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BNM-T3 Specification

Intershelf Link

T3 Line Interface Connector:

BNC connector Per ANSI T1.404

T3 Cable Recommended:

Coax, 75 ohm, 728A or Equiv.

T3 Line Signal:

DSX-3 Specification Per ANSI T1.102 and ATT PUB 54014

T3 Line Rate:

44.736 Mbps ± 895 bps

T3 Framing:

Asynch. C-bit Parity per ANSI T1.107a

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 54014, Category II Equipment

Output Jitter Generation:

Per ATT TR 54014, Table B1, "Equipment with DS3 Oscillator" Category

PMD Layer Alarms:


PMD Layer Performance Statistics:


Trans. Convergence Protocol:

PLCP per TR-TSV-000773

TC Layer Alarms:


TC Layer Performance Statistics:


ATM Layer Protocol:

Per CCITT I.361; The header check sum is XORed with the COSET function (0x55)

ATM Layer Counters:

Number of cells received good
Number of cells received and discarded due to bad HEC

Number of cells transmitted good
Number of cells received from CellBus
Number of cells transmitted to CellBus


Header of first cell received with invalid egress
translation entries.
Number of cells dropped due to invalid egress
translation entries

Card General


Derives 8KHz shelf synchronization clock
from a variety of sources:

· internal 8 kHz clock (10 ppm)


· external T1/E1 clock port with a clock rate of
1.544 Mbps±50 bps (T1) or 2.048 Mbps±100 bps (E1)

External OFfice clock interface:

DB15 connector via LM-T3E3-D (T1 clock)
BNC connector via LM-T3E3-B (E1 clock)
Alarm interface: CO compatible alarm indicator and contr

DB15 connector


Per Card: Active (Green), Failed (Red), Standby (Yellow)
T3 Interface: Active & Okay (Green),
Active & Local Alarm (Red),
Active & Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Minor DS-3 Statistical Alarm

Maintenance/Servicability Features:

Internal Isolation Loopbacks
External remote loopback


> 65000 hours MTBF

Card Size:

BNM-T3: 7.25"x 16.25"
LM-T3E3-D: 7.25" x 4.5"
LM-T3E3-B: 7.25" x 4.5"


-48V DC, 25W

BNM-E3 Specification

Intershelf Link

E3 Line Interface Connector:

BNC connector Per ANSI T1.404

E3 Cable Recommended:

Coax, 75 ohm, 728A or Equiv.

E3 Line Signal:

Per G.703

E3 Line Rate:

34.368 Mbps

E3 Framing:

G.832 and G.804

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per G.703

Output Jitter Generation:

Per G.703

PMD Layer Alarms:


PMD Layer Performance Statistics:


Trans. Convergence Protocol:

PLCP per TR-TSV-000773

TC Layer Alarms:


TC Layer Performance Statistics:


ATM Layer Protocol:

Per CCITT I.361; The header check sum is XORed with the COSET function (0x55)

ATM Layer Counters:

Number of cells received good

Number of cells received and discarded due to bad HEC

Number of cells transmitted good

Number of cells received from CellBus

Number of cells transmitted to CellBus


Header of first cell received with invalid egress translation entries

Number of cells dropped due to invalid egress translation entries

Number of unacknowledged cells transmitted to CellBus

Card General


Derives 8KHz shelf synchronization clock from a variety of sources:

· E3 physical interface

· external T1/E1 clock port with a clock rate of 1.544 Mbps±50 bps (T1) or 2.048 Mbps±100 bps (E1)

External Office clock interface:

DB15 connector via LM-T3E3-D (T1 clock)
BNC connector via LM-T3E3-B (E1 clock)

Alarm interface:

CO compatible alarm indicator and controls B15 connector


Per Card:

Active (Green), Failed (Red), Standby (Yellow)

E3 Interface:

Active & Okay (Green),
Active & Local Alarm (Red),
Active & Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Minor DS-3 Statistical Alarm

Shelf Voltage:

A voltage OK (Green) B voltage OK (Green)


Major (Red), Minor (Yellow) ACO (Yellow), History (Green)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

Internal Isolation Loopbacks

External remote loopback


Card Size:

BNM-T3: 7.25" x 16.25"

LM-T3E3-D: 7.25" x 4.5"

LM-T3E3-B: 7.25" x 4.5"


-48V DC, 25W

BNM-155 Specifications

Intershelf Link Specifications

Common Specifications


SONET STS-3c per ANSI T1.105

PMD Layer Alarms:

Loss of Signal (LOS)
Severely Errored Framing (SEF)
Loss of Frame (LOF)
Line Alarm Indication Signal (AIS-L)
STS Path Alarm Indication Signal (AIS-P)
Line Remote Defect Indication (RDI-L)
Loss of Pointer (LOP)
STS Path Remote Defect Indication (RDI-P)

Transmission Convergence Protocol:

Per GR-253-CORE and ANSI T1.105

TC Layer Alarm:

Loss of Cell Delineation ((LCD)

ATM Layer Protocol:

Per CCITT I.361: The header check sum is XORed with the COSET function (0x55)

ATM Layer Counters:

Number of cells received good
Number of cells received and discarded due to bad HEC
Number of cells transmitted good


Number of cells received from Cell Bus
Number of cells transmitted to Cell Bus
Number of unacknowledged cells transmitted to Cell Bus
Header of first cell received with invalid egress translation errors
Number of cells dropped due to invalid ingress translation errors
Number of cells dropped due to invalid etress translation entries

SMF Specific Specifications

SMF Line Interface Connector

SC?PC, SMF connectors

Fiber Recommendation


Maximum Fiber Length


SMF Line Signal

Optical, SONET OC-3c per ANSI T1.105 and GR-253-CORE

SMF Line Rate

155.52 Mbps

Input Jitter Tolerance

Per Gr-253-CORE

Output Jitter Generation

Per Gr-253-CORE

UTP Specific Specifications

UTP Line Interface Connector

Shielded RJ-45

Cable Recommendation

Category 5, Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), 100 ohms

Maximum Cable Length

100 meters

UTP Line Signal

Binary Non-Return to Zero (NRZ)

UTP Line Rate

155.52 Mbps ± 20 ppm

Output Jitter Generation

Per ATM Forum PMD Interface Specification for 155 Mbps over Twisted Pair, (5/94)

General Card Specifications


Derives 8 kHz shelf synchronization clock from a variety of sources:
Internal 8 kHz (±10 ppm)
External T1/E1 clock port with a clock rate of 1.544 MHz ±50 ppm (T1) or 2.048 MHz ± 100 bps (E1)

External Clock Interface

DB-15 connector or BNC connector (both are available)

Alarm Interface

CO compatible alarm indicator and controls via DB-15 connector


Ten LEDs

· Per Card

Active (Green)
Failed (Red)
Standby (Amber)

· OC-3 Interface

Single multi-hue LED
Active and OK (Green)
Active and Local Alarm (Red)
Active and Remote Alarm (Amber)

· Shelf Voltage

A Voltage OK (Green)
B Voltage OK (Green)

· Alarms

Major (Red)
Minor (Amber)
ACO (Amber)
History (Green)

Maintenance Serviceablity Features

Internal isolation loopbacks
External remote loopbacks

· Reliability

> 65000 hours MTBF

· Card Size

BNM-155: 7.25" x 16.25"
SMF-155-LM: 7.25" x 4.5"
UTP-155-LM: 7.25" x 4.5"

· Power

-48 DC, 18W

ASC Specification

802.3 LAN Interface Connector:

AUI interface via DB-15 connector Control port: DB-25 RS232 connector; Asynch interface, 99200 baud, 1 start, 1 stop, No Parity

Trouble shooting interface:

Maintenance port: DB-25 RS232 connector; Asynch interface, 9600 baud, 1 start, 1 stop, No Parity


Per Card:Active (Green), Failed (Red), Standby (Yellow)

LAN activityFlashing green

Maintenance/ Serviceability Features:

RS232 maintenance/debug port

Internal Isolation Loopbacks



> 65000 hours MTBF

Card Size:

ASC: 7.25" x 16.25"

LM_ASC: 7.0" x 4.5"


-48V DC, 25W

SRM-3T3 Specification

T1/E1 Line Interface Connector:

None required
The Standby SM requires a special Line Module:
R-DB15-4T1 if active cards use DB15-4T1
R-DB15-4E1 if active cards use DB15-4E1
R-BNC-4T1 if active cards use DB15-4T1
R-DB15-4T1 if active cards use DB15-4T1
R-RJ48-8T1 if active cards use RJ-48-8T1
R-RJ48-8E1 if active cards use RJ-48-8E1
R-SNB-4T1 if active cards use DB15-4T1

Line Rate:

T1: 1.544 Mbps ±75 bps (50 ppm)
E1: 2.048 Mbps ± 100 bps (50 ppm)

Transmit Clocking:

Normal or Looped timed

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per AT&T Accunet T1.5 Service 1990 - T1
Per G.703 - E1

Physical Layer Alarms:

Indicated in respective Service Modules

Physical Layer Performance Statistics:



Per Card:

Active (green), Failed (red), Standby (yellow)


Active (green), Errors (yellow)

1 to N Redundancy:

Active (green)

Indicator for each T3:

Active (green)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

DS1 Loopback towards service modules
Hot pluggable


>85000 hous MTBF

Card Size:

Frontcard 7.25" x 16.25"
Backcard 7" x 4.5"


48VDC, 50 W

Loopback codes:

Fractional T1 in-band loopback -
ANSI T1/E1-2/92-003 R3

DS0 loopback -

Monitoring trouble codes:

ATT TR-62310

FRSM-4T1 Specification

Service Interface

Line Interface connector:

DB15—when used with LM-DB15-4T1 line module.

Line Rate:

1.544 Mbps ± 50 bps.

Line Framing:

ESF per ATT TR 54016.


Transmitter may be either loop-timed to Receiver, or synchronized to shelf, (called normal mode)

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 62411

Output Jitter Generation:

Per ATT TR 62411 using normal mode synchronization

Physical Layer Alarms:


Number of Frame Relay Ports:

1-Single frame relay stream occupying n consecutive time slots.

Frame Relay Interface Rates:

Either 56 Kbps or n*64 Kbps; n as defined above.

Frame Relay Interface:

Per ANSI T1.618, 2-octet header

Frame Relay Performance Counters (per Port; n x DS0):

Receive frames discarded due to Aborts
Receive frames discarded due to illegal header (EA bit)(s)
Receive frames discarded due to CRC errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to alignment errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to unknown DLCI (s)
Receive frames discarded due to illegal frame length (s)
Receive frames discarded due to DE threshold exceeded
Receive frames with DE already set
Receive frames with FECN already set
Receive frames with BECN already set
Receive frames tagged FECN
Receive frames (s)
Receive bytes (s)
Transmit frames discarded due to underrun
Transmit frames discarded due to Abort
Transmit frames discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit bytes discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit frames discarded due to egress DE threshold
exceeded Transmit frames (s)

Transmit bytes(s)
Transmit Frames with FECN set (s)
Transmit Frames with BECN set (s)

LMI receive status inquiry request count (s)
LMI transmit status inquiry request count
LMI invalid receive status count (s)
LMI signaling protocol (keep alive time-out count) (s)
LMI sequence number error count (s)
LMI receive status transmit count (in response to request)
LMI transmit status transmit count (in response to request)
Transmit frames during LMI alarm (s)
Transmit bytes during LMI alarm (s)
LMI update status transmit count (in response
to configuration changes)

Diagnostics (per port):

Last unknown DLCI received

System Interface

ATM Layer:

Per CCITT I.361 and ATM UNI v3.1

AAL Layer:

AAL5 per Draft CCITT I.363.

FR-Cell Interworking:

Per Draft CCITT I.555 and I.36x.1, as summarized in Frame Relay Forum, FR/ATM PVC Interworking Implementation Agreement FRF.5.

Virtual Circuits

Channels (Endpoints):

256 per card—may be allocated across any of the frame relay interfaces


Service Counters:

Number of frames received (s)
Number of bytes received (s)
Number of frames received with DE already set (s)
Number of bytes received with DE already set (s)
Number of frames received with unknown DLCI
Number of frames received but discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded due to exceeded Q-depth (s)
Number of frames received and discarded due to: intershelf alarm
exceeded DE threshold (s)
exceeded Q depth (s)
Number of frames received with FECN set
Number of frames received with BECN set
Number of frames received tagged FECN
Number of frames received tagged BECN

Number of frames transmitted (s)
Number of bytes transmitted (s)

Number of frames transmitted with DE set (s)
Number of frames discarded due to reassembly errors (s)
Number of frames transmitted during LMI logical port alarm(s)
Number of frames transmitted with FECN set (s)
Number of frames transmitted with BECN set (s)
Number of transmit frames discarded (s)
Number of transmit bytes discarded
Number of transmit frames discarded due to: CRC error (s)
egress Q depth exceeded (s)
egress DE threshold exceeded source abort
physical link failure (T1)
ATM cells: Number of cells transmitted to BNM
Number of cells transmitted with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells transmitted (s)
Number of BCM cells transmitted
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells transmitted
Number of cells received from BNM
Number of cells received with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells received (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells received (s)
Number of BCM cells received
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells received (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells received
Number of OAM cells discarded due to CRC-10 error (s)


All of the above counters followed by an (s) can be configured as statistics.


Last unknown LCN received Cells with unknown LCN count

Card General


Per Card:

Active (Green), Standby (Yellow), Fail (Red)

Lines (one per):

Active & Okay (Green)
Active & Local Alarm (Red)
Active & Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

Internal Problem Isolation Loopbacks Hot-pluggable


> 65000 hours MTBF

Card Size:

FRSM-4T1: 7.25" x 16.25"
LM-DB15-4T1: 7.0" x 4.5"
Power: -48V DC, 30W (4 T1s)

FRSM-4E1 Specification

Service Interface

Line Interface connector:

DB15when used with LM-DB15-4E1 line module

BNC—when used with LM-BNC-4E1 line module

Line Rate:

2.048 Mbps ± 100 bps


Transmitter may be either loop-timed to Receiver or synchronized to shelf (called normal mode)

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per G.703

Output Jitter Generation:

Per G.703

Physical Layer Alarms:


Number of Frame Interfaces:

I to 31 occupying n where 1 < n < 31. Sum of all < 31 for CCS. 1-30 for CAS

Frame Relay Interface Rates:

Either 56 Kbps or n*64 Kbps; n as defined above

Frame Relay Interface:

Per ANSI T1.618, 2-octet header

Frame Relay Performance Counters (per Port; n x DS0):

Receive frames discarded due to Aborts
Receive frames discarded due to illegal header (EA bit)(s)
Receive frames discarded due to CRC errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to alignment errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to unknown DLCI (s)
Receive frames discarded due to illegal frame length (s)
Receive frames discarded due to DE threshold exceeded
Receive frames with DE already set
Receive frames with FECN already set
Receive frames with BECN already set
Receive frames tagged FECN
Receive frames (s)
Receive bytes (s)

Transmit frames discarded due to underrun
Transmit frames discarded due to Abort
Transmit frames discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit bytes discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit frames discarded due to egress DE threshold exceeded Transmit frames (s)
Transmit bytes(s)
Transmit Frames with FECN set (s)
Transmit Frames with BECN set (s)
LMI receive status inquiry request count (s)
LMI transmit status inquiry request count
LMI invalid receive status count (s)
LMI signaling protocol (keep alive time-out count) (s)
LMI sequence number error count (s)
LMI receive status transmit count (in response to request)
LMI transmit status transmit count (in response to request)
Transmit frames during LMI alarm (s)
Transmit bytes during LMI alarm (s)
LMI update status transmit count (in response to configuration changes)

Diagnostics (per port):

Last unknown DLCI received

System Interface

ATM Layer:

Per CCITT I.361 and ATM UNI v3.1

AAL Layer:

AAL5 per Draft CCITT I.363

FR-Cell Interworking:

Per Draft CCITT I.555 and I.36x.1, as summarized in "Frame Relay Forum, FR/ATM PVC Interworking Implementation Agreement FERF.5"

Virtual Circuits

Channels (Endpoints):

256 per card—may be allocated across any of the frame relay interfaces


Service Counters: Number of frames received (s)
Number of bytes received (s)
Number of frames received with DE already set (s)
Number of bytes received with DE already set (s)
Number of frames received with unknown DLCI
Number of frames received but discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded due to exceeded Q-Depth (s)
Number of frames received and discarded due to:
intershelf alarm
exceeded DE threshold (s)
exceeded Q depth (s)
Number of frames received with FECN set
Number of frames received with BECN set

Number of frames received tagged FECN
Number of frames received tagged BECN
Number of frames transmitted (s)
Number of bytes transmitted (s)
Number of frames transmitted with DE set (s)
Number of frames discarded due to reassembly errors (s)
NumberNumber of frames transmitted during LMI logical port alarm(s)
Number of frames transmitted with FECN set (s)
Number of frames transmitted with BECN set (s)
Number of transmit frames discarded (s)
Number of transmit bytes discarded
Number of transmit frames discarded due to: CRC error (s)
egress Q depth exceeded (s)
egress DE threshold exceeded source abort physical link failure (T1)

ATM cells: Number of cells transmitted to BNM
Number of cells transmitted with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells transmitted (s)
Number of BCM cells transmitted
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells transmitted
Number of cells received from BNM
Number of cells received with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells received (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells received (s)
Number of BCM cells received
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells received (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells received
Number of OAM cells discarded due to CRC-10 error (s)
Statistics: All of the above counters followed by an (s) can be configured as statistics.
Diagnostics:8Last unknown LCN received
Cells with unknown LCN count
Card General


Per Card:Active (Green), Standby (Yellow), Fail (Red)
Lines (one per):Active & Okay (Green),
Active & Local Alarm (Red),
Active & Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

Internal Problem Isolation Loopbacks

Card Size:

FRSM-4E1: 7.25" x 16.25"
LM-DB15-4E1: 7.0" x 4.5"
LM-BNC-4E1: 7.0" x 4.5"


-48V DC, 30W (4 E1s)


8000 cell buffer shared between virtual channels/paths
Standard Usage Parameter Control (UPC)
Selective Cell Discard
Virtual Circuit Queuing
EFCI setting per VC


8000 cell storage capacity shared between four ports.
Up to 12 user selectable Egress Queues per port.
Selective Cell Discard.
EFCI setting per Queue.

FRSM-8T1 Specification

Service Interface

Line Interface connector:

DB15—when used with LM-DB15-8T1 line module.

Line Rate:

1.544 Mbps ± 50 bps

Line Framing:

ESF per ATT TR 54016


Transmitter may be either loop-timed to Receiver, or synchronized to shelf, (called normal mode)

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 62411

Output Jitter Generation:

Per ATT TR 62411 using normal mode synchronization

Physical Layer Alarms:


Number of Frame Relay Ports:

1-Single frame relay stream occupying n consecutive time slots.

Frame Relay Interface Rates:

Either 56 Kbps or n*64 Kbps; n as defined above.

Frame Relay Interface:

Per ANSI T1.618, 2-octet header

Frame Relay Performance Counters (per Port; n x DS0):

Receive frames discarded due to Aborts
Receive frames discarded due to illegal header (EA bit)(s)
Receive frames discarded due to CRC errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to alignment errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to unknown DLCI (s)
Receive frames discarded due to illegal frame length (s)
Receive frames discarded due to DE threshold exceeded
Receive frames with DE already set
Receive frames with FECN already set
Receive frames with BECN already set
Receive frames tagged FECN
Receive frames (s)
Receive bytes (s)
Transmit frames discarded due to underrun
Transmit frames discarded due to Abort
Transmit frames discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit bytes discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit frames discarded due to egress DE threshold
exceeded Transmit frames (s)

Transmit bytes(s)
Transmit Frames with FECN set (s)
Transmit Frames with BECN set (s)

LMI receive status inquiry request count (s)
LMI transmit status inquiry request count
LMI invalid receive status count (s)
LMI signaling protocol (keep alive time-out count) (s)
LMI sequence number error count (s)
LMI receive status transmit count (in response to request)
LMI transmit status transmit count (in response to request)
Transmit frames during LMI alarm (s)
Transmit bytes during LMI alarm (s)
LMI update status transmit count (in response
to configuration changes)

Diagnostics (per port):

Last unknown DLCI received

System Interface

ATM Layer:

Per CCITT I.361 and ATM UNI v3.1

AAL Layer:

AAL5 per Draft CCITT I.363.

FR-Cell Interworking:

Per Draft CCITT I.555 and I.36x.1, as summarized in Frame Relay Forum, FR/ATM PVC Interworking Implementation Agreement FRF.5.

Virtual Circuits

Channels (Endpoints):

256 per card—may be allocated across any of the frame relay interfaces


Service Counters:

Number of frames received (s)
Number of bytes received (s)
Number of frames received with DE already set (s)
Number of bytes received with DE already set (s)
Number of frames received with unknown DLCI
Number of frames received but discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded due to exceeded Q-depth (s)
Number of frames received and discarded due to: intershelf alarm
exceeded DE threshold (s)
exceeded Q depth (s)
Number of frames received with FECN set
Number of frames received with BECN set
Number of frames received tagged FECN
Number of frames received tagged BECN

Number of frames transmitted (s)
Number of bytes transmitted (s)

Number of frames transmitted with DE set (s)
Number of frames discarded due to reassembly errors (s)
Number of frames transmitted during LMI logical port alarm(s)
Number of frames transmitted with FECN set (s)
Number of frames transmitted with BECN set (s)
Number of transmit frames discarded (s)
Number of transmit bytes discarded
Number of transmit frames discarded due to: CRC error (s)
egress Q depth exceeded (s)
egress DE threshold exceeded source abort
physical link failure (T1)
ATM cells: Number of cells transmitted to BNM
Number of cells transmitted with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells transmitted (s)
Number of BCM cells transmitted
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells transmitted
Number of cells received from BNM
Number of cells received with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells received (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells received (s)
Number of BCM cells received
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells received (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells received
Number of OAM cells discarded due to CRC-10 error (s)


All of the above counters followed by an (s) can be configured as statistics.


Last unknown LCN received Cells with unknown LCN count

Card General


Per Card:

Active (Green), Standby (Yellow), Fail (Red)

Lines (one per):

Active & Okay (Green)
Active & Local Alarm (Red)
Active & Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

Internal Problem Isolation Loopbacks Hot-pluggable


> 65000 hours MTBF

Card Size:

FRSM-4T1: 7.25" x 16.25"
LM-DB15-4T1: 7.0" x 4.5"
Power: -48V DC, 30W (4 T1s)

FRSM-8E1 Specification

Service Interface

Line Interface connector:

DB15when used with LM-DB15-8E1 line module. BNC—when used with LM-BNC-8E1 line module.

Line Rate:

2.048 Mbps ± 100 bps


Transmitter may be either loop-timed to Receiver, or synchronized to shelf, (called normal mode)

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per G.703

Output Jitter Generation:

Per G.703

Physical Layer Alarms:


Number of Frame Interfaces:

I to 31 occupying n where 1 < n < 31. Sum of all < 31 for CCS. 1-30 for CAS.

Frame Relay Interface Rates:

Either 56 Kbps or n*64 Kbps; n as defined above.

Frame Relay Interface:

Per ANSI T1.618, 2-octet header

Frame Relay Performance Counters (per Port; n x DS0):

Receive frames discarded due to Aborts
Receive frames discarded due to illegal header (EA bit)(s)
Receive frames discarded due to CRC errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to alignment errors (s)
Receive frames discarded due to unknown DLCI (s)
Receive frames discarded due to illegal frame length (s)
Receive frames discarded due to DE threshold exceeded
Receive frames with DE already set
Receive frames with FECN already set
Receive frames with BECN already set
Receive frames tagged FECN
Receive frames (s)
Receive bytes (s)

Transmit frames discarded due to underrun
Transmit frames discarded due to Abort
Transmit frames discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit bytes discarded due to egress Q-depth exceeded (s)
Transmit frames discarded due to egress DE threshold exceeded Transmit frames (s)
Transmit bytes(s)
Transmit Frames with FECN set (s)
Transmit Frames with BECN set (s)
LMI receive status inquiry request count (s)
LMI transmit status inquiry request count
LMI invalid receive status count (s)
LMI signaling protocol (keep alive time-out count) (s)
LMI sequence number error count (s)
LMI receive status transmit count (in response to request)
LMI transmit status transmit count (in response to request)
Transmit frames during LMI alarm (s)
Transmit bytes during LMI alarm (s)
LMI update status transmit count (in response to configuration changes)

Diagnostics (per port):

Last unknown DLCI received

System Interface

ATM Layer:

Per CCITT I.361 and ATM UNI v3.1

AAL Layer:

AAL5 per Draft CCITT I.363

FR-Cell Interworking:

Per Draft CCITT I.555 and I.36x.1, as summarized in "Frame Relay Forum, FR/ATM PVC Interworking Implementation Agreement FERF.5"

Virtual Circuits

Channels (Endpoints):

256 per card—may be allocated across any of the frame relay interfaces


Service Counters: Number of frames received (s)
Number of bytes received (s)
Number of frames received with DE already set (s)
Number of bytes received with DE already set (s)
Number of frames received with unknown DLCI
Number of frames received but discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded (s)
Number of received bytes discarded due to exceeded Q-Depth (s)
Number of frames received and discarded due to:
intershelf alarm
exceeded DE threshold (s)
exceeded Q depth (s)
Number of frames received with FECN set
Number of frames received with BECN set

Number of frames received tagged FECN
Number of frames received tagged BECN
Number of frames transmitted (s)
Number of bytes transmitted (s)
Number of frames transmitted with DE set (s)
Number of frames discarded due to reassembly errors (s)
Number of frames transmitted during LMI logical port alarm(s)
Number of frames transmitted with FECN set (s)
Number of frames transmitted with BECN set (s)
Number of transmit frames discarded (s)
Number of transmit bytes discarded
Number of transmit frames discarded due to: CRC error (s)
egress Q depth exceeded (s)
egress DE threshold exceeded source abort physical link failure (T1)

ATM cells: Numberof cells transmitted to BNM
Number of cells transmitted with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells transmitted (s)
Number of BCM cells transmitted
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells transmitted (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells transmitted
NumberNumber of cells received from BNM
Number of cells received with CLP bit set
Number of OAM AIS cells received (s)
Number of OAM FERF cells received (s)
Number of BCM cells received
Number of OAM end-end loopback cells received (s)
Number of OAM segment loopback cells received
Number of OAM cells discarded due to CRC-10 error (s)
Statistics: All of the above counters followed by an (s) can be configured as statistics.
Diagnostics:8Last unknown LCN received
Cells with unknown LCN count
Card General


Per Card:Active (Green), Standby (Yellow), Fail (Red)
Lines (one per):Active & Okay (Green)
Active & Local Alarm (Red)
Active & Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

Internal Problem Isolation Loopbacks

Card Size:

FRSM-4E1: 7.25" x 16.25"
LM-DB15-4E1: 7.0" x 4.5"
LM-BNC-4E1: 7.0" x 4.5"


-48V DC, 30W (4 E1s)


8000 cell buffer shared between virtual channels/paths
Standard Usage Parameter Control (UPC)
Selective Cell Discard
Virtual Circuit Queuing
EFCI setting per VC


8000 cell storage capacity shared between four ports
Up to 12 user selectable Egress Queues per port
Selective Cell Discard
EFCI setting per Queue

AUSM Specification

Service Interface (T1):

Line Interface Connector:

Miniature 15 pin female DB-15 (100

)—(Use LM-DB15-4T1).

Line Rate:

1.544 Mbps ± 50 bps (T1)


Transmitter may be either loop-timed or Receiver, or synchronized to shelf, (called normal mode).

Line Code:

Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution (B8ZS) as specified in ANSI T1.408 (T1).

Line Framing:

Extended Superframe Format (ESF 24 frame multiframe) as ANSI T1.408.

ESF Maintenance Functions:

Bit-oriented alarm and loopback messages of ESF Data Link as per ANSI T1.408.

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 62411.

Output Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 62411 using normal mode synchronization.

Physical Layer Alarms:


Physical Layer Performance Stats:


Service Interface (E1)

Line Interface Connector:

Miniature 15 pin female DB-15 (120

)—(Use LM-DB15-4E1), BNC (120

)—(Use LM-BNC-4E1).

Line Rate:

2.048 Mbps ± 50 bps (E1).


Transmitter may be either loop-timed or Receiver, or synchronized to shelf, (called normal mode).

Line Code:

HDB3 (E1).

Line Framing:

16 frame Multiframe as in G.704.

Input Jitter Tolerance:

As specified in ITU G.823 for 2.048 Mbit/s.

Output Jitter Tolerance:

As specified in ITU G.823 for 2.048 Mbit/s.

Physical Layer Alarms:


Physical Layer Performance Stats:


ATM Interface:

ATM UNI v3.1, ITU-T G.804, per CCITT I.361.

Channel Configuration:

256 per card. May be allocated across any of the T1 (E1) ports.


VPI: 0-255.
VCI: 0-4096.

Traffic Classes:


UPC Parameters:


Congestion Control Support:

ForeSight (towards Network for VBR+).

ForeSight Parameters:

MIR, PIR, Rate Up, Rate Down, QIR, QIR Timeout, IBS.

Virtual Circuits:


Per Port:

Number of cells received from the interface.
Number or cells received with unknown VPI/VCI.
Last known VPI/VCI received from the port.
Number of cells discarded due to error in Cell Header.
Number of cells received with non zero GRC field.
Number of cells transmitted to the interface.
Number of cells transmitted for which EFCI was set.
Number of egress cells discarded due to service interface physical alarm.

Endpoint (channel):


Number of cells received from port.
Number of cells received from the port with CLP = 1.
Number of cells received from the port with EFCI = 1.
No, of cells from the port discarded due to queue exceeded QDepth.
Number of cells (with CLP) set) discarded due to queue exceeded CLP threshold.
Number of cells from the port for which CLP was set due to UPC violations.

ATMizer channel counters:


Number of cells transmitted to CellBus.
Number of cells to CellBus for which EFCI was set.
Number of cells to CellBus discarded due to shelf alarm.


Number of cells received from the CellBus
Number of cells discarded due to queue exceeded QDepth (per Egress Q)
Number of cells discarded due to queue exceeded CLP threshold (per Egress Q)
Number of cells received with CLP = 1.

Other Counters:



Number of OAM cells discarded.
Number of AIS cells received from the port.
Number of RDI (FERF) cells received from the port.
Number SegmentLpBk cells received from the port.
Number of SegmentLpBk cells transmitted to CellBus


Number of OAM cells discarded.
Number of AIS cells transmitted to the port.
Number of SegmentLpBk cells transmitted to the port.
Number of SegmentLpBk cells received from the port.

Diagnostic Stats:

Peak Queue Depth (Ingress: per channel).

Card General:


Per Card:

Active (green), Standby (yellow), Fail (red).

Per Line:

One per line: Active & OK (green).
Active and Local Alarm (red).
Active and Remote Alarm (yellow).


Facility loopback via Loop up/down per ANSI T1.408 & ATT TR 62411 (T1), CCITT G.7xx (E1).
Facility Loopback via Management Console.
Internal Problem Isolation Loopbacks.
Hot pluggable

Card Size:

7.25" x 15"


-48VDC, 30 W


EN 60950 2nd edition (including EN 41003) UL 1950 2nd edition


T1: Accunet 62411 E1: G.703, G.823


IEC 1000-4-2.

CESM-4T1/E1 Specification

Note The CESM-4T1/E1 specification is the same as the FRSM-4T1/4E1 specification except as shown below.

Service Interface (T1/E1):


Transmitter is synchronized to the shelf (Stratum traceable)

Line Framing:


Channel Configuration:

Number of CBR Interfaces:


Cell Delay Variation (CDV):

Configurable by setting reassembly buffer depth to a maximum of 250 msec. CDV = 1/2 buffer depth

Virtual Circuits:

Channels (Endpoints):

One per physical por


MIB Name


Number of lost SAR-PDUs
Number of buffer overflow events
Number of buffer underflow events
Number of SAR-PDU's with header error
Number of SAR-PDU's received out of sequence
Number of cells played out to T1/E1 port
Number of cell generated from T1/E1 port
Number of bytes discarded due to shelf alarm,from port
Number of all 1's cells inserted during buffer underflow
Number of bytes discarded due to egress overflow





Egress buffer depth (per port)


MIB Name

T1/E1 Port:

Red, Loss of Signal (LOS)

Blue, Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)

LineAlarmState—bit 5 set

LineAlarmState—bit 2, set and cesChanState = 3

Line Code Violation (LVC)


SAR Port:

Transmit state:


Sending FERF

cesXmtATMState = 3

cesXmtATMState = 4

Receiving state:

Receiving AIS

Receiving FERF

Cell Loss

cesRcvATMstate = 3

cesRcvATMstate = 4

cesCellLossStatus = 2

Note All service specific alarms, except RED, will be passed through transparently.

Loss of Signal (RED) at CBR interface will result in All Ones cells being transmitted.

Brief periods of cell loss "Starvation" will result in insertion of 47 octects of one's.

Extended periods of cell loss will result in All Ones (Unframed AIS) being generated.

During periods of Cell Bus configuration SAR-PDUs will be discarded.

IMATM Specification

Physical Interface (T3.T1) RJ48-T3T1-LM:

T1 Line Interface connector:

Miniature RJ-48C, 100 ohms balanced

T3 Line Interface connector:

BNC, 75 ohms unbalanced

Physical Interface (E3.E1) RJ48-E3E1-LM:

E1 Line Interface connector:

Miniature RJ-48C, 100 ohms balanced

E3 Line Interface connector:

BNC, 75 ohms unbalanced

Physical Interface (E3.E1B) SMB-E3E1-LM:

E1 Line Interface connector:

Miniature SMB, 75 ohms unbalanced

E3 Line Interface connector:

Miniature SMB, 75 ohms unbalanced

Physical Layer Interface T1:

Line rate:

1.544Mbps +/- 50 bps

IMATM Synchronization:

Digital PLL to synchronize all transmitters to a choice of one of the following: The T3 line, any of the T1 lines, the AXIS shelf 8KHz clock.

Line Code:

Bipolar 8 zero substitution (B8ZS) as specified in ANSI T1.408.

Line Framing:

Extended Superframe Format (ESF 24 frame multifrm) as in ANSI T1.408.

Input Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 62411.

Output Jitter Tolerance:

Per ATT TR 62411 using normal mode synchronization.

Physical Layer Alarms:


Physical Layer Performance Parms:


Physical Layer Interface E1:

Line rate:

2.048Mbps +/- 50 bps

IMATM Synchronization:

Digital PLL to synchronize all transmitters to a choice of one of the following: The E3 line, any of the E1 lines, the AXIS shelf 8KHz clock.

Line Code:

HDB3 (E1).

Line Framing:

16 frame Multiframe as in G.704

ESF Maintenance Functions:


Input Jitter Tolerance:

As specified in ITU G.823 for 2.048 Mbits/s.

Output Jitter Tolerance:

As specified in ITU G.823 for 2.048 Mbits/s.

Physical Layer Alarms:


Physical Layer Performance Parms:


Physical Layer Interface T3:

Line Rate:

44.736 Mbps ±200 ppm (T3)

Line Code:

B3ZS for DS3


Physical Layer Conversion Procedure for DS3 to ANSI TA-TSY-000772 and TA-TSY-000773.

Input Compliance:

Per ATT 54014 and CCITT G.703

Physical Layer Interface E3:

Line Rate:

36.368 Mbps ±200 ppm (T3)

Line Code:

HDB for E3


Per ITU-T Recommendation G.804 and G.832.

Input Compliance:

Per CCITT G.824

ATM Interface:

Cell support (type)

STI cells.

Congestion Control:

EFCI/FFCI setting on Egress (AIM)

EFCI setup:

Via programmable EFCI threshold

IMAIM Alarms:

IMAIM complies with DS3 and G.832 physical layer protocols: Supports FERF, LOS, LOF, OOF, AIS, yellow and red alarms.

AIM Groups and Links:


High Speed Port:

DS3/E3 physical layer line alarm indication and insertion.
DS3/E3 SUNI-PDh number of cells:Tx and Rx.
PLL clock recovery status.

AIM Group:

Number of cells received from AIM interface
Number of cell discarded due to error in Cell Header
Number of cells from AIM interface discarded due to Queue Full on both Ingress and Egress directions.
Number of ACP cells received
Number of ACP cells received with errors
Number of LCP cells received
Number of LCP cells received with errors

Number of cells served from Egress queue to AIM interface.
Number of cell transmitted by trunk interface, two types: Date and Filler + Data
Number of times a link went off the IMAIM group

ATMizer (Cellbus) counters:


Number of cells transmitted.
Number of cells discarded due to shelf alarm.


Number of cells received.
Number of cells discarded due to queue depth exceeded QDepth.

Card General:


Per Card:

Active (Green), Standby (Yellow), Fail (Red)

Lines (one per):

Active and OK (Green)
Active and Local Alarm (Red)
Active and Remote Alarm (Yellow)

Maintenance/Serviceability Features:

Internal Problem Isolation Loopbacks

Card Size:

IMATM front card: 7.25" x 16.25"
RJ48-T3T1-LM: 7.0" x 4.5"
RJ48-E3E1-LM: 7.0" x 4.5"
SMB-E3E1-LM: 7.0" x 4.5"


-48V DC

Posted: Mon Jan 15 22:02:52 PST 2001
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