activating an IKE proposal 1-4
adding an SA 1-4
AppendOriginalSuffix Option parameter 2-15
ApplicationLauncher parameters 2-9
authentication parameters (.pcf file) 2-20
AuthType parameter (.pcf file) 2-19
auto initiation 3-5
AutoInitiationEnable (vpnclient.ini) 2-6, 3-3
AutoInitiationList (vpnclient.ini) 2-7, 3-3
AutoInitiationRetryInterval (vpnclient.ini) 2-6, 3-3
AutoInitiationRetry IntervalType (vpnclient.ini) 2-7
AutoInitiationRetryIntervalType (vpnclient.ini) 3-3
configuring 3-1
connect parameter 3-3
creating in vpnclient.ini file 3-3
examples 3-4
excluding networks from 3-3
parameters 3-1
AYT firewall policy 1-6
BackupServer parameter (.pcf file) 2-21
configured on VPN Concentrator for VPN Client 1-17
firewall on remote PC 1-6
for installation 5-2
setup 5-5
see customizing VPN Client software
brand parameters (oem.ini file) 5-6
Centralized Protection Policy (CPP) 1-6
IP address 2-8
parameters (vpnclient.ini) 2-8
Entrust 1-18
group name requirement 1-4
organization unit field 1-4
parameters (.pcf files) 2-22
configuring VPN concentrator 1-3
changing the MTU size 6-4
scenario 1-8
VPN Client software 1-6
Cisco Intrusion Prevention Security Agent
firewall on the remote PC 1-6
client/server firewall 1-7
error messages 4-10
ipsecdialer 6-9
command-line switches 6-9
logging options 7-3
connect 4-1
disconnect 4-6
displaying a list 4-1
notify 4-4
stat 4-6
verify autoinitconfig 4-4
logo.png 5-9
global profile 2-3
individual profiles 2-18
client/server 1-12
auto initiation 3-1
backup servers for VPN Client 1-17
Entrust certificate 1-18
local LAN access for VPN Client 1-15
NAT-T 1-17
personal firewalls 1-5
RADIUS SDI authentication 2-15
lock image on active connection entry 5-9
ipsecdialer command 6-9
ending 4-6
getting status 4-6
profiles 2-16
starting with vpnclient command 4-1
testing 6-8
features controlled 2-16
file 2-17
distributing 2-25
sample .pcf file 2-16
connection-specific DNS suffix 2-13
continuous display (stat command) 4-6
defining filters and rules 1-10
creating 5-10
connection profiles 2-16
Entrust profile 1-18
global profile 2-2
IPSec group in VPN Concentrator 1-2
MSI transform 5-10
oem.ini file 5-5
user profiles in VPN Concentrator 1-3
customizing VPN Client software
areas affected by 5-2
for MSI 5-10
menu titles and text 5-3
oem.ini file 5-5
setup bitmap 5-2
VPN Dialer application 5-4
data formats x
DefGroup parameter (oem.ini file) 5-7
defining rules for firewalls 1-10
Description parameter (.pfc file) 2-19
stateful firewall 1-5
DHGroup parameter (.pcf files) 2-23
DialerDisconnect parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-6
dialer parameters (oem.ini file) 5-7
differences between InstallShield and MSI 7-1
Disable Fast Shutdown option 6-4
DisableKerberosOverTCP (oem.ini file) 5-6
information continuously 4-6
notifications 4-4
route information 4-6
distributing preconfigured software 2-25
DNS parameters 2-9
connection-specific 2-13
primary 2-12
Windows platforms 2-12
additional viii
cautions x
notes x
elevated privileges (installing MSI) 7-2
EnableBackup parameter (.pcf file) 2-21
EnableISPConnect parameter (.pcf file) 2-19
EnableLocalLAN parameter (.pcf file) 2-22
EnableLog parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-6
EnableNat parameter (.pcf file) 2-22
EnableSplitDNS parameter (.pfc file) 2-24
encGroupPwd parameter (.pcf file) 2-19
ending a connection 4-6
enabling VPN Client 1-18
EntrustIni parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-5
error messages 4-10
stateful firewall 1-5
excluding networks from auto initiation 3-3
fallback mode 6-7
.bmp 5-2
.pcf 2-16
.png 5-8
oem.ini 5-5
vpnclient.ini 2-2
sample 2-3
defining for CPP 1-10
firewall information 4-6
AYT 1-6
BlackIce Defender 1-6
Cisco Integrated Client 1-6
Cisco Intrusion Prevention Security Agent 1-6
configuring 1-12
comparisons 1-7
group 1-11
matching 1-5
scenarios 1-8
CPP 1-6
custom 1-12
defining filters and rules 1-10
Integrity Server 1-7
notifications during negotiations 1-13
enforcement on remote PC 1-6
requiring 1-5
stateful on VPN Client 1-5
Sygate Personal Firewall 1-6
Sygate Personal Firewall Pro 1-6
Sygate Security Agent 1-6
Zone Alarm Firewall 1-6
Zone Alarm Pro Firewall 1-6
ForceNetlogin parameter (.pfc file) 2-25
data x
preventing 6-4
creating 2-2
GroupName parameter (.pcf file) 2-19
GroupPwd parameter (.pcf file) 2-19
GUI parameters 2-11
Host parameter (.pcf file) 2-19
connected.ico 5-10
disconnecting.ico 5-10
lock 5-4
unconnected.ico 5-10
activating 1-4
list 6-10
phase 2 6-13
lock 5-4
adding 6-8
fallback mode 6-7
start before logon feature 6-7
IncompatibleGinas parameter (vpnclient.ini file) 2-5
MSI requirements 7-2
automatic 5-1
differences between MSI and Installshield 7-1
directory 5-18
package 5-18
MSI transform 5-15
InstallPath parameter (oem.ini file) 5-7
installation differences from MSI 7-1
setup.bmp file 5-2
silent install 5-16
configuring 1-12
feature description 1-7
certificate enrollment 2-8
creating on VPN Concentrator 1-2
troubleshooting firewall configurations 1-13
ISPCommand parameter (.pcf file) 2-20
ISPConnect parameter (.pcf file) 2-20
ISPConnectType parameter (.pcf file) 2-20
changing 2-25
LMHOSTS file 1-16
configuring 1-15
in title lines 5-4
next to active connection entry 5-9
logging during MSI installation 7-3
LogLevel parameter 2-8
logo.png 5-9
log parameters (vpnclient.ini) 2-7
making a parameter read only 2-2
matching firewall configurations 1-5
MissingGroupDialog parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-5
installation differences from InstallShield 7-1
launching 7-2
logging during installation 7-3
silent install 5-17
msiexec command 5-15
customizing VPN Client 5-10
installing 5-15
MSLogonType parameter (.pcf file) 2-21
affects of 6-4
changing 6-4
configuring on VPN Concentrator 1-17
forcing 2-25
Netlogin parameters 2-10
profile_logo.png 5-9
displaying 4-4
firewalls 1-13
upgrade 1-14
notify command 4-4
NTDomain parameter (.pfc file) 2-21
creating 5-5
customizing VPN Client 5-5
keywords and values 5-6
MSI equivalents 5-15
sample 5-5
Organization 5-9
organizational unit field in certificate 1-4
logo.png file 5-9
brand (oem.ini file) 5-6
DefGroup (oem.ini file) 5-7
dialer (oem.ini file) 5-7
DisableKerberosOverTCP (oem.ini file) 5-6
table 2-5
InstallPath (oem.ini file) 5-7
peer timeout (.pcf file) 2-22
authentication 2-20
AuthType 2-19
BackupServer 2-21
certificate parameters 2-22
Description 2-19
DHGroup 2-23
EnableISPConnect 2-19
EnableLocalLAN 2-22
EnableMSLogon 2-21
EnableNat 2-22
EnableSplitDNS 2-24
encGroupPwd 2-19
ForceNetlogin 2-25
GroupName 2-19
GroupPwd 2-19
Host 2-19
ISPCommand 2-20
ISPConnect 2-20
ISPConnectType 2-20
MSLogonType 2-21
NTDomain 2-21
PeerTimeout 2-22
RadiusSDI 2-24
SaveUserPassword 2-21
SDIUseHardwareToken 2-24
SendCertChain 2-23
TCPTunnelingPort 2-22
TunnelingMode 2-22
UseLegacyIKEPort 2-25
VerifyCertDN 2-23
read only 2-2
reboot (oem.ini file) 5-7
Set Mtu (oem.ini file) 5-7
SilentMode (oem.ini file) 5-7
AppendOriginalSuffixOption 2-15
ApplicationLauncher 2-9
AutoInitiationEnable 2-6
AutoInitiationList 2-7
AutoInitiationRetry 2-6
AutoInitiationRetryType 2-7
certificate enrollment 2-8
DialerDisconnect 2-6
DNS 2-9
EnableLog 2-6
EntrustIni 2-5
GUI 2-11
IncompatibleGinas 2-5
log class 2-7
LogLevel 2-8
MissingGroupDialog 2-5
Netlogin 2-10
RunAtLogon 2-5
StatefulFirewall 2-6
StatefulFirewallAllowICMP 2-6
table 2-5
vpnclient command 4-6
firewall 4-6
repeat 4-6
reset 4-6
route 4-6
traffic 4-6
tunneling 4-6
Xauth dialog 5-9
creating 2-16
distributing with VPN Client software 2-26
parameters 2-18
sample 2-17
PeerTimeout parameter (.pcf file) 2-22
VPN Concentrator 1-5
phase 2 IKE proposals 6-13
Portable Network Graphic (PNG) files
list 5-8
preconfigured connection entry
distributing 2-25
preconfigured files 5-18
preconfiguring VPN Clients for remote users 2-1
primary DNS suffix 2-12
printing by name on local LAN 1-16
connection entry 2-16
creating user 1-3
directory 2-2
Entrust 1-18
file format 2-2
global 2-2
features controlled 2-2
parameters 2-4
sample 2-3
new/modify profile dialog 5-9
testing a connection 6-8
phase 2 IKE 6-13
configuring 2-15
RadiusSDI parameter (.pfc file) 2-24
RADIUS SDI parameters 2-10
read-only parameters 2-2
Reboot parameter (oem.ini) file) 5-7
testing a connection 6-8
related documentation ix
scenario 1-9
resetting counts 4-6
routing information 4-6
defining for CPP 1-10
RunAtLogon parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-5
adding 1-4
.pcf file 2-17
oem.ini file 5-5
vpnclient.ini 2-3
SaveUserPassword parameter (.pfc file) 2-21
SDIUseHardwareToken parameter (.pfc file) 2-24
SendCertChain parameter 2-23
Set Mtu parameters 5-7
SetMTU utility 6-4
launching silently 5-17
silent install 5-1
InstallShield 5-16
MSI 5-17
SilentMode parameter (oem.ini file) 5-7
splash_screen.png 5-9
enabling 2-24
gina files 6-7
starting a connection 4-1
stateful firewall (always on) 1-5
StatefulFirewallAllowICMP parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-6
StatefulFirewall parameter (vpnclient.ini) 2-6
generating 4-6
firewall on remote PC 1-6
firewall on remote PC 1-6
firewall on remote PC 1-6
Windows 98 6-1
Windows NT 6-2
protecting 2-18
TCPTunnelingPort parameter (.pcf file) 2-22
testing a connection 6-8
traffic information 4-6
transform 5-10
installing 5-15
connectivity application 6-4
generating information 6-1
TunnelEstablished parameter in registry 6-8
tunneling information 4-6
TunnelingMode parameter (.pcf file) 2-22
configured on VPN Concentrator 1-14
UseLegacyIKEPort parameter (.pfc file) 2-25
creating for distribution 2-16
creating in VPN Concentrator 1-3
VerifyCertDN parameter (.pfc file) 2-23
verifying an auto initiation configuration 3-5, 4-4
applications vii
configuring 2-1
file format 2-2
sample 2-3
vpnclient_en.msi command 7-2
disconnect 4-6
displaying a list 4-1
notify 4-4
stat 4-6
firewall 4-6
repeat 4-6
reset 4-6
route 4-6
traffic 4-6
tunnel 4-6
verify autoinitconfig 4-4
configuring personal firewalls for VPN Client 1-5
creating user profiles 1-3
customizing 5-4
generating system information 6-2
shut down problem 6-4
generating system information 6-2
Windows NT or Windows 2000 6-2
password_logo.png 5-9
firewall on remote PC 1-6
firewall on remote PC 1-6
Posted: Mon Jun 30 14:27:15 PDT 2003
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