
Table of Contents

File Management
Administration | File Management
Administration | File Management | Swap Configuration Files
Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer
Administration | File Management | File Upload
Administration | File Management | XML Export

File Management

Administration | File Management

This section of the Manager lets you manage files in VPN Concentrator Flash memory. (Flash memory acts like a disk.) Such files include CONFIG, CONFIG.BAK, saved log files, and copies of any of these files that you have saved under different names.

The screen shows a table listing all files in Flash memory, one file per table row. Use the frame scroll controls (if present) to display more files in the table.

Figure 9-1   Administration | File Management Screen


To update the screen and its data, click Refresh. The date and time indicate when the screen was last updated.

Total, Used, Free KB

The total size of Flash memory in kilobytes, the amount used by the files listed, and the remaining free space in Flash memory.


The name of the file in Flash memory. The VPN Concentrator stores filenames as uppercase in the 8.3 naming convention.

Size (bytes)

The size of the file in bytes.


The date and time the file was created. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS, with time in 24-hour notation. For example, 05/07/01 15:20:24 is May 7, 2001at 3:20:24 PM.


For a selected file, click the desired action link. The actions available to you depend on your Access Rights to Files; see the Administration | Access Rights | Administrators | Modify Properties screen.

View (Save)

Note   When saving a configuration file on your PC via your browser, be sure to save the configuration file as a .TXT file, not an .HTM file. Some browser versions default to saving the file as an .HTM file, so you may need to change the file type. Saving the file as an .HTM file causes some data to be added to the top of the configuration file that is not valid configuration data. If you later upload this file to the VPN Concentrator, it will contain that invalid data and might cause unpredictable results.

To view the selected file, click View. The Manager opens a new browser window to display the file, and the browser address bar shows the filename.

You can also save a copy of the file on the PC that is running the browser. Click the File menu on the new browser window and select Save As.... The browser opens a dialog box that lets you save the file. The default filename is the same as on the VPN Concentrator.

Alternatively, you can use the secondary mouse button to click View on this Manager screen. A pop-up menu presents choices the exact wording of which depends on your browser, but among them are:

When you are finished viewing or saving the file, close the new browser window.


To delete the selected file from Flash memory, click Delete. The Manager opens a dialog box for you to confirm or cancel. If you confirm, the Manager refreshes the screen and shows the revised list of files.


To copy a selected file within Flash memory, click Copy. The Manager opens a dialog box for you to enter a filename for the copy, and to confirm the action. Filenames must adhere to the 8.3 naming convention. If you confirm, the Manager refreshes the screen and shows the revised list of files.


To import an XML file, click Import. The Manager opens the Administration | File Management | Import XML File screen and displays the file status. The Import option is only available for files with a ".XML" extension.

Administration | File Management | Swap Configuration Files

This screen lets you swap the boot configuration file with the backup configuration file. Every time you save the active configuration, the system writes it to the CONFIG file, which is the boot configuration file; and it saves the previous CONFIG file as CONFIG.BAK, the backup configuration file.

To reload the boot configuration file and make it the active configuration, you must reboot the system. When you click OK, the system automatically goes to the Administration | System Reboot screen, where you can reboot the system. You can also click the highlighted link to go to that screen.

Figure 9-2   Administration | File Management | Swap Configuration Files Screen

OK / Cancel

To swap CONFIG and CONFIG.BAK files, click OK. The Manager goes to the Administration | System Reboot screen.

To leave the files unchanged, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the Administration | File Management screen.

Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer

This screen lets you use TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files to and from VPN Concentrator Flash memory. (Flash memory acts like a disk.) The VPN Concentrator acts as a TFTP client for these functions, accessing a TFTP server running on a remote system. All transfers are made in binary (octet) mode, and they copy—rather than move—files.

To use these functions, you must have Access Rights to Read/Write Files. See the Administration | Access Rights | Administrators | Modify Properties screen.

You can list, view, and manage VPN Concentrator files on the Administration | File Management | Files screen.

Figure 9-3   Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer Screen

Concentrator File

Enter the name of the file on the VPN Concentrator. This filename must conform to the 8.3 naming convention.


Click the Action drop-down menu button and choose the TFTP action:

TFTP Server

Enter the IP address or host name of the remote system running the TFTP server. (If you configured a DNS server, you can enter a host name; otherwise, enter an IP address.)

TFTP Server File

Enter the name of the file on the remote system. This filename must conform to naming conventions applicable to the remote system. Do not include a path; the configuration of the remote TFTP server determines the location (path) of the file.

Caution   If either filename is the same as an existing file, TFTP overwrites the existing file without asking for confirmation.

OK / Cancel

To transfer the file, click OK. The Manager pauses during the transfer, which might take a few moments; please wait for the operation to finish. The Manager then displays either a Success or Error screen.

To cancel your settings on this screen, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the main Administration screen.

Success (TFTP)

If the TFTP transfer is successful, the Manager displays a Success screen.

Figure 9-4   Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer | Success Screen


To return to the Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer screen, click Continue.

Error (TFTP)

If the TFTP transfer is unsuccessful for any reason—no such file, incorrect action, remote system unreachable, TFTP server not running, incorrect server address, etc.—the Manager displays an Error screen.

Figure 9-5   Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer | Error Screen

To return to the Administration | File Management | TFTP Transfer screen, click Retry the operation.

To go to the main VPN Concentrator Manager screen, click Go to main menu.

Administration | File Management | File Upload

This screen lets you use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to transfer a configuration file from your PC—or a system accessible from your PC—to the VPN Concentrator Flash memory.

This function provides special handling for configuration (config) files. If the uploaded file has the VPN Concentrator filename config, the system deletes any existing config.bak file, renames the existing config file as config.bak, then writes the new config file. However, these actions occur only if the file transfer is successful, so existing files are not corrupted.

To use these functions, you must have Access Rights to Read/Write Files. See the Administration | Access Rights | Administrators | Modify Properties screen.

Be sure there is sufficient space in Flash memory for the new file. You can list, view, and manage VPN Concentrator files, and check space available, on the Administration | File Management | Files screen.

Figure 9-6   Administration | File Management | File Upload Screen

File on VPN 3000 Concentrator Series

Enter the name for the file on the VPN Concentrator. This filename must conform to the 8.3 naming convention. See the previous discussion about special handling for config files.

Local File / Browse...

Enter the name of the file on your PC. In a Windows environment, enter the complete pathname using MS-DOS syntax, for example: c:\vpn3000\config0077. You can also click the Browse button to open a file navigation window, find the file, and select it.

Upload / Cancel

To upload the file to the VPN Concentrator, click Upload. The Manager opens the File Upload Progress window.

To cancel your entries on this screen, or to stop a file upload that is in progress, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the Administration | File Management screen.

File Upload Progress

This window shows the progress of the file upload. It refreshes the number of bytes transferred at 10-second intervals.

Figure 9-7   Administration | File Management | File Upload Progress Window

When the upload is finished, or if the upload is cancelled, the progress window closes.

File Upload Success

The Manager displays this screen to confirm that the file upload was successful.

Figure 9-8   Administration | File Management | File Upload Success Screen

To go to the Administration | File Management | Files screen and examine files in Flash memory, click the highlighted link.

File Upload Error

The Manager displays this screen if there was an error during the file upload and the transfer was not successful. Flash memory might be full, or the file transfer might have been interrupted or cancelled.

Figure 9-9   Administration | File Management | File Upload Error Screen

Click the link—Click here to see the list of files—to go to the Administration | File Management | Files screen and examine space and files in Flash memory.

Click the link—Click here to return to File Upload—to return to the Administration | File Management | File Upload screen.

Administration | File Management | XML Export

This screen lets you export the active runtime configuration from the VPN Concentrator to an XML file on the VPN 3000 Concentrator. You can then view, delete, copy, or import this file on the Administration | File Management screen.

Figure 9-10   Administration | File Management | XML Export Screen

File Name

Specify the file name in the File Name field. Click Export to export the configuration to that file on the VPN 3000 Concentrator.


Click Export to save the configuration to the named file. Click Cancel if you do not want to save the configuration to the file.

Posted: Fri Apr 18 17:12:11 PDT 2003
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