4xx Response |
Supported? |
Comments |
400 Bad Request
The phone generates a 400 Bad Request response for a erroneous request. For an incoming response, the phone initiates a graceful call disconnect (during which the caller hears a busy or fast busy tone) before clearing the call request.
401 Unauthorized
This response is only received in this release.
If a 401 Unauthorized response is received during registration, the phone accepts the response and sends a new request that contains the user's authentication information in the format of the HTTP digest as modified by RFC 2543.
402 Payment Required
The phone does not generate the 402 Payment Required response.
403 Forbidden
This response is only received in this release.
If the phone receives a 403 Forbidden response, it notifies the user of the response. This response indicates that the SIP server has the request but will not provide service.
404 Not Found
See comments
This response is only received in this release.
If the phone receives a 403 Forbidden response, it notifies the user of the response. This response indicates that the server has definite information that the user does not exist in the domain specified in the Request-URI header field.
405 Method Not Allowed
See comments
This response is only received in this release.
If the phone receives a 405 Method Not Allowed response, it notifies the user of the response.
406 Not Acceptable
See comments
The SIP phone does not generate a 406 Not Acceptable response. For an incoming response, the gateway initiates a graceful call disconnect (during which the caller hears a busy or fast busy tone) before clearing the call request.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
See comments
This response is only received in this release.
The 407 Proxy Authentication Required response indicates that the phone must first authenticate itself with the proxy server. If received by the phone, the phone may repeat the INVITE request with a suitable Proxy-Authorization field. This field should contain the authentication information of the user agent for the next outbound proxy or gateway.
408 Request Timeout
See comments
The SIP phone does not generate a 408 Request Timeout response. For an incoming response, the gateway initiates a graceful call disconnect (during which the caller hears a busy or fast busy tone) before clearing the call request.
409 Conflict
See comments
This response is only received the phone in this release.
The 409 Conflict response indicates that the INVITE request could not be process because of a conflict with the current state of the resource. If this response is received, the user is notified.
410 Gone
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release.
The 410 Gone response indicates that a resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
411 Length Required
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release.
This response indicates that the user refuses to accept the request without a defined content length. If received the phone resends the INVITE request if it can add a valid Content-Length header field.
413 Request Entity Too Large
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release.
If a retry after header field is contained in this response, then the user can attempt the call once again in the retry time provided.
414 Request—URL Too Long
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release. The user is notified if this response is received.
415 Unsupported Media
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release. The user is notified if this response is received.
420 Bad Extension
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release. The user is notified if this response is received.
If the phone does not understand the protocol extension specified in the Require field, the 420 Bad Extension response is generated.
480 Temporarily Unavailable
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release. The user is notified if this response is received.
If this response is received, the user is notified that the callee is temporarily unavailable (perhaps not logged on) and any retry information is displayed.
481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release. The user is notified if this response is received.
482 Loop Detected
483 Too Many Hops
484 Address Incomplete
485 Ambiguous
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release.
If a new contact is received, the phone might re-initiate the call.
486 Busy Here
See comments
This response is only received by the phone in this release.
When this response is received, the user is notified and a busy tone is generated.