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The VPN 3000 Concentrator tracks many statistics and the status of many items essential to system administration and management. Use the VPN Concentrator Manager Monitoring windows to view all those status items and statistics. You can even see the state of LEDs that show the status of hardware subsystems in the device. You can also see statistics that are stored and available in standard MIB-II data objects.


Step 1   In the Concentrator Manager table of contents, click Monitoring. The Monitoring screen opens.

Figure 11-1   Monitoring Screen

This section of the Manager lets you view VPN Concentrator status, sessions, statistics, and event logs.

These Manager screens are read-only "snapshots" of data or status at the time the screen displays. Most screens have a Refresh button that you can click to get a fresh snapshot and update the screen, but you cannot modify the data on the screen.

You can also configure the Manager to automatically refresh all the screens in this section except the Event Log. See Administration | Monitoring Refresh.

Posted: Fri Apr 18 17:17:52 PDT 2003
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