
Table of Contents

Billing Management Function

Billing Management Function


This management function collects all billing data, for lines configured in billing mode, in the form of tickets.

A configuration parameter for each line determines if the line is in billing mode or not.

Two types of billing are possible:

· Overall:

Billing data covering all lines,

· Detailed:

Billing data for each call, whether successful or otherwise (data used for accounting).


    1. The billing function never clears or resets the virtual circuit, does not generate interrupts and ignores data or interrupt packets received. When a reset is received, the function erases all entered and not yet distributed data exchanges.

    2. ISDN billing is not managed and the E.164 number is not memorized in the billing tickets when the call is transferred to the ISDN.


Overall billing

An overall billing ticket is continuously updated until an issue request is received from an operator or control centre.

When this ticket is issued it becomes the "new overall billing ticket". A copy is conserved, to prevent the risk of a ticket being lost during the printing process. This copy then becomes the "old overall billing ticket".

The current billing print request erases the old billing ticket record and replaces it with the copy of the current billing print.

This ticket is contains the following parameters:

Detailed billing

A detailed billing ticket is generated when the quantity of the switched data has reached a threshold, called the intermediate threshold. The intermediate threshold is a number of segments of 64 data bytes.

In case of a long-duration communication, an intermediate detailed billing ticket is generated each time the number of data segments exceeds the intermediate threshold.

The detailed tickets are stored in memory until a display/print request is received from an operator or control center.

The number of detailed billing tickets stored in memory is limited by the following thresholds:

For the FastPADmp, the thresholds are initialized with the following values:

intermediate threshold:

10.000 segments of 64 bytes

alarm threshold:


ticket threshold:


Detailed billing tickets contain a cyclic counter, which indicates to the user whether any tickets have been lost.

Tickets could be lost when:

The data provided enables the calls to be charged, differentiating between data transmission directions:


Access code syntax is:


Note Refer to § 2 for a detailed breakdown of this code.

· IS No:


binary mode


ASCII mode


Password exists if configured ("TX" by default)

· ACO No:

The breakdown of the suffix is:

ACO non existent

Distribution of detailed billing tickets.

ACO = 1

ACO = 2

Distribution of current overall billing ticket.

ACO = 3

Distribution of old overall billing ticket.

ACO = 4

Distribution of old overall billing ticket and detailed billing tickets.

A call is refused in the following cases:

Contents of billing ticket

Overall billing

For the FastPADmp:

An overall billing ticket comprises two blocks:

· first block:

data for lines 0 to 7

· second block:

data for lines 8 to 11.

For the FastPADmpr:

An overall taxation ticket consists of five blocks:

· first block:

contains data for the lines 0 to 7

· second block:

contains data for the lines 8 to 15

· third block:

contains data for the lines 16 to 23

· fourth block:

contains data for the lines 24 to 31

· fifth block:

contains data for the lines 32 to 35.

For the FastPADmp6:

An overall billing ticket is made up of information blocks relating to lines 0 to 5.

All blocks contain the same standard header.

Figure 11-1: FastPADmp Billing Ticket Example

Data contained in a ticket is defined in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1: Contents of overall billing ticket
Byte Position (hexadecimal) Contents

00 to 0B

Standard header

0C and 0D + (n1x8)

0E and 0F + (nx8)

10 to 13 + (nx8)


Line number

Number of packets of calls on the line

Number of segments of 64 bytes on the line

Indicator of "billing ticket to follow" (0 = no, 1 = yes)

1*n = the line number for the 1st buffer (lines 0 to 11), n = the line number minus 12 for the 2nd buffer, etc.

Detailed billing

Detailed billing ticket is shown below:

Figure 11-2: Detailed Billing Ticket Example

Data contained in a ticket is defined in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2: Contents of detailed billing ticket
Byte Position (hexadecimal) Contents

00 to 0B

Standard header


Billing ticket to follow 0 : final ticket 1 : intermediate ticket


Call identifier/X.75

0E and 0F

Not significant


Reserved billing indicator on request Value of reserved billing, fast selection received in call or default value 0.

11 to 13

Duration of communication (in 1/10s)


Reason for end of communication* (for cause and diagnostics, see bytes 3E and 3F)


Not significant (TRANSPAC prefix)

16 and 17

Cyclic ticket number (0 to 65535)

18 to 2B

TNIC list (10 DNICs max.); FF = not significant


Number of digits in the full calling address

2D to 34

Full calling address


Number of digits in full address of called subscriber

36 to 3D

Full address of called subscriber; for one management function, the internal service number is given.


Reset cause (byte 14)


Reset diagnostic (byte 14)



Module number that received the call


Line number that received the call


Requested throughput class (specified or default value) in call received, or transmission from calling to called subscriber. This field is completed only when the call confirmation is processed.


Throughput class obtained for communication and from calling to called subscriber. This field is only written when call confirmation is processed.

44 and 45

CNIC number (clearing network)

46 to 4D

Reserved for future services


Total gain in volume (bytes), generated by the compression function and stated in tenths.


Total gain in billing (in segments), generated by the compression function and stated in tenths.

50 and 51

Counter of interrupt packets transmitted from the calling to the called subscriber

52 and 53

Counter of reset packets transmitted from the calling to the called subscriber

54 to 57

Counter of data segments (segment = 64 bytes) transmitted from calling to called subscriber

58 to 5B

Counter of data packets transmitted from calling to called subscriber

5C to 5F

Counter of data bytes transmitted from calling to called subscriber



Module number that transmitted the call


Line number that transmitted the call. For the management functions, special numbers have been assigned:

E0: Traffic generator E5: Transfer

E1: OEV E7: Configurator

E2: Line observation E9: Telemaintenance

E3: Statistics 70: IMM

E4: Billing


Similar to bytes 42


Similar to bytes 43

64 to 6D

Not significant


Similar to byte 4E


Similar to byte 4F

70 and 71

Similar to bytes 50 and 51

72 and 73

Similar to bytes 52 and 53

74 to 77

Similar to bytes 54 to 57

78 to 7B

Similar to bytes 58 to 5B

7C to 7F

Similar to bytes 5C to 5F

Note In byte 14 of the detailed billing ticket: "Reason for end of communication"; bit meanings are defined below, from right to left:

bit 0:

at 1 if call successfully passed through equipment

bit 1:

at 1 if call confirmation successfully passed through equipment

bit 2:

at 1 if clear is due to equipment

bit 3:

at 1 if reason for release is at called end

bit 4:

at 1 if clear is due to subscriber (DTE)

bit 5:

at 1 if clear is due to procedure error

bit 6:

at 1 if clear is due to network incident.

Note Resets generated by the equipment are counted, at the originating end:

in bytes 52 and 53, if generated at calling end,

in 72 and 73 if the generation takes place on the calling side.

Billing SVC closing protocol

If the control center wishes to clear the virtual circuit without loss of tickets through the network, then the two ASCII characters "ST" must be transmitted to the charging function.

In this case, the billing function finishes the distribution of tickets in progress. At the end of the distribution it confirms the closure of the switched VC, by sending the following data packet:

  "CR, LF, C, O, N, F, S, T, CR, LF"

Ticket distribution then stops and the control center can then close the virtual circuit with no risk of loss.

Figure 11-3: Closing the Billing Ticket Switched Virtual Circuit

Posted: Thu Jan 25 13:53:01 PST 2001
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