
Table of Contents

Installing the VPN Client
Verifying System Requirements
Gathering Information You Need
Obtaining the VPN Client Software
Preconfiguring the VPN Client
Installing the VPN Client
Uninstalling the VPN Client

Installing the VPN Client

This chapter describes how to install the VPN Client for Mac OS X.

Verifying System Requirements

The VPN Client for Mac OS X runs on any Power Macintosh or compatible computer with the Macintosh operating system Versions 10.1.5 or later and 30 MB of hard disk space.

Gathering Information You Need

To configure and use the VPN Client, you might be required to have the following information.

This information is normally obtained from the system administrator of the private network you want to access. The system administrator might preconfigure much of this data.

Obtaining the VPN Client Software

The VPN Client software is available from the Cisco website and comes as a disk image file (vpnclient-<version>-GUI.k9.dmg). Only system administrators can obtain and distribute the VPN Client software.

To obtain the installer:

Step 1   Copy or download the image file to your Desktop.

Step 2   Double-click to extract the VPN Client installer to your Desktop.

Step 3   The image file remains on the Desktop.

Preconfiguring the VPN Client

This section describes how to distribute preconfigured configuration files (user profiles) and GUI preference files to the VPN Client installer.

To access the installer directory

Step 1   Double-click the vpnclient installer icon. (Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1   Installer Icon

Alternately, you can right-click (control-click) the VPN Client installer icon and choose Open from the menu.

Figure 2-2 shows the vpnclient installer directory. This directory contains the installer package and any preconfigured files in the Profiles and Resources folders.

Figure 2-2   VPN Client Installer Directory

Preconfiguring the User Profile

The VPN Client uses parameters that must be uniquely configured for each remote user of the private network. Together these parameters make up a user profile, which is contained in a profile configuration file (.pcf file).

To distribute preconfigured profiles, copy the configuration files (.pcf files) into the Profiles folder in the vpnclient installer directory.

Any file with a .pcf extension found in this folder is placed in the Profiles directory when the VPN Client is installed.

Preconfiguring the Global Profile

A global profile sets rules for all remote users; it contains parameters for the VPN Client as a whole. The name of the global profile file is vpnclient.ini.

The vpnclient.ini file controls the following features:

If you do not preconfigure a global profile, the vpnclient.ini file is populated with default settings. Each time you make changes, the vpnclient.ini file is updated and stored.

Installing the VPN Client

The following sections describe how to install the VPN Client software. The VPN Client for Mac OS X installer program installs, by default, both the graphical user interface and the command-line version of the VPN Client. However, you are not required to install the GUI. See the "Choosing the Installation Type" section for more information.

Note   We recommend that you uninstall any previous version of the VPN Client for Mac OS X before you install a new version. For more information, see "Uninstalling the VPN Client" section 2-12.


Before you can start the installation process, you must show that you have installation privileges.

Step 1   Open the installer package by double-clicking the Cisco VPN Client.mpkg file that resides in the installer directory. (See Figure 2-2).

The Authorization window appears (Figure 2-3). You must have an Administrator password to install the VPN Client application.

Figure 2-3   Authorization Window

Step 2   Click the lock to Authenticate your password. The Authenticate dialog box appears (Figure 2-4).

Figure 2-4   Authenticate Dialog Box

Step 3   Enter your administrator username and a password or challenge phrase.

Step 4   Click OK.

If the authentication is successful, continue to the installation process. Contact your network administrator if you cannot authenticate for installation.

VPN Client Installation Process

You must complete all steps in the VPN Client installation process before you can use the VPN Client software.

At any time during the installation process, you can go back to a previous step and adjust your selections.

The installation process includes the following steps:


The first window that appears during installation is the introduction. The right pane of the Introduction window (Figure 2-5) lists system requirements. The left pane displays each of the installation steps. As you complete each step, it is highlighted with a blue bullet.

Figure 2-5   Cisco VPN Client—Introduction Window

Click Continue.

Accepting the License Agreement

You are required to read and accept the Cisco software license agreement before you can continue with the installation process (See Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6   Cisco Licence Agreement

Before you accept the license agreement, you can:

When you have completely read the Cisco VPN Client software license agreement, click Continue.

To continue with the installation, click Agree.

Selecting the Application Destination

If your workstation has more than one disk drive, you can select the destination volume to install the VPN Client on your workstation. Figure 2-7 shows the Select Destination window.

Figure 2-7   Select Destination Window

Click Continue. The VPN Client is installed in the Applications directory.

Choosing the Installation Type

The default installation process installs the following packages with the VPN Client application:

The VPN Client application binaries and the VPN Client kernel extension must be part of your installation. However, installing the other three packages is optional.

To install all packages, click Install on the Easy Install window (Figure 2-8).

Figure 2-8   Easy Install Window

To choose which packages to install, click Customize to open the Custom Install window (Figure 2-9).

Figure 2-9   Custom Install Window

The packages with the blue check box are optional. To make a package part of your installation, check the blue box. To remove a package from your installation, uncheck the blue box.

Click Easy Install to return to the default installation packages, or Install to continue with a custom installation.

A progress bar lists the installation steps as they occur (Figure 2-10).

Figure 2-10   Install Software Progress Window

When the installation is finished, a window appears to indicate whether the installation was successful (Figure 2-11).

Figure 2-11   Successful Installation Confirmation Window

Click Close.

If you do not receive this confirmation, the installation was not successful. You must start the installation process again from the beginning or contact your network administrator for assistance.

To begin using the Client, double-click the VPN Client application icon located in the Applications directory (Figure 2-12).

Figure 2-12   Location of VPN Client Application

CLI Version Install Script Notes

The VPN Client installer includes both the graphical user interface and the command-line version of the VPN Client for Mac OS X. You can choose to manage the VPN Client using only the command-line.

Use the following commands to start, stop, and restart VPN service:

/System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN start
/System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN stop
/System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN restart

Alternately, you can use these commands to interact with the kernel extension:

sudo SystemStarter start CiscoVPN
sudo SystemStarter stop CiscoVPN
sudo SystemStarter restart CiscoVPN

During the installation process, the application binaries are copied to the specified destination directory.

Uninstalling the VPN Client

This section describes how to uninstall the VPN Client.

Note   You must have administrator privileges to uninstall the VPN Client. If you do not have administrator privileges, you must have someone with administrator privileges uninstall the product for you.

Note   We recommend that you uninstall any previous version of the VPN Client for Mac OS X before you install a new version.

The VPN Client uninstall script uninstalls any previous command-line or GUI version of the VPN Client from your workstation.

To uninstall the VPN Client for Mac OS X

Step 1   Open a terminal window.

Step 2   Run the following command:

sudo /usr/local/bin/vpn_uninstall

Step 3   Enter your password

Step 4   You are prompted to remove all profiles and certificates.

Posted: Mon Apr 14 11:14:42 PDT 2003
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