
Table Of Contents

Troubleshooting Cisco Unity Express

IP Addressing Problems

Backup or Restore Not Working

Installation Not Working Correctly

Incorrect Date and Time

MWI Lights Not Working Properly

Configurations Disappear

Wrong GUI Layout

Auto-Attendant Prompts

Troubleshooting Cisco Unity Express

This chapter contains the following troubleshooting procedures:

IP Addressing Problems

Backup or Restore Not Working

Installation Not Working Correctly

Incorrect Date and Time

MWI Lights Not Working Properly

Configurations Disappear

Wrong GUI Layout

Auto-Attendant Prompts

IP Addressing Problems

Problem: I cannot ping the Cisco Unity Express module.

Explanation    The IP address of the host server is missing or wrong.

Recommended Action    Choose Administration > Domain Name Settings to configure the host server.

Explanation    The wrong module or gateway is configured.

Backup or Restore Not Working

Problem: The backup or restore file is not loading correctly.

Recommended Action    Verify that the correct FTP server is configured. Choose Administration > Backup/Restore > Configuration.

Recommended Action    Verify that the correct DNS server is configured. Choose Administration > Domain Name Settings.

Installation Not Working Correctly

Problem: The installation is not loading correctly.

Recommended Action    Verify that the correct FTP server is configured. Choose Administration > Backup/Restore > Configuration.

Recommended Action    Verify that the correct DNS server is configured. Choose Administration > Domain Name Settings.

Incorrect Date and Time

Problem: The date and time on the system are not correct.

Recommended Action    Verify that the correct NTP server is configured. Choose Administration > Network Time & Time Zone Settings.

Recommended Action    Verify that the correct time zone is configured. Choose Administration > Network Time & Time Zone Settings.

MWI Lights Not Working Properly

Problem: The MWI lights do not go on when messages are stored in a user's mailbox.

Recommended Action    Refresh the MWI lights for the user. Choose Voice Mail > Message Waiting Indicators > Refresh.

Recommended Action    Check that the user's extension is designated as a primary extension. Cisco Unity Express does not send a MWI to an E.l64 number. Choose Configure > Users to designate a primary extension.

Configurations Disappear

Problem: I configured voice-mail or auto-attendant parameters, but I do not see them in the current Cisco Unity Express configuration.

Explanation    You did not click the Apply icon in the GUI to save the changes.

Explanation    You made changes using CLI commands to the Cisco CallManager server or Cisco CME router, but Cisco Unity Express did not pick them up.

Recommended Action    (For Cisco CME only) Choose Administration > Synchronize Information to synchronize the Cisco CallManager and Cisco Unity Express databases.

Explanation    You made changes to the startup configuration that were not saved to the running configuration.

Recommended Action    Choose Administration > Save Configuration to load the startup configuration.

Wrong GUI Layout

Problem: When I log in to the GUI, I see a limited set of options, not the full administration windows.

Explanation    Another administrator is logged in. Only one administrator can access the administration GUI at a time.

Recommended Action    Find out who is logged in and log that person out or wait a few minutes for the inactivity timer to log that person out.

Auto-Attendant Prompts

Problem: The custom auto-attendant prompt is not working.

Recommended Action    Verify that the prompt format is CCITT G.711 u-law, 8kHz, 8-bit, Mono.


Posted: Fri Jan 13 05:08:37 PST 2006
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