
Table of Contents

Telemaintenance Management Function

Telemaintenance Management Function


This management function executes hardware tests, even if the FastPADmp is still in operation.

It also allows connection/disconnection of switched lines in 108/2 mode.

These tests, designed to check the satisfactory working of the lines of the FastPADmp, are:

Each tested line will be out of order for the duration of the test.

It is not possible to perform more than one test at a time, and each test ends with a display of a report.

Available tests

The available tests are as follows:

Table 5-1: Available Tests
Tested Element Tests



by action on


interface signals.

Error bit test:

  • FastPADmp digital loop back2 junction (L0)

  • "Remote" modem digital loop back2 (L2)

  • "Local" modem analog loop back2 (L3)

Reading the interface status

1Connection/Disconnection tests can be carried out on supervised lines only. No results are displayed via the outstanding events or the statistical functions.
Diagram of loop backs L0, L2 and L3.

Figure 5-1: Loop Test

Note In case of an ISDN S0 interface, only loop L0 on a D-channel can be tested.

Trying to test loops L2 or L3 results in the message: INCORRECT TYPE OF TEST.

On channel B (ISDN), the loop tests can not be used.

TEST L0 does not activate any interface signals.

The modems (local and remote) have to support the loop commands in accordance with the CCITT V.54 recommendation (circuits CT140/141).

Loop L2 can be tested only when the remote modem manages circuit CT108.

The L0-loop can not be used in case of VIP and BSC.

When loop L0 is made, data is sent to the interface and, on a synchronous DTE line, clock signals are sent to the interface.

For the loops L2 and L3 on an asynchronous line, the FastPADmp responds only with "loop present" when the signals 142 and 106 are present.

Connection/disconnection of switched lines (PSTN/ISDN)

The result of a connect/disconnect command on a switched line (PSTN/ISDN) is sent in the form of outstanding events; a report indicating the processing of the command is also distributed.

During a connection/disconnection, the behaviour of the PSTN/ISDN functions resulting from a call takes place on the caller side and on the called party side.

The syntax of these commands is given in the following paragraphs and the values and meanings of the outstanding events are given in Appendix A.


The access code syntax is the following:


Note Refer to paragraph 2 for a more detailed breakdown of this code.

IS No:




Exists if configured (MM is the default option).

Telemaintenance procedure

The validation of the access code to the Telemaintenance function results in the display of the following message:


The operator carries out the different tests using the specific commands described in the next paragraph.

At the end of each test, a message is displayed within a time-out period of about 30 seconds.

Note If the VC (Virtual Circuit) established with the telemaintenance function is cleared when a test is in progress, the tested element goes back to the normal operating condition, and the test has to be run again.

Telemaintenance can not be requested for the line used to transfer the telemaintenance data via a VC of that line. When the telemaintenance data is transferred on several lines, the above is true for the last line accessed by the telemaintenance.

Commands - Test procedure

Disconnect a line

Figure 5-2: Disconnect Line Command Format

Once the line is disconnected a status message is displayed (see the paragraph "contents of displayed messages").

To reconnect the line, the operator must use the command T L---C described below.

Note Disconnecting a line results in:
The clearing of all connections in progress on that line,
outgoing interface signals go to OFF state,
none of the events on this line are processed.

Connect a line

The command is the same as for disconnection, but the character D (Disconnect) must be replaced by C (Connect).


T L---C(CR)

Once the line is connected, a status message is displayed (see the paragraph "contents of displayed messages").

Note Connecting a line results in: resetting of the line with current configuration parameters; transition of configured outgoing interface signals to ON state; and "processing" of any event on this line.

Loopback tests (L0, L2 and L3)

Procedure of the loop test:

Figure 5-3: Loopback Test

These loopback tests are carried out in two phases, with the display of an Intermediate Report and an End-of-test Report.

Loop back tests consist of:

The data consists of blocks of 64 byte (512 bits, according to the CCITT V.54 Recommendation).

Depending on the test command used, data blocks can be sent in two different ways:

1 - Start of loopback tests

Figure 5-4: Loopback Test Command Format

* If the fields "burst emission duration" and "Number of data blocks per burst" are empty, or when the entered values are not correct, data blocks are transmitted continuously till the operator transmits an end-of-test request.

Note In case it concerns an S0 interface, the L0-loop can be made via a D-channel. A loop via the B-channel is not possible.

If the test is performed with burst transmission of data blocks, the test is stopped at the end of the preset duration, but the report is generated only after the system has received the end-of-test command (A-) transmitted by the operator:

The displayed reports are described in the paragraph "Contents of Displayed Messages".
2 - End of loopback tests

Figure 5-5: Stop Loopback Test Command Format

Connection/disconnection of a switched line (PSTN/ISDN)

Figure 5-6: Switched Line
Connection/Disconnection Command Format

    1. The number of the line to be tested is associated:

  This number determines the function on which the request is routed then processed.

    2. Only, ISDN disconnect order, to close a single B channel (L99).

    3. The letter F indicates the addition of a line to a given MLP bundle. The bundle number is given after the letter F in two characters.

    4. When it is preceded by the letter X, this number indicates the DNICZ0 of the equipment to be called.

  When it is preceded by the letter N, this number indicates the ISDN or PSTN E.164 address; the subaddress, in the case of ISDN, is separated by a ":" character and is not managed in the case of PSTN.

    5. When preceded by the letter P, this number indicates the number of the Permanent Logical Link to be connected/disconnected to the D channel of the specified S0 interface.

In the absence of a field in the command, it may be deduced, in the case of an MLP bundle, from classes 22 and 25 of the local configuration.

A PSTN line can offer only a single connection at a time and its use remains frozen. It is thus not possible to use it in a bundle or outside of a bundle (asynchronous or simple link, X.25). This is why, during a PSTN line disconnection, only the line number is handled; the other fields are ignored.

In the case of ISDN, the "X.121 number" and "E.164 number" fields are processed so as not to cut off the B channel(s) concerned.

The X.121 or ISDN numbers entered in the command have priority over those deduced from the configuration.

A PLL can be declared in a trunk.


During a connection in an MLP bundle, the DNICZO of the remote and the ISDN or PSTN number to be added are determined by the configuration.

In this case, the X.121-PSTN/ISDN conversion table allows the adoption of:

Contents of displayed messages


According to the test procedure, two types of reports can be transmitted by the telemaintenance function.

Figure 5-7: Intermediate Report and
End-of-test Report Command Formats

Meaning of test report codes Interface status

To obtain the "Interface status" service the following command has to be given:

Figure 5-8: Interface Status Roport Code Command Format

The meaning of the bits of each word are:

  Modem interface (M) :
  E/H,M,108,SYN,105, , ,125,142,109,107,106, ,141,140,111
  Terminal interface (T) :
  E/H,T,106, ,109, , ,141,140,105,111,108, ,125,142,107

E/H = 0:

In service

E/H = 1:

Not in service

M/T = 0:

Terminal interface (T) => T

M/T = 1:

Modem interface (M) => M

On both lines the binary positions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 describe the outgoing signals configured.

The command T L 99S gives the status of all line interfaces. The result is given in the following form:

Figure 5-9: Status Of All Line Interfaces Display

Every line is represented by 3 words with the following meaning:

List of specific status words characterizing the status of the lines (these status words are differentiated from a state of the signals by the positioning to 1 of bit 2 (bit 0 = LSB) corresponding to the mask 0008 H) :

· for an unconfigured line:

first word:


second word:


third word:


· for a line of a module in boot state:

third word:


· for a line of a module in default configuration:

third word:


· for a line of a module out of service:

third word:


· for a line of an inaccessi ble module:

third word:


· for a disconnected line:

third word:

· F9FD for a modem interface

· B9FD for a terminal interface

The outstanding event of the family 04 generated following a disconnect contains this code as argument.

Only the X.25, asynchronous and ISDN (B-channel) lines in-service generate the OEV following a disconnect.

Modem management

This service enables the management centre (or the asynchronous terminal) to access a modem (V.32, V.32bis, or V.32 FAST) of the network through FastPADmp equipment; the latter is transparent to the dialogue between the management centre and the modem.

Note This function can be requested for a single synchronous line at a time.

It can NOT be requested for the line used to transfer the telemaintenance data via a VC of that line.

The telemaintenance command for modem management opens a session with the switching equipment which controls the modem. It identifies the modem by the connecting line number.

The command contains the Hayes prefix "AT". This confirms to the modem to go to the escape or the command mode.

Figure 5-10: Modem Management Command Format

* The "type Hayes modem command" is only used during the dialogue (with "DA").

When the session is opened (with "DO") the "type Hayes modem command" field is not used.

The result is displayed as follows:

Binary mode:

Figure 5-11: Modem Management Command Results Display
ASCII mode:

The packets received are translated into ASCII. The report packet can be accompanied by other packets (e.g. a carriage return packet or a packet in clear-language). It can be presented as follows:

Note The maximum size of a report packet is 128 bytes. The data per packet consists of 100 bytes maximum.
packet length = length ASCII heading + length ASCII report + Length data
max.128 bytes = 24 + 4 + 100 max.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:16:49 PST 2001
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