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CESM Card Management

CESM Card Management

This chapter provides procedures for managing CESM-8T1/Band CESM-8E1 cards after the initial card setup and provisioning.

Note   Initial card setup is described in the Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E) and MGX 8830 Software Configuration Guide, Release 3. The provisioning of CESM cards is described in "Provisioning Communications Links."

This chapter describes the following CESM management procedures:

Managing CLI Sessions

Basic session initialization and management is described in the Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E) and MGX 8830 Software Configuration Guide, Release 3. Table 3-1 lists and describes the session management commands supported on the CESM cards. For more information on these commands, see "CESM Command Reference."

Table 3-1: Session Management Commands
Command Description


Displays the available commands.


Clears the session screen.


Displays the user ID that was used to start the current session.


Enables or disables the page feature, which breaks command displays into pages for easier viewing.

Managing Cards

Basic card initialization and configuration is described in the Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E) and MGX 8830 Software Configuration Guide, Release 3. The following sections provide procedures for doing the following:

Distinguishing Between Channelized and Nonchannelized CESM Cards

The CESM-8T1/B and CESM-8E1 cards are available in channelized and nonchannelized versions. To determine if a CESM-8T1/B or CESM-8E1 is a nonchannelized or channelized version, enter the dspfeature command as shown in the following example:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > dspfeature Channelized: On PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

The example above is for a channelized CESM-8T1/B card. To determine whether the card is a CESM-8T1/B or CESM-8E1 card, use the dspcd or dspcds command.

Displaying General Card Information

This software release requires either the CESM-8T1/B or the CESM-8E1 card; this software does not support the CESM-8T1 card. To verify that the CESM you are configuring is a CESM-8T1/B card, and to display general information about a CESM card, use the dspcd command as shown in the following example:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > dspcd ModuleSlotNumber: 20 FunctionModuleState: Active FunctionModuleType: CESM-8T1/B FunctionModuleSerialNum: B24286 FunctionModuleHWRev: aa FunctionModuleFWRev: FunctionModuleResetReason: Reset by PXM LineModuleType: LM-RJ48-8T1 LineModuleState: Present mibVersionNumber: 80 configChangeTypeBitMap: CardCnfChng, LineCnfChng cardIntegratedAlarm: Major cardMajorAlarmBitMap: Line Alarm cardMinorAlarmBitMap: Channel failure Front Card Info Hardware Revision : AA Card Type : 787 Serial Number : B24286 Fab Number : 28-4253-02CESM-8E1B Back Card Info Hardware Revision : AA Card Type : 22 Serial Number : 754239 Fab Number : 28-2011-01 PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

Note that the dspcd command displays information on card alarms.

Displaying Software Version and Status Information

To display information on the software running on a CESM card, use the chkflash and version commands.

The chkflash command shows the status of the boot software:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > chkflash Program length = 264592 Calculated checksum = a9f614f6 stored checksum = a9f614f6 Flash checksum passed PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

The version command displays the software versions running on the card:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > version ***** Cisco Systems CESM-8T1E1 Card ***** Firmware Version = Backup Boot version = CE8_BT_1.0.01 ASCFRSM Xilinx file = cbslave.h VxWorks (for CISCO) version 5.3.1. Kernel: WIND version 2.5. Made on Jul 1 2002, 23:19:34. Boot line: Boot from PROM PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

Managing Lines

"Provisioning Communications Links," describes how to bring up (add) and modify CESM card lines. The following sections provide procedures for doing the following:

Displaying a List of Lines

To display a list of lines on the current CESM card, enter the dsplns command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > dsplns Line Conn Type Status/Coding Length XmtClock Alarm Stats Type Source Alarm ---- ----- ------------ ------ -------- ------------- -------- ----- ----- 20.1 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim No No 20.2 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim No No 20.3 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim No No 20.4 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Ena/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim Yes No 20.5 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim 20.6 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim 20.7 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim 20.8 RJ-48 dsx1ESF Dis/dsx1B8ZS 0-131 ft LocalTim LineNumOfValidEntries: 8 PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

Displaying the Configuration for a Single Line

To display the configuration of a single line, enter the dspln command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > dspln <line>

Enter the line number with the command. You can view the available line numbers in the dsplns display. The following example shows the information you can display with the dspln command:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > dspln 8 LineNum: 8 LineConnectorType: RJ-48 LineEnable: Modify LineType: dsx1ESF LineCoding: dsx1B8ZS LineLength: 0-131 ft LineXmtClockSource: LocalTiming LineLoopbackCommand: LocalLineLoop LineSendCode: NoCode LineUsedTimeslotsBitMap: 0x0 LineLoopbackCodeDetection: codeDetectDisabled LineNumOfValidEntries: 8 PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

Bringing Down a Line

When a line is not working properly, it generates a line alarm. If you want to suppress the alarm and you do not have time to correct the problem, you can bring down the line. Bringing down the line takes it out of service, so no alarms are generated.

Tip You can reduce the level of an alarm on a failed line from major to minor by using the addlnloop command to place the line in local loopback mode. This does not completely eliminate the alarm, but it does reduce the severity and allow you to preserve the configured resources for that line.

To bring down a line, use the following procedure.

Step 1   Delete all connections that are associated with the line (dspcons and delcon commands).

Tip Connections and resource partitions are associated with ports in the respective display commands (dspcons and dsprscprtn), and ports are associated with lines (dspports). To determine which connections and resource partitions use a line, first determine which ports are configured for that line.

Step 2   Delete all resource partitions that are associated with the line (delrscprtn command).

Step 3   Delete all ports that are associated with the line (delport command).

Step 4   Enter the delln command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > delln <line>

Enter the line number with the command. You can view the available line numbers in the dsplns display. The following example shows how to use the delln command:

PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a > delln 8 PXM1E_SJ.1.20.CESM.a >

Managing Line Alarms

The CESM generates line alarms when problems occur. When it detects a loss of signal (LOS) alarm, the CESM notifies the connected CPE in the upstream direction after an integration period. The CESM continues to emit cells at the nominal rate but sets the ATM cell payload with an appropriate data pattern as specified by the ATM Forum CES V2.0 specification. Also, an OAM cell with RDI code goes to the far end to indicate out-of-service. The significance of the different types of alarms appears in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: CESM Line Errors and Alarms
Error Alarm Type Downstream Upstream Comments

ATM Link Failure (RX)

Red (AIS)

AIS—OAM cells


Data cells According to ATM-Forum CES-IS V 2.0

Receive RAI



Receive LOF




Receive LOS




Receive AIS

Blue (AIS)

AIS (link)

FERF OAM cells

AIS—done over the T1/E1 link by sending the AIS data over the T1/E1 link

Tip For more information on T1 and E1 signaling procedures and alarms, refer to the ATM Forum Circuit Emulation Service Interoperability Specification (AF-SAA-0032.00) or the Bellcore TR-NWT-000170.

Use the following commands to display these alarms and alarm configuration parameters:

Use the following commands to clear alarms and alarm counts on lines:

Table 3-3 lists other CESM card alarms and shows how these alarms affect the transmit and receive channels for a line.

Table 3-3: CESM Card Alarms
Type of Alarm Channel RCV ATM State Channel XMT ATM State Action

Port Alarm

Sending AIS OAM

Generate OAM-AIS towards the network

Abit (from PXM)






Conditioning towards line




Conditioning towards line

Note   When the line is in alarm the line alarm trap is sent and there are no separate traps sent for the ports and the connections that go into alarm due to the line alarm. Similarly when the port is in alarm the port alarm trap is sent and no separate traps are sent for the connections that go into alarm due to the port alarm.

Managing Ports

"Provisioning Communications Links," describes how to add logical ports to the lines on CESM cards. The following sections provide procedures for doing the following:

Displaying a List of Ports

To display a list of ports on the current CESM card, enter the dspports command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dspports Port Ena/Speed Type ------ --- ------ -------- 4.1.1 Add/1536k structur 4.2.2 Add/1536k structur 4.3.3 Add/1536k structur 4.4.4 Add/1536k structur Number of ports: 4 PortDs0UsedLine1: 0x00ffffff PortDs0UsedLine2: 0x00ffffff PortDs0UsedLine3: 0x00ffffff PortDs0UsedLine4: 0x00ffffff PortDs0UsedLine5: 0x00000000 PortDs0UsedLine6: 0x00000000 PortDs0UsedLine7: 0x00000000 PortDs0UsedLine8: 0x00000000 PortNumNextAvailable: 5 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a >

For more information on a single port, use the dspport command.

Displaying the Status of a Single Port

To display the configuration and status of a single port, enter the dspport command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dspport <port>

Enter the port number with the command. You can view the port numbers in the dspports display. The following example shows the dspport report for a CESM-8T1/B card.

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dspport 1 SlotNum: 4 PortLineNum: 1 PortNum: 1 PortRowStatus: Add PortNumOfSlots: 24 PortDs0ConfigBitMap(1stDS0): 0xffffff(1) PortSpeed: 1536kbps PortType: structured PortState: Active PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a >

Deleting Ports

To delete a single CESM port, enter the delport command, as shown below.

PXM1E_SJ.1.3.CESM.a > delport <port>

Replace the port parameter with the port number you want to delete. Port numbers are listed in the dspports command display. The following example deletes port 4 on the current CESM card:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > delport 4 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a >

To delete multiple CESM ports, enter the delports command as described in "CESM Command Reference."

Managing Resource Partitions

Resource partitions define how port resources are distributed between two or more controllers. This software release supports only the PNNI controller, so all port resources are assigned to PNNI when a port is added. This resource assignment is automatically made by the software and results in the creation of a resource partition for the port.

During normal operation, you will not need to add a resource partition. You can view the resource partition configuration, make changes to it, or delete it. If you delete a resource partition, you will have to create a new partition for that port before you can assign connections to the port.

The following sections describe how to view, add, modify, and delete resource partitions.

Displaying a Resource Partition Configuration

To display the resource partition configuration for a port, enter the dsprscprtn command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dsprscprtn <port>

Replace the port parameter with the port number. For example:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dsprscprtn 1 Port User Status NumOfLcnAvail LcnLow LcnHigh IngrBW EgrBW CtrlrId ---- ------ ------ -------------- -------- --------- ------ ----- -------- 1 PNNI Add 1 1 1 100 100 2 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a >

Adding a Resource Partition

To add a resource partition to a port, enter the addrscprtn command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > addrscprtn <port_num> <cntrlr_type> <cntrlr_id>

Table 3-4 lists and describes the parameters for the addrscprtn command.

Table 3-4: Parameters for the addrscprtn and delrscprtn Commands
Parameter Description


Port number to be partitioned. You must add a port to a line before you can define a partition for a port. Use the dspports command to view the available ports.


Controller for this partition. Enter 2 as the PNNI controller is the only controller type supported in this release.

  • PAR = 1

  • PNNI = 2

  • MPLS = 3


Enter a number that will be associated with the controller used by this partition. Range is 1 to 255.

The following example adds a resource partition to a port after the default partition was deleted.

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > addrscprtn 1 2 2 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a >

Deleting a Resource Configuration

To delete the resource partition configuration for a port, enter the delrscprtn command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > delrscprtn <port_num> <cntrlr_type> <cntrlr_id>

Table 3-4 lists and describes the parameters for the delrscprtn command. The following example deletes the resource partition for port 1.

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > delrscprtn 1 2 2 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a >

Managing Connections

"Provisioning Communications Links," describes how to add connections to CESM cards. The following sections provide procedures for doing the following:

Displaying a List of Connections

To display a list of connections on the current CESM card, enter the dspcons command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dspcons LCN Port.VPI.VCI Type M/S Clock PCR CDVT BufSz CLIP Admin Alarm ---- ------------ ---- --- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0035 001.04.035 stru S Synch 4096 01000 00384 02500 Up OK 0036 002.04.036 stru M Synch 4096 01000 00384 02500 Up OK 0037 003.04.037 stru S Synch 4096 01000 00384 02500 Up CTRLR-ABIT Number of channels: 3 ChanNumNextAvailable: 38

To determine if a connection is in alarm, check the status in the Alarm column. For more information on a single port, use the dspcon command.

Displaying the Status of a Single Connection

To display the configuration and status of a single connection, enter the dspcon command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dspcon <port>

Enter the port number with the command. You can view the port numbers in the dspcons display. For example:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > dspcon 2 ------------------------------------------- ChanNum: 36 RowStatus: Add AdmnState: Up ChanState: Ok ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PORT-ALARM CTRLR-ABIT E-AIS/RDI CELL-LOSS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- NO NO NO NO ------------------------------------------- ChanNum: 36 ChanRowStatus: Add ConnAdminStatus: Up ChanLineNum: 2 ChanMapVpi: 4 ChanMapVci: 36 ChanCBRService: struct ChanClockMode: Synchronous ChanCAS: Basic ChanPartialFill: 47 ChanMaxBufSize: 384 bytes ChanCDVT: 1000 micro seconds C L I P: 2500 milliseconds ChanLocalRemoteLpbkState: Disabled ChanTestType: TestOff ChanTestState: NotInProgress ChanRTDresult: 65535 ms ChanPortNum 2 ChanConnType SPVC ISDetType DetectionDisabled CondData 255 CondSignalling 15 ExtISTrig DisableIdleSupression ISIntgnPeriod 3 seconds ISSignallingCode 0 OnHookCode 1 ChanLocalVpi: 4 ChanLocalVci: 36 ChanLocalNSAP: 4700918100000000001a53337700000107230200 ChanRemoteVpi: 4 ChanRemoteVci: 35 ChanRemoteNSAP: 4700918100000000001a53337700000107230100 ChanMastership: Master ChanVpcFlag: Vcc ChanConnServiceType: CBR1 ChanRoutingPriority: 8 ChanMaxCost: 2147483647 ChanRestrictTrunkType: No Restriction ChanConnPCR: 4096 ChanConnMCR: 4096 ChanConnPercentUtil: 100 Channel Reroute: False ChanNumNextAvailable: 38

Deleting Connections

Each connection (or SPVC) has two endpoints. To completely delete a connection, you need to delete both endpoints. To delete a CESM connection endpoint, enter the delcon command, as shown below.

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > delcon <port>

Replace the port parameter with the port number for the connection you want to display. These numbers are listed in the dspcons command display.

The delcon command deletes the SPVC connection endpoint on the local switch. Note, however, that this command does not delete the remote end of the SPVC. The remote end of the SPVC must be deleted by issuing a delcon command on that switch.

Testing a Connection

The tstcon and tstdelay commands perform short tests that verify that the switch can communicate with both ends of the connection.

Testing with tstcon

The tstcon command checks to see if the switch can communicate with both ends of the connection. To test a CESM connection with the tstcon command, enter the command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > tstcon <port>

Replace the port parameter with the port number for the connection you want to test. These numbers are listed in the dspcons command display. The following is an example of a tstcon test:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > tstcon 2 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > TestCon in progress. TestCon Passed.

Testing with tstdelay

The tstdelay command checks to see if the switch can communicate with both ends of the connection, and it returns a measurement of the delay across the connection. To test a CESM connection with the tstdelay command, enter the command as follows:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > tstdelay <port>

Replace the port parameter with the port number for the connection you want to test. These numbers are listed in the dspcons command display. The following is an example of a tstdelay test:

PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > tstdelay 36 PXM1E_SJ.1.4.CESM.a > TestDelay in progress. TestDelay Passed with 2 ms.

Displaying Connection Alarms

Connection alarm status on CESM is displayed with the dspchans command from CLI and reason for the alarm is shown by "Chan Rcv Atm State" and "Chan Xmt Atm State" of the dspchancnt command.

Posted: Fri Oct 18 11:20:24 PDT 2002
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