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Table Of Contents

Cisco Voice Log Translator 2.7 User Guide


Prerequisites for Cisco VLT

Restrictions for Cisco VLT

Information About Cisco VLT

Cisco VLT Capabilities

Typical Cisco VLT Use Scenario

Cisco VLT GUI Display and Navigation

Cisco VLT Message Translations

How to Use Cisco VLT

Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages

Filtering the Trace-Log Message List

Finding Information in Trace-Log Message Text


Additional References

Related Documents




Technical Assistance


Cisco Voice Log Translator 2.7 User Guide

Revised: n/a, OL-10582-01
First Published: May 2006

Cisco Voice Log Translator (Cisco VLT) is a troubleshooting tool that reads complex trace-log message files from a Cisco Unified CallManager and translates them into a user-friendly, English-based format. Working offline with message files that are stored locally on your system, you can sort, organize, analyze, and interpret messages and display raw or translated message text.

New with this version, Cisco VLT now does the following:

Runs both as a standalone application on Linux and Windows systems and as a plugin in the trace-collection tool Cisco Unified CallManager Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) on both Linux and Windows systems

Operates with Cisco Unified CallManager 5.0 as well as earlier versions

Fully supports trace-log messages for the following additional protocols: H.323 version 5 (Q.931, H.225, ASN.1), and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Continues to support SDI trace-log file formats from earlier Cisco Unified CallManager versions

Note You can access more information about Cisco VLT, including how to download and install the latest version, from the Cisco VLT website at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/voice-tool.

You can send feedback or questions (engineers will respond as time allows) to the following e-mail address: voice-log-translator-support@external.cisco.com.

This document describes how to use Cisco VLT. Primary users typically include Cisco systems engineers, TAC engineers, channel partners, and others who perform Cisco Unified CallManager administrative tasks or use trace-log message files to troubleshoot VoIP network problems.


Prerequisites for Cisco VLT

Restrictions for Cisco VLT

Information About Cisco VLT

How to Use Cisco VLT

Additional References


Prerequisites for Cisco VLT

Cisco CallManager

Run one of the following Cisco Unified CallManager versions: 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, or 5.0.

Configure Cisco Unified CallManager to generate system-diagnostic-interface (SDI) trace-log message files. Set the SDI logging level to the highest value.

Devise a way to collect Cisco Unified CallManager message files and store them on your local system—either manually or by means of Cisco Unified CallManager RTMT. You can install RTMT, which works for resolutions 800*600 and above, on any of the following platforms:

Microsoft Windows 98

Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft Windows XP

Red Hat Linux with KDE or Gnome desktop client

System Hardware and Operating System

Ensure that your system memory meets the following requirements:

At least 24 MB of free memory to start up and parse a 2-MB log file correctly

If your system has less than 512 MB of physical memory, virtual memory (swap) not lower than the value recommended by Microsoft Windows

Ensure that your system runs one of the following platforms (the platform must support the Sun Microsystems Java runtime environment):

Red Hat Linux version 9 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0

Microsoft Windows 2003

Microsoft Windows 2000 (including Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows 2000 Server

Microsoft Windows XP

Note You must install Cisco VLT on a machine other than your Cisco Unified CallManager server. Cisco VLT can use significant system CPU and memory resources and, if installed on the same machine, might impact Cisco Unified CallManager performance.

Cisco VLT Software

(Optional) Install Cisco Unified CallManager RTMT.

Ensure that you have a Cisco login and password.

Download Cisco VLT and install it on a writable partition.

Note Obtain Cisco VLT software from the Cisco VLT website at

Although versions earlier than the latest may be listed on the website, you can download only the latest version. You cannot upgrade from a previous version; you must do a clean install of the latest version, during which you are prompted to manually uninstall any earlier version.

Confirm the location of the executable file. The default location (which you can change if you wish) is as follows:

Linux: /opt/cisco/vlt

Windows: C:\Program Files\Cisco\VLT

Choose the installation type: standalone or plugin.

Note A standalone system can also run as a plugin. A plugin system cannot run as a standalone.

Create a folder in which to store trace-log message files. This must be on the same physical or logical network drive or on a network neighborhood path (\\<server-name>\<folder-name>\<log-file-name>). It cannot be a URL-style path.

Restrictions for Cisco VLT


Cisco VLT supports only the English operating system and English locale.

File Types

Cisco VLT supports only Cisco Unified CallManager and Java Telephony Application Programming Interface (JTAPI) client message files.

Cisco VLT supports Cisco Unified CallManager SDI files but not signal-distribution-layer (SDL) files.

System Resources

Cisco VLT can use significant system CPU and memory resources, and can therefore potentially impact performance on a shared system. See the Note above about the importance of installing Cisco VLT on a machine other than your Cisco Unified CallManager server.

Cisco VLT supports a maximum memory usage of 1 GB. It becomes very slow before it hits that limit.

System Instances

You can install only one Cisco VLT in each system.

At most two running instances, one of standalone and one of plugin, are allowed at the same time.

System Performance

Cisco VLT installed on a 2.4-GHz Intel Pentium 4 CPU performs approximately as follows:

Installation time: 5 minutes

Program startup: 20 seconds

Memory consumption: Up to 10 MB per 2.5 MB of trace-log file size

File loading: 10 seconds per 2.5 MB of trace-log file size

Note Cisco VLT may run out of memory if more than 100 SDI files of 2.5 MB each are opened.

Cisco VLT can run as a standalone application or as a plugin in Cisco Unified CallManager RTMT. A standalone system can also run as a plugin. A plugin system cannot run standalone.

Display Capabilities

Although Cisco VLT supports multiple versions of Cisco Unified CallManager, you can display messages for only a single version (or multiple versions with compatible file formats) in the same pane at the same time.

Although Cisco VLT supports both H.225 and H.245 messages, you cannot correlate them because the H.245 port information contained in an H.225 message is not available in the Cisco Unified CallManager log files.

User Interface

For Cisco VLT running as a plugin in Cisco Unified CallManager RTMT, the following apply:

There is no Cisco VLT menu bar. Functions that are provided by the menu bar in a standalone Cisco VLT (not running in RTMT) are provided by the Cisco VLT toolbar, pop-up menu on the "Messages" table, or keystroke. To avoid conflict with RTMT functions, some keystrokes, such as F3 and Ctrl-F4, are disabled or behave differently from for standalone Cisco VLT.

There is no Cisco VLT About window for version information and Help Topics function for online documentation. The online documentation link is referenced in the RTMT documentation-launching function and the VLT plugin version information is shown in the RTMT About window.

There are no accessibility options.

There are no shortcut keys.


Cisco VLT supports only little endian, and is not aware of the endianess of trace files.

Note Endianess (sometimes spelled endianness) refers to the order in which a computer processor stores and transmits the individual bytes of a multiple-byte item of data. Big-endian processors store the most significant byte at the memory location with the lowest address. Little-endian processors store it at the location with the highest address.

Processors from different manufacturers differ in endianness (for example, Intel x86 uses little and PowerPC uses big). Difficulties can potentially arise when data moves between systems of different endianess. For example, the IP address can be interpreted as

Information About Cisco VLT

Cisco VLT enables you to display and filter lists of trace-log messages, and then to display associated raw or translated message texts and find specific information within those texts.

This section contains the following information:

Cisco VLT Capabilities

Typical Cisco VLT Use Scenario

Cisco VLT GUI Display and Navigation

Cisco VLT Message Translations

Cisco VLT Capabilities

Signaling Protocols

Cisco VLT handles files of the following types (in separate calls or together in a single call):

H.225 and H.245

Java Telephony Application Programming Interface (JTAPI)

Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) and Call Associated Signaling (CAS)


Session Description Protocol (SDP)

Skinny (or Simple) Client Control Protocol (SCCP)

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Search Functions

Cisco VLT offers two search functions:

The Filter function (see the "Filtering the Trace-Log Message List" section) operates on the list of messages in the Messages upper pane and the associated raw messages in the Messages Translation lower pane.

The Find in Messages Translation function (see the "Finding Information in Trace-Log Message Text" section) operates on the current message in the Messages Translation lower pane.

You can do the following with Cisco VLT:

Open trace-log message files and display message lists and associated messages for all supported signaling protocols in the same window (see the "Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages" section).

Filter a trace-log message list so as to do the following (see the "Filtering the Trace-Log Message List" section):

Display or exclude keepalive messages.

Display messages for a particular call (as identified by its call reference) or for all calls involving a particular device IP, direction (send or receive), protocol, command, message, or channel. For example, you can display all messages related to the T1 1/0:3 on gateway A.B.C.D.

Display messages for calls with criteria that you specify.

Display messages by call reference; for each message, show timestamp, protocol, calling number, and called number. For example, you can display all messages for a particular call leg (any supported protocol) or for the two legs (SCCP side and MGCP/Q.931 side) of a call.

Display messages for calls whose device IP, direction (send or receive), protocol, command, message, call reference, or channel contain a particular text string.

Do the following with the text of a trace-log message (see the "Finding Information in Trace-Log Message Text" section):

Specify a level of translation (raw, simple, or detailed).

Note If the signaling protocol for a message is invalid or not supported, you can display the message in raw format only.

Copy message text to the clipboard.

Export translated messages to a text file.

Search for a specific text string in message text across all messages.

Typical Cisco VLT Use Scenario

Assume that you are an experienced administrator who is familiar with Cisco products (including Cisco Unified CallManager, IOS command-line interface, and networking concepts and technologies) and who is responsible for postinstallation support of enterprise voice installations. In a typical troubleshooting scenario, you would do the following:

1. Receive notification of a problem with a Cisco Unified CallManager or JTAPI application.

2. Enable trace logging on relevant Cisco Unified CallManager servers or JTAPI clients.

3. Track down the following information about the problem call:

Time of call, down to the minute or more

Called-party and calling-party phone number

Nodes involved (Cisco Unified CallManager, gateway, JTAPI application, and so on)

Call flow (whether transfer, conference, or forward are involved; whether the call is internal or external; types of devices involved; and so on)

4. Collect trace-log message files from the Cisco Unified CallManager or JTAPI client, usually several files surrounding the time of the event.

5. Open the file whose time stamp is closest to the reported trouble time. (Alternatively, depending on circumstances, open the entire collection of trace files at once.)

6. Search each file's translated message text (by using the Find in Messages Translation function) until you locate the called or calling phone number for the trouble-causing call. Note the call reference.

7. Filter the display based on call reference to display all messages that pertain to that call.

8. Troubleshoot as needed. Possible actions depend on the type of problem, but include the following:

Save the one or more trace-log message translations that pertain to the call to a flat file, open them with a text editor, and locate the exact timestamp or other helpful information.

Compare two or more message translations (typically for different calls) by using the Filter > by Highlighted Rows function to display the translations together. Comparing the translations for a successful and a failed call is a useful troubleshooting technique.

Cisco VLT GUI Display and Navigation

The Cisco VLT user interface has a toolbar at the top, followed by two display panes ( Figure 1 [standalone system] and Figure 2 [plugin system]):

Messages upper pane—Displays a list of trace-log messages from one or more files.

Messages Translation lower pane—Displays the raw or translated text of a highlighted message.

Figure 1 Cisco VLT User Interface (Standalone System)

Figure 2 Cisco VLT User Interface (Plugin System)

The window allows for typical GUI display control such as window resize, column resize, vertical and horizontal scroll, minimize, restore, and close. You can also grab and move the border between the Messages upper pane and the Messages Translation lower pane.

You navigate the Cisco VLT interface by means of the toolbar ( Figure 3).

Figure 3 Cisco VLT Toolbar

The toolbar has both a top line (with words) and a bottom line (with icons).

The procedures that follow describe how to navigate using the top line. Clicking one of the displayed choices—File, Edit, Filter, View, and Help—opens a successive context-sensitive display of new choices, which the procedure also specifies ( Figure 4).

Figure 4 Cisco VLT Toolbar: Successive Display of Choices

Alternatively, you can navigate using the icons on the bottom line. Icons for Open Log Files, Open and Add Log Files into Current Log Panel, Save Translated Messages, Copy, Paste, Find in Translated Message, Advanced Filter, and Call References duplicate most of the successive displays of choices for the top line.

Cisco VLT Message Translations

Cisco VLT allows you to view message text, raw or at either of two translation levels. Examples of raw and translated messages, and how they display the same information (in this case, the code word X in an MGCP NTFY message), are as follows:

Raw message ( Figure 5)—Displays the code word as X:9

Simple translation ( Figure 6)—Displays the code word as RequestIdentifer(X): 9

Detailed translation ( Figure 7)—Displays the code word as X: 9 -- Request ID is 9

Figure 5 Cisco VLT Raw Message

Figure 6 Cisco VLT Simple Translation

Figure 7 Cisco VLT Detailed Translation

How to Use Cisco VLT

This section contains the following information:

Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages

Filtering the Trace-Log Message List

Finding Information in Trace-Log Message Text

Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages

You can open trace-log message files and display a list of messages in the following ways:

Display a list of messages for a set of log files ( Step 2 below).

Display a list of messages for an additional set of log files, in the same or a new pane ( Step 3 below).

Edit the message-list display ( Step 4 below).

To display a list of trace-log messages, perform the following steps.


1. Start > Programs > Cisco VLT > VLT)

2. File > Open > Open > Yes/No

3. File > Append > Open > Yes/No

4. View...

5. File > Save Translation

6. File > Close and File > Exit


Step 1 Open Cisco VLT by choosing Start > Programs > Cisco VLT > VLT.

Step 2 In the Open Files box, browse to the folder in which you store trace-log message files, highlight one or more filenames (use <Ctrl> or <Shift> as needed to select multiple messages) and click Open.

The first 1000 or fewer selected files open in a single pane, sorted by timestamp.

Note The number of files that you can open is limited only by available system memory. If files are large, system performance may be affected.

If you open multiple log files, the tab displays only the first filename.

Step 3 As needed, open an additional set of log files as follows:

a. Choose File > Append.

b. Highlight one or more filenames and click Open.

Step 4 Edit the Messages upper pane display as follows:

a. To display or hide columns, choose View > Columns, then check and uncheck columns as needed.

b. To display all calls in a file, choose View > List All CallRefs. A new window displays the following information (as appropriate for the protocol and message types): timestamp, protocol, call reference, calling party, and called party. Close the window when you are done.

Figure 8 Cisco VLT View Menu

c. To change display contrast and font size, do the following:

1. Choose View > Configuration ( Figure 9).

2. Choose a log level (off, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, and all)

3. Choose a theme (default or high contrast).

4. Choose a font size (small, normal, or large).

5. Click OK.

Figure 9 Cisco VLT Configuration Window

Step 5 Edit the Messages Translation lower pane display by toggling among the following choices: Raw, Simple, and Detailed.

Note If the signaling protocol for a message is invalid or not supported, you can display the message in raw format only.

Step 6 To open and display the trace-log files that contain one or more particular messages, highlight the messages, right-click, and select Open Trace File. New windows display the trace-log files. To search for a particular text string, use the Find box. Close the windows when you are done.

Note To display a list of allowed wildcards and operations, choose Help > Regular Expression Reference.

Step 7 To save a message translation to a flat text (txt file extension) file, choose File > Save Translation. In the Save File box, enter a location and name for the new file, and click Save.

Step 8 When you are done, do the following:

a. Close any active messages-list windows by choosing File > Close.

b. Exit Cisco VLT by choosing File > Exit.

Filtering the Trace-Log Message List

You can filter a trace-log message list so as to do the following:

Display or exclude keepalive messages ( Step 2 below).

Display a list of messages with criteria that you check or supply, or with the same criteria as those possessed by messages that you highlight ( Step 4 below). Criteria include the following:

Retries—Messages that are flagged as retried messages.

Highlighted device IP—Device IP address from which messages are sent or received. Typically includes Cisco Unified CallManager, Cisco IOS gateways, IP phones, and more.

Highlighted direction—Receive or Send.

Highlighted protocol—H.225, H.245, JTAPI, MGCP, Q.931, SCCP, or SIP.

Highlighted message type—Example: Q.931 SETUP messages.

Highlighted call reference—The call-reference string in the CallRef column.

Highlighted channel—A voice port on a device. Examples: B channels on a PRI; voice port on an IP phone; a CTI port for JTAPI.

Highlighted call—All messages that are associated with the call for which one or more messages are highlighted, across multiple signaling protocols (MGCP, Q.931, SCCP, and SIP).

Highlighted rows—Only the highlighted messages (use <Ctrl> or <Shift> as needed to select multiple rows). If you highlight multiple messages, the Messages Translation lower pane displays the message for the last-selected message.

Keyword—Messages that contain a specified text string.

Abnormal disconnect—Messages that have abnormal disconnect causes (cause codes that designate abnormal disconnect vary by protocol). Typically for calls that disconnect for reasons other than Normal Call Clearing or User Busy. Note that calls that disconnect because the user dials an invalid prefix or other numbers is classified as an abnormal disconnect.

Excluding keepalive

Display a list of messages for calls with criteria that you specify—useful if you prefer to enter parameters directly instead of selecting messages in the Messages upper pane ( Step 5 below).

To filter the trace-log message list, perform the following steps.


1. Display message list

2. Exclude KeepAlive

3. Filter...

4. Filter > Advanced Filter...

5. File > Close and File > Exit


Step 1 Display the desired message list (see the "Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages" section).

Step 2 To suppress display of keepalive messages, check the Exclude KeepAlive box.

Step 3 To display messages that contain a specific text string, enter the text in the Keyword box and press Enter.

Step 4 To define a filter based on existing message displays, do the following:

Note The Filter function (described here) operates on the list of messages in the Messages upper pane.

In contrast, the other type of search function, the Find in Messages Translation function (see the "Finding Information in Trace-Log Message Text" section), operates on the current message in the Messages Translation lower pane.

a. Highlight one or more messages (use <Ctrl> or <Shift> as needed to select multiple messages) with the desired device IP, direction, protocol, message type, call reference, channel, or call.

b. Click Filter (or right-click the highlighted message), then check the desired filter criteria and, if prompted, enter needed information such as keywords ( Figure 10). (To see a list of filter criteria, see the discussion above this procedure.) Column headings for the desired criteria display in parentheses.

c. Repeat as needed to further filter by subsequent criteria.

Note To disable a filter, click the column headings in parentheses or choose Filter >Clear All Filters.

Figure 10 Cisco VLT Filter Menu

Step 5 To define your own customized filter—useful if you know the parameters and prefer to enter them directly instead of constructing filters by selecting messages in the Messages upper pane—do the following:

a. Choose Filter > Advanced Filter.

b. Check and uncheck the displayed conditions as appropriate. Review the displayed values for each condition and edit them as needed (using wildcards and simple AND and OR operations as needed).

Note To display a list of allowed wildcards and operations, click ?.

To clear all entries, click Clear. To reload the current filter, click Current.

c. Click Ok. A filtered list displays.

Step 6 When you are done, do the following:

a. Close any active messages-list windows by choosing File > Close.

b. Exit Cisco VLT by choosing File > Exit.

Finding Information in Trace-Log Message Text

You can do the following with the text of a trace-log message:

Specify a level of translation: raw, simple, or detailed ( Step 2 below).

Copy message text to the clipboard ( Step 3 below).

Search for a specific message-text string ( Step 4 below).

Display the desired message text.

To find information in trace-log message text, perform the following steps.


1. Display message list

2. Raw, Simple, or Detailed

3. Edit > Copy

4. Edit > Find in Messages Translation

5. File > Close and File > Exit


Step 1 Display the desired message list (see the "Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages" section).

Step 2 Specify a level of translation by toggling among the following choices: Raw, Simple, and Detailed (see samples of each in the "Cisco VLT Message Translations" section).

Step 3 To copy a message translation to the Windows clipboard, do the following:

a. Highlight the message or translation that you want to copy.

b. Choose Edit > Copy. (Or click the Copy icon.)

Step 4 To search for a specific text string in the Messages Translations lower pane for all messages listed in the Messages upper pane, do the following:

Note The Find in Messages Translation function (described here) operates on the current message in the Messages Translation lower pane.

In contrast, the other type search function, the Filter function (see the "Filtering the Trace-Log Message List" section), operates on the list of messages in the Messages upper pane.

a. Choose Edit > Find in Messages Translation. (Or click the Find in Translated Message icon.)

b. In the Text to Find box, type a text string (using wildcards and simple AND and OR operations as needed) and click Find Next. The first match is highlighted ( Figure 11).

Note To display a list of allowed wildcards and operations, choose Help > Regular Expression Reference.

c. Choose Edit > Find Again as needed to highlight additional instances.

Figure 11 Cisco VLT Edit Menu

Step 5 When you are done, do the following:

a. Close any active messages-list windows by choosing File > Close.

b. Exit Cisco VLT by choosing File > Exit.


Symptom    Cisco VLT on a Windows 2000 Server platform cannot be launched by means of a remote desktop tool.

Possible Cause    Some Cisco VLT system environment variables are not activated during the same windows-terminal service session in which Cisco VLT is installed on a Windows 2000 Server platform.

Recommended Action    Log off and log on again to activate the environment variables.

Symptom    A system message suggests that your log files are unsupported.

Possible Cause    You are running an older, unsupported version of Cisco Unified CallManager.

Recommended Action    Upgrade (or downgrade) Cisco Unified CallManager to a supported version. (See the "Prerequisites for Cisco VLT" section.)

Symptom    You can display raw but not simple-translation or detailed-translation messages.

Possible Cause    The messages or their protocols are unsupported.

Recommended Action    None.

Symptom    A list of messages shows only those calls at the beginning or end of a call flow.

Possible Cause    Calls in the call flow span multiple log files.

Recommended Action    Display the first log file in the call flow. Then append subsequent log files. (See the "Displaying a List of Trace-Log Messages" section.)

Symptom    A system message asks you to select the version of Cisco Unified CallManager that produced the log files.

Possible Cause    You are trying to display log files from multiple Cisco Unified CallManager versions (whose file formats are incompatible) at the same time in a single pane.

Recommended Action    Display log files for only one Cisco Unified CallManager version at a time.

Symptom    The display does not seem to list all possible call criteria.

Possible Cause    Cisco VLT displays only information that is available and appropriate for the protocol and message type. For example, Cisco VLT does not display CallRef information for SCCP keepalive messages because those messages do not contain such information.

Recommended Action    None.

Symptom    The display shows odd characters.

Possible Cause    The Windows platform may not be set to run the English version.

Recommended Action    Install English Windows and set the locale to English.

Additional References

This section contains the following information:

Related Documents


Technical Assistance


Related Documents

Related Topic
Document Title

Cisco CallManager and Cisco CallManager Express documents

Cisco CallManager library at

Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library documents, including library preface and glossary

Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library at http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios123/123cgcr/vcl.htm




ITU-T: Call Signaling and RAS in H.323 VOIP Architecture


ITU-T: Control Protocol for Multimedia Communication


Java Telephony API (JTAPI) Specification 1.4 Final Release 2


RFC 3435: Media Gateway Control Protocol


ITU: Q.931: ISDN Network Layer Protocol for Signaling


Cisco SCCP: Skinny (or Simple) Client Control Protocol


SIP: Session Initiation Protocol


MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:




RFC 2327

SDP: Session Description Protocol

RFC 3261

SIP: Session Initiation Protocol

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website contains thousands of pages of searchable technical content, including links to products, technologies, solutions, technical tips, and tools. Registered Cisco.com users can log in from this page to access even more content.




Call Signaling and RAS in H.323 VoIP Architecture; an ITU standard in the H.323 VoIP architecture. Governs session establishment and packetization where the transmission path includes one or more packet-based networks that provide nonguaranteed quality of service.


Control Protocol for Multimedia Communication; an ITU standard in the H.323 VoIP architecture. Governs control signaling and endpoint control.


Standard for packet-based video, audio, and data conferencing. Umbrella standard that describes the architecture of a conferencing system and refers to other standards (H.245, H.225.0, and Q.931) to describe its actual protocols. Defines a common set of codecs, call setup and negotiating procedures, and basic data-transport methods that allow dissimilar communication devices to communicate with each other.


Channel-associated signaling. The transmission of signaling information within the voice channel. CAS signaling often is referred to as robbed-bit signaling because user bandwidth is being robbed by the network for other purposes.


Way of expressing the order in which a computer processor stores and transmits the individual bytes of a multiple-byte item of data. Big-endian processors store the most significant byte at the memory location with the lowest address. Little-endian processors store it at the location with the highest address.

Processors from different manufacturers vary in endianness (for example, Intel x86 uses little and PowerPC uses big). Difficulties can potentially arise when data moves between systems of different endianess. For example, the IP address could be interpreted as


Java Telephony Application Programming Interface. A call-control model developed by Sun Microsystems.


Media Gateway Control Protocol. Protocol that enables media gateway controllers and media gateways to communicate for call control on VoIP networks.


ISDN Network Layer Protocol for Signaling; an ITU standard. Governs layer 3 ISDN call establishment, maintenance, and termination of logical network connections between two devices.


Skinny (or Simple) Client Control Protocol. Cisco-proprietary protocol that defines call-connection methods and signaling between IP phones and a router. Allows IP phones to coexist in an H.323 environment. Savings in memory size, processor power, and complexity makes the protocol desirable.


Session Description Protocol. Protocol for describing multimedia sessions for the purposes of session announcement, session invitation, and other forms of multimedia session initiation.


Session Initiation Protocol. Protocol, developed as an alternative to H.323, that equips platforms to signal the setup of voice and multimedia calls over IP networks.

Note See Internetworking Terms and Acronyms for terms not included in this glossary.


Posted: Wed May 10 10:38:24 PDT 2006
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