
Table of Contents

IPSec to IPSec Service Model
Configuring IPSec to IPSec Service Model

IPSec to IPSec Service Model

This chapter describes how to configure the IPSec to IPSec service model for the Cisco Network-Based IPSec VPN Release 1.5 .

Configuring IPSec to IPSec Service Model

In this model, the IPSec Aggregator aggregates any remote sites/clients and then forwards the information to a headend enterprise VPN device. Since traffic is going over a open IP network, IPSec provides the necessary encryption over the IP backbone. This also permits private overlapping IP addressing schemes between enterprises.

Before You Begin

The procedures provided here are specific to configuring IPSec to IPSec with one box and are based on the following assumptions:

1. That the following setup and configuration tasks have already been completed:

2. That you have a good understanding of the architecture and features you are using and that you have selected the means you will use to implement those features (for example, which of several strategies you will use for address management or for user authentication and authorization).

IPSec to IPSec Configuration Checklist

This section deals with configuring the router to function as an IPSec aggregator.

Procedures for competing each task are described in the sections that follow. If you are viewing this document online, you can click on highlighted text to get details on the procedure.

Table 4-1   IPSec to IPSec Configuration Checklist

Task 1: Configure Authentication and Authorization Lists for Clients to RADIUS

Task 2: Configure the VRFs

Task 3: Configure CEF Switching

Task 4: Configure the Keyring/VPN

Task 5: Configure ISAKMP Policy for Phase 1 Negotiations

Task 6: Configure DPD Keepalives

Task 7: Configure Client Group Definition for Local Authorization

Task 8: Configure ISAKMP Profile for VPN Sites

Task 9: Configure Dynamic VRF Association for VPN Sites

Task 10: Configure ISAKMP Profile for VPN Clients

Task 11: Configure Dynamic VRF Association for VPN Clients

Task 12: Configure XAUTH, Group Authorization, and Mode-Config

Task 13: Configure the Transform Set for Data Encryption

Task 14: Configure Dynamic Crypto Map and Apply Transform Set

Task 15: Configure ISAKMP Client Profile Reference

Task 16: Configure RRI

Task 17: Configure Static Crypto Map for Sites

Task 18: Configure ISAKMP Site Profile Reference

Task 19: Configure Dynamic Crypto Map for Clients

Task 20: Configure Crypto Map to HQ

Task 21: Configure ISAKMP Site Profile Reference

Task 22: Connect Internet-Facing Interface and Corresponding Crypto Maps

Task 23: Apply Crypto Map towards HQ

Task 24: Configure the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Used in the Core

Task 25: Configure the Pools to Distribute IP Addresses to VPN Clients

Task 26: Configure Global Default Route

Task 27: Configure Static VPN Routes

Task 28: Configure the Crypto ACL to Define Traffic to be Encrypted towards Sites

Task 29: Configure the Crypto ACL to Define Traffic to be Encrypted towards HQ

IPSec to IPSec Configuration Tasks

Typical IPSec to IPSec configuration tasks are shown below. See IPSec to IPSec Configuration Sample.

Task 1: Configure Authentication and Authorization Lists for Clients to RADIUS

Command Purpose
Step 1 

aaa authentication login

Set authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authentication at login.

Step 2 

aaa authorization

Set parameters that restrict user access to a network.

Task 2: Configure the VRFs

Command Purpose
Step 1 

ip vrf

Configure a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) routing table.

Step 2 

rd route-distinguisher

Create routing and forwarding tables for a VRF.

Task 3: Configure CEF Switching

Command Purpose
Step 1 

ip cef

Enable CEF switching.

Step 2 

tag-switching ip default-route

Enable the distribution of labels associated with the IP default route.

Task 4: Configure the Keyring/VPN

Command Purpose
Step 1 

crypto keyring keyring-name [vrf fvrf]

Configure a new keyring for the shared secret keys to be used during IKE authentication.

Step 2 

pre-shared-key {address address [mask] | hostname hostname} key key

Configure the addressed preshared key to be used during IKE authentication.

Task 5: Configure ISAKMP Policy for Phase 1 Negotiations

Command Purpose
Step 1 

crypto isakmp policy priority

Configure an IKE policy.

Step 2 

encryption {des | 3des | aes | aes 192 | aes 256}

Specify the encryption algorithm within an IKE policy.

Step 3 

authentication {rsa-sig | rsa-encr | pre-share}

Specify the authentication method within an IKE policy.

Task 6: Configure DPD Keepalives

Command Purpose


crypto isakmp keepalive secs retries

Allow the gateway to send dead peer detection (DPD) messages to the router.

Task 7: Configure Client Group Definition for Local Authorization

Command Purpose
Step 1 

crypto isakmp client configuration group {group-name | default}

Specify which group's policy profile will be defined.

Step 2 

key name

Configure the IKE preshared key for group policy attribute definition.

Step 3 

pool (name)

Configure a local pool address.

Task 8: Configure ISAKMP Profile for VPN Sites

Command Purpose


crypto isakmp profile profile-name

Define an ISAKMP profile for a VPN.

Task 9: Configure Dynamic VRF Association for VPN Sites

Command Purpose
Step 1 

vrf name

Associate the on-demand address pool with a VRF name.

Step 2 

keyring keyring-name

Associate a keyring with an ISAKMP profile.

Step 3 

match identity address address [mask] [fvrf]

Match an acceptable Phase 1 identity from a peer to a particular ISAKMP profile.

Task 10: Configure ISAKMP Profile for VPN Clients

Command Purpose


crypto isakmp profile profile-name

Define an ISAKMP profile for a VPN.

Note   You can configure the Remote sites to match each peer using sequence numbers in the crypto map definition.You can match the peer on IP address or the hostname. The IP address match list for traffic to be encrypted is also defined for each peer. In case of VPN clients, the dynamic profile defined earlier is used to match the clients..

Task 11: Configure Dynamic VRF Association for VPN Clients

Command Purpose
Step 1 

vrf name

Associate the on-demand address pool with a VRF name.

Step 2 

match identity group-name

Match an acceptable Phase 1 identity from a peer to a Unity group.

Task 12: Configure XAUTH, Group Authorization, and Mode-Config

Command Purpose
Step 1 

client authentication list list-name

Configure IKE extended authentication (Xauth) on your router. The list-name must match the list-name defined during AAA configuration

Step 2 

isakmp authorization list list-name

Configure group authorization IKE querying of AAA for tunnel attributes in aggressive mode.

Step 3 

client configuration address [initiate | respond]

Configure IKE Mode Configuration (Mode-Config).

Task 13: Configure the Transform Set for Data Encryption

Command Purpose


crypto IPSec transform-set transform-set-name transform1 [transform2] [transform3] [transform4]

Define the transform set.

Task 14: Configure Dynamic Crypto Map and Apply Transform Set

Command Purpose
Step 1 

crypto dynamic-map dynamic-map-name dynamic-seq-num

Create a dynamic crypto map entry and enter the crypto map configuration command mode.

Step 2 

set transform-set transform-set-name

Specify which transform sets can be used with the crypto map entry.

Task 15: Configure ISAKMP Client Profile Reference

Command Purpose


set isakmp-profile profile-name

Set the ISAKMP profile name for client.

Task 16: Configure RRI

Command Purpose


reverse-route [remote-peer]

Create source proxy information for a crypto map entry through RRI.

Task 17: Configure Static Crypto Map for Sites

Command Purpose
Step 1 

crypto map map-name seq-num [IPSec-isakmp]

Create a crypto map entry that uses IKE to establish the IPSec SAs for protecting the traffic specified by this crypto map entry.

Step 2 

set peer {hostname | ip-address}

Specify an IP Security peer in a crypto map entry.

Step 3 

set transform-set transform-set-name

Specify which transform sets can be used with the crypto map entry.

Task 18: Configure ISAKMP Site Profile Reference

Command Purpose
Step 1 

set isakmp-profile profile-name

Set the ISAKMP profile name reference.

Step 2 

match identity address address [mask] [fvrf]

Match an acceptable Phase 1 identity from a peer to a particular isakmp profile.

Task 19: Configure Dynamic Crypto Map for Clients

Command Purpose


crypto map map-name seq-num [IPSec-isakmp]

Create a crypto map entry that uses IKE to establish the IPSec SAs for protecting the traffic specified by this crypto map entry.

Task 20: Configure Crypto Map to HQ

Command Purpose
Step 1 

crypto map map-name seq-num [IPSec-isakmp]

Create a crypto map entry that uses IKE to establish the IPSec SAs for protecting the traffic specified by this crypto map entry.

Step 2 

set peer {hostname | ip-address}

Specify an IP Security peer in a crypto map entry.

Step 3 

set transform-set transform-set-name

Specify which transform sets can be used with the crypto map entry.

Task 21: Configure ISAKMP Site Profile Reference

Command Purpose
Step 1 

set isakmp-profile profile-name

Set the ISAKMP profile name reference.

Step 2 

match identity address address [mask] [fvrf]

Match an acceptable Phase 1 identity from a peer to a particular ISAKMP profile.

Task 22: Connect Internet-Facing Interface and Corresponding Crypto Maps

Command Purpose
Step 1 

interface type

Configure a loopback interface.

Step 2 

ip address ip-address mask

Set an IP address for an interface.

Step 3 

encapsulation dot1q vlan-id [native]

Enable IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation of traffic on a specified subinterface in a virtual LAN (VLAN).

Step 4 

crypto map map-name

Apply a previously defined crypto map set to an interface.

Note   Each interface services one VPN as the IPSec tunnel endpoint for both the sites and clients.

Task 23: Apply Crypto Map towards HQ

Command Purpose
Step 1 

interface type

Configure a loopback interface (emulates an interface that is always up).

Step 1 

encapsulation dot1q vlan-id [native]

Enable IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation of traffic on a specified subinterface in a virtual LAN (VLAN).

Step 2 

ip address ip-address mask

Set an IP address for an interface.

Step 3 

crypto map map-name

Apply a previously defined crypto map set to an interface.

Task 24: Configure the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Used in the Core

Command Purpose
Step 1 

router ospf process-id

Configure an OSPF routing process.

Step 2 


Generate a log message.

Step 3 

network ip-address wildcard-mask area area-id

Configure the interfaces on which OSPF runs and to define the area ID for those interfaces.

Task 25: Configure the Pools to Distribute IP Addresses to VPN Clients

Command Purpose
Step 1 

ip local pool {default | pool-name low-ip-address [high-ip-address]}

Configure a local pool of IP addresses to be used when a remote peer connects to a point-to-point interface.

Step 2 

ip classless

Configure the router to send any packets it receives that are destined for a subnet of a network that has no network default route to the best supernet route possible.

Task 26: Configure Global Default Route

Command Purpose


ip route network-number network-mask {ip-address | interface-name} [distance] [name name]

Establish static routes and define the next hop for large-scale dial-out.

Task 27: Configure Static VPN Routes


ip route vrf vrf-name prefix mask [next-hop-address] [interface {interface-number}] [global] [distance] [permanent] [tag tag]

Establish static routes for a VRF instance.

Task 28: Configure the Crypto ACL to Define Traffic to be Encrypted towards Sites


access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source [source-wildcard] [log]

Configure a standard IP access list.

Task 29: Configure the Crypto ACL to Define Traffic to be Encrypted towards HQ


access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source [source-wildcard] [log]

Configure a standard IP access list.

IPSec to IPSec Configuration Sample

Figure 4-1 illustrates the following IPSec to IPSec configuration.

Figure 4-1   
IPSec to IPSec Configuration
IPSec to IPSec
pe1#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 4124 bytes
version 12.2
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname pe1
enable password cisco
username cisco password 0 cisco
aaa new-model

Step 1   Configure authentication and authorization lists for clients to RADIUS.

aaa authentication login localist local
aaa authorization network localist local
aaa session-id common
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain lookup

Step 2   Configure the VRFs.

ip vrf vpn1
rd 100:1

Step 3   Enable CEF switching.

ip cef
mpls ldp logging neighbor-changes
tag-switching ip default-route

Step 4   Configure Keyring.

crypto keyring vpn1
pre-shared-key address key cisco123
pre-shared-key address key cisco123

Step 5   Configure the ISAKMP policy for Phase 1 negotiations.

crypto isakmp policy 1
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp policy 2
encr 3des
authentication pre-share

Step 6   Configure DPD keepalives.

crypto isakmp keepalive 30
crypto isakmp xauth timeout 30

Step 7   Configure client group for local authorization.

crypto isakmp client configuration group ezvpn
key cisco123
pool hw-pool

Step 8   Configure ISAKMP profile for VPN sites.

crypto isakmp profile vpn1

Step 9   Configure dynamic VRF association.

vrf vpn1
keyring vpn1
match identity address
match identity address

Step 10   Configure ISAKMP profile for VPN clients.

crypto isakmp profile vpn1-ez

Step 11   Configure dynamic VRF association.

vrf vpn1
match identity group ezvpn

Step 12   Configure XAUTH, group authorization, and mode-config.

client authentication list localist
isakmp authorization list localist
client configuration address respond

Step 13   Configure transform set for data encryption.

crypto IPSec transform-set tset1 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac

Step 14   Configure dynamic crypto map and apply transform set.

crypto dynamic-map dyna 1
set security-association idle-time 3600
set transform-set tset1

Step 15   Configure ISAKMP client profile reference.

set isakmp-profile vpn1-ez

Step 16   Configure client RRI.


Step 17   Configure static map for a site.

crypto map vpn 10 IPSec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set tset1

Step 18   Configure ISAKMP site profile reference.

set isakmp-profile vpn1
match address 101

Step 19   Configure dynamic crypto map for clients.

crypto map vpn 1000 IPSec-isakmp dynamic dyna

Step 20   Configure crypto map towards HQ.

crypto map vpn_out 10 IPSec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set tset1

Step 21   Configure ISAKMP site profile reference.

set isakmp-profile vpn1
match address 151
interface FastEthernet2/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto

Step 22   Configure Internet-facing interface and corresponding crypto maps.

interface FastEthernet2/0.1
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
crypto map vpn
interface FastEthernet2/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto

Step 23   Apply crypto maps towards HQ.

interface FastEthernet2/1.1
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
crypto map vpn_out

Step 24   Configure the IGP used in the core.

router ospf 1
network area 0

Step 25   Configure the pool to distribute IP addresses to VPN clients.

ip local pool hw-pool
ip classless

Step 26   Configure global default route.

ip route FastEthernet2/0.1

Step 27   Configure static VPN routes.

ip route vrf vpn1 global
ip route vrf vpn1 global

Step 28   Configure the crypto access list defining traffic to be encrypted toward the sites.

access-list 101 permit ip

Step 29   Configure the Crypto access list defining traffic to be encrypted towards HQ.

access-list 151 permit ip

Posted: Tue May 20 12:26:43 PDT 2003
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