
Table Of Contents

Managing Digital Certificates

Setting Certificate Keywords

Certificate Command Syntax

Certificate Contents

Certificate Passwords

Certificate Tags

Certificate Management Operations

Enrolling Certificates

Enrollment Operations

Managing Digital Certificates

This chapter describes how to manage digital certificates in your certificate store for the Cisco VPN client by using the command-line interface. Your certificate store is the location in your local file system for storing digital certificates. The store for the VPN client is the Cisco store.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Setting Certificate Keywords

Certificate Command Syntax

Certificate Contents

Certificate Passwords

Certificate Tags

Certificate Management Operations

Enrolling Certificates

Setting Certificate Keywords

To use certificates for authentication, you must correctly set all keywords that apply to certificates in your user profile. Check your settings for the following keywords:

AuthType = 3 (certificate authentication)

CertStore = 1 (Cisco certificate store)

CertName = Common Name (This must be the same common name that is entered for a certificate.)

See "User Profiles," for more information on setting parameters in your user profile.

Certificate Command Syntax

Digital certificate management is implemented using the command line interface.

The command line interface for certificate management operates in two ways:

The standard UNIX shell at which you enter all arguments for a given command on the same line.

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op enroll -f filename -chall challenge_phrase

A prompting mode in which you enter minimum arguments for a given command and are prompted for any remaining information.

The minimum command line argument follows this basic form:

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op operation
cisco_cert_mgr -R -op operation
cisco_cert_mgr -E -op operation


-U applies to the user or private certificate.

You can use the -U flag for all certificate management command operations, except enroll_resume.

-R applies to the root certificate or certificate authority (CA) certificate.

You can use the -R flag for list, view, verify, delete, export, import, and change password operations.

-E applies to certificate enrollment.

You can only use the -E flag with list and delete, and you must specify it using the enroll_resume operation.

The operation for the specified certificate follows the -op argument. Valid operations for the certificate manager command are list, view, verify, delete, export, import, enroll, enroll_file, and enroll_resume. For more information on these operations, see the "Certificate Management Operations" section.

Certificate Contents

This section describes the type of information contained in a digital certificate.

A typical digital certificate contains the following information:

Common name—The name of the owner, usually both the first and last names. This field identifies the owner within the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) organization.

Department—The name of the owner's department. This is the same as the organizational unit.

If you are connecting to a VPN 3000 concentrator, this field must match the Group Name configured for the owner in the concentrator.

If you are connecting to a VPN 5000 concentrator, this field must match the VPNGroup-groupname configured in the concentrator.

Company—The company in which the owner is using the certificate. This is the same as the organization.

State—The state in which the owner is using the certificate.

Country—The two-character country code in which the owner's system is located.

Email—The e-mail address of the owner of the certificate.

Thumbprint—An MD5 hash of the certificate's complete contents. The thumbprint provides a means for validating the authenticity of the certificate. For example, if you contact the issuing CA, you can use this identifier to verify that this certificate is the correct one to use.

Key size—The size of the signing key pair in bits.

Subject—The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the certificate's owner. This field uniquely identifies the owner of the certificate in a format that can be used for LDAP and X.500 directory queries. A typical subject includes the following fields:

common name (cn)

organizational unit, or department (ou)

organization or company (o)

locality, city, or town (l)

state or province (st)

country (c)

e-mail address (e)

Other items might be included in the Subject, depending on the certificate.

Serial number—A unique identifier used for tracking the validity of the certificate on the certificate revocation lists (CRLs).

Issuer—The FQDN of the source that provided the certificate.

Not before—The beginning date that the certificate is valid.

Not after—The end date beyond which the certificate is no longer valid.

The following output is an example of the type of information contained in a digital certificate:

Common Name: Fred Flinstone
Department: Rock yard
Company: Stone Co.
State: (null)
Country: (null)
Email: fredf@stonemail.fake
Thumb Print: 2936A0C874141273761B7F06F8152CF6
Key Size: 1024
Subject:e=fredf@stonemail.fake,cn=Fred Flinstone,ou=Rockyard,o=Stone Co. l=Bedrock
Serial #: 7E813E99B9E0F48077BF995AA8D4ED98
Issuer: Stone Co.
Not before: Thu May 24 18:00:00 2001
Not after: Mon May 24 17:59:59 2004

Certificate Passwords

Each digital certificate is protected by a password. Many operations performed by the certificate management command require that you enter the password before the operation can take place.

The operations that require you to enter a password are:





Note For the enroll operation, the password to protect the digital certificate is a separate password from the optional challenge password that you enter for the server certificate.

You are prompted for any passwords that are required to complete the command. You must enter the password and verify the password again before the command can execute. If the password is not accepted, you must re-enter the command.

When you establish a VPN connection with a certificate, a certificate password is also required.

All passwords can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters in length, and are case sensitive.

Certificate Tags

A certificate tag is the identifier for each unique certificate. Each certificate added to the certificate store is assigned a certificate tag. An enroll operation also generates a certificate tag, even if the enroll operation does not complete.

Some certificate management operations require that you enter a certificate tag argument before the operation can take place. Operations that require certificate tags are listed in Table 5-1. Use the list operation to find your certificate tag.

To enter a certificate tag argument, use the -ct command followed by the certificate identifier, listed as -ct Cert # next to the operation.

The following example shows the view command with a required certificate tag:

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op view -ct 0

Where the operation is view, and the certificate tag is 0.

If you do not enter the -ct argument and certificate tag, the command line prompts you for them. If you enter an invalid certificate tag, the command line lists all certificates in the certificate store, and prompts you again for the certificate tag.

Certificate Management Operations

List all certificate management operations on the command line following the minimum command line argument. Valid operation strings allow you to list, view, verify, delete, export, import, and enroll digital certificates in your store.

The following is an example of a certificate management command with the list operation, and a sample output.

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op list

cisco_cert_mgr Version 3.0.7

Cert # Common Name
0 Fred Flinstone
1 Dino

Table 5-1 describes the operations that can be used with the certificate management command.

Table 5-1 Parameters for the cert_mgr Command 



Lists all certificates in the certificate store. Each certificate in the list is identified by a unique certificate tag (Cert #).

view -ct Cert #

Views the specified certificate. You must enter a certificate tag.

verify -ct Cert #

Verifies that the specified certificate is valid. You must enter a certificate tag.

If the certificate is verified, the message `Certificate Cert # verified' appears.

If the certificate fails verification for any reason, the message `Certificate Cert # failed verification' appears. Following this message is a text string which describes the reason for the failure.

delete -ct Cert #

Deletes the specified certificate. You must enter a certificate tag.

export -ct Cert # -f filename

Exports the identified certificate from the certificate store to a specified file. You must enter a certificate tag and a filename. If either is omitted, the command line prompts you for them.

You must enter the full path of the destination. If you enter only the filename, the file is placed in your working directory.

import -f filename

Imports a certificate from a specified file to the certificate store.

This operation requires two different passwords: the password that protects the file (assigned by your administrator), and the password you select to protect the certificate.

-cn common_name
-ou organizational_unit
-o organization
-st state
-c country
-e email
-ip IP_Address
-dn domain_name
-caurl url_of _CA
-cadn domain_name
[-chall challenge_phrase]

For user certificates only.

Obtains a certificate by enrolling you with a Certificate Authority (CA) over the network.

Enter each keyword individually on the command line.

See the "Enrolling Certificates" section for more information.

You can obtain a challenge phrase from your administrator or from the CA.

-cn common_name
-ou organizational_unit -o organization
-st state
-c country
-e email
-ip IP_Address
-dn domain_name
-f filename
-enc [ base64 | binary ]

For user certificates only.

Generates an enrollment request file that can be e-mailed to the CA or pasted into a webpage form. When the certificate is generated by the CA, you must import it using the import operation.

See the "Enrolling Certificates" section for more information.

enroll_resume -E -ct Cert #

This operation cannot be used with user or root certificates.

Resumes an interrupted network enrollment. You must enter the -E argument and a certificate tag.

changepassword -ct
Cert #

Changes a password for a specified digital certificate. You must enter a certificate tag.

You must enter the current password before you select the new password and confirm it.

Enrolling Certificates

A Certificate Authority (CA) is a trusted organization that issues digital certificates to users to provide a means for verifying that users are who they claim to be. The certificate enrollment operations allow you to obtain your certificate from a CA over the network or from an enrollment request file.

There are three types of certificate enrollment operations.

The enroll operation allows you to obtain a certificate by enrolling with a CA over the network. You must enter the URL of the CA, the domain name of the CA, and the common name.

The enroll_file operation generates an enrollment request file that you can e-mail to a CA or post into a webpage form. You must enter a filename, a common name, and the encoding type you want to use.

With the enroll and enroll_file operations, you can include additional information with associated keywords. These keywords are described in Table 5-2.

The enroll_resume operation resumes an interrupted network enrollment. You must enter the -E argument and a certificate tag. To find your certificate tag, use the list operation.

Enrollment Operations

To use enrollment operations, enter the certificate manager command and the enroll operation you want to use with the associated keywords on the command line.

The following example shows the enroll command with the minimum required keywords for common name (-cn), URL of the CA (-caurl) and domain name of the CA (-cadn):

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op enroll -cn Ren Hoek -caurl -cadn nobody.fake

The following example shows the enroll_file command with the minimum required keywords for filename (-f), common name (-cn), and encoding type (-enc):

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op enroll_file -f filename -cn Ren Hoek -enc base64

The following example shows the enroll_file command with the required minimum arguments and additional keywords:

cisco_cert_mgr -U -op enroll_file -f filename -cn Ren Hoek -ou Customer Service -o Stimpy, Inc, -st CO -c US -e ren@fake.fake -ip -dn fake.fake -enc binary

The following example shows the enroll_resume command:

cisco_cert_mgr -E -op enroll_resume -ct 4

Table 5-2 describes options for the enroll, enroll_file, and enroll_resume operations.

Table 5-2 Keywords for Enrollment Operations 


-cn common_name

The common name for the certificate.

-ou organizational_unit

The organizational unit for the certificate.

-o organization

The organization for the certificate.

-st state

The state for the certificate.

-c country

The country for the certificate.

-e email

The user e-mail address for the certificate.

-ip IP_Address

The IP address of the user's system.

-dn domain_name

The FQDN of the user's system.

-caurl url_of_CA

The URL or network address of the CA.

-cadn domain_name

The CA's domain name.

[-chall challenge_phrase ]

You can obtain the challenge phrase from your administrator or from the CA.

-enc [ base64 | binary ]

Select encoding of the output file. The default is base64.

base64 is an ASCII-encoded PKCS10 file that you can display because it is in a text format. Choose this type when you want to cut and paste the text into the CA's website.

binary is a base-2 PKCS10 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards) file. You cannot display a binary-encoded file.

Enrollment Troubleshooting Tip

If the enrollment request for a user certificate, using either the enroll or enroll_file operation, generates a CA certificate instead of a user certificate, the CA might be overwriting some of the distinguished naming information. This might be caused by a configuration issue on the CA, or a limitation of how the CA responds to enrollment requests.

The common name and subject information in the enrollment request must match the certificate generated by the CA for the VPN client to recognize it as the same user certificate that was requested. If it does not match, the VPN client does not install the new user certificate as the user certificate it had requested.

To check for this problem, view the enrollment request on the VPN client and compare the common name and subject lines with a view of the certificate from the CA. If they do not match, then the CA is overwriting information from the client request.

To work around this issue, use the invalid certificate as an example and create an enrollment request that matches the output of the CA certificate.

Note If the CA's certificate contains multiple department (mulitple ou fields), you can add multiple departments to the VPN client enrollment request by using the plus sign (+) between the department fields.


Posted: Mon Apr 18 08:43:39 PDT 2005
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