timer is in the range 5-30 sec. This is the interval in seconds to expect status polling. This timer is for UNI. |
<N391> | N391 counter is in the range 1-255. This is the number of UNI/NNI polling cycles. |
<N392> | N392 counter is in the range 1-10. This is the UNI/NNI error threshold. |
<N393> | N393 counter is in the range 1-10. This is the UNI/NNI monitored event count. It is always greater than the value for the N392 counter (the UNI/NNI error threshold). |
<CLLMEN> | CLLM Enable is either 1 = Disable or 2 = Enable. Enables or disables Consolidated Link Layer Management messages. |
<CLLMTM> | CLLM Timer is in the range 40-5000 ms. Sets the time between Consolidated Link Layer Management messages. |
Possible errors are:
addport, delport, dspport, dspports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Configure Port
cnfport <port_num> <plpp loopback>
<port_num> | range of values 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<plpp loopback> | 1 = no loopback, 2 = remote loopback, 3 = local loopback |
addport, delport, dspport, dspports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The cnfportcllm command configures the CLLM (Consolidated Link Layer Management) parameters for a specified port on the current card. Use CLLM to pass ForeSight to another Cisco WAN Switching network using NNI.
Configure Port CLLM
cnfportcllm <portNum> <CLLMEN> <CLLMTM>
<portNum> | Specify port number: Values in the range 1 - 96 for a 4-port FRSM card (T1), 1-124 for a 4-port FRSM card (E1), 1-192 for an 8-port FRSM card (T1), 1-248 for an 8-port FRSM card (E1), or 1-4 for a 4-port FRSM HS1 or HS2 card or unchannelized E1 or T1 FRSM |
<CLLMEN> | CLLM Enable is either 1 = Disable or 2 = Enable. Enables or disables Consolidated Link Layer Management messages. |
<CLLMTM> | CLLM Timer is in the range 40-5000 ms. Sets the time between Consolidated Link Layer Management messages. |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfportq command configures a port's queue parameters on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure Port Queue
cnfportq <port_num> <q_num> <q_algo> <service_seq> <q_depth> <clp_high> <clp_low> <efci_thres>
<port_num> | port_num is a port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<q_num> | q_num is the queue number in the range 1-4: 1 is CBR, 2 is ABR, 3 is VBR and 4 is UBR |
<q_algo> | q_algo is the queue algorithm in the range 1-5, 0 = disable queue |
<service_seq> | service sequence defines the order in which the queues are serviced: sequence number in the range 1-16 |
<q_depth> | queue depth is the maximum queue depth in the range 1-8000 cells |
<clp_high> | clp high is the queue depth at which Cell Loss Priority-tagged cells are dropped: the range is 1-8000 cells |
<clp_low> | clp low is the queue depth at which Cell Loss Priority-tagged cells are no longer dropped: the range is 1-8000 cells |
<efci_thres> | efci threshold is the queue depth at which EFCI bit tagging begins: the range is 1-8000 cells |
dspportq, dspportqs
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The cnfpwd command configures a password. Prompts appear for the old and new passwords when the command is entered (without arguments).
Configure Pssword
then <old password>
then <new password>
then <new password again>
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
old password:
new password:
verify new password:
Configures an SDLC port to an FRASM line. There is no corresponding addsdlcport command. An SDLC port is added using the addport command with a port type of SDLC STUN or SDLC FRAS. Likewise, there is no delsdlcport, an SDLC port is deleted using the delport command.
Configure SDLC Port
cnfsdlcport <port number> <n1> <n2> <t1>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1 |
<n1> | maximum size, in bits, of an incoming frame in the range 1-12000 |
<n2> | number of retry attempts before an SDLC station terminates its session with the other station in the range 1-255 |
<t1> | time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for an ACK after sending a frame, before attempting recovery in the range 1-10000 |
dspsdlcport, dspsdlcports
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
cnfsdlcport 16 12000 100 10000
Configures the SDLC port 16 so that the maximum frame size is 12000 bits, the maximum number of retries before aborting the session is 100, and the maximum wait for an ACK before attempting recovery is 10000 milliseconds.
Configures some miscellaneous SDLC port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure SDLC Port Miscellaneous
cnfsdlcportmisc <port number> <sptimer> <frmdisable> <rnr> <gpaddr>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 |
<sptimer> | slow poll timer in secs in the range 0 to 255 |
<frmdisable> | FRMR disable, 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<rnr> | RNR limit in minutes in the range 0 to 30 |
<gpaddr> | group poll address in the range 0 to 255 |
cnfsdlcport, dspsdlcport, dspsdlcports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfsdlcportmisc 16 0 1 10 20
Configures the SDLC port 16 with the slow poll timer set to zero, the FRMR disabled, an RNR limit of 10 minutes and a group poll address of 20.
Configures some options for SDLC port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure SDLC port options
cnfsdlcportopts<port number> <simul> <window> <linespeed>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 |
<simul> | simultaneous mode, 1 = disable, 2 = fulldatamode, |
<window> | window size in the range 1 to 7 |
<linespeed> | SDLC speed in bits/sec in the range 1200 to 2000000 |
cnfsdlcport, dspsdlcport, dspsdlcports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfsdlcportopts 16 1 4 9600
Configures the SDLC port 16 with simultaneous mode set to disables, a window size of 4 and a line speed of 9600 bits per second.
Configures some polling SDLC port parameters to an FRASM line.
Configure SDLC Port Poll
cnfsdlcportpoll<port number> <polllimit> <pollpause> <pollwait>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 |
<polllimit> | poll limit in the range 1 to 10 |
<pollpause> | poll pause in msecs in the range 1 to 10000 |
<pollwait> | poll wait in msecs in the range 10 to 64000 |
cnfsdlcport, dspsdlcport, dspsdlcports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
cnfsdlcportpoll 16 5 100 100
Configures the SDLC port 16 with a poll limit of 5, a poll pause, and a poll wait of 100 msecs.
The cnfslftst command configures the self-test routine on the current card.
Configure Self-test
cnfslftst -en <SelftestEnable> -tm <SelftestPeriod>
- <SelftestEnable>
Enable/disable self test, 1 = disabled, 2 = enabled.
- <SelftestPeriod>
Period, in minutes, between self tests in the range 1 - 60. (default is 1, or one minute between self tests)
clrslftst, dspslftst, runslftstno
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
The cnfslftststbysm configures self-test parameters for standby service modules.
Specifically, this command enables or disables self-test and, if enabled, specifies the time period between consecutive self-tests.
Configure self-test Standby Service Modules
cnfslftststbysm <enable|disable> <period>
<enable|disable> | self-test enabled or disabled, 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<period> | period, in minutes, between self-tests in the range 1-60 |
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
The cnfsrmclksrc command selects the clock source from either the BNM or an SRM-3T3 T3 line.
Configure SRM Clock Source
cnfsrmclksrc -srmds3 <T3 line number> -srmclk <Source number>
<T3 Line number> | SRM-3T3 T3 line number (range 1-3) |
<Source number> | 1: backplane clock for BMN, 2: recovery clock from T3 line |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The cnfsvcrange command configures switched virtual circuit resource parameters on the current AUSM8 card.
Configure Switched Virtual Circuit Range
cnfsvcrange <num_of_resource> <resource_type> <start_resource> <port-num>
<num_of_resource> | number of resource in the range 1-256 |
<resource_type> | type of resource, enter LCN, VPID, or VPI |
<start_resource> | The LCN, VPID, or VPI where search for contiguous range started. In the range of 16-1015 for LCN, 1-100 for STI VPID, 1-20 for UNI VPID, 1-340 for NNI VPID, 0-255 for VPI |
<port-num> | logical port number |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfstatsmgr command configures a new Statistics Manager.
Configure statistics manager
cnfstatsmgr <ip address>
<ip address> | IP address by which the statistics manager is accessed. ip address = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where n = 0-9 and nnn < 256 |
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 5 |
The cnftime command configures the time. The shelf uses a 24-hour clock.
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnftime 14:22:03
kanchend.1.3.ASC.a > cnftime 14:11:22
11/14/95-14:11:22 3 tDbgCmdTask 1220 informational : TIME/DATE updated
11/14/95-14:11:22 3 StrataCom 0 cnftime 14:11:22
The cnftmzn command configures the time zone in the shelf.
Configure Time Zone
<timezone> | time zone is 1 for GMT, 2 for EST, 3 for CST, 4 for MST, 5 for PST |
cnftime, cnfdate, cnftmzngmt
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnftmzn 3
Configures the time zone in the shelf to U.S. Central Standard Time.
The cnftmzngmt command configures the time zone in the shelf relative to GMT.
Configure Time Zone Relative to GMT
<timeoffsetGMT> | TimeoffsetGMT is the offset in hours from GMT. Permissible values are in the range -12 to 12. |
cnftime, cnfdate, cnftmzn
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnftmzngmt 4
Sets time zone in the shelf to GMT plus 4 hours.
The cnftrapmgr command enables or disables the trap manager function. If enabled, this command configures the number and IP address of the trap manager that is to receive traps. Trap managers that are added using the addtrapmgr command and later modified using the cnftrapmgr command will not age.
Trap managers that are added using the cnftrapmgr command or through the SNMP interface will age.
Once the trap manager is configured, the system does not display the configuration. Only errors in the configuration appear on screen.
Configure/Delete/Add Trap Manager
cnftrapmgr <-ip> <ip_addr> -pt <portnum> <MgrRowStatus> -tf <TrapFlag> -seq <SeqNum>
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser |
cnftrapmgr -ip -pt 3 MgrRowStatus 1 -tf 1 -seq 00
cnftrapmgr -ip -pt 3 MgrRowStatus 1 -tf 1 -seq 00
The cnfupcabr command configures a connection's bandwidth control parameters for the available bit rate (ABR) connection type on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure User Parameter Control Available Bit Rate
cnfupcabr <chan_num> <enable> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <scr> <scr_police> <mbs> <clp_tag>
<chan_num> | chan_num is a channel number in the range 16-271 for 4-port cards, 16-1015 for 8-port cards |
<enable> | enable is the enabled/disable for UPC: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<pcr[0+1]> | pcr[0+1] is the peak cell rate: the range is 10-4670 cells per sec. |
<cdvt[0+1]> | cdvt[0+1] is the cell delay variation tolerance [0+1]: the range is |
<scr> | scr is the sustained cell rate: the range is 1-4670 cells per second |
<scr_police> | scr_police specifies the type of scr policing: 1 = CLP[0] Cells, |
<mbs> | mbs is the maximum burst size: the range is 1-5000 cells |
<clp_tag> | clp_tag is the enable for CLP tagging: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
dspcon, dspcons, cnfupcabr, cnfupcvbr
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfupccbr command configures a connection's bandwidth control parameters for the constant bit rate (CBR) connection type on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
ConfigureUser Parameter Control Constant Bit Rate
cnfupccbr <chan_num> <enable/disable> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <pcr[0]> <cdvt[0]> <clp_tag>
<chan_num> | chan_num is a channel number in the range 16-271 for 4-port cards, 16-1015 for 8-port cards. |
<enable/disable> | enable/disable the UPC: 1 = disable, 2 = enable. |
<pcr[0+1]> | PCR [0+1] is peak cell rate: the range is 10-4670. |
<cdvt[0+1]> | CDVT[0+1] is Cell Delay Variation tolerance [0+1]: range is 1-250000 micro seconds. |
<pcr[0]> | PCR [0] is peak cell rate: the range is 10-4670. |
<cdvt[0]> | CDVT[0] is Cell Delay Variation Tolerance [0]: the range is 1-250000 microseconds. |
<clp_tag> | clp_tag is Clp Tagging enable/disable: 1 = disable, 2 = enable. |
dspcon, dspcons, cnfupcabr, cnfupcvbr
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfupcubr command configures usage parameter control (upc) and unspecified bit rate (ubr) parameters on the current AUSM card.
Configure upc and ubr
cnfupcubr <chan_num> <enable> <pcr[0-1}> <cvdt[0 - 1]> <IngPcUtil> <clp_tag>
<chan_num> | channel number in the range 16-271 for 4-port cards, 16-1015 for 8-port cards |
<enable> | enable or disable upc in the range 1 - 2, 1 = disable, 2 = enable. |
<pcr[0 - 1]> | peak cell rate in the range 10-N (N = 3622 for T1, 4528 for E1, 4830 for clear E1). For IMA groups, multiply rate by number of links |
<cvdt[0 - 1]> | cell delay variation tolerance in the range of 1-250000 microseconds |
<IngPcUtil> | Ingress percentage utilization in the range 1-100 (0 = default) |
<clp_tag | CLP tag enable in the range 1-2, 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The cnfupcvbr command configures a channel's bandwidth control parameters for a variable bit rate (VBR) connection type on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure User Parameter Xontrol Variable Bit Rate
cnfupcvbr <chan_num> <enable> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <scr> <scr_police> <mbs> <clp_tag>
<chan_num> | chan_num is a channel number in the range 16-271 for 4-port cards, 16-1015 for 8-port cards. |
<enable> | enable is the enabled/disable for UPC: 1 = disable, 2 = enable. |
<pcr[0+1]> | pcr[0+1] is the peak cell rate: the range is 10-4670 cells per sec. |
<cdvt[0+1]> | cdvt[0+1] is the cell delay variation [0+1]: range is |
<scr> | scr is the sustained cell rate: the range is 1-4670 cells per second. |
<scr_police> | scr_police specifies the type of scr policing: 1= CLP[0] Cells, |
<mbs> | mbs is the maximum burst size: the range is 1-5000 cells. |
<clp_tag> | clp_tag is the enable for CLP tagging: 1 = disable, 2 = enable. |
dspcon, dspcons, cnfupcabr, cnfupccbr
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
The copychans command copies a channel configuration to one or more channels. The purpose of this command is to create and configure multiple channels from the channel that serves as a template.
Copy Channels
copychans <template chan #> <start chan #> <start dlci> <# of chans>
<template chan #> | template channel number |
<start chan #> | start channel number |
<start dlci> | start dlci for FRSM, start vpi for AUSM as per VCC/VPC |
<# of chans> | number of channels |
delchan, delchans
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The copyports command copies a port configuration to one or more ports. The purpose of this command is to create and configure multiple ports from a single port that serves as a template.
Copy Ports
copyports <template port #> <start port #> <start time slot> <# of ports>
<template port #> | template port number is the number of the port to be copied |
<start port #> | start port number is the port to be copied |
<start time slot> | start time slot is the starting time slot in the port to be copied |
<# of ports> | number of ports is the number of contiguous time slots to be copied |
addport, delport, delports
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command deletes an AIMUX group.
Delete AIMUX Group
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number to be deleted (1...8) |
addaimgrp, cnfaimgrps, dspaimgrp, dspaimgrps
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
delaimgrp "2" (deletes AIMUX group 2)
The delbert command deletes the current bit error rate test.
Delete Bit Error Rate Test
dspbert, startbert, modbert, cnfbert
AXISNAME.1.3.ASC.a > delbert
Deleting the test in progress...
This command deletes a BSTUN protocol group.
Delete BSTUN Protocol Group
<group_num> | number by which the group is to be known in the range 1-255 |
addBStunGroup, dspBStunGroup, dspBStunGroups
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delBStunGroup 2
Deletes a BSTUN Protocol Group number 2.
This command deletes a BSTUN port.
For more information about using BSTUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Delete BSTUN Port
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1 |
addBStunport, dspBStunport, dspBStunports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delbstunport 2
Deletes BSTUN port 2.
This command deletes a BSTUN route.
Delete BSTUN Route
delbstunroute <port_num> <cuaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the BSTUN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 |
<cuaddress> | address of the BSC CU in the range 1-255 |
addbstunroute, dspbstunroute, dspbstunroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delbstunroute 69 3
Deletes the BSTUN route on port 69 with a cuaddress of 3.
Delete Configuration Systems
delcfgsys <file-name>.fw
addcfgsys, dspcfgsys
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Superuser (0) |
Deletes Frame Relay channel.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Delete Channel
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspchan, addchan, cnfchan
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Delete a channel loopback from the current FRSM, CESM, or AUSM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Delete a Channel Loopback
<chan_num> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
addchanloop, tstcon, tstdelay
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-4 |
The delchans command deletes a range of Frame Relay or ATM channels.
Delete Channels
delchans <start chan #> <# of chans>
<start chan #> | start channel number |
<# of chans> | number of channels to delete |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Deletes a connection from an AUSM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Delete a Connection
<connection number> | connection number is in the range 16-271 for a 4-port card, 16-1015 for an 8-port card |
addcon, dspcons, dspcon
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Command to delete a diagnostic test from the Online Diagnostics.
Delete Diagnostic Test
deldiagtest <uniqueId>
<uniqueId> | The unique identifier that is used to identify the configured diagnostics tests This can be obtained by using the CLI dspdiagtests |
dspdiagtests, adddiagtest, clralldiagtests
Active ASC
Log:Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
deldiagtest 1
The test with uniqueID 1 is deleted from the online diagnostics
No system response unless an error occured.
This command deletes an FRASBNN route.
Delete FrasBNN Route
delfrasbnnroute <port_num> <lsaddress>
<port_num> | Port number of the FrasBNN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1. |
<lsaddress> | Address of the BSC LS in the range 1-254. |
addfrasbnnroute, dspfrasbnnroute, dspfrasbnnroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delfrasbnnroute 69 3
Deletes the FrasBNN route on port 69 with an lsaddress of 3.
Deletes the current revision level of the firmware in the MGX 8220 shelf.
Delete Firmware Revision
delfwrev <line#> <1st_DS0> <DLCI>
<line#> | line number is in the range 1-4 |
<1st_DS0> | 1st_DS0 is in the range of 1-24 for T1, 1-32 for E1 |
<DLCI> | DLCI is the connection for which the statistics are to be displayed |
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: Superuser (0) |
A typical response is shown below:
The dellink command deletes a link between a T1 line within a T3 line on an SRM-3T3 card and a slot and line number on a T service module.
Delete Link
dellink <T3 line number> <T1 line number> <Number of T1s>
<T3 Line number> | SRM-3T3 T3 line number (range 1-3) |
<T1 line number> | start T1 line number within the T3 line (range 1-28) |
<Number of T1s> | number of T1s to be deleted (range 1-28) |
dsplink, addlink
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command removes LMI from loopback state for the current card. This enables Annex-G ATM LMI.
Delete LMI Loop
addlmiloop, dsplmiloop
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 0 |
shelf.1.3.ASC.a > dellmiloop
The delln command deletes a line from the current card.
Delete Line
<line number> | Line number to be deleted: 1-4 for 4-port cards, 1-8 for 8-port cards, 1-3 for SRM-3T3 cards |
dspln, addln, cnfln
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delln 4
Delete line 4 from the current card.
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command removes a T1 or E1 line loopback state for the current card.
Delete Line Loop
<line number> | value from 1-4 used for 4-port cards, 1-8 used for 8-port cards |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command deletes lines to an existing AIMUX group.
Deletes Lines from AIM Group
dellnsfmaimgrp <aimux_grp> <list_of_lines>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group from which lines should be deleted (1...8) |
<list_of_lines> | list of lines to be deleted from the AIMUX group separated by dots |
Example: dellnsfmaimgrp "2 3.5" (Deletes lines 3 and 5 from AIMUX group "2".)
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command deletes an SDLC LS (Link Station).
Delete SDLC LS Station
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | LS address in the range 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN) |
addls, cnfls, dspls, dsplss
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dells 2 2
Deletes an SDLC Link Station on port 2 with a Link Station address of 2.
The delport command deletes a port from an FRSM or CESM.
No messages appear on screen with successful completion of this command.
Delete Port
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-96 for 4-port T1, 1-124 for 4-port E1, 1-192 for 8-port T1, 1-248 for 8-port E1 |
addport, cnfport, dspport, dspports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The delports command deletes a specified number of contiguous port configurations.
Delete Ports
delports <start port #> <# of ports>
<start port #> | start port number is the port to be deleted. Port number in the range 1-96 for 4-port T1, 1-124 for 4-port E1, 1-192 for 8-port T1, 1-248 for 8-port E1 |
<# of ports> | number of ports is the number of contiguous time slots to be deleted |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Delete a redundancy link for the specified primary MGX 8220 slot.
Delete Redundancy
<PrimarySlotNumber> | MGX 8220 slot number for which the link to a redundant secondary slot is to be deleted. Range = 5-14. |
dspred, addredr
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
The delslotlnk command deletes SRM-3T3 link information for a specified slot.
Delete Slot Link
delslotlnk <slot number> <line number>
<slot number> | Slot number for which the link is to be deleted. Range is 5 through 14. |
<line number> | Line number of the link to be deleted. Range is 0 through 8. If the line number is set to zero, all links in the slot are deleted. |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command deletes an STUN protocol group.
Delete STUN Protocol Group
<group_num> | number of STUN group to delete in the range 1-255 |
add Stun Group, dsp Stun Group, dsp Stun Groups
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Deletes STUN Protocol Group number 2.
This command deletes an STUN port.
For more information about using STUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Delete STUN Port
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
add Stunport, dsp Stunport, dsp Stunports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delstunport 2
Deletes STUN port 2.
This command deletes an STUN route.
Delete STUN Route
delstunroute <port_num> <lsaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the STUN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | address of the SDLC LS in the range 1-255 |
addstunroute, dspstunroute, dspstunroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
delstunroute 69 3
Deletes the STUN route on port 69 with an lsaddress of 3.
Delete a trap manager associated with a specified IP address.
Delete Trap Manager
<ipaddr> | IP address of the trap manager to delete. In the form of nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where n = 0-9 and nnn is less than 256. |
addtrapmgr, cnftrapmgr, dsptrapmgr, dsptrapmgrs
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Delete a user from the list of users that can log onto the shelf. The system does not allow you to delete a user with a privilege level higher than the level at which you execute the command. For example, if the current user privilege is 2, you cannot delete a user at level 1. No screen output appears unless an error in the input occurred.
Delete User
deluser <user ID> <privilege level>
<user ID> | Name for the user. |
<privilege level> | Access privilege of the user. This privilege level can be no higher than the level of the user that is entering this command. |
dspusers, adduser
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
The dncon command temporarily downs a connection. The typical purpose of dncon is some form of operational modification or troubleshooting. You can subsequently up the connection with upcon.
Down Connection
dncon <slot >.<port>.<vpi>.<vci>
where the connection specification has the format slot.port.vpi.vci.
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The dnport command downs a port. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Down Port
<PortNum> | PortNum = 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Do not update standby
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 0 |
The dspadrxlat command displays the address translation table.
Display Address Translation Table
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: Any User |
A typical response is shown below:
This command displays detailed status and configuration information for a specified AIMUX group.
Display AIM Group Status and Configuration
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number for the group to be displayed (range is 1...8) |
addaimgrp, delaimgrp, cnfaimgrps, dspaimgrps
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command displays all the AIMUX related counters for a line in an AIMUX group.
Display AIM Group Count
dspaimgrpcnt <aimux_grp> <line_num>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number (range is 1...8) |
<line_num> | line number (range is 1...8) |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command displays the status and configuration information for all current AIMUX groups.
Display Status and Configuration of All AIM Groups
addaimgrp, delaimgrp, cnfaimgrps, dspaimgrp
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
This command displays all the AIMUX line counters for the specified line in an IMA trunk.
Display AIM (or Display IMA) Line Count
dspaimlncnt <aimux_grp> <line_num>
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number (range is 1...8) |
<line_num> | line number (range is 1...8) |
clraimlncnt, clrimalncnt, dspimalncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The dspalm command displays the alarms for a line.
Display Alarms for a Line
dspalm <-ds3> | <-e3> |<plcp> | <-ds1> | <-srmds3> <LineNum>
-ds1, <LineNum> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card
-ds3, <LineNum> = 1
-e3, <LineNum> = 1
-plcp, <PLCPNum> = 1
-srmds3, <LineNum> is in the range 1-3
For an MGX 8220 shelf with a BNM-155, the syntax is
dspalm -sonet
clralm, dspalms
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspalm -plcp 1
On an ASC, display any alarm on the PLCP line.
PLCPNum: 1
PLCPAlarmState: No Alarm
PLCPStatisticalAlarmState: No Statistical Alarms
dspalm -sonet
On an ASC, display any alarm on the BNM-155 SONET line.
dspalm -ds1 5
On a CESM 8 card, display any alarm on line 5.
LineNum: 5
LineAlarmState: Alarm(s) On -- RcvLOS
LineStatisticalAlarmState: No Statistical Alarms
The dspalmcnf command displays the threshold information about the alarm statistics being collected.
Display Alarm Configuration
dspalmcnf <-ds3 LineNum> | <-e3 LineNum> | <-plcp PLCPNum> | <-ds1 LineNum> |
<-srmds3 LineNum>
On an ASC (BNM-T3), <LineNum> and <PLCPNum> = 1
On an FRSM or AUSM, <LineNum> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card
On an SRM-3T3, <LineNum> is in the range 1-3
For an ASC and the shelf configured with a BNM-155, the syntax is
dspalmcnf -sonetsec <SectionLineNum> | -sonetline<LineLineNum> | -sonetpath <PathLineNum>
dspalm, dspalms
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspalmcnf -ds1 1
Display the alarm configuration for line 4 on the current FRSM (slot 7 in this example).
Severity AlarmUpCount AlarmDnCount AlarmThreshold
Line Red / RAIS NE / FE NE / FE NE / FE
---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
7.4 Major/Minor 6/1 1500/6 1/1500
dspalmcnf -ds3 1
Display the alarm configuration for the current ASC.
LineNum: 1
RedSeverity: Major
RAISeverity: Minor
NEAlarmUpCount: 6
NEAlarmDnCount: 1
NEAlarmThreshold: 150
FEAlarmUpCount: 6
FEAlarmDnCount: 1
FEAlarmThreshold: 150
StatisticalAlarmSeverity: Minor
LCV15minThreshold: 3870
LCV24hrThreshold: 38650
LES15minThreshold: 86
LES24hrThreshold: 864 PSES24hrThreshold: 40
LSES15minThreshold: 4 SEFS15minThreshold: 120
LSES24hrThreshold: 40 SEFS24hrThreshold: 1200
PCV15minThreshold: 382 AISS15minThreshold: 120
PCV24hrThreshold: 3820 AISS24hrThreshold: 1200
PES15minThreshold: 86 UAS15minThreshold: 120
PES24hrThreshold: 864 UAS24hrThreshold: 1200
PSES15minThreshold: 4
dspalmcnf -sonetsec 1
Display the alarm configuration for the current ASC for SONET section 1 on BNM-155.
The dspalmcnt command displays the alarm counters and statistics.
Display Alarm Count
Syntax ASC for BNM-T3:
Syntax ASC for BNM-155:
clralmcnt, clralmcnts
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspalmcnt -ds3 1
Display alarm count for line 1 of an ASC.
LineNum: 1
LCVCurrent: 0
LCVLast15minBucket: 0
LCVLast24hrBucket: 0
LESCurrent: 0
LESLast15minBucket: 0
LESLast24hrBucket: 0
LSESCurrent: 0
LSESLast15minBucket: 0
LSESLast24hrBucket: 0
PCVCurrent: 0
PCVLast15minBucket: 0
PCVLast24hrBucket: 0
PESCurrent: 0
PESLast15minBucket: 0
PESLast24hrBucket: 0
PSESCurrent: 0
PSESLast15minBucket: 0
PSESLast24hrBucket: 0
SEFSCurrent: 0
SEFSLast15minBucket: 0
SEFSLast24hrBucket: 0
AISSCurrent: 0
AISSLast15minBucket: 0
AISSLast24hrBucket: 0
UASCurrent: 0
UASLast15minBucket: 0
UASLast24hrBucket: 0
PercentEFS: 100
RcvLOSCount: 1
RcvOOFCount: 1
RcvRAICount: 4
RcvCCVCount: 0
RcvFECount: 0
dspalmcnt -ds1 1
Display alarms and counters for line 1 on the current FRSM.
Line RcvLOSCount RcvOOFCount RcvRAICount RcvFECount
---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------
11.1 1 2 17 2
dspalmcnt -sonet 1
Display alarms and counters for line 1 on the BNM-155.
| LineCurrentValidFlag:
| PathCurrentValidFlag:
dspalmcnt -ds1 5
Display alarms and counters for line 5 on the current CESM.
Line RcvLOSCount RcvOOFCount RcvRAICount RcvFECount
---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------
9.5 1 2 17 2
The dspalms command displays the alarms on the card.
Display All Alarms on Card
-<lineType> | lineType can be ds3, plcp, ds1, or srmds3 |
For an MGX 8220 shelf configured with a BNM-155, the syntax is
dspalms -sonet (the resulting display is the same as for the dspalm command)
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspalms -ds1 7
Display alarms on the current FRSM (slot 7, in this case)
Line AlarmState StatisticalAlarmState
---- ----------- ---------------------
7.1 Alarm(s) On No Statistical Alarms
7.2 No Alarms No Statistical Alarms
7.3 No Alarms No Statistical Alarms
7.4 No Alarms No Statistical Alarms
The dspbert command displays the status of the current bit error rate test.
Display Bit Error Rate Test
interface format is
cnfbert, startbert, modbert, delbert
AXISNAME.1.3.ASC.a > dspbert
User : SuperUser
Start Date : 01/29/97
Current Date : 01/29/97
Start Time : 06:51:14
Current Time : 06:51:18
Physical Slot Number : 8
Logical Slot Number : 8
Line Number : 1
Port Number : 25 (Port test)
DS0 Speed : 56K
Test Type : BERT Pattern Test
Device Looped : Latching CSU Device
BERT Pattern : 2^9 Pattern
Bit Count : 173544
Bit Error Count : 6
Error Inject Count : 1
BERT is in sync.
The dspbnmcnt command displays the cell counters on the BNM.
Display BNM Cell Counter
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Port RcvCells XmtCells
1 17319744 33521472
PortCounterNumOfValidEntries: 1
CellbusXmtCellCount: 147842
CellbusNoAckCellCount: 147812
CellbusGrantCount: 158267
EgressXmtCellCountDuringAlarm: 16
EgressInvalidCellCount: 10424
EgressInvalidCellHdr: 0
IngressInvalidCellCount: 0
IngressInvalidCellHdr 0
The dspbnmif command displays the interface format (STI, UNI, or NNI) for the BNM-155 trunk card.
Display BNM Interface
shelf.1.3.ASC.a > dspbnmif
The system responds by displaying the BNM line interface format.
bnmLineInterfaceFormat: bnmSti
Displays an existing BSC STUN port from an FRASM line.
Displays BSC STUN Port
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
addbscport, dspbscports
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspsdlcport 69
Displays the current configuration settings for the BSC port 69. A typical display is shown below.
PortNum: | 69 |
RowStatus: | Add |
Role: | Primary |
Pause: | 10 |
Serv Lim: | 3 |
Poll Time Out: | 10 |
Recovery Retries: | 5 |
Displays the configuration of all existing BSC STUN FRASM ports.
Displays BSC STUN ports
addbscport, dspbscport
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the current configuration settings for each existing BSC port. A typical display for a single port is shown below.
Port | Status | Role | Pause | ServLim | PollTimeOut | Retries |
69 | Add | Prim | 10 | 3 | 10 | 5 |
Number of BSC ports: 1
This command displays the current values of the BSC counters for a specified port.
Display BSC Port Count.
<port_num> | port number to display the current values of the BSC counters, in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dspbscportcnt 12
Displays the ls counter values for port 12 and logical address 0x01.
A typical display is shown below.
UnknownCUReceived | 1 |
SoftErrors | 2 |
HardErrors | 0 |
Protocol Violations | 0 |
This command displays the current values of the BSC CU counters for a specified port and CU address.
Display BSC CU Count.
dspbsccucount <port_num> <cuaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the port to display the current values of the BSC CU counters in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<cuaddress> | address of the controller unit in the range 0x01-0xFE |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dspbsccucount 12 0x01
Displays the BSC CU counter values for port 12 and CU address 0x01. A typical display is shown below.
Address | 231 |
State | 2 |
BytesSent | 4748 |
BytesReceived | 2387 |
TotalFramesSent | 12 |
TotalFramesReceived | 8 |
DataFramesSent | 4 |
DataFramesReceived | 3 |
SoftErrors | 1 |
HardErrors | 0 |
ProtocolViolations | 0 |
This command displays a BSTUN protocol group.
Display BSTUN Protocol Group
<group_num> | number by which the group is to be known in the range 1-255 |
addbstungroup, delbstungroup, dspbstungroups
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspbstungroup 2
Displays the current configuration settings for BSTUN group number 2. A typical display is shown below.
GroupNum: | 2 |
Type: | BSC |
LocalAck: | True |
This command displays all currently active BSTUN protocol groups.
Display BSTUN Protocol Groups
addbstungroup, delbstungroup, dspbstungroup
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Displays the current configuration settings for each existing BSTUN group. A typical display for a single port is shown below.
Group Num | Type |
2 | BSC |
Number of BSTUN protocol groups: 1
This command displays a BSTUN port.
For more information about using BSTUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Display BSTUN Port
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
addbstunport, delbstunport, dspbstunports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspbstunport 2
Displays BSTUN port 2.
This command displays all currently active BSTUN ports.
For more information about using BSTUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Display BSTUN Ports
addbstunport, delbstunport, dspbstunport
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command displays the parameter values for a BSTUN route.
Display BSTUN Route
dspbstunroute <port_num> <cuaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the BSTUN route to be displayed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | address of the BSC CU in the range 1-255 |
addbstunroute, delbstunroute, dspbstunroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspbstunroute 69 3
Displays the BStun Route for port 69, cuaddress of 3.
A typical display is shown below.
PortNum: | 69 |
RowStatus: | Add |
Cuaddress: | 3 |
Chan Num: | 69 |
LSAP: | 5 |
LocalAck: | true |
This command displays the parameter values for all current BSTUN routes.
Display BSTUN Routes
addbstunroute, delbstunroute, dspbstunroute
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
A typical display is shown below.
Port | Status | Address | Channel (LCN) | LSAP |
69 | Add | 3 | 69 | 5 |
Number of BSTUN routes: 1
This command displays the data-receive buffer overflow amount.
Displays Buffer Overflow
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 0 |
nsaxis1.1.7.FRSM.a > dspbufoverflow
A typical display is shown below.
Data Receive Buffer Overflow: 0x00000000
The dspclksrc command displays the current clock source.
Display Current Clock Source
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the current clock source for the MGX 8220 shelf.
PrimaryClockSource: Internal Oscillator
SecondaryClockSource: External T1/E1 from C.O.
CurrentClockSource: Internal Oscillator
ClockSwitchState: NoChange
ExtClkPresent: Not Present
ExtClkSrcImpedance: 75 ohms
ExtClkConnectorType: BNC
This command displays characteristics of the current card's hardware and firmware and information on its status. Card characteristics include serial number and hardware and firmware revision levels. Status may include the reason for the last reset (FunctionModuleRestReason) and state of the integrated alarm (cardIntegratedAlarm), which can be useful in debugging the card or the BPX 8650 switch, respectively. Some of the information is common to the version command display, but version shows boot code version in bold.
Display Card
cnfcd, dspcds, version
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
On an AUSM:
ModuleSlotNumber: 14
FunctionModuleState: Active
FunctionModuleType: AUSM-4T1
FunctionModuleSerialNum: FNTYPE
FunctionModuleHWRev: fk
FunctionModuleFWRev: model-A 2.0.00
FunctionModuleResetReason: Reset by ASC from PIO
LineModuleType: LM-DB15-4T1
LineModuleState: Present
mibVersionNumber: 4
configChangeTypeBitMap: CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng
cardIntegratedAlarm: Minor
cardMinorAlarmBitMap: Channel failure
MGX 82203.1.14.AUSM.a >
On an ASC:
ModuleSlotNumber: 4
FunctionModuleState: Active
FunctionModuleType: ASC
FunctionModuleSerialNum: 152698
FunctionModuleHWRev: p1
FunctionModuleFWRev: eqa2.0g
FunctionModuleResetReason: WatchDog timeout reset
LineModuleType: LM-ASC
LineModuleState: Present
mibVersionNumber: 0
configChangeTypeBitMap: No changes
cardIntegratedAlarm: Clear
On an FRSM:
ModuleSlotNumber: 7
FunctionModuleState: Active
FunctionModuleType: FRSM-4T1
FunctionModuleSerialNum: 189142
FunctionModuleHWRev: aj
FunctionModuleFWRev: eqa2.0g
FunctionModuleResetReason: Power reset
LineModuleType: LM-DB15-4T1
LineModuleState: Present
mibVersionNumber: 4
configChangeTypeBitMap: CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng
cardIntegratedAlarm: Clear
The dspcderrs command displays information on the card errors.
Display Card Errors
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
If no errors have occurred, no messages appear on screen.
08/05/95-18:53:05 tRootTask 3 Task failed : scm
09/05/95-09:14:08 tRootTask 3 Task failed : scm
value = 0 = 0x0
The dspcds command displays the status of all the cards in the MGX 8220 shelf.
Display Card Shelf Information
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Executed from an ASC.
Slot CardState CardType CardAlarmStatus
---- ----------- -------- ---------------
1.1 Standby BNM-T3
1.2 Active BNM-T3
1.3 Standby ASC
1.4 Active ASC
1.5 Active FRSM-4T1 Major
1.6 Active FRSM-4T1
1.7 Active FRSM-4T1
1.8 Active FRSM-4T1
1.9 Empty
1.10 Active FRSM-4T1
1.11 Active FRSM-4T1
1.12 Active FRSM-4T1
1.13 Active FRSM-4T1
1.14 Active FRSM-4T1
1.15 Standby SRM-4T1/E1
1.16 Active SRM-4T1/E1
NumOfValidEntries: 16
NodeName: MGX 8220NAME
Date: 11/22/95
Time: 07:40:03
TimeZone: PST
TimeZoneGMTOff: -8
ShelfIntegratedAlarm: Major
Syntax : dspcds
Displays the parameter values associated with the specified channel.
Display Channel
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspchans, cnfchan
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspchan 69
Display the channel characteristics of channel 69 on an FRSM card.
ChanNum: 69
ChanRowStatus: Mod
ChanPortNum: 1
ChanDLCI: 100
EgressQSelect: 1
IngressQDepth: 65535
IngressQDEThresh: 32768
IngressQECNThresh: 65535
EgressQDepth: 65535
EgressQDEThresh: 32768
EgressQECNThresh: 6553
DETaggingEnable: Disabled
CIR: 24000
Bc: 5100
Be: 5100
IBS: 100
ForeSightEnable: Enabled
QIR: 260
MIR: 62
PIR: 500
ChanLocalRemoteLpbkState: Enabled
ChanTestType: TestOff
ChanTestState: NotInProgress
ChanRTDresult: 65535 ms
ChanType: NIW
ChanFECNmap: setEFCIzero
ChanDEtoCLPmap: mapCLP
ChanCLPtoDEmap: mapDE
ChanNumNextAvailable: 17
For an AUSM, the display is the same as for the dspcon display.
dspchan 32
Display the channel characteristics of channel 32 on a CESM8 card.
ChanNum: 32
ChanRowStatus: Add
ChanLineNum: 4
ChanMapVpi: 6
ChanMapVci: 43
ChanCBRService: unstructured
ChanClockMode: Synchronous
ChanCAS: Basic
ChanPartialFill: 40
ChanMaxBufSize: 6144 bytes
ChanCDV: 10625 micro seconds
C L I P: 2500 milliseconds
ChanLocalRemoteLpbkState: Disabled
ChanTestType: TestOff
ChanTestState: NotInProgress
ChanRTDresult: 65535 ms
ChanPortNum 4
ChanConnType PVC
ISDetType DetectionDisabled
CondData 255
CondSignalling 10
ExtISTrig DisableIdleSupression
ISIntgnPeriod 4095 seconds
ISSignallingCode 0
OnHookCode 1
ChanNumNextAvailable: 32
Displays the counter contents of a channel.
Display Channel Count
<channel number> | 16-271 for 4 port AUSM4P / FRSM4P |
clrchancnt, clrchancnts
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspchancnt 69
Display the counters for channel 69 of current FRSM and for channel 16 of the AUSM.
ChanNum: 69
ChanState: okay
ChanUpTime: 10186
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
AbitState: Sending A=1 Receiving A=1
ATMState: Not sending any state Not receiving any state
Total Frames: 0 0
Total Bytes: 0 0
Frames DE: 0 0
Bytes DE: 0 0
Frames Discarded: 0 0
Bytes Discarded: 0 0
FramesDiscXceedQDepth: 0 0
BytesDiscXceedQDepth: 0 0
FramesDiscXceedDEThresh: 0 0
Frames FECN: 0 0
Frames BECN: 0 0
FramesTagged FECN: 0 0
FramesTagged BECN: 0 0
KbpsAIR: 0 0
FramesTaggedDE: 0 0
BytesTaggedDE: 0 0
RcvFramesDiscShelfAlarm: 0
XmtFramesDiscPhyLayerFail: 0
XmtFramesDiscCRCError: 0
XmtFramesDiscReAssmFail: 0
XmtFramesDiscSrcAbort: 0
XmtFramesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtBytesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
RcvFramesDiscUPC: 0
XmtFramesInvalidCPIs: 0
XmtFramesLengthViolations: 0
XmtFramesOversizedSDUs: 0
XmtFramesUnknownProtocols: 0
RcvFramesUnknownProtocols: 0
ChanNum: 16
ChannelState: Active
ChannelEgressRcvState: Normal
ChannelEgressXmitState: Normal
ChannelIngressRcvState: Normal
ChannelIngressXmtState: Normal
ChanInServiceSeconds: 1126725
ChanIngressPeakQDepth(cells): 1
ChanIngressReceiveCells: 41160574
ChanIngressClpSetCells: 0
ChanIngressEfciSetRcvCells: 0
ChanIngressUpcClpSetCells: 0
ChanIngressQfullDiscardCells: 1
ChanIngressClpSetDiscardCells: 0
ChanIngressTransmitCells: 41160574
ChanShelfAlarmDiscardCells: 0
Syntax : dspchancnt "chan_num"
channel number -- value ranging from 16 to 271
The dspchanmap command displays interworking field mapping for a specified channel.
Display Channel Map
<channel number> | channel number is in the range 16-271 for a 4-port card, 16-1015 for an 8-port card. |
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any |
dspchanmap 20
Display the interworking field mapping for channel 20 on the current FRSM.
chanNum chanType FECNmap Demap CLPmap
------------- -------- ------- ------ ------
20 NIW setEFCIzero mapCLP mapDE
This command displays all the current channels on the card.
Display Channels
dspchan, addchan, delchan
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the channels on the current FRSM.
DLCI Chan EQ I/EQDepth I/EQDEThre I/EECNThre Fst/DE Type Alarm
------------- ---- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- 69 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 70 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 71 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 72 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 73 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 74 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 75 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 76 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 77 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 78 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 79 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 80 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 81 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 82 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 83 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 84 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 85 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
For an AUSM, the display is the same as for the dspcon display.
Displays the current statistics of a channel.
Display Channel Statistics
dspchstats <line#><1st_DS0><DLCI>
<line#> | line number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<1st_DS0> | 1st_DS0 is in the range of 1-24 for T1, 1-32 for E1 |
<DLCI> | DLCI is the connection for which the statistics are to be displayed |
Log: No State: Any Privilege: 1-6
dspchstats 2.4.1000
Display the counters for line 2, 1st_DS0 of 4, and DLCI of 1000 for the current FRSM.
lineNum: 1
Physical Port Num: 4
Logical Port Num: 2
ChanDLCI: 1000
ChanNum: 1
ChanState: okay
ChanUpTime: 10186
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
AbitState: Sending A=1 Receiving A=1
ATMState: Not sending any state Not receiving any state
Total Frames: 0 0
Total Bytes: 0 0
Frames DE: 0 0
Bytes DE: 0 0
Frames Discarded: 0 0
Bytes Discarded: 0 0
FramesDiscXceedQDepth: 0 0
BytesDiscXceedQDepth: 0 0
FramesDiscXceedDEThresh: 0 0
Frames FECN: 0 0
Frames BECN: 0 0
FramesTagged FECN: 0 0
FramesTagged BECN: 0 0
KbpsAIR: 0 0
FramesTaggedDE: 0 0
BytesTaggedDE: 0 0
RcvFramesDiscShelfAlarm: 0
XmtFramesDiscPhyLayerFail: 0
XmtFramesDiscCRCError: 0
XmtFramesDiscReAssmFail: 0
XmtFramesDiscSrcAbort: 0
XmtFramesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtBytesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
RcvFramesDiscUPC: 0
XmtFramesInvalidCPIs: 0
XmtFramesLengthViolations: 0
XmtFramesOversizedSDUs: 0
XmtFramesUnknownProtocols: 0
RcvFramesUnknownProtocols: 0
Displays configuration data for a connection.
Display Connection
<channel number> | channel number is in the range 16-271 for a 4-port card, 16-1015 for an 8-port card
addcon, delcon, dspcons
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspcon 16
Display the connection parameters for channel 16.
ChanNum: 16
RowStatus: Add
ConnectionType: VCC
ServiceType: CBR
PortNum: 1
VPI: 10
VCI: 100
EgressQNum: 1
IngressQDepth (cells): 100
IngressQCLPHigh (cells): 70
IngressQCLPLow (cells): 60
IngressEfciThreshold (cells): 50
CompliantCellDelayVariation (micro secs): 0
CompliantInfoRate (cells/sec): 0
InitialBurstSize (cells): 0
MaxFrameSize (cells): 0
PeakInformationRate (cells/sec) 1000
CLPTagEnable: Disabled
FrameGCRAEnable: Disabled
Displays details of all connections between the current AUSM and the BNI to which the current shelf attaches.
Display Connections
dspcon, addcon, delcon
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display parameters for the connections on the current AUSM.
Chan Port.VPI.VCI ConnType Service Type PCRlot1 Q-Depth State
30 1.10.100 VCC ABR 3622 2000 Active
33 1.10.200 VPC CBR 3622 100 Alarm
Command to display the results of the diagnostic tests. It displays the result of the last run and also the number of times the test has passed and the number of times the test has failed are also displayed.
Display diagnostics results
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
Displays the Pass and Fail count for all the configured tests
ID Test Name Result Pass Count Fail Count
-- ------------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
1 SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test PASS 4518 0
2 SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test PASS 4833 0
Command to display the list of tests that are currently configured as part of online Diagnostics.
adddiagtest, cnfdiagtest, cnfdiagparams, clralldiagtests
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
Displays the list of configured test(s)
ID Test Name State Start Time Period Iteratns Param1
-- ------------------------------- ----- ---------- ------ -------- ------
1 SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test Active FOREVER 1 FOREVER N/A
2 SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test Act/Stb FOREVER 1 FOREVER N/A
Online Diagnostics : RUNNING
This command displays the parameters of the DS3 line.
Display DS3 Line
"line_num" | value of 1 is accepted for IMATM-T3T1/E3E1 |
dspds3ln "1"
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dspds3ln "1"
LineNum: | 1 |
LineType: | dsx3CbitParity. Means that the line supports ANSI T1.107a-1989 for defining the transport of SDH elements on PDH networks. |
LineCoding: | dsx3B3ZS. Describes the type of zero code suppression (3B3ZS) used on line 1. |
LineLength: | < 450 ft. |
LineOOFCriteria: | 3 Out of 8. Means that an OOF (out of framing) condition is declared if at least 3 of 8 framing bits are in error. |
LineAIScBitsCheck: | Ignor C-bit. Means that an AIS (alarm indication signal) condition is declared when the AIS pattern 1010... is detected irrespective of the state of the C Bits. |
LineLoopbackCommand: | NoLoop. Means that this line is not currently in the loopback state. A device that is not capable of performing a loopback will always return this value. |
LineRcvFEACValidation: | 4 Out of 5. This entry specifies the FEAC (far-end alarm and control) code validation criteria. When 4 Out of 5 is specified then a valid FEAC code is declared if 4 of 5 codes match. |
This command displays the parameters of all DS3 lines.
Display DS3 Lines
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
Line | Type | Coding | Length | Criteria | AIS |
----- | ------------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ----------- | ----- |
8.1 | dsx3CbitParity | dsx3B3ZS | < 450 ft. | 3 Out of 8 | Ignor C-bit |
This command displays the parameter values for an FRASBNN route.
Display FrasBNN Route
dspfrasbnnroute <port_num> <lsaddress>
<port_num> | Port number of the FrasBNN connection to be routed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1. |
<lsaddress> | Address of the SDLC Link Station in the range 0x01-xFE. |
addfrasbnnroute, delfrasbnnroute, dspfrasbnnroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspfrasbnnroute 69 3
Displays the FrasBNN Route for port 69, lsaddress of 3.
A typical display is shown below.
PortNum: | 69 |
RowStatus: | Add |
Lsaddress: | 3 |
Chan Num: | 69 |
LSAP: | 5 |
RSAP | 7 |
THType: | None |
This command displays the parameter values for all current FrasBNN routes.
Display FrasBNN Routes
addfrasbnnroute, delfrasbnnroute
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The dspifip command displays the interface addresses configured for the card. These addresses can be Ethernet, SLIP, and ATM.
Display LAN IP Configuration
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the IP LAN configuration.
IPAddress Interface NetMask BroadcastAddress
----------- --------- --------------- ---------------- Ethernet Slip N/A ATM N/A
The dspfst command displays the ForeSight parameters for the current card.
Display ForeSight
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 4 |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 2 |
Displays the current revision levels of the firmware in the MGX 8220 shelf.
Display Firmware Revisions
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
A typical response is shown below:
Cfg Size Date Time File Name Card Type Version
--- -------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------ ----------
n/a 1632340 03/25/1998 10:40:44 asc.fw ASC 4.0.06
Yes 746224 03/25/1998 11:54:10 sm30.fw FRSM-4T1E1 4.0.06
Yes 727584 03/25/1998 12:01:44 sm40.fw AUSM-4T1E1 4.0.05
Yes 701124 03/26/1998 10:49:48 sm35.fw FRSM-8T1E1 4.0.06
Yes 988468 03/26/1998 11:07:08 sm50.fw AUSM-8T1E1 4.0.05
Yes 552896 03/26/1998 11:11:16 sm90.fw CESM-8T1E1 4.1.00aa
The dspilmi command displays the interim local management interface (ILMI) configuration.
Display ILMI
<port_num> | port_num is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
cnfilmi, dspilmicnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspilmi 1
Display the ILMI configuration for port 1.
Port Num: 1
Signalling: No signalling
SignallingVPI: 0
SignallingVCI: 0
ILMITrap: Disabled
ILMI-Min-Trap-Interval (secs): 1
KeepAlivePolling: Disabled
ErrorThreshold: 3
EventThreshold: 4
PollingInterval (secs): 30
MinimumEnquiryInterval (secs): 10
EXT Operation: port 2
The dspilmicnt command displays the ILMI counters.
Display ILMI Counters
<port_num> | port_num is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
cnfilmi, dspilmi
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspilmicnt 1
Display the ILMI counters for port 1 on the current AUSM card.
Port Num: 1
SNMPPDUsReceived: 0
Get RequestsReceived: 0
GetNextRequestsReceived: 0
SetRequestsReceived: 0
TrapReceived: 0
GetResponseReceived 0
GetResponseTransmitted: 0
GetRequestTransmitted: 0
TrapsTransmitted: 0
InvalidPDUReceived: 0
Asn1ParseError: 0
NoSuchNameError: 0
TooBigError: 0
The dspimagrp command displays delay and resilient links IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) parameters on the current AUSM8 or IMATM card.
Display IMA Group
cnfimagrp, dspimagrps, dspimagrpcnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command displays IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) counters on the current AUSM8 or IMATM card for all IMA groups.
Display IMA Group Counters
dspimagrp, dspimagrpcnt, dspimagrps, dspimainfo, dspimalncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The dspimagrps command displays IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) parameters for AUSM.
Display IMA Groups
dspimagrp, cnfimagrp, dspimagrps, dspimagrpcnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command displays information about IMA (inverse multiplexing ATM) parameters on the current AUSM8 card.
Display AIM (or Display IMA) Information
dspimagrp, cnfimagrp
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command displays all the AIMUX line counters for the specified IMA group.
Display AIM (or Display IMA) Line Counters
<aimux_grp> | AIMUX group number |
clraimlncnt, clrimalncnt, dspimalncnt
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The dspintvl command displays interval statistics for BNM-155 trunk card.
Display Interval
dspintvl -sonetsec <sonetsecLineNumber> -intvl <intervalNum>|-sonetline <sonetLineLineNumber> -intvl<intervalNum>|sonetPathLineNum <sonetPathLineNumber> -intvl <intervalNum>
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
The dsplink command displays a link on a T3 line on an SRM-3T3 card.
Display Link
<T3 Line number> | SRM-3T3 T3 line number (range 1-3) |
dellink, addlink
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
T3Line | StartT | TRowStatus | TargetSlot | TargetSlotLine |
1 | 1 | Add | 7 | 1 |
1 | 2 | Add | 7 | 2 |
1 | 3 | Add | 7 | 3 |
1 | 4 | Add | 7 | 4 |
Displays an existing LLC port from an FRASM line.
Displays LLC Port
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
addllcport, dspllcports
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspllcport 46
Displays the current configuration settings for the LLC port 46. A typical display is shown below.
ChanNum: | 46 |
RowStatus: | Add |
AckDelayTime: | Primary |
AckMax: | Multipoint |
IdleTime: | 10 sec(s) |
N2: | Disable |
T1: | Enable |
TBusyTime: | 7 |
TPFTime: | 12000 bit(s) |
REjTime: | 20 |
XIDNegValTime: | 1 |
XIDRetryTime: | 10 |
FlowRestartTimeThreshold: | 10000 |
FlowWindowDivisor: | Disabled |
Displays the configuration of all existing LLC FRASM ports.
Displays LLC ports
addllcport, dspllcport
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the current configuration settings for each existing LLC port. A typical display for a single port is shown below.
Chan | Status | AckDelay/AckMax | IdleTime | N2 | T1 |
46 | Add/Prim | Mul | 10 | Dis | Ena |
Number of LLC ports: 1
This command displays the current values of the LLC counters for a specified channel.
Display LLC Port Count
<chan_num> | channel number of the LLC connection to be routed in the range 16-1015 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dspllcportcnt 22
Displays the LLC counter values for channel 22.
A typical display is shown below.
PDUsIn | 3480 |
PDUsOut | 3128 |
OctetsIn | 5220000 |
OctetsOut | 4692000 |
TESTCommansIn | 5 |
TESTCommandsOut | 11 |
LocalBusies | 2 |
UnknownSaps | 4 |
The dsplmiloop command displays the loop configuration of the ATM LMI interface.
Display LMILloop
addlmiloop, dellmiloop
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Any user |
shelf.1.3.ASC.a > dsplmiloop
A typical response is shown below:
AtmLMILoopback: Loop
This command displays the Annex-G LMI statistics.
Display LMI Statistics
cnflmiparms, cnfelmi, clrlmistats
Log: No State | State: Active | Privilege: 1 - 6 |
Displays all the Annex-G LMI parameters and counters.
Enabled: EnhAuto Status: Clear
VPI.VCI: 3.31
Polling: Ena Interval: 10
T393: 5 N394: 1
T394: 30 N395: 10
WaitStatus: 0 WaitStAck: 0
StatusPoll: 0 WaitNodeAck: 0
Poll SM: 0 Poll LCN: 0
Retry Timer: 0 Retry Count: 1
Poll Timer: 5 Trans Num: 86
Status Rx: 86 Status Tx: 88
UpdtStatus Rx: 0 UpdtStatus Tx: 0
Status Enq Rx: 88 Status Enq Tx: 87
Status Ack Rx: 0 Status Ack Tx: 0
NodeStatus Rx: 79 NodeStatus Tx: 0
NodeStaAck Rx: 0 NodeStaAck Tx: 79
Bad PDU Rx: 0 Bad PDU Len Rx: 0
Unknown PDU Rx: 0 Invalid I.E. Rx: 0
Invalid Trans: 0 Timeout Failure: 0
LMI Rev. Supported: 3 BPX Status: OK
LMI Rev. Negotiated: 3
BPX IP Addr:
The dspln command displays the detailed configuration for a specified line. When the current card is an ASC, the line is:
Display Line Configuration
<line number> | line number can be 1 on an ASC and 1-4 on 4-port service modules and 1-8 on 8-port service modules |
On SRM-3T3 cards
dspln <-srmds3> <line number>
<line number> | line number can be 1-3 |
On SONET cards
dspln <-SONET> <line number>
<line number> | line number can be 1-2 |
addln, cnfln, delln
Log: No | State: Active on ASC, any state on FRSM, AUSM, or SRM-3T3 | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspln 2
Display line 2 on the current AUSM card.
LineNum: 2
LineConnectorType: BNC
LineType: dsx1E1CAS
LineEnable: Enabled
LineCoding: dsx1HDB3
LineLength: G.703 75 ohm
LineXmtClockSource: LocalTiming
LineLoopbackCommand: NoLoop
LineSendCode: NoCode
LineUsedTimeslotsBitMap: 0xffffffff
ConfigChangePortBitMap: 0x0
LineNumOfValidEntries: 4
dspln 1
Display line 1 on the current ASC (1 is the only valid line number on an ASC).
LineNum: 1
LineType: dsx3CbitParity
LineCoding: dsx3B3ZS
LineLength: LessThan450ft
LineOOFCriteria: 3 out of 8
LineAIScBitsCheck: Check C-bits
LineLoopbackCommand: NoLoop
LineRcvFEACValidation: 4 out of 5 FEAC codes
LineNumOfValidEntries: 1
sonetLineNum: 1
dspln 5
Display line 5 on the current CESM8 card.
LineNum: 5
LineConnectorType: RJ-48
LineEnable: Enabled
LineType: dsx1ESF
LineCoding: dsx1B8ZS
LineLength: 0-131 ft
LineXmtClockSource: LocalTiming
LineLoopbackCommand: NoLoop
LineSendCode: NoCode
LineUsedTimeslotsBitMap: 0x0
LineLoopbackCodeDetection: codeDetectDisabled
LineNumOfValidEntries: 8
The dsplns command displays the configuration for all lines on the current card. The displayed parameters depend on the card.
Display Lines
addln, cnfln, delln
Log: No | State: Active on ASC, any state on FRSM, CESM, or AUSM | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display lines on the current FRSM card.
Line ConnType Type Enable/Coding Length XmtClockSource
---- -------- ------------ ------- -------- ------------- --------------
7.1 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
7.2 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
7.3 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
7.4 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
LineNumOfValidEntries: 4
Display lines on the current ASC with BNM-T3 trunk card.
Line Type Coding Length Criteria AIScBitsCheck
---- -------------- -------- ------------- ----------- -------------
2.1 dsx3CbitParity dsx3B3ZS LessThan450ft 3 out of 8 Check C-bits
LineNumOfValidEntries: 1
Display lines on the current ASC with BNM-155 trunk card.
Medium Medium Medium Medium
Sonet Line Line HSC Payload Frame Time Valid Line Line
Line Type Lpbk mask Scramble Scramble Elapsed Intvls Coding Type
---- -------------- -------- ------------- ----------- ------------------
LineNumOfValidEntries: 1
Display lines on the current CESM card.
Line Conn Type Status/Coding Length XmtClock Alarm Stats
Type Source Alarm
---- ----- ------------ ------ -------- ------------- -------- ----- -----
11.1 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim
11.2 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim No No
11.3 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim
11.4 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim
11.5 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim Yes No
11.6 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim
11.7 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim Yes No
11.8 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim
LineNumOfValidEntries: 8
The dsploads command displays the connection load at a port. This helps to determine whether adding more connections is advisable. The display shows the load in cells per second. The layout of the display is in rows and columns. One column exists for each port, and one row exists for each connection type. If the traffic is exceeding the bandwidth configured for the port, an "overload" message appears at the bottom of the column for the overloaded port.
Display Loads
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the load on the current AUSM.
Load Display for AUSM ports
Port 1 Port2 Port3 Port4
CBR (based on PCR0+1) 0 0 0 0
VBR (based on PCR0+1) 0 0 0 0
ABR (based on MCR) 64000 64000 64000 64000
Total 64000 64000 64000 64000
Load Status OverloadOverloadOverloadOverload
Note: All Cell Rates are multiplied by respective
Percentage Utilization factors
The dsplog command displays the events and messages in the log. The most recent events appear at the top of the list.
This command displays the MGX 8220 log. If no parameters are entered, the entire log for all cards in the shelf is displayed. The log for a particular card and/or for only a number of most recent days can be specified.
Display Event/Message Log
dsplog [<slot#>] [<no. of days>]
<slot#> | slot number of the card for which the log is to be displayed |
<no. of days> | number of most recent days to be included in the display |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-5 |
Display all five available logs for each card on the shelf.
04/01/70-13:10:03 tRootTask 2 Illegal msg received
04/01/70-13:10:07 aum 1312 local IP address not programmed
03/01/70-20:11:31 smm 1207 slave ack timeout
Displays an existing SDLC Link Station.
Display SDLC LS (Link Station)
dspls <port number> <lsaddress>
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | Link Station address in the range 1-254 |
addls, dells, cnfls, dsplss
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dspls 2 2
Displays the current configuration settings for the SDLC station on port 2 with station address 2.
A typical display is shown below.
PortNum: | 2 |
RowStatus: | Add |
LSAddress: | 15 |
HoldQ: | 12 |
LargestFrame: | 265 |
XID: | 1010(He) |
Echo: | False |
PartnerMACAddress: | 00000 |
This command displays the current values of the Link Station counters for a specified port and Link Station address.
Display LS Counters.
dsplscount <port_num> <lsaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the port to display the current values of the LS counters for; in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | address of link station in the range 0x01-0xFE (0xFF for STUN) |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dsplscount 12 0x01
Displays the Link Station counter values for port 12 and link station address 0x01.
A typical display is shown below.
BLUsIn | 2390 |
BLUsOut | 4530 |
Octets In | 3585000 |
OctetsOut | 6795000 |
Polls In | 7500 |
Polls Out | 8200 |
Poll Rsps In | 8200 |
Poll Rsps Out | 7500 |
Local Busies | 20 |
Remote Busies | 15 |
I Frames In | 1980 |
I Frames Out | 4120 |
UIFramesIn | 2970000 |
UIFramesOut | 6180000 |
XIDsIn | 22 |
XIDsOut | 37 |
TESTsIn | 43 |
TESTsOut | 64 |
REJsIn | 4 |
REJsOut | 7 |
FRMRsIn | 9 |
FRMRsOut | 5 |
SIMsIn | 11 |
SIMsOut | 2 |
RIMsIn | 2 |
RimsOut | 3 |
DISCIn | 1 |
DISCOut | 0 |
UAIn | 29 |
UAOut | 11 |
DMIn | 2 |
DMOut | 4 |
SNRMIn | 4 |
SNRMOut | 5 |
ProtocolErrs | 1 |
ActivityTOs | 2 |
RetriesExps | 3 |
RetransitsIn | 1 |
RetransmitsOut | 5 |
Displays the configuration of all existing SDLC Link Stations.
Displays SDLC Link Stations
addls, dells, cnfls, dspls
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Displays the current configuration settings for each existing SDLC port. A typical display for a single port is shown below
Port | Role | Topol | SlowPoll | FFAck | Frmr | Wndw | N1 | N2 | Lmt | Pause | Wait |
69 | Add/Prim | Mul | 10 | Dis | Ena | 7 | 12000 | 20 | 1 | 10 | 10000 |
Number of SDLC stations: 1
The dspmaptbl command displays the numbers assigned to Frame Relay ports or ATM ports on the FRSM or AUSM, respectively.
Display Map Table
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the map table for the current FRSM.
PortNum DLCI ChanNum LineNum
------- ---- ------- -------
1 100 69 1
1 101 70 1
1 102 71 1
1 103 72 1
1 104 73 1
1 105 74 1
1 106 75 1
1 107 76 1
1 108 77 1
1 109 78 1
1 110 79 1
1 111 80 1
1 112 81 1
1 113 82 1
1 114 83 1
1 115 84 1
2 100 85 1
2 101 86 1
2 102 87 1
2 103 88 1
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Display the map table for the current AUSM.
PortNum VPI VCI ChanNum Channel Type
------- --- --- ------- ------------
1 1 16 16 VCC
1 1 17 17 VCC
1 1 18 18 VCC
1 1 19 19 VCC
1 1 20 20 VCC
1 1 21 21 VCC
1 1 22 22 VCC
1 1 23 23 VCC
1 1 24 24 VCC
1 1 25 25 VCC
1 1 26 26 VCC
1 1 27 27 VCC
1 1 28 28 VCC
1 1 29 29 VCC
1 1 30 30 VCC
1 1 31 31 VCC
1 1 32 32 VCC
1 1 33 33 VCC
1 1 34 34 VCC
1 1 35 35 VCC
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
The dspmsgcnt command displays the control message counters for the card.
Display Control Message Counters
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the control message counters for the current card.
RiscXmtCtrlMsg: 88506
RiscRcvCtrlMsg: 53494
SARXmtCtrlMsg: 88506
SARRcvCtrlMsg: 53494
SARCtrlMsgDiscLenErr: 0
SARCtrlMsgDiscCRCErr: 0
SARCtrlMsgDiscUnknownChan: 0
SARCtrlMsgLastUnknownChan: 0
The dspplpp command displays Physical Layer Protocol Processor (PLPP) parameters on the current AUSM card.
Display PLPP
<port number> | port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
NODENAME.1.19.AUSM8.a > dspplpp 1
Display the PLPP (Physical Layer Protocol Processor) parameters for port 1 on the current AUSM card.
PhysicalPortNumber: 1
CellFraming: ATM
CellScramble: Scramble
Plpp Loopback: No Loopback
Single-bit error correction: Disabled
On an FRSM and CESM, the dspport command displays the port configuration for the specified port. On an AUSM, the dspport command displays the Physical Layer Protocol Processor of a port on the current AUSM.
Display Port
On a 4-port FRSM or CESM, <port number> is in the range 1-96 for T1, 1-124 for E1
On an 8-port FRSM or CESM, <port number> is in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1
On an AUSM, <port number> is in the range 1-4 for 4-port cards, 1-8 for 8-port cards
FRSM: addport, cnfport, delport
AUSM: upport, dnport
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspport 1
Display the port configuration for port 1 on the current FRSM.
SlotNum: 7
PortLineNum: 1
PortNum: 1
PortRowStatus: Add
PortDs0Speed: 64k
PortDs0ConfigBitMap: 0xffffff
PortEqueueServiceRatio: 1
PortFlagsBetweenFrames: 1
PortSpeed: 1536kbps
SignallingProtocolType: NoSignalling
AsynchronousUpdates: Disable
T391LineIntegrityTimer: 10
T392PollingVerificationTimer: 15
N391FullStatusPollingCounter: 6
N392ErrorThreshold: 3
N393MonitoredEventCount: 4
PortState: FailedDuetoLineFailure
PortSignallingState: No Signalling Failure
CLLMEnableStatus: Disable
CLLMxmtStatusTimer: 0
PortDs0UsedLine1: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine2: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine3: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine4: 0x00ffffff
PortNumNextAvailable: 60
Syntax : dspport "port_num"
port number -- values ranging from 1-96 are accepted
dspport 1
Display port 1 on the current AUSM.
PortNumber: 1
Cell Framing: ATM
Cell Scramble: No Scramble
Plpp Loopback: No Loopback
dspport 2
Display port 2 on the current CESM.
SlotNum: 6
PortLineNum: 2
PortNum: 2
PortRowStatus: Add
PortNumOfSlots: 1
PortDs0ConfigBitMap(1stDS0): 0x1(1)
PortSpeed: 64kbps
PortType: structured
PortState: Active
This command displays counters for a specified port.
Display Port Counters
On a 4-port FRSM, <port number> is in the range 1-96 for T1, 1-124 for E1
On an 8-port FRSM, <port number> is in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1
On an AUSM, <port number> is in the range 1-4 for 4-port cards, 1-8 for 8-port cards
cnfcd, dspcds
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspportcnt 1
Display port counters on port 1 of the current AUSM.
PortNum: 1
PortState: Out Of Cell Delineation
IngressRcvCells: 0
IngressGfcErrorCells: 0
IngressVpiVciErrCells: 0
IngressUnknownVpiVci: 0
EgressXmtCells: 918900
EgressPortAlarmDiscardCells: 0
EgressXmtClpSetCells: 918907
EgressXmtEfciSetCells: 0
PortXmtAisCells: 918907
PortXmtSgmtLpbkCells: 0
PortRcvAisCells: 0
PortRcvFerfCells: 0
PortRcvSgmtLpbkCells: 0
PortRcvCrcErrOAMCells: 0
ReceivedHECErrorCells: 6
HECErroredSeconds: 1
SeverelyHECErroredSeconds: 0
dspportcnt 1
Display port counters on an FRSM
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Frames: 0 0
Total Bytes: 0 0
Frames FECN: 0 0
Frames BECN: 0 0
Frames Abort: 0 0
Buf Not Available: 0 0
KbpsAIR: 0 0
XmtFramesDiscXceedQDepth: 0
XmtBytesDiscXceedQDepth: 0
XmtFramesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtByteDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtFramesUnderrun: 0
RcvFramesDE: 0
RcvFramesDiscCRCError: 0
RcvFramesDiscIllegalHeader: 0
RcvFramesDiscAlignmentError: 0
RcvFramesDiscIllegalLen: 0
RcvFramesDiscXceedDEThresh: 0
RcvFramesUnknownDLCI: 0
RcvLastUnknownDLCI: 0
RcvFramesTaggedFECN: 0
RcvFramesTaggedBECN: 0
RcvFramesTaggedDE: 0
Status: 0 0
StatusInquiry: 0 0
AsynchUpdate: 0 0
RcvInvalidRequest: 0
RcvUNISeqMismatch: 0
RcvNNISeqMismatch: 0
UNISignallingTimeout: 0
NNISignallingTimeout: 0
FramesCLLM: 0 0
BytesCLLM: 0 0
CLLMFailures: 0
The dspportstats command displays statistics information for a specified port on the FRSM.
Display Port Statistics
<line#> | line number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<1st_DS0> | 1st_DS0 is in the range 1-24 for T1, and 1-32 for E1 |
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspportstats 1 12
Display statistics information for port 1 on first DS0 of 12.
Line Num:1
Physical Port Num: 12
Logical Port Num: 4
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Frames: 0 0
Total Bytes: 0 0
Frames FECN: 0 0
Frames BECN: 0 0
Frames Abort: 0 0
Buf Not Available: 0 0
KbpsAIR: 0 0
XmtFramesDiscXceedQDepth: 0
XmtBytesDiscXceedQDepth: 0
XmtFramesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtByteDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtFramesUnderrun: 0
RcvFramesDE: 0
RcvFramesDiscCRCError: 0
RcvFramesDiscIllegalHeader: 0
RcvFramesDiscAlignmentError: 0
RcvFramesDiscIllegalLen: 0
RcvFramesDiscXceedDEThresh: 0
RcvFramesUnknownDLCI: 0
RcvLastUnknownDLCI: 0
RcvFramesTaggedFECN: 0
RcvFramesTaggedBECN: 0
RcvFramesTaggedDE: 0
Status: 0 0
StatusInquiry: 0 0
AsynchUpdate: 0 0
RcvInvalidRequest: 0
RcvUNISeqMismatch: 0
RcvNNISeqMismatch: 0
UNISignallingTimeout: 0
NNISignallingTimeout: 0
FramesCLLM: 0 0
BytesCLLM: 0 0
CLLMFailures: 0
The dspportq command displays queue information for a specified port and egress queue on the AUSM.
Display Port Queue Information
dspportq <port number> <egress queue number>
<port number> | port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<egress queue number> | egress queue number is in the range 0 to 16 (zero for the default set with the addchan command, 1-12 for a 4-port card, 1-16 for an 8-port card). |
dspportqs, cnfportq
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspportq 1 1
Display queue information for egress queue 1 on port 1.
Service Port Num: 1
Q Number: 1
Port Bin State: Enabled
Service Sequence: 1
Queue Depth: 100
CLP Threshold High (cells): 100
CLP Threshold Low (cells): 100
EFCI Threshold: 100
Queue Algorithm: 1
Max Bandwidth Increment: 0
Min Bandwidth Increment: 0
Q CLP State: 0
Q Full Discarded Cells: 0
CLP Set Discarded Cells: 0
The dspportqs command displays queue information for all the egress queues on an AUSM or an IMATM port.
Display Port Queue Information
<port number> | port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
dspportq, cnfportq
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspportqs 1
Display egress queue information for all the egress queues on port 1.
Port Q Num State Q-Algo Service-Seq Depth-Max CLP-High CLP-Low EFCI-Thrsh
---- ----- ----- ------ ----------- --------- -------- ------- ----------
1 1 Enabled 3 1 200 180 160 160
1 2 Enabled 3 2 900 800 700 700
1 3 Enabled 3 3 900 800 700 700
4 1 Enabled 3 1 200 180 160 160
4 2 Enabled 3 2 900 800 700 700
4 3 Enabled 3 3 900 800 700 700
Syntax : dspportqs
The dspports command displays information on all the ports on the current card.
Display Ports
addport, cnfport, delport, dspport
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the ports on the current FRSM.
Port Ena/Speed EQService SignalType T391 T392 N391 N392 N393 InAlarm
-------- --- ----- --------- ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------
7.2.1 Add/1536k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.2 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.3 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.4 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.5 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.6 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.7 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.8 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.9 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.10 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.11 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.12 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.13 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.14 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.15 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.16 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.17 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.18 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.19 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
Display the ports on the current CESM.
Port Ena/Speed Type
------ --- ------ --------
6.2.2 Add/ 64k structur
6.4.4 Add/1544k unstruct
6.6.6 Add/ 640k structur
Number of ports: 3
PortDs0UsedLine1: 0x00000000
PortDs0UsedLine2: 0x00000001
PortDs0UsedLine3: 0x00000000
PortDs0UsedLine4: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine5: 0x00000000
PortDs0UsedLine6: 0x00003ff0
PortDs0UsedLine7: 0x00000000
PortDs0UsedLine8: 0x00000000
PortNumNextAvailable: 13
This command is used to display the results of the POST (Power On Self Test).
Display Power On Self Test (POST) Results
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
Displays the results for the tests carried out when the system was coming up.
Test Name Result
--------- ------
SRAM Destructive Access Test PASS
GRAM Destructive Access Test PASS
SRAM Databus Test PASS
GRAM Databus Test PASS
GRAM Parity Test PASS
Test Name Result
--------- ------
SRAM Destructive Access Test PASS
GRAM Destructive Access Test PASS
SRAM Databus Test PASS
GRAM Databus Test PASS
This command displays a password.
Display Password
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays an existing SDLC port on an FRASM card.
Displays SDLCPport
<port number> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
addsdlcport, dspsdlcports
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspsdlcport 69
Displays the current configuration settings for the SDLC port 69. A typical display is shown below.
PortNum: | 69 |
RowStatus: | Add |
Role: | Primary |
Topology: | Multipoint |
SlowPollTimer: | 10 sec(s) |
FFAckMode: | Disable |
FRMRDisable: | Enable |
WindowSize: | 7 |
N1: | 12000 bit(s) |
N2: | 20 |
PollLimit: | 1 |
PollPause: | 10 |
PollWait: | 10000 |
Simultaneous: | Disabled |
T1: | 3000 |
VMAC: | 00000 |
Displays the configuration of all existing SDLC FRASM ports.
Displays SDLC Ports
addsdlcport, dspsdlcport
Log: No | State: Any state | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the current configuration settings for each existing SDLC port. A typical display for a single port is shown below
Port | Ena/Role | Topol | SlowPoll | FFAck | Frmr | Wndw | N1 | N2 | Lmt | Pause | Wait |
69 | Add/Prim | Mul | 10 | Dis | Ena | 7 | 12000 | 20 | 1 | 10 | 10000 |
This command displays the current values of the SDLC counters for a specified port.
Display SDLC Port Count
<port_num> | port number of the port for which the current SDLC counter values are to be displayed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
dspsdlcportcnt 12
Displays the SDLC counter values for port 12.
A typical display is shown below.
Physical Failures | 0 |
Invalid Addresses | 6 |
Dwarf Frames | 5 |
Polls In | 5000 |
Polls Out | 5125 |
Poll Rspn In | 5125 |
Poll Rspn Out | 5000 |
Local Busies | 10 |
Remote Busies | 25 |
I Frames In | 3000 |
I Frames Out | 4500 |
Octets In | 128000 |
Octets Out | 195000 |
Protocol Errors | 2 |
Activity TOs | 1 |
Retries Exps | 2 |
Retransmits In | 5 |
Retransmits Out | 7 |
The dspslftststbysm command displays the current configuration of self-tests for standby service modules.
Display Self-test Standby Service Modules
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: Any user |
A typical response is shown below:
Selftest for Standby SMs is Disabled
Selftest period = 5 minutes
Displays the current contents of the self-test table.
Display Sel- test Table
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
A typical response is shown below:
Test # Test Name Thold Fail Pass Last Enab Destr Card Rst
1 DRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
2 SRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
3 GRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
4 BRAM checksum test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
5 CODE checksum test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
6 PCMCIA access test 1 0 0 P Y N N
7 PCMCIA chkdsk 1 0 0 P N Y N
8 BNM loopback test 1 0 0 P Y Y Y
This command displays the configuration for a specified line on the SRM-3T3 card.
Display SRM Line
addln, cnfln, delln
Log: No | State: Active on SRM-3T3 | Privilege: 1-6 |
The dspsrmlns command displays the configuration for all lines on the current SRM 3T3 card. The displayed parameters depend on the card (see example).
Display SRM 3T3 Lines
addln, cnfln, delln
Log: No | State: Active on SRM-3T3 | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display lines on the current SRM 3T3 card.
Line Enable Type Coding Criteria AIScBitsCheck FELpbkStatus
---- -------- ------------ ------- -------- ------------- --------------
1.1 Disable dsx3CbitParity dsx1B3ZS 3 out of 8 Check C-bits No far end
1.1 Disable dsx3CbitParity dsx1B3ZS 3 out of 8 Check C-bits No far end 1
1.1 Disable dsx3CbitParity dsx1B3ZS 3 out of 8 Check C-bits No far end
LineNumOfValidEntries: 3
This command displays the current statistics parameters.
Display Statistic Parameters
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
A typical response is shown below:
This command displays an STUN protocol group.
Display STUN Protocol Group
<group_num> | number of STUN group to display in the range 1-255 |
addstungroup, delstungroup, dspstungroups
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspStunGroup 2
Displays the current configuration settings for STUN group number 2. A typical display is shown below.
GroupNum: | 2 |
Type: | SDLC |
This command displays all currently active STUN protocol groups.
Display STUN Protocol Groups
addstungroup, delstungroup, dspstungroup
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Displays the current configuration settings for each existing STUN group. A typical display for a single port is shown below.
Group Num | Type |
2 | SDLC |
Number of STUN protocol groups: 1
This command displays an STUN port.
For more information about using STUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Display STUN Port
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
addstunport, delstunport, dspstunports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspstunport 2
Displays STUN port 2.
This command displays all currently active STUN ports.
For more information about using STUN and its commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference.
Display STUN Ports
addstunport, delstunport, dspstunport
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
This command displays the parameter values for an STUN route.
Display STUN Route
dspstunroute <port_num> <lsaddress>
<port_num> | port number of the STUN route to be displayed in the range 1-192 for T1, 1-248 for E1 |
<lsaddress> | address of the SDLC Link Station in the range 0x01-0xFF |
addstunroute, delstunroute, dspstunroutes
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
dspstunroute 69 3
Displays the Stun Route for port 69, lsaddress of 3.
A typical display is shown below.
PortNum: | 69 |
RowStatus: | Add |
Lsaddress: | 3 |
Chan Num: | 69 |
LSAP: | 5 |
LocalAck: | true |
This command displays the parameter values for all current STUN routes.
Display STUN Routes
addstunroute, delstunroute, dspstunroute
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
A typical display is shown below.
Port | Address | Channel (LCN) | LSAP | LocalAck |
69 | 3 | 69 | 5 | True |
Number of STUN routes: 1
The dspsarcnt command displays the Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) counters for the specified channel on the current card.
Display SAR Counters
where ChanNum is:
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspsarcnt 22
Display SAR count on the current FRSM, channel 22.
SarShelfNum: 1
SarSlotNum: 13
SarChanNum: 22
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Cells: 11227853 11529804
Total CellsCLP: 0 0
Total CellsAIS: 498805 0
Total CellsFERF: 0 302222
Total CellsEnd2EndLpBk: 0 0
Total CellsSegmentLpBk: 0 0
RcvCellsDiscOAM: 0
Syntax : dspsarcnt "chan_num"
channel number -- value ranging from 16 to 271
possible errors are :
a) illegal/invalid parameters
b) channel doesn't exist
dspsarcnt 32
Display SAR count for channel 32 on the current card (a CESM).
SarShelfNum: 1
SarSlotNum: 7
SarChanNum: 32
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Cells: 7493 7414
Total CellsCLP: 0 0
Total CellsAIS: 4 4
Total CellsFERF: 3 3
Total CellsEnd2EndLpBk: 0 0
Total CellsSegmentLpBk: 0 0
RcvCellsDiscOAM: 0
Displays the current SAR (segmentation and reassembly) counter values for all channels.
Display SAR Counters
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
A typical response is shown below:
SarShelfNum: 1
SarSlotNum: 4
SarChanNum: 98
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Cells: 141357 0
Total CellsCLP: 0 0
Total CellsAIS: 0 0
Total CellsFERF: 0 0
Total CellsEnd2EndLpBk: 0 0
Total CellsSegmentLpBk: 0 0
RcvCellsDiscOAM: 0
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
SarShelfNum: 1
SarSlotNum: 4
SarChanNum: 114
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Cells: 283600 296016
Total CellsCLP: 0 0
Total CellsAIS: 0 0
Total CellsFERF: 0 0
Total CellsEnd2EndLpBk: 0 0
Total CellsSegmentLpBk: 0 0
RcvCellsDiscOAM: 0
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
The dspshelfalm command displays the shelf alarms for the MGX 8220 shelf. If no alarm number is specified, the status of every alarm is displayed. See the example for the number for each alarm.
In the dspshelfalm display, the State column shows whether the alarm has been asserted. "Normal" means that no alarm has been asserted. If an alarm were asserted, State would show "Above Normal" or "Below Normal". The presence of the word "missing" in the State column means that the input is missing or ignored. The content of the Severity column indicates what the severity of the alarm would be if the alarm were asserted.
Display Shelf Alarms
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the status of all the shelf alarms.
Alarm Type Unit Thresh Severity Measurable Val State
----- ------------ ---- ------ -------- ---------- --- -----
1 Temperature 1 50 Minor Yes 40 Normal
2 Power Supply 1 0 Minor No 0 missing
3 Power Supply 2 0 Minor No 0 missing
4 DC Level 1 42-54 Minor Yes 0 missing
5 DC Level 2 42-54 Minor Yes 47 Normal
6 Fan Unit 1 2000 Minor Yes 0 missing
7 Fan Unit 2 2000 Minor Yes 0 missing
8 Fan Unit 3 2000 Minor Yes 0 missing
9 Fan Unit 4 2000 Minor Yes 0 missing
10 Fan Unit 5 2000 Minor Yes 0 missing
11 Fan Unit 6 2000 Minor Yes 0 missing
ASMNumOfValidEntries: 11
ASMShelfAlarmState: 2
The dspslotlnk command displays SRM-3T3 link information for a specified slot.
Display SlotLlink
<slot number> | slot number for which the links are to be displayed; range is 5 through 14 |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
SlotLine | T3Line | T1 |
7.1 | 1 | 1 |
7.2 | 1 | 2 |
7.3 | 1 | 3 |
7.4 | 1 | 4 |
The dspsmcnf command displays configuration enables for the service modules in the system.
The output displays the following for each service module slot:
Display Service Module Configuration.
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
MGX 82203.1.3.ASC.a > dspsmcnf
slot # Config Config Rate Channelized MIB
Card Type exist Control Version
------ --------- ------ ------- ----------- ------
5 -- No Off Off 0
6 -- No Off Off 0
7 FRSM-4T1 Yes Off Off 5
8 -- No Off Off 0
9 -- No Off Off 0
10 -- No Off Off 0
11 FRSM-4E1 Yes On On 5
12 FRSM-4T1 Yes On On 5
13 FRSM-4T1 Yes On On 5
14 AUSM-4T1 Yes On Off 4
MGX 82203.1.3.ASC.a >
The dspsrmclksrc command displays the SRM 3T3 clock sources for all the T3 lines.
Display SRM Clock Source
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
T3Line | lineXmtClockSource |
1.1 | backplane clock from BNM |
1.2 | backplane clock from BNM |
1.3 | backplane clock from BNM |
This command displays switched virtual circuit resource parameters on the current AUSM8 card.
Display Switched Virtual Circuit Range
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: Any |
This command displays the self-test routine on the current card.
Display Self-test
clrslftst, cnfslftst, runslftstno
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
Display the self-test results for the switch.
SelfTestEnable: Disable
SelfTestPeriod: 5
SelfTestState: SelfTest Passed
SelfTestResultDescription: No failure information available
Displays the line, port, and channel totals for the current card.
Display Totals
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
A typical response is shown below
total active lines = 0/4
total active ports = 0/96
total active chans = 0/256
The dsptrapmgr command displays the contents of the trap manager table.
Display Trap Manager
dsptrapmgr <ip addr>
<ip addr> | IP address of the trap manager = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where n = 0 to 9 and nnn < 256 |
addtrapmgr, cnftrapmgr, deltrapmgr, dsptrapmgrs
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
PortNum: 162
RowStatus: Add
ReadTrapFlag: Off
NextTrapSeqNum: 396
TimeOut: Disabled
Age: 0 minutes
The dsptrapmgrs command displays the contents of all the SNMP Managers that receive traps.
Display Trap Managers
addtrapmgr, cnftrapmgr, deltrapmgr, dsptrapmgr
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-2 |
A typical response is shown below.
ipAddress PortNum RowStatus ReadTrapFlag NextTrapSeqNum
--------------- ------- ---------- ------------ -------------- 2500 Add Off 571 2500 Add Off 631
LastTrapSeqNum: 631
NumOfValidEntries: 2
Displays currently configured redundant slot links.
Display Redundancy
addred, delred
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Displays the users that have been added to the shelf configuration. The screen output shows the user name and highest privilege level and includes a display of the number of those levels above user-privilege.
Display Users
adduser, deluser
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the users configured for this shelf. The users in this example are Raoul and Duke.
User Id level
StrataCom -2
Service -1
SuperUser 0
raoul 3
duke 1
This command is used to invoke the different Enhanced Switchcc modes.
Enhanced Switchcc
enhswitchcc <type>
<type> | Type of switchcc to be performed.
Active ASC and Standby ASC (only type 3)
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: 1-3 |
enhswitchcc 3
When issued on Active ASC, health check is done on Standby ASC. If health is good, FallBack Switchcc is done else the failure reason is dumped on the screen.
When issued on Standby ASC, the user is prompted whether he wants to proceed with Upgrade Switchcc.
On Active ASC:
Verifying Standby ASC health......
Standby ASC Health is OK.......
Reason: Failure
Switchcc is not done.
On Standby ASC:
You have issued a request for Upgrade Switchcc.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No)?
Standby ASC Health is OK.......
Command not executed!!!
Switchcc is not done.
Lists the commands available on the current card. The Help command is case-sensitive. This command takes no arguments, so it does not display information on individual commands.
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the commands available on the current card. In this case, the card is an ASC.
The ifShow command displays the contents of all the currently configured interfaces.
Show Interfaces
memShow, routeShow
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Service |
A typical response is shown below:
The logout command lets you exit the current CLI shell.
Log Out
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: Any |
Log out of the current CLI shell.
(session ended)
The memShow command displays the current memory map.
Show Memory
ifShow, routeShow
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Service |
A typical response is shown below:
The modbert command injects errors into the shelf for bit error rate testing.
Modify Bit Error Rate Test
dspbert, startbert, cnfbert, delbert
AXISNAME.1.3.ASC.a > modbert
A typical response is shown below:
Injecting errors...
Displays the login name of the current user.
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the login name of the current user.
This command temporarily stops the diagnostics test from being executed.
Pause Diagnostics
dspdiagtests, resumediag
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
The Online Diagnostics will not run any of the configured tests till resumediag is issued
The resetcd command resets the hardware or failure history on the current ASC. Without a slot number, the command resets only the ASC. With a slot number, resetcd resets the card in the specified slot.
Reset Card
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-3 |
This command is used to resume diagnostics that was paused using the CLI pausediag.
Resume Diagnostics
dspdiagtests, resumediag
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
The Online Diagnostics will start running.
This command displays
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
This command displays
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
The routeAdd command adds a route on the MGX 8220 shelf.
Add Routes
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
The routeDelete command deletes all routes on the MGX 8220 shelf.
Delete Eoutes
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
The routeShow command displays all the currently configured routes on the MGX 8220 shelf.
Show Routes
ifShow, memShow
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
A typical response
Show Route Status
ifShow, memShow, routeShow
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: Any user |
This command is used to execute the individual diagnostics tests.
Run Diagnostic Test
rundiagtest <test no> <param1> <param2>
<test no> | The test number that needs to be added, the complete list of test numbers supported can be obtained from showdiagtests CLI command |
<param1> | The first parameter for the diagnostics test, the meaning of this parameter differs for different tests. To find the meaning of the parameter use CLI showdiagtests command |
<param2> | The second parameter for the diagnostics test, the meaning of this parameter differs for different tests. To find the meaning of the parameter use CLI showdiagtests command |
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Active and Standby FRSM-8P, AUSM-8P, IMATM-8P, CESM-8P and FRSM-HS2
Log: Yes | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
Execute the respective diagnostic test on the card and displays the result on the screen
rundiagtest 7 15000 0
DRAM Memory Availability Test PASSED
rundiagtest 1 0 0
SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test PASSED
The runslftstno command runs the self-test with the specified self-test number on the current card.
Run Self-test Number
runslftstno<Test #>
<Test #> | Test # is number of the test to be run. If this parameter is omitted, all tests are run. |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
NODENAME.1.19.AUSM8.a > runslftstno
Run all self-tests on the current card (an AUSM).
Test # Test Name Thold Fail Pass Last Enab Destr Card Rst
1 DRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
2 SRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
3 GRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
4 BRAM checksum test 1 0 0 P Y Y Y
5 CODE checksum test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
6 Line loopback test 1 0 0 P Y Y Y
7 CellBus test 1 0 0 P Y N N
8 DPRAM test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
9 CSERAM test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
10 CAM test 1 0 0 P Y Y Y
11 IMA grp lpbk test 1 0 0 P Y Y Y
runslftstno "Test #"
NODENAME.1.1.FRSM.a > runslftstno
Run all self tests on the current card (an FRSM).
Test # Test Name Thold Fail Pass Last Enab Destr Card Rst
1 DRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
2 SRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
3 GRAM access test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
4 BRAM checksum test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
5 CODE checksum test 1 0 0 P Y N Y
6 Line loopback test 1 0 0 P Y Y Y
7 M32 test 1 0 0 P Y Y N
8 Data loopback test 1 0 0 P N Y Y
9 CellBus test 1 0 0 P Y N N
runslftstno "Test #"
runslftstno 1
Run the self-test with the specified self-test number on the current card.
Test Number 1 Result: PASS
Command to display the complete list of diagnostics test that can be configured as part of online Diagnotsics.
Show Diagnostic Tests
showdiagtests [Test Number]
[Test Number] | An optional parameter which not specified displays the complete list of tests that are available. When a valid test number is specified the description and parameters are displayed for that test |
adddiagtest, cnfdiagparams, rundiagtest
Active ASC, Standby ASC
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1 |
showdiagtests 1
This will display the details about test number 1 and also provide information on the paramters required for the test
Test Number Test Name
----------- ---------
1 SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test
2 GRAM Non-Destructive Access Test
3 SRAM Databus Test
4 GRAM Databus Test
5 DRAM Memory Availability Test
6 GRAM Memory Availability Test
7 SAR SRAM Memory Access Test
8 SAR GRAM Memory Access Test
9 DPRAM Test
10 CSERAM Test
Syntax : showdiagtests [Test Number]
Test Number Test Name
----------- ---------
1 SRAM Non-Destructive Access Test
2 GRAM Non-Destructive Access Test
3 SRAM Databus Test
4 GRAM Databus Test
5 PCMCIA Disk Access Test
6 BRAM Verification Test
7 DRAM Memory Availability Test
8 GRAM Memory Availability Test
10 SAR SRAM Memory Access Test
11 SAR GRAM Memory Access Test
Syntax : showdiagtests [Test Number]
This command switches control from the primary service module to the secondary (or redundant) service module. The primary service module will reboot and will come up in standby mode. Use the switchback command to revert to normal operation after a softswitch.
Switch to Redundant from Primary
softswitch <PrimarySlotNum> <SecondarySlotNum>
<PrimarySlotNum> | slot number of the slot containing the primary card of the card pair. Range = 5-14. |
<SecondarySlotNum> | slot number of the slot containing the secondary card of the card pair. Range = 5-14. |
switchback, addred, delred, dspred
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: Any |
The startbert command starts bit error rate testing on the shelf.
Start Bit Error Rate Test
dspbert, cnfbert, modbert, delbert
Use this command to revert to normal operation after a softswitch. the switchback command switches control from the secondary (or redundant) service module back to the primary service module. The secondary (or redundant) service module will reboot and will come up in standby mode
Switch Back to Primary from Redundant
switchback <PrimarySlotNum> <SecondarySlotNum>
<PrimarySlotNum> | slot number of the slot containing the primary card of the card pair. Range = 5-14 |
<SecondarySlotNum> | slot number of the slot containing the secondary card of the card pair. Range = 5-14 |
softswitch, addred, delred, dspred
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: Any |
The switchcc command switches control of the MGX 8220 shelf from the active ASC/BNM core card group to the standby ASC/BNM. The ASC in slot 3 is associated with the BNM in slot 1.
The ASC in slot 4 is associated with the BNM in slot 2. If the standby cards are not available, the command is not executed.
During a config copy, this command is disabled. If the command is attempted during a config copy, a "Can't execute, BRAM or FLASH is being updated" message is displayed.
Switch core cards
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-3 |
Tests the integrity of a connection between an MGX 8220 card and a remote end within the WAN switching network by sending a single collection of supervisory cells to the remote end. The terminal displays only a pass or fail message.
Test connection
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspcons, tstconseg, tstdelay
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-4 |
Tests the integrity of a connection between an MGX 8220 card and service equipment (CPE) by sending a single collection of supervisory cells to the remote end. The terminal displays only a pass or fail message.
Test connection segment
<channel number> | range 16-271 for 4-port, 16-1015 for 8-port |
dspcons, tstcon
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-4 |
Test connection segment
<channel number> | range 16-271 for 4-port, 16-1015 for 8-port |
dspcons, tstcon
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 4 |
Externally tests the integrity of a connection by sending a single collection of supervisory cells to the remote end of the network and back. The terminal displays a pass or fail message and the round trip time in milliseconds.
Test round trip delay
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspcons, tstcon
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-4 |
tstdelay 16
Test the delay for a round trip to and from the network on channel 16.
MGX 822061.1.10.AUSM.a > tstdelay 16
TestDelay in progress.
TestDelay Passed with 2 ms.
MGX 822061.1.10.AUSM.a >
Test delay sti
channel no. | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 4 |
update standby
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 0 |
The upport command ups a port. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Up port
<PortNum> | PortNum = 1-4 for 4-port, 1-8 for 8-port |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Lists the users logged into the current card. The screen display shows the means through which each user logged into the shelf, the slot number of the current card, and the login name of the users.
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the users logged into the current ASC.
Port SlotNum user ID
Telnet 4 StrataCat
This command verifies the hard disk on the ASC
Verify Hard Disk
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
The version command displays different types of version-related information, such as firmware version, operating system kernel version, the date of the software build, and so on (refer to screen examples).
Display versions
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display version information on the current card (ASC).
***** StrataCom Inc. MGX 8220 ASC Card *****
Firmware Version = shenlee
Backup Boot version = model-B BT_2.1.2
ASCFRSM Xilinx file = asc025.h
ASCBNM Xilinx file = bnm_newIte
ASCBNM Altera file = bnm155
SRM-T1E1 Xilinx file = srm038.h
SRM-3T3 Encoder file = encoder42_004.ttf
SRM-3T3 Encoder-2 file = encoder80_001.ttf
SRM-3T3 Decoder file = decoder42_004.ttf
SRM-3T3 Clock file = clkctrl_37.ttf
SRM-3T3 I-Cube file = ic320.h
VxWorks (for StrataCom) Version 5.1.1-R3000
Kernel: WIND version 2.4
Made on Thu Mar 20 16:53:19 PST 1997
Boot line:
ln (0.0)
MGX 82203.1.3.ASC.a > version
***** Stratacom Inc. MGX 8220 ASC Card *****2
Firmware Version = shenlee
Backup Boot version = model-B BT_2.1.2
ASCFRSM Xilinx file = asc025.h
ASCBNM Xilinx file = bnm_newIte
ASCBNM Altera file = bnm155
SRM-T1E1 Xilinx file = srm038.h
SRM-3T3 Encoder file = encoder42_004.ttf
SRM-3T3 Encoder-2 file = encoder80_001.ttf
SRM-3T3 Decoder file = decoder42_004.ttf
SRM-3T3 Clock file = clkctrl_37.ttf
SRM-3T3 I-Cube file = ic320.h
VxWorks (for STRATACOM) version 5.1.1-R3000.
Kernel: WIND version 2.4.
Made on Wed Feb 14 16:06:24 PST 1996.
Boot line:
MGX 82203.1.3.ASC.a >
Display version information on the current card (FRSM).
MGX 82203.1.11.FRSM.a > version
***** Stratacom Inc. MGX 8220 FRSM Card *****
Firmware Version = eqa2.0.1g
Backup Boot version = model-B BT_2.0.0
ASCFRSM Xilinx file = frsm025.h
VxWorks (for STRATACOM) version 5.1.1-R3000.
Kernel: WIND version 2.4.
Made on Wed Feb 14 16:15:08 PST 1996.
Boot line:
MGX 82203.1.11.FRSM.a >
Display version information on the current card (AUSM).
MGX 82203.1.14.AUSM.a > version
***** StrataCom Inc. MGX 8220 AUSM Card *****
Firmware Version = model-A 2.0.00
Backup Boot version = model-A BT_eqa2.0.1
AUSM Xilinx file = ausmfract.h
VxWorks (for STRATACOM) version 5.1.1-R3000.
Kernel: WIND version 2.4.
Made on Fri Feb 9 18:59:08 PST 1996.
Boot line:
MGX 82203.1.14.AUSM.a >
This command adds a connection to the current AUSM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Add connection
xaddcon <channel number> <connection type> <port number> <vpi> <vci> <service type> <egress queue number>
<channel number> | channel number has a range of 16-271 for 4-port cards, 16-1015 for 8-port cards |
<connection type> | connection type is either 1 for VPP or 2 for VCC |
<port number> | port number is in the range 1-4 for 4-port cards, 1-8 for 8-port cards |
<vpi> | vpi has a value in the range 0-255 |
<vci> | vci has a value in the range 0-65535 |
<service type> | service type can be: 1 = CBR, 2 = VBR, and 3 = ABR |
<egress queue number> | egress queue number is in the range 1-12 for a 4-port card, 1-16 for an 8-port card. 0 is the default in xaddcon. |
delcon, dspcons, dspcon
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
xaddcon 16 2 1 1 1 3 1
Add a VCC connection to channel 16 on port 1 with vpi=1, vci=1, ABR service type, and an egress queue number of 1.
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command clears the channel counters for a specified Frame Relay channel on an FRSM, CESM, IMATM, or AUSM. Counting resumes after the command executes.
Clear Channel Counters
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspchan, clrchancnts, dspchancnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command is used to clear the values of a port's counters on the current AUSM or FRSM.
No message appears upon successful execution of the command.
Clear port counters
xclrportcnt <port number>
On an AUSM, <port number> is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card.
On an FRSM, <port number> is in the range 1-96 for a 4-port T1 card, 1-124 for a 4-port E1 card, 1-192 for an 8-port T1 card, or 1-248 for an 8-port E1 card.
clrportcnts, xdspportcnt, xdspportcnt, dspportcnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-5 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures extended alarm counters and statistics for the specified line.
Configure extended alarm counters and statistics
xcnfalm -ds1 <LineNum> -red <RedSeverity> -rai <RAISeverity> -neu <NEAlarmUpcount> -ned <NEAlarmDncount> -net <NEAlarmThreshold> -feu <FEAlarmUpcount> -fed <FEAlarmDncount> -fet <FEAlarmThreshold>
<LineNum> | LineNum is the line number only, which is a number in the range 1-n, where n is the maximum number of lines on the interface. |
<RedSeverity> | RedSeverity is a number in the range 1-2, where 1: Minor, 2: Major. |
<RAISeverity> | RAISeverity is a number in the range 1-2, where 1: Minor, 2: Major. |
<NEAlarmUpcount> | NEAlarmUpcount is a number in the range 1-65335. |
<NEAlarmDncount> | NEAlarmDncount is a number in the range 1-65335. |
<NEAlarmThreshold> | NEAlarmThreshold is a number in the range 1-65335. |
<FEAlarmUpcount> | FEAlarmUpcount is a number in the range 1-65335. |
<FEAlarmDncount> | FEAlarmDncount is a number in the range 1-65335. |
<FEAlarmThreshold> | FEAlarmThreshold is a number in the range 1-65335. |
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
xcnfalm "-ds1 1 -red 1 -rai 1 -neu 100 -ned 100 -net 100 -feu 100 -fed 100 -fet 100
Configure the ds1 line 1 alarms so that RED and RAI are both minor alarms, and the up and down counts and threshold for both FE and NE are all set to 100:
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures the extended alarm counters for the specified line.
Configure Extended Alarm Counters.
xcnfalmcnt ds1 <LineNum> -sev <StatisticalAlarmSeverity> -lcv15 <lCV15minThreshold> -lcv24 <lCV24hrThreshold> -les15 <lES15minThreshold> -les24 <lES24hrThreshold> -lses15 <lSES15minThreshold> -lses24 <lSES24hrThreshold> -crc15 <cRC15MinThreshold> -crc24 <cRC24HrThreshold> -crces15 <cRCES15MinThreshold> -crces24 <cRCES24HrThreshold> -crcses15 <cRCSES15MinThreshold> -crcses24 <cRCSES24hrThreshold> -sefs15 <sEFS15minThreshold> -sefs24 <sEFS24hrThreshold> -aiss15 <aISS15minThreshold> -aiss24 <aISS24hrThreshold> -uas15 <uAS15minThreshold> -uas24 <uAS24hrThreshold>
cnfalm, dspalmcnt
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 3 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures the extended parameters for a channel.
Configure Extended Channel Parameters
xcnfchan -chn <ChanNum> -en <ChanStatus> [ -cbrserv <CBRService> -clkmode <MODE> -cdv <CDV> -clip <CLIP> -maxbuf <MAX BUF SIZE> ]
cnfchan, delchan, xdspchan, dspchan
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 2 |
xcnfchan "-chn <ChanNum> -en <ChanStatus> [ -cbrserv <CBRService>
-clkmode <MODE> -cdv <CDV> -clip <CLIP> -maxbuf <MAX BUF SIZE> ]"
-chn <ChanNum> where ChanNum = 16 - 264
-en <ChanRowStatus> where ChanRowStatus 1:add,2:delete,3:modify
-cbrserv <CBRService> where, CBRService = 1-2, 1: unstructured 2:structured
-clkmode <MODE> where MODE = 1-3, 1:Synchronous, 2:SRTS, 3:Adaptive
-cas <CesCas> where CesCas = 1 - 5, 1: Basic 2: E1Cas
3: Ds1SF_Cas 4: Ds1ESF_Cas 5: CCS
-pf <PartialFil> where PartialFil = 0 - 47
-maxbuf <SIZE> where SIZE= 1-35565
-cdv <CDV> where CDV = 1 - 65535
-clip <CLIP> where CLIP = 1000-65535
-rmtlb <LocalRemoteLoopbackState> where
LocalRemoteLoopbackState = 1 - 2, 1: enabled 2: disable
-tstyp <TestType>
-pt <PortNum> where PortNum = 1 - n, n = 192 if T1; n = 248 if E1
-contp <ConnType> where ConnType = 1 - 2, 1: PVC 2: SVC
-chiden <idleDetType> where idleDetType = 1 - 3,
1: disable 2: enableOnhookDet 3: enableIdlePatternDet
-condat <CondData> where CondData = 0 - 255
-condsig <CondSigCode> where CondSigCode = 0 - 255
-exis <ExtIdlSupp> where ExtIdlSupp = 1 - 2,
1: DisableSupression 2: EnableSupression
-idintpd <IntgrPeriod> where IntgrPeriod = 0 - 100
-chidsig <IdleSigCode> where IdleSigCode = 0 - 255
-onhkcd <OnhookCode> where OnhookCode = 0 - 15
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures a port's local management interface. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure ILMI
xcnfilmi <port_num> <signal_type> <vpi> <vci> <scr> <trap_enable> <min_trap_int> <keep_alive>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<signal_type> | signalling type: 1 = other, 2 = no signalling, and 3 = ILMI |
<vpi> | virtual path identifier in the range 0-259 |
<vci> | virtual circuit identifier in the range 0-65535 |
<scr> | virtual circuit identifier in the range 0-65535 |
<trap_enable> | ILMI trap enable: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
<min_trap_int> | minimum trap interval in the range 1-10 seconds. |
<keep_alive> | enable for Keep Alive Polling: 1 = disable, 2 = enable |
xdspilmi, dspilmi, dspilmicnt
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 2 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures a line on the current card to be either T1 or E1. If the command line does not include the E1 signalling parameter, the line is a T1.
Configure line
xcnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> [E1-signalling]
<line_num> | port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<line_code> | line coding: 2 for B8ZS, 3 for HDB3, 4 for AMI |
<line_len> | line length: 1-7 for T1, 8-9 for E1 |
<clk_src> | clock source: 1 for loop clock; 2 for local clock |
[E1-signalling] | CAS: CAS, no CRC |
xcnfln, cnfln, xaddln, addln, delln
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
xcnfln 4 2 1 1
Configure line 4 to be T1 with B8ZS line coding, have a length of 1, and use the loop clock as a clock source.
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures a service port on an FRSM or an AUSM.
The screen does not display a message after successful command entry. The configuration can be verified using the xdspport or dspport command.
The syntax for this command is differs according to the service module being addressed.
Configure port
xcnfport <port_num> <lmi_sig> <asyn> <T391> <T392> <N391> <N392> <N393> <CLLMEN> <CLLMTM>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-96 for 4-port T1, 1-124 for 4-port E1, 1-192 for 8-port T1, 1-248 for 8-port E1
<lmi_sig> | LMI signalling: 1 = Other, 2 = None, 3 = StrataLMI, |
<asyn> | asynchronous status updates are either enabled [(y)es] or disabled [(n)o]. |
<T391> | T391 timer is in the range 5-30 sec. This is the interval in seconds for status polling. This timer is for NNI. |
<T392> | T392 timer is in the range 5-30 sec. This is the interval in seconds to expect status polling. This timer is for UNI. |
<N391> | N391 counter is in the range 1-255. This is the number of UNI/NNI polling cycles. |
<N392> | N392 counter is in the range 1-10. This is the UNI/NNI error threshold. |
<N393> | N393 counter is in the range 1-10. This is the UNI/NNI monitored event count. It is always greater than the value for the N392 counter (the UNI/NNI error threshold). |
<CLLMEN> | CLLM Enable is either 1 = Disable or 2 = Enable. Enables or disables Consolidated Link Layer Management messages. |
<CLLMTM> | CLLM Timer is in the range 40-5000 ms. Sets the time between Consolidated Link Layer Management messages. |
Possible errors are:
xcnfport, addport, delport, dspport, dspports, xdspport, xdspports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
Configure port
xcnfport <port_num> <plpp loopback>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<plpp loopback> | 1 = no loopback, 2 = remote loopback, 3 = local loopback |
cnfport, addport, delport, dspport, dspports, xdspport, xdspports
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command configures a port's queue parameters on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure port queue
xcnfportq <port_num> <q_num> <q_algo> <service_seq> <q_depth> <clp_high> <clp_low> <efci_thres>
<port_num> | port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<q_num> | queue number is in the range 1-12 for a 4-port card, 1-16 for an 8-port card. |
<q_algo> | queue algorithm is the queue algorithm in the range 1-5, 0 = disable queue |
<service_seq> | service sequence is the service sequence number in the range 1-16 |
<q_depth> | queue depth is the maximum queue depth in the range 1-8000 cells |
<clp_high> | clp high is the high Cell Loss Priority in the range 1-8000 cells |
<clp_low> | clp low is the low Cell Loss Priority in the range 1-8000 cells |
<efci_thres> | efci threshold is the EFCI threshold in the range 1-8000 cells |
cnfportq, xcnfportqs
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
The xcnfportqs command configures the queue parameters for all ports on the current AUSM. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Configure parameters on all port queues
cnfportq, xcnfportq
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
This command deletes a connection on an AUSM.
No messages appear on screen after command entry unless the command cannot execute as entered.
Delete a connection
<connection number> | connection number is in the range 16-271 for a 4-port card, 16-1015 for an 8-port card |
delcon, xdspcon, dspcon, xdspcons, dspcons, xaddcon, addcon
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1-2 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
The xdnport command downs a port. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Down port
<PortNum> | port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
No system response unless an error occurs.
Displays extended ATM or Frame Relay channel parameters.
Display channel
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
xdspchans, dspchans, xcnfchan, cnfchan
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspchan 69
Display the channel characteristics of channel 69 on a FRSM card.
ChanNum: 69
ChanRowStatus: Mod
ChanPortNum: 1
ChanDLCI: 100
EgressQSelect: 1
IngressQDepth: 65535
IngressQDEThresh: 32768
IngressQECNThresh: 65535
EgressQDepth: 65535
EgressQDEThresh: 32768
EgressQECNThresh: 6553
DETaggingEnable: Disabled
CIR: 24000
Bc: 5100
Be: 5100
IBS: 100
ForeSightEnable: Enabled
QIR: 260
MIR: 62
PIR: 500
ChanLocalRemoteLpbkState: Enabled
ChanTestType: TestOff
ChanTestState: NotInProgress
ChanRTDresult: 65535 ms
ChanType: NIW
ChanFECNmap: setEFCIzero
ChanDEtoCLPmap: mapCLP
ChanCLPtoDEmap: mapDE
ChanNumNextAvailable: 17
For an AUSM, the display is the same as for the dspcon display.
This command displays the counter contents of a channel.
Display channel count
<channel number> | The range is 16-271 for 4-port AUSM or FRSM, 16-1015 for 8-port AUSM or FRSM. The range is 16-23 for 4-port CESM, 32-279 for 8-port CESM. |
dspchancnt, xdspchstats, dspchstats
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
This command displays all the extended channel parameter values for all channels on the currently selected card.
Display extended channel parameter values
xdspchan, dspchan, addchan, delchan
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the channels on the current FRSM.
DLCI Chan EQ I/EQDepth I/EQDEThre I/EECNThre Fst/DE Type Alarm
------------- ---- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- 69 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 70 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 71 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 72 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 73 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 74 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 75 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 76 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 77 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 78 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 79 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 80 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 81 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 82 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 83 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 84 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No 85 1 65535/65535 32768/32768 65535/6553 Ena/Dis NIW No
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
For an AUSM, the display is the same as for the xdspcons display.
Displays configuration data for a connection.
Display connection
<channel number> | channel number is in the range 16-271 for a 4-port card, 16-1015 for an 8-port card |
dspcon, xaddcon, addcon, xdelcon, delcon, xdspcons, dspcons
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspcon 16
Display the connection parameters for channel 16.
ChanNum: 16
RowStatus: Add
ConnectionType: VCC
ServiceType: CBR
PortNum: 1
VPI: 10
VCI: 100
EgressQNum: 1
IngressQDepth (cells): 100
IngressQCLPHigh (cells): 70
IngressQCLPLow (cells): 60
IngressEfciThreshold (cells): 50
CompliantCellDelayVariation (micro secs): 0
CompliantInfoRate (cells/sec): 0
InitialBurstSize (cells): 0
MaxFrameSize (cells): 0
PeakInformationRate (cells/sec) 1000
CLPTagEnable: Disabled
FrameGCRAEnable: Disabled
This command displays details of all connections between the current AUSM and the BNI to which the current shelf attaches.
Display connections
dspcons, xaddcon, addcon, xdelcon, delcon, xdspcon
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display parameters for the connections on the current AUSM.
Chan Port.VPI.VCI ConnType Service Type PCRlot1 Q-Depth State
30 1.10.100 VCC ABR 3622 2000 Active
33 1.10.200 VPC CBR 3622 100 Alarm
This command displays the interim local management interface (ILMI) configuration.
Display ILMI
<port_num> | port_num is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
cnfilmi, xcnfilmi, dspilmicnt
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspilmi 1
Display the ILMI configuration for port 1.
Port Num: 1
Signalling: No signalling
SignallingVPI: 0
SignallingVCI: 0
ILMITrap: Disabled
ILMI-Min-Trap-Interval (secs): 1
KeepAlivePolling: Disabled
ErrorThreshold: 3
EventThreshold: 4
PollingInterval (secs): 30
MinimumEnquiryInterval (secs): 10
EXT Operation: port 2
The xdspln command displays the detailed configuration for a specified line. When the current card is an ASC, the line is:
Display line configuration
On ASC, FRSM or AUSM cards
<line number> | line number can be 1 on an ASC and 1-4 on 4-port service modules and 1-8 on 8-port service modules |
On SRM-3T3 cards
xdspln <-srmds3><line number>
<line number> | line number can be 1-3 |
xaddln, addln, xcnfln, cnfln, xdelln, delln
Log: No | State: Active on ASC, any state on FRSM, AUSM, or SRM-3T3 | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspln 2
Display line 2 on the current AUSM card.
LineNum: 2
LineConnectorType: BNC
LineType: dsx1E1CAS
LineEnable: Enabled
LineCoding: dsx1HDB3
LineLength: G.703 75 ohm
LineXmtClockSource: LocalTiming
LineLoopbackCommand: NoLoop
LineSendCode: NoCode
LineUsedTimeslotsBitMap: 0xffffffff
ConfigChangePortBitMap: 0x0
LineNumOfValidEntries: 4
xdspln 1
Display line 1 on the current ASC (1 is the only valid line number on an ASC).
LineNum: 1
LineType: dsx3CbitParity
LineCoding: dsx3B3ZS
LineLength: LessThan450ft
LineOOFCriteria: 3 out of 8
LineAIScBitsCheck: Check C-bits
LineLoopbackCommand: NoLoop
LineRcvFEACValidation: 4 out of 5 FEAC codes
LineNumOfValidEntries: 1
sonetLineNum: 1
This command displays the configuration parameters for all lines on the current card. The displayed parameters depend on the card.
Display lines
dsplns, addln, xaddln, cnfln, xcnfln, xdelln, delln
Log: No | State: Active on ASC, any state on FRSM, or AUSM | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display lines on the current FRSM card.
Line ConnType Type Enable/Coding Length XmtClockSource
---- -------- ------------ ------- -------- ------------- --------------
7.1 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
7.2 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
7.3 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
7.4 DB-15 dsx1ESF Modify/dsx1B8ZS 0-110 ft LocalTiming
LineNumOfValidEntries: 4
Display lines on the current ASC with BNM-T3 trunk card.
Line Type Coding Length Criteria AIScBitsCheck
---- -------------- -------- ------------- ----------- -------------
2.1 dsx3CbitParity dsx3B3ZS LessThan450ft 3 out of 8 Check C-bits
LineNumOfValidEntries: 1
Display lines on the current ASC with BNM-155 trunk card.
Medium Medium Medium Medium
Sonet Line Line HSC Payload Frame Time Valid Line Line
Line Type Lpbk mask Scramble Scramble Elapsed Intvls Coding Type
---- -------------- -------- ------------- ----------- ------------------
LineNumOfValidEntries: 1
On an FRSM and CESM, the xdspport (or dspport) command displays the port configuration for the specified port. On an AUSM, the xdspport command displays the Physical Layer Protocol Processor of a port on the current AUSM.
Display port
On an FRSM-4T1, port number is in the range 1-96
On an FRSM-4E1, port number is in the range 1-124
On an FRSM-8T1, port number is in the range 1-192
On an FRSM-8E1, port number is in the range 1-248
On a CESM-8T1, port number is in the range 1-192
On a CESM-8E1, port number is in the range 1-248
On an AUSM, port number is the port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card
FRSM: xaddport, addport, xcnfport, cnfport, xdelport, delport
AUSM: xupport, upport, xdnport, dnport
Log: No | State: Active | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspport 1
Display the port configuration for port 1 on the current FRSM.
SlotNum: 7
PortLineNum: 1
PortNum: 1
PortRowStatus: Add
PortDs0Speed: 64k
PortDs0ConfigBitMap: 0xffffff
PortEqueueServiceRatio: 1
PortFlagsBetweenFrames: 1
PortSpeed: 1536kbps
SignallingProtocolType: NoSignalling
AsynchronousUpdates: Disable
T391LineIntegrityTimer: 10
T392PollingVerificationTimer: 15
N391FullStatusPollingCounter: 6
N392ErrorThreshold: 3
N393MonitoredEventCount: 4
PortState: FailedDuetoLineFailure
PortSignallingState: No Signalling Failure
CLLMEnableStatus: Disable
CLLMxmtStatusTimer: 0
PortDs0UsedLine1: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine2: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine3: 0x00ffffff
PortDs0UsedLine4: 0x00ffffff
PortNumNextAvailable: 60
Syntax : dspport "port_num"
port number -- values ranging from 1-96 are accepted
xdspport 1
Display port 1 on the current AUSM.
PortNumber: 1
Cell Framing: ATM
Cell Scramble: No Scramble
Plpp Loopback: No Loopback
This command displays counters for a specified port.
Display port counters
<port number> | For the FRSM, port number is in the range 1-96 for 4-port T1, 1-124 for 4-port E1, 1-192 for 8-port T1, 1-248 for 8-port E1 Port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port AUSM, 1-8 for an 8-port AUSM |
cnfcd, dspcds
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
dspportcnt 1
Display extended port counters on port 1 of the current AUSM.
PortNum: 1
PortState: Sig. Failure
IngressRcvCells: 0
IngressRcvCellRate (cells/sec): 0
IngressRcvUtilization (percentage): 0
IngressXmtCells: 0
IngressGFCErrorCells: 0
IngressVpiVciErrCells: 0
IngressUnknownVpiVci: 0x0
IngressRcvClpSetCells: 0
EgressRcvCells: 0
EgressRcvCellRate (cells/sec): 0
EgressRcvUtilization (percentage): 0
EgressXmtCells: 0
EgressXmtCellRate (cells/sec): 0
EgressXmtUtilization (percentage): 0
EgressPortAlarmDiscardCells: 0
EgressXmtClpSetCells: 0
EgressXmtEfciSetCells: 0
PortXmtAisCells: 0
PortXmtSgmtLpbkCells: 0
PortRcvAisCells: 0
PortRcvFerfCells: 0
PortRcvSgmtLpbkCells: 0
PortRcvCrcErrOAMCells: 0
TotalIngressQFullDiscardCells: 0
TotalIngressClpSetDiscardCells: 0
TransmitFIFOFullCount (per card): 0
ReceivedHECErrorCells: 0
HECErroredSeconds: 0
SeverelyHECErroredSeconds: 0
dspportcnt 1
Display extended port counters on port 1 of the current FRSM.
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Frames: 0 0
Total Bytes: 0 0
Frames FECN: 0 0
Frames BECN: 0 0
Frames Abort: 0 0
Buf Not Available: 0 0
KbpsAIR: 0 0
XmtFramesDiscXceedQDepth: 0
XmtBytesDiscXceedQDepth: 0
XmtFramesDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtByteDuringLMIAlarm: 0
XmtFramesUnderrun: 0
RcvFramesDE: 0
RcvFramesDiscCRCError: 0
RcvFramesDiscIllegalHeader: 0
RcvFramesDiscAlignmentError: 0
RcvFramesDiscIllegalLen: 0
RcvFramesDiscXceedDEThresh: 0
RcvFramesUnknownDLCI: 0
RcvLastUnknownDLCI: 0
RcvFramesTaggedFECN: 0
RcvFramesTaggedBECN: 0
RcvFramesTaggedDE: 0
Status: 0 0
StatusInquiry: 0 0
AsynchUpdate: 0 0
RcvInvalidRequest: 0
RcvUNISeqMismatch: 0
RcvNNISeqMismatch: 0
UNISignallingTimeout: 0
NNISignallingTimeout: 0
FramesCLLM: 0 0
BytesCLLM: 0 0
CLLMFailures: 0
The xdspportq command displays queue information for a specified port and egress queue on the AUSM or IM-ATM.
Display port queue.
xdspportq <port number> <egress queue number>
<port number> | port number is in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
<egress queue number> | egress queue number is in the range 1-12 for a 4-port card, 1-16 for an 8-port card |
dspportq, dspportqs
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspportq 1 1
Display queue information for egress queue 1 on port 1.
Service Port Num: 1
Q Number: 1
Port Bin State: Enabled
Service Sequence: 1
Queue Depth: 100
CLP Threshold High (cells): 100
CLP Threshold Low (cells): 100
EFCI Threshold: 100
Queue Algorithm: 1
Max Bandwidth Increment: 0
Min Bandwidth Increment: 0
Q CLP State: 0
Q Full Discarded Cells: 0
CLP Set Discarded Cells: 0
This command displays queue information for all the egress queues on an AUSM port.
Display port queues
dspportqs, xdspportq, dspportq
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
xdspportqs 1
Display egress queue information for all the egress queues on port 1.
Port Q Num State Q-Algo Service-Seq Depth-Max CLP-High CLP-Low EFCI-Thrsh
---- ----- ----- ------ ----------- --------- -------- ------- ----------
1 1 Enabled 3 1 200 180 160 160
1 2 Enabled 3 2 900 800 700 700
1 3 Enabled 3 3 900 800 700 700
4 1 Enabled 3 1 200 180 160 160
4 2 Enabled 3 2 900 800 700 700
4 3 Enabled 3 3 900 800 700 700
Syntax : xdspportqs
The xdspports command displays information on all the ports on the current card.
Display ports
dspport, addport, cnfport, delport, dspport
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display the ports on the current FRSM.
Port Ena/Speed EQService SignalType T391 T392 N391 N392 N393 InAlarm
-------- --- ----- --------- ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------
7.2.1 Add/1536k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.2 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.3 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.4 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.5 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.6 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.7 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.8 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.9 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.10 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.11 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.12 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.13 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.14 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.15 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.16 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.17 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.18 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
7.2.19 Add/ 64k 1 NoSignalling 10 15 6 3 4 No
This command displays characteristics of the shelf information on card and line status.
Display shelf
Log: No | State: Any | Privilege: 1-6 |
Display extended information about the cards in the shelf.
Slot CardState CardType CardAlarm Redundancy
---- ----------- ------------ --------- ------------------
1.1 Unknown ?
1.2 Active BNM-T3 Minor
1.3 Empty
1.4 Active ASC
1.5 Active FRSM-4T1
1.6 Empty
1.7 Active AUSM-4T1 Minor
1.8 Empty
1.9 Active FRSM-8E1
1.10 Active AUSM-8T1
1.11 Active CESM-8T1
1.12 Empty
1.13 Empty
1.14 Empty
1.15 Unknown
1.16 Empty
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
NumOfValidEntries: 16
NodeName: pubsaxi1
Date: 06/14/1998
Time: 07:47:27
TimeZone: PST
TimeZoneGMTOff: -8
shelfIntegratedAlarm: Minor
BkplnSerialNum: 133492
BkplnType: 1
BkplnFabNumber: fab#213882-00 revAD
BkplnHwRev: ab
This command ups a port. No messages appear on screen unless an error occurs.
Up port
<PortNum> | Specified port number in the range 1-4 for a 4-port card, 1-8 for an 8-port card |
xupport, xdnport, dnport
Log: Yes | State: Active | Privilege: 1 |
Posted: Wed Feb 7 14:24:53 PST 2001
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