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Administration | Ping


Administration | Ping

This screen lets you use the ICMP ping (Packet Internet Groper) utility to test network connectivity. Specifically, the VPN Concentrator sends an ICMP Echo Request message to a designated host. If the host is reachable, it returns an Echo Reply message, and the Manager displays a Success screen. If the host is not reachable, the Manager displays an Error screen.

You can also Ping hosts from the Administration | Sessions screen.

Figure 6-1   Administration | Ping Screen

Address/Hostname to Ping

Enter the IP address or host name of the system you want to test. (If you configured a DNS server, you can enter a host name; otherwise, enter an IP address.) The maximum length is 64 characters.

Ping / Cancel

To send the ping message, click Ping. The Manager pauses during the test, which may take a few moments; please wait for the operation to finish. The Manager then displays either a Success or Error screen.

To cancel your entry on this screen, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the main Administration screen.

Success (Ping)

If the system is reachable, the Manager displays a Success screen with the name of the tested host. It also shows the length of elapsed time between when the request was sent and when the response was received.

Figure 6-2   Administration | Ping | Success Screen


To return to the Administration | Ping screen, click Continue.

Error (Ping)

If the system is unreachable for any reason, (for example: host down, ICMP not running on host, route not configured, intermediate router down, or network down or congested), the Manager displays an Error screen with the name of the tested host. To troubleshoot the connection, try to Ping other hosts that you know are working.

Figure 6-3   Administration | Ping | Error Screen

To return to the Administration | Ping screen, click Retry the operation.

To go to the main VPN Concentrator Manager screen, click Go to main menu.

Posted: Fri Apr 18 17:20:53 PDT 2003
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