
Table of Contents

General Troubleshooting Tips
Symptoms and Actions
Installation and Upgrade Issues
Frequently Asked Questions
Contacting TAC


This section describes troubleshooting procedures for the Cisco ATA:

General Troubleshooting Tips

The suggestions in this section are general troubleshooting tips.

Symptoms and Actions

Symptom   Parameters with values set using the web server interface or voice configuration menu revert to their original settings.

Symptom   Unable to access the web configuration page.

Symptom   The Cisco ATA does not seem to be configured using the TFTP server.

Symptom   The Cisco ATA contacts the TFTP server more often than specified in the CfgInterval parameter.

Symptom   Cannot place call.

Symptom   Fast busy tone.

Installation and Upgrade Issues

Note   The following issues apply to the manual image-upgrade process only. Image upgrades must be performed separately.

Symptom   The red LED is flashing slowly on the function button.

Symptom   Voice prompt returns Upgrade not available message. This can only occur if you are using the executable-file upgrade method.

Symptom   Voice prompt returns Upgrade failed message. This can only occur if you are using the executable-file upgrade method.

Symptom   No dial tone.

Symptom   Incorrect dial tone.


The MS-DOS Windows-based debugging program tool, prserv.exe, is included in every software upgrade package. The tool is also available from Cisco TAC. The prserv program is used in conjunction with the NPrintf configuration parameter. This file serves as an upgrade server that captures debug information sent by the Cisco ATA software to your PC's IP address and port number. This debug file (prserv.exe) compiles the information from the Cisco ATA into a readable log file. To capture this "NPRINTF" information, you must know the IP address of the PC using the prserv program, illustrated as follows:

IP address.port 

where IP address is the IP address of your PC, and port is 9001. If another process on your PC already uses port 9001, you may use some other value (legal values are from 1024 to 65535). If no port value is entered, the default value is 9001.

To enter the IP address and port number, use voice menu option 81#. You must enter the IP address and port number in alphanumeric format, which requires entering the * key after every character entered. To enter the "." character, you must enter the sequence 1 1#.

For example, for a computer with the IP address and port number 9001 (, you would enter the following on your telephone handset:

1* 7* 2* 1 1* 2* 8* 1 1* 7* 8* 1 1* 9* 0* 1 1* 9* 0* 0* 1* *

To operate the debug capture program prserv.exe, place the prserv program in a folder on your PC; then at the DOS prompt of the folder where you have placed it, enter:

C:> prserv port.log 

where port is the port number you have selected. If you do not enter port.log, debug information still appears on your screen, but it is not saved to a log file.

After you finish capturing debug information, you can stop the log program by entering Ctrl-C at the DOS prompt. The log file created is named port.log. If you restart the process without changing the name of the log file, any new debug information is appended to the end of the original file.

Contact Cisco TAC for more information. See the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section for instructions.

You should also have access to a sniffer or LAN analyzer.

Caution   For security reasons, Cisco recommends that you do not use the web interface over the public network. Disable the web interface, using the UIPassword parameter, before the Cisco ATA is moved from the service provider site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I recover the box if I forgot the password?

A. There are two important passwords. One is the UIPassword, which protects access to the Cisco ATA Web Server interface; the other is the EncryptKey, which protects access to the TFTP configuration file. If you forget the value for the UIPassword but still have access to TFTP-stored configuration file, you can modify the UIPassword via TFTP. However, if you are not configuring the Cisco ATA via TFTP, or if you forget both passwords, the only way you can recover the box is to have physical access to the box and do a factory reset on the box via the box voice configuration menu interface (Access Code: FACTRESET#).

Q. What is the maximum distance from which I can drive an analog device with a Cisco ATA?

A. Table 8-1 provides maximum distances for this question.

Table 8-1  

Ring Load (per RJ-11 FXS Port)  Maximum Distance 


200 feet (61 m)


1000 feet (305 m)


1700 feet (518 m)


2500 feet (762 m)


3200 feet (975 m)

Ring Loads and Distances

The Cisco ATA, however, is not designed for long distance. The simple test is to determine if the phone or phones that are connected to the Cisco ATA work properly in their environment.

Pay attention to the following questions:

1. Can the Cisco ATA detect on/off hook from the analog phone?

2. Can the Cisco ATA detect the DTMF signal?

3. Can you dial the remote side?

4. Can the Cisco ATA ring the phone?

5. Is voice quality satisfactory?

If you answer no to any of the above questions, you may have a loop impedance greater than 400 ohm. In this case, perform the following procedure.


Step 1   Increase the wire gauge to reduce the impedance until the Cisco ATA can detect on/off hook and DTMF signal.

Step 2   If the Cisco ATA cannot ring the phone, find a phone that can ring at a lower ringing voltage. Also, try to use only one phone instead of multiple phones in parallel.

Contacting TAC

Qualified customers who need to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) must provide the following information:

See the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section for instructions on contacting TAC.

Note   Customers who obtained their equipment through service providers, independent dealers and other third parties must contact their equipment provider for technical assistance.

Posted: Mon Jul 28 16:40:06 PDT 2003
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