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Table Of Contents
Physical and Logical Frame Relay Ports
Physical and Logical Ports on an FRM
Logical Ports and Physical Lines on a UFM
Setting Up a Frame Relay Connection
Using Interface Control Templates
Configuring Channel Utilization
Maximum Connections Per Port with Signaling Protocols
Description of Frame Relay Channel Statistics
Viewing Results from OAM Loopback Test
Frame Relay Connections
The Frame Relay commands let you add, configure, delete, and specify statistical reporting for Frame Relay connections. In addition to describing the commands, this chapter tells you how to:
Set up a Frame Relay connection
Use Frame Relay classes
Use interface control templates
Configure channel utilization
Set channel priorities
Display statistics
The Frame Relay commands in this chapter operate on an FRM or UFM card set in an IGX node. For the Frame Relay commands that operate on an FRSM in an MGX 8220 shelf, refer to the Cisco MGX 8220 Command Reference. For the Frame Relay commands that operate on the FastPADs and supporting service cards, refer to the FastPAD manuals.
For a greater number of low-speed connections, the Port Concentrator Shelf (PCS) is available. The PCS is an external device that requires an FRM-2/FRI-2 card set in an IGX node. The system recognizes an FRM-2 or FRC-2 and accepts commands for the PCS.
A connection is the same as a PVC (permanent virtual circuit).
Physical and Logical Frame Relay Ports
This section describes the command-related issues for physical and logical Frame Relay ports.
In the IPX and IGX nodes, the Frame Relay-only cards are the FRP, FRM and UFM card sets. (The FTM supports Frame Relay, voice, and serial data but is not described in this manual.) In the FRP and FRM, both physical and logical ports can exist. The UFM has logical ports and physical lines.
Physical and Logical Ports on an FRM
In the FRP and FRM card sets, a logical port is a convention that applies to a T1 or E1 back card. In contrast, the ports on an X.21 or V.35 back card are physical. The reason that T1 and E1 ports on an FRP or FRM card set are logical is that these ports use one, bidirectional connector. To support the range of possible PVCs, the traffic passes through a demultiplexer on a T1 or E1 FRI. Therefore, although only one connector exists on the card, the Frame Relay commands accept port numbers 1-24 (T1) or 1-31 (E1). When a Frame Relay command takes the parameter slot.port, the port in this case is logical, and the node tracks it accordingly.
Keep in mind the distinction between a logical port and a logical channel: a logical channel is one or more DS0s.
Logical Ports and Physical Lines on a UFM
On the UFI back cards, the presence of multiple physical lines adds a parameter to the connection identifier. When you identify a UFM-C channel, use the format slot.port line.DS0_range. Due to the architecture of the software, port is a logical specification, and line is a physical specification. The range of logical ports is 1-250. The number of physical lines (hardware connectors) on the UFI-8T1 and UFI-8E1 is 8 (regardless of whether the front card is a UFM-4C or UFM-8C). The range of DS0s is 1-24 for T1 and 1-31 for E1.
For interfaces attached to a UFM-U front card, the range of ports is 1-12 for the UFI-12V.35 or UFI-12X.21 and 1-4 for the UFI-4HSSI.
Setting Up a Frame Relay Connection
Frame Relay connections can exist between the following cards:
FRP, FRM, or UFM to any FRP, FRM or UFM.
UFM to an ASI in a BPX or an ALM/A in an IGX: These paths use service interworking (SIW) to terminate a connection that is Frame Relay at one end and ATM at the other end.
FRP, FRM, or UFM and an FRSM (in an MGX 8220 shelf): this path uses network interworking (NIW) to carry Frame Relay data encapsulated in ATM cells between an IPX or IGX node and an FRSM.
FRP, FRM, or UFM to a FastPAD port.
An IPX or IGX node provides a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) Frame Relay Service for interconnecting user devices (routers, bridges, and packet switches). The PVCs are internally created on the node and rely on FastPacket switching. The user device connects to the Frame Relay back card in the node. The back card provides the adaptation layer function to convert between the Frame Relay format and the FastPacket format.
In addition to the interface cards just listed, Frame Relay connections require a trunk card. Trunk cards can be an NTC or AIT in an IPX node or an NTM, BTM, or ALM/B in an IGX node. Because Frame Relay is a purchased option, Cisco must enable it on each applicable WAN Switching node.
A variety of external user devices can operate with an IGX node. The configuration on these devices must be appropriate for the type of interface on the back card.
The following command sequence brings up a Frame Relay port and adds a Frame Relay connection.
Step 1
Activate a Frame Relay port with the upfrport command.
Step 2
Use cnffrport to specify the Frame Relay parameters for the Frame Relay service.
An optional command may be applicable to a Port Concentrator Shelf (PCS): you can use cnffrcport to configure the concentrated link between the PCS and Frame Relay cards.Step 3
Use the dspcls command to view the existing Frame Relay classes. Decide on a class if a suitable class exists, otherwise create a suitable class using the cnffrcls command. Use the class number in the addcon command.
Step 4
Use the vt command to access the node at the remote end of the proposed Frame Relay connection, then use the upfrport and cnffrport commands as in steps 1 and 2.
Step 5
Use the addcon command on the local node to add the Frame Relay connection.
Using Frame Relay Classes
For each Frame Relay connection you add, you must specify a Frame Relay class. A Frame Relay class is a set of parameters that specify the bandwidth and congestion-prevention characteristics for a connection. Cisco provides ten (10) predefined classes, but you can modify any of the 10 Frame Relay classes with cnffrcls. To see the parameters in all connection classes, execute dspfrcls. A Frame Relay class is relevant only at the time you add a connection with addcon. Once the connection exists, the system uses the parameters but does not keep track of the class number.
Apart from using the cnffrcls command, you can change one or more Frame Relay parameters with the addcon command. When you add a Frame Relay connection with addcon, a prompt appears requesting a Frame Relay class. At this prompt you can do one of the following:
Enter the number of a predefined class. The range is 1-10.
Enter the number of a class modified with the cnffrcls command. The range is 1-10.
Override one or more parameters in a connection class by typing the class number—without pressing the Return key—then continue the line by typing either a new value or an asterisk (*) for each parameter. Separate each item with a space and no comma.
If you are overriding class parameters, but want to keep the existing value of the parameter, use the asterisk to cause the connection to use the existing value of the parameter in that class. Most parameters are bidirectional and have the format parameter/parameter. If you want to keep a value for both directions, enter a single *. If you want to change a value for only one direction, enter the parameter in the form */new_parameter or new_parameter/*. When you type individual parameters, you need to enter characters only up to the last changed item. Before the last item, you must enter new values or * as a placeholder.
The parameters in the list that follows make up a Frame Relay class. Collectively, the name of these parameters is frp_bw. For most parameters, you can specify the value for each direction of the connection, so most parameter names appear in the format parameter/parameter. ForeSight (FST) is the exception because ForeSight automatically applies to both directions.
MIR/MIR is defined as fr_MIR_Tx /fr_MIR_Rx, where fr_MIR is the minimum information rate for the connection. The range for MIR is 2.4 Kbps-2048 Kbps.
CIR/CIR is defined as fr_CIR_Tx and fr_CIR_Rx, where fr_CIR is defined as the committed information rate guaranteed to the user.
The full range of values for Frame Relay cards is 0-2048 Kbps. Note that a CIR of 0 is not a standard setting. The standard range is 2.4 Kbps-2048 Kbps. CIR = 0 is a valid parameter only if the connection terminates at both ends on either a UFM, FRM or FRP. Before you can specify CIR = 0 with either addcon or cnffrcls, you must enable IDE-to-DE mapping with the cnffrport command. If you do not first enable IDE-to-DE mapping, the range for CIR is 2.4 Kbps-2048 Kbps. Additionally, the CIR = 0 specification is necessary at only one end of the connection.
The Port Concentrator Shelf does not support CIR = 0. On the FRP-2 and FRM-2 cards sets, the range for CIR is 2.4 Kbps-2048 Kbps.
VC_Q/VC_Q is defined as fr_vc_q_Tx/fr_vc_q_Rx, where fr_vc_q Tx is the transmit VC maximum queue depth. Specify the VC_Q in bytes within the range 1-65535.
Bc/Bc is defined as fr_Bc_Tx /fr_Bc_Rx. If you have selected Frame Relay Forum standard parameters (through the cnfsysparm command), the Committed Burst (Bc) parameter is used instead of vc_q. Bc is defined as the amount of data the network can accept over a variable time interval Tc for committed delivery on a specific PVC. Specify Bc in bytes in the range 1-65535. Bc has meaning for only FST connections. The relationship between Bc and VC_Q is
Bc = VC_Q / ((1 - (CIR/port speed))
PIR/PIR is defined as fr_PIR_Tx /fr_PIR_Rx, where fr_PIR_Tx is the peak transmit rate for the PVC. The PIR range is 2.4-2048 Kbps. You can also specify the value 0 to cause PIR to default to the port speed. Thus, you can modify PIR, leave it the same, or set it to the port speed.
Be/Be is defined as fr_Be_Tx /fr_Be_Rx. If you have selected Frame Relay Forum standard parameters (through the cnfsysparm command), the PVC uses Excess Burst (Be) instead of PIR. Be is the amount of transmit/receive data above the number of bytes set by Bc if enough extra bandwidth is available. Specify Be in bytes within the range 1-65535. Delivery of Be-data is not guaranteed. Be has meaning to only ForeSight. The relationship between Be and PIR is
Be = Bc * ((PIR/CIR) - 1)
Cmax/Cmax is defined as fr_cmax_Tx /fr_cmax_Rx, where Cmax is the maximum credits the connection can accrue. Cmax has the range 1-255 packets per second (pps).
ECNQ_thresh/ECNQ_thresh are the transmit and receive threshold settings for the explicit congestion notification control queues. The range for ECNQ_thresh is 1-65535 bytes.
QIR/QIR is defined as fr_QIR_Tx /fr_QIR_Rx where fr_QIR is the quiescent information rate for the connection, which is the initial transmit rate after a period of inactivity on the channel. If you do not specify the quiescent receive rate fr_QIR_Rx, the system sets it to the transmit value. The values are specified in Kbps and must be in the range MIR-PIR. In addition, you can specify the value 0 to default to the MIR. QIR has meaning for only ForeSight connections.
FST enables or disables ForeSight for a connection. Valid entries are "y" (use ForeSight) or "n" (do not use ForeSight). If the ForeSight status changes, the network reroutes the connection.
%utl/%utl are the percentage transmit and receive utilization settings for the Frame Relay class. This value is specified as a percentage in the range 0%-100%.
Using Interface Control Templates
X.21 ports use a fixed, active control template. In contrast, although V.35 and V.28 ports use an active control template, you can set the signals that are active to on or off. These ports cannot use looped, conditioned, near, or far.
Configuring Channel Utilization
You can use the cnfchutl command to enter the expected channel utilization of a Frame Relay circuit into the system. This command helps the system allocate the proper bandwidth to the circuit.
Setting Channel Priorities
A Frame Relay connection has either low or high priority. The default is low priority. You can use cnfchpri to assign a high priority to a circuit or to re-assign a high priority circuit to low priority.
Displaying Statistics
Nodes collect statistics for Frame Relay traffic, channel use, and Explicit Congestion Notification. Use dspchstats to display these statistics. Use clrchstats to clear the statistics and start collecting new statistics. To display Frame Relay use and error statistics, use dspportstats.
Summary of Commands
Table 8-1 lists the full name and starting page of the description for each Frame Relay command
Adds a Frame Relay connection to the network. After you add a connection, the system automatically routes the connection. The node on which you execute addcon is the owner of the connection. The concept of ownership is important because you must specify automatic rerouting and preferred routing information at the node that owns the connection. See the cnfpref and cnfcos descriptions for information on automatic rerouting. Before it actually adds the connection, the system displays the parameters you have specified and prompts you to confirm them.
For cards with Y-cable redundancy specified, you can add connections to only primary cards.
Each Frame Relay connection (and associated user device) has a local identification in the form of a unique DLCI. The total range for DLCIs is 1-1023. Typically, DLCIs 16-1007 are available for local and remote channels. According to ANSI standards, DLCIs 1-15 and 1008-1022 are reserved. DLCI 1023 is reserved for LMI signaling.
Only a UFM could come close to using all DLCIs. The maximum number of connections on a UFM is 1000. The maximum number of Frame Relay connections on an FRC or FRM is 252.
If a user device can automatically determine the network configuration by using the LMI, you do not need to specify the DLCIs in the network to the device. If a device cannot interrogate the network to determine the DLCIs in the network, you must specify the network DLCIs to the user device.
As the following sections describe, you can generally differentiate Frame Relay connections as normal, bundled, grouped, and frame forwarding. In particular, a Frame Relay connection can also terminate at a Frame Relay endpoint or an ATM endpoint if the endpoints have firmware to support this arrangement. A connection that terminates at Frame Relay and ATM endpoints uses service interworking (SIW).
Service Interworking
Frame Relay connections that terminate at ATM endpoints require service interworking (SIW) support. At the Frame Relay end, service interworking is one of the optional parameters. The line cards on which you can add service interworking connections are the UFM on an IGX node, ASI on a BPX node, and FRSM in an MGX 8220 shelf. The Frame Relay endpoint has an identifier in the format slot.port.DLCI. For SIW connections, the ATM endpoint identifier has the format slot.port.vpi.VCI.
You cannot group or bundle SIW connections with non-SIW connections.
Normal Connections
A normal connection is a single PVC. A Frame Relay PVC can terminate at either a Frame Relay endpoint or an ATM endpoint.
Bundled Connections
Connection bundling creates a full mesh of connections between two groups of Frame Relay ports by executing addcon command only once. When you add a bundle between two groups of ports, you create a connection between each port of one group of ports and each port of the other group of ports. Each group of Frame Relay ports can include up to four ports. Consequently, the maximum number of connections in a bundle is 16 (resulting from a full mesh of connections between two groups of four ports each). Note that a Port Concentrator Shelf does not support bundling. Characteristics of connection bundling are:
The number of ports used at each end of the bundle does not have to be the same.
All of the ports used in a group must be on the same card.
Only the FRP Model D and the FRM Model D support connection bundles. The UFM does not support connection bundling.
All of the ports used for a bundle must be contiguous. For example, a bundle on a card may not consist of only ports 1, 3, and 4.
The syntax for specifying a group of ports for a connection bundle is slot.port[xport].
When you create a connection bundle with addcon, you do not explicitly specify the required DLCI at each endpoint of each connection. Instead, the DLCIs are automatically assigned using global addressing with the Port IDs, which have been previously assigned to the ports. Consequently, you must first assign a Port ID (other than 0) to every port to which you plan to assign a connection bundle. Use cnffrport to assign a Port ID or dspport to see an existing Port ID.
For example, the command
addcon 6.1x3 alpha 7.2x3 1
defines a single connection bundle between a local group of 3 ports (ports 1, 2, and 3 on card 6) and a remote group of 2 ports (ports 2 and 3 on card 7). The resulting connection bundle consists of the following six connections:
local node slot 6.port 1 to node alpha slot 7.port 2
local node slot 6.port 1 to node alpha slot 7.port 3
local node slot 6.port 2 to node alpha slot 7.port 2
local node slot 6.port 2 to node alpha slot 7.port 3
local node slot 6.port 3 to node alpha slot 7.port 2
local node slot 6.port 3 to node alpha slot 7.port 3
Each connection in the bundle is assigned the parameters of the same Frame Relay class (class 1, in the example above). Notice that no DLCIs were specified for the six connections. The DLCIs are automatically assigned using the Port IDs of the ports.
As an example, assume that the following Port IDs had been previously assigned for the five ports.
port 6.1 Port ID = 22
port 6.1 Port ID = 534
port 6.3 Port ID = 487
port 7.2 Port ID = 92
port 7.3 Port ID = 796
As a result of the addcon command, the six connections that you create are automatically assigned DLCIs using global addressing as follows.
6.1.92 - 7.2.22
6.1.796 - 7.3.22
6.2.92 - 7.2.534
6.2.796 - 7.3.534
6.3.92 - 7.2.487
6.3.796 - 7.3.487
The dspcons display shows the entire bundle as a single item. Therefore, you cannot see the automatically assigned DLCIs on the dspcons screen. (The automatically assigned DLCIs in the preceding list appear in italics.) To see the DLCIs, use dspcon, as in the following example:
dspcon 6.1x3 alpha 7.2x3
The preceding shows one screen for the whole bundle then an additional screen for each connection in the bundle. The assigned DLCIs appear in these individual connection display screens.
Frame Forwarding Connections
A non-Frame Relay data connection (such as HDLC or SDLC) that is routed through Frame Relay cards can bypass a router or take advantage of DFM at higher data rates. The format slot.port.* identifies a frame forwarding connection. An example is:
addcon 11.2.* alpha 12.3.* 2
The "*" indicates to the node that a DLCI is meaningless.
Maximum Connections Per Port with Signaling Protocols
For any Frame Relay card set that has a maximum frame length of 4510 bytes, the use and type of signaling protocol you may have (optionally) specified with the cnffrport command results in a limit on the possible number of connections per physical or logical port. The maximum number of connections per port for each protocol is as follows:
For Annex A: 899
For Annex D: 899
For StrataLMI: 562
The addcon command does not prevent you from adding more than the maximum number connections on a port. If the number of connections is exceeded, the particular LMI does not work on the port, the full status messages that result are discarded, and LMI timeouts occur on the port. A port failure results and subsequently leads to A-bit failures in segments of the connection path.
Full Name
Add connection
addcon <local_channel> <remote_node> <remote_channel> [con_type] <frame_relay_class | [individual parameters]> [route_avoid]
If you request help for addcon at the command line prompt, the Help line shows type as a parameter. However, when you are using addcon for a Frame Relay connection, the type shown in the help display is actually the Frame Relay class shown on the preceding syntax line and described in the preceding section titled " Using Frame Relay Classes." As stated, you can optionally override any or all of the bandwidth parameters and ForeSight-enable in the Frame Relay class by typing the parameters that appear as frp_bw and avoid in the Help display. See the forthcoming "Optional Parameters" table.
Note also that you do not enter the coding parameter shown on the Help line.Related Commands
delcon, dncon, dspcon, dspcons, upcon
Example 1 (local addressing)
addcon 6.1.100 beta 6.2.200 3
addcon 6.1 101 delta 4.1.102 2
addcon 4.1.100 beta 6.2.101 4
addcon 4.1.200 gamma 5.1.300 1
Execute the preceding commands at node Alpha to configure the following network shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 Local Addressing Example
Example 2a
addcon 9.1.200 gamma 8.1.300 1
Add a connection between the user-device at alpha port 9.1 and the user-device at gamma port 8.1. The user-device at alpha refers to the connection using local DLCI 200. The user-device at gamma refers to this connection using local DLCI 300. The DLCIs have only local significance, so a DLCI must apply to only one connection.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 23 1998 10:12 PST
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compression Code Avoid COS O
5.1 beta 25.1 Ok 256 7/8 0 L
9.1.100 gamma 8.1.200 Ok fr 0 L
9.1.200 gamma 8.1.300 Ok fr 0 L
9.2.400 beta 19.2.302 Ok fr 0 L
14.1 gamma 15.1 Ok v 0 L
Last Command: addcon 9.1.200 gamma 8.1.300 1
Next Command:
Example 2b
addcon 9.1.100 beta 6.2.300 2
Add another connection at local port 9.1. A DLCI of 100 is used at the local node. A DLCI of 300 can be used at both beta gamma because the DLCIs have only local significance.
Example 3 (global addressing)
addcon 6.1.80 beta 9.2.79 2
addcon 6.1.81 gamma 4.1.79 1
addcon 4.1.80 beta 6.2.81 5Description
The network to configure in this example is as in Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2 Global Addressing Example
Example 4 (bundle connections)
addcon 8.1x3 alpha 19.2x4 1
Add a bundle of connections between Frame Relay ports 8.1-3 on node gamma and 19.2-4 on node alpha. For this bundle, the network routes traffic between gamma port 8.2 and alpha port 19.2.
System Response
pubsigx3 VT SuperUser IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 3 1998 19:41 GMT
Local Remote Remote
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compress Code COS
8.1x3 alpha 19.2x4 Ok fr
This Command: addcon 8.1x3 alpha 19.2x4 1
Add these connections (y/n)?
Example 5 (frame forwarding)
addcon 8.2.* alpha 19.2.* 1
Add a frame forwarding connection between the local node's port 8.2 and 19.2 on node alpha.
System Response
Locals Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compression Code Avoid COS O
6.1 beta 25.2 Ok 256 7/8 0 R
8.1.200 alpha 9.1.100 Ok fr 0 R
8.2.300 beta 19.1.101 Ok fr 0 R
15.1 alpha 14.1 Ok v 0 R
This Command: addcon 8.2.* alpha 19.2.* 1
Add these connections (y/n)?
Example 6 (modifying bandwidth)
addcon 8.3.101 beta 19.3.201 7 * * * * 30/30 * * Y 80/80
Parameters specified by Frame Relay class 7 for this connection are modified by substituting 30 for Cmax in both directions, enabling ForeSight, and reducing percent utilization from 100 percent to 80 percent.
System Response
gamma TRM YourID:1 IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 23 1998 12:10 CST
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compression Code Avoid COS O
6.1 beta 25.2 Ok 256 7/8 0 R
8.1.200 alpha 9.1.100 Ok fr 0 R
8.2.300 beta 19.1.101 Ok fr 0 R
15.1 alpha 14.1 Ok v 0 R
Last Command: dspcons
Next Command: addcon 8.3.101 beta 19.3.201 7 * * * * 30/30 * * Y 80/80
Table 8-2 addcon—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionlocal channel
Specifies the local channel to connect in the format:
slot.port.DLCI | x port | .*
On an FRP or FRM, the range for port is 1-24 or 1-31. On a UFM-C, the range for port is 1-250. (For connections on a UFM-C, line is not necessary because of the port-to-line mapping through addfrport). For a UFM-U, the range for port is 1-12 for V.35 or X.21 and 1-4 for HSSI. The range for DLCI is 16-1007.
Specifies the name of the remote node at the other end of the connection.
remote channel
Specifies the connection at the far end. For Frame Relay termination points, use:
slot.port.DLCI | x port | .*
If the far end is an ATM termination (as in interworking), use:
where vpi has a range of 0-255, and vci has a range of 1-4095. One exception to these ranges is the ALM/A, which has a VCI range of 0-255. Another exception is an interface shelf (which uses Annex G signaling) in a tiered network, as follows:
For an MGX 8220 shelf, the VPI range is 1-1015, and the VCI range is 1-65535.
For an MGX 8850 shelf, when adding a connection with a UNI interface to a BPX routing node, the VPI range is 1-4095. The VCI range is 1-65535.
For an MGX 8850 shelf, when adding a connection with an NNI interface to a BPX routing node, the VPI range is 1-4095. The VCI range is 1-65535.•
For an IPX/AF or IGX/AF shelf, the range for both VPI and VCI is 1-255.
Access devices such as the Cisco 3800 use the following format for the remote channel specification: <slot.port> <access_device_connection_ID>
where slot is the slot number of the FTC or FTM card, port is the port number, and access_device_connection_ID is in the range 1-252.
Frame Relay class
Specifies a Frame Relay class. Entering a Frame Relay class is a shortcut for specifying bandwidth parameters. You must enter a Frame Relay class, but then you can modify any of the bandwidth parameters specified by the class. To do so, do not press Return after you type the class number but continue typing either a value for the parameter or a * to keep the current value. The system does not display the parameters, but the description of the frp_bw parameters in the "Optional Parameters" table that follows shows the order and ranges of the parameters you can specify. For more details on the parameters and the Frame Relay classes, refer to " Using Frame Relay Classes" earlier in this chapter.
Table 8-3 addcon—Optional Parameters
Parameter Descriptioncon_type
Specifies the type of ATM-to-Frame Relay service interworking. (If the connection is Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay, the network selects any necessary interworking.) The possible con_type entries are atft and atfx. To specify service interworking in transparent mode, type atft. To specify service interworking in translation mode, type atfx. In translation mode, a standard set of encapsulation protocols are translated. If system software does not recognize an encapsulation protocol for an atfx connection, it generates one of two Frame Relay endpoint statistics: rcvFramesDscdUnknownProtocol or xmtFramesDscdUnknownProtocol.
Optionally specifies individual bandwidth parameters. The parameter name "frp_bw" is the label for the bandwidth parameters described here. The slash (/) between the repeated parameter name shows that you can specify a value for each direction. (FST is the exception.) Two parameters can be either the (default) Cisco versions or the Frame Relay Forum standard parameters. To switch between Cisco and Frame Relay Forum, use the cnfsysparm command. Note that all parameters you select with cnfsysparm are network-wide and not confined to the current connection addition. The switchable parameters are as follows:
Cisco Parameters Standard Parameters
PIR (peak information rate) Be (excess burst)
VC_Q (VC queue depth) Bc (committed burst)
When you are using the Cisco parameter set, the names and order of specification are as follows:
MIR/MIR, CIR/CIR, VC_Q/VC_Q, PIR/PIR, Cmax/Cmax ECNQ_thresh/ECNQ_thresh, QIR/QIR, FST, %utl/%utl
When you are using the parameters with the two Frame Relay Forum versions, the names and order of specification are as follows:
MIR/MIR, CIR/CIR, Bc/Bc, Be/Be, Cmax/Cmax, ECNQ_thresh/ECNQ_thresh, QIR/QIR, FST, %utl/%utl
For the definition of each parameter and important information on setting CIR=0, refer to the section titled " Using Frame Relay Classes" earlier in this chapter.
Specifies the type of trunk or route to avoid for the connection. The default is no avoidance. To specify an avoid value, type it after the Frame Relay class or—if you override the Frame Relay class—after the frp_bw values. Be sure to include the asterisk (*). The avoid parameters are:
*s = Avoid satellite trunks.
*t = Avoid terrestrial trunks.
*z = Avoid trunks using zero-code suppression techniques that modify any bit position to prevent long strings of zeros.
Activates a logical Frame Relay port on a channelized FRP, FRM, or UFM card set. Only T1 or E1 lines carry channelized Frame Relay traffic, so the addfrport command does not apply to a Port Concentrator Shelf or front cards with a V.35, X.21, or HSSI interface.
The addfrport command adds a logical Frame Relay port by using the slot number of the FRM and the DS0/timeslots that make up the logical port. On a UFM, the logical ports span the whole range of physical lines: you associate the logical ports to the lines as needed, then include the DS0s as the last field of the argument. Table 8-4 lists the error and warning messages for addfrport.
Full Name
Add Frame Relay port T1/E1
For FRP or FRM card sets: addfrport <slot.port> [DS0 channel] [56 | 64]
For UFM-C card sets: addfrport <slot.port> <line.DS0_channel>
Related Commands
upln (upcln is the obsolete name), delfrport, cnffrcport, cnffrport, dspfrport
Example 1
addfrport 21.9 -15
Add a single Frame Relay port that occupies DS0s (timeslots) in the range 9-15. For a T1 line, this channel rate is 7 x 64 Kbps = 448 Kbps, as the screen example shows. The card is an FRP.
System Response
gamma TRM YourID:1 IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:28 CST
Port configuration for FRP 21
From Chan Speed Interface State 1 9-15 448 FRI T1 INACTIVE
Last Command: addfrport 21.9-15
Next Command:
The cnfdch command lets you configure a super-rate data connection that has idle code suppression (ICS) enabled or disabled. All super-rate data connections will have the Idle Code Suppression (ICS) state set to disabled unless it has been specifically configured with the new cnfdch command or through SNMP. The cnfdch screen is identical to that of dspchcnf.
The Idle Code Suppression feature supported in this release provides a way to stop FastPacket generation on an Nx64 super-rate PVC connection when the connected PBX has terminated a video call. No video traffic will be generated when a video call has terminated.
Configuration is done for each of channel of an endpoint. Upon changes in the state of Idle Code Suppression of a connection, no network message will be sent to the other end. You can choose to configure the other end if ICS is supported there also. To maximize the benefit of this feature, you should enable ICS on both sides of a connection.
The cnfdch command prompts you to enable or disable idle code suppression with the following prompt:
Enable or Disable Idle Code Suppression (e/d)?[d]:
The cnfdch command is available for level 2 users and above; that is, you must have at least privilege level 2 or above to use this command. Use it to configure a channel before you add a connection. If some of the specified channels do not yet have any connection attached, those channels will be initialized to a data type channel.
The configuration will stay the same even if connections are removed and added again.
The cnfdch command will be blocked at the CLI if one or more of the specified channels is carrying a voice connection (including t-type).
The switch software provides an interface to configure channels to enable or disable idle code suppression for super-rate data connections. In turn, the switch software tells the UVM/CVM/CDP card if idle code suppression should be used on each of the super-rate connections.
Because there are multiple channels involved in an Nx64 data connection, the idle code suppression configuration of the first channel in the Nx64 channel will be used for the entire connection. The configuration of the other channels in the bundle will be ignored in channel programming or on the dspcons screen.
To interwork with HDM/LDM/SDP/LDP cards, idle code suppression on a UVM/CVM/CDP channel will be turned off for any super-rate connection that also terminates on HDM/LDM/SDP/LDP.
Full Name
Configures data connection to have ICS enabled/disabled
Related Commands
Example 1
dspchcnf 31.1.8
Display configuration values for channel 9.1.3-5
System Response
sw176 TRM StrataCom IGX 16 9.2.a2 Apr. 3 1998 17:28 PST
Maximum EIA % DFM Pattern DFM Idle Code PreAge
From 9.1.3 Update Rate Util Length Status Suppr (usec)
9.1.3-5 - - - - Disabled 0
This Command: cnfdch 9.1.3-5
dspchcnf [parameters]
Clears port statistics for FRM-2 or FRP-2 physical ports connected to a Port Concentrator Shelf. To see the statistics that you clear with clrfrcportstats, execute dspfrcportstats. The controller card collects statistics from the FRM-2 or FRP-2 once per minute. Because clrfrcportstats clears statistics on the controller card, it may not clear statistics generated within the last minute.
Full Name
Clear FRC/FRM port statistics
clrfrcportstats <slot.port | *>
Related Commands
Table 8-8 clrfrcportstats—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionslot,port | *
Slot and port of the physical port. The range for port is 1-4. An asterisk (*) specifies all FRC-2/FRM-2 physical ports.
Sets the channel priority for a Frame Relay connection. The Channel Priority feature permits some Frame Relay connections to receive a higher priority within a port queue than other Frame Relay traffic on a per-connection basis. The default priority is low. You can configure Frame Relay LMI ports to communicate the priority to a router. You must change the priority on both ends of a connection.
Note that data of high-priority (hi-pri) connections is sent to the CPE (customer premises equipment) ahead of data from low priority (low-pri) connections. Note that this parameter has nothing to do with how the connection is routed through the network, but affects only how data is sent to the CPE.
Full Name
Configure Frame Relay channel priority
cnfchpri <connection> <priority>
Related Commands
Example 1
cnfchpri 9.1.100 h
Configure a high priority for Frame Relay connection 9.1.100.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 16:00 PST
Conn: 9.1.100 gamma 8.1.200 fr
9.6/9.6 9.6/9.6 5/5 256/256 10/10 65535/65535 9.6/9.6 n
% Util: 100/100
Owner: LOCAL Restriction: NONE COS: 0 Status: OK
Group: NONE Priority: H TestRTD: 0 msec
Path: alpha 14--13beta 15--15gamma
Pref: Not Configured
alpha 9.1.100 gamma 8.1.200
Last Command: cnfchpri 9.1.100 h
Next Command:
Table 8-9 cnfchpri—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionchannels
Specifies the channel or range of channels. The format is slot.port.DLCI.
h | l
The priority: h = high; l = low.
Configures a system-wide Frame Relay connection class. Refer to the " Using Frame Relay Classes" section at the beginning of this chapter for a definition of a Frame Relay class. The following are characteristics of this command:
You should configure network-wide classes only when all nodes are reachable.
Beware of conflicting values with existing, joined networks.
Changing a class does not affect any existing connections. An altered Frame Relay class affects only connections that are added using the changed class.
Full Name
Configure Frame Relay class
cnffrcls <class_num> [<BW params>] [<description>]
Related Commands
addcon, dspfrcls
Example 1
cnffrcls 1 *
Configure Frame Relay class #1 to operate with ForeSight. The list of * parameters leaves those parameters unchanged, and "y" enables ForeSight. Because the utilization and description parameters have not been entered, any existing values for these parameters remain in effect.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 16:05 PST
Frame Relay Connection Classes
.6/9.6 9.6/9.6 65535/65535 128/128 10/10 65535/65535 9.6/9.6 y
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 9.6"
2 19.2/19.2 19.2/19.2 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 19.2/19.2 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 19.2"
3 16/16 16/16 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 16/16 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 16"
4 32/32 32/32 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 32/32 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 32"
5 56/56 56/56 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 56/56 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 56"
Last Command: cnffrcls 1 * * * * * * * y
Continue (y): y
System Response (continued)
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 16:03 PST
Frame Relay Connection Classes
6 64/64 64/64 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 64/64 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 64"
7 128/128 128/128 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 128/128 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 128"
8 192/192 192/192 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 192/192 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 192"
9 256/256 256/256 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 256/256 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 256"
10 512/512 512/512 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535 512/512 n
% Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 512"
Last Command: cnffrcls 1 * * * * * * * y
Next Command:
Table 8-10 cnffrcls—Optional Parameters
Parameter Descriptionfrp_bw
Optionally specifies individual bandwidth parameters. The parameter name "frp_bw" is the label for the bandwidth parameters described here. The slash (/) between the repeated parameter name shows that you can specify a value for each direction. (FST is the exception.) Two parameters can be either the (default) Cisco versions or the Frame Relay Forum standard parameters. To switch between Cisco and Frame Relay Forum, use the cnfsysparm command. Note that all parameters you select with cnfsysparm are network-wide and not confined to the current connection addition. The switchable parameters are as follows:
Cisco Parameters Standard Parameters
PIR (peak information rate) Be (excess burst)
VC_Q (VC queue depth) Bc (committed burst)
When you are using the Cisco parameter set, the names and order of specification are as follows:
MIR/MIR, CIR/CIR, VC_Q/VC_Q, PIR/PIR, Cmax/Cmax ECNQ_thresh/ECNQ_thresh, QIR/QIR, FST, %utl/%utl
When you are using the parameters with the two Frame Relay Forum versions, the names and order of specification are as follows:
MIR/MIR, CIR/CIR, Bc/Bc, Be/Be, Cmax/Cmax, ECNQ_thresh/ECNQ_thresh, QIR/QIR, FST, %utl/%utl
For the definition of each parameter and important information on setting CIR=0, refer to the section titled " Using Frame Relay Classes" earlier in this chapter.
Any text string up to 25 characters terminated by a <RET>. This is used to provide the user with a descriptive identifier for the class.
Configures bandwidth parameters or enables ForeSight for an individual Frame Relay connection. Because you normally specify bandwidth parameters through the Frame Relay class or by the option of overriding bandwidth parameters through specific arguments for addcon, using cnffrcon tends to be used for instances where you need to customize a single connection's bandwidth parameters.
Be sure the MIR you specify is appropriate. If the MIR is too high, bandwidth is wasted. If it is too low, the connection may drop data. The statistics reports are the best source of information to help you determine the appropriate MIR.
The PIR usually is set to the port speed. You can specify a lower PIR if other constraints on the data generation rate exist. Be sure the PIR you specify is appropriate. If it is too low, frames are dropped. If it is too high, bandwidth may be wasted unless the network has ForeSight.
The Cmax, VC Q, and ECN Q values should be changed only by knowledgeable users and when tuning data is available to support the determination of appropriate values. These values affect system buffering resources, so any change from the defaults requires caution. Refer to the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview for more details on connection parameters.
If the connection type has ForeSight (FST = y), the result of the last test round-trip delay command (Test RTD) is displayed. Note that this is not the current RTD but the result of the last, user-specified test. High or low connection priority is displayed for both standard Frame Relay connections and ForeSight connections.
The node checks the bandwidth parameters to promote efficient use of network bandwidth. The following messages reflect the checks on bandwidth usage.
Min cannot exceed peak.
Min exceeds this port's speed.
Sum of mins exceeds port's speed.
Peak exceeds this port's speed.
Warning messages are informational and do not indicate that the command is failing to execute. Error messages indicate the command is not executing.
When you specify the frp_bw parameters, enter all changes (or unchanged values indicated by an asterisk) on the line. You must specify either a change or a place-holder (*) up to at least the last changed value (after which place-holders are unnecessary). Decide on any changes before starting this command. The parameters section of this command description lists frp_bw parameters. The section " Using Frame Relay Classes" at the beginning of this chapter describes the parameters.
Full Name
Configure Frame Relay connection
cnffrcon <channel> [bandwidth_parameters]
Related Commands
addcon, dspcon
Example 1
cnffrcon 8.1.200
Configure Frame Relay connection 8.1.200.
System Response
gamma TRM YourID:1 IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:28 CST
Conn: 8.1.200 alpha 9.1.100 fr
9.6/9.6 9.6/9.6 5/5 256/256 10/10 65535/65535 9.6/9.6 n
% Util: 100/100
Owner: REMOTE Restriction: NONE COS: 0 Status: OK
Group: NONE Priority: L TestRTD: 0 msec
Path: gamma 15--15beta 13--14alpha
Pref: Not Configured
gamma 8.1.200 alpha 9.1.100
Last Command: cnffrcon 8.1.200
Next Command:
Table 8-12 cnffrcon—Optional Parameters
Parameter Descriptionbandwidth_para-
metersSpecifies the bandwidth parameters in the following format:
MIR/MIR, CIR/CIR, VC_Q/VC_Q, PIR/PIR, Cmax/Cmax ECNQ_thresh/ECNQ_thresh, QIR/QIR, FST, %utl/%utl
See " Using Frame Relay Classes" in this chapter for information on the bandwidth parameters. A slash indicates you can specify a value for each direction. FST is either ForeSight enable (y) or disable (n). A "*" is a place-holder for a parameter you do not change.
Configures the port speed and percent of utilization on the concentrated link of a Port Concentrator Shelf (PCS). This is not a standard command. Primarily, you would use cnffrcport to adjust the rate on the concentrated link due to some unusual system configuration.
Because this command applies to the FRC interface (the concentrated link) rather than the user port for the CPE, the port number and the range of speeds is the same as that of the FRP or FRM card. Thus, the port numbers are 1-4 with rates varying from 56 Kbps through 2 Mbps. During port configuration, a prompt for each parameter appears. To keep the current value of the parameter, press the Return key without typing anything.
Full Name
Configure Frame Relay port
cnffrcport <slot.port> <percent utilization>
Related Commands
upfrport, dnfrport, dspfrport, dspcd
Example 1
cnffrcport 6.1 512 88
Reconfigure PCS port 6.1 to have a speed of 512 Kbps and a concentrated link utilization of 88 percent. (Note that executing dspcd for this slot would show a port count of 44, which indicates that the card set supports a PCS. The Configured Clock of 512 Kbps by itself does not indicate a PCS because a standard FRP-2 or FRM-2 also supports this rate.
System Response
minnow TN SuperUser IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 30 1998 10:16 PST
Physical Port: 6.1 [INACTIVE]
Interface: FRI-X21 DCE Configured Clock: 512 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 0 Kbps
Min Flags / Frames 1
Port ID 1022
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol None EFCI Mapping Enabled No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Interface Control Template
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Lead I
Communicate Priority No State ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25% Concentrated Link Util 88%
Last Command: cnffrcport 6.1 512 88
Next Command:
Configures the parameters of a Frame Relay port. The cnffrport command applies to the UFM/UFI, FRP/FRI, FRM/FRI, and FRM-2/FRP-2. (Note that a less commonly used command also exists for the concentrated link between the PCS and FRM-2 or FRP-2: cnffrcport.)
During port configuration, a prompt for each parameter appears. To keep the current value of the parameter, press the Return key without typing any characters. When a parameter is not configurable for an application, the parameter appears shaded or with dashed lines. You can mix the data rate for each of the ports if the total for all ports does not exceed the maximum composite data rate that the card set supports. Table 8-14 shows the supported data rates for individual T1 and E1 lines.
Table 8-15 shows the available data rates on a single, PCS user-port. For the FRP-2 and FRM-2 cards, the maximum composite data rate over the 44 logical user-ports is 1.792 Mbps.
Table 8-15 PCS Data Rates
Data Rates in Kbps9.6
For a PCS, some additional rules for assigning data rates to the 44 ports apply:
No single user-port should have a speed greater than 384 Kbps.
The total for each group of 11 ports should not exceed 448Kbps. The software allows higher rates, but the system may drop data if user-equipment passes data above the aggregate total of 448 Kbps.
The port numbers for the 11-port groups are 1-11, 12-22, 23-33, and 34-44.
Signaling Protocol Timers
This section introduces the implementation of two signaling timers and related parameters you can specify through the cnffrport command.
Periodically, devices use signaling to request the status of other, connected devices or networks. The signaling can be a simple confirmation of the other device's existence or more detailed information, such as the DLCIs, bandwidth, and state of all PVCs. The signaling described here occurs between:
The user-equipment and a Frame Relay port across the user-to-network interface (UNI)
Frame Relay ports in the network across the network-to-network interface (NNI)
Periodically, Frame Relay ports within the network transmit a Status Enquiry and wait for a Status response. These exchanges occur across the UNI and the NNI. At the UNI, the user-equipment periodically sends a series of Status Enquiries and awaits a Status response for each enquiry. At the NNI of any network, a Frame Relay port can generate Status Enquiries and, at alternate times, receive Status Enquiries. In this way, the signaling between networks mirror each other. ( Figure 8-3 shows the three possible exchanges.) The timers for Status Enquiry and Status Response and other, related parameters are the:
Link integrity timer—the time period between each Status Enquiry that either the user-equipment or a Frame Relay port in the network generates
Polling verification timer—a time period in which a Frame Relay port waits for a Status Response to a Status Enquiry that the port generated
Error threshold—the number of missing or erroneous events that triggers a Port Communication Failure
Monitored events count—the number of events in a polling cycle
Full status polling cycle—a polling cycle in which the port that has sent the Status Enquiry waits for detailed status information
In the preceding list, an event is either a Status Enquiry or a Status Response. The meaning of the event depends on whether the link integrity timer or the polling verification timer is waiting for the event. The link integrity timer waits for Status Responses. The polling verification timer waits for Status Enquiries.
Most Status Enquiries contain only a sequence number. After sending these simple Status Enquiries, the polling device checks for the sequence number. Periodically, a full status polling cycle takes place, in which the polling device waits for all applicable information, such as the status of all connections that cross the NNI. For signaling across the UNI, the Frame Relay Forum has recommended a full status polling cycle at every sixth polling cycle. The Frame Relay Forum has not recommended a frequency for the NNI. The cnffrport command lets you select a frequency in the range of once every 1-10 polling cycles.
The Frame Relay port or user-device counts a user-specified number of errors out of a user-specified number of attempts before it signals a Port Communication Failure. These parameters are the error threshold and the monitored events count, respectively. The defaults for these parameters are 3 and 4, respectively. To use the defaults in an example: if 3 out of 4 events are either missing or erroneous within the specified time period, the port signals a Port Communication Failure (a minor alarm).
An event has a user-specified amount of time to arrive. The allowed time period for the arrival of a valid event is the number of seconds you assign to a timer. If an enquiry or response is missing or bad within the timer value, the event is failed. Again, using all default values in an example: if the polling verification timer is 15 seconds and no Status Enquiry arrives within that time, the port records a missing Status Enquiry. If no Status Enquiry arrives during the next two 15-second periods, the port signals a Port Communication Failure. In the UNI example in the figure, the third Status Enquiry does not arrive. Note that each time a Status Enquiry arrives, the polling verification timer restarts counting at 0 seconds rather than waiting until the specified number of seconds has elapsed.
Whether the port is on a UNI or NNI, the polling verification timer setting must be longer than the link integrity timer. (Refer to the forthcoming cnffrport parameters table for values.) You cannot set the link integrity timer for the user-equipment with cnffrport. Usually, the link integrity timer on user-equipment is 10 seconds, which you can verify by executing dspportstats and counting the number of seconds between statistical updates. On the NNI, you can set both timers (they use either Annex A or Annex D).
Figure 8-3 Signaling Protocol Timing
The 1 Mbps FRI
The data rates available with the 1 Mbps FRI are shown in Table 8-16.
Table 8-16 Data Rates for the 1-Mbps FRI
Port Data Rates in Kbps for 1Mbps FRI1024
The rules for assigning data rates to the four ports when using the 1 Mbps FRI are:
If you assign a data rate of 672 Kbps or higher on any port, you cannot use any other port.
If you assign a data rate of between 384 Kbps and 512 Kbps to any port, you can specify a second port with an available data rate of 512 Kbps or less.
If you assign a data rate of 336 Kbps to any port, you can specify two other ports for any available data rates of 336 Kbps or less.
If the data rate of any port does not exceed 256 Kbps, you can specify all four ports with any available data rates of 256 Kbps or less.
Full Name
Configure Frame Relay port
Syntax (T1/E1 ports on UFM-C)
cnffrport <slot.port> <line.DS0_range> <port queue depth> <ecn queue threshold>
<de threshold> <signaling protocol> [protocol parameters]Syntax (Unchannelized ports on UFM-U)
cnffrport <slot.port> <port type> <port queue depth> <ecn queue threshold>
<de threshold> <signaling protocol> [protocol parameters]Syntax (T1/E1 ports on FRM or FRP)
cnffrport <slot.port> <port queue depth> <ecn queue threshold> <de threshold>
<signaling protocol> [protocol parameters]Syntax (All other ports—for an FRM or FRP)
cnffrport <slot.port> <speed> <port queue depth> <clocking> <de_threshold> <min-flags-bet-frames> <ECN q_threshold> <port ID> <signaling protocol y/n>
[protocol parameters]Related Commands
addfrport, upfrport, dnfrport, dspfrport
Example 1
cnffrport 3.1 48000 48000 100 n N Y 1
Change Frame Relay port 3.1 to have queue depths of 48000. The interface in this example is a T1.
System Response
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 32 9.2 Sep. 10 1997 16:25 GMT
Port: 3.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: FRI-T1 Configured Clock: 64 Kbps
Clocking: None Measured Rx Clock: None
Min Flags / Frames 1
Port ID - Channel Range 1
Port Queue Depth 48000 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 48000 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol None EFCI Mapping Enabled No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Channel Speed 64
N393 Monitored Events Count 4
Communicate Priority No
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Last Command: cnffrport 3.1 48000 48000 100 n N Y 1
Next Command:
Example 2
cnffrport 5.1 256 n 12000 10000 100 a N N 15 3 4 3 y y 100 Y 1
Change queue depths for port 8.1. An explanation of the screen appears after the screen example.
System Response
padma VT SuperUser IGX 8410 9.2 Sep. 10 1998 16:39 GMT
Port: 5.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: FRI-V35 DCE Configured Clock: 256 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 256 Kbps
Min Flags / Frames 1
Port ID 0
Port Queue Depth 12000 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 10000 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol Annex A UNI EFCI Mapping Enabled Yes
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer Yes/100 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Interface Control Template
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Lead CTS DSR DCD
Communicate Priority No State ON ON ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Last Command: cnffrport 5.1 256 NORMAL 0 12000 10000 100 a N N 15 3 4 3 y y 100
Y 1
Next Command:
The screen in Example 2 shows the following:
Example 3
cnffrport 13.1
Configure the parameters for the newly upped V.35 port at 13.1. In this case, the only change is the port type: the interface becomes a DTE in this example.
System Response
sw180 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 July 30 1997 00:09 GMT
Port: 13.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: V35 DCE Configured Clock: 256 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 0 Kbps
Port ID 0 Min Flags / Frames 1
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol None EFCI Mapping Enabled No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Interface Control Template
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Lead CTS DSR DCD
Communicate Priority No State ON ON ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Last Command: cnffrport 13.1 DTE 256 NORMAL 0 65535 65535 100 n N N Y
Next Command:
Table 8-17 describes both mandatory and optional parameters because some parameters are mandatory for T1/E1 lines and optional for other line types.
Table 8-17 cnffrport—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionslot.port
Specifies the logical port on the FRP, FRM, or UFM-U in the format slot.port. For a T1/E1 line on an FRM or FRP, port is a logical number. For a UFM-C, the range for port is 1-250. (See the description of slot.port line in the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference manual.) For a Port Concentrator Shelf, port is to the logical port in the range 1-44.
port type
(for a UFM-U)For port type on a
PCS, see next box.Specifies whether a port on a UFM-U is DCE or DTE. The prompt appears if the system detects a UFM-U. The default is DCE. For an FRM or FRP, "port Type" is display-only because jumper blocks on the back cards set the mode.
When you use cnffrport in a job, the "Enter mode (line or port)" prompt follows slot.port. Note that this mode is the interface type of the Frame Relay port rather than the mode of the UFM-U. Valid entries are HSSI, V35, X21, PORT (PORT is generically unchannelized), or LINE (LINE indicates T1 or E1). If the front card is a UFM-U, a subsequent prompt asks you to specify DCE or DTE.
port type
(for a PCS)(For port type on
a UFM-U, see preceding box.)Port type for a PCS tells switch software whether the port is V.35, V.11 or V.28. Port type for a PCS does not actually configure the port: to configure the port, you must install the appropriate card in the PCS.
See the port type description for the UFM-U for information on cnffrport in a job.
interface type
Specifies an interface type for a Port Concentrator Shelf (PCS). This parameter appears if switch software detects a PCS. It applies to the user interface display only and not the PCS itself because system software does not detect the interface type within the PCS. To change the user-interface type, you must change a card in the PCS.
slot.port line
Specifies the UFM-C slot, port, and line number, where port can be 1-250, and line can be 1-8. Note that the maximum number of T1/E1 lines per node is 32. This maximum could be, for example, spread over 4 UFM-8C card sets that utilize all 8 lines on each back card.
Specifies a port clock speed in Kbps for a 2.0 Mbps UFM, FRP, or FRM. The configured speed appears under the Configured Clock heading. The actual clock rate appears under the Measured Rx Clock heading. Note that this option does not apply to T1/E1 lines because these line types use 64 or 56 Kbps timeslots. The range of speeds according to the number of active ports is as follows:
1 port (selected speeds, 56-2048 Kbps)
2 ports (selected speeds, 56-1024 Kbps)
3 ports (selected speeds, 56-672 Kbps)
4 ports (selected speeds, 56-512 Kbps)
Refer to the table at the beginning of this command description for the available clock rates for all port combinations.
Specifies the port's clock type for HSSI, V.35, and X.21 lines. Clocking does not apply to T1, E1, or Port Concentrator lines. The clock is either normal or looped.
Four combinations of clocking are available for the V.35 ports. Two combinations of clocking are available for HSSI and X.21. Note that the clock and data direction in DCE mode is the opposite of the direction for DTE mode. The possibilities are:
FRP, FRM, or UFM-U port is DCE with normal clocking (HSSI, V.35, X.21).
FRP, FRM, or UFM-U port is DCE with looped clocking (V.35 only).
FRP, FRM, or UFM-U port is DTE with normal clocking (HSSI, V.35, X.21).
FRP, FRM, or UFM-U port is DTE with looped clocking (V.35 only).
For a description of looped and normal clocking, refer to the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference manual, or the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview.
port ID
Specifies the DLCI associated with the port (0-1024) {0}. A node uses this number when you add bundled connections. Otherwise, port ID can be used as a network destination number in global addressing. The port ID does not apply to T1, E1, or PCS ports.
port queue depth
Specifies the maximum bytes in the transmission queue at the UFM, FRP, or FRM port. The range is 0-65535 bytes. The default is 65535 bytes.
ecn queue threshold
Specifies the threshold at which the system begins to generate explicit congestion notification (BECN and FECN bits) for the port. The range is 0-65535 bytes. The default is 65535 bytes.
de threshold
Specifies the port queue depth above which the system discards frames with a set Discard Eligibility (DE) bit. The range is 0-100 percent. The default is 100 percent. A threshold of 100 percent disables DE for the port because a queue cannot contain more than 100 percent of its capacity.
signaling protocol
Specifies the LMI operation mode. The first time you execute cnffrport on a port, the command line interface displays the following options for this parameter: "none, Strata LMI, a (for Annex A), and d (for Annex D)." If you enter "a" or "d," the subsequent prompt asks if the interface is NNI.
For the initial port specification and subsequent port specifications for a particular port, you can also use a single digit from the LMI definition list that follows. The total industry standard range is 0-255, but Cisco WAN Switching nodes recognize only the following (the default is internally recognized as LMI=2):
LMI = 0 LMI is disabled at this port.
LMI = 1 Cisco LMI and the asynchronous update process is enabled at this port. Greenwich Mean Time is also enabled.
LMI = 2 LMI is disabled at this port.
LMI = 3 Cisco LMI is enabled at this port, but asynchronous update process is disabled.
LMI = 4 The port configuration is UNI using CCITT Q.933 Annex A parameters.
LMI = 5 The port configuration is UNI using ANSI T1.617 Annex D parameters.
LMI = 6 The port configuration is NNI using CCITT Q.933 Annex A parameters.
LMI = 7 The port configuration is NNI using ANSI T1.617 Annex D parameters.
For any Frame Relay card set that has a maximum frame length of
4510 bytes, the use and type of a signaling protocol results in a limit on the possible number of connections per port (the port here is either physical or logical). The maximum number of connections per port for each protocol is as follows:For Annex A: 899
For Annex D: 899
For Strata LMI: 562
Neither addcon nor cnffrport prevents you from adding more than the maximum number of connections on a port. (You might, for example, use cnffrport to specify an LMI when too many connections for that particular LMI already exist.) If the number of connections is exceeded for a particular LMI, the LMI does not work on the port, the full status messages that result are discarded, and LMI timeouts occur on the port. A port failure results and also subsequently leads to A-bit failures in other segments of the connection path.
asynchronous status
Specifies whether the node should send unsolicited LMI update messages when they appear or wait for the user-device to poll. Enter y (yes) or n (no).
polling verify timer
Specifies a Link Integrity Verification Timer heartbeat (keep-alive) period. The range is 5-30. The default is 15. Set the timer to 5 secs. more than the setting in the user equipment.
error threshold
Specifies the number of failures in the monitored events that cause the keep-alive process to report an alarm. The theoretical range is 0-255. The valid range is 1-10. A threshold of 0 reverts to 1. A threshold greater than 10 reverts to 10.
monitored events count
Specifies the number of monitored events for the keep-alive process. It has a theoretical range of 0-255 and a valid range of 1-10. A port communication-fail condition is cleared after this number of successful polling cycles. A value of 0 reverts to 1, and a value more than 10 reverts to 10.
communicate priority
Specifies whether the system should communicate the SNA priority of the connections to the user-device on the port. Enter y (yes) or n (no). (SNA priority is either H or L.)
upper/lower RNR
thresholdSpecifies the receiver not ready (RNR) thresholds. The upper threshold is the number of receiver not ready indications from the user equipment before an alarm is generated for this port. The lower RNR threshold is the number of indications from the user equipment before an alarm is cleared. The range is 1-255. The default for the upper RNR threshold is 75. The default for the lower RNR threshold is 25.
Enable EFCI to BECN mapping
Directs the system to map the ForeSight congestion bit (which is set in the FastPackets by a trunk card) to the FECN and BECN bits on the affected PVC.
ForeSight over port
Specifies whether the system should use CLLM over the port.
min. flags/frame
Specifies the minimum number of flags between frames when the direction of transmission is from the node to the user-equipment. Any value greater than 0 is valid on the UFM, FRP or FRM. The default is 1. On a Port Concentrator Shelf, the range is 1-16.
OAM FastPacket
thresholdSpecifies how many OAM FastPackets must arrive from a remote NNI port before the local port generates "A-bit = 0" in the signaling protocol message to the locally attached device. The range for this parameter is 0-15 packets. The default is 3 packets. A 0 disables this function. The OAM FastPacket threshold setting applies to UNI and NNI ports. The following two paragraphs provide a more detailed explanation of the A-bit and OAM FastPacket threshold usage.
On any Frame Relay port (UNI or NNI) that is using a signaling protocol (Cisco LMI, Annex A, or Annex D), the FRP or FRM provides a Status message to the attached equipment in response to a Status Enquiry message or as an Asynchronous Update. These Status messages contain details about every PVC configured on the port. In particular, the PVC Active bit (the A-bit) represents whether a PVC is active (A-bit=1) or out of service (A-bit = 0). If the other end of the connection PVC on a UNI port, the only conditions that can cause the local Frame Relay card to send an A-bit=0 are:
The PVC is down (intentionally taken out of service)
The PVC has failed for any reason (such as a hardware failure, trunk failure with no ability to reroute, and so on)
If the other end of the PVC terminates on an NNI port, one additional condition can cause the local UFM, FRP, or FRM to send an A-bit=0 to the local device: if the remote NNI port on the card receives an A-bit=0 from the remote network over the remote NNI, then the local card can propagate an A-bit=0 out the local port. The mechanism by which the remote card notifies the local card of the A-bit=0 coming from the remote network is OAM FastPackets. The local node sends one OAM FastPacket every 5 seconds for as long as the A-bit coming from the remote network is 0.
link integrity timer
(T391)Specifies the interval after which the system sends Status Enquiry messages across the NNI port. The range for the interval is
5-30 seconds. The default is 6 seconds. Both networks do not need to have the same T391 value.On a Frame Relay NNI port, the Link Integrity Timer (T391) specifies how often the UFM, FRP, or FRM generates a Status Enquiry message to the attached network using the selected NNI signaling protocol (Annex A or Annex D). The card should receive a Status message for every Status Enquiry message it transmits. If the Frame Relay card receives either no responses or invalid responses, a Port Communication Failure results (and causes a minor alarm). Using the default values for N392 Error Threshold and N393 Monitored Events Count in an example: an error occurs when no response (or a bad response) arrives for 3 out of the last 4 Status Enquiry messages. (The default for N392 Error Threshold is 3. For N393 Monitored Events Count, the default is 4.)
N392 error threshold
Specifies the number of bad or undelivered responses to Status Enquiry messages that can occur before the system records a Port Communication Failure. The range is 1-10. The default is 3. See the description of the link integrity timer parameter for example usage.
N393 monitored events count
Specifies the number of Status Enquiry messages in a period wherein the system waits for responses to the enquiries. The range is 1-10. The default is 4. See the description of the link integrity timer parameter for example usage.
full status polling cycle (N391)
Specifies the interval at which the system sends the Full Status Report request for all PVCs across the NNI port. The range is 1-255 polling cycles. The default is 10 cycles. The Full Status reports the status of all the connections across the NNI.
card type
Specifies the card type when you enter the cnffrport command in a job. This parameter is not available except when you specify cnffrport in a job by using the addjob command. During the job specification, you enter the card type just after the slot.port during the command specification phase of addjob. Valid card types are "V.35," "X.21," "port," and "line," where "line" indicates a T1 or E1 line.
CLLM status Tx Timer
Specifies an interval for the system to send ForeSight congestion messages across the NNI. The range is 40 ms-350 ms. The default is 100 ms. Both networks must be Cisco WAN Switching networks.
IDE to DE mapping
Specifies whether the destination system should map the internal DE bit (IDE) status in the FastPacket or ATM cell to the Frame Relay DE bit at the destination. Enter y (yes) or n (no). If you specify the non-standard case of CIR=0 with either addcon or cnffrcls, you must first enable IDE to DE mapping. Refer to the section titled " Using Frame Relay Classes" for important information on setting CIR=0.
interface control
templateSpecifies the control leads available on the V.35 and X.21 physical Frame Relay ports and the meaning for each lead.
channel range
Specifies the DS0s for the T1 or E1 logical port. The value can be 1 or a contiguous combination in the range 1-24 for T1 or 1-31 for E1. For example, 7-12 indicates 6 DS0s for the port, starting with DS0 7. Before you use this command, specify the valid channel range with the addfrport command.
channel speed
Specifies the bandwidth available to a logical port. The speed is 64 Kbps times the number of DS0s you specify with the channel range parameter.
Configures the interface control template signals. Each interface control lead must be individually configured. (Each data channel has a default interface control template for its active, conditioned, and looped-near and far states.) The signals available to cnfict depend on the type of back card and whether the port mode is DCE or DTE. On an IPX node, the applicable front cards are the SDP, LDP, FRP, CDP (for data), and FTC (for data). On an IGX node, the applicable front cards are the LDM, HDM, FRM, UFM, CVM (for data), and FTM (for data).
The cnfict command is not valid for V.11 and X.21 interfaces. For FRP V.35 and Port Concentrator V.35 and V.28 interfaces, only the active template is usable, and you can configure the leads to on or off.
When Y-cable redundancy is in effect, the control template configuration for the data channels terminating at the primary slot also applies to the data channels of the secondary slot. Any configuration information you attempt to apply to the secondary slot is ignored. Table 8-18 lists which leads are configurable for each type of data interface supported by the IGX node. The entries under the IGX Name column indicate the abbreviations to use when you specify input or output leads on the command line.
Asterisks (**) indicate the listing is applicable to only an SDP or HDM card. Pins 11 and 23 on an RS-232 port are bidirectional, and their default direction is input. See the cnfcldir command for information on changing the direction of these pins. The cpyict command can be used to copy an interface control template from one data channel to another. The template can then be edited using the cnfict command. The dspbob command displays the state of leads at specified intervals.
The preceding table shows the equivalence between RS-232C, RS-232D, RS-449, V.35, and X.21 interfaces. An IGX treats leads impartially for non-interleaved connections. Any signal arriving on an EIA pin at one end may be transmitted to any pin at the other end. An imposed maximum of 12 EIA leads applies to any interface type. For interleaved EIA connections, the Fast EIA column shows which leads are carried in the interleaved bytes in the data packets. All remaining leads are carried in traditional control lead packets.
Full Name
Configure interface control template
cnfict <port> <template> <output> <source>
Related Commands
addextlp, dspict, tstport
Example 1
cnfict 25.1 a cts on
Configure the active interface control template for channel 25.1 to CTS-on. CTS-on means that when the port is active, the CTS lead is asserted.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:36 MST
Data Channel: 25.1
Interface: RS232 DCE
Clocking: Normal
Interface Control Template for Connection while ACTIVE
Lead Output Value Lead Output Value
Last Command: cnfict 25.1 a cts on
Next Command:
Example 2
cnfict 9.1 a rts on
Configure the active interface control template to have RTS-on. This means that when the port is active. the RTS lead is asserted.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 23 1998 10:23 PST
Port: 9.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: FRI-V35 DTE Configured Clock: 256 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 0 Kbps
Port ID 7
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 6 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 10 cyl
Signalling Protocol None ForeSight (CLLM) No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Status Tx Timer 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 Interface Control Template
N392 Error Threshold 3 Lead State
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 RTS ON
Communicate Priority No DTR ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Min Flags / Frames 1
Last Command: cnfict 9.1 a rts on
Next Command:
Example 3
cnfict 31.1 n dsr on
Configure the near interface control template for 31.1, to DSR on (DDS trunk).
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:38 MST
Data Channel: 31.1
Interface: DDS-4 OCU Config
Clocking: Looped
Interface Control Template for Connection while NEAR EXT LOOPED
Lead Output Value Lead Output Value
Last Command: cnfict 31.1 near dsr on
Next Command:
Selects a mode of the card for a UFM-U back card. The mode of a card is combination of maximum port speeds and for specific port numbers. Table 8-20 lists the maximum port speeds and active ports for each mode. The cnfmode command lets you select 1 of 27 modes for either a UFI-12V.35 back card or a UFI-12X.21 back card. For a UFI-4HSSI back card, three modes are available. Note that you specify the actual speed of an individual port by using cnffrport. The IGX documentation describes the application of the modes and the sequence of execution of these commands.
The cnfmode and cnfufmumode commands are the same command.
Full Name
Configure mode
cnfmode <port> <mode>
Related Commands
cnffrport, dspmode, dspmodes
Example 1
cnfmode 13 4
Configure the UFM-U card set in slot 13 to have mode 4. Note that the display shows which ports are active for each mode number but does not show the current mode of the UFM-U. To see the current mode of the UFM-U, use dspmode.
System Response
w180 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 July 30 1997 01:25 GMT
Mode[ 1]:111111111111 Mode[ 2]:101010101010 Mode[ 3]:100010001000
Mode[ 4]:101011111111 Mode[ 5]:100011111111 Mode[ 6]:101010101111
Mode[ 7]:100010101111 Mode[ 8]:100010001111 Mode[ 9]:100010101010
Mode[10]:100010001010 Mode[11]:111110101111 Mode[12]:111111111010
Mode[13]:111110001111 Mode[14]:111111111000 Mode[15]:101011111010
Mode[16]:111110101010 Mode[17]:101010001111 Mode[18]:101011111000
Mode[19]:111110101000 Mode[20]:111110001010 Mode[21]:100011111010
Mode[22]:100011111000 Mode[23]:111110001000 Mode[24]:101010001010
Mode[25]:101010101000 Mode[26]:100010101000 Mode[27]:101010001000
This Command: cnfmode 13
Enter The New UFMU Mode [1]: 4
Copies all control template information associated with a given channel: the active template information, the conditioned template information, and the looped template information near, far. Once copied, you can edit the control template information with the cnfict command. See the cnfict command for more information on interface control templates.
Full Name
Copy SDP/LDP/FRP interface control template
cpyict <source_port> <destination_port>
Related Commands
cnfict, dspict
Example 1
cpyict 25.1 25.2
Copy the interface control template on channel 25.1 to channel 25.2.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:40 MST
Data Channel: 25.2
Interface: RS232 DCE
Clocking: Normal
Interface Control Template for Connection while ACTIVE
Lead Output Value Lead Output Value
Last Command: cpyict 25.1 25.2
Next Command:
Example 2
cpyict 25.1 25.2
Copy the Frame Relay interface control template on port 25.1 to 25.2.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:40 MST
Data Channel: 25.2
Interface: RS232 DCE
Clocking: Normal
Interface Control Template for Connection while ACTIVE
Lead Output Value Lead Output Value
Last Command: cpyict 25.1 25.2
Next Command:
Removes connections from the network. A prompt appears for confirming the deletion. Connections can be deleted from the node at either end of the connection. Do not delete a connection when the node at the other end of the connection is unreachable. The unreachable node will not recognize the deletion. It is especially important not to delete a connection to an unreachable node and then connect that channel to another node. Channel connections are added to the network with the addcon command.
Full Name
Delete connections
delcon <channel(s)>
Related Commands
addcon, dspcon, dspcons
Example 1
delcon 25.1
Delete connection 25.1. The connections to delete are highlighted. A prompt asks you to confirm the deletion. Respond with "y" for yes. Connection 25.1 is deleted.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 15:43 MST
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compression Code Avoid COS O
19.1.101 gamma 8.2.300 Ok fr 0 L
19.2.302 alpha 9.2.400 Ok fr 0 R
25.2 gamma 6.1 Ok 256 7/8 0 L
Last Command:
Next Command: delcon 25.1
delfrport (T1/E1)
The information in this description applies to only Frame Relay ports using a T1 or E1 line. The delfrport command deletes logical ports on FRP, FRM, or UFM-C cards and "unassigns" associated DS0/timeslots. The deleted DS0/timeslots are available for you to assign to new logical ports (with the addfrport command). The port display (normally visible through dspfrport command) appears regardless of whether the port has been successfully deleted. The screen displays the defined port numbers for the specified line. Table 8-24 lists the error and warning messages for this command.
Full Name
Delete Frame Relay port
For FRM or FRP: delfrport <slot.port>
For UFM: delfrport <slot.port> <line.ds0_range>
Related Commands
addfrport, dspfrport, dnfrport
Example 1
delfrport 8.1
Delete Frame Relay port 8.1.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 17:28 CST
Port configuration for FRP 8
From Chan Speed Interface State 1 9-15 448 FRI T1 ACTIVE 20 20-24 320 FRI T1 ACTIVE
Last Command: delfrport 8.1
Next Command:
Deactivates (downs) the specified Frame Relay port. Before deactivating a port, you must delete all connections on the port (see delcon description).
Full Name
Down Frame Relay port
For UFM-U, FRM, or FRP: dnfrport <slot.port>
For UFM-C: dnfrport <slot.port> <line.ds0_range>
Related Commands
cnffrport, dspfrport, upfrport
Example 1
delfrport 3.1
Down Frame Relay port 3.1.
System Response
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 32 9.2 Aug. 14 1997 03:49 GMT
Port: 3.1 [INACTIVE]
Interface: FRI-T1 Configured Clock: 64 Kbps
Clocking: None Measured Rx Clock: None
Min Flags / Frames 1
Port ID - Channel Range 1
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol None EFCI Mapping Enabled No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Channel Speed 64
N393 Monitored Events Count 4
Communicate Priority No
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Last Command: dnfrport 3.1
Next Command:
Displays configuration details for voice, data, or Frame Relay channels.
If the channel specified is a voice channel, the display includes configuration details for all channels on the specified circuit line starting with the specified channel. If the channel specified is a data channel, the display includes configuration details for all channels on the specified data card (CDP, SDP, or LDP) starting with the specified channel. If the channel specified is a Frame Relay channel, the display includes configuration details for all channels on the specified FRP port starting with the specified channel. If you specify a Frame Relay port only with no DLCI, the display includes configuration details for all channels on the Frame Relay port specified. The display also indicates either Cisco parameters or standard Frame Relay parameters where appropriate.
Full Name
Display channel configuration
dspchcnf <start_channel>
Related Commands
cnfchadv, cnfchdfm, cnfchdl, cnfcheia, cnfchgn, cnfchpri, cnfchutl, cnffrcon
Example 1
dspchcnf 9.1
Display configuration values for all channels on Frame Relay port 9.1.
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 15:56 PST
Frame Relay Channel Configuration Port: 9.1
Channel MIR CIR VC Q Depth PIR Cmax ECN QThresh QIR FST % Util
9.1.100 9.6 9.6 5 256 10 65535 9.6 n 100
Last Command: dspchcnf 9.1
Next Command:
Table 8-27 dspchcnf—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionchannel
Specifies the channel at which the display begins. The format is slot.port.DLCI. The DLCI parameter is optional.
Displays traffic statistics and the statistics collection period for the specified channel. The display shows when the statistics were last cleared and the time that has elapsed during the current collection period. The statistical parameters include:
Number of frames transmitted
Average frame size in bytes
Average frame rate in frames per second
Number of packets transmitted
Average packet rate in packets per second
Percent of the channel in use
For each parameter, the values appear in the following categories:
From the port (received from the attached device into the node)
To the network (transmitted from the node into the network)
Discarded (received from the attached device but not transmitted to the network)
From the network (received from the network into the node)
To the port (transmitted from the node to the attached device)
Discarded (received from the network but not transmitted to the attached device)
The dspchstats command also displays ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) statistics.
Description of Frame Relay Channel Statistics
The following 35 statistics are available for each Frame Relay PVC channel. Note that the statistic field name listed may be slightly different from the field name on the dspchstats screen.
1) Frames Received
2) Receive Frames Discarded
3) Frames Transmitted
4) Transmit Frames Discarded
5) Packets Received
6) Receive Packets Discarded
7) Packets Transmitted
10) Bytes Received
11) Receive Bytes Discarded
12) Bytes Transmitted
13) Transmit Bytes Discarded
17) Seconds In Service
18) Frames Transmitted with FECN
19) Frames Transmitted with BECN
21) Minutes Congested
22) DE Frames Received
23) DE Frames Transmitted
24) DE Frames Dropped
25) DE Bytes Received
26) Frames Received in Excess of CIR
27) Bytes Received in Excess of CIR
28) Frames Transmitted in Excess of CIR
29) Bytes Transmitted in Excess of CIR
32) Rx Frames Discarded - Deroute/Down
33) Rx Bytes Discarded - Deroute/Down
34) Rx Frames Discarded - VC Q Overflow
35) Rx Bytes Discarded - VC Q Overflow
36) Tx Frames Discarded - Q Overflow
37) Tx Bytes Discarded - Q Overflow
38) Tx Frames Discarded - Ingress CRC
39) Tx Bytes Discarded - Ingress CRC
40) Tx Frames Discarded - Trunk Discard
41) Tx Bytes Discarded - Trunk Discard
42) Tx Frames During Ingress LMI Fail
43) Tx Bytes During Ingress LMI Fail
Full Name
Display Frame Relay channel statistics
dspchstats <channel> [interval]
Related Commands
clrchstats, cnfchstats
Example 1
dspchstats 5.1.100
Display the channel statistics for connection 5.1.100.
The system response shows the following statistics categories:
From the port (something coming into a port, typically from an external device/box)
To the network (something going out of the switch; typically trunks)
Discarded (received from the attached device but not transmitted to the network)
From the network (received in; typically, into the trunk)
To the port (transmitted out of the port, to an external device or cloud)
Discarded (received from the network but not transmitted to the attached device)
System Response
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 7 1998 04:04 PDT
Channel Statistics: 5.1.100 Cleared: July 25 1997 06:07
MIR: 9.6 kbps Collection Time: 12 day(s) 21:48:41 Corrupted: YES
Frames Avg Size Avg Util Packets Avg
(bytes) (fps) (%) (pps)
From Port: 0 0 0 0
To Network: 0 0 0 0 58732 0
Discarded: 0 0 0 0
From Network: 1 5 0 0 1 0
To Port: 0 0 0 0
Discarded: 1 5 0 0 1 0
ECN Stats: Avg Rx VC Q: 0 ForeSight RTD --
Min-Pk bytes rcvd: 0 FECN Frames: 0 FECN Ratio (%) 0
Minutes Congested: 0 BECN Frames: 0 BECN Ratio (%) 0
Frames rcvd in excess of CIR: 0 Bytes rcvd in excess of CIR: 0
Frames xmtd in excess of CIR: 0 Bytes xmtd in excess of CIR: 0
This Command: dspchstats 5.1.100
Hit DEL key to quit:
Displays connection information for a channel. The information displayed includes:
The channel number at both the local and remote ends of the connection
The node name at both ends of the connection
The type or data rate of the connection
The routing restriction
The class of service (COS) of the connection
The connection route, which lists the end nodes and any intermediate nodes
The preferred route for the connection (if configured)
If cost-based AutoRoute is configured, displays maximum and current costs for a connection route.
The status of the cards associated with the connection
Any Y-cable conflicts (LDI, CDP for example)
The compression status (VAD on or off, ADPCM on or off, DFM on or off, Frame Relay compression on or off)
The connection bandwidth parameter values for Frame Relay
The circuit round trip delay (RTD) if ForeSight is enabled
A failure that affects the connection flashes on the screen. For Frame Relay NNI ports, the NNI value indicates the A-bit value was received over the NNI from the remote network. The possible status messages are:
Full Name
Display connections
dspcon <slot.port.DLCI>
Related Commands
addcon, cnfcos, cnfpref, cnfrtcost, dspcons
Example 1
dspcon 19.1.101
Display connection information for Frame Relay channel 19.1.101 (cost based routing is configured).
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 15:42 MST
Conn: 19.1.101 gamma 8.2.300 fr
9.6/9.6 9.6/9.6 65535/65535 256/256 10/10 65535/65535 9.6/9.6 n
% Util: 100/100
Owner: LOCAL Restriction: NONE COS: 0 Status: OK
TestRTD: 0 msec Trunk Cell Routing Restrict: Y Max Cost: 100 Route Cost: 36
Path: beta 15--15gamma
Pref: Not Configured
beta 19.1.101 gamma 8.2.300
Last Command: dspcon 19.1.101
Next Command:
Table 8-36 dspcon—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionchannel
Specifies the channel in the format slot.port.DLCI. The dspcon command displays information for one connection at a time.
Displays information about the connections on an IGX node. The following table lists all possible information headings that appear in the display. The actual headings that appear depend on the choice of selected optional parameters—including no parameters. Entering the command with no parameters displays all connections. The screen examples in this description reflect various parameter options, including no parameters.
Viewing Results from OAM Loopback Test
The OAM Loopback Test will consider a PVC to be failed if ten consecutive loopback cells do not return. When a failure occurs, this information will be stored in switch software. The test will continue to run even when connections are in a failed state. You can view the results of the test by using the dspcons -oam command.
You can view a display of connections that have failed the OAM Loopback Test by using the dspcons command. The dspcons command with no optional parameters will show all connections, and those that have failed the OAM Loopback Test but are otherwise OK will show a state of OAM. Other states will supersede OAM. You can use the dspcons -oam command to view all connections that have failed the OAM Loopback Test. When an OAM Loopback failure occurs, the state field shows OAM-F.
Full Name
Display connections
dspcons [start_channel] [nodename] [-f] [-v] [-d] [-atfr] [-abit] [-fabit] [-fail] [-down]
Some parameters may supersede other parameters.
Related Commands
addcon, cnfchadv, chfchdfm
Example 1
Displays all connections
System Response
sw83 VT SuperUser IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 14 1998 12:58 PST
From Remote Remote
3.1.27 NodeName Channel State Type Compress Code COS
3.1.27 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.28 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.29 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.30 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.31 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.32 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.33 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.34 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.35 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.36 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.37 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.38 sw86 Ok atfst 0
3.1.39 sw86 Ok atfst 0
This Command: dspcons
Example 2
dspcons 19.1
Display connections starting with 19.1. This example shows frame and data connections.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 15:37 MST
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compression Code Avoid COS O
19.1.101 gamma 8.2.300 Ok fr 0 L
19.2.302 alpha 9.2.400 Ok fr 0 R
25.1 alpha 5.1 Ok 256 7/8 0 L
25.2 gamma 6.1 Ok 256 7/8 0 L
Last Command: dspcons 19.1
Next Command:
Example 3
dspcons -f
Display Frame Relay connections only.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IGX 8430 9.2 Aug. 15 1998 15:38 MST
Local Remote Remote Only Route
Channel NodeName Channel State f Compression Code Avoid COS O
19.1.101 gamma 8.2.300 Ok fr 0 L
19.2.302 alpha 9.2.400 Ok fr 0 R
Last Command: dspcons -f
Next Command:
Example 4
dspcons -abit
Display connections and show the status of the A-bit on the local and remote nodes.
System Response
sw83 VT SuperUser IGX 8410 9.2 Aug. 14 1998 13:02 PST
Local Remote Remote Local Remote
Channel NodeName Channel State Abit Abit
3.1.1 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.2 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.3 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.4 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.5 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.6 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.7 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.8 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.9 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.10 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.11 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.12 sw86 Ok OK OK
3.1.13 sw86 Ok OK OK
This Command: dspcons -abit
Example 5
Display connections.
System Response
sw99 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.10 Aug. 27 1998 08:59 GMT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O
------- -------- ------- ----- ---- ----- --- -- sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw14 Ok vbr 0 L sw157 16.1.6 Failed atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.7 Failed atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.8 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.9 OAM-F atfr 0 L
Last Command: dspcons
Example 6
dspcons -oam
Display connections that have failed the OAM Loopback Test.
System Response
sw99 TN StrataCom BPX 15 9.2.10 Aug. 27 1998 08:59 GMT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O
------- -------- ------- ----- ---- ----- --- -- sw157 16.1.6 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.7 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.8 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.9 OAM-F atfr 0 L
Last Command: dspcons -oam
Next Command:
Displays the configuration of a Frame Relay class. Network-wide classes are available to provide a shortcut for adding Frame Relay connections. Refer to the section titled " Using Frame Relay Classes" at the beginning of this chapter for a definition of a Frame Relay class.
The */* in the PIR (Peak Information Rate) column means that if a connection is added using this Frame Relay class, the PIR for this connection will be equal to that of the port speed on which the connection was added. For example, if the port speed for port 6.1 = 64 kbps, and if a connection 6.1.100 is adding using the Frame Relay class, it will have a value of 64 kbps for the PIR parameter.
Full Name
Display Frame Relay classes
Related Commands
addcon, cnffrcls
Example 1
Display the Frame Relay class configurations.
The screen display is the same as that for the cnffrcls command.
System Response
sw83 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 23 1998 13:43 GMT
Frame Relay Connection Classes
# MIR CIR VC Q Depth PIR Cmax ECN QThresh
1 9.6/9.6 9.6/9.6 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535
QIR: 9.6/9.6 FST: n % Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 9.6"
2 19.2/19.2 19.2/19.2 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535
QIR: 19.2/19.2 FST: n % Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 19.2"
3 16/16 16/16 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535
QIR: 16/16 FST: n % Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 16"
4 32/32 32/32 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535
QIR: 32/32 FST: n % Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 32"
5 56/56 56/56 65535/65535 */* 10/10 65535/65535
QIR: 56/56 FST: n % Util: 100/100 Description: "Default 56"
This Command: dspfrcls
Displays information on Frame Relay cards and physical and logical ports. The applicable card sets are the FRP, FRM, and UFM. The content of the information display depends on the arguments you include with the command. The information can be:
The status of all Frame Relay ports in a node
General information on all ports on a selected FRP, FRM, or UFM card
Configuration information on a single Frame Relay port
The following are examples of the dspfrport command syntax:
Table 8-39 lists the possible displayed port parameters for a single port. For a more detailed description of these parameters, refer to the cnffrport command.
Full Name
Display Frame Relay port
dspfrport [slot | slot.port]
Related Commands
cnffrport, upfrport, dnfrport
Example 1
Display the port status of the Frame Relay ports in the node.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 15 1997 15:48 PST
FRP Port States
Port ID State
9.1 0 ACTIVE
9.2 0 ACTIVE
Last Command: dspfrport
Next Command:
Example 2
dspfrport 5
Display the status of the ports on the FRP in slot 5.
System Response
pubsipx1 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Sep. 7 1997 02:11 PDT
Port configuration for FRP 5
Port ID Speed Interface State Protocol Port Type
1 0 256 FRI-V35 (DCE) ACTIVE None FR
2 0 256 FRI-V35 (DCE) INACTIVE None FR
3 0 256 FRI-V35 (DCE) INACTIVE None FR
4 0 256 FRI-V35 (DCE) INACTIVE None FR
Last Command: dspfrport 5
Next Command:
Example 3
dspfrport 5.1
Display port status for logical Frame Relay port 5.1. In the example, note the range of channels.
System Response
sw109 VT SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 Aug. 21 1997 18:14 GMT
Port: 5.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: E1B Configured Clock: 960 Kbps
Clocking: None Measured Rx Clock: None
Port ID - Min Flags / Frames 1
Port Queue Depth 32000 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol None EFCI Mapping Enabled No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Channel Speed 64
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Line Number 1
Communicate Priority No Channel Range 1-15
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Last Command: dspfrport 5.1
Next Command:
Example 4
dspfrport 5
Display port status for all the Port Concentrator ports at slot 5.
System Response
tecate LAN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 6 1997 09:59 PST
Port configuration for FRP 5
Port ID Speed Interface State Protocol
1 0 64 V.35 (DCE) ACTIVE None
2 0 64 V.35 (DCE) ACTIVE None
3 0 38.4 V.11 (DTE) ACTIVE None
4 0 38.4 V.11 (DCE) ACTIVE None
5 0 38.4 V.11 (DCE) ACTIVE None
6 0 38.4 V.11 (DTE) ACTIVE None
7 0 19.2 V.11 (DCE) ACTIVE None
8 0 19.2 V.28 (DCE) ACTIVE None
9 0 19.2 V.28 (DTE) ACTIVE None
10 0 38.4 V.28 (DCE) INACTIVE None
11 0 38.4 V.28 (DCE) INACTIVE None
12 0 38.4 V.28 (DCE) INACTIVE None
Last Command: dspfrport 5
Example 5
dspfrport 6.44
Display port configuration for Frame Relay port 6.44 (a Port Concentrator port).
System Response
singha TN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 July 7 1997 13:38 GMT
Port: 6.44 [FAILED]
Interface: V.11 DCE Configured Clock: 38.4 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Startup Rx Clock: 0 Kbps
Min Flags / Frames 1
Port ID 0
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 10 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 6 cyl
Signalling Protocol None EFCI Mapping Enabled No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Enabled/Tx Timer No/ 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Interface Control Template
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Lead I
Communicate Priority No State ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Last Command: dspfrport 6.44
Next Command:
Displays physical port configuration for FRM-2 or FRP-2 ports connected to a Port Concentrator. The following is a list of possible displayed parameters for a port.
The screen displayed with this command includes fields for standard Frame Relay ports on the FRM card. Only the fields in the following table have meaning for a Port Concentrator.
Full Name
Display FRC-2/FRM-2 port configuration
dspfrcport <slot.port> <interval>
Related Commands
dspfrcport, dspbob
Example 1
dspfrcport 3.1
Display the configuration of port 3.1.
System Response
tecate LAN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 6 1998 10:25 PST
Physical Port: 3.1 [ACTIVE]
Interface: FRI-X.21 DCE Configured Clock: 512 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 512 Kbps
Port Type FR Min Flags / Frames 1
Port ID 1022
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 6 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 10 cyl
Signalling Protocol None ForeSight (CLLM) No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Status Tx Timer 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 IDE to DE Mapping Yes
N392 Error Threshold 3 Interface Control Template
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 Lead I
Communicate Priority No State ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25% Concentrated Link Util 88%
Last Command: dspfrcport 3.1
Next Command:
Displays interface control template information for data channels and Frame Relay ports. The information includes:
The specified channel.
The type of template: a, c, l, n, or f.
The associated output leads and their status:ON.
Following a local input.
Following a remote input.For Frame Relay ports, the entire port configuration screen is displayed (see dspfrport command). The input being followed is specified, when applicable. Any RTS to CTS delay is also shown.
Full Name
Display interface control template
dspict <port> <template>
Related Commands
cnfict, cpyict
Example 1
dspict 25.1 a
Display the active interface control template for channel 25.1.
System Response
beta TRM YourID:1 IPX 32 9.2 Aug. 15 1997 17:33 MST
Data Channel: 25.1
Interface: RS232 DCE
Clocking: Normal
Interface Control Template for Connection while ACTIVE
Lead Output Value Lead Output Value
Last Command: dspict 25.1 a
Next Command:
Example 2
dspict 9.1 a
Display the Frame Relay data channel 9.1 interface control template.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 10:26 PST
Port: 9.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: FRI-V35 DTE Configured Clock: 256 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 0 Kbps
Port ID 7
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 6 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 10 cyl
Signalling Protocol None ForeSight (CLLM) No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Status Tx Timer 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 Interface Control Template
N392 Error Threshold 3 Lead State
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 RTS ON
Communicate Priority No DTR ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Min Flags / Frames 1
Last Command: dspict 9.1 a
Next Command:
Table 8-42 dspict—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionport
Specifies the physical slot and port of the Frame Relay card set.
Specifies the template. Choices are a, c, n, l, and f.
Displays the mode of the card. The mode applies only to a UFM-U back card. The UFM-U back cards are the UFI-12V.35, UFI-12X.21, and UFI-4HSSI. A card mode is a combination of maximum port speeds and for specific port numbers. Table 8-43 lists the maximum port speeds and active ports for each mode. For a description of the UFM-U modes, see the UFM-U description in the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference.
Full Name
Display mode
dspmode <slot>
Related Commands
cnffrport, cnfmode, dspmodes
Example 1
dspmode 13
Display the mode of the UFM-U in slot 13.
System Response
sw180 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 July 30 1997 01:39 GMT
UFMU Card Mode Configuration
Slot Number Configured Mode Available Ports Currently Activated Ports
13 1 [111111111111] [100000000000]
Last Command: dspmode 13
Next Command:
Displays the ports that are active with each mode of an unchannelized UFM. The mode applies only to a UFM-U back card. The UFM-U back cards are the UFI-12V.35, UFI-12X.21, and UFI-4HSSI. A card mode is a combination of maximum port speeds and specific port numbers. Refer to the description of dspmode for the table that lists the maximum port speeds and active ports for each mode. For a description of the UFM-U modes, see the UFM-U description in the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference.
The dspmodes command takes no parameters. Also, note that only the first three modes apply to a UFI-4HSSI.
Full Name
Display mode
Related Commands
cnffrport, cnfmode, dspmode
Example 1
Display the possible modes.
System Response
sw180 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 July 30 1997 01:39 GMT
UFMU Card Mode Configuration
Slot Number Configured Mode Available Ports Currently Activated Ports
13 1 [111111111111] [100000000000]
Last Command: dspmode 13
Next Command:
Displays status and level information for either a specific Port Concentrator Shelf or all Port Concentrators attached to the node. When the command has a specific slot number for an argument, information appears for each concentrated link. The information for each concentrated link is as follows (see also Example 1):
Status, where OK means the FRM-2 or FRP-2 is communicating with the PCS, and "Failed" means the FRM-2 or FRP-2 is not communicating with the PCS on the concentrated link.
No Test means no test (tstpcs command) has occurred since last reset.
Passed means the last PCS test (tstpcs command) detected no errors in the PCS hardware.
Failed means the last PCS test (tstpcs command) detected errors in the PCS hardware.
Testing means a test (tstpcs command) is in progress.
FW Revision is the firmware revision of the PCS module.
Boot PROM Date is the boot firmware date of PCS module.
Boot PROM Revision is the boot firmware revision of PCS module.
When the command executes without a specified slot, a general status statement and the firmware revision for each port appear (see Example 2).
Full Name
Display port concentrator shelf
dspport [slot]
Related Commands
cnffrport, dspfrcport, dspfrcbob, dspportstats
Example 1
dsppcs 6
Display PCS information for port 6.
System Response
singha TN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 July 7 1997 14:04 GMT
Detailed Port Concentrator Display For FRP in slot 6
Link Number: 1 Link Number: 3
Status: Failed Status: OK
Test Status: No Test Test Status: Passed
FW Revision: FW Revision: P3
Boot PROM Date: Boot PROM Date: 11/9/95
Boot PROM Revision: Boot PROM Revision: P3
Link Number: 2 Link Number: 4
Status: Failed Status: OK
Test Status: No Test Test Status: Passed
FW Revision: FW Revision: P3
Boot PROM Date: Boot PROM Date: 11/9/95
Boot PROM Revision: Boot PROM Revision: P3
Last Command: dsppcs 6
Next Command:
Example 2
Display information for all Port Concentrator Shelves.
System Response
singha TN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 July 7 1997 14:02 GMT
Port Concentrator Status
Slot.Port Status FW Revision
6.1 Failed
6.2 Failed
6.3 OK P3
6.4 OK P3
Last Command: dsppcs
Next Command:
Table 8-45 dsppcs—Optional Parameters
Parameter Descriptionslot
Specifies slot associated with the ports you want to display.
Displays port IDs. The port ID is a user-specified identifier for a particular Frame Relay port where several virtual circuits share the same physical interface. The port ID can be any numeric value in the range 1-1024. The command for specifying a port ID is cnffrport. Note that a Port Concentrator does not use port IDs.
Full Name
Display port IDs
dspport IDs
Related Commands
Example 1
Display the port IDs throughout the network.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 15 1997 15:55 PST
Frame Relay Port IDs
ID Node
7 alpha |
9 alpha |
Last Command: dspportids
Next Command:
Displays a summary of port statistics for a Frame Relay port. Statistics include the data byte count in the transmit and receive directions and error counts associated with the port. The display indicates the date and time the statistics were cleared and the amount of time since the node last cleared the statistics. Bytes transmitted indicates the amount of data transmitted from the port to the user device. Bytes received indicates the amount of data received at the port from the user device.
Corrupted statistics result from channel/port loopbacks or port tests. A "yes" in this field indicates that loopback or port tests have occurred since the statistics were last cleared. The statistics for User-to-Network Interface (UNI) ports (connections to user devices) are displayed with one screen. Table 8-46 lists usage statistics displayed in screen 1.
The dspportstats command also displays the following statistics.
Network to Network (NNI) ports require two screens to display all the parameters. The first screen is the same as described previously for UNI ports—you display the second screen by responding with a "y" for yes to the Continue? prompt. The second screen compares receive LMI statistics with transmit LMI statistics. The LMI receive statistics are repeated from the middle column of the first screen and displayed again so you can compare them. Table 8-47 lists the usage statistics in screen 2.
The command displays frame error, LMI, and miscellaneous statistics, as shown in Table 8-48.
Full Name
Display Frame Relay port statistics
dspportstats <slot.port> [interval]
Related Commands
Example 1
dspportstats 4.1
Display the port statistics for Frame Relay port 4.1.
System Response
alpha32 LAN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 Aug. 21 1997 12:44 PST
Port Statistics for 4.1 Cleared: Aug. 21 1997 09:45 Snapshot
Port Speed: 256 kbps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 02:56:48 Corrupted: NO
Bytes Average (kbps) Util (%) Frames
From Port: 0 0 0 0
To Port: 0 0 0 0
Frame Errors LMI Receive Protocol Stats Misc Statistics
Invalid CRC 0 Status Enq Rcvd 0 Avg Tx Port Q 0
Invalid Alignment 0 Status Xmit 0 FECN Frames 0
Invalid Frm Length 0 Asynch Xmit 0 Ratio (%) 0
Invalid Frm Format 0 Seq # Mismatches 0 BECN Frames 0
Unknown DLCIs 0 Timeouts 0 Ratio (%) 0
Last Unknown DLCI 0 Invalid Req 0 Rsrc Overflow 0
Sig Protocol: None DE Frms Dropd 0
Last Command: dspportstats 4.1
Continue to next page? (y/n)
Enter "y" to see subsequent screens.
alpha32 LAN SuperUser IPX 32 9.2 Aug. 21 1997 12:49 PST
Port Statistics for 4.1 Cleared: Aug. 21 1997 09:45
Port Speed: 256 kbps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 03:03:42 Corrupted: NO
Bytes Average (kbps) Util (%) Frames
From Port: 0 0 0 0
To Port: 0 0 0 0
LMI Receive Protocol Stats LMI Transmit Protocol Stats CLLM (ForeSight) Stats
Status Enq Rcvd 0 Status Enq Xmit -- Frames Rcvd --
Status Xmt 0 Status Rcd -- Bytes Rcvd --
Asynch Xmit 0 Asynch Rcvd -- Frames Xmt --
Seq # Mismatches 0 Seq # Mismatches -- Bytes Xmt --
Timeouts 0 Timeouts -- CLLM Failures --
Invalid Frames 0
Sig Protocol: None
This Command: dspportstats 4.1
Hit DEL key to quit:
Table 8-53 dspportstats—Optional Parameters
Parameter Descriptioninterval
Specifies the refresh interval time for data. The range is 1-60 seconds. The default interval is 1 second.
This command displays the cache of all cost-based routing connections. The optional "index" parameter lets you specify a cache entry index. The optional c parameter clears the cache.
Full Name
Display cost-based route cache
dsprtcache [index] [c]
[index] specifies the cache entry index
[c] specifies to clear the entire cache or a single entry
Related Commands
dspcon, cnfrtcost, cnfpref
Example 1
Display route cache contents, and let you monitor and manually clear the cache.
System Response
pissaro TN StrataCom BPX 15 9.1 Jun. 18 1997 11:11 GMT
Route Cache (Summary)
Index Use No. Cost Delay Restrict Load VPC Hops RemoteNode 0 Yes 1 Yes No None VBR No 2 lautrec 1 Yes 6 Yes No *s BDB No 3 vangogh 2 Yes 9 Yes No None BDA No 3 matisse 3 Yes 3 Yes No *t BDB No 3 rousseau 4 Yes 1 Yes No None CBR No 3 seurat <- current 5 No 0 No No None --- No 0 --- 6 No 0 No No None --- No 0 --- 7 No 0 No No None --- No 0 --- 8 No 0 No No None --- No 0 --- 9 No 0 No No None --- No 0 --- 10 No 0 No No None --- No 0 --- 11 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
Last Command: dsprtcache
Next Command:
Prints the configuration details for voice channels or data channels. This command uses the same syntax, and prints the same information as is displayed using the dspchcnf command. See the dspchcnf command for syntax and output information.
Full Name
Print channel configurations
prtchcnf [start_channel] (see dspchcnf description)
Related Commands
Prints a summary of connections terminated at the IPX or IGX node. This command uses the same syntax and prints the same information as is displayed using the dspcons command. See the dspcons command for syntax and output information.
Full Name
Print connection
prtcons [start_channel] [nodename] [type] [+d]
Related Commands
Prints a data channel's interface control template. The prtict command uses the same syntax and prints the same information as dspict. See the dspict description for output information.
Full Name
Print interface control template
prtict <port> <template>
Related Commands
Table 8-56 prtict—Parameters
Parameter Descriptionport
Specifies the physical slot and port of the Frame Relay card set.
Specifies the template. Choices are a, c, n, l, and f.
Activates a port on a Frame Relay card. The applicable cards are all versions of the FRP, FRM, and UFM series of cards. If the port has not been configured through the cnffrport command, a set of default configuration values apply.
With a Port Concentrator Shelf (PCS), upping the first port causes the FRP-2 or FRM-2 to begin communicating with the four PCS modules and to download code to them if necessary.
Full Name
Up Frame Relay port
For UFM-U, FRM, or FRP: upfrport <slot.port>
For UFM-C: upfrport <slot.port> <line>
Related Commands
dnfrport, cnffrport
Example 1
upfrport 9.2
Activate port 2 on the FRP in slot 9.
System Response
alpha TRM YourID:1 IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 15 1997 15:51 PST
Port: 9.2 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: FRI-V35 DTE Configured Clock: 256 Kbps
Clocking: Normal Measured Rx Clock: 0 Kbps
Port ID 0
Port Queue Depth 65535 OAM Pkt Threshold 3 pkts
ECN Queue Threshold 65535 T391 Link Intg Timer 6 sec
DE Threshold 100 % N391 Full Status Poll 10 cyl
Signalling Protocol None ForeSight (CLLM) No
Asynchronous Status No CLLM Status Tx Timer 0 msec
T392 Polling Verif Timer 15 Interface Control Template
N392 Error Threshold 3 Lead State
N393 Monitored Events Count 4 RTS ON
Communicate Priority No DTR ON
Upper/Lower RNR Thresh 75%/ 25%
Min Flags / Frames 1
Last Command: upfrport 9.2
Next Command:
Posted: Mon Jan 8 11:08:16 PST 2007
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