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Update to the Cisco WAN Switch Command Reference Guide

Update to the Cisco WAN Switch Command Reference Guide

August 28, 2000

Note   You can find the most current Cisco WAN Switch Command Reference documentation on Cisco Connection Online (CCO). These electronic documents may contain updates and modifications made after the hardcopy documents were printed.

This update describes the Cisco WAN switch user commands that have been added or modified for System Software Release 9.3.10. Use this update with the Cisco WAN Switch Command Reference Guide, Release 9.3.05. (For descriptions of the SuperUser commands, refer to the manual titled Cisco WAN Switch SuperUser Command Reference, Release 9.3.10.)


What's New in Release 9.3.10

The following features are introduced in switch software 9.3.10 release:

    1. Dynamic Partitioning

BPX Dynamic partitioning enables the addition of a PNNI partition to existing interfaces (both ports and trunks) without affecting any of the existing AR connections on that interface. On ports and feeder trunks, the VPI range assigned to PNNI can contain existing AR connections provided the AR VPI range also is defined to include the AR connections. No new AR connections may be made in the "pure" PNNI range. Similarly, new PNNI connections can only be made in the newly partitioned PNNI VPI/VCI range. Dynamic partitioning also enables the expansion of PNNI VPI/VCI range into the AR partition without impacting existing connections.

Refer to Soft and Dynamic Partitioning, for more information about this feature.

    2. Qbin Statistics

In previous releases of the BPX and IGX switch software, only statistics from QBIN 1-9 were collected on AutoRoute trunks. Starting from switch software release 9.3.10, the switch allows the collection of additional QBIN statistics. Following is a summary of all QBIN statistics collected by the BPX and IGX. Qbin statistics are Cells Served, Cells Discarded, and Cells Received.

All other Qbins are unused, and the switch does not provide statistics for them. Also starting in switch software release 9.3.10, the switch provides the collection of Qbin Cells Discarded statistics via SNMP for the above mentioned Qbins.

    3. ILMI 4.0 on IGX

This feature allows the ILMI 4.0 protocol to be run on the UXM card instead of on an NPM card. The feature can be enabled on a port or virtual trunk basis, but the UXM card requires that the new firmware is loaded to support the new feature. ATM Forum Version 4.0 protocol was used to implement this capability on the UXM.

    4. ILMI Neighbor Discovery Support on Cisco WAN Manager

The ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature, available with the BXM on the BPX and UXM on the IGX, enables a network management system, such as Cisco WAN Manager or CiscoWorks 2000 to discover other attached ATM devices, such as Cisco ATM routers or switches, provided that those devices also support ILMI Neighbor Discovery.

The ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature is only supported on a BXM port, but not a virtual port.

    5. ELMI Neighbor Discovery

The ELMI protocol enhancements for the UFM serves the same purpose as the ILMI enhancements for the UXM, and shares similar mechanisms to reach the neighbor discovery purpose.

    6. VSI/MPLS for UXMs

This feature provides IGX switches with the capabilities for setting up connections based on the PNNI and MPLS protocols, which allows the user to expand their existing network. VSI is a resource management scheme that allocates IGX resources, needed for setting up connections, such as system bandwidth and channel space, to a number of external connection-management entities which manage calls/connections with PNNI, MPLS, or other protocols.

This feature supports:

Information about this feature is found in the Update to the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference Guide.

The VSI Commands section at the end of this document is rewritten and readers will find it easier to use when configuring VSI on the IGX or BPX. Please consult the following two subsections for complete information about VSI command usage:

Soft and Dynamic Partitioning

Release 9.3.10 introduces Soft Partitioning and Dynamic Partitioning in order to support the smooth introduction of another VSI controller into a BPX network already configured with an existing VSI controller, easier tuning of switch resources, and the migration of Automatic Routing Management to PNNI (see the section Soft and Dynamic Partitioning later in this chapter).

Soft Partitioning provides resource guarantees for LCNs and bandwidth per partition and a pool of resources available to all partitions in addition to the guaranteed resources. Dynamic Partitioning provides the ability to rather easily increase the allocation of a resource to a partition.

You define and manage the number of LCNs assigned to a given VSI partition by modifying the "Minimum VSI LCNs" and "Maximum VSI LCNs" fields of the cnfrsrc CLI command.

To give more LCNs from Automatic Routing Management to VSI, change the Min LCNs or Max LCNs to cause BPX software to produce a bigger number. To increase the LCNs reserved to a VSI partition, increase the "Minimum VSI LCNs" or "Maximum VSI LCNs" fields of the appropriate VSI partition. The VSI LCN boundary is moved into Automatic Routing Management if there are enough free Automatic Routing Management LCNs to fulfill the request.

If there are not enough free LCNs in the Automatic Routing Management (AR) space, the cnfrsrc command does not fulfill a request to increase the VSI LCN space. In such a case, the cnfrsrc command displays a failure message showing the number of currently free AR LCNs. You can reissue the cnfrsrc command specifying a smaller increase to the VSI partition. If that is not acceptable, you must first delete and reroute the necessary number of AR connections. Then you can attempt cnfrsrc again.

Moving the VSI LCN boundary into the Automatic Routing Management space might step over LCNs that are currently allocated. BPX software reprogram the necessary channels so that new channels out of the lower AR LCN space are picked instead. Before starting the process of reprogramming the necessary number of AR connections, the cnfrsrc command displays a warning message and waits for your permission to proceed. The warning message shows the number of Automatic Routing Management (AR) connections that will be re-programmed. After reprogramming the

necessary channels the LCN boundary is moved into the Automatic Routing Management space.

Note   You can migrate Automatic Routing Management (AutoRoute) connections only if the VPI range of the recipient VSI partition is adjacent to Automatic Routing Management. To migrate Automatic Routing Management connections to a non-adjacent VSI partition requires different VPIs within the recipient VPI boundary.

Please refer to the cnfrsrc command on page 5 for complete command usage. For information about all VSI commands, please refer to the "VSI Commands" section

Information about this feature also can be found in the BPX Installation and Configuration Manual, Release 9.3.10, Configuring BXM Virtual Switch Interface.


Use the cnfrsrc command to configure resources on ports, physical trunks and virtual trunks. You can partition resources for Automatic Routing Management PVCs, VSI-MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), or PNNI.

This command supports both physical trunks and virtual trunks. After VSI has been enabled, the virtual trunk becomes a "dedicated" VSI virtual trunk.

The switch software will prevent you from configuring VSI:

You can configure a virtual trunk to be dedicated to VSI or to Automatic Routing Management. You cannot configure a virtual trunk for both VSI and Automatic Routing Management.

The switch software prevents a VSI partition from being disabled on a trunk interface if a PNNI controller is attached to the trunk interface controlling partition being disabled.

It is possible to have PVCs terminating on the Label Switch Controller itself. This example reserves approximately 10 Mbps (26000 cells per sec) for PVCs, and allows up to 256 PVCs on the switch port connected to the LSC.

The VSI maximum and minimum logical connections (LCNs) will determine the maximum number of virtual connections (VCs) that can be supported on the interface. The number of VCs required on the interface is controller dependent.

By default, the LSC will use either a starting VSI VPI of 1 or 2 for label switching, whichever is available. If both are available, a starting VSI VPI of 1 is used. The VPI range should be 2-3 on a BPX VSI connected to a 6400, 7200 or 7500 AIP. If VPI 2 is not to be used, you can use the label switching VPI interface configuration command on the LSC to override the defaults.

Full Name

Configure resources


cnfrsrc <slot.port.vtrk>

or on physical trunks:

cnfrsrc <slot>.<port>.<vtrk> <maxpvclcns> <maxpvcbw> <y/n> <partition> <e/d> <minvsilcns> <maxvsilcns> <vsistartvpi> <vsiendvpi><vsiminbw> <vsimaxbw>

or on feeder trunks/ports:

cnfrsrc <slot>.<port>.<vtrk> <maxpvclcns> <maxpvcbw><y/n> [<pvcstartvpi1> <pvcendvpi1> <pvcstartvpi2><pvcendvpi2><pvcstartvpi3><pvcendvpi3><pvcstartvpi4><pvcendvpi4>]<y/n> <partition> <e/d> <minvsilcns> <maxvsilcns> <vsistartvpi> <vsiendvpi><vsiminbw> <vsimaxbw>


Table 1 lists the cnfrsrc parameters used for configuring resources for VSI partitions (an MPLS controller, for example).

Table 2 is a list of cnfrsrc parameters.

Table 1: cnfrsrc Parameters Used for Configuring Resources for VSI Partitions
Object Name Range/Values Default Description

VSI partition



Identifies the partition.

Partition state

0 = Disable Partition

1 = Enable Partition


For Partition state = 1, the VSI parameters are mandatory.

Enable Partition

e or d

Enable Partition

Answer e to enable or d to disable your configured partition.


0 to port_group/card limit


Minimum LCNs (conns) guaranteed for this partition.


1 to port_group/card limit


Maximum LCNs permitted on this partition.




Partition Start VPI.




Partition End VPI. VSI connections on this partition can use VPIs up to this VPI. The end VSI VPI should be equal to or greater than the Start VSI VPI.

Min VSI Bw

0-Line Rate


Minimum Partition bandwidth.


0-Line Rate


Maximum Partition bandwidth.

Table 2: cnfrsrc Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the BXM card slot and port number and virtual trunk.

Maximum PVC LCNs

The maximum number of LCNs allocated for Automatic Routing Management PVCs for this port.

Range: 1-port_group/card limit. (You can obtain these values by using the dspcd command.)
Default: 256

For trunks, there are additional LCNs allocated for Automatic Routing Management that are not configurable.

You can use the dspcd <slot> command to display the maximum number of LCNs you can configure by using the cnfrsrc command for the given port.

For trunks, configurable LCNs represent the LCNs remaining after the BCC has subtracted the networking LCNs needed. A trunk has 270 networking LCNs, or channels.

By default, when a port/trunk is upped, in addition to the 256 PVC LCNs, 200 Gateway LCNs are allocated for that port/trunk. The Gateway LCNs are used for non-UXM to UXM connections (like Frame Relay or ATFR). When PVC LCNs are reduced using the cnfrsrc command, the Gateway LCNs are also reduced so that it is always less than the PVC LCNs. However, when PVC LCNs are increased, the Gateway LCNs are not increased.

Setting this field to "0" would disable Automatic Routing Management PVCs on the specified port.

    Note   You must specify a value greater than 0 for the Maximum PVC LCNs and Maximum PVC Bandwidth. Otherwise, you will not be able to create any Automatic Routing Management connections on a BXM port or trunk. Also, if these parameters do not have values greater than 0, you will be unable to change the connection channel amount when you configure the BXM trunk by using cnftrk.

Maximum PVC Bandwidth

Specifies the maximum bandwidth of the port allocated for Automatic Routing Management use.

Range: 0-352207

Default: The bandwidth is based on the logical interface (slot.port). The default value for this object is the line rate of this interface.

Card Type | Bandwidth

BXM E3 | 80000
BXM T3 | 96000
BXM OC-3 | 353208
BXM OC-12 | 1412830

You can configure the Maximum PVC Bandwidth value for ports, but not for trunks.

Note that you must specify a value greater than 0 for the Maximum PVC LCNs and Maximum PVC Bandwidth parameters. Otherwise, you will not be able to create any Automatic Routing Management PVCs on the BXM port or trunk.

This parameter is not prompted and is not configurable for trunks and virtual trunks.

Configure PVC VPI ranges?

You are prompted for this only on port and feeder trunk interfaces.

Answer Yes or No to begin configuring the PVC VPI ranges. The ranges are defined to enable migration of PVCs to SPVCs.

Default: No

No means you will not be prompted for the PVC VPI ranges.
Yes means you will be prompted to configure PVC VPI ranges.

You can configure up to four PVC VPI ranges, each defined by the start and end PVC VPI range parameters.

If any one of the PVC VPI ranges is defined, then all PVCs must be within the defined PVC VPI ranges.

If none of the PVC VPI ranges is defined, then PVCs can be added with a VPI that is not within any VSI VPI ranges.

Start of PVC VPI range 1

Start of PVC VPI range 1.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 1 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 1

End of PVC VPI range 1.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 1 defines a PVC VPI range.

Start of PVC VPI range 2

Start of PVC VPI range 2.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 2 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 2

End of PVC VPI range 2.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 2 defines a PVC VPI range.

Start of PVC VPI range 3

Start of PVC VPI range 3.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 3 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 3

End of PVC VPI range 3.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 3 defines a PVC VPI range.

Start of PVC VPI range 4

Start of PVC VPI range 4.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 4 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 4

End of PVC VPI range 4.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 4 defines a PVC VPI range.

Related Commands



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Feature Mismatching to Verify VSI Support

The cnfrsrc and addshelf commands, in addition to other configuration commands, performs mismatch verification on the BXM (and UXM) cards. For example, the cnfrsrc and addshelf commands verify whether the cards both have VSI 2.0 support configured.

The Feature Mismatching capability will not check mismatched cards unless the actual feature has been enabled on the card. This allows for a graceful card migration from an older release.

Resource Partitioning

The VSIs must partition the resources between competing controllers: Automatic Routing Management, MPLS, and PNNI, for example. Different types of controllers can share a node's resources. For example, Automatic Routing Management, and MPLS, or Automatic Routing Management and PNNI (SVCs), but not PNNI and MPLS, can share resources.

Up to three partitions are supported and any three may be of a single type. The user interface will block the activation of partitions with ID higher than 1 if the card does not support multiple partitions.

The resources that you need to configure for a partition are shown in Table 3 for a partition designated ifci, which stands for interface controller 1, in this example.

The three parameters that must be distributed are:

Table 3: ifci—Parameters (Virtual Switch Interface)
ifci parameters Min Max










Possible value ranges for a partition are listed in Table 2.

When you add a trunk, the entire bandwidth is allocated to Automatic Routing Management (formerly known as AutoRoute). To change the allocation to provide resources for a VSI, use the cnfrsrc command on the BPX switch. A view of the resource partitioning available is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Graphical View of Resource Partitioning, Automatic Routing Management, and VSI

Partition Information Sent to Cisco WAN Manager

When the partition information is configured for the first time or any parameters are changed, Cisco WAN Manager is updated through a robust message.


On each interface (port or trunk) on the BXM cards used for PNNI/MPLS controllers, two sets of resources must be divided up between traditional PVC connections and switching connections. The traditional PVC connections are configured directly on the BPX platform, and switching connections are set up by the controllers using the VSI. These resources are partitioned on each interface:

As with all ATM switches, the BPX switch supports up to a specified number of connections. On the BPX switch, the number of connections supported depends on the number of port/trunk cards installed. On each interface, space for connections is divided up between traditional BPX switch permanent virtual circuit (PVC) connections, Label Switching VCs (LVCs), and PNNI Switching VCs (SVC).

VSI Partitioning

VSI partitioning requires the following commands and procedures:

Defining the PVC VPI Range

You can define the PVC VPI ranges by filling the VSI fields described in the previous section. In the following sample system response of the cnfrsrc command, note that the * next to the VPI fields denote that the PVC and VSI VPI space overlap. You are prompted if the overlapping VSI partition is an MPLS partition. If it is, then the command will be abort because overlapping VPI ranges between Automatic Routing Management and MPLS is not supported.

Configuring the PVC VPI ranges requires the BXM card to have VSI level 3 support. An error message is displayed if you want to configured the PVC VPI ranges but the VSI level on the card is lower than 3.

Increasing the VSI LCN Range

You can increase the number of LCNs reserved for VSI by increasing the Minimum VSI LCNs and/or Maximum VSI LCNs of the appropriate VSI partition. Increasing the VSI LCN space may cause a number of AR connections to be reprogrammed. You will see a warning: "Channel conflict, max LCN w/o reprog = 5. LCN(s) to reprogram = 20." The command will proceed only if you so choose.

Increasing the Number of LCNs Guaranteed for a VSI Partition

You can increase the number of LCNs guaranteed for a given VSI partition by increasing the Minimum VSI LCNs of the desired partition. If the new number does not cause the total VSI LCNs to be increased (that is, if you want to increase the Minimum VSI LCNs at the expense of the common pool), the request will be denied if there isn't enough free VSI LCNs in the common pool. The BXM card cannot find enough free VSI LCNs to give to the specified partition. More AR LCNs must be made available to VSI for the request to succeed. The cnfrsrc will display a message: "Resource not available, maximum available LCN(s) is 50. 100 more LCN needed." This indicates the number of AR LCNs that should be made available to the VSI.

Increasing VSI Bandwidth

You can increase the bandwidth of VSI by increasing the Minimum VSI Bandwidth or Maximum VSI Bandwidth of the appropriate VSI partition.

Note   Increasing VSI bandwidth may trigger a rerouting of all connections on that trunk.

Disabling Connection Admission Control (CAC) on a Port

To oversubscribe the AR bandwidth on a given port, make sure that the CAC feature is disabled on the port. Use the cnfport command for this purpose; the CAC Override field should specify "Enabled".

cnfport <slot.port>[.vtrk] <options for E1 | T1 | E3 | T3 | OC-3 | OC-12 | E2 | HSSI | SR >

Oversubscribing AR Bandwidth on a Port

To oversubscribe the AR bandwidth on a given port, make sure that the CAC feature is disabled on the port. Refer to Disabling Connection Admission Control (CAC) on a Port for more details.

Use the cnfrsrc command to decrease the bandwidth allocated for AR and give it to the VSI partition that is going to receive the AR connections. The cnfrsrc command contains 4 fields that specify information about the bandwidth:

The cnfrsrc command verifies that the sum of the Maximum PVC Bandwidth, Statistical Reserve, and the VSI bandwidth of all VSI partitions on the port does not exceed the port speed.

You can decrease the AR bandwidth by decreasing the Maximum PVC Bandwidth field. To increase the VSI bandwidth:

In the example below you can see that all of the AR bandwidth on the port was given to VSI. Note the * next the Maximum PVC Bandwidth which shows that the AR bandwidth is oversubscribed.

Example 1

cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 N Y 1 e 512 16384 2 15 26000 100000


Configure the VSI partition1 for port 4.1 without defining PVC VPI ranges.

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Apr. 4 2000    16:40 PST Port : 4.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 26000 (CAC Reserve: 0) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 512 /7000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 2/15 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 26000 /100000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: cnfrsrc 12.5 256 26000 N Y 1 e 512 7000 2 15 26000 100000 Next Command:
Example 2

cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 Y 0 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Y 1 e 512 16384 2 15 26000 100000


Configure the VSI partition1 for port 4.1, defining overlapping PVC VPI ranges. The overlapping VPI ranges are indicated by an asterisk * next to the range values.

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Apr. 4 2000    16:40 PST Port : 4.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 26000 (CAC Reserve: 0) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: 0 */255 * PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 512 /7000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 2 */15 * 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 26000 /100000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: cnfrsrc 12.5 256 26000 Y 0 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Y 1 e 512 7000 2 15 26000 100000 Next Command:
Example 3

cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 Y 1 e 512 16384 2 15 26000 100000


Configure the VSI partition1 for trunk 4.2. You are not prompted for "configure PVC VPI ranges".

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Apr. 4 2000    16:40 PST Trunk: 4.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 26000 (CAC Reserve: 1000) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 512 /7000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 2 /15 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 26000 /100000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: cnfrsrc 12.5 256 352207 Y 1 e 512 7000 2 15 26000 100000 Next Command:

Qbin Statistics

In previous releases of the BPX and IGX switch software, only statistics from QBIN 1-9 were collected on AutoRoute trunks. Starting from switch software release 9.3.10, the switch allows the collection of additional QBIN statistics. Following is a summary of all QBIN statistics collected by the BPX and IGX. Qbin statistics are Cells Served, Cells Discarded, and Cells Received.

All other Qbins are unused, and the switch does not provide statistics for them. Also starting in switch software release 9.3.10, the switch provides the collection of Qbin Cells Discarded statistics via SNMP for the above mentioned Qbins.

SuperUser commands related to this feature can be found in the Cisco WAN Switching SuperUser Command Reference, Release 9.3.10. Revised commands from this document include:

Commands related to this feature that are revised or new include:

Information about these commands follows.


Both BPX and IGX display the counter statistics such Connection, Port, Trunk, and so on) for a given statistics object.

Full Name

Display Counter Status Statistics


dspcntrstats <stat-object-type><oid>

Related Commands



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Example 1

dspcntrstats 4 3.6


Displays Counter Statistics for Virtual Port 6 on card 3 in slot 4 of the BPX.

System Response
Counter Stats for Port 3.6 RTC STATS Value RTC STATS Value Inv LMI PDU Rx : 0 Inv LMI len Rx : 0 Unk LMI PDU Rx : 0 Inv LMI IE Rx : 0 Inv Trans IDs : 0 Rx Clp 0 Cells : 0 Rx Clp 0 Dscd : 0 Rx Clp 1 Dscd : 0 Tx Clp 0 Cells : 0 Tx OAM Cells : 0 Rx RM Count : 0 Tx RM Count : 0 Lst Unk VpiVci : 0 Qbin 0 CTXL : 0 Tx Q0 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN0 CRx : 0 Qbin 1 CTXL : 0 Tx Q1 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN1 CRx : 0 Qbin 2 CTXL : 0 Tx Q2 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN2 CRx : 0 Qbin 3 CTXL : 0 Tx Q3 CDscd : 0 This Command: dspcntrstats 4 3.6 Next/previous page? (+/-/DEL key to quit): NODENAME TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Date/Time Not Set Counter Stats for Port 3.6 RTC STATS Value RTC STATS Value Egr QBIN3 CRx : 0 Qbin 9 CTXL : 0 Tx Q9 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN9 CRx : 0 Qbin 10 CTXL : 0 Tx Q10 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN10 CRx : 0 Qbin 11 CTXL : 0 Tx Q11 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN11 CRx : 0 Qbin 12 CTXL : 0 Tx Q12 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN12 CRx : 0 Qbin 13 CTXL : 0 Tx Q13 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN13 CRx : 0 Qbin 14 CTXL : 0 Tx Q14 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN14 CRx : 0 Qbin 15 CTXL : 0 Tx Q15 CDscd : 0 Egr QBIN15 CRx : 0 This Command: dspcntrstats 4 3.6 Previous page? (-/DEL key to quit):
Example 2

dspcntrstats 5.2


Displays Counter Statistics for Trunk 5.2 of the IGX.

Enter Object Type: neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:48 GMT Counter Stats for Trunk 5.2 (ltrk = 1) RTC STATS Value RTC STATS Value Txntscdscd : 0 Txhpcdscd : 0 Txvcdscd : 0 Txtscdscd : 0 Txbdacdscd : 0 Txbdbcdscd : 0 Txcbrcdscd : 0 Txabrcdscd : 0 Txvbrcdscd : 0 VI: Cells transmitted : 0 VI: Cells received : 0 TxQ10cdscd : 0 TxQ11cdscd : 0 TxQ12cdscd : 0 TxQ13cdscd : 0 TxQ14cdscd : 0 TxQ15cdscd : 0
Example 3

dspcntrstats 4.5.1


Display Counter Statistics for Port 5.1 on card 4 of the IGX.

neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:48 GMT Counter Stats for Port 5.1 RTC STATS Value RTC STATS Value PORT: Unknwn VPI/VCI cnt: 0 VI: Cells rcvd w/CLP=1 : 0 VI: OAM cells received : 0 VI: Cells tx w/CLP=1 : 0 VI: Cells transmitted : 0 VI: Cells received : 0 ILMI: Get Req PDUs rcvd : 0 ILMI: GetNxt Req PDUS rx: 0 ILMI: GetNxt Req PDUS xmt:0 ILMI: Set Req PDUs rcvd : 0 ILMI: Trap PDUs rcvd : 0 ILMI: Get Rsp PDUs rcvd : 0 ILMI: Get Req PDUs xmt : 0 ILMI: Get Rsp PDUs xmt : 0 ILMI: Trap PDUs xmt : 0 ILMI: Unknwn PDUs rcvd : 0 LMI: Status messages xmt: 0 LMI: Updt Status msgs xmt:0 LMI: Status Ack msgs xmt: 0 LMI: Status Enq msgs rcvd:0 LMI: Status Enq msgs xmt: 0 LMI: Status msgs rcvd : 0 LMI: Updt Status msg rcvd:0 LMI: Status Ack msg rcvd: 0 This Command: dspcntrstats 4 5.1 Next page? (+/DEL key to quit):
Example 4

dspcntrstats 5.2


Display Counter Statistics for Physical Line 5.2 of the IGX.

neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:49 GMT Counter Stats for Physical Line 5.2 (l_physln = 1) RTC STATS Value RTC STATS Value Bpv : 0 Oof : 1 Los : 1 Fer : 0 CRC : 0 Lcv : 262140 Pcvl : 2 Pcvp : 2 Bcv : 3 Total Cells Tx to line : 0 Total Cells Rx from line: 0 FSyncErr : 1 This Command: dspcntrstats 5.2 Hit DEL key to quit:


Displays a summary of port statistics for a Frame Relay port. Statistics include the data byte count in the transmit and receive directions and error counts associated with the port. The display indicates the date and time the statistics were cleared and the amount of time since the node last cleared the statistics. Bytes transmitted indicates the amount of data transmitted from the port to the user device. Bytes received indicates the amount of data received at the port from the user device.

Corrupted statistics result from channel/port loopbacks or port tests. A "yes" in this field indicates that loopback or port tests have occurred since the statistics were last cleared. The statistics for User-to-Network Interface (UNI) ports (connections to user devices) are displayed with one screen. The following lists usage statistics displayed in screen 1.

The dspportstats command also displays the following statistics.

Table 4: UNI Port Statistics for Frame Relay
Frame Errors LMI Statistics Miscellaneous Statistics

Invalid CRC

Status Enquiries Received

Average TX Port Q

Invalid Alignment

Status Transmitted

FECN Frames

Invalid Frame Length

Update Transmit

FECN Ratio (%)

Invalid Frame Format

Invalid Requests

BECN Frames

Unknown DLCIs

Sequence # Mismatches

BECN Ratio (%)

Last Unknown DLCI


Resource Overflow

Signaling Protocol

DE Frames Dropped (Egress)

Network to Network (NNI) ports require two screens to display all the parameters. The first screen is the same as described previously for UNI ports—you display the second screen by responding with a "y" for yes to the Continue? prompt. The second screen compares receive LMI statistics with transmit LMI statistics. The LMI receive statistics are repeated from the middle column of the first screen and displayed again so you can compare them. The following lists the usage statistics in screen 2.

Table 5: LMI Statistics for Frame Relay
LMI Receive Protocol Stats LMI Transmit Protocol Statistics

Status Enquiries Received

Status Inquiries Transmitted

Status Enquiries Transmitted

Status Received

Asynchronous Status Transmitted

Asynchronous Status Received

Sequence # Mismatches

Sequence # Mismatches



Invalid Frames

Signaling Protocol

The command displays frame error, LMI, and miscellaneous statistics, as shown in Table 6.

Table 6: Frame Error Statistics
Statistics Description

CRC Errors

Based on a CRC CCITT 16-bit frame check sequence, which is a cyclic redundancy check. If the frame received at a port has an incorrect CRC, it is flagged as a CRC error, and the frame is discarded.

Receive Frame CRC Errors (Ingress). Provides a count of the number of frames received from the attached equipment in which the CRC calculated by the IGX does not match the CRC provided by the attached equipment in the last two octets of the frame.

Any frame received with an incorrect CRC is discard by the network.

However, the IGX does not wait to receive the entire frame before starting to packetize the frame and send it through the network. As long as the frame header format is valid (see Invalid Format Receive Frames statistic) and the DLCI field in the frame header is recognized (see Receive Frames Undefined DLCI Count statistic below), packets containing the beginning of the frame are created—(one start-of-frame (SOF) packet and subsequent middle-of-frame (MOF) packets)—and sent as soon as possible.

If the frame is short and if there are other packets already waiting to be sent, the detection of the CRC error will cause all the packets of the frame to be discarded. However, if the frame is long and there is no congestion in the ingress VC queue, some packets are sent through the network before the CRC error is detected. As soon as the CRC error is detected, any portion of the frame that has not yet been sent is discarded. In particular, no end of frame (EOF) packet is ever sent. At the far end, when an SOF packet arrives that does not immediately follow an EOF packet, the incomplete frame is discard and counted in the PVC statistic of Transmit Frames Discarded. If the CRC is incorrect because of a bit error in the DLCI field in the frame header, then the error will also be recorded as a Receive Frame with Undefined DLCI unless the errored DLCI is also configured on the port. This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

Alignment error

Frame was not an integral number of bytes.

Receive Frame Alignment Errors (Ingress). This statistic provides a count of the number of frames received from the attached equipment in which the total frame length is not an integral number of octets. Any frame received with an incorrect alignment is discarded by the network.

However, the IGX does not wait to receive the entire frame before starting the packetize the frame and send it to the network. As long as the frame header format is valid (See Invalid Format Receive Frames statistic), and the DLCI field in the frame header is recognized (see Receive Frames Undefined DLCI Count statistic), packets containing the beginning of the frame are created—(one start-of-frame (SOF) packet and subsequent middle-of-frame (MOF) packets)—and sent as soon as possible.

If the frame is short or if there are other packets already waiting to be sent, the detection of the alignment error will cause all the packets of the frame to be discarded. However, if the frame is long and there is no congestion in the ingress VC queue, some packets are sent through the network before the alignment error is detected. As soon as the alignment error is detected, any portion of the frame that has not yet been sent is discarded. In particular, no end-of-frame (EOF) packet is ever sent.

When the next frame arrives, a new SOF packet is sent, etc. At the far end, when an SOF packet arrives that does not immediately follow an EOF packet, the incomplete frame is discarded and counted in the PVC statistic of Transmit Frames Discarded. This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

Frame length errors

Frames <5 bytes or> 4096 bytes.

Illegal Length Receive Frames (Ingress). Provides a count of the number of frames received from the attached equipment in which the total frame length is either too short or too long. To be accepted, a frame must be at least five octets, but no more than 4510 octets long, including the header and frame check sequence (FCS, or CRC) octets. Any frame received with an invalid length is discard by the network. A frame that is too short is immediately detected and discarded. For a frame that is too long, the IGX does not wait to receive the entire frame before starting to packetize the frame and send it through the network.

As long as the frame header format is valid (see Invalid Format Receives Frames statistic), and the DLCI field in the frame header is recognized (see Receive Frames Undefined DLCI Count statistic below), packets containing the beginning of the frame are created—(one start of frame (SOF) packet, and sent as soon as possible. Since the frame is very long, it is very likely that some packets are sent through the network before the length error is detected. As soon as the length error is detected, any portion of the frame that has not yet been sent is discarded. In particular, no end-frame (EOF) packet is ever sent. When the next frame arrives, a new SOF packet arrives that does not immediately follow an EOF packet, the incomplete frame is discarded and counted in the PVC statistic of Transmit Frames Discarded. This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

Frame format errors

Occurs when either of the least significant bits in the first two bytes of the Frame Relay header are set incorrectly. These two bytes are the frame's address field. The first byte's least significant bit is defined to be a zero, meaning that there is a second byte to the address. The second byte's least significant bit is defined to be a one, meaning this is the last byte of the address because it's a two byte address field.

Invalid Format Receive Frames (Ingress). Provides a count of the number of frames received from the attached equipment in which the Extended Address (EA) bits (the least significant bit in each of the two Frame Relay header octets) is incorrect. The IGXIGX must see a r0s as the least significant bit of the first octet and a r1s as the least significant bit of the second octet. Any frame received with incorrect EA bits is discarded immediately. This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

Unknown DLCIs

Occurs when a frame arrives at a Frame Relay port and the DLCI has not been mapped and the frame is discarded.

Received Frames Undefined DLCI Count (Ingress). Provides a count of the number of frames received with a DLCI for which no PVC is provisioned on this port. This count includes any signalling protocol frames received while no signaling protocol is enabled or the wrong signalling protocol is enabled (such as by enabling the Strata LMI signaling protocol while the attached equipment is generating Annex A or Annex D signaling protocol frames, or vice versa). Any frame received with an undefined DLCI is discarded immediately. This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

Last unknown DLCI

Displayed so that the user can see the unknown DLCI.

Table 7: LMI Statistics
Statistics Description

Status inquiries transmitted/received

Provides a count of the number of status enquiry frames received from the attached equipment as part of the selected signaling protocol. This statistic is valid for any UIN signaling protocol chosen (Strata LMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

LMI UNI Status Enquiries (Ingress). Provides a count of the number of status enquiry frames received from the attached equipment as part of the selected signaling protocol. This statistic is valid for any UNI signaling protocol chosen (Strata LMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is also valid for any NNI signaling protocol chosen (ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

LMI NNI Status Enquiries (Egress). Provides a count of the number of status enquiry frames transmitted to the attached equipment as part of the selected signaling protocol. This statistic is valid for any NNI signaling protocol chosen (ANSI Annex D or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Transmitted statistic.

Status transmit/received

The number of Status messages sent to the user device.

LMI UNI Status Transmit Count (Egress). Provides a count of the number of status frames transmitted to the attached equipment as part of the selected signaling protocol. This statistic is valid for any UNI signalling protocol. This statistic is valid for any UNI signaling protocol chosen (Strata LMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Transmitted statistic.

Async status Xmit

The number of asynchronous status messages sent to the user device.

Provides a count of the number of asynchronous status update frames transmitted to the attached equipment as part of the selected signaling protocol. This statistic is valid for any UNI signaling protocol chosen (StrataLMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is also valid for any NNI signaling protocol chosen (ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). If enabled as part of the port configuration (cnfport command), an asynchronous status update frame is generated any time a PVC is failed or downed and again any time a PVC is repaired or upped. This statistic is a subset of the Frames Transmitted statistic.

Invalid requests

The number of invalid requests received from the user device.

LMI Invalid Status Enquiries (Ingress). Provides a count of the number of status enquiry frames with an invalid format received from the attached equipment as part of the selected signaling protocol. This statistic is valid for any UNI signaling protocol chosen (Strata LMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is also valid for any NNI signaling protocol chosen (ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.


The number of LMI protocol timeouts.

LMI UNI Link Timeout Errors. Provides a count of the number of times that the rT392 Polling Verification Timers times out without a Status Enquiry frame having been received. This statistic is valid for any UNI signaling protocol chosen (Strata LMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A). The rT392 Polling Verification Timers is configured as part of the port configuration (cnfport command).

Sequence number mismatches

The number of LMI protocol sequence number mismatches.

LMI UNI Keepalive Sequence Errors. Provides a count of the number of times that there was a discontinuity in the (normally consecutive) sequence numbers contained the Status Enquiry frames received from the attached equipment. This statistic is valid for any UNI signalling protocol chosen (Strata LMI, ANSI Annex D, or CCITT Annex A).

Signaling protocol

The protocol selected for this Frame Relay port interface: Cisco LMI, Annex A UNI, Annex D UNI, Annex A NNI, or Annex D NNI.

Table 8: Miscellaneous Frame Relay Use Statistics
Miscellaneous Statistics
Statistics Description

Average queue depth

The average fill of the VC queue at the input of the FRP or FRM.

Transmit Frames Discarded—Queue Overflow (Egress). Provides a count of the number of frames that were discarded because the port's transmit queue (egress queue) was full. The size of the port's transmit queue is configured as part of the port configuration (cnfport) command.

Transmit Bytes Discarded—Queue Overflow (Egress). Provides a count of the number of octets in the Transmit Frames Discarded—Queue Overflow statistic. The octets counted include the Frame Relay header octets as well as the frame check sequence (FCS, or CRC) octets.

BECN frames

Number Explicit Congestion Notification frames transmitted to the receiving router.

Number of Explicit Congestion Notification frames transmitted to the transmitting router.

Percentage of BECN frames sent to the total number of frames sent.

Frames Transmitted with BECN (Egress). Provides a count of the number of frames transmitted to the attached equipment with the Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN) bit set, regardless of where in the network the congestion was observed.

FECN frames

The percentage of FECN frames sent to the total number of frames sent.

Frames Transmitted with FECN (Egress). Provides a count of the number of frames transmitted to the attached equipment with the Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN) bit set, regardless of the where in the network the congestion was experienced.

This statistic is a subset of the Frames Transmitted statistic.

Rsrc overflow

Resource overflow indicates the number of times the port shut down due to receive frame buffer overflow or receive queue entries.

DE Frames Dropped (Egress)

The total number of frames with Discard Eligibility that were discarded.

Provides a count of the number of frames to be transmitted to the attached device that were discarded because the frame's DE bit is set and the port's egress buffer has reached the DE threshold. The DE threshold is configured as part of the port configuration (cnfport command). This statistic is a subset of the corresponding PVCs Transmit Frames Discarded statistic.

Table 9: CLLM (ForeSight) Statistics
Statistics Description

CLLM Frames Received

Provides a count of the number of Consolidated Link Layer Management (CLLM) frames received from the attached equipment. CLLM frames are used to exchange PVC congestion information over an NNI port to allow the ForeSight algorithm to regulate the flow of traffic on each PVC based on congestion in the local network as well as congestion in the attached network. This is not intended to be a full implementation of the CLLM suite. The CLLM mechanism is enabled as part of the port configuration (cnfport command). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Received statistic.

CLLM Bytes Received (Ingress)

Provides a count of the number of octets in the frames counted in the CLLM Frames Received statistic. The octets counted include the Frame Relay header octets as well as the frame check sequence (FCS, or CRC) octets. This statistic is a subset of the Bytes Received statistic.

CLLM Frames Transmitted (Egress)

Provides a count of the number of Consolidated Link Layer Management (CLLM) frames transmitted to the attached equipment. CLLM frames are used to exchange PVC congestion information over an NNI port to allow the ForeSight algorithm to regulate the flow of traffic on each PVC based on congestion in the local network as well as congestion in the attached network. This is not intended to be a full implementation of the CLLM suite. The CLLM mechanism is enabled as part of the port configuration (cnfport command). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Transmitted statistic.

CLLM Bytes Transmitted (Egress)

Provides a count of the number of Consolidated Link Layer Management (CLLM) frames transmitted to the attached equipment. CLLLM frames are used to exchange PVC congestion information over an NNI port to allow the ForeSight algorithm to regulate the flow of traffic on each PVC based on congestion in an attached network. This is not intended to be a full implementation of the CLLM suite. The CLLM mechanism is enabled as part of the port configuration (cnfport command). This statistic is a subset of the Frames Transmitted statistic.

CLLM Failures

Provides a count of the number of times that no CLLM frame was received within one second (not configurable), or% a CLLM frame was received with any invalid internal format. An invalid CLLM frame that is discarded is included in the statistic of Frames Received.

Full Name

Display Frame Relay port statistics


dspportstats <slot.port> [interval]

Related Commands



Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dspportstats 4.1


Display the port statistics for Frame Relay port 4.1.

System Response
alpha32 LAN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 Aug. 21 1997 12:44 PST Port Statistics for 4.1 Cleared: Aug. 21 1997 09:45 Snapshot Port Speed: 256 kbps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 02:56:48 Corrupted: NO Bytes Average (kbps) Util (%) Frames From Port: 0 0 0 0 To Port: 0 0 0 0 Frame Errors LMI Receive Protocol Stats Misc Statistics Invalid CRC 0 Status Enq Rcvd 0 Avg Tx Port Q 0 Invalid Alignment 0 Status Xmit 0 FECN Frames 0 Invalid Frm Length 0 Asynch Xmit 0 Ratio (%) 0 Invalid Frm Format 0 Seq # Mismatches 0 BECN Frames 0 Unknown DLCIs 0 Timeouts 0 Ratio (%) 0 Last Unknown DLCI 0 Invalid Req 0 Rsrc Overflow 0 Sig Protocol: None DE Frms Dropd 0 Last Command: dspportstats 4.1 Continue to next page? (y/n)

Enter "y" to see subsequent screens.

alpha32 LAN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 Aug. 21 1997 12:49 PST Port Statistics for 4.1 Cleared: Aug. 21 1997 09:45 Port Speed: 256 kbps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 03:03:42 Corrupted: NO Bytes Average (kbps) Util (%) Frames From Port: 0 0 0 0 To Port: 0 0 0 0 LMI Receive Protocol Stats LMI Transmit Protocol Stats CLLM (ForeSight) Stats Status Enq Rcvd 0 Status Enq Xmit -- Frames Rcvd -- Status Xmt 0 Status Rcd -- Bytes Rcvd -- Asynch Xmit 0 Asynch Rcvd -- Frames Xmt -- Seq # Mismatches 0 Seq # Mismatches -- Bytes Xmt -- Timeouts 0 Timeouts -- CLLM Failures -- Invalid Frames 0 Sig Protocol: None This Command: dspportstats 4.1 Hit DEL key to quit:

Table 10: dspportstats—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the Frame Relay card set slot.


Specifies the port on the back card. The range is 1-4 for the FRI-V.35 or FRI-X.21 back cards. For channelized ports, the range is 1-24 or 1-31 for a FRI-T1 or FRI-E1, respectively, and 1-250 for a UFI back card.

Table 11: dspportstats—Optional Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the refresh interval time for data. The range is 1-60 seconds. The default interval is 1 second.


Displays qbin summary statistics associated with a trunk.

Full Name

Display qbin statistics.


dspqbinstats <trunk | port> [interval]

Related Commands

dspstatparms, dsptrkerrshist


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dspqbinstats 3.6

Figure 2: dspqbinstats—Display Qbinstats on a BXM (BPX)

NODENAME TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Date/Time Not Set QBIN Stats for Port 3.6 Cleared: Date/Time Not Set Prt TX Rate: 96000 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:08:00 STATS Cells STATS Cells STATS Cells Qbin 0 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN0 CRx :0 Tx Q0 CDscd :0 Qbin 1 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN1 CRx :0 Tx Q1 CDscd :0 Qbin 2 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN2 CRx :0 Tx Q2 CDscd :0 Qbin 3 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN3 CRx :0 Tx Q3 CDscd :0 Qbin 9 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN9 CRx :0 Tx Q9 CDscd :0 Qbin 10 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN10 CRx:0 Tx Q10 CDscd :0 Qbin 11 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN11 CRx:0 Tx Q11 CDscd :0 Qbin 12 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN12 CRx:0 Tx Q12 CDscd :0 Qbin 13 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN13 CRx:0 Tx Q13 CDscd :0 Qbin 14 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN14 CRx:0 Tx Q14 CDscd :0 This Command: dspqbinstats 3.6 Next page? (+/DEL key to quit): NODENAME TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Date/Time Not Set QBIN Stats for Port 3.6 Cleared: Date/Time Not Set Prt TX Rate: 96000 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:08:00 STATS Cells STATS Cells STATS Cells Qbin 15 CTXL :0 Egr QBIN15 CRx:0 Tx Q15 CDscd :0 This Command: dspqbinstats 3.6 Previous page? (-/DEL key to quit):
Example 2

dspqbinstats 5.1

This Command: dspqbinstats 5.1 Previous page? (-/DEL key to quit): neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:45 GMT QBIN Stats for Port 5.1 Cleared: May 31 2000 01:26 Prt TX Rate: 96000 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:15:00 STATS Cells STATS Cells STATS Cells Q2 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q2 :0 Tx Q2 CDscd :0 Q3 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q3 :0 Tx Q3 CDscd :0 Q7 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q7 :0 Tx Q7 CDscd :0 Q8 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q8 :0 Tx Q8 CDscd :0 Q9 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q9 :0 Tx Q9 CDscd :0 Q10 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q10 :0 Tx Q10 CDscd :0 Q11 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q11 :0 Tx Q11 CDscd :0 Q12 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q12 :0 Tx Q12 CDscd :0 Q13 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q13 :0 Tx Q13 CDscd :0 Q14 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q14 :0 Tx Q14 CDscd :0 This Command: dspqbinstats 5.1 Next page? (+/DEL key to quit): neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:46 GMT QBIN Stats for Port 5.1 Cleared: May 31 2000 01:26 Prt TX Rate: 96000 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:17:41 STATS Cells STATS Cells STATS Cells Q15 Cells Tx :0 Egr CRx Q15 :0 Tx Q15 CDscd :0 This Command: dspqbinstats 5.1 Previous page? (-/DEL key to quit):


Both BPX and IGX display the trunk statistics for a given trunk.

Full Name

Display Trunk Statistics


dsptrkstats <trunk number>

Related Commands



Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dsptrkstats 5.2


Display Trunk Statistics for the UXM trunk.

neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:23:49 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: NTS Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx NTS Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx NTS Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Hi-Pri Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx Hi-Pri Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Hi-Pri Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Voice Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx Voice Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Voice Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: TimeStamped Cells Tx to ln 0 QBIN: Tx TS Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx TS Cells Discarded 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:23:49 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: BData A Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx BData A Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx BData A Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: BData B Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx BData B Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx BData B Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx CBR Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx CBR Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx CBR Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx nrt-VBR Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx nrt-VBR Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx nrt-VBR Cells Discarded 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:00 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: Tx ABR Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx ABR Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx ABR Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q10 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q10 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q10 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q11 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q11 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q11 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q12 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q12 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q12 Cells Discarded 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:09 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: Tx Q13 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q13 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q13 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q14 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q14 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q14 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q15 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q15 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q15 Cells Discarded 0 VI: Cells received 0 VI: Cells transmitted 0 VI: Cells rcvd w/CLP=1 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:12 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count VI: Cells tx w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells rcvd w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells tx w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells discarded w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells discarded w/CLP=0 0 VI: OAM cells received 0 VI: OAM cells transmitted 0 VI: RM cells received 0 VI: RM cells transmitted 0 CGW: Packets Rx From Network 0 CGW: Cells Tx to Line 0 CGW: NIW Frms Relayed to Line 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:51 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:19 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count CGW: SIW Frms Relayed to Line 0 CGW: Aborted Frames Tx to Line 0 CGW: Dscd Pkts 0 CGW: 0-Length Frms Rx from Network 0 CGW: Bd CRC16 Frms Rx from Network 0 CGW: Bd Lngth Frms Rx from Network 0 CGW: OAM RTD Cells Tx 0 CGW: Packets Tx to Network 0 CGW: Cells Rx from Line 0 CGW: NIW Frms Relayed from Line 0 CGW: SIW Frms Relayed from Line 0 CGW: Abrt Frms 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:51 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:29 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count CGW: Dscd Cells 0 CGW: 0-Lngth Frms Rx from Line 0 CGW: Bd CRC32 Frms Rx from Line 0 CGW: Bd Lngth Frms Rx from Line 0 CGW: OAM RTD Cells Rx 0 CGW: OAM Invalid OAM Cells Rx 0 CF: Egress Packet Sequence Errs 0 CF: Egress Bad HEC from cellbus 0 CF: Egress Packets from cellbus 0 CF: Egress Cells Tx to Line 0 CF: Ingress Packets to cellbus 0 CF: Ingress Cells from Line 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:51 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:39 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count IE: Egress Packets to Extract Buf 0 IE: Egress Cells injected 0 IE: Egress Packets Extract Buf full 0 IE: Ingress Cells to Extract Buf 0 IE: Ingress Packets injected 0 IE: Ingress Cells Extract Buf full 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:23:49 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: BData A Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx BData A Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx BData A Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: BData B Cells Tx to line 0 QBIN: Tx BData B Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx BData B Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx CBR Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx CBR Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx CBR Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx nrt-VBR Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx nrt-VBR Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx nrt-VBR Cells Discarded 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:00 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: Tx ABR Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx ABR Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx ABR Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q10 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q10 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q10 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q11 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q11 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q11 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q12 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q12 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q12 Cells Discarded 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:09 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count QBIN: Tx Q13 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q13 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q13 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q14 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q14 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q14 Cells Discarded 0 QBIN: Tx Q15 Cells Served 0 QBIN: Tx Q15 Cells Received 0 QBIN: Tx Q15 Cells Discarded 0 VI: Cells received 0 VI: Cells transmitted 0 VI: Cells rcvd w/CLP=1 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:50 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:12 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count VI: Cells tx w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells rcvd w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells tx w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells discarded w/CLP=1 0 VI: Cells discarded w/CLP=0 0 VI: OAM cells received 0 VI: OAM cells transmitted 0 VI: RM cells received 0 VI: RM cells transmitted 0 CGW: Packets Rx From Network 0 CGW: Cells Tx to Line 0 CGW: NIW Frms Relayed to Line 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:51 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:19 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count CGW: SIW Frms Relayed to Line 0 CGW: Aborted Frames Tx to Line 0 CGW: Dscd Pkts 0 CGW: 0-Length Frms Rx from Network 0 CGW: Bd CRC16 Frms Rx from Network 0 CGW: Bd Lngth Frms Rx from Network 0 CGW: OAM RTD Cells Tx 0 CGW: Packets Tx to Network 0 CGW: Cells Rx from Line 0 CGW: NIW Frms Relayed from Line 0 CGW: SIW Frms Relayed from Line 0 CGW: Abrt Frms 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:51 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:29 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count CGW: Dscd Cells 0 CGW: 0-Lngth Frms Rx from Line 0 CGW: Bd CRC32 Frms Rx from Line 0 CGW: Bd Lngth Frms Rx from Line 0 CGW: OAM RTD Cells Rx 0 CGW: OAM Invalid OAM Cells Rx 0 CF: Egress Packet Sequence Errs 0 CF: Egress Bad HEC from cellbus 0 CF: Egress Packets from cellbus 0 CF: Egress Cells Tx to Line 0 CF: Ingress Packets to cellbus 0 CF: Ingress Cells from Line 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit) neelix TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 May 31 2000 01:51 GMT Trunk 5.2 Clear - OK Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:24:39 Clrd: 05/31/00 01:26:37 Type Count IE: Egress Packets to Extract Buf 0 IE: Egress Cells injected 0 IE: Egress Packets Extract Buf full 0 IE: Ingress Cells to Extract Buf 0 IE: Ingress Packets injected 0 IE: Ingress Cells Extract Buf full 0 This Command: dsptrkstats 5.2 Next page? (+/-/DEL key to quit)

ILMI 4.0 for IGX and BPX

In switch software release 9.3.10 and higher, ILMI 4.0 protocol is now available on the UXM, as well as the BXM card (support has been available on the BXM card since switch software Release 9.2). This protocol provides for the ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature, available for use with ports (not virtual ports) on both the BXM card and UXM card. It also is available for virtual trunks on the UXM card. This feature enables a network management system, such as Cisco WAN Manager or CiscoWorks 2000, to discover other attached ATM devices, such as Cisco ATM routers or switches. The attached devices also must support ILMI Neighbor Discovery for this feature to work.

One SuperUser command related to this feature can be found in the Cisco WAN Switching SuperUser Command Reference, Release 9.3.10. This command is:

Commands related to this feature that are revised or new include:

Information about these commands follows. The descriptions for these complex commands are quite large, and includes information about the total usage of the command, as well as information related to the new feature.


The addyred command performs the same function as the addcdred command. It enables card redundancy for cards on the IGX and BPX. Use the addyred command to specify the slots of the primary and secondary (standby) cards that form the redundant pair. Refer to the "Specifying Card Redundancy" section in chapter 3 of the Cisco WAN Switch Command Reference Guide, Release 9.3.05 for a list of supported card sets.

Redundant card sets must have the following characteristics:

If cards reside in the primary and secondary slots, the system checks for card compatibility. Two types of incompatibility can occur: back card and jumper or cable inconsistencies. (On SDI, FRI, and FTI cards, jumpers determine whether a port is configured as DCE or DTE. On LDI cards, either a DCE or DTE adapter cable connects to the LDI port. For descriptions of the jumper positions and cabling, see the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Installation and Configuration manual.)

Note that the addyred command prevents invalid configurations when you try to configure the SONET APS feature. When SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is configured, you will not be able to use the addyred or delyred commands on a card configured for APS 1:1 architecture. That is, you will not be able to execute the addyred command, then configure the APS 1:1 architecture. Similarly, you will not be able to configure APS 1:1, then execute the addyred command. You will be blocked from executing these commands at the command line interface.

If incompatibilities exist, the message "Y-Cable Conflict" appears on the screen. Specific conflicts are listed in reverse video in the dspyred display. See the dspyred description for more information.

To ensure that only cards with the Idle Code Suppression feature enabled on them are allowed to be a Y-redundancy pair, addyred blocks cards that have different idle code suppression capability.

The addyred commands (addyred, delyred, dspyred, prtyred, switchyred) will perform feature mismatch checking on both the primary and secondary cards. For information on feature mismatch checking, refer to the BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration.

Mismatch Checking Performed by addyred/delyred

During addyred's mismatch checking, the following verifications are done:

With release 9.3.10, addyred is NOT allowed if the BPX Neighbor Discovery Enable/Disable flag is set to ENABLED on any port on the primary card and the secondary card does not have the BPX Neighbor Discovery capability. An error message is displayed in this situation. Addyred is allowed if the BPX Neighbor Discovery Enable/Disable flag is NOT set to ENABLED on any port on the primary card. If the secondary card does not have the BPX Neighbor Discovery capability, the following events occur:

Events a through e also occur in the following situations:

Full Name

Add Y-cable redundancy


addyred <primary slot> <secondary slot>

Related Commands

delyred, dspyred, prtyred


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

addyred 2 3


Add Y-cable redundancy to the BXM card sets in slots 2 and 3.

System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 BPX 8620 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 14:27 MST Slot Other Front Back Channel Configuration Slot Type Slot Card Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Pri 3 BXM LM-BXM 3 Sec 2 BXM LM-BXM Last Command: addyred 2 3 Next Command:

Table 12: addyred-Parameters
Parameter Description

primary slot

Specifies the slot number of the primary card set.

secondary slot

Specifies the slot number of the secondary card set.


Displays the status, revision, and serial number of a card. If a back card is present, its type, revision, and serial number appear. The displayed information can vary with different card types.

The dspcd screen indicates whether the card supports IMA compliance. If the card does not support IMA compliance, then the screen will not display any IMA support.

The dspcd command displays the SONET APS (Automatic Protection Switching) architecture supported on the card, slot number of redundant back card (if there is a redundant back card), and the reasons for the card's APS mismatch.

The dspcd screen indicates whether the front card supports the Lead State Trap for High/Low Speed Data Modules (HDM/LDM) on IGX.

The dspcd screen indicates the minimum Peak Cell Rate (PCR) of a connection supported by the BXM and UXM cards. In Release 9.2 and higher, the minimum PCR without policing is 6 cps. The minimum PCR with policing was, including enhanced modes, 50 cps (equivalently 19.2 kbps). This value was set to maintain a policing accuracy with 1% when policing is performed on a BXM or UXM card. Because of this limitation, it was impossible to offer and differentiate connection services on a UXM or BXM at speeds less than 19.2 kbps. In Release 9.3.0, the switch software now supports connections with policing enabled and with PCR values as low as 6 cps, with certain card limitations. If this new feature is enabled on a card, but is replaced by a card with older firmware (not supporting this feature) the dspcd screen parameter card status will display "Mismatch," and indicate the reason for the mismatch.

If SONET APS is configured (which allows switching of SONET lines from the active line to a standby line to provide hardware line redundancy), the dspcd command displays the front and back card SONET APS attributes. For the front card, APS attributes are displayed if the front card supports one of the following:

If the back card is a redundant back card, the slot number of the redundant back card is displayed, as well as the reasons for the card's APS mismatch.

The dspcd command is a single-page display. (Note that the dsplogcd command shows all the ports and trunks on a given slot. The second page of the dsplogcd command shows each port and interface type corresponding to that slot.port.)

In support of feature mismatch checking in Release 9.2, the dspcd command provides mismatch information for the specified card.

For Release 9.3.0, the Top Assembly Number, also known as the board revision number, is included in the dspcd display. The Top Assembly Number is used to denote a 73-level part number, 800-level part number, 28-level part number, or whatever number exists in the NOVRAM.

For Release 9.3.10, support for the ILMI and ELMI protocols is included on the IGX. The Neighbor Discovery feature is supported on the BPX and IGX. Support for the ILMI and ELMI protocols and the Neighbor Discovery feature is reported in the dspcd display.

Full Name

Display card


dspcd <slot number>

Related Commands

dncd, dspcds, resetcd, upcd


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dspcd 8


Displays the detail information (including the Top Assembly Number) for a UXM card in slot 8.

System Response
ips1 TN StrataCom IGX 8420 9.3.s0 Mar. 1 2000 19:39 GMT Detailed Card Display for UXM in slot 8 Status: Active (Front Card Supports Virtual Trunks) Revision: BD22 (Front Card Supports OAMLpbk & TrfcGen) Serial Number: 284377 (Front Card Supports SIW, CGW, CellFwd) Top Asm Number: 28216402 (Front Card Supports Hot Standby) Backplane Installed (Front Card Supports Traffic Shaping) Backcard Installed (Front Card Supports IMA Compliance) Type: OC3 (Front Card Supports ChanStat Level 1) Revision: P03 (Front Card Supports 8000 Channels) Serial Number: 486295 (Front Card Supports 8191 RCMP Entries) Ports: 4 Line Mode: MMF
Example 2

dspcd 4


Displays Neighbor Discovery support under the Front Card Supports field for UXM card in slot 8.

System Response
igxf1 VT Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 26 2000 23:16 PST Detailed Card Display for UXM in slot 4 Status: Active Front Card Supports: Revision: CB14 Vtrunks, OAMLpbk & TrfcGen, ILMI ver 1, Serial Number: 337241 Neighbor Discovery, SIW, CGW, CellFwd, Top Asm Number: 28274601 Hot Standby, Trfc Shaping, IMA, Backplane Installed ChnStatLvl 1, NumChans = 8000, Backcard Installed NumRCMP = 16382, VSI ver 2, VSI Ctrlr, Type: E1-IMA pcr >= 6 cps Revision: AA Serial Number: 799472 Ports: 8 Interface: DB-15
Example 3

dspcd 4


Displays Neighbor Discovery support under the Front Card Supports field for a BXM card in slot 4.

System Response
Last Command: dspcd 4 sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 22 2000 20:15 GMT Detailed Card Display for BXM-155 in slot 4 Status: Standby Revision: JD26 Backcard Installed Serial Number: 653226 Type: LM-BXM Top Asm Number: 28215802 Revision: EW Queue Size: 228300 Serial Number: ...... Support: 4 Pts, OC3, FST, VcShp Supp: 8 Pts,OC3,SMF,RedSlot:NO Supp: VT,ChStLv 1,VSI(Lv 2,ITM) Support: APS(FW) Support: LMIv 1,ILMIv 1,NbrDisc Support: OAMLp, TrfcGen #Ch:16320,PG[1]:8160,PG[2]:8160 PG[1]:1,2,PG[2]:3,4, #Sched_Ch:16384 Last Command: dspcd 4


Configures the parameters of an ATM or FRAME RELAY port on an ASI or BXM card on the BPX, or a UXM card on the IGX. On the IGX this command works on the UXM, FRM, and UFM cards. Press Return to keep the current value of a parameter. See the parameter table for important information (Table 15).

Starting with release 9.2, the Ports and Trunks feature lets you configure multiple trunk lines and circuit on a single BXM or UXM card simultaneously. In previous releases, when you upped a single port as a trunk (by using the uptrk command), all the remaining ports on that card were treated as a trunk. Similarly, when you up a single port as a circuit line (by using the upln command), all the remaining ports on the card are treated as circuit line ports. This feature allows BXM and UXM cards to be trunk line cards as well as circuit line cards at the same time. This allows trunks as well as circuit lines to coexist on these interface cards.

In Release 9.3.0, changing the line framing for BXM-T3 cards from PLCP to HEC no longer automatically changes the port's bandwidth to the new maximum. It merely raises the upper limit for the port's bandwidth. After changing the framing, you must use cnfport to increase the port's bandwidth, and cnfrsrc to increase the port's Auto Route bandwidth (PVC Max Bandwidth).

In Release 9.3.10, The ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature is supported on ports (not virtual ports) on both the UXM and BXM cards. This feature enables a network management system, such as Cisco WAN Manager or CiscoWorks 2000, to discover other attached ATM devices, such as Cisco ATM routers or switches. The attached devices also must support ILMI Neighbor Discovery for this feature to work.

When ILMI Neighbor Discover is enabled on a port, the BPX or IGX and the attached ATM device will exchange their management IP addresses together with other interface information with each other using the ILMI protocol. The exchanged information consists of the following:

Use parameter option 56 (BXM) or 53 (UXM) from the cnfnodeparm command to configure the ILMI Management IP address. The Management IP address is used by the NMS application to access the BPX, IGX, or the ATM device. Depending upon your network set up, you can configure the BPX or IGX to send either the LAN IP address or Network IP address as part of the neighbor information exchange with the attached ATM device. Enter 0 for LAN IP address, or 1 for Network IP address. The default is the network IP address for the BPX or IGX.

The command cnfnodeparm is a SuperUser command, and more information about this command can be found in the Cisco WAN Switching SuperUser Command Reference.

Once the parameter is set in cnfnodeparm, enable Neighbor Discovery using the cnfport command. Set the parameters that follow, depending upon the switch.

Options that must be set for cnfport are shown in Table 13.

Table 13: cnfport—BXM Parameters to Set for ILMI Neighbor Discovery
Parameters Value



Protocol by Card


NebrDisc Enabled


ILMI Polling Enabled


ILMI Reset Flag


Options that must be set for a UXM port are shown in Table 14.

Table 14: cnfport—UXM Parameters to Set for ILMI Neighbor Discovery
Parameters Value



Protocol Run On The Card


Neighbor Discovery


ILMI Polling Enabled


"Protocol run on the card" or "Protocol By Card" is prompted only when the protocol is ILMI and the card supports ILMI on the card. The "Neighbor Discovery" is prompted only when "Protocol run on the card" or "Protocol By Card" is set to Yes.

When "Protocol run on the card" or "Protocol By Card" is set to Yes, "Neighbor Discovery" means whether the switch sends the switch's management IP address and IfName to the neighbor. The switch always processes the neighbor's management IP address and IfName.

Therefore when "Protocol run on the card" or "Protocol By Card" is Yes, and "Neighbor Discovery" is Yes, the switch sends the switch's management IP address and IfName to the neighbor.

If "Protocol run on the card" or "Protocol By Card" is Yes, and "Neighbor Discovery" is No, the switch sends as the IP address and NULL string as IfName to the neighbor.

Use the dspnebdisc command to display all the neighbor's information discovered by the BPX or the IGX via the ILMI Neighbor Discovery procedure.

Feature Mismatching to Verify LMI/ILMI Support

The cnfport commands, in addition to other configuration commands, perform mismatch verification on the BXM and UXM cards. For example, the cnfport command will verify whether the cards both have LMI/ILMI configured.

The command cnfport will prevent disabling ILMI protocol on a port interface if a VSI ILMI session is active on a VSI partition of the port interface. Configure ILMI protocol running on a port interface to run on the BCC instead of the BXM.

Refer to "Feature Mismatching" in the BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration. The Feature Mismatching capability will not mismatch cards unless the actual feature has been enabled on the card. This allows for a graceful card migration from an older release.

Example 1

cnfport 4.3 353208 N H I 0 16 Y Y Y 30 3 4 Y N 0 N Y Y


Configure BXM port to enable/disable ILMI Neighbor Discovery.

System Response
sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 9 2000 16:23 GMT Port: 4.3 [ACTIVE ] Bandwidth/AR BW: 353208/353208 Interface: LM-BXM CAC Override: Enabled VPI Range: 0 - 255 CAC Reserve: 0 Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Shift: SHIFT ON HCF (Normal Operation) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Port Load: 0 % Protocol: ILMI Protocol by Card: Yes NbrDisc Enabled: Yes VPI.VCI: 0.16 Addr Reg Enab: Y ILMI Polling Enabled: Y Trap Enabled: Y T491 Polling Interval: 30 N491 Error Threshold: 3 N492 Event Threshold: 4 ILMI Reset Flag:Y Last Command: cnfport 4.3 353208 N H I 0 16 Y Y Y 30 3 4 Y N 0 N Y Y
Example 2

cnfport 4.3


Configure UXM port to enable/disable ILMI Neighbor Discovery.

System Response
igxf1 VT Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 26 2000 23:19 PST Port: 4.3 [ACTIVE ] IMA Port Grp: 3 Interface: E1-IMA CAC Override: Enabled Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Speed: 4377 (cps) GW LCNs: 200 SIG Queue Depth: 640 Reserved BW: 0 (cps) Alloc Bandwidth: 8905 (cps) Protocol: ILMI Protocol run on the card: Yes VPI.VCI: 0.16 Neighbor Discovery: Yes ILMI Polling Enabled Y Trap Enabled Y T491 Polling Interval 30 N491 Error Threshold 3 N492 Event Threshold 4 This Command: cnfport 4.3

Table 15: cnfport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

metro data cell header

Specifies whether the metro data cell header type is used (ASI-T3 cards only).

VPI Range

BPX only: VPI Range is configurable on Virtual Ports and defaults to 0-255/4095 for Physical Ports (based on UNI/NNI type). The VPI Range cannot overlap with any other VPI Range on the physical interface.


BPX only: Bandwidth is configurable on all ports. For Virtual Ports, this parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth available for a Virtual Port. Each port has this parameter configurable. Connections within the Virtual Port may overbook the bandwidth if CAC Override is enabled, but the actual throughput will never be allowed to exceed the Virtual Port bandwidth.

CAC Reserve

BPX only: CAC Reserve is configurable on all ports, but only valid if CAC Override is disabled. This parameter specifies the amount of AutoRoute Port Bandwidth not available for booking by connections if CAC Override is disabled. If CAC Override is enabled, overbooking is permitted. The purpose of this parameter is to reserve some bandwidth to handle bursts of traffic without cell discards. All ports have this parameter configurable.

shift h | n

Specifies whether a one-byte shift on the HCF field of the cell header occurs. Changing the HCF field for a physical port will affect all virtual ports supported on the physical port.

The choice of H (shift) or N (no shift) depends on whether the ATM cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes and whether virtual trunking is in operation:

  • You typically select H (the default, or shift on) if the cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes or if only a physical trunk is configured for the ASI port.

  • You typically select N (shift off) if virtual trunks are configured and the ATM cloud consists of Cisco WAN Switching nodes only.

For BPX or IGX ports performing virtual trunking within an ATM cloud to external Cisco equipment, ports should be configured to shift on (that is, shift H) for BNI cards; BXM ports should typically be configured to shift off (shift N).

Note   For UXM cards, you cannot configure the Shift parameter—the Shift setting is always N, or shift off.

For example, if the public ATM cloud consists of BPX nodes, the access points to the cloud might be ASI ATM UNI ports. Because the cells transmitted to the ASI trunk interface are coming from a Cisco device, for example, a BNI card, the 16 VCI bits have already been left-shifted by four (4) bits and contain 12 bits of VCI information and four (4) bits of ForeSight information. Therefore, the ASI cards at either end of the cloud should be configured to not shift (that is, shift off). In this case, you would configure shift N on the ASI port.

If the ATM cloud consists of non-Cisco nodes, then the 12 VCI bits + 4 ForeSight bits in the cells coming from the BNI card in the BPX are then passed through untouched as 16 VCI bits. Because it is a non-Cisco network, the ForeSight bits are ignored.

Make sure that you set the HCF field correctly for your network configuration before you add connections. For example, if you are acting as a service provider, and one of your customers wants to configure virtual trunking through the network, if your ports have been previously configured with the incorrect HCF shift field setting, you may need to go back and delete all the connections from each port, configure the port, and add the connections again.

Below are guidelines on how to set the Shift parameter when using BNI virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment using BXMs, and a cloud using ASIs and BNIs. Also shown is how to set the Shift parameter when using either BXM or UXM virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment (BXM cards), and a cloud of ASIs and BNIs.


Specifies the use of either an LMI protocol, an ILMI protocol, or no specified protocol. No specified protocol is the default.

This parameter is not configurable for virtual ports. By default, this setting is No for virtual ports.

Values for protocol are one of the following:




The default LMI parameters are:

  • VPI for LMI connection : 0

  • VCI for LMI connection : 31

  • LMI Polling Enable? : N

  • LMI Status Enquiry Timer (T393) : 10 seconds

  • LMI Update Status Timer (T394) : 10 seconds

  • LMI Polling Timer (T396) : 10 seconds

  • LMI Status Enquiry Retry (N394) : 5

  • LMI Update Status Retry (N395) : 5

The default ILMI parameters are:

  • VPI for ILMI connection : 0

  • VCI for ILMI connection : 16

  • ILMI Address Registration Enable? : N

  • ILMI Polling Enable? : N

  • ILMI Trap Enable? : N

  • ILMI T491 Polling Interval : 30 seconds

  • ILMI N491 Error Threshold : 3

  • ILMI N492 Event Threshold : 4

    • Note   An IMA configuration will display the same protocol values as shown above.


Enables/disables percent utilization. This parameter supports ATM VBR/ABR fairness for ASI terminated connections and applies to only VBR and ABR connections. To change the %util status of a port, no connections can be currently terminating on the port. Therefore, if connections terminate on the port, they must be deleted before cnfport execution then re-added after execution of cnfport.

When this feature is disabled, the port queue bandwidth is calculated using the sum of the MCRs or PCRs for the connections terminating on the port. This is identical to the port queue bandwidth calculation prior to the implementation of the %util feature.

The port queue bandwidth with %util feature disabled is:

  • For ABR connections Port Queue BW = sum (MCR)

  • For VBR connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR)

  • For CBR connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR)

When the %util feature is enabled, the port queue bandwidth is calculated for ABR and VBR connections as follows: for ABR connections, the port queue bandwidth is the sum of a percentage of the MCRs for the connections terminating on the port; for VBR connections, the port queue bandwidth is the sum of a percentage of the PCRs for connections terminating on the port. The feature is not applied to CBR connections.

In summary, the port queue bandwidth with feature %util enabled is:

  • For ABR connections Port Queue BW = sum (MCR * %util)

  • For VBR connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR * %util)

  • For CBR connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR)

For virtual ports, parameter can be set to Enable or Disable and is only pertinent to the specific virtual port.

Protocol by Card

For BPX:

Defines the card that runs the LMI/ILMI protocol. The LMI/ILMI protocol can run on either the interface card (BXM) or the controller card. Values are Y/N. The default is N.

  • Y - selects the interface card to run the LMI/ILMI protocol

  • N - selects the controller card to run the LMI/ILMI protocol

For IGX:

Defines the card that runs the ILMI protocol. The ILMI protocol can run on the interface card (UXM) or the controller card. Values are Y/N. The default is Y.

  • Y - selects the interface card to run the ILMI protocol

  • N - selects the controller card to run the ILMI protocol

This parameter is applicable only when the ILMI protocol is selected and the card supports the ILMI protocol.

Neighbor Discovery

Enables the Neighbor Discovery procedure. Values are Y/N. The default is Y.

  • Y - the switch sends its topology information (e.g., the switch management IP address and IfName) to its neighbor.

  • N - the switch does NOT send its topology information to its neighbor. Instead, the switch sends as the management IP address and a NULL string as IfName to the neighbor

The user is prompted for this parameter when protocol is ILMI, Protocol by Card is set to Y, and the interface card supports the Neighbor Discovery feature.

Note: The setting of this parameter does not affect the incoming neighbor's topology information. If the neighbor sends its topology information to the switch, the switch processes and stores the information. The neighbor's topology information is displayed using the dspnebdisc command.

CAC Override

This can be set to Enable or Disable for the specific port.

Protocol by Card

This indicates whether the Protocol (LMI, ILMI) selected is to be run on the BXM card.

ILMI Reset Flag

BXM only. This indicates whether the ILMI session is to be reset when a PNNI controller is added. The default is Yes.


Displays detailed status on a single specified port. The more specific the port address in the command, the more detail is provided. A full description of these parameters is provided in the cnfport command.

Full Name

Display Port


dspport <slot.port>

Related Commands

cnfport, upport, dnport, addport, delport


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dspport 13.1


Display the status of BXM port 13.1.

System Response
rogue TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 25 2000 16:57 GMT Port: 13.1 [ACTIVE ] Bandwidth/AR BW: 353208/353208 Interface: LM-BXM CAC Override: Enabled VPI Range: 0 - 255 CAC Reserve: 0 Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Shift: SHIFT ON HCF (Normal Operation) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Port Load: 56 % Protocol: NONE Protocol by Card: No Last Command: dspport 13.1 Next Command:
Example 2

dspport 3.4


Display the status of BXM port 3.4.

System Response

Example 3

dspport 3.6


Display the status of BXM port 3.6.

System Response

Example 4

dspport 7.2


Display the status of the primary link on port 2, slot 7, of an IMA line.

System Response
sw225 TN StrataCom IGX 16 9.3.00 Jun 19 1999 13:39 PST Port: 7.2 [ACTIVE ] IMA Port Group: 2-5 Interface: E1-IMA CAC Override: Enabled Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Speed: 13433 (cps) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Protocol: NONE Last Command: dspport 7.2
Example 5

dspport 4.3


Display the status of the Neighbor Discovery feature on port 4.3 of a BXM card running the ILMI protocol.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 July 14 2000 14:01 PST Port: 4.3 [ACTIVE ] Bandwidth/AR BW: 353208/353208 Interface: LM-BXM CAC Override: Enabled VPI Range: 0 - 255 CAC Reserve: 0 Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Shift: SHIFT ON HCF (Normal Operation) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Port Load: 0 % Protocol: ILMI Protocol by Card: Yes NbrDisc Enabled: Yes VPI.VCI: 0.16 Addr Reg Enab: Y ILMI Polling Enabled: Y Trap Enabled: Y T491 Polling Interval: 30 N491 Error Threshold: 3 N492 Event Threshold: 4 ILMI Reset Flag:Y Last Command: dspport 4.3
Example 6

dspport 5.1


Display the status of the Neighbor Discovery feature on port 5.1 of a UFM card running the ELMI protocol.

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 25 2000 09:36 GMT Port: 5.1 [ACTIVE ] Primary Interface: T1D Configured Clock: 1536 Kbps Clocking: None Measured Rx Clock: None Neighbor IP Add: Neighbor IfIndex: 11 Port ID - Min Flags / Frames 1 Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl Signalling Protocol Cisco LMI -E EFCI Mapping Enabled No Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes N392 Error Threshold 3 Channel Speed 64 N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Line Number 1 Communicate Priority No Channel Range 1-24 Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25% Neighbor Discovery Enable Last Command: dspport 5.1
Example 7

dspport 4.3


Display the status of the Neighbor Discovery feature on port 4.3 of a UXM card running the ILMI protocol.

System Response
igxf1 VT Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 26 2000 23:18 PST Port: 4.3 [ACTIVE ] IMA Port Grp: 3 Interface: E1-IMA CAC Override: Enabled Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Speed: 4377 (cps) GW LCNs: 200 SIG Queue Depth: 640 Reserved BW: 0 (cps) Alloc Bandwidth: 8905 (cps) Protocol: ILMI Protocol run on the card: Yes VPI.VCI: 0.16 Neighbor Discovery: Yes ILMI Polling Enabled Y Trap Enabled Y T491 Polling Interval 30 N491 Error Threshold 3 N492 Event Threshold 4 Last Command: dspport 4.3

Table 16: dspport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Display usable VPIs on a virtual port.

VPI Range

BPX Only. VPI Range is configurable on virtual ports and defaults to 0-255/4095 for physical ports (based on UNI/NNI type). The VPI Range cannot overlap with any other VPI Range on the physical interface.


BPX Only: For Virtual Ports, this parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth available for a Virtual Port. Each port has this parameter configurable. Connections within the Virtual Port may overbook the bandwidth if CAC Override is enabled, but the actual throughput will never be allowed to exceed the Virtual Port bandwidth.

CAC Reserve

BPX only: CAC Reserve is configurable on all ports, but only valid if CAC Override is disabled. This parameter specifies the amount of AutoRoute Port Bandwidth not available for booking by connections if CAC Override is disabled. If CAC Override is enabled, overbooking is permitted. The purpose of this parameter is to reserve some bandwidth to handle bursts of traffic without cell discards.All ports have this parameter configurable.

shift h | n

Specifies whether a one-byte shift on the HCF field of the cell header occurs. Changing the HCF field for a physical port will affect all virtual ports supported on the physical port.

The choice of H (shift) or N (no shift) depends on whether the ATM cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes and whether virtual trunking is in operation:

  • You typically select H (the default, or shift on) if the cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes or if only a physical trunk is configured for the ASI port.

  • You typically select N (shift off) if virtual trunks are configured and the ATM cloud consists of Cisco WAN Switching nodes only.

For BPX or IGX ports performing virtual trunking within an ATM cloud to external Cisco equipment, port should be configured to shift on (that is, Shift H) for BNI cards; BXM ports should typically be configured to shift off (shift N).

Note   For UXM cards, you cannot configure the Shift parameter—the Shift setting is always N, or shift off.

For example, if the public ATM cloud consists of BPX nodes, the access points to the cloud might be ASI ATM UNI ports. Because the cells transmitted to the ASI trunk interface are coming from a Cisco device, for example, a BNI card, the 16 VCI bits have already been left-shifted by four (4) bits and contain 12 bits of VCI information and four (4) bits of ForeSight information. Therefore, the ASI cards at either end of the cloud should be configured to not shift (that is, shift off). In this case, you would configure shift N on the ASI port.

If the ATM cloud consists of non-Cisco nodes, then the 12 VCI bits + 4 ForeSight bits in the cells coming from the BNI card in the BPX are then passed through untouched as 16 VCI bits. Because it is a non-Cisco network, the ForeSight bits are ignored.

Make sure that you set the HCF field correctly for your network configuration before you add connections. For example, if you are acting as a service provider, and one of your customers wants to configure virtual trunking through the network, if your ports have been previously configured with the incorrect HCF shift field setting, you may need to go back and delete all the connections from each port, configure the port, and add the connections again.

Below shows some guidelines on how to set the Shift parameter when using BNI virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment using BXMs, and a cloud using ASIs and BNIs. Also shown is how to set the Shift parameter when using either BXM or UXM virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment (BXM cards), and a cloud of ASIs and BNIs.


Specifies the use of either an LMI protocol, an ILMI protocol, or no specified protocol. No specified protocol is the default.

This parameter is not configurable for virtual ports. By default, this setting is No for virtual ports.

Values for protocol are one of the following:




    Note   An IMA configuration will display the same protocol values as shown above.


Configures trunk parameters. A trunk has a default configuration after you activate (or "up") the trunk with the uptrk command. Beyond this default configuration, cnftrk lets you configure trunk parameters. Typically, you use uptrk to first up the trunk, then use cnftrk to configure trunk parameters, then use addtrk to add it to the network. You must execute cnftrk at both ends of a trunk. (You also use cnftrk to configure an interface shelf.)

The section "cnftrk-Parameters" in this description shows required cnftrk parameters. The section titled "cnftrk-Optional Parameters" shows virtual trunk parameters. You can reconfigure some parameters after adding a trunk with addtrk.

In the display for cnftrk, the current value for each parameter appears on screen. At the command line prompt for each parameter, the current or default value appears in parentheses and stays the same if you press Return without entering anything. Configurable parameters depend on the trunk type. For example, an NTM card and a BNI support different parameters. If a displayed parameter is not available for the current interface, its name displays at half-intensity, and the value field contains dashes. (Note that Clock Rate is a required parameter for only HSSI. The Clock Rate range is 4 Mbps-50.84 Mbps. The actual clock limits depend on the front card.)

Note   If you specify cnftrk in a job, prompts appear for line format and line options when you create or edit the job with addjob or editjob, respectively.

As of Release 9.1, you can configure cost-based routing from either end of the trunk. You can change the cost before or after the trunk has been added to the network. You can also change the cost after connections have been routed over the trunk. Any cost change is updated network-wide. Every node in the network stores the cost of every trunk in the network.

In this release, the cnftrk command configures a logical trunk (physical or virtual), so when you change a physical parameter, all trunks on the port (both physical and virtual) are affected. For example, if you change the line framing on a virtual trunk, all virtual trunks on the port are automatically updated to have the modified line framing.

You can use cnftrk to configure the Transmit Trunk Rate for all BPX cards, except for the BXM card. For BXM cards, you must use the cnfrsrc command to configure the Transmit Trunk Rate (trunk load). For IGX cards, you can configure the Transmit Trunk Rate after a trunk has been added.

You can use the cnftrk command to assign a VPI value. You will not be able to configure the VPI value if the virtual trunk is already configured for VSI. Also note that if the VSI feature is enabled, and you execute cnftrk to decrease the transmit rate, you must confirm whether the Qbin configuration is set up correctly by using the cnfqbin command to change the value. The reason for this is that when the transmit rate is decreased, the Qbin depth will be automatically recalculated.

In this release, cnftrk supports the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR traffic classes (instead of just the VBR traffic class). Similarly, the virtual trunk type can be rt-VBR or nrt-VBR.

You can configure the ILMI protocol running on a trunk interface to run on the BCC instead of the BXM.

With release 9.3.10, you can configure the ILMI protocol to run on both a BXM and a UXM interface card (UXM) instead of on the BCC and NPM controller cards (BCC). The ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature is available for use on virtual trunks on the BXM card and UXM card. This feature enables a network management system, such as Cisco WAN Manager or CiscoWorks 2000, to discover other attached ATM devices, such as Cisco ATM routers or switches. The attached devices also must support ILMI Neighbor Discovery for this feature to work.

When ILMI Neighbor Discover is enabled on a virtual trunk, the BPX or IGX and the attached ATM device will exchange their management IP addresses together with other interface information with each other using the ILMI protocol. The exchanged information consists of the following:

Use parameter option 56 (BXM) or 53 (UXM) from the cnfnodeparm command to configure the ILMI Management IP address. The Management IP address is used by the NMS application to access the BPX, IGX, or the ATM device. Depending upon your network set up, you can configure the BPX or IGX to send either the LAN IP address or Network IP address as part of the neighbor information exchange with the attached ATM device. Enter 0 for LAN IP address, or 1 for Network IP address. The default is the network IP address for the BPX or IGX.

The command cnfnodeparm is a SuperUser command, and more information about this command can be found in the Cisco WAN Switching SuperUser Command Reference.

Once the parameter is set in cnfnodeparm, enable Neighbor Discovery using the cnftrk command. Use the parameter ILMI Run On The Card for the UXM, and Protocol By The Card for the BXM.

Use the dspnebdisc command to display all the neighbor's information discovered by the BPX or the IGX via the ILMI Neighbor Discovery procedure.

Subrate and Fractional Trunks

For FastPacket trunks, which the NTC and NTM front cards support, you can configure the Subrate interface and Subrate data rate fields only if the back card is a BC-SR. The interface types for a subrate trunk are V.11, X.21, V.35, and EIA/TIA-449. Set the data rate to match the subrate facility within the range 64 Kbps-1.920 Mbps.

The DS0 map is used to define fractional E1 and T1 trunks. It consists of a repeating set of specifications in the form <x[-y[a]]>, where "x" and the optional "y" are DS0 numbers 0-23, and the optional "a" indicates alternating. The value of "y" must be greater than the value of "x." The values of both "x" and "y" cannot be less than 0 or greater than the maximum number of DS-0s for the line type. In the DS0 map for unframed E1, use 0-31. For framed E1, use 1-31. For 30 DS-0 E1, use 1-15, 17-31.

Receive and Transmit Rates on Physical Trunks

The parameters RCV Trunk Rate and Transmit Trunk Rate apply to physical ATM trunks on an IGX node. On a BPX node, only Transmit Trunk Rate is available. These parameters let you configure lower rates than the maximum line rate for the trunk type. If you adjust a rate, you need to do this at both ends of the trunk. For example, if RCV Trunk Rate on an IGX is 40,000 packets per second (pps), Transmit Trunk Rate on the far end must be 20,000 cells per second (cps). The typical relationship between pps and cps is two FastPackets for each cell.

The default value for Transmit Trunk Rate is the maximum rate for the back card type. You can reduce this rate to any number of cells per second that is less than or equal to the physical port rate. If E3 or T2 is selected, the bandwidth is reduced from the T3 rate.

Note   You can configure the Transmit Trunk Rate parameter, which indicates the trunk load, by using the cnfrsrc command on BXM cards. On both IGX and BPX nodes, the trunk load displays in cps (cells per second), and the value is displayed in brackets on the first line of the cnftrk display.

On the cnftrk screen, the Transmit Rate and Transmit Load are always displayed in cps (cells per second). (The Transmit Load displays in brackets above the Transmit Rate field, for example, TRK 13.1.1 Config T3 [2867 cps].) Because switch software performs an internal conversion from DS0s to cells for the receive rate, this receive rate dictates the transmit load at the other end of the trunk, and vice versa. Because the Transmit Load (in cps) may not fit into the full DS0, the resulting number that appears in the Transmit Load field (for example, [2867 cps], could be truncated. For example, if you were to change the Transmit Rate on a routing trunk from 96000 to 104268, cnftrk will prompt you to enter a Transmit Rate of 0-104268, and will accept 104268, but it may assign a value of 104150 instead of 104268. The Transmit Load would be the same, for example, 104150 cps, regardless of whether the user configured the Transmit Rate as 104268 or 104269 or 104270.

The following shows how the transmit rate is calculated internally by switch software:

1 DS0 = 64000 bits/sec
DS0 = 8 bits x 8000 samples/sec = 64000 bits/sec
1 cell long unit = 424 bits/sec
Number of cells per second (cps) = DS0 * 8000 / 53 bytes per ATM cell

Following is some further explanation of how the Transmit Trunk Rate is calculated internally by switch software:

For any user-provided Transmit Trunk Rate value in T1 cells per second (cps).

Rcv Trunk Rate = T1 x 53 /8000 (in DS0)

(This is the actual value used for everything and dictates the Transmit Trunk Load value at the other end of the trunk.)
The conversion occurs again at the other end:

T2 = R1 * 8000 / 53 (in cps)

The Transmit Load number displayed in brackets is the same, that is, 104150 cells per second, whether the user has given the Transmit Rate as 104268 or 104269 or 104270.

Receive and Transmit Rates on Virtual Trunks

The implementation of XMT Trunk Rate on a virtual trunk differs from the implementation on a physical trunk. On a physical trunk, XMT Trunk Rate limits the rate at which the back card physically generates cells. For a virtual trunk, XMT Trunk Rate does not limit the rate at which the back card generates cells: the line rate stays at the maximum for the line type. However, XMT Trunk Rate is the maximum transmission rate allowed on a virtual trunk.

The provider of the virtual trunk service assigns the value for XMT Trunk Rate. You must have this provider-assigned value for XMT Trunk Rate and enter it when you use cnftrk.

The total bandwidth of all the virtual trunks in one port cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth of the port. The trunk loading (load units) is maintained per virtual trunk, but the cumulative loading of all virtual trunks on a port is restricted by the transmit and receive rates for the port.

Physical and Virtual Trunk Configuration

Physical and virtual trunk configuration is similar. When you configure a port-level characteristic of a virtual trunk, all the virtual trunks on the port are modified with that characteristic. When the port characteristics of a trunk are modified, all characteristics related to that trunk port are updated.

Virtual trunks appear in the routing topology map as available trunks for routing. The existing physical trunk characteristics, such as bandwidth and satellite/terrestrial type, apply to virtual trunks. The routing algorithm must take into account special restrictions and conid assignments for a virtual trunk. For example, VPCs cannot be routed over a virtual trunk. Also, each virtual trunk has a configurable number of connection channels reserved from the card. The routing algorithm checks for adequate channel availability on a virtual trunk before selecting the trunk for the route.

The connection channel management scheme for the UXM and BXM cards is the same as in the previous release. The conids are selected on a per logical trunk basis. The associated LCNs are selected from a pool of LCNs for the entire card. Each virtual trunk can use the full range of acceptable conid values. The range consists of all the 16-bit values (1-65535), excluding the node numbers and blind addresses. A port uses the VPI to differentiate connections that have the same conid.

The number of channels per virtual trunk can be changed after the trunk has been added to the network. Decreasing the number of channels on an added virtual trunk causes connection reroutes where increasing the number of channels on an added virtual trunk will not cause connection reroutes.

Configuring an IMA-Compliant Trunk

The cnftrk command has a parameter that lets you add or delete physical lines of an existing IMA group (IMA Group member parameter). You will be prompted to enter the physical lines. When you add or delete a physical link, the following are enforced:

Note that the above functional characteristics only apply to the UXM Firmware Model M, which supports the ATM Forum IMA-Compliant protocol. If a card has UXM Firmware Model A, which supports the Cisco Proprietary protocol, the IMA trunk functions as it did in Release 9.1. For example, you will not be able to add or delete physical links of an existing IMA group.

Primary Link—In an IMA group, you must select one of the physical links to be a primary link. This primary link number is used to refer to this IMA group or trunk. You can use cnftrk to add additional links to the group or delete existing links.

When deleting existing links from an IMA group, you cannot delete the primary link. You must first deactivate the trunk using deltrk, then use dntrk to remove the primary link.

Refer to 9.2 release notes for up-to-date feature support and system requirements.

Specifying a Set of Physical Lines (Comprising an IMA Group)

In Release 9.1, it was a requirement that the IMA group had to consist of consecutive physical lines. In this release, you can define an IMA trunk consisting of non-consecutive physical lines. In addition, you can change the group member by deleting a physical line from an existing IMA trunk.

Use the following syntax to specify an IMA group on a UXM trunk:


slot is the slot number

group_member is a set of physical lines composing an IMA group. You can specify the member in an expression consisting of the primary link followed by a, or - and additional physical links.

vtrk is the optional virtual trunk number. If at least one virtual trunk already exists on this port, you only have to specify the primary link as the group_member.

For example, 9.1-4 defines trunk 9.1 to consist of four physical links, that is, 1, 2, 3 and 4, where physical link 1 is the primary link. (This example is compatible with Release 9.1.)

For example, 9.1-3,5 defines trunk 9.1 to consist of four physical links, that is, 1, 2, 3 and 5 where physical link 1 is the primary link.

For example, 9.5-7,2-3 defines trunk 9.5 to consist of five physical links, that is, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 where physical link 5 is the primary link.

9.8,2,4,6 defines trunk 9.8 to consist of all even number of physical links where physical link 8 is the primary link.

Physical and Virtual Trunk Parameters You Can Configure with cnftrk

Table 17 below shows the trunk parameters that you can configure with cnftrk. You can specify all physical options on virtual trunks. If you change a physical option on a virtual trunk, the change is propagated to all virtual trunks on the trunk port. An X indicates that the parameter is configurable. An X* in the Virtual column indicates that the parameter is a physical parameter, and changing the value for one virtual trunk on the port will automatically cause all virtual trunks on the port to be updated with the same value.

Table 17: cnftrk—Parameters That are Configurable on Physical and Virtual Trunks
Descriptions BXM UXM
Physical Virtual Physical Virtual

Transmit Trunk Rate (configurable using cnfrsrc)





Receive Trunk Rate





Pass Sync





Loop Clock





Statistical Reserve





Header Type NNI





Trunk VPI




Routing Cost





Virtual Trunk Type



Idle Code





Restrict PCC traffic





Link Type





Line Framing





Line Coding



Line Cable type



Line cable length





HCS Masking





Payload Scramble





Connection Channels





Gateway Channels



Valid Traffic classes





Frame Scramble





Deroute Delay Time





VC (Traffic) Shaping





Protocol by the Card





IMA Differential Delay



IMA Clock Mode



IMA Group member



Retained links



IMA Differential Delay



Virtual Trunk Traffic Classes

All types of Cisco traffic are supported through an ATM cloud. Every trunk is defaulted to carry every type of traffic. The CBR, VBR (rt-VBR and nrt-VBR), and ABR virtual trunks within the cloud should be configured to carry the correct type of traffic. The CBR trunk is suited to carry all types of traffic. The VBR trunk is best suited to carry IGX Frame Relay and BPX VBR traffic, as well as Optimized Bandwidth Management (formerly called ForeSight) and ABR traffic. The ABR trunk is best suited to carry Optimized Bandwidth Management and ABR traffic. You can change the type of traffic each trunk carries. However, to avoid unpredictable results, it is best to stick to the recommended traffic types for a given VPC type.

Two-stage queueing at the egress of virtual trunks allows shaping of traffic before it enters the cloud. However, the traffic is still routed on a single VPC and may be affected by the traffic class of the VPC selected.

You can configure any number of virtual trunks between two ports up the maximum number of virtual trunks per slot and the maximum number of logical trunks per node. These trunks can be any number of three trunk types.

The unique characteristics of CBR, VBR (rt-VBR and nrt-VBR), and ABR traffic are maintained through the cloud as long as the correct type of virtual trunk is used. The traffic classes allowed per virtual trunk are configured with cnftrk. The routing algorithm excludes virtual trunks whose traffic class is not compatible with the candidate connection to be routed.

Adding a Single Virtual Trunk

The following example describes a typical scenario of adding one virtual trunk across an ATM network. One one side of the cloud is a BPX with a BXM trunk in slot 4. On the other side of the cloud is an IGX with a UXM trunk card in slot 10. A virtual trunk is added between port 3 on the BXM and port 2 of the UXM.

Use the same steps that follow to add a virtual trunk on top of IMA ports on the IGX platform.

Once you up a virtual trunk, and the IMA port has been allocated during the uptrk command, then you up additional virtual trunks using ONLY the primary IMA port, for example, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, and so on.

Note   You must configure a VPC within the cloud first.

Note   You must configure a VPC within the cloud first.

    1. On BPX_A, up virtual trunk #1 on BXM trunk port 4.3.1.

uptrk 4.3.1

    2. On BPX_A, configure the VPI, VPC type, traffic classes, number of connection channels, and header type.

cnftrk 4.3.1

    3. On IGX_A, up the virtual trunk #1 on the UXM trunk port 10.

uptrk 10.2.1

    4. On IGX_A, configure the VPI, VPC type, traffic classes, number of connection channels, and header type.

cnftrk 10.2.1

    5. On BPX_A, add a virtual trunk between the two nodes. (Executing addtrk 10.2.1 at IGX_A would also add a virtual trunk between the two nodes.)

addtrk 4.3.1

The VPI values you chose during cnftrk must match those used by the cloud VPC. Also, both ends of the virtual trunk must match on Transmit Rate, VPC type, traffic classes supported, and number of connection channels supported. The addtrk command checks for matching values before allowing the trunk to be added to the network topology.

The network topology from BPX_A's perspective after you add the trunk will be:

BPX_A 4.3.1-10.2.1/IGX_A

This release supports virtual trunking on both the BPX and IGX. IMA trunk ports are referenced by the first physical line of the trunk port after uptrk has been executed. For example, you can uptrk 1.5-8.9. You can then up a second trunk (which, in this case, is a virtual trunk on slot.port 1.5) on the same trunk port using uptrk 1.5.11.

Full Name

Configure trunk


cnftrk <slot.port>[.vtrk] <options for E1 | T1 | E3 | T3 | OC-3 | OC-12 | E2 | HSSI | SR >

Related Commands

addtrk, dsptrkcnf


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Example 1

cnftrk 1.1


Configure trunk 1.1. This trunk is an ATM T3 trunk on a BPX node.

System Response
batman TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10 Date/Time Not Set TRK 1.1 Config T3 [96000 cps] BNI-T3 slot: 1 Restrict CC traffic: No Transmit Rate: 96000 Link type: Terrestrial Subrate interface: -- Line framing: -- Subrate data rate: -- coding: -- Line DS-0 map: -- CRC: -- Pass sync: Yes recv impedance: -- Loop clock: No cable type: Statistical Reserve: 992 cps length: 0-225 ft. Idle code: 7F hex HCS Masking: Yes Connection Channels: 1771 Payload Scramble: No Valid Traffic Classes: Frame Scramble: -- V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Cell Header Type: -- Virtual Trunk Type: -- SVC Channels: 0 Virtual Trunk VPI: -- SVC Bandwidth: 0 cps Virtual Trunk Service: -- This Command: cnftrk 1.1 Transmit Rate [T2=14490, E3=80000, T3=96000, OC-3 = 353208](96000):
Example 2

cnftrk 13.1.1


Configure trunk 13.1.1 (a virtual trunk on an ATM T3).

System Response
sw97 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10 July 30 2000 11:45 GMT TRK 13.1.1 Config T3 [2867 cps] BNI-T3 slot: 13 Restrict CC traffic: No Transmit Rate: 3000 Link type: Terrestrial Subrate interface: -- Line framing: -- Subrate data rate: -- coding: -- Line DS-0 map: -- CRC: -- Pass sync: No recv impedance: -- Loop clock: No cable type: Statistical Reserve: 992 cps length: 0-225 ft. Idle code: 7F hex HCS Masking: Yes Connection Channels: 55 Payload Scramble: No Valid Traffic Classes: Frame Scramble: -- V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Virtual Trunk Type: CBR Virtual Trunk VPI: 0 Virtual Trunk Service: 4 Last Command: cnftrk 13.1.1 3000 N N 992 7F 55 V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR N TERRESTRIAL 0 Y N CBR 0 Next Command:
Example 3

cnftrk 6.3


Configure trunk 6.3 (an OC-3 trunk on a UXM).

System Response
sw228 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 27 2000 17:42 PST TRK 6.3 Config OC-3 [353056cps] UXM slot: 6 Transmit Trunk Rate: 353207 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Rcv Trunk Rate: 353207 cps Cell Framing: STS-3C Pass sync: Yes Loop clock: No Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps Idle code: 7F hex Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Routing cost: 10 HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Gateway Channels: 256 Valid Traffic Classes: V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Last Command: cnftrk 6.3 Next Command:
Example 4

cnftrk 8.1


Configure trunk 8.1 (a T3 trunk on a UXM).

System Response
sw228 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.3.10 July 27 2000 17:42 PST TRK 8.1 Config T3 [96000cps] UXM slot: 8 Transmit Trunk Rate: 96000 cps Rcv Trunk Rate: 96000 cps Line Framing: PLCP Pass sync: Yes Cable Length 0-255 ft. Loop clock: No Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps Idle code: 7F hex Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Routing cost: 10 HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Gateway Channels: 256 Valid Traffic Classes: V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Last Command: cnftrk 8.1 Next Command:
Example 5

cnftrk 10.1


Configure trunk 10.1 (an E3 trunk on a UXM).

System Response
sw228 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 27 2000 17:42 PST TRK 10.1 Config E3 [80000cps] UXM slot: 10 Transmit Trunk Rate: 80000 cps Rcv Trunk Rate: 80000 cps Line Framing: HEC Pass sync: Yes Cable Length 0-255 ft. Loop clock: No Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps Idle code: 7F hex Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Routing cost: 10 HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Gateway Channels: 256 Valid Traffic Classes: V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Last Command: cnftrk 10.1 Next Command:
Example 6

cnftrk 5.2


Configure an IMA trunk 5.2 (an E1 trunk on a UXM), which consists of non-consecutive physical lines 1, 3, 5, and 7.

System Response
sw224 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 27 2000 17:50 GMT TRK 5.2-8 Config E1/203 [30641 cps] UXM slot: 5 Line DS-0 map: 1-15,17-31 Retained links: 7 IMA Group member: 1,3,5,7 Valid Traffic Classes: Transmit Trunk Rate: 30641 cps V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Rcv Trunk Rate: 28075 cps IMA Protocol Option: Disabled Pass sync: Yes IMA Max. Diff. Dly: 200 msec Loop clock: No IMA Clock Mode: CTC Statistical Reserve: 600 cps Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Idle code: 54 hex Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Routing cost: 10 Line coding: HDB3 HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Gateway Channels: 256 This Command: cnftrk 5.2
Note   The ATM Forum-compliant ATM Inverse Multiplexing standard does not support the IMA link autodisable option. Previous to Release 9.2, the IMA link auto disable parameter displayed for IMA links, but it does not display in Release 9.2.

The IMA group member and IMA Differential delay parameters are configurable. The IMA Clock Mode parameter is fixed at CTC and is not configurable.

Also, note that you can configure IMA trunk parameters on virtual trunks that are on top of IMA ports.


Configure trunk 10.1 (a T1 trunk on a UXM).

System Response
sb-reef TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 27 2000 17:46 PDT TRK 10.1-5 Config T1/115 [17358 cps] UXM slot: 10 IMA group member 1,3,5,7 Transmit Trunk Rate: 17358 cps Connection Channels: 256 Rcv Trunk Rate: 17358 cps Gateway Channels: 256 Pass sync: Yes Valid Traffic Classes: Loop clock: No V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,rt-VBR,nrt-VBR,ABR Statistical Reserve: 600 cps Retained links: 5 Idle code: 7F hex IMA Protocol Option: Disabled Restrict PCC traffic: No IMA Max. Diff. Dly: 200 msec. Link type: Terrestrial IMA Clock Mode: CTC Line framing: ESF Line coding: B8ZS Line cable type: ABAM Line cable length: 0-131 ft. HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: No Last Command: cnftrk 10.1
Note   The ATM Forum-compliant ATM Inverse Multiplexing standard does not support the IMA link auto-disable option. Previous to Release 9.2, the IMA link auto disable parameter displayed for IMA links, but it does not display in this release.

If the IMA link auto disable option is disabled, the Window size, Max transition counts, and Link reenable time parameters will not display. In this release, because the ATM Forum-compliant ATM Inverse Multiplexing standard does not support the IMA link auto disable option, these parameters do not display.

Example 9

cnftrk 10.1


Configure virtual trunk 4.3.1 (an OC3 trunk on a UXM) with ILMI running on the card.

System Response
igxf3 VT Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 26 2000 23:41 PST TRK 4.3.1 Config OC3 [2867 cps] UXM slot:4 Transmit Trunk Rate: 3000 cps Gateway Channels: 200 Rcv Trunk Rate: 2867 cps Traffic:V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,N&RVBR,ABR Pass sync: No Virtual Trunk Type: CBR Loop clock: No Virtual Trunk VPI: 10 Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Header Type: UNI Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Routing Cost: 10 VC Shaping: No Idle code: 7F hex ILMI run on the card: Yes Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Line framing: STS-3C HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 This Command: cnftrk 4.3.1
Example 10

cnftrk 10.1


Configure trunk 4.2 (an OC3 trunk on a BXM) setting Protocol by Card to Y.

System Response
sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 July 28 2000 18:54 PST TRK 4.2 Config OC3 [353207cps] BXM slot: 4 Transmit Rate: 353208 VPC Conns disabled: No Protocol By The Card: Yes Line framing: STS-3C VC Shaping: No coding: -- Hdr Type NNI: Yes recv impedance: -- Statistical Reserve: 5000 cps cable type: -- Idle code: 7F hex length: -- Connection Channels: 256 Pass sync: No Traffic:V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,N&RT-VBR,ABR Loop clock: No SVC Vpi Min: 0 HCS Masking: Yes SVC Channels: 0 Payload Scramble: Yes SVC Bandwidth: 0 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Restrict CC traffic: No Virtual Trunk Type: -- Link type: Terrestrial Virtual Trunk VPI: -- Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Last Command: cnftrk 4.2 353208 Y Y 5000 7F V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,NRT-VBR,ABR, RT-VBR 0 0 0 N TERRESTRIAL 10 0 N N Y Y Y N

Refer to Table 18 and Table 19 for a list of cnftrk parameters, and cnftrk optional parameters.

Table 18: cnftrk—Parameters
Trunk Option Type Description Possible Entries Default



The number of the trunk to configure.

Any valid slot and port. For cards with one port, use slot.


Trunk Identification

(display only—not configurable)


Displays trunk number, trunk type and bandwidth supplied; and the card type and slot number of the unit supporting the trunk.

T3, E3, T1, E1, E2, fractional T1, fractional E1 subrate, ATM, NTC, NTM, OC-3, STM1, OC-12, STM4.


Clock Rate


This clock rate is for only HSSI.

4 Mbps-50.84Mbps

Transmit Trunk Rate

(display only—not configurable)


This indicates the trunk load, and is configurable by using cnfrsrc command for BXM cards (BPX platform). This parameter appears on the cnftrk screen for display purposes only.

On IGX, Transmit Trunk Rate is configurable after a trunk has been added.

Note   The trunk load, which displays in brackets at the end of the first line on the cnftrk display, may vary from the Transmit Trunk Rate value. This is due to the way that cells are converted to DS0s, and vice versa, and the way the Rcv Trunk Rate determines the Transmit load at the other end of the trunk. The Transmit Trunk Rate in cells per second (cps) may not fit in the full DS0 thus the resulting value may be truncated. The result is that the values displayed in Trunk load field and Transmit Trunk Rate fields may display different values.

Subrate interface


Subrate physical interface type

X.21 | V.35


Subrate data rate


Subrate data rate in Kbps. Allows you to specify, in Kpbs, the clock rate for the selected subrate interface. Acceptable values are any multiple of 64 Kpbs up to a maximum of 1920 Kbps.

64 Kbps, 128 Kbps,
256 Kbps, 384 Kbps, 1.024Mbps, 1.536 Mbps, and 1.920Mbps

1920 Kbps

DS0 map


Specifies the DS0s to use for a fractional T1 or E1 bundle. Optional "a" = "use alternating channels" (for example, 20-30a means 20, 22, 24, and so on.)

x - y[a]

0-31 (E1) 0-23 (T1)

Pass sync


Enables the trunk to pass a clock for network synchronization.

Yes | No

Yes for standard, no for virtual trunks

Loop Clock


Loop receive clock back to transmit.

Yes | No




This trunk bandwidth is reserved for non-standard traffic, such as internode controller messages or user traffic diverted because of a failure.

With Release 9.3.0 switch software, the default values for statistical reserves are increased to accommodate sufficient bandwidth for control traffic. The statistical reserve can be changed. However, if you modify the reserves below the recommended statistical reserve, a warning message is displayed. For example, if the statistical reserve is changed below recommended values for "upped" trunks, the warning message that follows is displayed:

WARNING: Changing stats reserve
< {1000| 300 } may cause a drop in CC traffic


The recommended stats reserve for T3/E3/OC3/OC12 is 1000 cps and 300 cps for T1/E1 virtual trunks.
See also Table 20 and Table 21 for values.

Header Type


Selects the ATM cell header type: UNI, NNI, or STI. UNI is the default for virtual trunks but you may need to configure this parameter to NNI to match the header type of the VPC provided by the ATM cloud. In this release, this parameter is configurable for physical and virtual trunks. See the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview for a description.



Gateway Type


Defines the type of addressing mode for this trunk. See Cisco WAN Switching System Overview for a description.

Cloud (CAM)
Simple (SAM)


VPI Address


Virtual path address in ATM cell. The VPI configured for a virtual trunk must match the VPI for the VPC in the cloud. Valid VPC VPIs depend on the port type. Must be non-0 for a virtual trunk.

BXM/UXM (UNI)—1-255
BXM/UXM (NNI)—1-4095
BNI T3/E3—1-255
BNI OC-3—1-63


VCI Address


Virtual circuit address in ATM cell.



Idle code


HEX code either in the payload space of an ATM idle cell or on an idle FastPacket trunk (idle packets do not exist)

0-FF (hex)

54 (E1)
7F (T1, ATM)

SVC Channels


The number of channels reserved for SVCs.

T3: 0-1771

E3: 0-1771

OC-3: 0-16199


SVC Bandwidth


The bandwidth reserved for SVCs.

T3: 96000 cps

E3: 80000 cps

OC-3: 353208 cps


Restrict CC traffic (requires superuser privilege)


Restrict node controller messages from
a trunk. Restricting CC traffic can cause serious problems. Contact the TAC through Cisco Customer Engineering before you change it.

Y | N


Link type


Terrestrial or Satellite link.Link Type applies to configuring a route so it can "avoid satellite."

T | S


Routing Cost


The administrative cost of a trunk for when cost-based routing is configured.


10 (upon trunk activation)

Line framing


T1 line framing

D4 | ESF


Line coding


E1 line coding
T1 line coding



Line CRC


E1 CRC-4

Yes | No


Recv impedance


E1 receive impedance.

1 = 75W unbalanced
2 = 75W balanced
3 = 120W balanced


Cable type and
cable length



Length and type of cable used for trunk. Designates the software configurable line build-out to match the cable length from the IGX node to the DSX cross-connect.

For BPX, the choices are 0-225 feet and over 225 feet. Cable type is not selectable for BPX. Not applicable to MMF or SMF.

1 = 0-220' MAT
2 = 220-440' MAT
3 = 440-655' MAT
4 = 0 -133' ABAM
5 = 133-266' ABAM
6 = 266-399' ABAM
7 = 399-533' ABAM
8 = 533-655' ABAM

0= 0-225
1= greater than 255



HCS Masking


Mask the ATM cell header checksum to disable error checking. HCS Masking applies to E3, OC-3, and OC-12 only.

Yes | No


Payload Scramble


Scramble the cell payload.

Yes | No

Yes for BNI-E3
No for all others

End supp BData


Indicates whether the far end of a trunk supports bursty, Frame Relay data.

Yes | No


End supp FST


Indicates whether the far end of the trunk supports Optimized Bandwidth Management for Frame Relay.

Yes | No




How many packets to stuff into an ATM cell. Does not apply to BNI.

1 | 2 | 3


IMA Differential Delay

The possible value ranges between 0 to
200 milliseconds. Differential delay of 200 msec is the default.

Because all physical links share the same line configuration, any changes made to this parameter and IMA Clock Mode parameter will be applied to all physical links of the specified IMA group.

This parameter is configurable on virtual trunks that are on top of IMA ports.

0-200 msec

0-200 msec

IMA Clock Mode

Two clock mode options are available: Common Transmit Clock Source (CTC mode), and Independent Transmit Clock Source (ITC mode). CTC mode is the default.

This parameter is configurable on virtual trunks that are on top of IMA ports.

CTC mode

IMA Group member

Lets you add or delete physical lines of an existing IMA group. You are prompted to enter the physical lines using the following format, for example:

IMA Group member: 1,3,5,7
IMA Group member:

where 1,3,5,7 are physical lines that comprise the IMA group.

You can configure this parameter on virtual trunks that are on top of IMA ports.

IMA Group member is a set of physical lines comprising an IMA group. You can specify the group member as an expression consisting of the primary link followed by a "," (comma), or a hyphen (-), and additional physical links. You then use the following syntax to up a trunk when you specify an IMA group on a UXM trunk:

uptrk slot.group_member.vtrk

primary link (slot.port)

No default

Retained links

Total number of physical links in the group must be greater than or equal to the number of retained links.

IMA Protocol Option

Lets you enable/disable the IMA Protocol on trunks that have only one physical line.


Default: IMA protocol disabled on these types of trunks

Deroute Delay Time


Indicates how long in seconds the network will wait before rerouting connections on a failed trunk. This helps when statistical errors are occurring or when a trunk momentarily moves into a failure state then returns to normal operation. This feature is relevant when rerouting the connections is more of a disruption than the errors caused by the intermittent trunk.

Causes each node not to recognize the trunk as failed until this timer expires at the nodes used by the trunk. This indirectly affects the time that A-bit notifications are sent out because the connection deroute is also delayed.

Regarding the A-bit Notifications feature in Release 9.1.07, this parameter specifies the maximum number of connections that can be derouted at the same time when the connection management (CM) state machine runs.



Table 19: cnftrk—Optional Parameters
Virtual Trunk Parameter Type Description Possible Entries Default

Connection Channels


The maximum number of connection channels per trunk. All virtual trunks on the port share this total. The number of connections added to the port cannot exceed the number of connection channels configured for the port.

Number of connection channels, or LCNs, on the trunk port that are usable by the virtual trunk. This number cannot be greater than the total number of connection channels on the card. The maximum number of channels is additionally limited by the number of VCI bits in the UNI cell header. For a virtual trunk, divide this number by the maximum number of virtual trunks on the port to get the default.

BNI-T3/E3: max 1771

BNI-OC-3: max 15867 (3837 maximum/virtual trunk)

BXM/UXM: 1-(number of channels allowable on card)

BNI-T3/E3: 1771

BNI-OC-3: 15867

For Virtual Trunks:

BNI-T3/E3: 55

BNI-OC-3: 1442

Valid Traffic Classes


The valid types of traffic for a virtual trunk. The recommended traffic classes for each virtual trunk type:

On a CBR trunk: ATM CBR, NTS, TS, voice. All traffic classes are recommended on a CBR trunk.
On a VBR trunk: ATM VBR, bursty data A, bursty data, bursty data B (Optimized Bandwidth Management), ABR
On an ABR trunk: ATM ABR and bursty data B (Optimized Bandwidth Management).

FR—Frame Relay
FST—Optimized Bandwidth Management (formerly ForeSight)
CBR—constant bit rate
VBR—variable bit rate
ABR—available bit rate

Virtual Trunk Type


This choice usually comes from the carrier that provides the ATM cloud. This is the VPC type provided by the ATM cloud.



Virtual Trunk VPI


Virtual trunks must be configured to have a greater-than-0 VPI before connections are added by addcon. This value usually comes from the carrier that provides the ATM cloud.

VPI configured for a virtual trunk matches VPI for VPC in the ATM cloud. Every cell transmitted to this trunk has this VPI value. Valid VPC VPIs depend on the port type.

1-255 for BXM/UXM (UNI)

1-4095 for BXM/UXM (NNI)

1-255 for BNI T3/E3

1-63 for BNI OC-3 (STM1)

Table 20: Default Statistical Reserves for Physical Trunks




5000cps > T2, E2

1000 cps < T2, E2






1000 cps


1000 cps


5000 cps

5000 cps

5000 cps

5000 cps



5000 cps

5000 cps

5000 cps





5000 cps




T2 = 14490 cps (96 DS0s)

E2 = 19900 cps

N/A = not available

Table 21: Default Statistical Reserves for Virtual Trunks




300 cps


1000 cps

1000 cps

1000 cps


1000 cps

1000 cps

1000 cps



1000 cps


N/A = not available


Displays the Neighbor Device's topology information. The user can display the neighbor information for all ports on an interface card in a specified slot or for all ports on all interface cards in the switch.

Full Name

Display Neighbor Discovery


dspnebdisc <slot number>

Related Commands



Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dspnebdisc 4


Display the neighbor information for the ports on the BXM card in slot 4.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 July 14 2000 14:09 PST Port Neighbor Discovery Port Enable State NbrIpAddress NbrIfName 4.3 Yes ACTIVE ATM1/0 Last Command: dspnebdisc 4
Example 2



Display the neighbor information for all ports on all BXM cards in the BPX.

System Response
sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 9 2000 17:02 GMT Port Neighbor Discovery Port Enable State NbrIpAddress NbrIfName 4.1 No ACTIVE N/A N/A 4.3 Yes ACTIVE ATM1/0 4.4 No ACTIVE ATM3/0 11.1 Yes ACTIVE ATM1/0 Last Command: dspnebdisc
Example 3



Use the dspnebdisc command to display all the neighbor's information discovered by the IGX via the Neighbor Discovery procedure.

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 25 2000 09:31 GMT Port Neighbor Discovery Port Enable State IpAddress IfIndex/IfName 5.1 Yes ACTIVE 11 7.1 Yes INACTIVE 0 7.2 No ACTIVE 2 7.3 Yes ACTIVE 0 7.4 No INACTIVE 0 7.5 Yes ACTIVE 5 7.6 No INACTIVE 0 7.7 No INACTIVE 0 7.8 No INACTIVE 0 7.9 No ACTIVE 0 7.10 No INACTIVE 0 7.11 No ACTIVE 0 This Command: dspnebdisc
Example 4



Display the neighbor information for all ports on all UXM cards in the IGX. Port 4.2 is failed, so the IpAddress is N/A and IfName is N/A even the ILMI is run on the card and Neighbor Discovery is configured to Yes. Port 4.3 is showing Neighbor's IpAddress and IfName "ATM3/IMA0." Port 9.1 has the same situation as port 4.2. Port 9.4 does not configure ILMI to be run on the card. Slot 5 and 10 are not UXM cards.

System Response
igxf1 VT Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 26 2000 23:32 PST Port Neighbor Discovery Port Enable State IpAddress IfIndex/IfName 4.2 Yes FAILED N/A N/A 4.3 Yes ACTIVE ATM3/IMA0 5.1 Yes INACTIVE 0 5.5 Yes INACTIVE 0 6.1 No ACTIVE 0 6.2 Yes INACTIVE 0 6.4 Yes INACTIVE 0 9.1 Yes FAILED N/A N/A 9.4 No ACTIVE N/A N/A 10.1 Yes INACTIVE 0 10.2 No ACTIVE 0 10.3 No INACTIVE 0 This Command: dspnebdisc


Displays trunk configuration. The parameter values that dsptrkcnf displays have been set with cnftrk or are default values.

With Release 9.3.0 switch software, the default values for statistical reserves are increased to accommodate sufficient bandwidth for control traffic. The statistical reserve can be changed. However, if you modify the reserve below recommended values, a warning message is displayed. For example, if the statistical reserve is modified below 1000 cps for "upped" T1/E1/T3/OC3/OC12 physical trunks and 300 for T1/E1 virtual trunks, the warning message that follows is displayed:

Warning Changing stats reserve < {1000 | 300 } may cause a drop in CC traffic"

Table 22: Default Statistical Reserves for Physical Trunks




5000cps > T2, E2

1000 cps < T2, E2






1000 cps


1000 cps


5000 cps

5000 cps

5000 cps

5000 cps



5000 cps

5000 cps

5000 cps





5000 cps




T2 = 14490 cps (96 DS0s)

E2 = 19900 cps

N/A = not available

Table 23: Default Statistical Reserves for Virtual Trunks




300 cps


1000 cps

1000 cps

1000 cps


1000 cps

1000 cps

1000 cps



1000 cps


N/A = not available

As of Release 9.1, dsptrkcnf displays the cost of a trunk if cost-based routing is configured. You configure the administrative cost of a trunk with cnftrk.

Full Name

Display trunk configuration


dsptrkcnf <slot.port>[.vtrk]

Related Commands



Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dsptrkcnf 6.8


Display the configuration for trunk 6.8

System Response
sw203 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2 Sep. 25 1998 07:35 GMT TRK 6.8 Config OC-3 [353207cps] BXM slot: 6 Transmit Rate: 353208 Line framing: STS-3C Subrate data rate: -- coding: -- Line DS-0 map: -- CRC: -- Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps recv impedance: -- Idle code: 7F hex cable type: -- Max Channels/Port: 256 length: -- Connection Channels: 256 Pass sync: Yes Traffic: V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,VBR,ABR Loop clock: No SVC Vpi Min: 0 HCS Masking: Yes SVC Channels: 0 Payload Scramble: Yes SVC Bandwidth: 0 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Restrict CC traffic: No Cell Header Type: -- Link type: Terrestrial Virtual Trunk Type: -- Routing Cost: 10 Virtual Trunk VPI: -- Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Last Command: dsptrkcnf 6.8 Next Command:
Example 2

dsptrkcnf 6


Display the configuration for trunk 6. Trunk 6 is an AIT trunk on an IPX node.

System Response
sw91 TN SuperUser IGX 8410 9.2 Sep. 22 1998 16:09 GMT PLN 6 Configuration T3/3 [1000 pps] AIT slot: 6 Clock Rate: -- Idle code: 7F hex Transmit Trunk Rate: 96000 cps Restrict PCC traffic: No Rcv Trunk Rate: 1000 pps Link type: Terrestrial Subrate interface: -- Line framing: -- Subrate data rate: -- coding: -- Line DS-0 map: -- CRC: -- Pass sync: Yes recv impedance: -- Loop clock: No pps cable type: Statistical Reserve: 992 length: 0-225 ft. Header Type: STI HCS Masking: Yes Gateway Type: BAM Payload Scramble: No VPI Address: 0 End supp BData: Yes VCI Address: 0 End supp FST: Yes Routing Cost: 0 Last Command: dsptrkcnf 6 Next Command:
Example 3

dsptrkcnf 13.3.1


Display the configuration for the E3 trunk in slot 11 (an ALM/B trunk).

System Response
IGX16 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.1 Sep. 23 1997 02:08 GMT PLN 11 Config E3/480 [160000pps] ALM slot: 11 Clock Rate: -- Idle code: 7F hex Transmit Trunk Rate: 80000 cps Restrict PCC traffic: No Rcv Trunk Rate: 160000 pps Link type: Terrestrial Subrate interface: -- Line framing: -- Subrate data rate: -- coding: -- Line DS-0 map: -- CRC: -- Pass sync: Yes recv impedance: -- Loop clock: No cable type: Statistical Reserve: 992 pps length: 0-225 ft. Header Type: STI HCS Masking: Yes Gateway Type: BAM Payload Scramble: No VPI Address: 0 End supp BData: Yes VCI Address: 0 End supp FST: Yes Routing Cost: 10 Last Command: dsptrkcnf 11 Next Command:
Example 4

dsptrkcnf 4.1


Display the configuration for BXM 4.1 trunk.

System Response
b2 TRM StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.3N Dec. 14 1999 04:43 GMT TRK 4.1 Config E3 [80000 cps] BXM slot: 4 Transmit Rate: 80000 VPC Conns disabled: No Protocol By The Card: No <=====?? Line framing: -- VC Shaping: No coding: -- Hdr Type NNI: Yes recv impedance: -- Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps cable type: -- Idle code: 7F hex length: 0-225ft. Connection Channels: 256 Pass sync: No Traffic:V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,NRT-VBR,ABR Loop clock: No SVC Vpi Min: 0 HCS Masking: Yes SVC Channels: 0 Payload Scramble: Yes SVC Bandwidth: 0 cps Frame Scramble: -- Restrict CC traffic: No Virtual Trunk Type: -- Link type: Terrestrial Virtual Trunk VPI: -- Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0
Example 5

dsptrkcnf 6.3


Display the configuration for trunk 6.3. The trunk is on a UXM-OC-3 card set in an IGX node.

System Response
sw228 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 27 1998 17:42 PST TRK 6.3 Config OC-3 [353056cps] UXM slot: 6 Transmit Trunk Rate: 353207 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Rcv Trunk Rate: 353207 cps Cell Framing: STS-3C Pass sync: Yes Loop clock: No Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps Idle code: 7F hex Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Gateway Channels: 256 Valid Traffic Classes: V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,VBR,ABR Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Last Command: dsptrkcnf 6.3 Next Command:
Example 6

dsptrkcnf 5.2


Display the configuration for trunk 5.2. The trunk is on a UXM-E1 card set in an IGX node.

System Response
sw224 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 27 1998 17:50 GMT TRK 5.2-8 Config E1/203 [30641 cps] UXM slot: 5 Line DS-0 map: 1-15,17-31 Valid Traffic Classes: Transmit Trunk Rate: 30641 cps V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,VBR,ABR Rcv Trunk Rate: 28075 cps Retained links: 7 Pass sync: Yes IMA link auto disable:Disable Loop clock: No Statistical Reserve: 600 cps Idle code: 54 hex Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Line coding: HDB3 HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Gateway Channels: 256 Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0 seconds This Command: dsptrkcnf 5.2
Example 7

dsptrkcnf 10.1


Display the configuration for trunk 10.1. The trunk is on a UXM-T1 card set in an IGX node.

System Response
sb-reef TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 27 1998 17:46 PDT TRK 10.1-5 Config T1/115 [17358 cps] UXM slot: 10 Transmit Trunk Rate: 17358 cps Connection Channels: 256 Rcv Trunk Rate: 17358 cps Gateway Channels: 256 Pass sync: Yes Valid Traffic Classes: Loop clock: No V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,VBR,ABR Statistical Reserve: 600 cps Retained links: 5 Idle code: 7F hex IMA link auto disable:Enable Restrict PCC traffic: No Window size: 30 (x10 secs) Link type: Terrestrial Max transition cnts:10 Line framing: ESF Link reenable time: 6 (x10 mins) Line coding: B8ZS Line cable type: ABAM Line cable length: 0-131 ft. HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: No Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Last Command: dsptrkcnf 10.1
Example 8

dsptrkcnf 4.3.1


Display the configuration for virtual trunk 4.3.1. The ILMI protocol is running on the UXM interface card.

System Response
igxf3 VT Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 26 2000 23:40 PST TRK 4.3.1 Config OC3 [2867 cps] UXM slot:4 Transmit Trunk Rate: 3000 cps Gateway Channels: 200 Rcv Trunk Rate: 2867 cps Traffic:V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,N&RVBR,ABR Pass sync: No Virtual Trunk Type: CBR Loop clock: No Virtual Trunk VPI: 10 Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Header Type: UNI Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Routing Cost: 10 VC Shaping: No Idle code: 7F hex ILMI run on the card: Yes Restrict PCC traffic: No Link type: Terrestrial Line framing: STS-3C HCS Masking: Yes Payload Scramble: Yes Connection Channels: 256 Last Command: dsptrkcnf 4.3.1
Example 9

dsptrkcnf 4.2


Display the configuration for trunk 4.2. including the Protocol By Card option.

System Response
sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 July 28 2000 18:55 PST TRK 4.2 Config OC3 [353207cps] BXM slot: 4 Transmit Rate: 353208 VPC Conns disabled: No Protocol By The Card: Yes Line framing: STS-3C VC Shaping: No coding: -- Hdr Type NNI: Yes recv impedance: -- Statistical Reserve: 5000 cps cable type: -- Idle code: 7F hex length: -- Connection Channels: 256 Pass sync: No Traffic:V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,N&RT-VBR,ABR Loop clock: No SVC Vpi Min: 0 HCS Masking: Yes SVC Channels: 0 Payload Scramble: Yes SVC Bandwidth: 0 cps Frame Scramble: Yes Restrict CC traffic: No Virtual Trunk Type: -- Link type: Terrestrial Virtual Trunk VPI: -- Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0 seconds Last Command: dsptrkcnf 4.2

Table 24: dsptrkcnf-Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the physical slot and port number of the trunk.

Table 25: dsptrkcnf-Optional Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the virtual trunk number. The maximum value on a node is 32.
The maximum on a T3 or E3 line is 32. The maximum for user traffic on an OC-3/STM1 trunk is 11.


Displays basic trunk information for all trunks on a node. This command applies to both physical only and virtual trunks. The displayed information consists of:

In addition, for trunks that have been added to the network with the addtrk command, the information includes the node name and trunk number at the other end. Trunks that have a "-" in the Other End column have been upped with uptrk but not yet added on both ends with addtrk. For disabled trunks, the trunk numbers appear in reverse video on the screen.

For UXM trunks with ATM Forum IMA-compliant trunks, a trunk is displayed in dsptrks as:

<slot>.<primary_port>x<num ports>

For example, an IMA trunk would display in the TRK column in the dsptrks screen as the following:


In this case, 5.1x4 indicates an ATM Forum-compliant IMA trunk 5.4, which consists of four physical lines. To see all physical lines belonging to this IMA trunk, you can enter the dspphyslns command.

In Release 9.2.20, dsptrks displays all interface shelves attached to a BPX or an IGX routing hub that use the AAL5 protocol.

Note that in this release, for IMA trunks, you can configure non-consecutive physical lines. In Release 9.1, an IMA trunk required that consecutive physical lines be configured on the same card. In this release, non-consecutive physical lines are supported.

For VSI "dedicated" virtual trunks, dsptrks will indicate this.

Full Name

Display trunks



Related Commands

addtrk, deltrk, dntrk, uptrk


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1



Display information on the trunk configuration and alarm status for the trunks at a node. The trunk numbers with three places represent virtual trunks.

System Response
sw288 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Dec. 10 1998 15:39 GMT TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 4.1 OC-12 Clear - OK SIMFDR(AAL5) 11.2 T3 Clear - OK redhook/14 11.3 T3 Clear - OK sw113/16 Last Command: dsptrks Next Command:
Example 2



Display information on the trunk configuration and alarm status for the trunks at a node. The trunk numbers with three places (slot.port.vrtk) represent virtual trunks; for example—trunk 13, port 3, virtual trunk 12. Also, on trunk 4, slot 8, is a simulated interface shelf "SIMFDR0", with interface shelf type of AAL5.

System Response
sw288 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Dec. 10 1998 23:03 GMT TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 2.1 T3 Clear - OK pswbpx1/1.2 4.8 T3 Clear - OK SIMFDR0 (AAL5) 13.3.12 OC-3 Clear - OK rita/4.2.10 Last Command: dsptrks Next Command:
Example 3



Display information on the trunk configuration and alarm status for the trunks at a node. The trunk numbers with three places (slot.port.vrtk) represent virtual trunks. An ATM Forum-compliant trunk is configured on slot 11, which has a primary port of 1 and 4 physical lines.

System Response
sw53 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Sep. 24 1998 23:03 GMT TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 2.1 T3 Clear - OK pswbpx1/1.2 4.8 T3 Clear - OK SIMFDR0 (AAL5) 11.1x4 T1/92 Clear - OK a1c/3.5x4 15.1 OC-3 Clear - OK alc/3.5x4 Last Command: dsptrks Next Command:
Example 4



Display information on the trunk configuration and alarm status for the trunks at an IGX node showing IMA compliant links on slot 11.

System Response
oo1 TN SuperUser IGX 8430 9.2.zR Dec. 10 1998 23:03 GMT TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 6.1 OC-3 Clear - OK oo1p(AAL5) 8.5 T3 Clear - OK n4b/4.5 8.6 E3/530 Clear - OK alc/15 10 T3/240 Clear - OK alc/3.5x4 11.1x4 T1/92 Clear - OK alc/3.5x4 15.1 OC-3 Clear - OK n1a/11.3 15.2 OC-3 Clear - OK n2b/5.3 Last Command: dsptrks Next Command:
Example 5



Display information on the feeders attached to an IGX 8400 routing hub. (The SES feeder uses the AAL5 protocol to communicate with the routing network.) Feeder names appear in the Other End field on the dsptrks screen on an IGX routing hub.

System Response
oo1 TN SuperUser IGX 8430 9.2.zR Dec. 10 1998 23:03 GMT TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 13 E1 Clear - OK igx1/12 14.1 OC-3 Clear - OK ases1 (AAL5) Last Command: dsptrks Next Command:
Example 6



Display trunks including virtual trunks. A VSI trunk is on trunk 2.1.1; dsptrks indicates this with "VSI trunk."

System Response
TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 1.1 E3 Clear - OK sw58/1.1 1.2 E3 Clear - OK sw183(AXIS) 2.1.1 OC-3 Clear - OK VSI trunk
Example 7



The dsptrks screen shows VSI trunks 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, with the "Other End" of 4.1 reading "VSI (VSI)". A typical dsptrks screen example showing some VSI trunks configured follows:

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Apr. 4 1998 16:45 PST TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 2.1 OC-3 Clear - OK j4a/2.1 3.1 E3 Clear - OK j6c(AXIS) 5.1 E3 Clear - OK j6a/5.2 5.2 E3 Clear - OK j3b/3 5.3 E3 Clear - OK j5c(IPX/AF) 6.1 T3 Clear - OK j4a/4.1 6.2 T3 Clear - OK j3b/4 4.1 OC-3 Clear - OK VSI(VSI) 4.2 OC-3 Clear - OK VSI(VSI) 4.3 OC-3 Clear - OK VSI(VSI) Last Command: dsptrks

ILMI Neighbor Discovery Support on Cisco WAN Manager

This feature enables the Cisco Wan Manager (CWM) to discover any ATM devices attached to the BXM or UXM ports on the BPX or IGX switches, provided that those neighbor ATM devices also support ILMI Neighbor Discovery. If the BXM or UXM card supports the ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature, the relay of the neighbor's topology information to the CWM is automatic. However, in order to authorize the switch to give out its own topology information to the neighboring ATM devices, the user has to enable the Neighbor Discovery Enable/Disable flag. Use the new CLI command dspnebdisc to display neighboring ATM devices' topology information.

For more information about Cisco Wan Manager, please refer to Cisco WAN Manager documentation.

ELMI Neighbor Discovery for UFM

Enhanced Local Management Interface (ELMI) provides a protocol to monitor the status of permanent virtual connections between two Cisco communication devices. Through ELMI for example, the network management system (NMS) becomes aware of the existing connectivity between an IGX 8400 switch and a Cisco IOS router running ATM or Frame Relay.

The enhanced version of ELMI on IOS is called ELMI-AR (Address Resolution). Note that, since IGX switches mainly are connected to routers. which run IOS, you must implement the same protocol on IOS, too.

The ELMI protocol enhancements for the UFM serves the same purpose as the ILMI enhancements for the UXM, and shares similar mechanisms to reach the neighbor discovery purpose. While ILMI Neighbor Discovery works with ATM links, ELMI Neighbor Discovery works with Frame Relay links. ELMI Neighbor Discovery is a Cisco standard, while ILMI is based on the standard ILMI protocol.

See the sequence of commands below for an illustration of this feature on a UFM card.

Example 1

cnfnodeparm 53 0


To change the management IP Address to Publish to the neighboring router, use the cnfnodeparm command. The Management IP address is used by the NMS application to access the IGX or the ATM device. Depending upon your network set up, you can configure the IGX to send either the LAN IP address or Network IP address as part of the neighbor information exchange with the attached ATM device. Enter 0 for LAN IP address, or 1 for Network IP address. The IGX switch default is the network IP address.

More information about this command can be found in the Cisco WAN Switching SuperUser Command Reference.

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1H July 25 2000 09:34 GMT 1 Update Initial Delay [ 5000] (D) 16 CC Redundancy Cnfged [ Y] (Y/N) 2 Update Per-Node Delay [30000] (D) 17 MT3 Pass Through Relay [ Y] (Y/N) 3 Comm-Break Test Delay [30000] (D) 18 Nw Pkt Tx Rate (pps) [ 500] (D) 4 Comm-Break Test Offset [ 10] (D) 19 Stats Memory (x 100KB) [ 130] (D) 5 Network Timeout Period [ 1700] (D) 20 Standby Update Timer [ 10] (D) 6 Network Inter-p Period [ 4000] (D) 21 Stby Updts Per Pass [ 150] (D) 7 NW Sliding Window Size [ 1] (D) 22 Gateway ID Timer [ 30] (D) 8 Num Normal Timeouts [ 7] (D) 23 GLCON Alloc Timer [ 30] (D) 9 Num Inter-p Timeouts [ 3] (D) 24 Comm Fail Delay [ 60] (D) 10 Num Satellite Timeouts [ 6] (D) 25 Nw Hdlr Timer (msec) [ 100] (D) 11 Num Blind Timeouts [ 4] (D) 26 CBUS Delay (msec) [ 20] (D) 12 Num CB Msg Timeouts [ 2] (D) 27 SNMP Event logging [ Y] (Y/N) 13 Comm Fail Interval [10000] (D) 28 TFTP Grant Delay (sec) [ 1] (D) 14 Comm Fail Multiplier [ 3] (D) 29 TFTP ACK Timeout (sec) [ 10] (D) 15 Temperature Threshold [ 50] (D) 30 TFTP Write Retries [ 3] (D) This Command: cnfnodeparm Continue? ----- top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1H July 25 2000 09:34 GMT 31 FRP Link Status Alarm [ Y] (Y/N) 46 Modem polling timer [ 1] (D) 32 Job Lock Timeout [ 0] (D) 47 Verify CBA for non-FRP [ N] (Y/N) 33 Max Via LCONs [20000] (D) 48 Send Abit early [ N] (Y/N) 34 Max Blind Segment Size [ 3570] (D) 49 Abit Tmr Multiplier M [ 0] (D) 35 Max XmtMemBlks per NIB [ 3000] (D) 50 Abit Tmr Granularity N [ 3] (D) 36 Max Mem on Stby Q (%) [ 33] (D) 51 CommBrk Hop Weight [ 25] (D) 37 Trk Cell Rtng Restrict [ Y] (Y/N) 52 CB Fail Penalty Hops [ 2] (D) 38 Stat Config Proc Cnt [ 1000] (D) 53 Dnld LanIP or NwIP [ Nw](Lan/Nw) 39 Stat Config Proc Delay [ 2000] (D) 40 Enable Degraded Mode [ Y] (Y/N) 41 Enable Rrt on Comm Fail[ N] (Y/N) 42 Auto Switch on Degrade [ Y] (Y/N) 43 Max Degraded Aborts [ 100] (D) 44 Max Htls Rebuild Count [ 100] (D) 45 Htls Counter Reset Time[ 1000] (D) This Command: cnfnodeparm ----- top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1H July 25 2000 09:35 GMT 31 FRP Link Status Alarm [ Y] (Y/N) 46 Modem polling timer [ 1] (D) 32 Job Lock Timeout [ 0] (D) 47 Verify CBA for non-FRP [ N] (Y/N) 33 Max Via LCONs [20000] (D) 48 Send Abit early [ N] (Y/N) 34 Max Blind Segment Size [ 3570] (D) 49 Abit Tmr Multiplier M [ 0] (D) 35 Max XmtMemBlks per NIB [ 3000] (D) 50 Abit Tmr Granularity N [ 3] (D) 36 Max Mem on Stby Q (%) [ 33] (D) 51 CommBrk Hop Weight [ 25] (D) 37 Trk Cell Rtng Restrict [ Y] (Y/N) 52 CB Fail Penalty Hops [ 2] (D) 38 Stat Config Proc Cnt [ 1000] (D) 53 Dnld LanIP or NwIP [ Nw](Lan/Nw) 39 Stat Config Proc Delay [ 2000] (D) 40 Enable Degraded Mode [ Y] (Y/N) 41 Enable Rrt on Comm Fail[ N] (Y/N) 42 Auto Switch on Degrade [ Y] (Y/N) 43 Max Degraded Aborts [ 100] (D) 44 Max Htls Rebuild Count [ 100] (D) 45 Htls Counter Reset Time[ 1000] (D) This Command: cnfnodeparm 53 Enter 0 (LanIP) or 1 (NwIP): ----- top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1H July 25 2000 09:35 GMT 31 FRP Link Status Alarm [ Y] (Y/N) 46 Modem polling timer [ 1] (D) 32 Job Lock Timeout [ 0] (D) 47 Verify CBA for non-FRP [ N] (Y/N) 33 Max Via LCONs [20000] (D) 48 Send Abit early [ N] (Y/N) 34 Max Blind Segment Size [ 3570] (D) 49 Abit Tmr Multiplier M [ 0] (D) 35 Max XmtMemBlks per NIB [ 3000] (D) 50 Abit Tmr Granularity N [ 3] (D) 36 Max Mem on Stby Q (%) [ 33] (D) 51 CommBrk Hop Weight [ 25] (D) 37 Trk Cell Rtng Restrict [ Y] (Y/N) 52 CB Fail Penalty Hops [ 2] (D) 38 Stat Config Proc Cnt [ 1000] (D) 53 Dnld LanIP or NwIP [ Lan](Lan/Nw) 39 Stat Config Proc Delay [ 2000] (D) 40 Enable Degraded Mode [ Y] (Y/N) 41 Enable Rrt on Comm Fail[ N] (Y/N) 42 Auto Switch on Degrade [ Y] (Y/N) 43 Max Degraded Aborts [ 100] (D) 44 Max Htls Rebuild Count [ 100] (D) 45 Htls Counter Reset Time[ 1000] (D) Last Command: cnfnodeparm 53 0 Next Command:
Example 2

cnfport 5.1 65535 65535 100 c N 15 3 4 N 75 25 3 N N Y 1 Y


Configure the port for Neighbor Discovery. Set the Neighbor Discovery parameter to "Yes" to enable feature.

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1H July 25 2000 09:38 GMT Port: 5.1 [ACTIVE ] Primary Interface: T1D Configured Clock: 1536 Kbps Clocking: None Measured Rx Clock: None Neighbor IP Add: Neighbor IfIndex: 11 Port ID - Min Flags / Frames 1 Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl Signalling Protocol Cisco LMI -E EFCI Mapping Enabled No Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes N392 Error Threshold 3 Channel Speed 64 N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Line Number 1 Communicate Priority No Channel Range 1-24 Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25% Neighbor Discovery Enable Last Command: cnfport 5.1 65535 65535 100 c N 15 3 4 N 75 25 3 N N Y 1 Y Next Command:
Example 3

dspport 5


Shows the Neighbor Discovery parameter enabled on the UFM card in slot 5.

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 25 2000 09:36 GMT Port: 5.1 [ACTIVE ] Primary Interface: T1D Configured Clock: 1536 Kbps Clocking: None Measured Rx Clock: None Neighbor IP Add: Neighbor IfIndex: 11 Port ID - Min Flags / Frames 1 Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl Signalling Protocol Cisco LMI -E EFCI Mapping Enabled No Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes N392 Error Threshold 3 Channel Speed 64 N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Line Number 1 Communicate Priority No Channel Range 1-24 Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25% Neighbor Discovery Enable Last Command: dspport 5
Example 4

dspcd 5


Show the Topology Card Capability for ELMI on a UFM card in slot 5. See parameter "Front Card Supports."

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 25 2000 09:30 GMT Detailed Card Display for UFM in slot 5 (Global RAM: 4 Mbytes) Status: Active (Front Card Supports E1, T1) Revision: BC19 Card supports 8 lines Serial Number: 478247 (Front Card Supports NNI, CLLM) Top Asm Number: 73253101 (Front Card Supports ATFR/CGW) Port Capacity: 250 (Front Card Supports ForeSight) Backplane Installed (Front Card Supports ELMI) Backcard Installed (Front Card Supports Neighbor Discovery) Type: T1D (Front Card Supports SIW) Revision: AB (Front Card Supports Hot Standby) Serial Number: 798203 Last Command: dspcd 5 Next Command:
Example 5



Use the dspnebdisc command to display all the neighbor's information discovered by the IGX via the ELMI Neighbor Discovery procedure.

System Response
top TN Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 July 25 2000 09:31 GMT Port Neighbor Discovery Port Enable State IpAddress IfIndex/IfName 5.1 Yes ACTIVE 11 7.1 Yes INACTIVE 0 7.2 No ACTIVE 2 7.3 Yes ACTIVE 0 7.4 No INACTIVE 0 7.5 Yes ACTIVE 5 7.6 No INACTIVE 0 7.7 No INACTIVE 0 7.8 No INACTIVE 0 7.9 No ACTIVE 0 7.10 No INACTIVE 0 7.11 No ACTIVE 0 This Command: dspnebdisc

ATM Connections

This chapter describes the ATM commands that let you activate and configure ATM connections as well as statistical reporting for these connections at an ATM UNI in a BPX or IGX node. You can add ATM connections to an ASI or BXM in a BPX node, or to an UXM in an IGX node. Table 26 lists the ATM UNI card combinations for BPX and IGX nodes. For details on ATM commands and other support on an MGX 8220 shelf, refer to the MGX 8220 documentation. For details on ATM commands on an MGX 8550 shelf, refer to the MGX 8550 documentation.

Table 26: ATM UNI Cards
Front Card Back Card


LM-2T3 (Two ports)


LM-2E3 (Two ports)


MMF-2-BC, SMF-2-BC, or SMF LR-2-BC



BXM-T3-8 or BXM-T3-12

BPX-T3/E3-8/12 (a universal back card for BXM-T3 or E3)

BXM-E3-8 or BXM-E3-12

BPX-T3/E3-8/12 (a universal back card for BXM-T3 or E3)

BXM-155-4, BXM-155-4D

MMF-155-4, SMF-155-4, or SMFLR-155-4


MMF-155-8, SMF-155-8, or SMFLR-155-8


SMF-622 or SMFLR-622

BXM-622-2DX, BXM-622-2D

SMF-622-2 or SMFLR-622-2

Setting Up an ATM Connection

To set up an ATM connection, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Activate a line with the upln command. Activating a line makes it available so you can configure it. Also, it starts statistics collection.

Step 2   For BPX ATM, add an ATM port with the addport X.Y[.Z] command, where X is the slot, Y is the physical port, and Z is the optional virtual port number (the UXM does not require an addport). At this time, virtual ports are only available on BXM cards.

Step 3   Use the cnfport command to establish the characteristics for the ATM port.

Step 4   Activate the ATM port with the upport X.Y[.Z] command, where X is the slot, Y is the physical port, and Z is the optional BXM card virtual port of the ATM card set.

Step 5   If a suitable class is already configured, note its number and use this class when adding the ATM connection with the addcon command. (The dspcls command displays the parameters for each connection class. The cnfcls command allows you to modify an individual class.)

Step 6   Use the vt command to log in to the node at the remote end of the proposed ATM connection.

Step 7   At the remote node, use the upln, addport, upport, and cnfport commands, as listed in Steps 1 through 4, to activate and configure the remote port.

Managing Bandwidth

There are several commands that assist you in managing bandwidth to achieve satisfactory traffic patterns.

  • cnfpref

Use the configure preference command to specify preferred routing for intra-domain connections. You can use this command to assist in balancing the load on the network's trunks.

  • dsprts, prtrts

Use the display and print routes commands in conjunction with the cnfpref command to display the current connection routing information.

  • upcon, dncon

Use the up and down connection commands to temporarily down connections, thus releasing bandwidth for other services. Frequently, to provide more bandwidth for data, Frame Relay, or ATM traffic, you can down some voice connections.

Other Commands

The following commands are useful in establishing connections.

  • delcon

Delete a connection from an ATM line.

  • delport

Delete an ATM port.

  • dnln

Down a line.

  • dnport

Down a port.

  • dspcons

Display the connections on a specified ATM line.

Summary of Commands

Table 27 shows the name of each ATM connection command and the page the command description starts on.

Table 27:
ATM Connection Commands
Mnemonic Description Page


Add connection

page 113


Add ATM port

page 127


Clear channel statistics

page 130


Configure ATM class

page 132


Configure class

page 135


Configure connection

page 138


Configure port

page 140


Configure Automatic Routing Management port queue

page 159


Delete connection

page 163


Delete ATM port

page 165


Down port

page 167


Display port Qbin information

page 207


Display ATM class

page 171


Display channel statistics

page 173


Display class

page 179


Display connection

page 182


Display connection configuration

page 188


Display connections

page 191


Display LMI statistics

page 197


Display port

page 201


Display Automatic Routing Management port queue

page 207


Display all ports that exist on the node

page 210


Display port statistics

page 210


Display cache

page 219


Up port

page 363


Establishes an ATM connection between the current node and one or more nodes in the network. You can add ATM connections at a port (UNI or NNI) on either an ASI or a BXM in a BPX node, or a UXM in an IGX node. When used with the syntax in this chapter, addcon adds either a standard ATM connection or an ATM-Frame Relay interworking connection. You can also use addcon to add a virtual path connection or to add a VP tunnelling DAX connection between a line port on an IGX UXM as the VP side, and the line port at the ATM cloud entry point as the VCC side. For a description of the addcon command as it applies to Frame Relay connections, voice connections, or serial data connections, see the chapter in this manual that describes the applicable traffic type. For descriptions of the ATM commands that operate on an MGX 8220 shelf, refer to the MGX 8220 documentation. For descriptions of the ATM commands that operate on an MGX 8850 shelf, refer to the MGX 8850 documentation.

Note that in Release 9.2, on BXM and UXM cards, you can configure port and trunk (routing and feeder trunk) interfaces on the same card slot. For example, you can have port 1 on a BXM slot upped as a trunk interface while having port 2 on the same card slot upped as a line interface. For more information on the port and trunks feature, refer to Chapter 5, "Setting Up Trunks."

In Release 9.2.10, you can add VP tunnelling DAX connections. This type of connection has a VP connection as one end of the connection, and the other end a VC connection. This VP tunnelling DAX connection can be between different port interfaces on the same UXM card, or on different UXM cards. See Example 2 on page page 125.

In Release 9.2.20, you can add both rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connections. The parameter prompts are the same for both rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr, except for Trunk Cell Routing Restrict, which displays for all ATM connections except real-time Vbr connections. (This is because rt-Vbr connections should only be routed over ATM trunks such as BXM, UXM, and ASI trunks.)

Note   In Release 9.2.20, the rt-Vbr class of service is supported on the IGX UXM and BPX BXM, ASI, and BNI cards only. The rt-Vbr class of service is not supported on FastPacket trunks, nor is it supported on MGX 8850 or MGX 8220 (AXIS) interface shelves.

Note that for segment connections, all 2- and 3-segment connections must be the same, that is, all rt-Vbr or all nrt-Vbr. The CLI will not block you from adding any combination of rt-Vbr or nrt-Vbr segment connections.

The CLI will block you from adding rt-Vbr connections in a network of nodes running releases previous to Release 9.2. All nodes in the network must be first upgraded to Release 9.2.10. In a mixed network of Release 9.1 and 9.2.20, or Release 9.2.10 and 9.2.20, the rt-Vbr class of service is not supported—in this scenario, all Vbr connections will function as nrt-Vbr connections. To support rt-Vbr, all nodes in the network must be running switch software 9.2.20. See the Cisco WAN Switching 9.2 Release Notes for more information.

In Release 9.2.0, the switch software supports a minimum Peak Cell Rate (PCR) of 6 cps without policing enabled on both the BXM and UXM. In Release 9.3.0, the switch software supports a minimum PCR of 6 cps with policing enabled (with certain card limitations). Use the dspcd command to determine if this feature is supported on a given slot. Use the addcon command to set the minimum PCR values. If these values are less than the minimum values supported on a given card, the command line interface will not allow you to set them until you have disabled policing. (A prompt will let you know about this limitation, and allow you to disable policing.) Note the following when adding a card:

    1. If this new feature is enabled on a card, but is replaced by a card with older firmware (not supporting this feature) the dspcd screen parameter "card status" will display "Mismatch," and indicate the reason for the mismatch.

    2. If two cards are loaded with new firmware supporting this feature and configured for Y-redundancy, and one is replaced with a card with old firmware, the result is a "mismatch."

For ABRSTD, a policing prompt is now added for VSVD=OFF connections.

See Table 30 for a list of cards that are supported by this feature and their performance specifications.

The addcon command for ATM adds any one of the following types of ATM connections:

Detailed connection sequences can be found in the <CellCommandItalic>Cisco BPX Series Installation and Configuration. This description has the following information:

For detailed descriptions of the connection types, traffic classes, policing, and ATM-related topics, refer to the Cisco BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration guide or the ATM Forum specifications.

The node on which addcon executes is the "owner" of the connection. Connection ownership is important because automatic rerouting and preferred routing information is entered on the node that owns the connection. See the cnfpref and cnfcos descriptions for details on automatic rerouting.

The parameter prompts depend on the connection type. The figures on the following pages are flow diagrams showing the sequence of possible parameter prompts according to the connection type. The flow diagrams begin at the point after you have entered the remote node name and VPI and VCI (which are common parameters). The subsequent tables define the parameters and list the defaults and ranges for each parameter.

A form of notation appears for some parameters that may need explanation. The notation is either (0), (1), or (0+1). This refers to the state of the Cell Loss Priority (CLP) bit. The usage of the CLP bit is in the traffic policing schemes: (0+1) means cells with CLP=0 or 1; (0) means cells with CLP=0; (1) means cells with CLP=1. The CLP bit is used in different contexts. For example, CDVT (0+1) refers to Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVT) for cells with CLP=0 or 1.

Before a connection is added, the proposed connection appears on the screen prompting you to confirm. After addcon executes, the system software automatically routes the connection.

Instead of entering a class of service, the user can instead enter a class number to select a preconfigured template, for example, class 4 for ntr-Vbr, and class 3 for rt-Vbr. The class of service templates can be modified as required using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls command and displayed using the dspcls/dspatmcls commands.

Note   An IGX switch running NPM-64/4M BRAM, now has increased VC Bandwidth Parameter entries. This provides support for more connections with different bandwidths. When adding or modifying a connection, the input bandwidth parameters are checked against the existing VC Bandwidth Parameters array. If there is a match against an existing parameter in the array, then that particular parameter entry will be used for the connection issued. If there is no match, a new VC Bandwidth Parameter is assigned to the connection. The maximum number of VC Bandwidth Parameters for the NPM-64/4M BRAM was 700. With Release 9.3.0 switch software and higher, the maximum number is 1999.

Note   For a new node running 9.2.20 or later, the rt-Vbr connection class number is 3. An upgraded node will retain existing connection classes. Therefore, it won't have the rt-Vbr connection class 3. However, the user can configure the connection classes to whatever service and parameters they want using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls command.

Release 9.3.0 Virtual Ports

With Release 9.3.0, you can add connections to a virtual port on a BXM card. At this time, virtual ports are only available on BXM cards. When adding a connection to a virtual port, the virtual port number is not required. The slot, port, and VPI will map to the supporting virtual port. In addition, Vc QDepth is now configurable for all connection types.

Network and Service Interworking

Frame Relay-to-ATM Interworking enables Frame Relay traffic to be connected across high-speed ATM trunks using ATM standard Network and Service Interworking.

Two types of Frame Relay-to-ATM interworking are supported, Network Interworking and Service Interworking. The FRSM card on the MGX 8220 supports both Network and Service Interworking.

Figure 3: Prompt Sequence for a CBR Connection

Table 28:
Parameter/Prompt Description

local channel

Specifies the local slot, port, virtual path identifier (VPI), and virtual connection identifier (VCI) for the connection. The format is slot.port.vpi.vci.

You do not need to specify the virtual port (if one has been activated for this channel). The slot, port, and VPI will automatically map to the correct virtual port.

The VPI range for a UNI connection is 1-255. The VPI range for an NNI connection is 1-4095.

When adding an MGX 8850 interface shelf with a UNI interface to a BPX routing node, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535.

When adding an MGX 8850 interface shelf with an NNI interface to a BPX routing node, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535.

When adding an SES (Service Expansion Shelf) to an IGX 8400 routing node, for VCC addressing, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535.

For VPC addressing, when adding an SES interface shelf to an IGX 8400 routing hub with a UNI interface, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535.

For VPC addressing, when adding an SES shelf to an IGX 8400 routing with an NNI interface, the VPI range is 1-4095. The VCI range is 1-65535.

Note that when adding an SES to an IGX 8400 routing node, the VPI/VCI configured on the IGX 8400 routing hub should match the VPI/VCI configured on the SES interface shelf endpoint address.

When adding a VP tunnelling DAX connection to an IGX UXM card, either end of the connection can be the VPI or VCI side. This connection type can be any of the ATM connection types supported by UXM virtual trunks, for example, Abr, CBR, Ubr, and Vbr.

The VCI range is 1-65535. The VCI can be an asterisk (*) to indicate the connection is a virtual path connection (so the VCI has no meaning within the network).

remote node name

Specifies the name of the node at the other (or remote) end of the connection.

remote channel

Specifies the remote node's slot, port, VPI, and VCI for this connection. The format is slot.port.vpi.vci. The VPI and VCI ranges are:

The VPI range for a UNI connection is 1-255. The VPI range for an NNI connection is 1-4095.

The range for a VCI is 1-65535. The VCI can be an asterisk (*) to indicate the connection is a virtual path (the VCI does not provide a distinction within the network).

You do not need to specify the virtual port (if one has been activated for this channel). The slot, port, and VPI will automatically map to the correct virtual port.

connection class/
traffic type

Specifies one of the following traffic types—VBR (rt-VBR or nrt-VBR), UBR, CBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX, ATFTFST, or ATFXFST; or connection classes—for example, for rt-Vbr, connection class 3 for a new node running Release 9.2.20.

The subsequent displayed parameters depend on the connection type you choose. To see the parameters associated with each connection type, refer to the appropriate flow diagrams in the refer to the <CellCommandItalic>Cisco BPX Series Installation and Configuration.

The option for choosing a class number is also available. The class is a template for a connection type. The class serves as an alternative to specifying each parameter for a connection type. To specify a connection class, enter a digit in the range 1-10. To see the parameter values for a class, use the dspcls commands. To customize any class template, use cnfcls.

Note   For a new node running 9.2.20 or later, the rt-Vbr connection class number is 3. An upgraded node will retain existing connection classes. Therefore, it won't have the rt-Vbr connection class 3. However, you can configure the connection classes to whatever service and parameters you want by using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls commands.

Note   For VP tunnelling DAX connections, a VP tunnelling connection type is represented by CBRVP, ABRSTVP, ABRFSTVP, and so on. (The letters VP are appended to the connection class or connection type, to indicate that it is a VP tunnelling connection.) This connection type must be the same as the VCC connection type provisioned within the public ATM cloud.


Peak Cell Rate: the cell rate that the source cannot exceed.


Specifies the percentage of bandwidth utilization.


Minimum Cell Rate: the committed, minimum cell rate for a connection in a network.


Cell Delay Variation Tolerance: controls time scale over which the PCR is policed.

FBTC (AAL5 Frame-based Traffic Control)

To enable the possibility of discarding the whole frame, not just one non-compliant cell. This is used to set the Early Packet Discard bit at every node along a connection.

With the ASI, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing. With the BXM, FBTC means packet discard on queueing only.


Virtual Source Virtual Destination.

Flow Control External Segments

Enables Cisco WAN switches to perform flow control on external segments (on the CPE, for example) in addition to the Cisco WAN Switching segments.


Sustainable Cell Rate: the long-term limit on the rate that a connection can sustain.


Maximum Burst Size: the maximum number of cells that can burst at the PCR and still be compliant. MBS is used to determine the Burst Tolerance (BT), which controls the time period over which the SCR is policed.


With the ASI, FBTC means packet discard on both policing (see Table 30) and queueing. With the BXM, FBTC means packet discard on queueing only.

VC QDepth

The depth of the queue VC QDepth. As of Release 9.3, VC QDepth can be configured for all connections, not just Abr connections.


Cell Loss Priority Hi threshold (% of VC QDepth). When the high threshold is exceeded, the node discards cells with CLP=1 until the number of cells in the queue drops below the level specified by CLP Lo/EPD. As of Release 9.3, CLP Hi can now be configured for all connections, not just Abr connections.


Cell Loss Priority Low threshold (% of VC QDepth)/Early Packet Discard. When the number of cells in the queue drops below the level specified by CLP Lo/EPD, the node stops discarding cells with CLP=1.

If the card is a BXM and AAL5 FBTC=yes, the percent of VC QMax equals the value of EPD. Frame-based Traffic Control (FBTC) is FGCRA for AAL5.

The BXM does not support Frame-based Policing.

For an ASI card, the percent of VC QMax is CLP Lo regardless of the FBTC setting.

As of Release 9.3, CLP Lo/EPD can now be configured for all connections, not just Abr connections.


Explicit Forward Congestion Indication threshold (% of VC QDepth).


Initial Cell Rate: the rate at which a source initially transmits after an idle period.


Initial Burst Size: the maximum burst size a source can initially transmit after an idle period. IBR applies to only BXM cards.

ADTF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)

The Allowed-Cell-Rate Decrease Factor.

Time permitted between sending RM cells before the rate is decreased to ICR. (In previous software releases, ADTF was ICR TO—Initial Cell Rate Time Out.)

Trm (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)

An upper bound on the time between forward RM-cells for an active source: an RM cell must be sent at least every Trm milliseconds. (In previous software releases, Trm was Min. Adjust.)

RIF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)

Rate Increase Factor: controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate may increase upon receipt of an RM cell. (In previous software releases, RIF was Rate Up.)

RDF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)

Rate Decrease Factor: controls the amount decrease in cell transmission rate when an RM cell arrives. (In previous software releases, RDF was Rate Down.)

Nrm (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)


Maximum number of cells a source may send for each forward RM cell: an RM cell must be sent for every Nrm-1 data cells.

FRTT (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)

Fixed Round Trip Time: the sum of the fixed and propagation delays from the source to a destination and back.

TBE (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term)

Transient Buffer Exposure

The negotiated number of cells that the network would like to limit the source to sending during start-up periods, before the first RM-cell returns.


Peak cell rate: the cell rate that the source may never exceed.

Table 29:
addcon—Parameter Defaults and Ranges
Parameter with Default Settings UXM and BXM T1/E1, T3/E3, OC-3, and OC-12 RANGE ASI Range


50-max. T1/E1 cells/sec

50-max. T3/E3 cells/sec

50-max. OC-3 cells/sec

50-max. OC-12 cells/sec

T3: MCR-96000

E3: MCR-80000

OC-3 (STM1): 0-353200

Limited to MCR-5333 cells/sec for ATFR connections.

%Util [100/100]

for Ubr [1/1]



MCR [50/50]


6-max. of T3/E3/OC-3/OC-12

T3: 0-96000 cells/sec

E3: 0-80000 cells/sec

AAL5 Frame-Based Traffic Control:

for rt/nrt-Vbr [disable]

for Abr/Ubr [enable]

for Path connection [disable]


With the BXM card, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing.


With the ASI card, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing.


for CBR [10000/10000],

others [250000/250000]

0-5,000,000 microsecs.

T3/E3 1-250,000 usecs.

OC-3/STM1: 0-10000 usecs.

ForeSight [disable]

0 = disable

1 = enable

0 = disable

1 = enable

VSVD [disable]



Flow Control External Segment [disable]



Default Extended Parameters [enable]



CLP Setting [enable]



SCR [50/50]

c50-max. T1/E1 cells/sec

50-max. T3/E3 cells/sec

50-max. OC-3 cells/sec

50-max. OC-12 cells/sec

T3: MCR-96000:T3

E3: MCR-80000: E3

OC-3/STM1: 0-353200

Limited to MCR-5333 cells/sec for ATFR connections.

MBS [1000/1000]

1--5,000,000 cells

T3/E3: 1-24000 cells

OC-3 (STM1): 10-1000 cells

Policing [3]

For CBR: [4]

1 = Vbr.1

2 = Vbr.2

3 = Vbr.3

4 = PCR policing only

5 = off

1 = Vbr.1

2 = Vbr.2

3 = Vbr.3

4 = PCR policing only

5 = off


max [MCR, PCR/10]

MCR - PCR cells/sec

MCR - PCR cells/sec

ADTF [1000]

62-8000 msecs.

1000-255000 msecs.

Trm [100]

ABRSTD: 1-100 msecs.
ABRFST: 3-255 msecs.

20-250 msecs.

VC QDepth [16000/16000]

For ATFR/ATFST [1366/1366]

0-61440 cells

Applies to T3/E3 only
Abr: 1-64000 cells
ATFR: 1-1366 cells

CLP Hi [80/80]



CLP Lo/EPD [35/35]



EFCI [30/30]

For ATFR/ATFST [100/100]




For ForeSight: =

max [PCR/128, 10]

For ABRSTD [128]

If ForeSight, then in absolute (0-PCR)

If Abr, then 2n


If ForeSight, then in absolute (0-PCR)

If Abr, then 2n



For ForeSight [93]

For ABRSTD [16]

IF ForeSight, then %


If Abr, then 2n


IF ForeSight, then %


If Abr, then 2n


Nrm[32]-BXM only

2-256 cells

not applicable

FRTT[0]-BXM only

0-16700 msec

not applicable

TBE[1,048,320]-BXM only

0-1,048,320 cells

(different maximum range from TM spec. but limited by firmware for CRM (4095 only) where CRM=TBE/Nrm

not applicable

IBS [0/0]

0-24000 cells

T3/E3 Abr: 0-24000 cells ATFR: 1-107 cells

OC-3: 0-999 cells

Trunk Cell Routing Restriction (y/n) [y]

yes or no

For rt-Vbr connections, this prompt will not display. (This is because rt-Vbr connections should only be routed over ATM trunks such as BXM, UXM, and ASI.) Trunk Cell Routing Restriction will display for all other connections.

yes or no

For rt-Vbr connections, this prompt will not display. (This is because rt-Vbr connections should only be routed over ATM trunks such as BXM, UXM, and ASI.) Trunk Cell Routing Restriction will display for all other connections.


Table 30: Minimum PCR Values with Policing Enabled
Card Name Card Types Minimum PCR Values with Policing



6 cps



6 cps



12 cps



50 cps



12 cps



50 cps



50 cps

Note   The policing accuracy is always within 1percent. The maximum PCR policing values are the same as the line rate.

Table 31: Traffic Policing Definitions
Connection Type ATM Forum TM spec. 4.0 conformance definition PCR Flow (1st leaky bucket) CLP tagging (for PCR flow) SCR Flow (2nd leaky bucket) CLP tagging (for SCR flow)



when policing set to 4 (PCR policing only)






when policing set to 5 (off)







when CLP setting = no







when CLP setting = yes





rt/nrt-Vbr, Abr, ATFR, ATFST


when policing set to 1





rt/nrt-Vbr, Abr, ATFR, ATFST


when policing set to 2





rt/nrt-Vbr, Abr, ATFR, ATFST


when policing set to 3





rt/nrt-Vbr, Abr, ATFR, ATFST

when policing set to 4





rt/nrt-Vbr, Abr, ATFR, ATFST

when policing set to 5 (off)





Note 1: - For Ubr.2, SCR = 0

Note 2:

CLP = Cell Lost Priority

CLP(0) means cells that have CLP = 0

CLP(1) means cells that have CLP = 1

CLP(0+1) means both types of cells: CLP = 0 & CLP = 1

CLP(0) has higher priority than CLP(1)

CLP tagging means to change CLP = 0 to CLP = 1, where CLP= 1 cells have lower priority

Table 32:
Vbr Policing Definitions
Connection Type ATM Forum TM spec. 4.0 conformance definition PCR Flow (1st leaky bucket) CLP tagging (for PCR flow) SCR Flow (2nd leaky bucket) CLP tagging (for SCR flow)



when policing set to 1







when policing set to 2







when policing set to 3






when policing set to 4






when policing set to 5 for off





Full Name

Add Connection

addcon parameters (see preceding tables)

Related Commands

delcon, dspcons


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Example 1

addcon pubsbpx2


Add a standard Abr connection with VSVD and no Default Extended Parameters (which then require user input for SCR, MBS, and so on).

System Response
pubsbpx1 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Oct. 27 1997 05:22 GMT From Remote Remote Route NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O pubsbpx2 Ok abrstd pubsbpx2 Ok abrstd This Command: addcon pubsbpx2 abr * * * * e e * d * * 1 * * * * * * * * * Add these connections (y/n)?
Example 2

addcon 5.2.10.* pubsigx1p CBR ...


Add a virtual path connection (VPC) to virtual circuit connection (VCC) between ports 1 and 2. (This is called a VP tunnelling connection.)

System Response
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 8400 9.2 Oct. 27 1998 05:22 GMT From Remote Remote Route NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O 5.2.10.* pubsigx2 Ok abrstvp pubsigx2 5.2.10.* s Ok abrstvp This Command: addcon 5.2.10.* pubsigx1p CBR ... Add these connections (y/n)?


This command is required to add an IGX port (for example, FRM, UFM, physical) or BPX port (for example, ASI, BXM, physical, or virtual port) before the port can be activated (upport).

The optional <vport> identifier indicates a virtual port. Virtual ports are supported on BXM cards only.

Note   For BPX only, as of Release 9.3.0, upln no longer automatically configures a port. You must use the addport command to add the port before you can use the addcon command. You can verify that the line has been activated by using the dsplns command.

Full Name



addport <slot.port>[.<vport>]

Related Commands

delport, upport, dnport, dspports, dspport, cnfport


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Example 1

addport 5.2 2.1-20


Add port 2 for the IGX card in slot 5.

System Response

Example 2

addport 16.1-15


Add port 1 for the IGX card in slot 16.

System Response

Example 3

addport 3.2.15


Add port 2 for BPX card in slot 3.

System Response

Table 33: addport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the slot number of the card, the physical port, and the optional virtual port (BXM card only). The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.


Clears the gathered statistics for either a specific channel or all channels. When you enter a specific channel number, the current channel statistics display appears, asking if you want to clear the display. If you enter "*" (all channels) for the channel specification, the display prompts you to confirm whether you want to clear all channel statistics. This is sometimes referred to as a summary statistics command.

The Multilevel Channel Statistics lets you configure and display additional levels of statistics beyond level 1 statistics (for example, levels 2 and 3), as supported by the Multilevel Channels Statistics feature. You use the cnfcdparm command to configure the channels statistics level on the BXM or UXM cards. For example, if you configure slot 5 to support level 3 channel statistics, all connections on that particular card are set to provide level 3 statistics. Switch software collects, displays, and propagates to Cisco WAN Manager the various statistics types. The channel statistic type vary in number and type based on the level of support provided by the BXM and UXM cards. You use the dspchstats and clrchstats to display and clear the statistics.

Full Name

Clear Channel Statistics


clrchstats <channel | *>

Related Commands



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Example 1

clrchstats 3.1.1


Clear channel statistics for 3.1.1 (BPX).

Example 2

clrchstats 3.1.1


Clear channel statistics for 3.1.1.

System Response
sw83 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:24 PST Channel Statistics: 3.1.1 Cleared: Aug. 17 1997 08:10 MIR: 3.8 kbps Collection Time: 6 day(s) 10:04:58 Corrupted: NO Frames Avg Size Avg Util Packets Avg (bytes) (fps) (%) (pps) From Port: 1516586 198 2 35 To Network: 1516215 198 2 35 16678365 30 Discarded: 371 198 0 0 From Network: 1518665 197 2 35 16705146 30 To Port: 1518629 198 2 35 Discarded: 36 120 0 0 238 0 ECN Stats: Avg Rx VC Q: 0 ForeSight RTD 40 Min-Pk bytes rcvd: 52470 FECN Frames: 0 FECN Ratio (%) 0 Minutes Congested: 0 BECN Frames: 16 BECN Ratio (%) 0 Frames rcvd in excess of CIR: 0 Bytes rcvd in excess of CIR: 0 Frames xmtd in excess of CIR: 0 Bytes xmtd in excess of CIR: 0 This Command: clrchstats 3.1.1 OK to clear (y/n)?

Table 34: clrchstats—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the channel whose statistics are cleared.


Specifies all channel statistics.


The cnfatmcls command allows the ten Cisco-supplied class templates for ATM connection configuration to be modified. (The addcon command can take a class as an input.)

When you enter the number of the class to configure, the display shows the current value of each parameter in the class. For each item in the class, a prompt appears for changing or keeping the current value.

In Release 9.2.20, you can use cnfatmcls and cnfcls to configure the rt-Vbr ATM connection class. You can use dspatmcls and dspcls to display the connection parameters for the rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connection classes.

The rt-Vbr connections are configured per class 3 service parameters, and nrt-Vbr connections are configured per class 2 service parameters. You can change these class parameters by using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls commands, or you can enter the parameters individually for each connection by specifying yes to the extended parameters prompt of the addcon command.

Note   For a new node running software Release 9.2.20 or later, the rt-Vbr connection class number is 3. An upgraded node will retain existing connection classes. Therefore, it won't have the rt-Vbr connection class 3. However, the user can configure the connection classes to desired service and parameters using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls commands. For nrt-Vbr connections in a new node, running Release 9.2.20, a number of connection classes are preconfigured, including 2, 4, 5, and 6.

Full Name

Configure Class


cnfatmcls <class number> [optional parameters]

Related Commands

addcon, cnfatmcls, dspatmcls, cnfcls, dspcls


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Example 1

cnfatmcls 10


Configure ATM connection class 10. The command line interface (CLI) displays the current settings and requests the class type (see System Response 1). After you enter a class type, the CLI prompts you to specify each parameter for the selected class type (ABRSTD as System Response 2 shows).

System Response 1
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set ATM Connection Classes Class: 10 Type: CBR PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) Policing 4000/4000 100/100 10000/10000 4 Description: "Default CBR 4000" This Command: cnfatmcls 10 Enter class type (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, UBR, CBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX, ATFTFST, ATFXFST):
System Response 2
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set ATM Connection Classes Class: 10 Type: ABRSTD PCR(0+1) % Util MCR CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC 4000/4000 100/100 4000/4000 10000/10000 n Description: "Default CBR 4000" This Command: cnfatmcls 10 abrstd * * * * * Do you want this change (y/n)?
Example 2

cnfatmcls 3


Configure ATM connection class 3 for rt-Vbr class type connection parameters. The command line interface (CLI) displays the current settings and requests the class type.

System Response
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set ATM Connection Classes Class: 3 Type: rt-VBR PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR 2000/2000 100/100 10000/10000 n 2000/2000 MBS Policing 1000/1000 3 Description: "Default rt-VBR 2000" This Command: cnfatmcls 3 Enter class type (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, UBR, CBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX, ATFTFST, ATFXFST):

Table 35: cnfatmcls-Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the class to configure. The class numbers are 1-10.

Table 36: cnfatmcls-Optional Parameters
Parameter Description

optional parameters

Individual parameters are specific to the type of connection (rt-Vbr, nrt-Vbr, CBR, Ubr, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX, ATFTFST, ATFXFST). Each is prompted one at a time. Refer to the dspcls command to see the parameters in each of the classes.


The cnfcls command allows the ten Cisco-supplied class templates for connection configuration to be modified. (The addcon command can take a class as an input.)

When you enter the number of the class to configure, the display shows the current value of each parameter in the class. For each item in the class, a prompt appears for changing or keeping the current value.

In Release 9.2.20, you can use cnfatmcls and cnfcls to configure the rt-Vbr ATM connection class. You can use dspatmcls and dspcls to display the connection parameters for the rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connection classes.

The rt-Vbr connections are configured per class 3 service parameters, and nrt-Vbr connections are configured per class 2 service parameters. These class parameters can be changed using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls commands, or the parameters can be entered individually for each connection by specifying yes to the extended parameters prompt of the addcon command.

Note   For a new node running software Release 9.2.20 or later, the rt-Vbr connection class number is 3. An upgraded node will retain existing connection classes. Therefore, it won't have the rt-Vbr connection class 3. However, the user can configure the connection classes to desired service and parameters using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls commands. For nrt-Vbr connections in a new node, running Release 9.2.20, a number of connection classes are pre-configured, including 2, 4, 5, and 6.

Full Name

Configure Class


cnfcls <class number> [optional parameters]

Related Commands

addcon, dspcls, cnfatmcls, dspatmcls


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Example 1

cnfcls 10


Configure connection class 10. The command line interface (CLI) displays the current settings and requests the class type (see System Response 1). After you enter a class type, the CLI prompts you to specify each parameter for the selected class type (ABRSTD as System Response 2 shows).

System Response 1
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set ATM Connection Classes Class: 10 Type: CBR PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) Policing 4000/4000 100/100 10000/10000 4 Description: "Default CBR 4000" This Command: cnfcls 10 Enter class type (VBR, CBR, UBR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFR):
System Response 2
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set ATM Connection Classes Class: 10 Type: ABRSTD PCR(0+1) % Util MCR CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC 4000/4000 100/100 4000/4000 10000/10000 n Description: "Default CBR 4000" This Command: cnfcls 10 abrstd * * * * * Do you want this change (y/n)?

An example of a cnfcls/cnfatmcls command and response is shown in the following example:

System Response 3
pubsbpx1 TN silves:1 BPX 8620 9.2.2G July 16 1999 10:42 PDT ATM Connection Classes Class: 2 Type: nrt-VBR PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR 1000/1000 100/100 10000/10000 n 1000/1000 MBS Policing 1000/1000 3 Description: "Default nrt-VBR 1000 " This Command: cnfcls atm 2 Enter class type (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, CBR, UBR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFR, ATFST, ATFT, ATFTFST, ATFX, ATFXFST):

Table 37: cnfcls-Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the class to configure. The class numbers are 1-10.

Table 38: cnfcls-Optional Parameters
Parameter Description

optional parameters

Individual parameters are specific to the type of connection (CBR, rt-Vbr, nrt-Vbr, Abr, ATFR). Each is prompted one at a time. Refer to the dspcls command to see the parameters in each of the classes.


Configures the ATM bandwidth parameters for a specified connection. The initial cell rate (ICR) normally is set to the port speed. It may be lower if other constraints exist on the data-generation rate. If ICR is too low, cells are dropped. If it is too high, bandwidth may be wasted unless ForeSight is used. Statistical reports are the best source of information for deciding what to adjust.

If the connection type includes ForeSight (abr enabled), the results of the last test round-trip delay command (tstdelay) appear. Note that this is not the current RTD but the result of the last test that ran. Connection priority—high or low—is displayed for standard Frame Relay connections and ForeSight connections. Several checks are done on the parameters that specify bandwidth to assist users in efficient use of network bandwidth. The following messages describe the performance evaluation:

  • Error

Min cannot exceed peak.

  • Warning

Min exceeds this port's speed.

  • Warning

Sum of mins exceeds port's speed.

  • Warning

Peak exceeds this port's speed.

Warning messages are informational only, so the related operation continues. If an error message appears, the operation does not continue.

Full Name

Configure Connection


cnfcon <channel> [bandwidth parameters]

Related Commands

addcon, dspcon


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1



Configure ASI connection

System Response
a20 LAN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 11:43 PST Conn: ca19 ABR Description: SCR IBS MBS ABR MCR PCR ICR 100/100 10/10 10/10 y 10/10 96000/96000 10/10 ICR TO Rate Up Rate Dn Rate FastDn Max Adjust VC Qdepth EFCI % Util 10 100 100 100 100 64000/64000 100/100 100/100 CLP CLP Hi CLP Lo y 100/100 90/90 This Command: cnfcon MBS (10) must exceed IBS (10) Enter the MBS [10/10]:

Table 39: cnfcon—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the connection to configure. This command configures one connection at a time. The channel specification has the following format:


You do not need to specify the virtual port (if one has been activated for this channel). The slot, port, and VPI will automatically map to the correct virtual port.

Table 40: cnfcon—Optional Parameters
Parameter Description

bandwidth parameters

Refer to the addcon command in this chapter for descriptions and connection types.


Configures the parameters of an ATM or FRAME RELAY port on an ASI or BXM card on the BPX, or a UXM card on the IGX. On the IGX this command works on the UXM, FRM, and UFM cards.

Press Return to keep the current value of a parameter. See the parameter table for important information (Table 46).

In Release 9.2, the Ports and Trunks feature lets you configure multiple trunk lines and circuit lines on a single BXM or UXM card simultaneously. In previous releases, when you upped a single port as a trunk (by using the uptrk command), all the remaining ports on that card were treated as a trunk. Similarly, when you up a single port as a circuit line (by using the upln command), all the remaining ports on the card are treated as circuit line ports. This feature allows BXM and UXM cards to be trunk line cards as well as circuit line cards at the same time. This allows trunks as well as circuit lines to coexist on these interface cards.

In Release 9.3.0, changing the line framing for BXM-T3 cards from PLCP to HEC no longer automatically changes the port's bandwidth to the new maximum. It merely raises the upper limit for the port's bandwidth. After changing the framing, you must use cnfport to increase the port's bandwidth, and cnfrsrc to increase the port's Auto Route bandwidth (PVC Max Bandwidth).

Feature Mismatching to Verify LMI/ILMI Support

The cnfport commands, in addition to other configuration commands, perform mismatch verification on the BXM and UXM cards. For example, the cnfport command will verify whether the cards both have LMI/ILMI configured.

The command cnfport will prevent disabling ILMI protocol on a port interface if a VSI ILMI session is active on a VSI partition of the port interface. Configure ILMI protocol running on a port interface to run on the BCC instead of the BXM.

Refer to "Feature Mismatching" in the BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration. The Feature Mismatching capability will not mismatch cards unless the actual feature has been enabled on the card. This allows for a graceful card migration from an older release.

Traffic Shaping on the BXM Card

Traffic shaping lets you choose whether to have VC scheduling performed to your CBR, Vbr, Ubr, or ABRSTD with VSVD and without FCES traffic streams. You can configure the traffic shaping (which involves weighted fair queuing) option on each BXM interface. In release 9.3.05 onward, traffic shaping is enabled/disabled per QoS using the cnfportq command.

Traffic shaping, and all traffic pertaining to the QoS for this release, is performed on a per-port basis,. When a particular QoS is enabled, all traffic exiting the port is subject to the VC scheduling based on the appropriate service parameters you provision. When a particular port is configured to perform traffic shaping, all ATM cells, regardless of class of service, pass through the VC queues before leaving the card. When a traffic class is not configured for traffic shaping, its connections circumvent the VC queues and are scheduled by the Qbins.

No connections should exist on the port before changing the port traffic shaping parameter. If there are existing connections when the port traffic shaping parameter is toggled, then these connections will not be updated unless the card is reset, connections are rerouted, a switchcc occurs, or you modify the connection parameters. Also, traffic shaping is not enabled on a VSVD endpoint if an external segment has been enabled.

Redundant cards must either both support traffic shaping, or neither support traffic shaping. In the non-redundant case, traffic shaping is configurable regardless of whether the BXM card in the target slot supports traffic shaping. If the card does not support traffic shaping, then a BXM card that does support traffic shaping can be inserted later and the traffic shaping configuration will take effect. System software will not perform mismatch checking on the traffic shaping capabilities of the BXM.

The traffic shaping rate parameters are in Table 41. The MCR is the minimum cell rate for the connection. This is the lowest rate that the connection will be scheduled from the VC queue into the Qbin. The PCR is the peak cell rate, or the highest rate at which the connection will be scheduled from the VC queue into the Qbin.

Table 41: cnfport—Traffic Shaping Rates
Service Type MCR PCR











MCR %Util


1Indicates that the system software issues a warning that traffic shaping is not supported on that specific BXM.

Note   Traffic shaping does not generate any alarms. There is no mismatch checking for BXMs that support traffic shaping, so if you insert a BXM card with firmware that does not support it, then the traffic shaping functionality will not exist.

Note   Cells can be momentarily received out of order when you reconfigure connections between traffic shaping and non-traffic shaping. This is a limitation of the hardware for which there is no workaround.

Configuring Traffic Shaping

Traffic shaping involves passing ATM traffic through the ATM interface at a VC queue, scheduled rate. With the introduction of traffic shaping, the customer will have the option to perform VC scheduling to his/her Abr, CBR, Vbr, and Ubr traffic streams. Traffic shaping is performed by the BXM hardware.

Traffic shaping will be performed on a per-port, per-COS basis.

No connections should exist on the port before you change the port traffic-shaping parameter. If there are existing connections when you toggle the port traffic-shaping parameter, then these connections will not be updated unless you reset the card (by using the resetcd command), connections are rerouted, a switchcc occurs, or you modify the connection parameters. Also, it should be noted that traffic shaping is not enabled on a VSVD endpoint if external segment has been enabled.

Use cnfportq to configure traffic shaping parameters.

Redundancy Architecture

Software requires that redundant cards either both support the feature or neither support the feature. In the non-redundant case, the feature is configurable regardless of whether the BXM card in the target slot supports traffic shaping. If the card does not support the feature, then a BXM card that does support traffic shaping can be inserted later and the traffic-shaping configuration will take effect. Switch software will not perform mismatch checking on the traffic-shaping capabilities of the BXM.

Cisco WAN Manager in Release 9.2 has no changes to support traffic shaping. Switch software functionality is limited to enabling the traffic shaping option (involving weighted fair queuing) on a per-BXM interface case.

Refer to the Cisco WAN Switch Software Release 9.2 release notes for additional information on traffic shaping. No connections should be on the port before changing the port traffic shaping parameter. If there are existing connections when the port traffic shaping parameter is toggled, then these connections will not be updated unless the card is reset, connections are rerouted, a switchcc occurs, or you modify the connection parameters*. Also, it should be noted that traffic shaping is not enabled on a VSVD endpoint if an external segment has been enabled. In this case, the scheduling policies are based upon the ATMF 4.0 Abr rules.

Firmware Functionality (BXM)

The BXM firmware supports a new CommBus parameter to enable/disable traffic shaping. When you add a connection, the BXM firmware checks its database to see if traffic shaping is enabled for the port that the connection is to be mapped to. If traffic shaping is enabled, the BXM firmware sets up the ASIC hardware to perform the weighted fair queuing. In the background, the BXM firmware runs a rate-based algorithm.

Existing functionality, such as VC queuing, is used by the traffic shaping feature.

In this release, the BXM firmware supports a new CommBus (CBUS) parameter to enable/disable traffic shaping. When a connection is added, the BXM firmware checks its database to see if traffic shaping is enabled for the port that the connection is to be mapped to. If traffic shaping is enabled for the traffic class on the port, the BXM firmware sets up the ASIC hardware to perform the weighted fair queuing. In the background, the BXM firmware runs a rate-based algorithm similar to what is done today for explicit rate stamping (ERS). The only other interface change includes an egress SCR parameter in the channel (0x52) message.

The algorithm executed by the firmware involves the BXM firmware polling the cell arrival and transmit counters of the Qbins approximately every 15 msec. During this time, the firmware determines the congestion ratio:

rc = rp * out/in

where rp is the previous value of rc, "out" is the number of cells leaving the Qbin, and "in" is the number of cells arriving into the Qbin. Note that if the ratio of out/in is less than 1, then the Qbin is experiencing congestion. The BXM firmware takes the resulting "rc" and divides this value into the sum of all of the PCRs for the Qbin and uses this result as the congestion factor to be programmed into the hardware (SABRE).

Performance of Traffic Shaping

The weighted fair queuing (WFQ) algorithm for traffic shaping runs the same algorithm as the explicit rate stamping (ERS). This processing consumes 12 percent of the bandwidth. Because the algorithm runs once (even if both ERS and WFQ are enabled), traffic shaping will not increase the worst-case demand for BXM processor time.

Errors and Alarm Handling

No alarms will be generated regarding the traffic shaping feature. As previously mentioned, there is no mismatch checking for BXMs that do not support the feature, so if you insert a BXM with firmware that does not support the feature, then the traffic shaping functionality will not be supported on that card.

It should be noted that cells can be momentarily received out of order when connections are reconfigured between traffic shaping and non-traffic shaping. This is a limitation of the hardware for which there is no workaround.

Virtual Ports

Virtual ports are logical interfaces like virtual trunks, trunks, and ports. (A maximum of 31 logical entities are available on a BXM card.)

Virtual ports is an optional feature that must be configured by Cisco on the BPX.

Figure 4: Virtual Ports

One or more virtual ports may function on a single port connected to CPE devices, directly or through an ATM cloud. Although virtual ports, like ports, can connect directly to CPEs, they are generally used to connect indirectly.

Traffic shaping has previously been supported on ports and on connections. Virtual ports on BPX switches provide hierarchical traffic shaping, which means both virtual port traffic shaping and connection traffic shaping.

A virtual port may carry multiple PVCs or PVPs. VI traffic shaping capability is provided per virtual port. Additionally, connection traffic shaping is available on a QOS basis. While virtual port shaping is always ON, you can turn connection traffic shaping ON or OFF by using the cnfportq command.

Each virtual port supports all Automatic Routing Management (AutoRoute) traffic types that are currently supported by ports.

To set the maximum bandwidth available for use on that virtual port, use the Bandwidth parameter of the command cnfport (see Figure 5). This parameter is similar to the Bandwidth parameter used for ports. However, while the Bandwidth parameter is configurable on a virtual port, on a port, this parameter is not configurable; it is automatically set to the line speed.

You can configure a virtual port's bandwidth to the full port bandwidth or a subset thereof. However, the bandwidth sum of all virtual ports on a port cannot exceed the port's total bandwidth.

Figure 5: Port Bandwidth


Virtual ports are available on the BXM card for the BPX. This feature is included in BPX Switch Software 9.3.10. and is independent of firmware. Virtual ports are not supported on ASI card connections.

On the BPX, this feature requires:

1. BCC 3-64 or BCC 4-128 controller card

2. BXM card

Virtual Port Examples

This section describes two of many possible examples of virtual port configurations.

The BPX switch software does not distinguish between the two types of virtual ports.

Depending on the interface type, UNI or NNI, the maximum number of PVPs will be 255 or 4095 respectively. The maximum number of VCIs is 65535.

Port Bandwidth and Line Speed

Figure 6 shows the types of bandwidth that make up the port's total bandwidth as configured by cnfport.

Figure 6: Port Bandwidth and Line Speed

Total Port Bandwidth

The total port bandwidth is the bandwidth of the port. It is configured by the cnfport command. Its units are cells per second. If there are multiple ports on a line (physical interface), then the sum of the "Total Port Bandwidths" on that line is limited to be less than or equal to the line speed.

For BXM T3 lines the line speed is based on the framing, PLCP or HEC, and can be reconfigured using the cnfln command.

Automatic Routing Management Bandwidth

The Automatic Routing Management Bandwidth is the bandwidth that can be used by Automatic Routing Management connections. It is user configured via the cnfrsrc command. Its units are cells per second. It can never be larger than the total port bandwidth.

VSI Bandwidth

The VSI bandwidth is the bandwidth that is currently used by the VSI partitions. It is a calculated value based on the VSI min- BW and max- BW values. Its units are in cells per second. It is "configurable by the user" when the min- BW and max- BW values are modified via the cnfrsrc command. When being configured, the min- BW and max- BW parameters cannot be set so that they would consume more than Total Port Bandwidth - Automatic Routing Management Bandwidth.

Unused Bandwidth

The unused bandwidth is whatever is left over. This occurs if some of the nonAutoRoute bandwidth is unused by VSI.


The BXM card has 31 Virtual Interfaces (VIs). These VIs can be used for Virtual Ports, Virtual Trunks, Physical Ports or Physical Trunks.

    1. The maximum number of interfaces (Virtual/Physical Port/Trunk) per BXM is equal to the maximum number of VIs. Therefore, a maximum of 31 (BXM) Virtual Ports are supported per card. The maximum number of Virtual Ports is 31 (BXM), but the number of available Virtual Ports can be lower based on the number of other interface types in use.

    2. A maximum of 254 ports (physical or virtual), are supported on the BPX node with the BCC 4-128 controller. A maximum of 144 Virtual Ports are supported on a BPX node running the BCC 3-64 controller. Virtual Ports are not supported on controllers lower than BCC 3-64 (BPX). The maximum Virtual Ports available are reduced by the number of Physical Ports on the system.

    3. Some port parameters are physical, and therefore when they are changed on one Virtual Port, they will change the same parameter on all other Virtual Ports that reside on the same Physical Port. Others apply only to the Virtual Port. A description of all the parameters is listed in Table 15.

    4. The total number of connection channels per card is shared by all interfaces on the card. The number of channels used by all the interfaces on a card cannot exceed the total number of channels on the card. The number of channels on a given interface is further limited by the port group to which it belongs.

    5. The number of port groups limits the number of channels that may be used on an interface. For example, consider an 8-port BXM card with two port groups and a total of n channels. Each port group may access a pool of n/2 channels. Each port may only access the channels in its port group, so each interface is limited to a maximum of n/2 channels.

    6. The total bandwidth per Physical Port is shared by all the Virtual Ports on that Physical Port. The bandwidth sum of all the Virtual Ports on the Physical Port cannot exceed the bandwidth of the Physical Port.

    7. Queue depth per port is shared by all the logical (Physical/Virtual Port/Trunk) interfaces on the card. The queues are dynamic, which allows oversubscription of the available queue space. The sum of all the configured queue depths may be larger than the available queue space on the card.

    8. Virtual Port traffic shaping is always ON, connection shaping is configurable per QOS.

ILMI Neighbor Discovery

The ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature, available only with the BXM card, enables a network management system such as Cisco WAN Manager or CiscoWorks 2000 to discover other attached ATM devices such as Cisco ATM routers or switches, provided that those devices also support ILMI Neighbor Discovery.

The ILMI Neighbor Discovery feature is supported only on a BXM port, but not on a virtual port.

Configuring the BPX for ILMI Neighbor Discovery

To enable ILMI Neighbor Discovery on the BXM card, use the cnfport command to set the BXM card parameters shown in ILMI Neighbor Discovery ParametersTable 42.

Table 42: ILMI Neighbor Discovery Parameters
Parameters Value



Protocol by Card


NebrDisc Enabled


ILMI Polling Enabled


Use the cnfport command to enable ILMI Neighbor Discovery:

sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 9 2000 16:23 GMT Port: 4.3 [ACTIVE ] Bandwidth/AR BW: 353208/353208 Interface: LM-BXM CAC Override: Enabled VPI Range: 0 - 255 CAC Reserve: 0 Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Shift: SHIFT ON HCF (Normal Operation) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Port Load: 0 % Protocol: ILMI Protocol by Card: Yes NbrDisc Enabled: Yes VPI.VCI: 0.16 Addr Reg Enab: Y ILMI Polling Enabled: Y Trap Enabled: Y T491 Polling Interval: 30 N491 Error Threshold: 3 N492 Event Threshold: 4 ILMI Reset Flag:Y Last Command: cnfport 4.3 353208 N H I 0 16 Y Y Y 30 3 4 Y N 0 N Y Y
Publishing the BXM Interface Information

When ILMI Neighbor Discover is enabled on a BXM port, the BPX and the attached ATM device exchange their management IP addresses and other interface information with each other via the ILMI protocol.

The exchanged information consists of:

Meaning of the NebrDiscEnable Parameter

Table 43: NebrDisc Enabled parameter
Value Meaning


The BPX will NOT publish its interface information to its neighbor. However, the BPX still queries for its neighbor information and if the neighbor's interface information is available, it will make the information available to CWM or any NMS applications requesting it.

If there is a desire to keep the BPX interface information secure, set this parameter to No.


The BPX will provide its interface information to its neighbor if queried.

Note   If the port is also controlled by a PNNI controller, disabling Neighbor Discovery has no effect.

Configuring the ILMI Management IP address

The Management IP address is used by the NMS application to access the BPX or the ATM device. Depending on your network set up, you can configure the BPX to send either the LAN IP address or Network IP address as part of the neighbor information exchange with the attached ATM device.

To select LAN IP or NETW IP, use the cnfnodeparm command with option #56 Dnld LanIP or NwIP.

Enter 0 for LAN IP address, or 1 for Network IP address. The default is the network IP address for BPX.

sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 9 2000 16:25 GMT 31 TFTP Write Retries [ 3] (D) 46 Max Htls Rebuild Count [ 100] (D) 32 SNMP Event logging [ Y] (Y/N) 47 Htls Counter Reset Time[1000] (D) 33 Job Lock Timeout [ 60] (D) 48 Send Abit early [ N] (Y/N) 34 Max Via LCONs [50000] (D) 49 Abit Tmr Multiplier M [ 0] (D) 35 Max Blind Segment Size [ 3570] (D) 50 Abit Tmr Granularity N [ 3] (D) 36 Max XmtMemBlks per NIB [ 3000] (D) 51 FBTC with PPDPolicing [ N] (Y/N) 37 Max Mem on Stby Q (%) [ 33] (D) 52 CommBrk Hop Weight [ 25] (D) 38 Stat Config Proc Cnt [ 1000] (D) 53 CB Fail Penalty Hops [ 2] (D) 39 Stat Config Proc Delay [ 2000] (D) 54 Auto BXM upgrade [ Y] (Y/N) 40 Enable Degraded Mode [ Y] (Y/N) 55 LCN reprgrm batch cnt [ 100] (D) 41 Trk Cell Rtng Restrict [ Y] (Y/N) 56 Dnld LanIP or NwIP [ 1](Lan/Nw) 42 Enable Feeder Alert [ N] (Y/N) 43 Reroute on Comm Fail [ N] (Y/N) 44 Auto Switch on Degrade [ Y] (Y/N) 45 Max Degraded Aborts [ 100] (D) This Command: cnfnodeparm 56 Enter 0 (LanIP) or 1 (NwIP):
Displaying Neighbors

You can use the dspnebdisc command to display all the neighbor's information discovered by the BPX via the ILMI Neighbor Discovery procedure.

sw143 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 9 2000 17:02 GMT Port Neighbor Discovery Port Enable State NbrIpAddress NbrIfName 4.1 No ACTIVE N/A N/A 4.3 Yes ACTIVE ATM1/0 4.4 No ACTIVE ATM3/0 11.1 Yes ACTIVE ATM1/0
Full Name

Configure Port


cnfport <slot.port>[.<vport>] [<params>]

Related Commands

upport, dnport, dspport, dspports, delport, addport


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Example 1

cnfport 3.2.1 11393 N H N 0 N 100 100


Configure port 2 (and virtual port 1) on the BPX card in slot 3.

System Response

Example 2

cnfport 3.6 353208 N H i 0 16 N N N 30 3 4 Y N 0 N N


Configure port 6 on the BPX card in slot 3.

System Response

Example 3

cnfport 3.6 353208 N H L0 31 N 10 10 10 5 5 N 0 N N


Configure port 6 on the BPX card in slot 3.

System Response

Example 4

cnfport 3.6 353208 N H N N 0 N


Configure port 6 on the BPX card in slot 3.

System Response

Example 4

cnfport 5.1 N N N N


Configure port, when used with an IMA line, displays the IMA Port Group. It does not prompt for any new IMA configuration.

System Response
sw225 TRM StrataCom IGX 8420 9.3.a6 Mar. 10 2000 05:56 GMT Port: 5.1 [ACTIVE ] IMA Port Grp: 1-4 Interface: E1-IMA CAC Override: Enabled Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Speed: 17962 (cps) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Protocol: NONE This Command: cnfport 5.1 NNI Cell Header Format? [N]: Protocol [N]: Apply Percent Utilization? [N]: CAC Override Disable? [N]:

Table 44: cnfport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

metro data cell header

Specifies whether the metro data cell header type is used (ASI-T3 cards only).

VPI Range

BPX only: VPI Range is configurable on Virtual Ports and defaults to 0-255/4095 for Physical Ports (based on UNI/NNI type). The VPI Range cannot overlap with any other VPI Range on the physical interface.


BPX only: Bandwidth is configurable on all ports. For Virtual Ports, this parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth available for a Virtual Port. Each port has this parameter configurable. Connections within the Virtual Port may overbook the bandwidth if CAC Override is enabled, but the actual throughput will never be allowed to exceed the Virtual Port bandwidth.

CAC Reserve

BPX only: CAC Reserve is configurable on all ports, but only valid if CAC Override is disabled. This parameter specifies the amount of Automatic Routing Management Port Bandwidth not available for booking by connections if CAC Override is disabled. If CAC Override is enabled, overbooking is permitted. The purpose of this parameter is to reserve some bandwidth to handle bursts of traffic without cell discards. All ports have this parameter configurable.

shift h | n

Specifies whether a one-byte shift on the HCF field of the cell header occurs. Changing the HCF field for a physical port will affect all virtual ports supported on the physical port.

The choice of H (shift) or N (no shift) depends on whether the ATM cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes and whether virtual trunking is in operation:

  • You typically select H (the default, or shift on) if the cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes or if only a physical trunk is configured for the ASI port.

  • You typically select N (shift off) if virtual trunks are configured and the ATM cloud consists of Cisco WAN Switching nodes only.

For BPX or IGX ports performing virtual trunking within an ATM cloud to external Cisco equipment, ports should be configured to shift on (that is, shift H) for BNI cards; BXM ports should typically be configured to shift off (shift N).

Note   For UXM cards, you cannot configure the Shift parameter—the Shift setting is always N, or shift off.

For example, if the public ATM cloud consists of BPX nodes, the access points to the cloud might be ASI ATM UNI ports. Because the cells transmitted to the ASI trunk interface are coming from a Cisco device, for example, a BNI card, the 16 VCI bits have already been left-shifted by four (4) bits and contain 12 bits of VCI information and four (4) bits of ForeSight information. Therefore, the ASI cards at either end of the cloud should be configured to not shift (that is, shift off). In this case, you would configure shift N on the ASI port.

If the ATM cloud consists of non-Cisco nodes, then the 12 VCI bits + 4 ForeSight bits in the cells coming from the BNI card in the BPX are then passed through untouched as 16 VCI bits. Because it is a non-Cisco network, the ForeSight bits are ignored.

Make sure that you set the HCF field correctly for your network configuration before you add connections. For example, if you are acting as a service provider, and one of your customers wants to configure virtual trunking through the network, if your ports have been previously configured with the incorrect HCF shift field setting, you may need to go back and delete all the connections from each port, configure the port, and add the connections again.

Below are guidelines on how to set the Shift parameter when using BNI virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment using BXMs, and a cloud using ASIs and BNIs. Also shown is how to set the Shift parameter when using either BXM or UXM virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment (BXM cards), and a cloud of ASIs and BNIs.


Specifies the use of either an LMI protocol, an ILMI protocol, or no specified protocol. No specified protocol is the default.

This parameter is not configurable for virtual ports. By default, this setting is No for virtual ports.

Values for protocol are one of the following:




    Note   An IMA configuration will display the same protocol values as shown above.


Enables/disables percent utilization. This parameter supports ATM Vbr/Abr fairness for ASI terminated connections and applies to only Vbr and Abr connections. To change the %util status of a port, no connections can be currently terminating on the port. Therefore, if connections terminate on the port, they must be deleted before cnfport execution then re-added after execution of cnfport.

When this feature is disabled, the port queue bandwidth is calculated using the sum of the MCRs or PCRs for the connections terminating on the port. This is identical to the port queue bandwidth calculation prior to the implementation of the %util feature.

The port queue bandwidth with %util feature disabled is:

  • For Abr connections Port Queue BW = sum (MCR)

  • For Vbr connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR)

  • For CBR connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR)

When the %util feature is enabled, the port queue bandwidth is calculated for Abr and Vbr connections as follows: for Abr connections, the port queue bandwidth is the sum of a percentage of the MCRs for the connections terminating on the port; for Vbr connections, the port queue bandwidth is the sum of a percentage of the PCRs for connections terminating on the port. The feature is not applied to CBR connections.

In summary, the port queue bandwidth with feature %util enabled is:

  • For Abr connections Port Queue BW = sum (MCR * %util)

  • For Vbr connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR * %util)

  • For CBR connections Port Queue BW = sum (PCR)

For virtual ports, parameter can be set to Enable or Disable and is only pertinent to the specific virtual port.

CAC Override

This can be set to Enable or Disable for the specific port.

Protocol by Card

This indicates whether the Protocol (LMI, ILMI) selected is to be run on the BXM card.


Configures queue parameters for a port on an ASI or BXM card on the BPX, or a UXM card on the IGX. Pressing the Return key keeps the current value for the parameter.

In Release 9.2.20, the Vbr class of service type can be either rt-Vbr or nrt-Vbr, depending on the way the corresponding port (service) queues (both ingress and egress) are configured. For the nrt-Vbr class of service type in this release, the corresponding service queues are larger than in previous releases to provide more efficient bandwidth sharing with other non-real-time service types. The service queues for both rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr service types can be configured on a node-by-node basis.

You can use cnfportq to configure Qbin values separately for rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connection types on ports. (To configure the Qbin values for rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr classes of service on trunks, use cnftrkparm.) The rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connections use different queues on a port: these are the rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr queues, respectively. (See Example 3 for a cnfportq screen showing the configuration parameters available for a port queue.)

For information on configuring trunk queues used by rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connections, see the cnftrkparm command.

Configuring Port Queues Used by rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr Connections in Release 9.2.0

The rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connections use different queues on a port: these are the rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr queues, respectively. You can configure these separately, using the cnfportq command.

See Example 2 for a sample cnfportq screen showing configuration parameters available for a port queue.

Connection Shaping in Release 9.3.05

In Release 9.3.0, you can enable connection shaping for BXM queues. (Refer to the Hierarchical. Traffic Shaping on the BXM Card.)

Full Name

Configure Port Queue Parameters


cnfportq <slot.port>[<.vport>] [<params>]

Related Commands

upport, dnport, dspportq


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Example 1

cnfportq 9.1 0 800 80 60 60 D 10000 80 60 60 D 10000 80 60 60 D 20

000 80 60 20 D


Configure port 9.1 to the parameters indicated for a BXM card.

System Response
sw215 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.f9 May 31 2000 09:35 GMT Port: 9.1 [ACTIVE ] Interface: LM-BXM Type: NNI AR Bandwidth: 96000 (cps) SVC Queue Pool Size: 0 QUEUE DEPTH CLP HI CLP LO EFCI VC SHAPE /EPD CBR 800 80% 60% 60% DISABLED rt-VBR 10000 80% 60% 60% DISABLED nrt-VBR 10000 80% 60% 60% DISABLED UBR/ABR 20000 80% 60% 20% DISABLED Last Command: cnfportq 9.1 0 800 80 60 60 D 10000 80 60 60 D 10000 80 60 60 D 20 000 80 60 20 D Next Command:
Example 2

cnfportq 3.2.15 0 600 80 60 60 D 5000 80 60 60 D 5000 80 60 60 D 000 80 60 20 D


Configure a port queue for a virtual port on the BPX card in slot 3.

Table 45: cnfportq—ASI Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

cbr queue parms

Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

nrt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the nrt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

rt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the rt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

ubr/abr queue parms

Specifies the Abr queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

Table 46: cnfportq—UXM Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

cbr queue parms

Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

nrt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the nrt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

rt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the rt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

ubr/abr queue parms

Specifies the Abr queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. Ubr traffic shares this queue with the Abr traffic.

Table 47: cnfportq—BXM Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical port, and optional virtual port (BXM card only). The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.

VC traffic shaping, connection shaping

Weighted fair queuing (WFQ) can be enabled on a per QOS/Qbin basis. This field is only configurable for BXM cards that support VC shaping. As of Release 9.3.0, VC shaping for BXM cards is no longer enabled on a per line bases. It is now done on a per QBIN/QoS basis.

Enable/disable connection shaping within a virtual port. This feature is based on QOS. For example, all CBR connections can have traffic shaping, but all Abr connections may have traffic shaping disabled. The default setting is disabled.

Note   The total queue size of the UXM card is 97250 cells.


Removes connections from the network. The same command with differing syntax may be used to delete voice connections, data connections, Frame Relay connections, or ATM connections. The syntax in this section deletes an ATM connection. You can verify connection deletions by using the dspcons command.

In Release 9.2.20, you can use delcon to delete data or FRP connections that are terminated on UXM/UXM-E cards for IGX 8400 interface shelves, and terminated on routing network feeder trunks for IGX 8400 routing nodes.

Full Name

Delete Connections


delcon <channel(s)>

Related Commands

addcon, dspcon, dspcons


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Example 1



Delete connection The connections to delete are highlighted, and a prompt appears asking you to confirm the deletion. Respond with "y", for yes, and connection is deleted.

System Response
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 20:36 GMT Local Remote Remote Route Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O ca20 Ok CBR 0 R ca20 Ok VBR 0 R ca20 Ok ABR 0 R ca20 Ok VBR 0 R ca20 Ok CBR 0 L ca20 Ok VBR 0 L ca20 Ok ABR 0 L Last Command: delcon Delete connections? (y) Next Command:

Table 48: delcon—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the channel or set of channels for deleting connections, <channel> is specified in the following format:



Deletes a port (ASI, BXM, virtual, or physical port). Before deleting a port it must first be downed (dnport).

Full Name

Delete Port.


delport <slot.port>[.<vport>]

Related Commands

addport, upport cnfport, dnport


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Example 1

Delete port 4 on the BXM card in slot 3.


delport 3.4

System Response

Table 49: delport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the slot number of the card, the physical port, and optional virtual ports (BXM card only). The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.


Deactivates (or downs) the specified port (ASI, BXM, virtual, or physical port). Before downing a port, you must remove all connections from the port.

Full Name

Down Port


dnport <slot.port>[.<vport>]

Related Commands

cnfport, dspport, upport, addport, delport


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Example 1

dnport 4.2


Down port 2 on the BXM card in slot 4.

System Response
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:49 GMT ASI Port States Port State 4.1 ACTIVE 4.2 INACTIVE Last Command: dspports Next Command: dnport 4.2
Example 2

dnport 3.5.1


Down port 5 (virtual port 1) on the BXM card in slot 3.

System Response

Table 50: dnport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the slot number of the card, the physical port, and optional virtual port (BXM card only). The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.


Display port Qbin information.

Full Name

Display Port


dport <slot.port>[.<vport>] qbn | *

Related Commands

addport, dspportq, cnfportq


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Example 1

Display Qbin database information for port 5 on BXM card 3.


dport 3.5.30 1

System Response

Example 2

Display Qbin bandwidth database information for port 5 on BXM card 3.


dport 3.5.30 *

System Response

Table 51: dport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the slot number of the card, the physical port, and optional virtual port (BXM card only). The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.


Displays the current parameters for an ATM connection class template. The number of classes is ten. The parameters and the values for each varies with the type of connection (CBR, Vbr, Abr, and ATFR).

In Release 9.2.20, both the dspatmcls and dspcls commands display.

Full Name

Display ATM Connection Class


dspatmcls <class number>

Related Commands

addcon, cnfatmcls, dspcls, cnfcls, dspcon, dspcons


Privilege Jobs Log Node Lock






Example 1

dspatmcls 1


Display the parameters for configuration class 1.

System Response
night TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 28 1997 13:22 GMT ATM Connection Classes Class: 1 Type: VBR UPC SCR IBS MBS Abr PCR ABR PCR y 500/500 10/10 1000/1000 - 500/500 -/- ICR ICR TO Rate Up Rate Dn Rate FastDn Max Adjust CDVT[in cells] -/- - - - - - 64000/64000 EFCI % Util FGCRA MFS CLP CLP Hi CLP Lo BCM 100/100 100/100 n/n -/- y 100/100 100/100 n/n Description: "Default VBR 500" Last Command: dspatmcls 1 Next Command:
Example 2

dspatmcls 1


Display the parameters for configuration class 1.

System Response
night TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 28 1997 13:22 GMT ATM Connection Classes Class: 3 Type: rt-VBR PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR 2000/2000 100/100 10000/10000 n 2000/2000 MBS Policing 1000/1000 3 Description: "Default rt-VBR 2000" Class: 4 Type: rt-VBR PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR 8000/8000 100/100 10000/10000 n 8000/8000 MBS Policing 1000/1000 3 Description: "Default nrt-VBR 8000" Last Command: dspatmcls 1 Next Command:

Table 52: dspatmcls—Parameters
Parameter Description

class number

Specifies the class whose current parameters you want to see. Values are 1-10.


Displays statistics for a channel. You can specify an optional parameter interval, and the statistics display will be refreshed by the number of seconds you specify. (You can press the Delete key to stop the screen refresh.) If you do not specify the interval parameter, the screen refresh interval defaults to 10 seconds.

In this release, the multilevel channels statistics feature provides additional levels of channel statistics configuration for the BXM/UXM cards. You can use the cnfcdparm command to configure the channel statistic level on the BXM and UXM cards. For more information see the cnfcdparm command description.

The system responses that follow display the following statistics categories:

Full Name

Display Channel Statistics


dspchstats <channel> [interval]

Related Commands



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Example 1



Display the channel statistics for connection

System Response
night TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 July 17 1997 02:46 GMT Channel Statistics for Cleared: July 13 1997 02:53 (|) MCR: 0 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 18:10:22 Corrupted: NO Traffic Cells CLP Avg CPS %util Discards: Cells From Port : 14710 0 0 0 VcQ > CLP: 0 To Network : 14710 --- 0 0 VcQ Full : 0 From Network: 14710 --- 0 0 Qbin Full: 0 To Port : 14710 14710 0 0 Qbin> CLP: 0 Failed : 14710 OAM Cells RsrcOVL : 0 VC Q : 0 Tx OAM : 29608 NonCompliant: 0 Rx EFCI : 0 Rx AIS : 14710 Tx EFCI : 0 Rx FERF: 0 ForeSight Cells Rx BCM : 0 Adj Up : 0 Tx BCM : 0 Adj Dn : 0 AAL-5 Frames: 0 Adj Fdn: 0 This Command: dspchstats Hit DEL key to quit:
Example 2

dspchstats 13.1.100 10


Display statistics for connection 13.1.100 with a 10-second interval between screen updates.

System Response
sw142 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 July 31 1997 14:38 PDT Channel Statistics: 13.1.100 Cleared: July 31 1997 11:50 (/) MCR: 150 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:00:00 Corrupted: NO Cells Avg Util (cps) (%) From Port: 0 0 0 To Network: 0 0 0 Discarded: 0 0 0 From Network: 0 0 0 To Port: 0 0 0 Discarded: 0 0 0 This Command: dspchstats 13.1.100 Hit DEL key to quit:
Example 3



Display statistics for connection The card in slot 9 is a UXM.

System Response
sw199 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.0.s6 Aug. 28 1997 09:25 PDT Channel Statistics: Snapshot Collection Time: 0 day(s) 13:28:47 Clrd: 08/27/97 19:47:24 Type Count Cells Received from Port 0 Cells Transmitted to Network 0 Cells Received from Network 0 Cells Transmitted to Port 0 EOF Cells Received from Port 0 Cells Received with CLP=1 0 Cells Received with CLP=0 0 Non-Compliant Cells Received 0 Average Rx VCq Depth in Cells 0 Average Tx Vcq Depth in Cells 0 Cells Transmitted with EFCI=1 0 Cells Transmitted with EFCI=0 0 Ingress Vsvd Allowed Cell Rate 0 Egress Vsvd Allowed Cell Rate 0 OAM state (0:OK,1:FERF,2:AIS) 0 Good Pdu's Received by the Sar 0 Good Pdu's Transmitted by the Sar 0 Rx pdu's discarded by the Sar 0 Tx pdu's discarded by the Sar 0 Invalid CRC32 pdu rx by the sar 0 Invalid Length pdu rx by the sar 0 Shrt-Lgth Fail detected by the sar 0 Lng-Lgth Fail detected by the sar 0 Last Command: dspchstats
Example 4

dspchstats 1


Display statistics for connection (with a VPI of 1, and VCI of 1), and an interval of 1.

System Response
sw57 TRM StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.zR Date/Time Not Set Channel Statistics for Cleared: Date/Time Not Set (\) Snapshot MCR: 96000/96000 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:01:45 Corrupted: NO Traffic Cells CLP Avg CPS %util Chan Stat Addr: 30EBB36C From Port : 0 0 0 0 To Network : 0 --- 0 0 From Network: 0 0 0 0 To Port : 0 --- 0 0 NonCmplnt Dscd: 0 Rx Q Depth : 0 Tx Q Depth : 0 Rx Vsvd ACR : 0 Tx Vsvd ACR : 0 Bkwd SECB : 0 Bkwd Lost Cell: 0 Bkwd Msin Cell: 0 Bkwd BIPV : 0 Fwd SECB : 0 Fwd Lost Cell : 0 Fwd Msin Cell : 0 Fwd BIPV : 0 Last Command: dspchstats 1 Next Command: CD Minor Alarm
Example 5



Display statistics for connection (with a VPI of 205 and VCI of 101).

System Response
m2a TN StrataCom IGX 8420 9.2.zR May 14 1998 14:19 GMT Channel Statistics: Collection Time: 0 day(s) 23:02:58 Clrd: 05/13/98 14:33:00 Type Count Traffic Rate (cps) Cells Received from Port 82978 From port 0 Cells Transmitted to Network 82978 To network 0 Cells Received from Network 82978 From network 0 Cells Transmitted to Port 82978 To port 0 EOF Cells Received from Port 0 Cells Received with CLP=1 0 Cells Received with CLP=0 82978 Non-Compliant Cells Received 0 Average Rx VCq Depth in Cells 0 Average Tx Vcq Depth in Cells 0 Cells Transmitted with EFCI=1 0 Cells Transmitted with EFCI=0 82978 This Command: dspchstats

Table 53: dspchstats—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the channel for statistics display, with format of slot.port.vpi.vci.

Table 54: dspchstats—Optional Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the interval (in seconds) between updates of the statistics display. If you specify an interval, you can either press Delete to terminate the command or wait until the command times out. The default is 10 seconds.

If the Rx Q depth and the Tx Q depth fields remain "0", make sure that a value other than "0" is specified for the interval parameter.

Functional Description

The table provides some statistics information regarding the BXM SAR. The switch software collects miscellaneous statistics regarding the Monarch SAR (Segmentation, Assembly, and Reassembly).

Segmentation, Assembly, and Reassembly (SAR) Statistics for BXM Card

The following table provides some statistics information for SAR on the BXM card. Note that the object name typically maps to the screen field name on the dspchstats screen.

Table 55: SAR Statistics for BXM Card
Object ID Object Name Range/Values Default Description


Message Tag

Byte 0-3 : Tag ID

Byte 4-7 : IP Address


Identifier and source IP address sent with ComBus message. Both will be copied into the response, if any is to be sent.


Ingress Unknown AAL5 Discards

0 - 232-1


Number of unknown AAL5 PDUs discarded in the ingress.


Egress Unknown ALL5 Discards

0 - 232-1


Number of unknown AAL5 PDUs discarded in the egress.


Ingress Frame Ready FIFO Overruns

0 - 232-1


Number of ingress frame-ready FIFO overruns.


Egress Frame Ready FIFO Overruns

0 - 232-1


Number of egress frame-ready FIFO overruns.


Ingress Frame Ready FIFO Fulls

0 - 232-1


Number of ingress frame-ready FIFO fulls.


Egress Frame Ready FIFO Fulls

0 - 232-1


Number of egress frame-ready FIFO fulls.


Ingress Frame Ready FIFO Half-Fulls

0 - 232-1


Number of ingress frame-ready half-fulls.


Egress Frame Ready FIFO Half-Fulls

0 - 232-1


Number of egress frame-ready half-fulls.


Inverse ARP Requests Rcv

0 - 232-1


Number of inverse ARP requests received.


Inverse ARP Replies Rcv

0 - 232-1


Number of inverse ARP replies received.


Bad /errored ARP packets rcv

0 - 232-1


Number of invalid or unknown type ARP packets received.


Inverse ARP Requests Xmt

0 - 232-1


Number of inverse ARP requests transmitted.


Inverse ARP Replies Xmt

0 - 232-1


Number of inverse ARP replies transmitted.


Errored ARP packet Xmt

0 - 232-1


Number of invalid or unknown type ARP packets transmitted.



0 - 232-1


Number of illegal LLC/NSAP packets received.


Displays the current parameters for a connection class template. The number of classes is ten. The parameters and the values for each varies with the type of connection (CBR, rt-Vbr, nrt-Vbr, Abr, and ATFR). (Note that connection parameters for the rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connection classes display separately.)

Full Name

Display Connection Class


dspcls <class number>

Related Commands

addcon, cnfcls, dspcon, dspcons


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Example 1

dspcls 1


Display the parameters for configuration class 1.

System Response
night TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 28 1997 13:22 GMT ATM Connection Classes Class: 3 Type: rt-VBR PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR 2000/2000 100/100 10000/10000 n 2000/2000 MBS Policing 1000/1000 3 Description: "Default rt-VBR 2000" Class: 4 Type: rt-VBR PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR 8000/8000 100/100 10000/10000 n 8000/8000 MBS Policing 1000/1000 3 Description: "Default nrt-VBR 8000" Last Command: dspatmcls 1 Next Command:
Example 2

dspcls 1


Display the parameters for configuration class 1.

System Response
night TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 July 28 1998 13:22 GMT ATM Connection Classes Class: 1 Type: VBR UPC SCR IBS MBS ABR PCR ABR PCR y 500/500 10/10 1000/1000 - 500/500 -/- ICR ICR TO Rate Up Rate Dn Rate FastDn Max Adjust CDVT[in cells] -/- - - - - - 64000/64000 EFCI % Util FGCRA MFS CLP CLP Hi CLP Lo BCM 100/100 100/100 n/n -/- y 100/100 100/100 n/n Description: "Default VBR 500" Last Command: dspcls 1 Next Command:

Table 56: dspcls—Parameters
Parameter Description

class number

Specifies the class whose current parameters you want to see. Values are 1-10.


Displays connection information for a specified channel. The information displayed includes:

For Frame Relay NNI ports, the NNI value indicates the A-bit value received across the NNI from the remote network. The status that may be displayed includes:


Connection OK


Connection failed


VPI.VCI was deleted in other network at NNI. A previous status report indicated a valid VPI.VCI was present but an updated report did not.


Indicates the UNI port does not support reporting of NNI A-bit status

In Release 9.2 switch software for an IGX 8400 routing hub, dspcon does the following:

In Release 9.2.20, rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connection service types display separately.

Full Name

Display Connections


dspcon <channel>

Related Commands

addcon, cnfcon, cnfpref, cnfrtcost


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Example 1



Display connection information for channel (a Vbr connection).

System Response
ca20 LAN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 10:44 PST Conn: ca19 VBR Status: Down SCR MBS PCR ABR PCR UPC FST CLP % util 1000/1000 10/10 500/500 --/-- y n y 100/100 Owner: LOCAL Restriction: NONE COS: 0 Group: NONE TestRTD: 16705 msec Path: Downed by user Pref: Not Configured ca20 ASI-T3 : OK ca19 ASI-T3 : OK Line 12.1 : OK Line 4.1 : OK Last Command: dspcon Next Command:
Example 2



Display connection information for channel (CBR).

System Response
ca20 LAN StrataCom BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 10:42 PST Conn: ca19 CBR Status: Down PCR CDVT MCR ABR PCR UPC FST CLP % util 100/100 10/10 --/-- --/-- y n y 100/100 Owner: LOCAL Restriction: NONE COS: 0 Group: NONE TestRTD: 0 msec Trunk Cell Routing Restrict: Y Max Cost: 100 Route Cost: 36 Path: Downed by user Pref: Not Configured ca20 ASI-T3 : OK ca19 ASI-T3 : OK Line 12.1 : OK Line 4.1 : OK Last Command: dspcon Next Command:
Example 3



Display connection information for channel (an Abr connection).

System Response
ca20 LAN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 10:31 PST Conn: ca20 SCR MBS MCR ABR PCR UPC FST CLP % util 20000/20000 50/50 20000/20000 96000/96000 y y y 100/100 ForeSight RTD: 0 msec Path: Route information not applicable for local connections ca20 ASI-T3 : OK ca20 ASI-T3 : OK Line 12.1 : OK Line 12.2 : OK Last Command: dspcon Next Command:
Example 4



Display connection information for channel (an ATFST connection).

System Response
sw53 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 26 1997 13:40 GMT Conn: sw53 atfst Status: OK SCR MBS MCR ABR PCR UPC FST CLP % util 25/25 1000/1000 25/25 25/25 y y y 100/100 ForeSightRTD: 0 msec Path: Route information not applicable for local connections sw53 BNI-T3 : OK sw53 BNI-T3 : OK Line 4.1 : OK Line 4.3 : OK OAM Cell RX: Clear NNI : OK NNI : OK Last Command: dspcon Next Command:
Example 5

dspcon 12.1.1.*


Display connection information for channel 12.1.1.* (a CBR VP tunnelling DAX connection).

System Response
sw224 TRM IGX 8420 9.2.a5 Mar. 5 1999 11:10 PST Conn: 12.2.1.* sw224 cbrvp Status:OK PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) Policing 1000/1000 100/100 10000/10000 4/4 Pri: L Test-RTD: 0 msec Path: Route information not applicable for local connections sw224 UXM: OK sw224 UXM: OK Line 12.2 : OK Line 12.1 : OK OAM Cell RX: Clear NNI: OK NNI: OK This Command: dspcon 12.2.1.*

Table 57: dspcon—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the channel for which to display connection details. The command displays connection information for one channel at a time. You cannot specify a set of channels. Channel is specified in the following format:



Displays the following information for a connection's configuration:

The rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr connection service types will display separately.

Full Name

Display Connection Configuration


dspconcnf <channel>

Related Commands

addcon, dspcon, dspcons, delcon


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Example 1



Display the configuration for

System Response
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set Conn: sw60 abrstd Description: PCR(0+1) % Util MCR CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC 96000/96000 100/100 96000/96000 10000/10000 n Last Command: dspconcnf Next Command:
Example 2



Display the configuration for

System Response
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set Conn: sw60 rt-vbr Description: PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR ---------- ------ --------- --------- ----- 50/50 100/100 250000/250000 n 50/50 MBS Policing ---- --------- 500/500 3 Trunk Cell Routing Restrict: Y Last Command: dspconcnf Next Command:

Table 58: dspconcnf—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the channel for which to display connection configuration. The command displays connection information for one channel at a time. You cannot specify a set of channels. Channel is specified in the following format:



Displays information about the connections on an IGX or BPX node. (For information about dspcons for an MGX 8220 card, refer to the MGX 8220 Command Reference.)

Table 59 lists all possible information headings that appear in the display. The actual headings that appear depend on the choice of selected optional parameters—including no parameters. The screen examples reflect various optional parameters.

Note   This description contains all parameters that are displayed even though some parameters are meaningless on a BPX.

You can also use dspcons to display those connections that have failed the OAM loopback test. See the cnfoamlpbk and dspoamlpbk commands for more information.

In Release 9.2.20, dspcons will display the rt-Vbr and nrt-Vbr service types separately.

As you configure VP tunnelling connections on a node, you can display all the VP tunnelling connections on a particular node by using the dspcons -tun command. VP tunnelling connections are indicated by a connection type of "cbrvp", for example, in the Type column of the dspcons screen. For more information on VP tunnelling on UXM cards, see the IGX Installation and Configuration manual.

Table 59:
Headings in Connection Display
Fields Description

Local Channel

The connection's channel at this node.

Remote Node Name

The name of the node at the other end of the connection.

Remote Channel

The connection's channel at the remote node.


The state of the connection(s) are as follows.



Failed—unrouted, but trying


The type of connection (nrt-vbr, cbr, abr, atfr, or atfst).

Route Avoid

The type of lines to avoid when routing (satellite lines, terrestrial lines, lines with zero code suppression).


The Class of Service.


The end of the connection in control of rerouting.


The policing value for the connection.

Full Name

Display Connections


dspcons [start_channel] [nodename] [-f] [-v] [-d] [-atfr] [-abit] [-fabit] [-fail] [-down]



is the starting channel to display.


specifies that connections for only the named node appear in the display.


specifies that the display shows Frame Relay connections only.


specifies that the display shows only voice connections.


specifies that the display shows only data connections (in Kbps).


specifies that the display shows Frame Relay-to-ATM interworking connections (as well as atfr with ForeSight).


specifies that the display shows status of the A-bit.


specifies that the display shows only connections with failed A-bits.


specifies that the display shows only downed connections.

Note   Some parameters may cause other parameters not to appear. Therefore, if you specify all parameters, some do not appear.

Related Commands

addcon, delcon


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Example 1



Displays all connections starting with

System Response
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:44 GMT Local Remote Remote Route Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O ca20 Ok CBR 0 R ca20 Ok rt-VBR 0 R ca20 Ok ABR 0 R ca20 Ok nrt-VBR 0 R Last Command: dspcons Next Command:
Example 2

dspcons -abit


Display the A-bit status for all connections starting with

System Response
sw81 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 14 1997 10:32 PST Local Remote Remote Local Remote Channel NodeName Channel State Abit Abit sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK This Command: dspcons -abit Continue?
Example 3



Display connections

System Response
sw99 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.10 Aug. 27 1998 08:59 GMT Local Remote Remote Route Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O ------- -------- ------- ----- ---- ----- --- -- sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw4 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok nrt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.6 Failed atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.7 Failed atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.8 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.9 OAM-F atfr 0 L Last Command: dspcons
Example 4

dspcons -oam


Display connections that have failed the OAM loopback test.

System Response
sw99 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.10 Aug. 27 1998 08:59 GMT Local Remote Remote Route Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O ------- -------- ------- ----- ---- ----- --- -- sw157 16.1.6 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.7 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.8 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.9 OAM-F atfr 0 L Last Command: dspcons -oam Next Command:

Table 60: dspcons—Optional Parameters
Parameter Description

start channel

Specifies the beginning channel to display. The start channel format is: slot.port.vpi.vci

If no starting channel is specified, the display begins with the first connected channel.

node name

Specifies that connections to a specific remote node are displayed


Frame Relay-to-ATM interworking connections


A-bit status


Connections with A-bit errors


Failed connections


Downed connections

Example 5

dspcons -tun


Display only VP tunnelling connections on that node.

System Response
sw224 TRM StrataCom IGX 8420 9.2.a5 Mar. 5 1999 11:10 PST Local Remote Remote Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compress Code COS sw224 12.2.1.* Ok cbrvp 12.2.1.* sw224 Ok cbr Last Command: dspcons


Displays LMI statistics for a specified port.

Full Name

Display LMI/ILMI Statistics


dsplmistats <port> [clear]

Note   On an access shelf, the dsplmistats command takes no arguments. On an IPX or IGX node, dsplmistats requires a trunk number. On a BPX node, dsplmistats requires the slot and port number. If available on the IGX or BPX node, the virtual port number can be used.

Related Commands



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Example 1

dsplmistats 3.6


Display LMI statistics for port 6 on the BXM card in slot 3.

System Response

Table 61: dsplmistats—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.

Table 62: dsplmistats—Optional Parameters
Parameter Description


On a BPX node only, the optional clear argument clears the current statistics after dsplmistats executes.

Functional Description of LMI Statistics for BXM Card

An internal firmware command provides the capability for the controller card to fetch ILMI/LMI statistics on ILMI/LMI sessions on the BXM card. The BXM must be firmware-capable. Refer to LMI Statistics and Descriptions for dsplmistats (ATM) for BXM Card

Table 63: LMI Statistics and Descriptions for dsplmistats (ATM) for BXM Card
Object ID Object Name Range/Values Default Description


Message Tag

Byte 0-3 : Tag ID

Byte 4-7 : IP Address


Identifier and source IP address sent with ComBus message. Both will be copied into the response, if any is to be sent.


Port Number

1 - 12


Identifies the target port. If multiple port numbers are sent during the operation, then each port number object terminates the configuration for the string of objects for the previous port number.


Virtual Port #

1 - 255


Identifies the target virtual port.


Status Sync

0 - Clear

1 - Get Status


Sync up ingress status information to bcc.


Session Status

0 - Okay

1 - Failed


Indicates whether or not the ILMI/LMI session on this logical interface is failed.


BPX/Feeder IP Address

0 - 232-1


Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the IP address of the feeder.


BPX/Feeder Name

Byte 0..8 : String


Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the name of the feeder.


BPX/Feeder Serial Number

Byte 0..8 : String


Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the serial number of the feeder.


BPX/Feeder Alarm Status

0 : Clear

1 : Minor

2 : Major


Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the alarm status of the feeder.


BPX/Feeder Line Rate

0 - 232-1


Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the line receive rate of the feeder.


BPX/Feeder LAN IP Address

0 - 232-1


Valid for feeder connections. Indications the LAN IP address of the feeder.




ILMI Number of Get Req Rx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Get Requests received.


ILMI No. of Get Next Req Rx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Get Next Requests received.


ILMI No. of Get Next Req Tx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Get Next Requests transmitted.


ILMI No. of Set Req Rx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Set Requests received.


ILMI No. of Traps Rx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of traps received.


ILMI No. of Get Resp. Rx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Get Responses received.


ILMI No. of Get Req. Tx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Get Requests transmitted.


ILMI No. of Get Resp. Tx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of Get Responses transmitted.


ILMI No. of Traps Tx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of traps transmitted.


ILMI Unknown PDUs Rx'd

0 - 232-1


ILMI number of unknown PDUs received.




LMI No. of Status Tx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Status transmitted.


LMI No. Update Status Tx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Update Status transmitted.


LMI No. of Status Ack. Tx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of StatusAck. transmitted.


LMI No. of Status Enq. Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Status Enquiries received.


LMI No. of Status Enq. Tx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Status Enquiries transmitted.


LMI No. of Status Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Status received.


LMI No. Update Status Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Update Status received.


LMI No. of Status Ack. Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of StatusAck. received.


LMI No. of Invalid PDU Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of invalid PDUs received.


LMI No. of Invalid PDU Len. Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of invalid PDU lengths received.


LMI No. Unknown PDUs Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of unknown PDUs received.


LMI No. of Invalid IEs Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of Information Elements received.


LMI No. of Invalid T.ID Rx'd

0 - 232-1


LMI number of invalid Transaction IDs received.


Displays detailed status on a single specified ATM port. A full description of these parameters is provided in the cnfport command.

Full Name

Display Port


dspport <slot.port>

Related Commands

cnfport, upport, dnport, addport, delport


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Example 1

dspport 3.2.1


Display the status of BXM port 3.2.1.

System Response

Example 2

dspport 3.4


Display the status of BXM port 3.4.

System Response

Example 3

dspport 3.6


Display the status of BXM port 3.6.

System Response

Example 4

dspport 7.2


Display the status of the primary link on port 2, slot 7, of an IMA line.

System Response
sw225 TN StrataCom IGX 16 9.3.00 Jun 19 1999 13:39 PST Port: 7.2 [ACTIVE ] IMA Port Group: 2-5 Interface: E1-IMA CAC Override: Enabled Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled Speed: 13433 (cps) SIG Queue Depth: 640 Protocol: NONE Last Command: dspport 7.2

Table 64: dspport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Display usable VPIs on a virtual port.

VPI Range

BPX Only. VPI Range is configurable on virtual ports and defaults to 0-255/4095 for physical ports (based on UNI/NNI type). The VPI Range cannot overlap with any other VPI Range on the physical interface.


BPX Only: For Virtual Ports, this parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth available for a Virtual Port. Each port has this parameter configurable. Connections within the Virtual Port may overbook the bandwidth if CAC Override is enabled, but the actual throughput will never be allowed to exceed the Virtual Port bandwidth.

CAC Reserve

BPX only: CAC Reserve is configurable on all ports, but only valid if CAC Override is disabled. This parameter specifies the amount of Automatic Routing Management Port Bandwidth not available for booking by connections if CAC Override is disabled. If CAC Override is enabled, overbooking is permitted. The purpose of this parameter is to reserve some bandwidth to handle bursts of traffic without cell discards.All ports have this parameter configurable.

shift h | n

Specifies whether a one-byte shift on the HCF field of the cell header occurs. Changing the HCF field for a physical port will affect all virtual ports supported on the physical port.

The choice of H (shift) or N (no shift) depends on whether the ATM cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes and whether virtual trunking is in operation:

  • You typically select H (the default, or shift on) if the cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes or if only a physical trunk is configured for the ASI port.

  • You typically select N (shift off) if virtual trunks are configured and the ATM cloud consists of Cisco WAN Switching nodes only.

For BPX or IGX ports performing virtual trunking within an ATM cloud to external Cisco equipment, port should be configured to shift on (that is, Shift H) for BNI cards; BXM ports should typically be configured to shift off (shift N).

    Note   For UXM cards, you cannot configure the Shift parameter—the Shift setting is always N, or shift off.

For example, if the public ATM cloud consists of BPX nodes, the access points to the cloud might be ASI ATM UNI ports. Because the cells transmitted to the ASI trunk interface are coming from a Cisco device, for example, a BNI card, the 16 VCI bits have already been left-shifted by four (4) bits and contain 12 bits of VCI information and four (4) bits of ForeSight information. Therefore, the ASI cards at either end of the cloud should be configured to not shift (that is, shift off). In this case, you would configure shift N on the ASI port.

If the ATM cloud consists of non-Cisco nodes, then the 12 VCI bits + 4 ForeSight bits in the cells coming from the BNI card in the BPX are then passed through untouched as 16 VCI bits. Because it is a non-Cisco network, the ForeSight bits are ignored.

Make sure that you set the HCF field correctly for your network configuration before you add connections. For example, if you are acting as a service provider, and one of your customers wants to configure virtual trunking through the network, if your ports have been previously configured with the incorrect HCF shift field setting, you may need to go back and delete all the connections from each port, configure the port, and add the connections again.

Below shows some guidelines on how to set the Shift parameter when using BNI virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment using BXMs, and a cloud using ASIs and BNIs. Also shown is how to set the Shift parameter when using either BXM or UXM virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment (BXM cards), and a cloud of ASIs and BNIs.


Specifies the use of either an LMI protocol, an ILMI protocol, or no specified protocol. No specified protocol is the default.

This parameter is not configurable for virtual ports. By default, this setting is No for virtual ports.

Values for protocol are one of the following:




    Note   An IMA configuration will display the same protocol values as shown above.


Displays the port queue configuration for an ASI or BXM card on a BPX, or a UXM card on an IGX. After you enter this command with the required slot and physical port number parameters, the display shows the detailed port queue configuration information.

Full Name

Display Automatic Routing Management Port Queue Configuration.


dspportq <slot.port>[<.vport>]

Related Commands



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Example 1

dspportq 13.2


Display the port queue configuration for IGX port 13.2.

System Response

Example 2

dspportq 13.2


Display the port queue configuration for BPX virtual port 3.2.1.

System Response

Table 65: dspportq—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.

ASI Parameters


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

cbr queue parms

Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

nrt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the nrt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

rt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the rt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

ubr/abr queue parms

Specifies the Abr queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

UXM Parameters


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

cbr queue parms

Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

nrt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the nrt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

rt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the rt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

ubr/abr queue parms

Specifies the Abr queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. Ubr traffic shares this queue with the Abr traffic.

BXM Parameters


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.


Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default.

cbr queue parms

Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

nrt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the nrt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

rt-vbr queue parms

Specifies the rt-Vbr queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others.

ubr/abr queue parms

Specifies the Abr queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. Ubr traffic shares this queue with the Abr traffic.


Displays either all of the ports on the node, or if a slot is specified, all of the ports on the specified slot.

Full Name

Display Ports


dspports [<slot>]

Related Commands

dspport, addport, upport, dnport, delport


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Example 1



Display the status of all the ports on the BXM card.

System Response

Example 2

dspports 3


Display the status of BXM card slot 3.

System Response


Displays a summary of port statistics for the ATM port specified. These include the cell count in the transmit and receive directions, and error counts associated with the port. The display indicates the date and time that the statistics were cleared and the statistics collection time since they were last cleared. Cells transmitted indicates the amount of data transmitted out the port to the user device. Cells received indicates the amount of data received from the user device at the port. Corrupted statistics result from channel/port loopbacks or port tests. A "yes" in this field indicates that such loopback or port tests have occurred since the statistics were last cleared.

Full Name

Display Port Statistics


dspportstats <slot.port>[.<vport>] [interval]

Related Commands


Table 66: dspportq-Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot, physical, and optional virtual port number (BXM only). At this time, virtual ports are not available for ASI or UXM cards.

shift h | n

Specifies whether a one-byte shift on the HCF field of the cell header occurs. Changing the HCF field for a physical port will affect all virtual ports supported on the physical port.

The choice of H (shift) or N (no shift) depends on whether the ATM cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes and whether virtual trunking is in operation:

  • You typically select H (the default, or shift on) if the cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes or if only a physical trunk is configured for the ASI port.

  • You typically select N (shift off) if virtual trunks are configured and the ATM cloud consists of Cisco WAN Switching nodes only.

For BPX or IGX ports performing virtual trunking within an ATM cloud to external Cisco equipment, port should be configured to shift on (that is, Shift H) for BNI cards; BXM ports should typically be configured to shift off (shift N).

    Note   For UXM cards, you cannot configure the Shift parameter—the Shift setting is always N, or shift off.

For example, if the public ATM cloud consists of BPX nodes, the access points to the cloud might be ASI ATM UNI ports. Because the cells transmitted to the ASI trunk interface are coming from a Cisco device, for example, a BNI card, the 16 VCI bits have already been left-shifted by four (4) bits and contain 12 bits of VCI information and four (4) bits of ForeSight information. Therefore, the ASI cards at either end of the cloud should be configured to not shift (that is, shift off). In this case, you would configure shift N on the ASI port.

If the ATM cloud consists of non-Cisco nodes, then the 12 VCI bits + 4 ForeSight bits in the cells coming from the BNI card in the BPX are then passed through untouched as 16 VCI bits. Because it is a non-Cisco network, the ForeSight bits are ignored.

Make sure that you set the HCF field correctly for your network configuration before you add connections. For example, if you are acting as a service provider, and one of your customers wants to configure virtual trunking through the network, if your ports have been previously configured with the incorrect HCF shift field setting, you may need to go back and delete all the connections from each port, configure the port, and add the connections again.

Below are guidelines on how to set the Shift parameter when using BNI virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment using BXMs, and a cloud using ASIs and BNIs. Also shown is how to set the Shift parameter when using either BXM or UXM virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment (BXM cards), and a cloud of ASIs and BNIs.


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Example 1

dspportstats 9.1


Display the statistics for ASI port 9.1.

System Response
sw215 TN Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.f9 May 31 2000 15:50 GMT Port Statistics for 9.1 Cleared: May 26 2000 09:39 Port Speed: 96000 cps Collection Time: 5 day(s) 06:06:32 Corrupted: NO Cells CLP (EFCI) Rx Port: 454053 0 -- Tx Port: 454053 0 -- Unknown Addr : 3175 Rx OAM Cells : 454053 Rx Clp 0 Cells: 454053 Rx Clp 0 Dscd : 0 Rx Clp 1 Dscd : 0 Tx Clp 0 Cells: 454053 Tx OAM Cells : 454053 Rx RM Count : 0 Tx RM Count : 0 Lst Unk VpiVci: 0.0 This Command: dspportstats 9.1 Hit DEL key to quit:
Example 2

dspportstats 3.2.1


Display the statistics for BXM port 3.2.1.

System Response

Table 67: dspportstats—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the slot number of the card, the physical port and optional virtual port (BXM card only). The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.

Table 68: dspportstats—Optional Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the refresh interval time for data. It can be specified between 1 and 60 seconds. The default interval is 1 second.

For BPX only: Note that you must specify a value other than 0 for the "interval" parameter. Otherwise, the screen displayed for UXM and BXM cards will be just a snapshot—it will not be updated periodically. If the Rx Q depth and the Tx Q depth on the BXM and UXM cards remain "0", specify a value for the interval parameter other than 0.

Statistics Supported for BPX ATM Ports (ASI or BXM Front Card)

The following 45 statistics are available for each BPX ATM port, with an ASI or BXM front card type, and T3, E3, or OC-3 back card type. (Note that the statistics names listed below are what displays in Cisco WAN Manager; the field name that appears on the dspportstats screen may vary slightly from the Cisco WAN Manager parameter/field name.)

    1. Cell Buffer Overflow

    2. Cells Rx w/CLP discarded

    3. Cells Rx w/CLP=0

    4. Cells Rx w/CLP=0 discarded

    5. Cells Tx w/CLP=0

    6. Egress OAM Cell Count

    7. Egress RM Cell Count

    8. Get Request Rx

    9. Get Request Tx

    10. Get Response Rx

    11. Get Response Tx

    12. GetNext Request Rx

    13. GetNext Request Tx

    14. Ingress RM Cell Count

    15. Invalid LMI IE Rx

    16. Invalid LMI Rx

    17. Invalid LMI length Rx

    18. Invalid Transaction IDs

    19. Non-zero GFC Count

    20. Number of BCM Cell Rx

    21. Number of Cells Rx

    22. Number of Cells Rx w/CLP set

    23. Number of Cells Rx w/EFCI set

    24. Number of Cells Tx

    25. Number of Cells Tx w/CLP set

    26. Number of Cells Tx w/EFCI set

    27. OAM Cells Rx Count

    28. Rx AIS Cell

    29. Rx FERF Cell

    30. SetRequest Rx

    31. Status Ack Rx

    32. Status Ack Tx

    33. Status Enq Rx

    34. Status Enq Tx

    35. Status Rx

    36. Status Tx

    37. Trap Rx

    38. Trap Tx

    39. Tx Header Err Discard

    40. Tx Payload Err Due to BIP-16 Err

    41. Unknown LMI Rx

    42. Unknown LMI Tx

    43. Unknown VPI/VCI

    44. Update Status Rx

    45. Update Status Tx

Table 69: BPX Port Statistics Supported for ASI and BXM Front Cards
Statistics Name in Cisco WAN Manager Statistics ID

Cell Buffer Overflow


Cells Rx w/CLP discarded


Cells Rx w/CLP=0


Cells Rx w/CLP=0 discarded


Cells Tx w/CLP=0


Egress OAM Cell Count


Egress RM Cell Count


Get Request Rx


Get Request Tx


Get Response Rx


Get Response Tx


GetNext Request Rx


GetNext Request Tx


Ingress RM Cell Count


Invalid LMI IE Rx


Invalid LMI Rx


Invalid LMI length Rx


Invalid Transaction IDs


Non-zero GFC Count


Number of BCM Cell Rx


Number of Cells Rx


Number of Cells Rx w/CLP set


Number of Cells Rx w/EFCI set


Number of Cells Tx


Number of Cells Tx w/CLP set


Number of Cells Tx w/EFCI set


OAM Cells Rx Count


Rx AIS Cell


Rx FERF Cell


SetRequest Rx


Status Ack Rx


Status Ack Tx


Status Enq Rx


Status Enq Tx


Status Rx


Status Tx


Trap Rx


Trap Tx


Tx Header Err Discard


Tx Payload Err Due to BIP-16 Err


Unknown LMI Rx


Unknown LMI Tx


Unknown VPI/VCI


Update Status Rx


Update Status Tx



This command displays the cache of all cost-based routing connections. The optional index parameter lets you specify a cache entry index. The optional c parameter clears the cache.

Full Name

Display Cost-based Route Cache


dsprtcache [index] [c]

[index] specifies the cache entry index

[c] specifies to clear the entire cache or a single entry

Related Commands

dspcon, cnfrtcost, cnfpref


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Example 1



Display route cache contents, and let you monitor and manually clear the cache.

System Response
pissaro TN StrataCom BPX 15 9.1 Jun. 18 1997 11:11 GMT Route Cache (Summary) Index Use No. Cost Delay Restrict Load VPC Hops RemoteNode
0 Yes ...1.......Yes No None VBR No 2 lautrec 1 Yes 6 Yes No *s BDB No 3 vangogh 2 Yes 9 Yes No None BDA No 3 matisse 3 Yes 3 Yes No *t BDB No 3 rousseau 4 Yes 1 Yes No None CBR No 3 seurat <- current
5 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
6 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
7 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
8 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
9 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
10 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
11 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
Last Command: dsprtcache Next Command:

Table 70: dsprtcache—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies a particular route entry within the cache. When used with the c parameter, the route is either displayed or cleared from the cache.


Clears the cache, or if you also enter the index parameter, clears the route cache specified by the index number.


Activates a single port on an ASI or BXM card on a BPX, or a UXM card on an IGX. If the port has not been configured, the default configuration values are used to configure the port. Upport cannot be used on a virtual port unless the virtual port's VPI Range is configured (cnfport).

Note   As of Release 9.3.0, upln no longer automatically configures a port. You can verify that the line has been activated by using the dsplns command. (See Chapter 5, "Setting Up Lines," for descriptions of upln and dsplns.)

Full Name

Up Port


upport <slot.port>[.<vport>]

Related Commands

dnport, cnfport, upln, addport, delport


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Example 1

upport 2.1


Activate port 1 on the BXM card in slot 2.

System Response

Example 2

upport 10.4.2


Activate port 4 (virtual port 2) on the BXM card in slot 10.

System Response

Table 71: upport—Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the card's slot, physical port and optional virtual port (BXM card only) number to activate. The optional vport identifier must be between 1-31 inclusive.

VSI Commands

Virtual Switch Interface (VSI) is a common control interface for Cisco switches such as the MGX 8850, the BPX 8650 and the IGX 8400. It provides a resource management scheme that allocates the switch resources needed for setting up connections, such as system bandwidth and channel space, to a number of external connection-management entities (controllers) which manage calls or connections with PNNI or MPLS or other protocols.

The switch resources are partitioned between Automatic Routing Management (formerly called Automatic Routing Management) and the MPLS/PNNI Controllers.

Please note that while BPX supports both SES PNNI and MPLS controllers, IGX currently supports only MPLS controllers.

VSI on the BPX and IGX provides these functionalities:

VSI is supported on:

For more overview information and specific information on how to configure a BPX 8650 switch, refer to the Cisco BPX Series Installation and Configuration. For information about configuring a router for MPLS operation, refer to the MPLS Software Configuration Guide. For information on the IGX 8400 switch, see the IGX Installation and Configuration Guide.

This chapter includes these sections:

VSI Terms and Acronyms

These terms relate to Virtual Switching Interface and MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching):


A Label Switching Router that is connected to the ATM-LSR cloud through LC-ATM interfaces. The ATM Edge LSR adds labels to unlabeled packets and strips labels from labeled packets.


An ATM-LSR is an MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) router in which packets are forwarded by switching cells rather than frames, and all packet interfaces are MPLS (Label) Controller-ATM interfaces.


The switch control card in the BPX is the Broadband Control Card, which has a 68040 processor.


An ATM Label Switch Router consisting of a label switch controller (series 6400, 7200, or 7500 router) and a label controlled switch (BPX switch).


The Broadband Switch Module (BXM) cards are ATM port cards for the BPX switch that use the Monarch chipset. Various port configurations are supported by the BXM card: 8¥DS3, 12¥DS3, 4¥OC-3, 8¥OC-3, 1¥OC-12 or 2¥OC-12. The Monarch architecture supports up to 64K bidirectional cross-connect legs per BXM card, although only 16K or 32K options are supported in the first release. The BXM has very flexible input and output queueing facilities, a Segmentation Assembly and Reassembly (SAR) capability, and a MIPS 4650 control processor.

Class of Service (CoS) Buffer

A buffer or queue that serves connections with similar QoS requirements. Also called "Qbin" (though a Qbin is a platform-specific instance, such as a BXM or UXM card, of the more general Class of Service Buffer (CoSB).

Class of Service (CoS) Buffer Descriptor Template

A component of a Service Class Template that contains Class of Service Buffer configurations indexed by CoSB number.

A Qbin is a platform-specific instance of the more general Class of Service Buffer (or CosB).


There are two separate command-line interfaces on the BPX-LSR: One on the BPX itself and one on the MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) Controller. The Control Point integrate these into a single command line interface.


The CommBus is the BPX's internal messaging protocol.


See Class of Service (CoS) Buffer.


A feeder is a small switch that acts as an extension shelf, typically with lower-bandwidth interfaces, for a larger switch. The larger switch is referred to as the routing node with the feeders it supports. Collectively, the feeders and routing node form a type of supernode.

LC-ATM Interface

A Label Controlled ATM interface is an MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) interface where labels are carried in the VPI/VCI bits of ATM cells, and where VC (virtual circuit) connections are established under the control of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) control software.


Each interface card in a BPX or IGX has a certain number of Logical Connection Numbers. A Logical Connection Number is used for each cross connect leg through the card in question. "LCN" is often roughly synonymous with "cross-connect leg." In VSI terminology, an LCN is an example of an Other End Reference.

Logical Interface

Each physical interface and every virtual trunk endpoint on a platform is represented to the VSI controllers as a different logical interface with partitions, and other VSI configuration. Logical Interface numbers are 32-bit with a format which is, in general, known only to the platform.


Label Switching router, which is an MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) router.


The switch control card in the IGX.


Private Network-to-Network Interface controller software that runs on the SES hardware platform. The term PNNI controller and SES may be used interchangeably. (BPX only)


The VSI makes no distinction between trunk ports and endpoint ports. "Port" is synonymous with "Interface."

Routing Node

In tiered networks terminology, a routing node is a larger switch to which one or more feeders is attached. Collectively, the feeder(s) and routing node form a type of supernode.

Service Class (aka Service Type)

A concept for grouping connections that share a common set of traffic characteristics and QoS requirements. The terms service class and service type are sometimes used interchangeably. Under the major service categories, such as VbrRt, VbrNRt, CBR, Abr, and Ubr, are service types such as VbrRt1, VbrRt2, VbrRt3, and VbrNRt1, VbrNrt2, and so on.

Service Class Database

The collection of data items that support the Service Class Template concept, and implemented on a per-VI basis on the BXM.

Service Class Template (SCT):

A set of data structures that map VSI service types to sets of preconfigured VC and Qbin parameters. It consists of two sub-components: a VC Descriptor Template and a Class of Service Buffer descriptor template.


ATM and Frame Relay traffic is carried in virtual channels that are set up between adjacent ATM or Frame Relay switches before data transmission occurs. An ATM link between switches may support up to 228 different VCs, although a small number of VCs is reserved for special purposes.


Each VC within a specific virtual path on a link has a unique virtual channel identifier, which is a 16-bit number.

VC Descriptor Template

A component of a Service Class Template which contains platform-specific VC configurations that are indexed primarily by service type. Together with a Class of Service Buffer (CoSB) descriptor template, it defines a Service Class Template (SCT).


A virtual path is a bundle of 216 virtual connections with the same virtual path identifier, that is, the first 12 bits of the VPCI. Most ATM switches can switch VPs using only a single cross-connect (instead of up to 216 ). An end-to-end sequence of VPs cross-connected at the intermediate swi5tches is a virtual path connection.


Each VC on a link has a unique virtual path and channel identifier, which is a 28-bit number. The VPCI consists of a 12-bit VPI concatenated with a 16-bit VCI.

Virtual Trunks

A virtual trunks is a virtual path connection which appears to VSI masters as ordinary trunk (except that the trunk supports 64K VCs at most). In a VSI platform, a virtual trunk endpoint has its own logical interface.


Virtual switch interface is a proposed common control interface to all Cisco MSSBU switches. It embodies both connection management and switch configuration discovery capabilities.


Virtual switch interface, Protocol Version 2: this is revision 2 of a proposed common control interface to IGX, MPX, and BPX switches. It embodies both connection management and switch configuration discovery capabilities.

VSI Controller

A controller, such as a PNNI SVC controller, Portable Automatic Routing Management or Label Switch Controller, which controls a switch using the VSI.

VSI Master

A VSI master process implementing the master side of the VSI protocol in a VSI controller. The whole VSI controller might be referred to as a "VSI master", but this is not strictly correct.
1) A device that controls a VSI switch, for example, a VSI Label Switch Controller.
2) A process implementing the master side of the VSI protocol.

VSI Slave

1) A switch (in the "Single Slave model") or a port card (in the "Multiple Slave Model") that implements the VSI.
2) A process implementing the slave side of the VSI protocol.

Summary of IGX Commands

Table 72 shows the command name and starting page for the description of each VSI-related command for the IGX node.

Table 72: IGX Commands for Setting up a Virtual Switch Interface (VSI) Controller
Mnemonic Description Page


Attach an MPLS controller to the IGX node.

page 229


Enables card redundancy for IGX cards.

page 231


Compact the Automatic Routing Management CBAs on a particular slot.

page 233


Reconfigure the VPI and start_VCI of the control channels for an MPLS Controller.

page 234


Configure Qbin parameters.

page 235


Configure resources, for example, for Automatic Routing Management PVCs and MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) Controller (LSC).

page 242


Assign a different Service Class Template to an interface.

page 251


Delete an MPLS controller from an IGX node.

page 253


Query the specified slot and display information about the CBA blocks.

page 257


Display a summary of channel distribution in a given slot.

page 259


Display the MPLS controllers attached to an IGX node.

page 262


Display Qbin parameters.

page 264


Display Qbin template.

page 269


Display the resource partitioning for a port or trunk.

page 270


Display Service Class Template and the Class of Service.

page 274


Display Service Class Template assigned to an interface.

page 287


Display VSI resource information for a partition.

page 288


Display information for Y-cable pairings

page 290


Use the addctrlr command to add an VSI controller to an IGX node. You can connect a VSI controller to an IGX node by physically connecting a cable from the controller to the UXM line interface.

You cannot connect a VSI controller to these interfaces:

The maximum number of controllers that can be added to an IGX is three, although the valid controller ID range is 1 to 16.

Full Name

Add VSI controller to a UXM line interface


addctrlr < slot.port> <controller id> <partition id> <control_vpi> <start_vci>


Parameter Description


Slot and port numbers corresponding to the line or port to which a controller is attached.


Controller ID corresponding to the MPLS controller, values 1-16.


Partition ID of the VSI partition controlled by the MPLS controller.
Valid range: 1-3


VPI of the VSI control channels used for communication between the VSI master residing on the MPLS controller and VSI slaves residing on the UXM cards. For a 16-slot IGX there are a total of 14 such channels. For a 32-slot IGX there are a total of 30 such channels.

For a line interface with NNI header type:
Valid values for this parameter: 0-4095

For a line interface with UNI header type
Valid values for this parameter: 0-255

Default value: 0


Starting VCI of the VSI control channels. This VCI value is assigned to the first VSI control channel (between the VSI master and the VSI slave residing on the UXM card in slot 3).

The last VSI control channel corresponding to communication with the VSI slave on slot 16 or 32 (depending on the number of slots in the particular IGX model) will use the VCI value of (<start_vci> + number of slots on the IGX - 2).

Valid values for a 16-slot IGX: 40-65521
Valid values for a 32-slot IGX: 40-65505

Default value: 40

Related Commands

delctrlr, dspctrlrs


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Example 1

addctrlr 12.1 3 2 0 40


Add controller to port 1 on slot 12, partition ID of 2 and controller ID of 3.

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 16 2000 17:04 PST VSI Controller Information CtrlrId PartId ControlVC Intfc Type CtrlrIP VPI VCIRange 3 2 0 40-70 12.1 MPLS Last Command: addctrlr 12.1 3 2 0 40 Controller added successfully! Next Command:


Enables card redundancy for IGX and BPX cards. Use the addyred command to specify the slots of the primary and secondary (standby) cards that form the redundant pair.

You must use the addyred command to configure a VSI slave redundant card. When a standby slave card is first started (either by having been inserted into the slot, or if you issue the addyred command from the CLI console), the active slave will forward all VSI messages it had received from the master VSI controller card to the standby slave VSI controller card.

Redundant card sets must have the following characteristics:

In both the single and multiport card sets, if the secondary card set becomes active, the primary card set serves as its backup (assuming the primary card set is complete and not failed). You cannot use the addyred command if the primary and secondary slots are empty.

If cards reside in the primary and secondary slots, the system checks for card compatibility. Two types of incompatibility can occur: back card and jumper or cable inconsistencies. (On SDI, FRI, and FTI cards, jumpers determine whether a port is configured as DCE or DTE. On LDI cards, either a DCE or DTE adapter cable connects to the LDI port. For descriptions of the jumper positions and cabling, see the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Installation and Configuration manual.)

Note that the addyred command prevents invalid configurations when you try to configure the SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS) feature. When SONET APS is configured, you will not be able to use the addyred or delyred commands on a card configured for APS 1:1 architecture. That is, you will not be able to execute the addyred command, then configure the APS 1:1 architecture. Similarly, you will not be able to configure APS 1:1, then execute the addyred command. You will be blocked from executing these commands at the command line interface.

The primary and secondary card sets must be identical. An exception to this rule is the VSI feature. If one UXM card supports VSI and the other does not, Y-redundancy will be allowed only if the UXM that supports VSI does not have any controllers or partitions on it. Also, once Y-redundancy has been added between a card that supports VSI and a card that does not support VSI, the VSI feature on the card cannot be used until theY-redundancy is deleted.

If incompatibilities exist, the message "Y-Cable Conflict" appears on the screen. Specific conflicts are listed in reverse video in the dspyred display. See the dspyred description for more information.

To ensure that only cards with the Idle Code Suppression feature enabled on them are allowed to be a Y-redundancy pair, addyred blocks cards that have different idle code suppression capability.

Full Name

Add Y-cable redundancy


addyred <primary slot> <secondary slot>


Parameter Description

primary slot

Specifies the slot number of the primary card set.

secondary slot

Specifies the slot number of the secondary card set.

Related Commands

delyred, dspyred, prtyred


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Example 1

addyred 12 13


Add Y-cable redundancy to the UXM/T3 card sets in slots 12 and 13.

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.1p Aug. 16 2000 17:27 PST Slot Other Front Back Channel Configuration Slot Type Slot Card Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Pri 13 UXM T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 13 Sec 12 UXM T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Last Command: addyred 12 13 Next Command:


This command is used to compact the Automatic Routing Management CBAs on a particular slot. It deprograms all the connections (cross-connects) terminated on that card and reprograms them with new CBA values. You can use this command if you need to free up some CBAs to use them for VSI. The command affects all the connections that have been programmed.

Full Name

Compact Resources


compactrsrc ar


Parameter Description


Select Automatic Routing Management (AutoRoute)


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compactrsrc ar


Compacts CBA resources used by Automatic Routing Management connections.

System Response
sw100 TRM StrataCom IGX 8420 9.3.10   July 16 2000   12:18 PST WARNING - ALL AUTO ROUTE CONNECTIONS WILL BE RE-PROGRAMMED. THIS WILL CAUSE DROPPING OF CELLS IN ALL PVCs. This Command: compactrsrc ar OK to continue (y/n)?


Use the cnfctrlr command to reassign the VPI and start_VCI for the control channels between the VSI controller and the UXM slaves. The required input parameters are:

The command will delete all existing control channels to release the old VPI and start_VCI and then reprogram the control channels with the new VPI and start_VCI.

During the process of channel deprogramming and reprogramming, communication between the controller and slaves will be disrupted.

Full Name

Configure controller with new VPI and start_VCI for control channels


cnfctrlr <controller_id> <VPI> <start_VCI>


Parameter Description


The controller identifier (1-16)


The VPI for control channel
UNI ports: 0-255
NNI ports: 0-4095


The starting VCI for the control channel
16-slot IGX: 40-65521
32-slot IGX: 40-65505


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cnfctrlr 3 5 100


Configure controller 3 with a new VPI (5) and a new start_VCI (100)

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.1p Aug. 16 2000 17:16 PST VSI Controller Information CtrlrId PartId ControlVC Intfc Type CtrlrIP VPI VCIRange 3 2 0 100-70 12.1 MPLS Last Command: cnfctrlr 3 5 40 Controller VPI.VCI reconfigured successfully! Next Command:


Use the cnfqbin command to configure the Qbin (Class of Service buffers) on a selected UXM port, physical trunk, or virtual trunk.

This command lets you accept the default values from the interface Service Class Template, as an option. For example, you can type in Yes when prompted whether the interface service class template (SCT) should be used, and the command will use the Qbin values from the Qbin templates. You will not be allowed to enter values for any Qbin parameter in this case. You can, however, enter desired values if the template option has not been chosen.

When a VSI interface is activated, the default template (MPLS1) is assigned to an interface. The corresponding Qbin template is copied into the card Qbin data structure for that interface. When you want to change this, by giving new values using the cnfqbin command, the qbin is now user configured as opposed to template configured. This information is displayed on the dspqbin screen. It indicates whether the values in the qbin are from the template assigned to the interface OR the values have been changed to user-defined values.

There are 16 Qbins (numbered 0 through 15) per interface. Only Qbins 10-15 are used by VSI and they are the only VSI Qbins you can configure.

To fine tune traffic delay, use the cnfqbin command to adjust the thresholds for the traffic arriving in the VSI Qbins for a given interface.

If you use the cnfqbin command to set an existing Qbin to disabled, the egress of the connection traffic to the network is disabled. Re-enable the Qbin to restore the egress traffic.

Note   Cell delay variation (CDV) is based on the Qbin depths and the transmission speed of the virtual switch interface. The default Qbin depths are specified in the service class templates (SCTs). You can configure the Qbin depths by using the cnfqbin command.
Cell tolerance delay (CTD), which is the fixed delay, is based on a fixed value, and is not configurable.

The cnfqbin command prompts you whether "template" should be used for Qbin parameters.

Full Name

Configure Qbin


cnfqbin <slot number>.<port number>.<vtrk>


Parameter Description


Specifies the UXM card slot, port, and virtual trunk number.

qbin ID

Specifies the ID number of the qbin available for use by the LSC (MPLS Controller) for VSI.
Range: 10-15

Enable qbin

Answer yes or no to enable your qbin configuration.

qbin Discard Threshold

Specifies the qbin depth in units of cells.

CLP Low Threshold

Specifies the threshold in percentage for CLP low.
Range: 0-100

CLP High Threshold

Specifies the threshold in percentage for CLP high.
Range: 0-100

EFCI threshold

Specifies the threshold in percentage for EFCI.
Range: 0-100

Related Commands

dspqbin, dspqbint


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Example 1

cnfqbin 3.1 10


Configure qbin 10 for UXM port 3.1 on the IGX.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:30 PST Qbin Database 3.1 on UXM qbin 10 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 65536 c9.3.10ells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% This Command: cnfqbin 3.1 10 'E' to Enable, 'D' to Disable [E]:
Example 2

cnfqbin 3.1 10


Configure the qbin 10 for port 3.1. Change the Discard Threshold from 65535 to 64000 and change Low EDP Threshold from 95% to 90%.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:36 PST Qbin Database 3.1 on UXM qbin 10 (Configured by User) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 64000 cells EPD Threshold: 90% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: cnfqbin 3.1 10 E N 64000 90 100 100 Next Command: Minor Alarm
Example 3

cnfqbin 3.1 15 E N 64000 90 100 100


You also can set the previous parameters for Qbin 15:

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:39 PST Qbin Database 3.1 on UXM qbin 15 (Configured by User) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 64000 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: cnfqbin 3.1 15 E N 64000 95 100 100 Next Command:

Qbin Dependencies

The available Qbin parameters are shown in Table 73. Notice that the Qbins available for VSI are restricted to Qbins 10-15 for that interface.

There are 9 Qbin templates. Each Qbin template is associated with one corresponding Service Class Template, see Table 73.

Only MPLS1 (template 1) may be used with IGX.


Table 73: Qbin Default Settings
Qbin Max Qbin Threshold (msec) CLP High CLP Low/EPD EFCI Discard Selection
Template 1

10 (Null, Signaling, Tag0,4)






11 (Tag1,5)






12 (Tag2,6)






13 (Default, Tag3,7)






14 (Tag Abr)






15 (Tag unused)






Templates 2 (with policing) and 3

10 (Null, CBR)






11 (VbrRt)






12 (VbrNrt)






13 (Default, Ubr)






14 (Abr)






15 (Unused)






Full Support for ATMF and reduced support for Tag CoS without Tag-Abr
Templates 4 (with policing) and 5

10 (Tag 0,4,1,5, Default, Ubr, Tag-Abr*)






11 (VbrRt)






12 (VbrNrt)






13 (Tag 2,6,3,7)






14 (Abr)






15 (Cbr)






Full Support for Tag Abr and ATMF without Tag CoS
Templates 6 (with policing) and 7

10 (Tag 0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7 Default, Ubr)






11 (VbrRt)






12 (VbrNrt)






13 (Tag-Abr)






14 (Abr)






15 (Cbr)






Full Support for Tag CoS and reduced support for ATMF
Templates 8 (with policing) and 9

10 (Default, Cbr, Vbr-rt)






11 (Vbr-nrt, Abr)






12 (Ubr, Tag 0,4)






13 (Tag 1, 5, Tag-Abr)






14 (Tag 2,6)






15 (Tag 3, 7)






Table 74: cnfqbin—Parameters
Template Object Name Template Units Template Range/Values

Qbin Number


0-15 (10-15 valid for VSI)

Max Qbin Threshold



Qbin CLP High Threshold

% of max Qbin threshold


Qbin CLP Low Threshold

% of max Qbin threshold


EFCI Threshold

% of max Qbin threshold


Discard Selection


1-CLP Hystersis

2-Frame Discard

Weighted Fair Queueing


0: Disable

1: Enable


Use the cnfrsrc command to configure resources on ports, physical trunks, and virtual trunks.

This command supports both physical trunks and virtual trunks. After VSI has been enabled, the virtual trunk becomes a "dedicated" VSI virtual trunk.

The switch software will prevent you from configuring VSI:

You can configure a virtual trunk to be dedicated to VSI or to Automatic Routing Management. You cannot configure a virtual trunk for both VSI and Automatic Routing Management.

Full Name

Configure resources


cnfrsrc <slot.port.vtrk>


cnfrsrc <slot>.<port>.<vtrk> <maxpvclcns> <maxpvcbw> <partition> <e/d> <minvsilcns> <maxvsilcns> <vsistartvpi> <vsiendvpi><vsiminbw> <vsimaxbw>

Related Commands



Parameter Description


Specifies the UXM card slot and port number and virtual trunk.

Maximum PVC LCNs

The maximum number of LCNs allocated for Automatic Routing Management PVCs for this port.

Range: 1-8000
Default: 256

You can use the dspcd <slot> command to display the maximum number of LCNs you can configure using the cnfrsrc command for the given port. For trunks, configurable LCNs represent the LCNs remaining after the NPM card has subtracted the networking LCNs needed. A trunk has 270 networking LCNs, or channels.

By default, when a port or trunk is upped, in addition to the 256 PVC LCNs, 200 Gateway LCNs are allocated for that port/trunk. The Gateway LCNs are used for non-UXM to UXM connections (like Frame Relay or ATFR). When PVC LCNs are reduced using the cnfrsrc command, the Gateway LCNs are also reduced so that it is always less than the PVC LCNs. However, when PVC LCNs are increased, the Gateway LCNs are not increased.

Use the command dspchuse to display the channel usage for all ports, trunks, and virtual trunks of a given slot.

Setting this field to "0" would disable Automatic Routing Management PVCs on the specified port.

    Note   You must specify a value greater than 0 for the Maximum PVC LCNs and Maximum PVC Bandwidth. Otherwise, you will not be able to create any Automatic Routing Management connections on that UXM port or trunk.

Maximum PVC Bandwidth

Specifies the maximum bandwidth of the port allocated for Automatic Routing Management use. You can configure the maximum PVC Bandwidth value for ports, but not for trunks.

Range: 0-352207

Default: The bandwidth is based on the logical interface (slot.port). The default value for this object is the line rate of this interface.

Card Type | Bandwidth

UXM E3 | 80000
UXM T3 | 96000
UXM OC-3             | 353208
UXM E1                 |       4528
UXM T1                 |       3622

You must specify a value greater than 0 for the maximum PVC LCNs and maximum PVC Bandwidth. Otherwise, you will not be able to create Automatic Routing Management PVCs on the UXM port or trunk.

This parameter is not prompted and is not configurable for trunks and virtual trunks.

Edit VSI Parms?

To configure AR PVCs or AR bandwidth only, enter n for No. You will not be prompted to enter VSI options to configure VSI partition resources.
However, if you want to configure VSI options, enter y for yes, and you will be prompted to configure partition resources for VSI.

Partition ID

Specifies the ID number of the partition.

Range: 1-3

Enable Partition

Answer e to enable or d to disable your configured partition.

Minimum VSI LCNs

The minimum number of LCNs guaranteed for this partition.

Range: 0-8000
Default: 0

If there are not enough LCNs on the slot to guarantee this minimum number, the switch software will prompt you with the number of available LCNs.

You can increase this value dynamically when there are enough unallocated LCNs on the slot to satisfy the increase.

Maximum VSI LCNs

The total number of LCNs the partition is allowed for setting up connections.

You may increase or decrease this value dynamically when there are enough unallocated LCNs on the slot to satisfy the change.

Note that you must specify a value greater than 0 for the maximum VSI LCNs. Otherwise, you will not be able to add any VSI connections on that partition.


VSI connections on this partition start from this VPI.


Port UNI: 0-255

Port NNI: 0-4095

Trunk with Automatic Routing Management configured: 2-4095

Trunk with NNI and no Automatic Routing Management configured: 1-4095

Trunk with UNI: 2-255

If the specified VPI is used by Automatic Routing Management connections or the control channel of the VSI controller, a warning will appear and then a prompt for the Start VSI VPI.


VSI connections on this partition can use VPIs up to this VPI. The End VSI VPI should be equal to or greater than the Start VSI VPI.

Minimum VSI Bandwidth

The minimum port bandwidth that can be used by this partition in cells per second.

Range: 0 to <Maximum Line Rate>.
For example, the OC-3 line rate is 352207.

Default: 0

Maximum VSI Bandwidth

The maximum port bandwidth that can be used by this partition.

Range: 0 to <Maximum Line Rate>.
For example, the OC-3 line rate is 352207.

Default: 0


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Increasing the Number of VSI LCNs Guaranteed for a VSI Partition

You can increase the number of LCNs guaranteed for a given VSI partition by increasing the Minimum VSI LCNs of the desired partition.

If the new number does not cause the total VSI LCNs to be increased (that is, if your want to increase the minimum VSI LCNs at the expense of the common pool), the request will be denied if there isn't enough free VSI LCNs in the common pool. The UXM card cannot find enough free VSI LCNs to give to the specified partition. More AR LCNs must be made available to VSI for the request to succeed. The cnfrsrc will display a message: Resource not available, maximum available LCN(s) is 50. 100 more LCN needed. This indicates the number of AR LCNs that should be made available to the VSI.

cnfrsrc 12.1 256 20000 y 1 e 900 1500 300 400 4000 6000

Decreasing the VSI LCNs

You can decrease the VSI LCN range in order to make more LCNs available to AR:

In some cases, decreasing the VSI LCN range will fail because there are not enough free VSI LCNs to give to AR. The cnfrsrc command will display a failure message giving the number of VSI channels that can be made available to AR (There are only 100 free VSI channels). You can then re-execute the cnfrsrc requesting a smaller number of VSI LCNs to be given to AR.

If you must give more VSI LCNs to AR than what is currently free, go to the VSI master and delete or re-route the necessary number of VSI connections to free up the required VSI LCNs by executing the proper commands on the VSI master. You can then re-attempt the cnfrsrc command.

Sometimes the LCNs that were freed by the VSI master are reused prior to reexecuting the cnfrsrc command. You can delete more connections on the VSI master than what is required. Or you can freeze the VSI master so that it does not add any new VSI connections until the cnfrsrc command is re-executed.

cnfrsrc 12.1 256 20000 y 1 e 900 1500 300 400 4000 6000

Expanding the VSI VPI Range

You can expand the VSI VPI range by changing the parameters Start VSI VPI and End VSI VPI. The command cnfrsrc checks whether the new VPI range overlaps with:

Shrinking the VSI VPI Range

You can shrink the VSI VPI range by increasing the parameter Start VSI VPI and/or by decreasing the the parameter End VSI VPI. This works only if no VSI connections use the old VPI range. For example, if there is a VSI connection and VPI 10; and if the current VSI VPI range is [5,11], then the VSI VPI range cannot be shrunk to [5,9].

Increasing VSI Bandwidth

You can increase the bandwidth of VSI by increasing the Minimum VSI Bandwidth and/or Maximum VSI Bandwidth of the appropriate VSI partition. Increasing the bandwidth of VSI may cause AR connections on a trunk to be re-routed in order to free the necessary bandwidth for VSI. You will see a warning (Warning - increasing Max VSI Bandwidth will reroute all conns on this trunk). The command will proceed only if you choose to proceed.

cnfrsrc 12.1 256 20000 y 1 e 900 1500 300 400 4000 6000

Decreasing VSI Bandwidth

You can decrease VSI bandwidth of VSI by reducing the values of Minimum VSI Bandwidth and/or Maximum VSI Bandwidth. This works only if the VSI connections are not using the existing bandwidth.

Example 1

cnfrsrc 4.1 1000 300000 N


Changing the PVC max lcn and PVC max bandwidth for a port.

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1c Aug. 17 2000 10:52 PST Line : 4.1 Maximum PVC LCNS: 1000 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 300000 State Partition 1: D Partition 2: D Partition 3: D Last Command: cnfrsrc 4.1 1000 300000 N Cnfrsrc successful. Next Command:
Example 2

cnfrsrc 5.1 2000 N


Changing the PVC max lcn and PVC max bandwidth for a port.

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1c Aug. 17 2000 10:53 PST Trunk : 5.1 Maximum PVC LCNS: 2000 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 3528 (Statistical Reserve: 1000) State Partition 1: D Partition 2: D Partition 3: D Last Command: cnfrsrc 5.1 2000 N Max PVC lcn maybe adjusted to be consistent with the other end. Next Command:
Example 3

cnfrsrc 4.1 1000 300000 y 1 e 100 200 20 30 1000 50000


Enabling a partition on a port.

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1c Aug. 17 2000 11:05 PST Line : 4.1 Maximum PVC LCNS: 1000 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 300000 State MinLCN MaxLCN StartVPI EndVPI MinBW MaxBW Partition 1: E 100 200 20 30 1000 50000 Partition 2: D Partition 3: D Last Command: cnfrsrc 4.1 1000 300000 y 1 e 100 200 20 30 1000 50000 Cnfrsrc successful. Next Command:
Example 4

cnfrsrc 5.1 2000 y 2 e 500 2000 55 60 1000 2000


Enabling a partition on a trunk

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.1c Aug. 17 2000 11:06 PST Trunk : 5.1 Maximum PVC LCNS: 2000 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 1528 (Statistical Reserve: 1000) State MinLCN MaxLCN StartVPI EndVPI MinBW MaxBW Partition 1: D Partition 2: E 500 2000 55 60 1000 2000 Partition 3: D Last Command: cnfrsrc 5.1 2000 y 2 e 500 2000 55 60 1000 2000 Cnfrsrc successful. Next Command:


Use the cnfvsiif command to assign a Service Class Templates (SCT) to an interface.

Use the dspvsiif command to display a Service Class Template assigned to an interface, as well as display a summary of the resources allocated to the VSI partition on a given interface.

Assigning a Service Template to an Interface

A default service template is assigned to a logical interface (VI) when you up the interface by using upport and uptrk.

This default template (MPLS1) has the identifier of 1. You can change from service template 1 to another service template by using the cnfvsiif command:

Full Name

Assign a Service Class Template to an interface.


cnfvsiif <slot.port.vtrk> <tmplt_id>

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfqbin, dspqbin


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cnfvsiif 3.1 1


Assign Service Class Template 2 to port interface 3.1. You will see a warning if partition 3 is active.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:49 PST Port: 3.1 Service Class Template ID: 2 State MinLCN MaxLCN StartVPI EndVPI MinBW MaxBW Partition 1: D Partition 2: D Partition 3: E 100 200 100 200 10000 10000 Last Command: cnfvsiif 3.1 2 Interface has active VSI partition(s): changing SCT will be service affecting Next Command:


Deletes an MPLS controller attached to a line on a UXM card.

When the controller is deleted, the VSI control channels used to communicate between the VSI master on the MPLS controller and the VSI slaves on the UXM cards are also deleted. The control VCs associated with other controllers attached to the node will not be affected.

Full Name

Delete MPLS controller from an IGX node


delctrlr <controller id>


Parameter Description

controller id

Controller ID number corresponding to the MPLS controller you are deleting. ID numbers should correspond to an active MPLS controller.

Range: 1-16

Related Commands

addctrlr, dspctrlrs


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Example 1

delctrlr 3


Delete an MPLS controller.

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.1p Aug. 16 2000 17:12 PST VSI Controller Information CtrlrId PartId ControlVC Intfc Type CtrlrIP VPI VCIRange Last Command: delctrlr 3 Controller deleted successfully! Next Command:


This command disables Y-redundancy for the card set in the specified primary slot number. If the secondary card slot is being used as the active slot at the time you use the delyred command, the system attempts to switch back to the primary slot. The substitution takes place only if the primary slot has a complete set of cards and the cards are in a Standby or a Standby-F state (not if they are Failed).

See the dspcds description for information on card states. See the addyred and dspyred commands for more information on Y-cable redundancy.

Full Name

Delete Y-cable redundancy


delyred <primary slot>

Related Commands

addyred, dspyred, prtyred


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delyred 12


Disable Y-cable redundancy at slot 12.

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.1p Aug. 16 2000 17:31 PST Slot Other Front Back Channel Configuration Slot Type Slot Card Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Last Command: delyred 12 Next Command:


This command queries the specified slot and displays information about the CBA blocks. While running this command, it periodically queries the card and the display continuously updates the CBA parameters.

To display a summary of CBA usage on all active UXMs on the node, enter dspcbause with no parameters.

To display CBA usage on a specific active UXM card, enter dspcbause with the slot number parameter.

The default interval is 10 seconds. You can specify the interval in seconds as an optional parameter.

Full Name

Display CBA and CBA block usage among Auto Route and VSI.


dspcbause <slot_no> [interval]


Parameter Description


The number of CBA blocks allocated. 32 CBAs are equal to one block.


Number of CBA blocks used by the slot for connections.


Number of CBAs used by the slot for connections.


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Example 1



Display CBA and CBA block use of Automatic Routing Management and VSI (on a node).

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 11:10 PST VSI CBA allocation summary for all slots : Slot VSI LCNs CBA Blks Actual CBA Blks to be alloced alloced 4 200 7 7 5 2000 63 63 Last Command: dspcbause Next Command:
Example 2

dspcbause 5


Display CBA and CBA block use among Auto Route and VSI (on a slot)

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 11:11 PST CBA Usage for slot 5 CBA Blocks allocated = 63 CBA Blocks used = 16 CBA Block Bitmap: 80 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2C0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 440 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5C0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680 : 0 0 F8 FF 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This Command: dspcbause 5 Hit DEL key to quit:


The dspchuse command displays the summary of the channel distribution in a given slot of an IGX switch. It shows the distribution of channels between Automatic Routing Management PVCs, networking channels, VSI management channels, and channels allocated to the VSI slave.

If you do not enter a slot number, a summary of channels allocated for all the UXM cards that are active is displayed.

Full Name

Display channel usage


dspchuse <slot>


Parameter Description


Maximum number of channels supported on the card.


Number of channels currently used; this includes all types of channels: networking channels, PVCs, VSI master-slave VCs, and channels allocated to VSI partitions


Number or channels still available for use.


Number of network channels used. For each trunk interface (feeder trunk, physical trunk, or virtual trunk) that is up, 270 channels are reserved for networking. For an enhanced UXM card, 270 channels are allocated for networking when the first trunk is upped. For all the subsequent trunks, networking channels are allocated from the RCMP reserve.

PVC cnfg

Number of channels configured for PVCs (AR connections).

VSI mgmt

Number of channels used for VSI master-slave VCs.

VSI cnfg

VSI channels reserved for use by the slave to set up connections requested via the VSI interface.

PVC used

Channels currently used by Automatic Routing Management connections.

vsi min

VSI min channels configured for a partition via the cnfrsrc command.

vsi max

VSI max channels configured for a partition via the cnfrsrc command.


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Example 1



Display CBA and CBA block use of Automatic Route Management and VSI (on a node).

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 11:10 PST VSI CBA allocation summary for all slots : Slot VSI LCNs CBA Blks Actual CBA Blks to be alloced alloced 4 200 7 7 5 2000 63 63 Last Command: dspcbause Next Command:
Example 2

dspcbause 5


Display CBA and CBA block use among Auto Route and VSI (on a slot)

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 11:11 PST CBA Usage for slot 5 CBA Blocks allocated = 63 CBA Blocks used = 16 CBA Block Bitmap: 80 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2C0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 440 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5C0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680 : 0 0 F8 FF 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This Command: dspcbause 5 Hit DEL key to quit:


Use the dspctrlrs command to display all VSI controllers on an IGX node.

This command lists:

Full Name

Displays all VSI controllers on IGX node



Related Commands

addctrlr, cnfctrlr, delctrlr


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Example 1



Display all the VSI Controllers attached to an IGX node.

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.1p Aug. 16 2000 17:09 PST VSI Controller Information CtrlrId PartId ControlVC Intfc Type CtrlrIP VPI VCIRange 2 1 0 75-105 12.1 MPLS 3 2 0 40-70 12.1 MPLS Last Command: addctrlr 12.1 2 1 0 75 Controller added successfully! Next Command:


The dspqbin command displays the Qbin resources on a selected trunk, port, or virtual trunk. It displays the Qbin parameters currently configured for an interface and shows whether the Qbin resources have been configured by the user or by a template. It also displays whether the Qbin has EPD enabled/disabled.

Only Qbins (Class of Service Buffers) 10 to 15 are used for VSI connections.

To display all VSI qbins on an interface, pass the wildcard character (the asterisk *) as the Qbin ID to the command.

Full Name

Display Qbin


dspqbin <slot number>.<port number> <virtual trunk number>[qbin-id]


Parameter Description


Specifies the UXM card slot number, port number, and virtual trunk number.

Qbin ID

Specifies the ID number of the qbin available for use by the LSC (MPLS controller) for VSI.
Range: 10-15

Related Commands



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Example 1

dspqbin 9.1 10


Display the current Qbin configuration on Qbin 10 of the OC-3 trunk 13.2

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:56 PST Qbin Database 13.2 on UXM qbin 10 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 65536 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: dspqbin 13.2 10 Next Command:
Example 2

dspqbin 4.1 10


Display the current qbin configuration on slot 13, port 2, qbin 15.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:57 PST Qbin Database 13.2 on UXM qbin 15 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 65536 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: dspqbin 13.2 15 Next Command:
Example 3

dspqbin 3.2.1 *


Display all VSI Qbins on virtual trunk 3.2.1. Answer yes when prompted to display the next Qbin.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 13:58 PST Qbin Database 3.2.1 on UXM qbin 10 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 900 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% This Command: dspqbin 3.2.1 * Continue?

Table 75:
Class of Service Buffer Parameters That Display on dspqbin Screen
Object (Parameter) Name Range/Values Default Description

Qbin Number



Identifies the target Qbin to modify.

Discard Selection

1: CLP Hysteresis (EPD Disabled)

2: Frame Discard (EPD Enabled)

EPD: Early Packet Discard


Indicates whether Qbin should perform the CLP Hysteresis or the Frame Discard option. The Qbin can be configured to do only one or the other.

Discard Threshold

0-? cells


The Qbin depth: Determines the amount of cell memory dedicated to this Qbin.

CLP High Threshold



Parameter determines at which level in the Qbin CLP-tagged cells are discarded. Discard continues until the Qbin depth drops below the Qbin CLP Low Threshold.

CLP Low Threshold



Parameter determines at which level in the Qbin CLP-tagged cells are admitted.

EFCI Threshold

0- 100%


Parameter determines at which level in the Qbin EFCI bits are tagged in the departing cells.

EPD Threshold



Parameter determines at which level the QBIN Frame Discard is activated.


Use the dspqbint command to display the default Qbin parameters for a VSI Qbin in a Qbin template. The qbin template is associated with the Service Class Template. There are nine Service Class Templates so there are nine corresponding Qbin templates. Each qbin template contains entries for all VSI Qbins (10-15).

For more detailed information on service class templates and qbin templates, please read the section on VSI in the Cisco IGX Series Reference Guide.

Full Name

Display Qbin templates


dspqbint <Service_Class_Template #><qbin ID #>

Related Commands

dspsct, dspqbin, cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfvsiif, dspvsiif


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dspqbint 1 10


Display the Qbin parameters in Qbin 10 of Service Class Template 1.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:05 PST Service Template: 1 Qbin: 10 Discard Threshold: 300000 (micro secs) CLP Low/EPD Threshold: 95 (% of Discard Threshold) CLP High Threshold: 100 (% of Discard Threshold) EFCI Threshold: 100 (% of Discard Threshold) EPD: Enabled Vc Shaping: Enabled Last Command: dspqbint 1 10 Next Command:


The dsprsrc command displays all partitions on the active interfaces of an IGX node.

To display all active interfaces with or without partitions on the node, enter the command with no parameters.

To display all active interfaces with or without partitions on a particular slot, enter the command with the slot number.

To display detailed information about all the partitions enabled on an active interface, enter:

dsprsrc slot.port


dsprsrc slot.port.vtrk

Full Name

Display resources


dsprsrc <slot number>.<port number>.<vtrk>


Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot and port.


Specifies the card slot and port and virtual trunk.

Related Commands



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Example 1



Display partition resources on the IGX node.

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 11:19 PST VSI Partitions on this node Interface (slot.port) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Line 4.1 E D D Trunk 5.1 D E D Trunk 5.2 D D D Trunk 5.3 D D D VTrunk 5.4.1 D D E Line 5.5 E E D Last Command: dsprsrc Next Command:
Example 2

dsprsrc 5


Display partition resources on slot 5 of the IGX node.

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 11:20 PST VSI Partitions on this node Interface (slot.port) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Trunk 5.1 D E D Trunk 5.2 D D D Trunk 5.3 D D D VTrunk 5.4.1 D D E Line 5.5 E E D Last Command: dsprsrc 5 Next Command:
Example 3

dsprsrc 5.5


Display partition resources on port 2 of the UXM card in slot 16 of the IGX node

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 12:05 PST Line : 5.5 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 3000 (Reserved Port Bandwidth: 150) State MinLCN MaxLCN StartVPI EndVPI MinBW MaxBW Partition 1: E 200 500 100 200 100 500 Partition 2: E 200 500 255 255 250 500 Partition 3: D Last Command: dsprsrc 5.5 Next Command:


The dspsct command displays a list of nine Service Class Templates (SCT). There are three levels of operations for this command:

Extended Services Types Support

The service-type parameter for a connection is specified in the connection bandwidth information parameter group. The service-type and service-category parameters determine the Service Class to be used from the service template.

Connection Admission Control (CAC)

When a connection request is received by the VSI slave, it is first subjected to a Connection Admission Control process before being forwarded to the firmware layer responsible for actually programming the connection. The granting of the connection is based on these criteria:

LCNs available in the VSI partition

QoS guarantees

When the VSI slave accepts (that is, after CAC) a connection setup command from the VSI master in the Label Switch Controller, it receives information about the connection including service type, bandwidth parameters, and QoS parameters. This information is used to determine an index into the VI's selected Service Template's VC Descriptor table thereby establishing access to the associated extended parameter set stored in the table.

Supported Service Types

The service type identifier is a 32-bit number. However, the service type identifier is represented as a string (service type) on the dspsct screen. For example, to specify a Service Class Template number and service type:

dspsct 1 Tag0

A list of supported service templates and associated Qbins, and service types is shown in Table 76.

Table 76: Service Template and Associated Qbin Selection
Template Type Service Type ID Service Type Parameters Associated Qbin

VSI Special Types





See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.

13 for templates MPLS1, ATMF1, and ATMF2.

10 for the rest of the templates.

10 for template MPLS1

ATMF1 and

ATMF2 templates

(for PNNI controllers)

























See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.













MPLS Types

(for MPLS controllers)























See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.


























































See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.





































































See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.





































































See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.























Details of Connection (VC) Parameters Used in Service Class Templates

Listed below is detailed information on connection (VC) parameters used in Service Class Templates. Some of these parameters may appear on the dspsct display.

Qbin # Description CoS Buffer (Qbin) to use for this CoS
Range/Values: 10 - 15
Units: enumeration UPC Enable Description: Enable/Disable Policing function. The first 2 values are consistent with the definition for the older cards. Option #2 and #3 are new and provide the ability to turn on policing on just GCRA #1 (PCR policing) or #2 (SCR policing). Range/Values: 0 -3
0: Disable both GCRAs
1: Enable both GCRAs
2: Enable GCRA #1 only (PCR policing)
3: Enable GCRA #2 only (SCR policing) Units: enumeration UPC CLP Selection Description: Selects processing of policing Buckets based on the CLP bit. Range/Values: 0 -2
0 - Bk 1: CLP (0+1), Bk 2: CLP (0)
1 - Bk 1: CLP (0+1), Bk 2: CLP (0+1)
2 - Bk 1: CLP (0+1), Bk 2: Disabled Units: enumeration Policing Action (GCRA #1) Description: Indicates how cells that fail the second bucket (SCR bucket) of the policer should be handled, if policing is enabled. Range/Values: 0 - Discard
1 - Set CLP bit
2 - Set CLP of untagged cells, disc. tag'd cells Units: enumeration Policing Action (GCRA #2) Description: Indicates how cells that fail the second bucket (SCR bucket) of the policer should be handled, if policing is enabled. Range/Values: 0 - Discard
1 - Set CLP bit
2 - Set CLP of untagged cells, disc. tag'd cells Units: enumeration PCR Description: Peak Cell Rate; used as default value if not supplied in VSI connection request. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec MCR Description: Minimum Cell Rate; used as default value if not supplied in VSI connection request. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec SCR Description: Sustained Cell Rate; used as default value if not supplied in VSI connection request. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec ICR Description: Initial Cell Rate . Used only for ABR VCs to set initial ACR value after idle traffic period. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec MBS Description: Maximum Burst Size - used to set bucket depth in policer function. Range/Values: 1 - 5M Units: cell count CoS Min BW Description: Bandwidth reserved for this Class of Service; used to initialize the CoS Buffer (Qbin) Minimum Service Rate (HW param. = ICG), and for CAC purposes (subject to CAC treatment type). Range/Values: 0% - 100% Units: % of Partition Min BW. CoS Max BW Description: Maximum value allowed for the sum of VC Min. BW's for this CoS; used by CAC (subject to CAC treatment type). Range/Values: 0% - 100% Units: % of Partition Max BW Scaling Class Description: Scaling table used for modifying per-VC thresholds under VI or Global cell-memory congestion. Range/Values: choices are 0 - 3, 0: CBR
1: VBR
2: ABR
3: UBR Units: enumeration CAC Treatment Description: Connection Admission Control algorithm used by this CoS Range/Values: 0 - 256 0: No CAC performed; all connections admitted. 1: LCN_CAC; check for LCN availability only; no BW consideration. 2: MINBW_CAC; LCN + simple min. BW test (sum_of_VC_min_BW <= CoS_max_BW) 3: CAC_2 w/ overbooking allowed 4: ECR_CAC; LCN + ECR calculation (from table) & BW test (sum_of VC_ECR <= Cos_max_BW). 5: CAC_4 w/ overbooking allowed 6: MEASURED_CAC; LCN + ECR calculation (from dynamic measurement) & BW test (sum_of VC_ECR <= Cos_max_BW). Units: enumeration VC Max Description: Maximum VC-cell-count threshold; all cells are discarded on a VC when this threshold has been exceeded. Range/Values: 0 - VI_max_cell_count Units: cell count VC CLPhi Description: VC cell count above which CLP=1 cells are discarded Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC CLPlo Description: VC cell count below which CLP=1 cells are no longer discarded (discards having begun when CLPhi was exceeded). Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC EPD Description: VC cell count above which AAL-5 frames are discarded Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC EFCI Description: VC cell count above which congestion notification is activated Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC Discard Selection Description: Choice of frame-based discard (EPD) or CLP-hysteresis Range/Values: 0 - 1
0: CLP Hysteresis
1: EPD Units: enumeration VSVD/FCES Description: For ABR VC's, enable/disable Virtual Source/Virtual Destination (VSVD) and/or Flow Control on External Segments (FCES) functionality Range/Values: 0 -2
0: None
2: VSVD w/ FCES Units: enumeration ADTF ABR only parameter Description: ACR decrease time factor; idle time before ACR -> ICR Range/Values: 10 - 1023 Units: milliseconds RDF ABR only parameter Description: Rate Decrease Factor
ACR = ACR - (ACR * RDF) Range/Values: 2 - 512, in powers of 2 Units: Inverse decrease factor RIF ABR only parameter Description: Rate Increase Factor
ACR = ACR + (PCR * RDF) Range/Values: 2 - 512, in powers of 2 Units: Inverse decrease factor NRM ABR only parameter Description: Number of data cells between FRM cells Range/Values: 2 - 512, in powers of 2 Units: cells TRM ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units: CDF ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units: TBE ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units: FRTT ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units:
Full Name

Display Service Class Template (SCT)


dspsct [template #][service_type]

Related Commands

dspqbint, cnfvsiif, dspvsiif


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Example 1



Displays all the templates in the IGX node.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:10 PST Service Class Templates Template Name 1 MPLS1 2 ATMF1 3 ATMF2 4 ATMF_tagcos_1 5 ATMF_tagcos_2 6 ATMF_TAGABR_1 7 ATMF_TAGABR_2 8 atmf_TAGCoS_TAGABR_1 9 atmf_TAGCoS_TAGABR_2 Last Command: dspsct Next Command:
Example 2

dspsct 1


Display all service classes of the MPLS1 template in the IGX node.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:11 PST Service Class Map for MPLS1 Template Service Class Qbin Service Class Qbin Service Class Qbin Default 13 Signaling 10 Tag0 10 Tag1 11 Tag2 12 Tag3 13 Tag4 10 Tag5 11 Tag6 12 Tag7 13 TagAbr 14 Last Command: dspsct 1 Next Command:
Example 3

dspsct 1 default


Display service type Default in template 1.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:12 PST Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: Default (1) Service Category Default (1) Qbin 13 UPC Enable NONE Scaling Class Scaled 1st CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 61440 (cells) VC Dscd Selection EPD VC CLP High 100 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC EPD 40 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 1 Default Next Command:
Example 4

dspsct 1 Signaling


Display service type Signaling in Template 1.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:14 PST Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: Signaling (2) Service Category Signaling (2) Qbin 10 UPC Enable NONE Sustained Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Maximum Burst Size 0 (cells) Scaling Class Scaled 1st CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 0 (cells) VC Dscd Selection Hystersis VC CLP High 75 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC CLP Low 30 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 1 Signaling Next Command:
Example 5

dspsct 1 Tag0


Display service type Tag0 in Template 1.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:15 PST Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: Tag0 (200) Service Category Tag0 (200) Qbin 10 UPC Enable NONE Scaling Class Scaled 1st CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 61440 (cells) VC Dscd Selection EPD VC CLP High 100 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC EPD 40 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Last Command: dspsct 1 Tag0 Next Command:
Example 6

dspsct 1 TagAbr


Display service type TagAbr in Template 1.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:15 PST Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: TagAbr (210) Service Category TagAbr (210) Qbin 14 UPC Enable NONE Minimum Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Sustained Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Initial Cell Rate 100 (% of PCR) Maximum Burst Size 1024 (cells) Scaling Class Scaled 2nd CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 61440 (cells) VC Dscd Selection EPD VC CLP High 100 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC EPD 40 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) This Command: dspsct 1 TagAbr Continue? Y bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:16 PST Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: TagAbr (210) VC EFCI 20 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VSVD NONE Decrease Time Factor 500 (milli seconds) Rate Decrease Factor 16 (Inverse Decrease Factor) Rate Increase Factor 16 (Inverse Decrease Factor) data cells b/w Fwd RM Cells 32 (Cells) Time b/w Fwd RM Cells 0 Cut-Off Decrease Factor 16 Transient Buffer Exposure 16777215 Fixed Round Trip Time 0 Last Command: dspsct 1 TagAbr Next Command:


Use the dspvsiif command to display a Service Class Template assigned to an interface (VI). You can also display a summary of the resources allocated to the VSI partition on a given interface. Multiple users may use the dspvsiif at one time.

Full Name

Display a Service Class Template assigned to an interface.


dspvsiif <slot.port.vtrk>

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfqbin, dspqbin


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dspvsiif 3.1


Display the service class template assigned to interface 3.1.

System Response
bently TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.10 Aug. 3 2000 14:17 PST Port: 3.1 Service Class Template ID: 2 State MinLCN MaxLCN StartVPI EndVPI MinBW MaxBW Partition 1: D Partition 2: D Partition 3: E 100 200 100 200 10000 10000 Last Command: dspvsiif 3.1 Next Command:


Use the dspvsipartinfo command to display VSI statistics for a particular active partition on an interface. You can use the dspvsipartinfo command on only one partition at a time, to get VSI statistics on an interface (can be a port or virtual trunk). You can optionally specify an interval in seconds, which will display VSI statistics for the specified active partition every x seconds. The command shows you some of the same parameters that display on the cnfrsrc screen, such as Min LCNs and Max LCNs, Used LCNs and Available LCNs, and Min BW, Max BW, and Used BW.

Multiple users may use the dspvsipartinfo command at the same time.

The switch software polls the card for the information at the specified interval and displays the information from the card.

Full Name

Display VSI statistics per partition


dspvsipartinfo <interface>.<partition>[<interval>]


Parameter Description


The slot.port.[vtrk] of the interface being monitored


Partition ID for which information is to be displayed.


Refresh interval for displaying data.
Range: 1-60 seconds.
Default: 10 seconds

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dsprsrc


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Display Fields

Parameter Description

Min BW

Configured minimum bandwidth for this partition (for reference only).

Max BW

Configured maximum bandwidth for this partition (for reference only).

Used BW

Bandwidth currently used by connections on this partition.

Available BW

Bandwidth currently available to connections on this partition. This is determined based on the minimum and maximum bandwidth configured for the partition and the bandwidth currently available in the common pool.

Min Lcns

Configured minimum LCNs for this partition (for reference only).

Max Lcns

Configured maximum LCNs for this partition (for reference only).

Used Lcns

Number of LCNs currently used by connections in this partition.

Available Lcns

Number of LCNs available to this partition. This is determined based on the minimum and maximum LCNs configured for the partition and the number of connections on the partition.


dspvsipartinfo 5.1 3


Display the VSI statistics for partition 2 on trunk 5.1.

System Response
sw188 TRM Cisco IGX 8420 9.3.10 Aug. 17 2000 12:11 PST VSI Resources Status for trunk 5.1 Partition 2 Minimum Lcns : 500 Minimum BW (cps) : 1000 Maximum Lcns : 2000 Maximum BW (cps) : 2000 Used Lcns : 0 Used BW (cps) : 0 Available Lcns : 1100 Available BW (cps) : 2000 Start VPI : 55 End VPI : 60 This Command: dspvsipartinfo 5.1 2 Hit DEL key to quit:


Displays information for Y-cable pairings. You can specify a single slot or you can display all pairings by specifying no slot.

Slot numbers appearing in high intensity indicate active card status. Front card, back card, and channel configuration conflicts appear in reverse video. A conflict occurs when the port interfaces are different for corresponding ports in a redundant slot pair.

The output display shows:

Remaining columns (Channel Configuration) describe the channel configurations when appropriate.

Full Name

Display Y-cable redundancy


dspyred [slot]

Related Commands

addyred, delyred, prtyred


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Example 1



Display Y-redundancy for all cards.

System Response
arnold TN Cisco IGX 8430 9.3.1p Aug. 16 2000 17:30 PST Slot Other Front Back Channel Configuration Slot Type Slot Card Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Pri 13 UXM T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 13 Sec 12 UXM T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Last Command: dspyred Next Command:

Summary of BPX Commands

Table 77 shows the command name and starting page for the description of each VSI-related command for the BPX.

Table 77:
BPX Commands for Setting Up a Virtual Switch Interface (VSI) Controller
Mnemonic Description Page


Attach a PNNI VSI controller to a BPX node through an AAL5 interface shelf. For controllers that require Annex G capabilities in the controller interface.

page 293


Add a trunk between the hub node and interface shelf, VSI-MPLS controller or an SES PNNI controller.

page 296


Enables card redundancy for BPX cards.

page 303


Configure Qbin parameters.

page 305


Configure resources, for example, for Automatic Routing Management PVCs and MPLS controller (LSC).

page 311


Configure VSI or a different template to an interface.

page 328


Configure VSI partition characteristics for VSI.

page 329


Delete a controller, such as a PNNI ESP (Extended Services Processor) 4.0 controller, from a BPX node.

page 331


Delete a trunk between a hub node and access shelf.

page 334


Display a summary of channel distribution in a given slot.

page 337


Display the VSI controllers attached to a BPX node.

page 338


Display Qbin parameters.

page 340


Display Qbin template.

page 344


Display the resource partitioning for a port or trunk.

page 346


Display Service Class Templates and the Class of Service.

page 348


Display VSI logical connections.

page 363


Display VSI.

page 363


Display information about VSI ILMI functionality.

page 365


Display VSI resource information for a partition.

page 366


Display information for Y-cable pairings

page 369


Use addctrlr to add VSI capabilities to a trunk interface to which a feeder of type AAL5 is attached. The addctrlr command is used only to connect a Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) controller. PNNI controller software resides on the Service Expansion Shelf (SES) hardware.

To add a PNNI controller to a BPX node:

Step 1   Run the command addshelf with shelf type set to X to add an AAL5 feeder. This ensures that Annex G protocol runs between the BPX and the SES.

Step 2   Run the addctrlr command to set up the VSI control channels from the PNNI SES controller to the VSI slave processes running on the BXM cards to ensure full VSI functionality for the PNNI controller. Execute the addctrlr command on an existing AAL5 interface shelf.

When adding VSI controller capabilities to an AAL5 interface shelf (or feeder), the switch software prompts you for the specifics of the VSI controller:

The PNNI controller controls VSI partitions on those BXM cards that support VSI capability. Hence a separate VSI control channel must be set up from the PNNI control to each BXM card that supports VSI.

Example: You specify a VPI value of 0 and start_VCI value of 40 for the VSI control channels. Then the control channel corresponding to any BXM card on slot 1 would use VPI, start_VCI values <0, 40>. The VSI control channels to other slots would use the VPI, start_VCI values of <0, 40+slot-1>, where "slot" corresponds to the slot number of the BXM card.

Caution   For feeder trunk interfaces, the addctrlr command will fail if the Automatic Routing Management connections terminating on the feeder interface use the same VPI start_VCI as those specified for the VSI control channels. You must delete the connections before proceeding if connections with VPI and start_VCI in the range exist in the range you specified.

The addition of a controller to a node will fail if there are not enough channels available to set up the control VCs in one or more of the BXM slaves.

Full Name

Add VSI capabilities to an AAL5 feeder interface


addctrlr < slot.port> <controller id> <partition id> <control_vpi> <start_vci>


Parameter Description


Slot and port numbers corresponding to the feeder trunk.


Controller ID corresponding to the PNNI controller, values 1-32.


Partition ID of the VSI partition controlled by the PNNI controller.


Starting VPI of the VSI control channels used for communication between the VSI master residing on the SES and VSI slaves residing on the BXM cards. There can be a total of 12 such channels, one for each slave residing on each BXM card.

For a trunk interface with NNI header type:
Range: 0-4095

For a trunk interface with UNI header type:
Range: 0-255

Default: 0

Note   For a PNNI controller, do not modify control_vpi and start_vci.


Starting VCI of the VSI control channels. This VCI value is assigned to the first VSI control channel (between the VSI master and the VSI slave residing on the BXM card in slot 1). The last VSI control channel corresponding to communication with the VSI slave on slot 14 will use the VCI value of (<start_vci>+14-1).

Range: 33-65521

Default: 40

Note   For a PNNI controller, do not modify control_vpi and start_vci.

Related Commands

addshelf, delctrlr, dspctrlrs


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Example 1

addctrlr 10.4 3 2 0 40


Add controller to port 4 on slot 10, partition ID of 2, and controller ID of 3.

System Response
night TN StrataCom BPX 8600 9.3.10 Aug. 1 2000 14:31 GMT BPX 8620 VSI controller information Ctrl Id Part Id Control_VC Trunk Ctrlr Type Intfc VPI VCIRange 1 1 0 40-54 10.3 VSI VSI 2 2 0 40-54 11.1 VSI VSI Warning partition already in use do you want to add redundant controller Last Command: addctrlr 10.4 3 2 0 40 Next Command:
Example 2

addctrlr 10.3 3 1 0 40


Adds a controller, such a PNNI controller, to a BPX interface shelf.

System Response
ight TN StrataCom BPX 8600 9.3.10 Aug. 1 2000 14:31 GMT BPX 8620 VSI controller information Ctrl Id Part Id Control_VC Trunk Ctrlr Type Intfc VPI VCIRange 1 1 0 40-54 10.3 VSI VSI 2 2 0 40-54 11.1 VSI VSI Warning partition already in use do you want to add redundant controller Last Command: addctrlr 10.3 3 1 0 40 Next Command:


Adds an ATM link between a hub node and an interface shelf such as:

An MPLS Controller or an SES PNNI controller is considered an interface shelf from the BPX switch's perspective. The routing hub can be either a BPX or an IGX.

The signaling protocol that applies to the trunk on an interface shelf is Annex G. For example, the IGX 8400 interface shelf with a BTM E1 interface communicates with the routing hub through the Annex G LMI using the STI cell format. However, the MGX 8850 interface shelf, or feeder, communicates over a UXM/UXM-E interface with the routing hub over Annex G LMI using AAL5 format.

Note   Because tiered network capability is a paid option, personnel in the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) must telnet to the unit and configure it as an interface shelf before you can execute addshelf.

Each IGX/AF, MGX 8220, or MGX 8850 shelf has one trunk that connects to the BPX or IGX node serving as an access hub. A BPX routing hub can support up to 16 T3 trunks to the interface shelves, which can be IGX/AF, MGX 8220, or MGX 8850 interface shelves.

Before it can carry traffic, you must "up" the trunk on an interface shelf (by using uptrk) on both the interface shelf and the hub node and "add" it to the network (by using addshelf). Also, a trunk must be free of major alarms before you can add it with the addshelf command.

The command addshelf will prevent adding a feeder to a trunk if a VSI ILMI session is active on a VSI partition on the trunk interface.

Adding a VSI Controller

The maximum number of controllers that can be attached to a given node is limited by the maximum number of feeders (16) that can be attached to a BPX hub. Therefore, the total number of feeders and controllers cannot exceed 16.

You add a VSI controller, such as an MPLS controller, to a switch by using the addshelf command with the vsi option. The vsi option of the addshelf command identifies VSI controllers and distinguishes them from interface shelves (feeders).

The VSI controllers are allocated a partition of the switch resources. VSI controllers manage their partition through the VSI interface. The controllers run the VSI master. The VSI master entity interacts with the VSI slave running on the BXMs through the VSI interface, to set up VSI connections using the resources in the partition assigned to the controller.

Two controllers that are intended to be used in a redundant configuration must specify the same partition when added to the node through the addshelf command.

When a controller is added to the node, switch software sets up the infrastructure so that the controllers can communicate with the slaves in the node. The VSI entities decide how and when to use these communication channels.

The controllers also require a communication channel between them. This channel could be in-band or out-of-band. When a controller is added to the switch, switch software sends controller information to the slaves. This information is advertised to all the controllers in the partition. The controllers may decide to use this information to set up an intermaster channel. Alternatively the controllers may use an out-of-band channel to communicate.

To add a controller to the node, use the addshelf command. You add a redundant controller in the normal way, except that it specifies a partition that may be already in use by another controller. The addshelf command allows for up to three controllers to manage the same partition.

One of the parameters that must be specified with the addshelf command when a VSI controller is added to the switch is the controller ID. This is a number between 1 and 32 that uniquely identifies the controller. Two different controllers must always have different controller IDs.

The management of resources on the VSI slaves requires that each slave in the node has a communication control VC to each of the controllers attached to the node. When a controller is added to the BCC via the addshelf command, the BCC sets up the set of master-slave connections between the new controller port and each of the active slaves in the switch. You specify the master-slave connections by using the <Control VPI> and <Control Start VCI> parameters. The default for these parameters is 0/0.

Note   If you manage a tiered network through the command line interface, you can manage only Frame Relay interworking connections (ATFR) across the network. Three-segment connections for carrying serial data or voice between IGX/AFs is allowed, but you must manage them through WAN Manager.

Feature Mismatching to Verify VSI Support

The cnfrsrc and addshelf commands, in addition to other configuration commands, perform mismatch verification on the BXM and UXM cards. For example, the cnfrsrc and addshelf commands verify whether the cards both have VSI 2.0 support configured.

The Feature Mismatching capability does not check mismatched cards unless the actual feature has been enabled on the card. This allows for a graceful card migration from an older release.

Full Name

Add an interface shelf (feeder) or a controller to a routing node or hub


Interface shelf:

addshelf <slot.port> <shelf-type> [<vpi> <vci>]

MPLS controller:

addshelf <trunk slot.port> v <ctrlr id> <part id> <control vpi> <control vci start> <redundant ctrlr warning>


Parameter Description

slot.port (trunk)


Specifies the slot and port number of the trunk.


I, A, P, V, or X

On a BPX node, shelf type specifies the type of interface shelf when you execute addshelf. The choices are:
I for /AF or IGX/AF
A for the MGX 8220
P for APS
V for VSI
X for the MGX 8800 and PNNI SES.

vpi vci

Specifies the VPI and VCI (Annex G VPI and VCI used).
For the MGX 8220 only:
Valid range for VPI: 5-14
Valid range for VCI: 16-271
For an IGX/AF interface shelf:
Valid range for both VPI and VCI: 1-255s

Controller ID

Controller ID number corresponding to the MPLS controller you are adding.

Partition ID

Partition ID number assigned to the controller.

vpi vci

Specifies the VPI and VCI (Annex G VPI and VCI used).
For the MGX 8220 only:
Valid range for VPI: 5-14
Valid range for VCI: 16-271
For an IGX/AF interface shelf:
Valid range for both VPI and VCI: 1-255


Choose the value for <control_VPI> such that:

if <control_VPI> = 0, <control_VCI_start> can be set to a value > 40.

If any VSI partition exists on the interface, then use control_VPI < start_VPI or control_VPI > end_VPI for all partitions on that interface. An error message appears if the control VPI falls into the VPI range belonging to a VSI partition.

No Automatic Routing Management connection exists on (VPI.start_VCI to VPI.start_VCI+14). If any Automatic Routing Management connection exists on these VPI/VCI values, you are not allowed to use these VPI/VCI values.

This VPI is reserved for control VCs.

Default: 0


Default: 40

Related Commands

addctrlr, delshelf, dspnode, dsptrks


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BPX switch with IGX interface shelf.
IGX switch with IGX shelves.

BPX switch with the MGX 8220 shelf.

BPX with the MGX 8850 shelf.

BPX switch for MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) controller (LSC).





Example 1

Interface shelf: addshelf 11.1 a 21 200

MPLS controller: addshelf 4.1 vsi 1 1 0 40


Interface shelf:

Add trunk 11.1 as an MGX 8220 interface shelf. After you add the shelf, the screen displays a confirmation message and the name of the shelf.

MPLS controller:

Add trunk 4.1 as a VSI-MPLS controller interface shelf with control ID set to 1, partition ID set to 1, control VC VPI set to 0, and control VC VCI start at 40. After you add the LSC, the screen displays a confirmation message and the name of the shelf.

Description for Interface Shelves

An interface shelf can be one of these:

The (VPI.VCI) of the 15 control VCs is:
(control_VPI.control_VCI_start) to (control_VPI.control_VCI_start+14).

The control VC used for slot n (1<= n<=15) is:
(control_VPI.control_VCI_start + n -1).

Example for Interface Shelves

Add an MGX 8220 at trunk 11.1. After you add the shelf, the screen displays a confirmation message and the name of the shelf. Add the MGX 8220 (may be referred to on screen as AXIS):

addshelf 11.1 a

The sample display shows a partially executed command prompting you for the interface shelf type:

System Response
nmsbpx23 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10    Apr. 4 2000   13:28 PST BPX Interface Shelf Information Trunk Name Type Alarm 1.3 AXIS240 AXIS OK 11.2 A242 AXIS OK This Command: addshelf 11.1 a Enter Interface Shelf Type: I (IGX/AF), A (AXIS), P (APS), V (VSI), X (AAL5) Next Command:
Example for Adding an MGX 8850 AAL5 (ATM Adaptive Layer/5) Interface Shelf

Add an MGX 8850 at trunk 4.8. After you add the MGX 8800 shelf, the screen displays a confirmation message and the name of the shelf.

To add the MGX 8850 (may be referred to on screen as AAL5), use this command:

addshelf 4.8 x

The system response shows that an MGX 8850 was added on trunk 4.8 as an AAL5 (ATM Adaptive Layer 5 type of interface shelf. (Adding an MGX 8850 interface shelf is similar to adding an MPLS controller interface shelf.)

System Response
pswbpx3 TN SuperUser BPX 8600 9.3.10    June 6 2000   13:28 PST BPX 8620 Interface Shelf Information Trunk Name Type Part Id Ctrl Id Control_VC Alarm VPI VCIRange 4.8 SIMFDR0 AAL/5 - - - - OK This Command: addshelf 4.8 x Enter Interface Shelf Type: I (IGX/AF), A (AXIS), P (APS), V (VSI), X (AAL5) Next Command:
Description for MPLS

For MPLS to carry traffic, you must first up the link to an MPLS controller (by using uptrk) at the BPX node. You can then add the link to the network (by using addshelf).

The link must be free of major alarms before you can add it with the addshelf command.

Note   Once you up a port on the BXM in either trunk or port mode by using either the uptrk or upport commands, respectively, you can up only those ports in the same mode.


Parameter Description


Specifies the BXM slot and port number of the trunk. You can configure the port for either trunk (network) or port (service) mode.


VSI, which is "Virtual Switch Interface, specifies a virtual interface to an MPLS controller such as a Cisco 7200 or 7500 series router.

control ID

Control IDs must be in the range of 1 to 32, and you must set these identically on the LSC and in the addshelf command. A control ID of "1" is the default used by the MPLS controller (LSC).

control VPI

Starting VPI of the VSI control channels used for communication between the VSI master residing on the SES and VSI slaves residing on the BXM cards. There can be a total of 12 such channels one for each slave residing on each BXM card.

For a trunk interface with NNI header type:
Range 0-4095

For a trunk interface with UNI header type:
Range: 0-255
Default value: 0

start VCI

Starting VCI of the VSI control channels. This vci value is assigned to the first VSI control channel (between the VSI master and the VSI slave residing on the BXM card in slot 1). The last VSI control channel corresponding to communication with the VSI slave on slot 14 will use the vci value of


Range: 33-65521
Default value: 40

Example for MPLS

Add a MPLS controller link to a BPX node by entering the addshelf command at the desired BXM port:

addshelf 4.1 vsi 1 1 0 40

System Response
nmsbpx23 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.3.10    Aug. 1 2000 13:28 PST BPX 8620 Interface Shelf Information Trunk Name Type Part Id Ctrl Id Control_VC Alarm VPI VCIRange 4.8 SIMFDR0 AAL/5 - - - - OK 4.1 VSI VSI 1 1 0 40-54 OK This Command: addshelf 4.1 v 1 1 0 40 Next Command:


Enables card redundancy for BPX (and IGX) cards. Use the addyred command to specify the slots of the primary and secondary (standby) cards that form the redundant pair.

You must use the addyred command to configure a VSI slave redundant card. When a standby slave card is first started (either by having been inserted into the slot, or if you issue the addyred command from the CLI console), the active slave will forward all VSI messages it had received from the master VSI controller card to the standby slave VSI controller card.

Redundant card sets must have the following characteristics:

In both the single and multiport card sets, if the secondary card set becomes active, the primary card set serves as its backup (assuming the primary card set is complete and not failed). You cannot use the addyred command if the primary and secondary slots are empty.

If cards reside in the primary and secondary slots, the system checks for card compatibility. Two types of incompatibility can occur: back card and jumper or cable inconsistencies. (On SDI, FRI, and FTI cards, jumpers determine whether a port is configured as DCE or DTE. On LDI cards, either a DCE or DTE adapter cable connects to the LDI port. For descriptions of the jumper positions and cabling, see the Cisco BPX8600 Series Installation and Configuration guide.)

Note that the addyred command prevents invalid configurations when you try to configure the SONET APS (Automatic Protection Switching) feature. When SONET APS is configured, you will not be able to use the addyred or delyred commands on a card configured for APS 1:1 architecture. That is, you will not be able to execute the addyred command, then configure the APS 1:1 architecture. Similarly, you will not be able to configure APS 1:1, then execute the addyred command. You will be blocked from executing these commands at the command line interface.

If one card does not support a legacy features, the addyred command is blocked. For example, if one card supports VSI and has a controller added to it and the other card does not support VSI, the addyred command is blocked. However, for some newer features like VSI, even if neither card supports the feature, Y-redundancy might be permitted. For example, if one card supports VSI but doesnt have any controllers or partitions on it and the other card does not support VSI, the addyred command may proceed.

If incompatibilities exist, the message "Y-Cable Conflict" appears on the screen. Specific conflicts are listed in reverse video in the dspyred display. See the dspyred description for more information.

To ensure that only cards with the Idle Code Suppression feature enabled on them are allowed to be a Y-redundancy pair, addyred blocks cards that have different idle code suppression capability.

Full Name

Add Y-cable redundancy


addyred <primary slot> <secondary slot>


Parameter Description

primary slot

Specifies the slot number of the primary card set.

secondary slot

Specifies the slot number of the secondary card set.

Related Commands

delyred, dspyred, prtyred


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Use the cnfqbin command to configure the Qbin (Class of Service buffers) on a selected BXM port, physical trunk, or virtual trunk.

This command lets you accept the default values from the interface Service Class Template, as an option. For example, enter Yes when prompted whether the interface Service Class Template (SCT) should be used; the command will use the Qbin values from the Qbin templates. In this case, you will not be allowed to enter values for any Qbin parameter. You can, however, enter desired values if you do not selected the template option.

When a VSI interface is activated, the default template (MPLS1) is assigned to an interface. The corresponding Qbin template is copied into the card Qbin data structure for that interface. When you want to change this, give new values by using the cnfqbin command; then the Qbin is user-configured as opposed to template-configured. This information is displayed on the dspqbin screen. It indicates whether the values in the Qbin are from the template assigned to the interface OR the values have been changed to user-defined values.

There are 16 Qbins (numbered 0 through 15) per interface. Only Qbins 10-15 are used by VSI. You can configure only the VSI Qbins 10-15.

To fine tune traffic delay, use the cnfqbin command to adjust the thresholds for the traffic arriving in the VSI qbins for a given interface.

If you use the cnfqbin command to disable an existing Qbin, the egress of the connection traffic to the network is disabled. Re-enable the Qbin to restore the egress traffic.

Note   Cell Delay Variation (CDV) is based on the Qbin depths and the transmission speed of the virtual switch interface. The default Qbin depths are specified in the Service Class Templates (SCTs). You can configure the Qbin depths by using the cnfqbin command.
Cell Tolerance Delay (CTD), which is the fixed delay, is based on a fixed value, and is not configurable.

Full Name

Configure Qbin


cnfqbin <slot number>.<port number>.<vtrk>


Parameter Description


Specifies the BXM card slot and port number.

Qbin ID

Specifies the ID number of the qbin available for use by VSI controller.
Range: 10-15

Enable Qbin

Answer yes or no to enable your Qbin configuration.

Minimum Bandwidth

Specifies the minimum bandwidth in cells per second available for the Qbin.
Range: 0-352207
Default: 0

Qbin Discard Threshold

Specifies the Qbin depth in units of cells.

CLP Low Threshold

Specifies the threshold in percentage for CLP low.
Range: 0-100

CLP High Threshold

Specifies the threshold in percentage for CLP high.
Range: 0-100

EFCI threshold

Specifies the threshold in percentage for EFCI.
Range: 0-100


Specifies that the interface Service Class Template should be used to configure the Qbin parameters. Thus the cnfqbin command will use the card's Qbin values from the Qbin template. If you do not choose the template option, you can enter your preferred values for the Qbin parameters.

Related Commands

dspqbin, dspqbint


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Example 1

cnfqbin 14.1 10


Configure the parameters of Qbin 10 on BXM OC-3 port 4.1.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 17:01 GMT Qbin Database 4.1 on BXM qbin 10 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 105920 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% This Command: cnfqbin 4.1 10 'E' to Enable, 'D' to Disable [E]:
Example 2

cnfqbin 4.2 11


Configure Qbin 11 for BXM OC-3 trunk 4.2. Change the Qbin Discard threshold from 105920 to 100000 cells.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 17:10 GMT Qbin Database 4.2 on BXM qbin 11 (Configured by User) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 100000 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: cnfqbin 4.2 11 E N 100000 95 100 100
Example 3

cnfqbin 4.2 15 E N 100000 95 100 100


You can also set the previous parameters for Qbin 15:

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 17:16 GMT Qbin Database 4.2 on BXM qbin 15 (Configured by User) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 100000 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: cnfqbin 4.2 15 E N 100000 95 100 100 Next Command:
Qbin Dependencies

The available Qbin parameters are shown in Table 78. Notice that the Qbins available for VSI are restricted to Qbins 10-15 for that interface.

There are 9 Qbin templates. Each Qbin template is associated with one corresponding Service Class Template. For Qbin default settings, see Table 79.

Table 78: Available Qbin Parameters
Template Object Name Template Units Template Range/Values

Qbin Number


0-15 (10-15 valid for VSI)

Max Qbin Threshold



Qbin CLP High Threshold

% of max Qbin threshold


Qbin CLP Low Threshold

% of max Qbin threshold


EFCI Threshold

% of max Qbin threshold


Discard Selection


1: CLP Hystersis

2: Frame Discard

Weighted Fair Queueing


0: Disable

1: Enable

Refer to Table 74 for a list of cnfqbin parameters with possible values and ranges.


Table 79: Qbin Default Settings
Qbin Max Qbin Threshold (usec) CLP High CLP Low/EPD EFCI Discard Selection
Template 1

10 (Null, Signalling, Tag0,4)






11 (Tag1,5)






12 (Tag2,6)






13 (Default, Tag3,7)






14 (Tag Abr)






15 (Tag unused)






Templates 2 (with policing) and 3

10 (Null, CBR)






11 (VbrRt)






12 (VbrNrt, Signaling)






13 (Default, Ubr)






14 (Abr)






15 (Unused)






Full Support for ATMF and reduced support for Tag CoS without Tag-Abr
Templates 4 (with policing) and 5

10 (Tag 0,4,1,5, Default, UBR, Tag-Abr*)






11 (VbrRt)






12 (VbrNrt, Signaling)






13 (Tag 2,6,3,7)






14 (Abr)






15 (Cbr)






Full Support for Tag ABR and ATMF without Tag CoS Templates 6 (with policing) and 7

10 (Tag 0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7 Default, UBR)






11 (VbrRt)






12 (VbrNrt, Signaling)






13 (Tag-Abr)






14 (Abr)






15 (Cbr)






Full Support for Tag CoS and reduced support for ATMF Templates 8 (with policing) and 9

10 (Cbr, Vbr-rt)






11 (Vbr-nrt, Abr, Signalling)






12 (Ubr, Tag 0,4)






13 (Tag 1, 5, Tag-Abr)






14 (Tag 2,6)






15 (Tag 3, 7)







Use the cnfrsrc command to configure resources on ports, physical trunks and virtual trunks. You can partition resources for Automatic Routing Management PVCs, VSI-MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), or PNNI.

This command supports both physical trunks and virtual trunks. After VSI has been enabled, the virtual trunk becomes a "dedicated" VSI virtual trunk.

The switch software will prevent you from configuring VSI:

You can configure a virtual trunk to be dedicated to VSI or to Automatic Routing Management. You cannot configure a virtual trunk for both VSI and Automatic Routing Management.

The switch software prevents a VSI partition from being disabled on a trunk interface if a PNNI controller is attached to the trunk interface controlling partition being disabled.

It is possible to have PVCs terminating on the Label Switch Controller itself. This example reserves approximately 10 Mbps (26000 cells per sec) for PVCs, and allows up to 256 PVCs on the switch port connected to the LSC.

The VSI maximum and minimum logical connections (LCNs) will determine the maximum number of virtual connections (VCs) that can be supported on the interface. The number of VCs required on the interface is controller dependent.

By default, the LSC will use either a starting VSI VPI of 1 or 2 for label switching, whichever is available. If both are available, a starting VSI VPI of 1 is used. The VPI range should be 2-3 on a BPX VSI connected to a 6400, 7200 or 7500 AIP. If VPI 2 is not to be used, you can use the label switching VPI interface configuration command on the LSC to override the defaults.

Full Name

Configure resources


cnfrsrc <slot.port.vtrk>

or on physical trunks:

cnfrsrc <slot>.<port>.<vtrk> <maxpvclcns> <maxpvcbw> <y/n> <partition> <e/d> <minvsilcns> <maxvsilcns> <vsistartvpi> <vsiendvpi><vsiminbw> <vsimaxbw>

or on feeder trunks/ports:

cnfrsrc <slot>.<port>.<vtrk> <maxpvclcns> <maxpvcbw><y/n> [<pvcstartvpi1> <pvcendvpi1> <pvcstartvpi2><pvcendvpi2><pvcstartvpi3><pvcendvpi3><pvcstartvpi4><pvcendvpi4>]<y/n> <partition> <e/d> <minvsilcns> <maxvsilcns> <vsistartvpi> <vsiendvpi><vsiminbw> <vsimaxbw>


Table 80 lists the cnfrsrc parameters used for configuring resources for VSI partitions (an MPLS controller, for example).

Table 81 is a list of cnfrsrc parameters.

Table 80: cnfrsrc Parameters Used for Configuring Resources for VSI Partitions
Object Name Range/Values Default Description

VSI partition



Identifies the partition.

Partition state

0 = Disable Partition

1 = Enable Partition


For Partition state = 1, the VSI parameters are mandatory.

Enable Partition

e or d

Enable Partition

Answer e to enable or d to disable your configured partition.


0 to port_group/card limit


Minimum LCNs (conns) guaranteed for this partition.


1 to port_group/card limit


Maximum LCNs permitted on this partition.




Partition Start VPI.




Partition End VPI. VSI connections on this partition can use VPIs up to this VPI. The end VSI VPI should be equal to or greater than the Start VSI VPI.

Min VSI Bw

0-Line Rate


Minimum Partition bandwidth.


0-Line Rate


Maximum Partition bandwidth.

Table 81: cnfrsrc Parameters
Parameter Description


Specifies the BXM card slot and port number and virtual trunk.

Maximum PVC LCNs

The maximum number of LCNs allocated for Automatic Routing Management PVCs for this port.

Range: 1-port_group/card limit. (You can obtain these values by using the dspcd command.)
Default: 256

For trunks, there are additional LCNs allocated for Automatic Routing Management that are not configurable.

You can use the dspcd <slot> command to display the maximum number of LCNs you can configure by using the cnfrsrc command for the given port.

For trunks, configurable LCNs represent the LCNs remaining after the BCC has subtracted the networking LCNs needed. A trunk has 270 networking LCNs, or channels.

By default, when a port/trunk is upped, in addition to the 256 PVC LCNs, 200 Gateway LCNs are allocated for that port/trunk. The Gateway LCNs are used for non-UXM to UXM connections (like Frame Relay or ATFR). When PVC LCNs are reduced using the cnfrsrc command, the Gateway LCNs are also reduced so that it is always less than the PVC LCNs. However, when PVC LCNs are increased, the Gateway LCNs are not increased.

Setting this field to "0" would disable Automatic Routing Management PVCs on the specified port.

    Note   You must specify a value greater than 0 for the Maximum PVC LCNs and Maximum PVC Bandwidth. Otherwise, you will not be able to create any Automatic Routing Management connections on a BXM port or trunk. Also, if these parameters do not have values greater than 0, you will be unable to change the connection channel amount when you configure the BXM trunk by using cnftrk.

Maximum PVC Bandwidth

Specifies the maximum bandwidth of the port allocated for Automatic Routing Management use.

Range: 0-352207

Default: The bandwidth is based on the logical interface (slot.port). The default value for this object is the line rate of this interface.

Card Type | Bandwidth

BXM E3 | 80000
BXM T3 | 96000
BXM OC-3             | 353208
BXM OC-12 | 1412830

You can configure the Maximum PVC Bandwidth value for ports, but not for trunks.

Note that you must specify a value greater than 0 for the Maximum PVC LCNs and Maximum PVC Bandwidth parameters. Otherwise, you will not be able to create any Automatic Routing Management PVCs on the BXM port or trunk.

This parameter is not prompted and is not configurable for trunks and virtual trunks.

Configure PVC VPI ranges?

You are prompted for this only on port and feeder trunk interfaces.

Answer Yes or No to begin configuring the PVC VPI ranges. The ranges are defined to enable migration of PVCs to SPVCs.

Default: No

No means you will not be prompted for the PVC VPI ranges.
Yes means you will be prompted to configure PVC VPI ranges.

You can configure up to four PVC VPI ranges, each defined by the start and end PVC VPI range parameters.

If any one of the PVC VPI ranges is defined, then all PVCs must be within the defined PVC VPI ranges.

If none of the PVC VPI ranges is defined, then PVCs can be added with a VPI that is not within any VSI VPI ranges.

Start of PVC VPI range 1

Start of PVC VPI range 1.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 1 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 1

End of PVC VPI range 1.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 1 defines a PVC VPI range.

Start of PVC VPI range 2

Start of PVC VPI range 2.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 2 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 2

End of PVC VPI range 2.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 2 defines a PVC VPI range.

Start of PVC VPI range 3

Start of PVC VPI range 3.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 3 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 3

End of PVC VPI range 3.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 3 defines a PVC VPI range.

Start of PVC VPI range 4

Start of PVC VPI range 4.

Default: -1

This range, together with End of PVC range 4 defines a PVC VPI range.

End of PVC VPI range 4

End of PVC VPI range 4.

Default: -1

This range, together with Start of PVC range 4 defines a PVC VPI range.

Related Commands



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Feature Mismatching to Verify VSI Support

The cnfrsrc and addshelf commands, in addition to other configuration commands, performs mismatch verification on the BXM (and UXM) cards. For example, the cnfrsrc and addshelf commands verify whether the cards both have VSI 2.0 support configured.

The Feature Mismatching capability will not check mismatched cards unless the actual feature has been enabled on the card. This allows for a graceful card migration from an older release.

Resource Partitioning

The VSIs must partition the resources between competing controllers: Automatic Routing Management, MPLS, and PNNI, for example. Different types of controllers can share a node's resources. For example, Automatic Routing Management, and MPLS, or Automatic Routing Management and PNNI (SVCs), but not PNNI and MPLS, can share resources.

Up to three partitions are supported and any three may be of a single type. The user interface will block the activation of partitions with ID higher than 1 if the card does not support multiple partitions.

The resources that you need to configure for a partition are shown in Table 3 for a partition designated ifci, which stands for interface controller 1, in this example.

The three parameters that must be distributed are:

Table 82: ifci—Parameters (Virtual Switch Interface)
ifci parameters Min Max










Possible value ranges for a partition are listed in Table 2:

When you add a trunk, the entire bandwidth is allocated to Automatic Routing Management (formerly known as AutoRoute). To change the allocation to provide resources for a VSI, use the cnfrsrc command on the BPX switch. A view of the resource partitioning available is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 7: Graphical View of Resource Partitioning, Automatic Routing Management, and VSI

Partition Information Sent to Cisco WAN Manager

When the partition information is configured for the first time or any parameters are changed, Cisco WAN Manager is updated through a robust message.


On each interface (port or trunk) on the BXM cards used for PNNI/MPLS controllers, two sets of resources must be divided up between traditional PVC connections and switching connections. The traditional PVC connections are configured directly on the BPX platform, and switching connections are set up by the controllers using the VSI. These resources are partitioned on each interface:

As with all ATM switches, the BPX switch supports up to a specified number of connections. On the BPX switch, the number of connections supported depends on the number of port/trunk cards installed. On each interface, space for connections is divided up between traditional BPX switch permanent virtual circuit (PVC) connections, Label Switching VCs (LVCs), and PNNI Switching VCs (SVC).

VSI Partitioning

VSI partitioning requires the following commands and procedures:

Defining the PVC VPI Range

You can define the PVC VPI ranges by filling the VSI fields described in the previous section. In the following sample system response of the cnfrsrc command, note that the * next to the VPI fields denote that the PVC and VSI VPI space overlap. You are prompted if the overlapping VSI partition is an MPLS partition. If it is, then the command will be abort because overlapping VPI ranges between Automatic Routing Management and MPLS is not supported.

Configuring the PVC VPI ranges requires the BXM card to have VSI level 3 support. An error message is displayed if you want to configured the PVC VPI ranges but the VSI level on the card is lower than 3.

Increasing the VSI LCN Range

You can increase the number of LCNs reserved for VSI by increasing the Minimum VSI LCNs and/or Maximum VSI LCNs of the appropriate VSI partition. Increasing the VSI LCN space may cause a number of AR connections to be reprogrammed. You will see a warning: "Channel conflict, max LCN w/o reprog = 5. LCN(s) to reprogram = 20." The command will proceed only if you so choose.

Increasing the Number of LCNs Guaranteed for a VSI Partition

You can increase the number of LCNs guaranteed for a given VSI partition by increasing the Minimum VSI LCNs of the desired partition. If the new number does not cause the total VSI LCNs to be increased (that is, if you want to increase the Minimum VSI LCNs at the expense of the common pool), the request will be denied if there isn't enough free VSI LCNs in the common pool. The BXM card cannot find enough free VSI LCNs to give to the specified partition. More AR LCNs must be made available to VSI for the request to succeed. The cnfrsrc will display a message: "Resource not available, maximum available LCN(s) is 50. 100 more LCN needed." This indicates the number of AR LCNs that should be made available to the VSI.

Increasing VSI Bandwidth

You can increase the bandwidth of VSI by increasing the Minimum VSI Bandwidth or Maximum VSI Bandwidth of the appropriate VSI partition.

Note   Increasing VSI bandwidth may trigger a rerouting of all connections on that trunk.

Disabling Connection Admission Control (CAC) on a Port

To oversubscribe the AR bandwidth on a given port, make sure that the CAC feature is disabled on the port. Use the cnfport command for this purpose; the CAC Override field should specify "Enabled".

cnfport <slot.port>[.vtrk] <options for E1 | T1 | E3 | T3 | OC-3 | OC-12 | E2 | HSSI | SR >

Oversubscribing AR Bandwidth on a Port

To oversubscribe the AR bandwidth on a given port, make sure that the CAC feature is disabled on the port. Refer to Disabling Connection Admission Control (CAC) on a Port for more details.

Use the cnfrsrc command to decrease the bandwidth allocated for AR and give it to the VSI partition that is going to receive the AR connections. The cnfrsrc command contains 4 fields that specify information about the bandwidth:

The cnfrsrc command verifies that the sum of the Maximum PVC Bandwidth, Statistical Reserve, and the VSI bandwidth of all VSI partitions on the port does not exceed the port speed.

You can decrease the AR bandwidth by decreasing the Maximum PVC Bandwidth field. To increase the VSI bandwidth:

In the example below you can see that all of the AR bandwidth on the port was given to VSI.

Example 1

cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 N Y 1 e 512 16384 2 15 26000 100000


Configure the VSI partition1 for port 4.1 without defining PVC VPI ranges.

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Apr. 4 2000    16:40 PST Port : 4.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 26000 (CAC Reserve: 0) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 512 /7000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 2/15 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 26000 /100000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: cnfrsrc 12.5 256 26000 N Y 1 e 512 7000 2 15 26000 100000 Next Command:
Example 2

cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 Y 0 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Y 1 e 512 16384 2 15 26000 100000


Configure the VSI partition1 for port 4.1, defining overlapping PVC VPI ranges. The overlapping VPI ranges are indicated by an asterisk * next to the range values.

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Apr. 4 2000    16:40 PST Port : 4.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 26000 (CAC Reserve: 0) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: 0 */255 * PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 512 /7000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 2 */15 * 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 26000 /100000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: cnfrsrc 12.5 256 26000 Y 0 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Y 1 e 512 7000 2 15 26000 100000 Next Command:
Example 3

cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 Y 1 e 512 16384 2 15 26000 100000


Configure the VSI partition1 for trunk 4.2. You are not prompted for "configure PVC VPI ranges".

System Response
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Apr. 4 2000    16:40 PST Trunk: 4.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 26000 (CAC Reserve: 1000) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 512 /7000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 2 /15 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 26000 /100000 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: cnfrsrc 12.5 256 352207 Y 1 e 512 7000 2 15 26000 100000 Next Command:


Use the cnfvsiif command to assign a Service Class Templates (SCT) to an interface.

Use the dspvsiif command to display a Service Class Template assigned to an interface, as well as display a summary of the resources allocated to the VSI partition on a given interface.

Assigning a Service Template to an Interface

A default service template is assigned to a logical interface (VI) when you up the interface by using upport and uptrk.

For example:

This default template (MPLS1) has the identifier of 1 . You can change the service template from service template 1 to another service template using the cnfvsiif command. The dspvsiif command allows you to display the template associated with the interface. For example:

Full Name

Assign a Service Class Template to an interface.


cnfvsiif <slot.port.vtrk> <tmplt_id>

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfqbin, dspqbin


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cnfvsiif 4.1 2


Assign Service Class Template 2 to port interface 4.1.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 17:58 GMT Port: 4.1 Service Class Template ID: 2 VSI Partitions : channels bw vpi Part E/D min max min max start end ilmi 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 2 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 3 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D Last Command: cnfvsiif 4.1 2 Next Command:


Use the cnfvsipart command to enable or disable VSI ILMI support.

You may enable VSI ILMI on only 1 VSI partition on the interface.

Note   Starting with Release 9.3, this command is used only on a trunk interface. To enable VSI ILMI on the port interface, use the cnfport command to enable ILMI and Protocol By Card.

Full Name

Configure VSI ILMI on VSI paritition


cnfvsipart <slot.port.[vtrk]> <part_id> <enable_option>


Parameter Description


Slot, port (and virtual port if applicable) of the interface.


Partition ID corresponding to the VSI partition.


This parameter indicates whether to enable or disable VSI ILMI functionality.

Valid values:

  • Y enables the VSI ILMI session.

  • N disables the VSI ILMI session.

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dspvsipartcnf, cnfport, cnftrk


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cnfvsipart 4.2 1 Y


Enable VSI ILMI on BXM trunk 4.2, VSI partition 1.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 18:20 GMT Trunk: 4.2 Partn: 1 ILMI: E LCN: 543 Topo: BPX NW IP Last Command: cnfvsipart 4.2 1 Y Next Command:


Deletes VSI capabilities on a trunk interface to which a feeder of type AAL5 is attached. Use this command to delete a controller, such as a PNNI SES controller, from a BPX node. It deletes the VSI control channels used to communicate between the VSI master on the PNNI controller and the VSI slaves on the BXM cards.

Run this command as the first step in deleting a PNNI controller from a BPX node. The second step is to run the command delshelf to delete the AAL5 feeder.

Note   Do not use delctrlr to delete a VSI Label Switching controller from a BPX node; you must use delshelf to delete a VSI Label Switching controller from a BPX node.

PNNI runs on the Service Expansion Shelf (SES) hardware.

To add VSI controller capabilities onto the newly created AAL5 interface, you use the addctrlr command. You are prompted to enter the controller ID and partition ID. This creates an interface through which a PNNI controller can use the VSI protocol to control the node resources that were previously specified by using the cnfrsrc command.

Remove a PNNI controller from a node by using the delctrlr command. For example, this might be a VSI controller such as a PNNI controller configured with VSI capabilities as an AAL5 interface shelf to a BPX. When you delete one of the controllers by using the delctrlr command, the master-slave connections associated with this controller are deleted. The control VCs associated with other controllers managing the same partition will not be affected.

Note   To add a VSI Label Switch Controller, use addshelf and delshelf commands.

Full Name

Delete VSI capabilities from an AAL5 feeder interface


delctrlr <slot.port> <controller id>


Parameter Description


Slot and port numbers corresponding to the feeder trunk.

controller id

Controller ID number corresponding to the PNNI controller you are deleting. ID numbers should correspond to an active PNNI controller.

Range: 1-32

Related Commands

addctrlr, dspctrlrs, dspnode


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Example 1

delctrlr 10.3


Delete VSI controller with interface shelf (feeder) type of AAL5 connected on trunk 10.3 from the list of controllers connected to BPX node named "night."

System Response
night TN StrataCom BPX 8600 9.3.10   Apr. 11 2000 14:31 GMT BPX Controllers Information Trunk Name Type Part Id Ctrl Id Ctrl IP State 10.3 PAR VSI 1 2 Enabled 11.1 VSI VSI 2 2 Disabled Last Command: delctrlr 10.3
Example 2

delctrlr <slot.port><controller_id>


Deletes controller from port 3 on slot 10, with controller name E, and controller ID of 1.

System Response
night TN StrataCom BPX 8600 9.3.10   Apr. 11 2000 14:31 GMT BPX Controllers Information Trunk Name Type Part Id Ctrl Id Ctrl IP State 10.3 PAR VSI 1 1 Enabled 11.1 VSI VSI 2 2 Disabled Last Command: delctrlr 10.3


Deletes an interface shelf from a tiered network. The identifier for an interface shelf is either the trunk number or the name of the shelf. Normally, you do not execute delshelf only at the hub node, but on the IGX/AF itself.

The command delshelf has the single function of letting you turn off LMI if the trunk is not allowing communication. In contrast to the deltrk command, you can execute delshelf at any time if no connections terminate at the trunk.

Deleting a Controller

You remove a controller from the node by using the delshelf command. When one of the controllers is deleted using the delshelf command, the master-slave connections associated with this controller will be deleted. The control VCs associated with other controllers managing the same partition will not be affected.

The deletion of the controller will trigger a new VSI configuration CommBus (internal BPX protocol) message. This message will include the list of the controllers attached to the node. The controller deleted will be removed from the list. This message will be sent to all active slaves in the shelf. In cluster configurations, deleting a controller will be communicated to the remote slaves by the slave directly attached through the interslave protocol.

While there is at least one controller attached to the node controlling a given partition, the resources in use on this partition should not be affected by a controller being deleted. Only when a given partition is disabled, the slaves will release all the VSI resources used on that partition.

Full Name

Delete an interface shelf


delshelf <trunk> | <shelf-name>


Parameter Description

trunk or shelf name

Specifies the slot and port number of the trunk or the name of the interface shelf.

Related Commands

addshelf, dspnode


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Example 1

delshelf 4.1


Delete shelf trunk A241 from a BPX node.

System Response
nmsbpx23 TN SuperUser BPX 8600 9.3.10     July 16 2000 13:26 PST BPX Interface Shelf Information Trunk Name Type Alarm 1.3 AXIS240 AXIS OK 11.2 A242 AXIS OK Last Command: delshelf A241 Shelf has been deleted Next Command:


This command disables Y-redundancy for the card set in the specified primary slot number. If the secondary card slot is being used as the active slot at the time you use the delyred command, the system attempts to switch back to the primary slot. The substitution takes place only if the primary slot has a complete set of cards and the cards are in a Standby or a Standby-F state (not if they are Failed). See the dspcds description for information on card states. See the addyred and dspyred commands for more information on Y-cable redundancy.

When you issue the delyred command, it always completes. If the primary card is incomplete, control will still be given to the primary card.

Full Name

Delete Y-cable redundancy


delyred <primary slot>

Related Commands

addyred, dspyred, prtyred


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The dspchuse command displays a summary of the channel distribution in a given slot of a BPX (or IGX) switch. It shows the distribution of channels between Automatic Routing Management PVCs, networking channels, VSI management channels, and channels allocated to the VSI slave.

If you do not enter a slot number, a summary of channels allocated for all the BXM cards that are active will be displayed. You are then prompted to enter a slot number.

Full Name

Display channel management database


dspchuse <slot>

Display Fields

Parameter Description


Maximum number of channels supported on the card.


Number of channels currently used; this includes all types of channels: networking channels, PVCs, VSI master-slave VCs, and channels allocated to VSI partitions


Number or channels still available for use.


Number of network channels used. For each trunk interface (feeder trunk, physical trunk, or virtual trunk) that is up, 270 channels are reserved for networking.

PVC cnfg

Number of channels configured for PVCs (AR connections).

VSI mgmt

Number of channels used for VSI master-slave VCs.

VSI cnfg

VSI channels reserved for use by the slave to set up connections requested via the VSI interface.

PVC used

Channels currently used by Automatic Routing Management connections.

vsi min

VSI min channels configured for a partition via the cnfrsrc command.

vsi max

VSI max channels configured for a partition via the cnfrsrc command.


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Use the dspctrlrs command to display all VSI controllers, such as a SES PNNI controller attached to a BPX. You can display just information on individual controllers by specifying the controller ID. If you do not specify the controller ID, information on all controllers in the node is displayed.

This command lists:

You can also the dspnode command to display the VSI controllers on a BPX node.

Full Name

Displays all VSI controllers, for example, all PNNI controllers such as PNNI, on a BPX or IGX node.


dspctrlrs <slot.port><controller name string><partition_id><controller_id>

Related Commands

addctrlr, addshelf, cnfctrlr, delctrlr, dspnode


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Display VSI controllers on a BPX node.

System Response
sw174 TRM StrataCom BPX 8620 9.3.10   Sep 20 2000 14:31 GMT BPX 8620 VSI controller information Ctrl Id Part Id Trunk Ctrlr Type Intfc Type Name 1 1 2.1 VSI AAL5 SIMFDR0 Last Command: dspctrlrs


The dspqbin command displays the Qbin resources on a selected trunk, port, or virtual trunk:

Only Qbins (Class of Service Buffers) 10 to 15 are used for VSI connections.

To display all VSI Qbins on an interface, pass the wildcard character (teh asterisk *) as the Qbin ID to the command.

Full Name

Display Qbin


dspqbin <slot number>.<port number><virtual trunk number> [qbin-id]


Parameter Description


Specifies the UXM card slot number, port number, and virtual trunk number.

Qbin ID

Specifies the ID number of the qbin available for use by the LSC (MPLS Controller) for VSI.
Range: 10-15

Related Commands

cnfqbin, dspqbint


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Example 1

dspqbin 4.2 10


Display the current Qbin configuration on Qbin 10 of the OC-3 trunk 4.2

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 19:45 GMT Qbin Database 4.2 on BXM qbin 10 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 105920 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: dspqbin 4.2 10 Next Command:
Example 2

dspqbin 10.2 15


Display the current Qbin configuration on slot 10, port 2, Qbin 15.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 19:48 GMT Qbin Database 10.2 on BXM qbin 15 (Configured by ATMF1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 131072 cells EPD Threshold: 60% High CLP Threshold: 80% EFCI Threshold: 100% Last Command: dspqbin 10.2 15 Next Command:
Example 3

dspqbin 10.1.1 *


Dispplay all VSI Qbins on virtual trunk 10.1.1. Answer yes when prompted to display the next Qbin.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 19:51 GMT Qbin Database 10.1.1 on BXM qbin 10 (Configured by MPLS1 Template) (EPD Enabled on this qbin) Qbin State: Enabled Discard Threshold: 900 cells EPD Threshold: 95% High CLP Threshold: 100% EFCI Threshold: 100% This Command: dspqbin 10.1.1 * Continue?

Class of Service Buffer Descriptor Template Configuration

Table 75 below lists parameters included in the Class of Service (CoS) Buffer (Qbin) portion of the Service Class Templates. Note that a Qbin is a platform-specific instance, such as BXM, of the more general Class of Service Buffer. A firmware command sends a command (message) to switch software to initialize the CoS Buffer Descriptors in the Service Class Templates. This command may contain multiple instances of Qbin number, each indicating a new Qbin configuration.

Table 83: Class of Service Buffer Parameters That Display on dspqbin Screen
Object (Parameter) Name Range/Values Default Description

Qbin Number



Identifies the target Qbin to modify.

Discard Selection

1: CLP Hysteresis (EPD Disabled)

2: Frame Discard (EPD Enabled)

EPD: Early Packet Discard


Indicates whether Qbin should perform the CLP Hysteresis or the Frame Discard option. You can configure the Qbin to do only one or the other.

Discard Threshold

0-? cells


The Qbin depth: Determines the amount of cell memory dedicated to this Qbin.

CLP High Threshold



Parameter determines at which level in the Qbin CLP-tagged cells are discarded. Discard continues until the Qbin depth drops below the Qbin CLP Low Threshold.

CLP Low Threshold



Parameter determines at which level in the Qbin CLP-tagged cells are admitted.

EFCI Threshold



Parameter determines at which level in the Qbin EFCI bits are tagged in the departing cells.

EPD Threshold



Parameter determines at which level the QBIN Frame Discard is activated.

Qbin Number



Identifies the target Qbin to modify.

Discard Selection

1: CLP Hysteresis (EPD Disabled)

2: Frame Discard (EPD Enabled)

EPD : Early Packet Discard


Indicates whether Qbin should perform the CLP Hysteresis or the Frame Discard option. You can configure the Qbin to do only one or the other.

Discard Threshold

0-? cells


The Qbin depth: Determines the amount of cell memory dedicated to this Qbin.


Use the dspqbint command to display the default Qbin parameters for a VSI Qbin in a Qbin template.

The Qbin template is associated with the Service Class Template. There are nine Service Class Templates so there are nine corresponding Qbin templates. Each Qbin template contains entries for all VSI qbins (10-15).

Full Name

Display Qbin template


dspqbint <Service_Class_Template #><qbin ID #>


Parameter Description


Specifies the Service Class Template associated with the Qbin.

Qbin ID #

Specifies the ID number of the Qbin available for use by the LSC (MPLS Controller) for VSI.
Range: 10-15

Related Commands

dspsct, dspqbin, cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfvsiif, dspvsiif


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dspqbint 1 10


Display the Qbin parameters in Qbin 10 of Service Class Template 1.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:08 GMT Service Template: 1 Qbin: 10 Discard Threshold: 300000 (micro secs) CLP Low/EPD Threshold: 95 (% of Discard Threshold) CLP High Threshold: 100 (% of Discard Threshold) EFCI Threshold: 100 (% of Discard Threshold) EPD: Enabled Vc Shaping: Enabled Last Command: dspqbint 1 10 Next Command:


The dsprsrc command displays the partition of all the resources on the specified trunk or port. It also displays virtual trunks for a specified trunk or port. Resources not applicable to virtual trunks are not displayed.

Full Name

Display resources


dsprsrc <slot number>.<port number>.<vtrk> [partition_id]


Parameter Description


Specifies the card slot.


Specifies the card port number.

Partition ID

Specifies the ID number of the partition available for use by the LSC (MPLS Controller) for VSI.

Range: 0-255
Default: 0
Valid partitions: 1, 2, and 3.

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, cnfqbin, dspqbin


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Example 1

dsprsrc 3.2.1


Display partition resources on the OC-3 trunk on card slot 3, port 2, and virtual trunk 1 on the BPX node.

System Response
sw57 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10     Mar. 10 2000 10:41 GMT Virtual Trunk: 3.2.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 3000 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 1867 (Statistical Reserve: 1000) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Disabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR
Example 2

dsprsrc 13.1


Display partition resources on the OC-3 trunk on port 1 of slot 13 on the BPX to support MPLS.

System Response
sw57 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.3.10    Mar. 10 2000 10:41 GMT Trunk : 13.1 Full Port Bandwidth: 353208 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth: 352207 (Statistical Reserve: 1000) PVC VPI RANGE [1]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [2]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [3]: -1 /-1 PVC VPI RANGE [4]: -1 /-1 Partition : 1 2 3 Partition State : Enabled Disabled Disabled VSI LCNS (min/max): 0 /6323 0 /0 0 /0 VSI VPI (start/end): 60 /70 0 /0 0 /0 VSI BW (min/max): 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 VSI ILMI Config: CLR CLR CLR Last Command: dsprsrc 13.1


The dspsct command displays a list of nine Service Class Templates (SCT). There are three levels of operations for this command:

Extended Services Types Support

The service-type parameter for a connection is specified in the connection bandwidth information parameter group. The service-type and service-category parameters determine the service class to be used from the service template.

Connection Admission Control (CAC)

When a connection request is received by the VSI slave, it is first subjected to a Connection Admission Control process before being forwarded to the firmware layer responsible for actually programming the connection.

The granting of the connection is based on these criteria:

LCNs available in the VSI partition

QoS guarantees

When the VSI slave accepts (that is, after CAC) a connection setup command from the VSI master in the Label Switch Controller, it receives information about the connection including service type, bandwidth parameters, and QoS parameters. This information is used to determine an index into the VI's selected Service Template's VC Descriptor table, thereby establishing access to the associated extended parameter set stored in the table.

Supported Service Types

The service type identifier is a 32-bit number. However, the service type identifier is represented as a string (service type) on the dspsct screen. For example, to specify a service class template number and service type:

dspsct 2 Abr

A list of supported service templates and associated qbins, and service types is shown in Table 16-16.

Table 84: Service Template and Associated Qbin Selection
Template Type Service Type ID Service Type Parameters Associated Qbin

VSI Special Types





See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types

13 for templates MPLS1, ATMF1 , and ATMF2.

10 for the rest of the templates.

10 for template MPLS1

MPLS Types

(for MPLS controllers)























See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.












ATMF1 and

ATMF2 templates

(for PNNI controllers)

























See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types, such as VbrRt1, Cbr1, and so on.













ATMF_tagcos_1 and














































See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.





































































See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.























atmf_TAGCoS_TAGABR_1 and














































See dspsct command for sample parameters for various service types.























Details of Connection (VC) Parameters Used in Service Class Templates

Listed below is detailed information on connection (VC) parameters used in service class templates. Some of these parameters may appear on the dspsct display.

Qbin # Description CoS Buffer (Qbin) to use for this CoS
Range/Values: 10 - 15 (for Release 9.2)
Units: enumeration UPC Enable Description: Enable/Disable Policing function. The first 2 values are consistent with the definition for the older cards. Option #2 and #3 are new and provide the ability to turn on policing on just GCRA #1 (PCR policing) or #2 (SCR policing). Range/Values: 0 -3
0: Disable both GCRAs
1: Enable both GCRAs
2: Enable GCRA #1 only (PCR policing)
3: Enable GCRA #2 only (SCR policing) Units: enumeration UPC CLP Selection Description: Selects processing of policing Buckets based on the CLP bit. Range/Values: 0 -2
0 - Bk 1: CLP (0+1), Bk 2: CLP (0)
1 - Bk 1: CLP (0+1), Bk 2: CLP (0+1)
2 - Bk 1: CLP (0+1), Bk 2: Disabled Units: enumeration Policing Action (GCRA #1) Description: Indicates how cells that fail the second bucket (SCR bucket) of the policer should be handled, if policing is enabled. Range/Values: 0 - Discard
1 - Set CLP bit
2 - Set CLP of untagged cells, disc. tag'd cells Units: enumeration Policing Action (GCRA #2) Description: Indicates how cells that fail the second bucket (SCR bucket) of the policer should be handled, if policing is enabled. Range/Values: 0 - Discard
1 - Set CLP bit
2 - Set CLP of untagged cells, disc. tag'd cells Units: enumeration PCR Description: Peak Cell Rate; used as default value if not supplied in VSI connection request. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec MCR Description: Minimum Cell Rate; used as default value if not supplied in VSI connection request. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec SCR Description: Sustained Cell Rate; used as default value if not supplied in VSI connection request. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec ICR Description: Initial Cell Rate . Used only for ABR VCs to set initial ACR value after idle traffic period. Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: cells/sec MBS Description: Maximum Burst Size - used to set bucket depth in policer function. Range/Values: 1 - 5M Units: cell count CoS Min BW Description: Bandwidth reserved for this Class of Service; used to initialize the CoS Buffer (Qbin) Minimum Service Rate (HW param. = ICG), and for CAC purposes (subject to CAC treatment type). Range/Values: 0% - 100% Units: % of Partition Min BW. CoS Max BW Description: Maximum value allowed for the sum of VC Min. BW's for this CoS; used by CAC (subject to CAC treatment type). Range/Values: 0% - 100% Units: % of Partition Max BW Scaling Class Description: Scaling table used for modifying per-VC thresholds under VI or Global cell-memory congestion. Range/Values: choices are 0 - 3, 0: CBR
1: VBR
2: ABR
3: UBR Units: enumeration CAC Treatment Description: Connection Admission Control algorithm used by this CoS Range/Values: 0 - 256 0: No CAC performed; all connections admitted. 1: LCN_CAC; check for LCN availability only; no BW consideration. 2: MINBW_CAC; LCN + simple min. BW test (sum_of_VC_min_BW <= CoS_max_BW) 3: CAC_2 w/ overbooking allowed 4: ECR_CAC; LCN + ECR calculation (from table) & BW test (sum_of VC_ECR <= Cos_max_BW). 5: CAC_4 w/ overbooking allowed 6: MEASURED_CAC; LCN + ECR calculation (from dynamic measurement) & BW test (sum_of VC_ECR <= Cos_max_BW). Units: enumeration VC Max Description: Maximum VC-cell-count threshold; all cells are discarded on a VC when this threshold has been exceeded. Range/Values: 0 - VI_max_cell_count Units: cell count VC CLPhi Description: VC cell count above which CLP=1 cells are discarded Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC CLPlo Description: VC cell count below which CLP=1 cells are no longer discarded (discards having begun when CLPhi was exceeded). Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC EPD Description: VC cell count above which AAL-5 frames are discarded Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC EFCI Description: VC cell count above which congestion notification is activated Range/Values: 0 - 100 Units: % of VC Max threshold VC Discard Selection Description: Choice of frame-based discard (EPD) or CLP-hysteresis Range/Values: 0 - 1
0: CLP Hysteresis
1: EPD Units: enumeration VSVD/FCES Description: For ABR VC's, enable/disable Virtual Source/Virtual Destination (VSVD) and/or Flow Control on External Segments (FCES) functionality Range/Values: 0 -2
0: None
2: VSVD w/ FCES Units: enumeration ADTF ABR only parameter Description: ACR decrease time factor; idle time before ACR -> ICR Range/Values: 10 - 1023 Units: milliseconds RDF ABR only parameter Description: Rate Decrease Factor
ACR = ACR - (ACR * RDF) Range/Values: 2 - 512, in powers of 2 Units: Inverse decrease factor RIF ABR only parameter Description: Rate Increase Factor
ACR = ACR + (PCR * RDF) Range/Values: 2 - 512, in powers of 2 Units: Inverse decrease factor NRM ABR only parameter Description: Number of data cells between FRM cells Range/Values: 2 - 512, in powers of 2 Units: cells TRM ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units: CDF ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units: TBE ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units: FRTT ABR only parameter Description: Range/Values: Units:
Full Name

Display Service Class Template (SCT)


dspsct [template #][service_type]

Related Commands

dspqbint, cnfvsiif, dspvsiif


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Example 1



Displays all the templates in the BPX node.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:23 GMT Service Class Templates Template Name 1 MPLS1 2 ATMF1 3 ATMF2 4 ATMF_tagcos_1 5 ATMF_tagcos_2 6 ATMF_TAGABR_1 7 ATMF_TAGABR_2 8 atmf_TAGCoS_TAGABR_1 9 atmf_TAGCoS_TAGABR_2 Last Command: dspsct Next Command:
Example 2

dspsct 2


Display Service Class Template 2, which displays Service Classes (also referred to as service categories or service sub-categories) for the ATMF1 template, along with designated Qbins.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:26 GMT Service Class Map for ATMF1 Template Service Class Qbin Service Class Qbin Service Class Qbin Default 13 Cbr1 10 Signaling 12 Cbr2 10 VbrRt1 11 Cbr3 10 VbrRt2 11 VbrRt3 11 VbrNRt1 12 VbrNRt2 12 VbrNRt3 12 Ubr1 13 Ubr2 13 Abr 14 Last Command: dspsct 2
Example 3

dspsct 3


Display Service Class Template 3, which displays service classes for the ATMF2 template, along with designated Qbins.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:39 GMT Service Class Map for ATMF2 Template Service Class Qbin Service Class Qbin Service Class Qbin Default 13 Cbr1 10 Signaling 12 Cbr2 10 VbrRt1 11 Cbr3 10 VbrRt2 11 VbrRt3 11 VbrNRt1 12 VbrNRt2 12 VbrNRt3 12 Ubr1 13 Ubr2 13 Abr 14 Last Command: dspsct 3 Next Command:
Example 4

dspsct 2 VbrRt1


Display service type VbrRt1 in Template 2.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:41 GMT Service Template: ATMF1 (2) Service Type: VbrRt1 (101) Service Category VbrRt (101) Qbin 11 UPC Enable GCRA_1_2 UPC CLP Selection CLP01_CLP01 Policing Action 1 DISCARD Policing Action 2 DISCARD Sustained Cell Rate 100 (% of PCR) Maximum Burst Size 1024 (cells) Scaling Class Scaled 3rd CAC Treatment CAC4 VC Max Threshold 1280 (cells) VC Dscd Selection Hystersis VC CLP High 80 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) This Command: dspsct 2 VbrRt1 Continue? Y sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:42 GMT Service Template: ATMF1 (2) Service Type: VbrRt1 (101) VC CLP Low 35 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 2 VbrRt1 Next Command:
Example 5

dspsct 2 Abr


Display service type Abr in Template 2.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:43 GMT Service Template: ATMF1 (2) Service Type: Abr (109) Service Category Abr (104) Qbin 14 UPC Enable GCRA_1 UPC CLP Selection CLP01 Policing Action 1 DISCARD Minimum Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Sustained Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Initial Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Maximum Burst Size 1024 (cells) Scaling Class Scaled 2nd CAC Treatment MIN BW VC Max Threshold 8000 (cells) VC Dscd Selection Hystersis This Command: dspsct 2 Abr Continue? Y sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:44 GMT Service Template: ATMF1 (2) Service Type: Abr (109) VC CLP High 80 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC CLP Low 35 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC EFCI 20 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VSVD NONE Decrease Time Factor 500 (milli seconds) Rate Decrease Factor 16 (Inverse Decrease Factor) Rate Increase Factor 16 (Inverse Decrease Factor) data cells b/w Fwd RM Cells 32 (Cells) Time b/w Fwd RM Cells 0 Cut-Off Decrease Factor 16 Transient Buffer Exposure 16777215 Fixed Round Trip Time 0 Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 2 Abr Next Command:
Example 6

dspsct 1 Default


Display service type Default in Template 1 (MPLS1).

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:44 GMT Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: Default (1) Service Category Default (1) Qbin 13 UPC Enable NONE Scaling Class Scaled 1st CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 61440 (cells) VC Dscd Selection EPD VC CLP High 100 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC EPD 40 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 1 Default
Example 7

dspsct 1 Signaling


Display theSignaling service type in Template 1 (MPLS1).

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:46 GMT Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: Signaling (2) Service Category Signaling (2) Qbin 10 UPC Enable NONE Sustained Cell Rate 0 (% of PCR) Maximum Burst Size 0 (cells) Scaling Class Scaled 1st CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 0 (cells) VC Dscd Selection Hystersis VC CLP High 75 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC CLP Low 30 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 1 Signaling Next Command:
Example 8

dspsct 1 Tag0


Display the service type Tag0 in Template 1 (MPLS1).

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:48 GMT Service Template: MPLS1 (1) Service Type: Tag0 (200) Service Category Tag0 (200) Qbin 10 UPC Enable NONE Scaling Class Scaled 1st CAC Treatment LCN VC Max Threshold 61440 (cells) VC Dscd Selection EPD VC CLP High 100 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC EPD 40 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Last Command: dspsct 1 Tag0 Next Command:
Example 9

dspsct 9 Cbr1


Display the service type Cbr1 in Template 9.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:50 GMT Service Template: atmf_TAGCoS_TAGABR_2 (9) Service Type: Cbr1 (100) Service Category Cbr (100) Qbin 10 UPC Enable NONE Scaling Class Scaled 4th CAC Treatment CAC4 VC Max Threshold 160 (cells) VC Dscd Selection Hystersis VC CLP High 80 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) VC CLP Low 35 (% of Vc MAX Threshold) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 250000 Last Command: dspsct 9 Cbr1 Next Command:


You can use the dspvsiif command to display the Service Class Template assigned to an interface (VI). You can also display a summary of the resources allocated to the VSI partition on a given interface. Multiple users may use the dspvsiif at one time.

After using cnfvsiif command to assign a selected Service Class Template to an interface, you can use the dspvsiif command to display the type of Service Class Template assigned to an interface (VI).

Full Name

Display the Service Class Template assigned to an interface


dspvsiif <slot.port.vtrk>


Parameter Description


Slot, port (and virtual trunk number if applicable) of the interface.

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfqbin, dspqbin


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Example 1

dspvsiif 11.1


Display the Service Class Template assigned to BXM port interface 11.1.

System Response
sw143 TRM Cisco BPX 8620 9.3.10 Aug. 2 2000 20:56 GMT Port: 4.1 Service Class Template ID: 2 VSI Partitions : channels bw vpi Part E/D min max min max start end ilmi 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 2 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 3 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D Last Command: dspvsiif 4.1 4 Next Command: dspvsiif 4.1


Use this command to display VSI ILMI functionality:

If no partition is specified, dspvsipartcnf displays the above information about all the VSI partitions and also the Sys_Id downloaded to the BXM card for ILMI functionality.

Full Name

Display VSI partition characteristics


dspvsipartcnf <slot.port.[vtrk]> [partition_id]


Parameter Description


Slot, port (and virtual trunk number if applicable) of the interface.


Partition ID corresponding to the VSI partition. This parameter is optional and, if not specified, this command will display information about all VSI partitions.

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, cnfvsipart, cnfport, cnftrk


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Use the dspvsipartinfo command to display VSI statistics for a particular active partition on an interface. You can use the dspvsipartinfo command on only one partition at a time, to get VSI statistics on an interface (can be a port, a physical trunk, or virtual trunk).

You can optionally specify an interval in seconds, which displays VSI statistics for the specified active partition every x seconds. The command shows you some of the same parameters that display on the cnfrsrc screen, such as Min LCNs and Max LCNs, Used LCNs and Available LCNs, and Min BW, Max BW, and Used BW.

The command dspvsipartinfo also displays a line that provides slave redundancy status. It tells you whether the standby card is in sync with the active card. You must have cards in Y-redundancy configuration for this line to display.

Multiple users may use the dspvsipartinfo command at the same time.

Full Name

Display VSI statistics per partition


dspvsipartinfo <interface>.<partition>[<interval>]


Parameter Description


The slot.port.[vtrk] of the interface being monitored


Partition ID for which information is to be displayed.


Refresh interval for displaying data.

Range: 1-60 seconds
Default: 1 second

Related Commands

cnfrsrc, dsprsrc, cnfvsiif, dspvsiif


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Display Fields

Parameter Description

Min BW

Configured minimum bandwidth for this partition (for reference only).

Max BW

Configured maximum bandwidth for this partition (for reference only).

Used BW

Bandwidth currently used by connections on this partition.

Available BW

Bandwidth currently available to connections on this partition. This is determined based on the minimum and maximum bandwidth configured for the partition and the bandwidth currently available in the common pool.

Min Lcns

Configured minimum LCNs for this partition (for reference only).

Max Lcns

Configured maximum LCNs for this partition (for reference only).

Used Lcns

Number of LCNs currently used by connections in this partition.

Available Lcns

Number of LCNs available to this partition. This is determined based on the minimum and maximum LCNs configured for the partition and the LCNs currently available in the common pool.

Example 1

dspvsipartinfo 3.1 1 10


Display VSI statistics on interface 3.1, partition 1, at an interval of every 10 seconds.

System Response
sw237 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.3.10    June 9 2000  17:32 PST VSI Resources Status for trunk 3.1 Partition 1 Min Lcns : 0 Min BW (cps)    : 0 Max Lcns : 20 Max BW (cps)   : 0 Used Lcns : Used BW (cps)    : Available Lcns : Available BW(cps): Next Command: dspvsipartinfo 3.1 1
Example 2

dspvsipartinfo 11.1 2 10


Display VSI statistics for interface 11.1, partition 2, at an interval of every 10 seconds.

System Response
sw53   TN   StrataCom     BPX 8600 9.3.10   Jan. 10 2000   14:31 GMT VSI Resource Status for port 11.1 Partition 2 Min Lcns         1000         Min BW (cps)       20000 Max Lcns         4000         Max BW (cps)      40000 Used Lcns        500          Used BW (cps)      20000 Available Lcns: : 1000         Available BW(cps)   10000 This Command: dspvsipartinfo 11.1 2 10 Hit DEL key to quit:
Example 3

dspvsipartinfo 4.1 1


Display VSI statistics for interface 4.1, partition 1.

System Response
sw237 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.3.10    May 10 2000 14:58 PST VSI Resources Status for trunk 4.1 Partition 1 Snapshot Min Lcns :20 Min BW (cps)    :2000 Max Lcns :30 Max BW (cps)    :3000 Used Lcns : Used BW (cps)    : Available Lcns : Available BW(cps): Last Command:dspvsipartinfo 4.1 1


Displays information for Y-cable pairings. You can specify a single slot; if you specify no slot, all pairings are displayed.

Slot numbers appearing in high intensity indicate active card status. Front card, back card, and channel configuration conflicts appear in reverse video. A conflict occurs when the port interfaces are different for corresponding ports in a redundant slot pair.

The output display shows:

Remaining columns (Channel Configuration) describe the channel configurations when appropriate.

Full Name

Display Y-cable redundancy


dspyred [slot]

Related Commands

addyred, delyred, prtyred


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Related Documentation

Cisco BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration


Provides a general description and technical details of the
BPX broadband switch.

Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference


Provides a general description and technical details of the
IGX multiband switch.

Update to the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference Guide


Provides update information about new features in the 9.3.10 Switch Software release that apply to the IGX 8400 switch. Use this update document in conjunction with the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference, 9.3.05 Switch Software release documentation on the IGX 8400 switch.

Cisco IGX 8400 Installation and Configuration


Provides installation instructions for the IGX multiband switch.

Update to the Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference Guide


Provides update information about new features contained in the 9.3.10 Switch Software release that apply to both BPX and IGX switches documented in the WAN Switching Command Reference. Use this update document in conjunction with Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference, Release 9.3.05.

Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference


Provides detailed information on the general command line interface commands.

Cisco WAN Switching SuperUser Command Reference


Provides detailed information on the command line interface commands requiring SuperUser access authorization.

Cisco MPLS Installation and Configuration


Provides information on a method for forwarding packets through a network.

WAN CiscoView for the IGX 8400 Switches


Provides instructions for using WAN CiscoView for the IGX 8400.

WAN CiscoView for the BPX 8600 Switches


Provides instructions for using WAN CiscoView for the BPX 8600.

Cisco WAN Manager Installation Guide for Solaris, Release 10


Provides procedures for installing Release 10 of the Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) network management system on Solaris systems.

Cisco WAN Manager User's Guide, Release 10


Provides procedures for using Release 10 of the Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) network management system.

Cisco WAN Manager SNMP Proxy Agent Guide


Provides information about the Cisco WAN Manager Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Service Agent components and capabilities.

Cisco WAN Manager Database Interface Guide


Provides the information to gain direct access to the Cisco WAN Manager Informix OnLine database that is used to store information about the elements within your network.

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