Router# show running-config
Displays the configuration.
Router# show call-manager-fallback all
Displays the detailed configuration of all the Cisco IP phones, voice ports, and dial peers of the Cisco SRST router.
Router# show call-manager-fallback dial-peer
Displays the output of the dial peers of the Cisco SRST router.
Router# show call-manager-fallback ephone-dn
Displays Cisco IP phone destination numbers when in call manager fallback mode.
Router# show call-manager-fallback voice-port
Displays output for the voice ports.
Router# show ephone phone
Displays Cisco IP phone status.
Router# show ephone offhook
Displays Cisco IP phone status for all phones that are off hook.
Router# show ephone registered
Displays Cisco IP phone status for all phones that are currently registered.
Router# show ephone remote
Displays Cisco IP phone status for all nonlocal phones (phones that have no Address Resolution Protocol [ARP] entry).
Router# show ephone ringing
Displays Cisco IP phone status for all phones that are ringing.
Router# show ephone summary
Displays a summary of all Cisco IP phones.
Router# show ephone telephone-number phone-number
Displays Cisco IP phone status for a specific phone number.
Router# show ephone unregistered
Displays Cisco IP phone status for all unregistered phones.
Router# show ephone-dn tag
Displays Cisco IP phone destination numbers.
Router# show ephone-dn summary
Displays a summary of all Cisco IP phone destination numbers.
Router# show ephone-dn loopback
Displays Cisco IP phone destination numbers in loopback mode.
Router# show voice port summary
Displays a summary of all voice ports.
Router# show dial-peer voice summary
Displays a summary of all voice dial peers.