Table Of Contents
Managing Jobs
A job is a user-specified string of commands. A job can automatically execute on a prearranged schedule or upon an event trigger. This chapter describes the commands that let you:
•Create a job
•Run a job
•Stop a job
•Display one or more jobs
•Edit a job
•Delete a job
•Create a job trigger
The system assigns a number to a new job. This job number identifies the job and is a required parameter for most job control commands. When you create a new job, the current privilege level is automatically saved as the privilege level of the job. Only commands that are available at your privilege level can be in your job specification. For example, a user whose highest privilege level is 3 cannot include the addtrk command in a job because addtrk requires a level 1 privilege. This privilege requirement also applies to other job functions, such as running, editing, or stopping a job.
Not all Cisco WAN Switching commands can execute as a part of a job. For this reason, the Attributes section of each command description in this manual states whether the command can function in a job.
Creating (Adding) a Job
Consider the following before creating a job:
•The addjob command creates a new job. When you use addjob, the system prompts for optional and required arguments. Unlike other commands, the addjob command begins with optional parameters. A job can run when you execute the runjob command or at a time and date you specify with addjob. Note that the system increments the job number, but you can assign a job description to indicate the function of the job. The following list describes the addjob parameters:
–Description (optional): this can contain up to 16 characters and include spaces.
–Execution time (optional): if you specify an execution time, the first (unprompted) parameter to enter is four digits indicating the year. The system subsequently prompts for the month, day, hour, minute, and (optional) second of the start time for the job.
–Interval (optional): the Interval prompt appears only if you have specified an execution time. The first interval prompts you for units: days, hours, and minutes. The system then prompts you for the number of units.
–Command (required): without a command specified, the addjob command terminates, so this is how you exit addjob. After each command and its parameters, the system prompts you for an action to take if a failure occurs (see the addjob description for details).
•Because commands in a job do not immediately execute, the system does not check the validity of the commands and parameters to the same degree as it does for standard command entry. For example, if you enter dncd for a card slot that is out of range, the system flags the error, but it does not flag a card that is missing from a valid card slot.
Running a Job
The following steps aid in running a job:
•Use the runjob command to run a job manually. Specify the job number to run.
•While a job is running, "executing" flashes in the upper-left area of the screen.
•The runjob command runs a job regardless of the assigned execution time. The runjob command does not change the specified execution time.
•The runjob command itself can be in a job. Therefore, running one job can cause another job to start. The limitation to this is that a job cannot cause itself to run. For example, Job 1 cannot contain the command "runjob 1." Also, Job 1 cannot have the command "runjob 2" if Job 2 contains the command "runjob 1."
•After runjob executes, the screen displays the results for each command in the job.
Stopping a Job
The following steps aid in stopping a job:
•Use the stopjob command to stop a running job. The template for the current job appears on the screen along with the prompt, "Stop this and all currently executing jobs (y/n)?"
•The stopjob command works only on a job that is running. Because stopping a job can leave a task partially completed, use stopjob with caution.
Displaying Jobs
For displaying one or all jobs:
•Use the dspjob command to display the status of a job. This command displays the template for the specified job and includes the results of the last run for each command in the job.
•To display details of all current jobs, use the dspjobs command.
Editing a Job
The following information applies to editing a job. Before using an edited job, test it to ensure that it works.
•Use the editjob command to edit job parameters.
•When you enter the editjob command, the template of the specified job appears. The system prompts you to keep or change each item in the template. To change an item, type over the existing information, then press Return. (You can use any of the Control keys to edit existing information.) To keep the same parameter specification, press Return at the prompt.
•To insert a new command between existing commands in a job, press the ^ key while holding down the Control key. A new line opens above the command that is currently highlighted. Enter the new command at the "Enter Cmd" prompt.
•To delete a command from a job, two methods are available. One way is to backspace over the command when it appears on the command line, then press Return. The other way is to press the "x"-key while holding down the Control key.
•When commands are added to or deleted from a job, the system renumbers the remaining commands.
Deleting a Job
Use the deljob command to delete a job. You cannot delete a job that is running. If necessary, stop the job with the stopjob command before deleting it.
Creating a Job Trigger
The following information applies to creating a job trigger:
•Use the addjobtrig command to configure a job to run if a line failure or repair-alarm occurs. (A "repair-alarm" occurs when a line or trunk is back up, and a message is sent to the event log.)
•The template on the screen prompts for a line type: "p" for packet line or trunk, "c" for circuit line, or "d" for a T3 (DS3) line. (Do not use the "d" option, as it represents the MT3 card, which is obsolete.)
•The template on the screen prompts for the slot number of the line on which an alarm triggers the job.
•The prompt requests you to specify whether the trigger should occur on the failure ("f") or repair ("r") of a line. Typically, you write a job that would run whenever a line fails, so you create its trigger with the "f". Then you would write another job (to reverse the effects of the first job) that would run when the line repairs. This trigger would occur on the "r", or repair of the line.
Summary of Commands
Table 12-1 shows the full command name and starting page for the description of each command.
This command creates a new job. When you create a new job with addjob, your privilege level becomes the privilege level of the job itself. When adding commands to the job, you cannot add a command that requires a privilege higher than your privilege level. Furthermore, you must have a privilege level at least as high as the job to run the job (with runjob, for example).
The system does not check the commands' validity with respect to the current state of the network or for relationships to other commands in the job. To ensure that it works as expected, try running the job with runjob.
Full Name
Add a job
addjob [description] [execution time, execution interval] <commands>
Related Commands
deljob, dspjob, dspjobs, editjob, prtjob, runjob, stopjob
Example 1
The system response is a series of prompts requesting details of the job. The system requests a job description (or name), an execution time for the job, a unit for the interval at which the job is to run (hours, for example), the number of units in the interval, the commands to execute, and what to do with the result.
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:15 PST
Job 1 test
Last Execution Results: None Status: Idle
Next Execution Time: 08/17/97 20:20:30 Interval: 1 days
1: prtlog
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 2 Times and Abort Exec. Results: None
Last Command: addjob
Next Command:
In this example, a new job is being created. The job number is "1." The job description (or name) is "test." The job is scheduled to run on August 17, at 2:20:30 PM and every day thereafter at the same time. The command in the job is prtlog. If this command fails when the job runs, it tries twice again and aborts if unsuccessful.
The "Enter Cmd" prompt at the bottom of the screen indicates you can enter the next command for the job. To exit addjob, press Return without entering a command.
Configures a job to run if a failure or repair occurs on a trunk (narrowband or broadband), a line (voice, data, Frame Relay, ATM, narrowband, broadband), or a T3 (DS3). You can also use addjobtrig to allocate or release bandwidth from other connections. This bandwidth decision depends on whether the EIA lead status is "up" or "down." For example, a job can be triggered to run if the RTS lead of an HDM/LDM port changes state. If the FRM you are using is an FRM-T1 or E1, it qualifies as a line and can be used as a job trigger.
A line failure is any alarm condition that takes the trunk or line out of service. Such a condition is always a major alarm. However, not all major alarms cause the trunk or line to be considered failed. Those that are considered failed are the ones that appear on the dsptrks or dsplns screens with a color associated with it, such as "Major - Local All Ones" or "Major - Remove Packet Out of Frame (Yel)". Specifically excluded are all the statistical alarms, some of which may be major.
A line repair is the opposite of a line failure. A repair of a line occurs when the alarms on the line are removed.
In this release, the lead type on HDM/LDM is based on the configuration from cnfleadmon. The display now show Front Card Supports Lead State Trap.
Full Name
Add a job trigger
addjobtrig <job_number> <line_type> <line_specifier> <fail/repair>
Related Commands
addjob, dspjob, dspjobs
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:22 PST
Job Description Next Execution Status Interval Access Group
1 test 08/17/97 11:00:00 Idle 1 days Group 1
Trigger 1 - CLN 14 REPAIR
Last Command: addjobtrig 1 c 14 r
Next Command:
Example 2
addjobtrig 1 c 14 r
Trigger job 1 whenever a repair of line 14 occurs.
Deletes a job. To delete a job, you must have a privilege level at least as high as the job itself. A job that is currently running cannot be deleted. If necessary, use stopjob to stop the job so that you can delete it.
Full Name
Delete a job
deljob <job_number>
Related Commands
addjob, dspjob, dspjobs
Example 1
deljob 4
Delete job 4.
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 32 9.2 Sep. 3 1998 19:54 GMT
Job 4
Last Execution Results: None Status: Locked
Next Execution Time: Interval:
1: prtlog
- Failure Reaction: Abort Exec. Results: None
2: dncd 6
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 12 Times and Abort Exec. Results: None
3: dncd 6
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 12 Times and Continue Exec. Results: None
This Command: deljob 4
Delete this job (y/n)?
Deletes a job trigger. The deljobtrig command deletes one trigger at a time. If you delete a job by using the deljob command, all associated job triggers are deleted.
Full Name
Delete a job trigger
deljobtrig <job_number> <trig_num>
Related Commands
addjobtrig, dspjobs
Example 1
deljobtrig 1 1
Delete job trigger 1 for job 1.
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 32 9.2 Sep. 3 1998 18:19 GMT
Job Description Next Execution Status Interval Access Group
1 test1 Idle SuperUser
Trigger 1 - PLN 2 FAILURE
2 Idle SuperUser
3 test3 09/02/97 11:11:11 Idle 1 days SuperUser
4 Idle SuperUser
5 Idle SuperUser
6 Idle SuperUser
This Command: deljobtrig 1
Enter trigger number:
Table 12-6 deljobtrig—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionjob number
Specifies the number of the job.
trigger number
Specifies the number of the trigger to delete.
The dspjob command displays the following information about a job.
•Job number and description
•Next execution date and time
•The time interval between successive executions of the job
•The results of the last execution of the job
This command requires at least the same privilege level as the person who created the job.
Full Name
Display jobs
dspjob <job_number>
Related Commands
addjob, deljob, dspjob
Example 1
dspjob 2
Display job number 2.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:17 PST
Job 1 test
Last Execution Results: None Status: Idle
Next Execution Time: 08/17/97 20:20:30 Interval: 1 days
1: prtlog
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 2 Times and Abort Exec. Results: None
Last Command: dspjob 1
Next Command:
Table 12-7 dspjob—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionjob number
Specifies the the number of the job to display.
Displays the following information on each job:
•Job number
•Job description
•Next execution date and time
•Execution interval between jobs
•Access Group: The privilege level required to run or display the job
To see details of an individual job, use the dspjob command.
Full Name
Display jobs
Related Commands
addjob, deljob, dspjob
Example 1
Display a summary of all jobs stored at the node.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:16 PST
Job Description Next Execution Status Interval Access Group
1 test 08/17/97 20:20:30 Idle 1 days Group 1
Last Command: dspjobs
Next Command:
Allows you to change any of the following items in a job:
•The job description
•Execution time
•Execution interval
•Individual commands in the job
•Failure reactions for each command
After you enter the editjob command, the system displays the template for the job. With editjob, you can edit, delete, or add a command. Each item in the template is successively displayed on the command line so that you can confirm or change the item.
You cannot change the privilege level of a job.
The following is a list of actions you can take with editjob:
•To change an item in the job template, enter or type over the existing information on the command line and press the Return key.
•Use any of the control keys to change information on the command line. To keep the same value of an item, press the Return key at the prompt.
•To add a new command between existing commands in a job, hold down the Control key while you press the ^ key. A new line appears above the command that is highlighted. Enter the new command after the "Enter Cmd:" prompt and press Return.
•To add a new command to the end of a job, press the Return key after the last command in the job template.
•To delete a command from a job, either backspace over the command when it appears on the command line and press the Return key, or hold down the Control key while you press the
"x"-key.•To end the editing session, press the Return key when prompted for a new command or press the Del key.
When commands are added to or deleted from a job, the system re-numbers the commands. To test an edited job, run it with the runjob command.
Full Name
Edit a job
editjob <job_number>
Related Commands
addjob, deljob, dspjob, dspjobs, runjob
Example 1
editjob 1
Edit job 1. The template for job 1 appears on the screen. The system displays the existing job description, which you can change or keep. To keep it, press Return. The system then displays the execution time. To change it to August 17, 1998 at 11:00:, for example, enter:
1998 8 17 11 00
If no other items need changing, press the Return key.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:19 PST
Job 1 prtlog
Last Execution Results: None Status: Editing
Next Execution Time: 08/17/97 11:00:00 Interval: 1 days
1: prtlog
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 2 Times and Abort Exec. Results: None
Last Command: editjob 1
Next Command:
Table 12-8 editjob—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionjob number
Specifies the number of the job to edit.
Prints the following information about a specific job:
•Job number
•Job description
•Next execution date and time
•Interval. The time interval between successive executions of the job
•Execution. The results of the last execution of the job
To print a job, you must have at least the same (or higher) privilege level as the person who wrote the job). See the addjob description for more information. The prtjob command uses the same syntax and prints the same information the dspjob command.
Full Name
Print job
prtjob <job_number>
Related Commands
Prints the following information about all existing jobs:
•Job number
•Job description
•Next execution date and time
•Execution interval between jobs
•Access Group: The privilege level required to run or display the job
For a printout on a single job, use the prtjob command. This command uses the same syntax, and prints the same information as is displayed using the dspjobs command. See the dspjobs command for syntax and output information.
Full Name
Print jobs
Related Commands
Runs a job. The runjob command runs a job regardless of its execution time. The runjob command does not change a Job's assigned execution time.
When you enter runjob, the system displays the job template and prompts, "Run this job (y/n)?" Enter "y" to start the job. Enter "n" to exit runjob.
After you enter y,. four seconds pass before a job begins running. Press any key briefly to suspend a job. Four seconds of no keyboard activity must pass before the jobs resume. While a job is running, the system highlights the current command and updates command results.
You can include the runjob command in a job. Therefore, running one job can cause another job to run. The only limitation is that a job cannot cause itself to run. For example, Job 1 cannot include the command "runjob 1." Also, Job 1 cannot include the command "runjob 2" if Job 2 contains the command "runjob 1."
Full Name
Run a job
runjob <job_number>
Related Commands
addjob, dspjobs, editjob, stopjob
Example 1
runjob 1
Run job 1
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:23 PST
Job 1 test
Last Execution Results: None Status: Idle
Next Execution Time: 03/17/96 11:00:00 Interval: 1 days
1: prtlog
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 2 Times and Abort Exec. Results: None
This Command: runjob 1
Run this job (y/n)?
Table 12-9 runjob—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionjob number
Specifies the number of the job to run.
Stops all running and all waiting jobs. When you enter the stopjob command, the system prompts, "Stop all running and waiting jobs (y/n)?" Enter a "y" to stop running jobs and prevent all waiting jobs from beginning. Enter an "n" to exit stopjob. Because the stopjob command can leave a task partially executed, use stopjob with caution. You must have at least the same or higher privilege level of the creator of the jobs you want to stop.
Full Name
Stop job
Related Commands
Example 1
Stop all jobs currently running or queued to run on the node. Confirm by entering: y.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 16 1998 14:24 PST
Job 1 test
Last Execution Results: None Status: Idle
Next Execution Time: 03/17/96 11:00:00 Interval: 1 days
1: prtlog
- Failure Reaction: Repeat 2 Times and Abort Exec. Results: None
This Command: stopjob
Stop all running and waiting jobs (y/n)?
Posted: Mon Jan 8 11:07:16 PST 2007
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